What is the ogrn of an organization? Who assigns the registration number and what is needed to obtain it. Does the URN change when the company’s registration data changes?

When creating a legal entity or registering an individual as an individual entrepreneur, we are faced with such concepts as OGRN, OGRNIP, INN, KPP. What is this? And how is it decrypted?


This is unique main state registration number legal entity or an individual entrepreneur in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities legal entities). Tax authorities began to assign OGRN and OGRNIP to everyone since June 2002 on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Unified State Register of Legal Entities” No. 438 of June 19, 2002.

The register is open, that is, any person has the right to contact the registration authority with a request to provide information from the state register for any company or for any entrepreneur registered within the region served by this registration authority.

OGRN consists of 13 digits, OGRNIP - of 15.

They contain the following information:

1 digit - sign of assignment of the state registration number of the record (to the main state registration number (OGRN) - 1, 5; to another state registration number of the record (making changes) - 2; to the main state registration number of the individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP) - 3)

4th, 5th digit - serial number of the subject Russian Federation according to the list of subjects of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

6 and 7 digits - code number of the interdistrict tax inspectorate that issued the OGRN to a legal entity or OGRNIP to an individual entrepreneur

from 8 to 12 (OGRN) number and from 8 to 14 (OGRNIP) number - the number of the entry entered into the state register during the year

13th digit (OGRN) - check number: the remainder of dividing the previous 12-digit number by 11, if the remainder of the division is 10, then the check number is 0 (zero)

15th digit (OGRNIP) - the check digit is equal to the last digit of the remainder when dividing the previous 14-digit number by 13, not 11.

Example of OGRN decoding:

Using OGRN 1117746358608 as an example, let’s consider all the information that we can get from this digital combination:

1 digit - 1. Responsible for assigning records to the main state registration number.

2nd and 3rd digits - 11. This is 2011 - the time when the entry was made into the state register.

4th and 5th digit - 77. This is the serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation - Moscow, that is, it is in this subject that this enterprise was registered.

6 and 7 digits - 46. This code is directly responsible for determining the branch of the tax inspectorate itself - MI Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 46.

8 - 12 digits - 35860. These numbers indicate the number of the entry that was entered into the state register during the year.

13th digit - 8. Calculated check number.

Example of OGRNIP decoding:

Let's take OGRNIP 304500116000157 as an example; from this number you can get the following information:

1 digit - 3. Responsible for assigning records to the main state registration number.

2nd and 3rd digits - 04. This is 2004 - the time when the entry was made into the state register.

4th and 5th digit - 50. This is the serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation - the Moscow region, that is, it is in this subject that this enterprise was registered.

6 and 7 digits - 01. This code is directly responsible for determining the branch of the tax inspectorate itself - the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate for the city of Balashikha.

8 - 14 digits - 1600015. These numbers indicate the number of the entry that was entered into the state register during the year.

15th digit - 7. Calculated check number.


This is unique taxpayer identification number. Assigned to both legal entities and individuals. It has been assigned to organizations since 1993, to individual entrepreneurs - since 1997, to other individuals - since 1999.

The difference is in the number of digits of the code—for individuals there are 12 digits, for legal entities 10.

The TIN contains the following information:

1 - 4 digit— code of the tax authority that assigned the TIN according to the Directory tax authorities(SOUN)

5 - 10 digit(for individuals) and digits 5 to 9 (for legal entities) - serial number of the taxpayer’s record

11th and 12th digit(for individuals) and 10 digit (for legal entities) - a control number calculated according to a special algorithm established by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties.

Example of TIN decoding:

Let's say TIN 500100732259, according to these figures we get the following information:

1 - 4 digits - 5001. This is the code of the tax authority that assigned the TIN - Federal Tax Service Inspectorate for the city of Balashikha.

5 - 10 digits - 007322. This is the serial number of the taxpayer's record.

11 - 12 digits - 59. This is a control number calculated using a special algorithm established by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties.

Reason code for registration with the tax authorities. It is assigned together with the TIN only to organizations; individual entrepreneurs and individuals are not assigned.
The checkpoint code consists of nine digits and contains, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated 03.03.2004 N BG-3-09/178 as amended. dated 03.03.2004 No. BG-3-09/178 the following information:
1 - 4 digits - code of the tax authority where the organization was registered;
5 and 6 numbers - indicate the reason for registering the organization;
7 - 9 digits indicate the serial number of registration with the tax authority.

The checkpoint is indicated in the certificate along with the organization’s TIN. The checkpoint must be included in declarations, payment documents, and settlements in off-budget funds. Since the individual entrepreneur does not have a checkpoint, the corresponding columns for them remain empty.

An example of checkpoint decoding:

Let's take checkpoint 773301001 as an example, based on the data, we get:

1 - 4 digits - 7733. This is the code of the tax authority where the organization was registered - Federal Tax Service Inspectorate No. 33 for Moscow.

5th and 6th digits - 01. This is the reason code for registering the organization - registration with the tax authority Russian organization as a taxpayer at its location.

7 to 9 digits - 001. This is the serial number of registration with the tax authority.

The checkpoint does not contain a check number.

It contains information such as the type of organization, the year and place of its creation, the code of the division of the tax office associated with it, the number of the decision on the organization of this enterprise. This code is very multifunctional. It may be useful to you if you need confirmation of the existence of this organization and the accuracy of the documentation received, obtaining information about the inclusion of a company or its owner in the “black list” of the Federal Tax Service, its location address, TIN number and the identity of the owner of this company. The OGRN is indicated in the following documentation: in entries in the registration register for a given legal entity, in papers confirming the inclusion of this organization in the register, in all documentation that relates to to this enterprise(for example, in details), in information about state registration companies.

How to decrypt? The number is unique for each company.

What is TIN, OGRN, KPP?

Tax authorities began to assign OGRN and OGRNIP to everyone since June 2002 on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Unified State Register of Legal Entities” No. 438 dated June 19, 2002. The register is open, that is, any person has the right to contact the registering authority with a request to provide information from the state register for any company or for any entrepreneur registered within the region served by this registration authority.

OGRN consists of 13 digits, OGRNIP - of 15. They contain the following information: 1 digit - sign of assignment of the state registration number of the record (to the main state registration number (OGRN) - 1, 5; to another state registration number of the record (making changes) - 2; to the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP) - 3) 4, 5 digits - the serial number of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation according to the list of constituent entities of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation 6 and 7 digits - the code of the number of the interdistrict tax inspectorate that issued OGRN for a legal entity or OGRNIP for an individual entrepreneur from 8 to 12 (OGRN) digit and from 8 to 14 (OGRNIP) digit - the number of the entry entered into the state register during the year 13 digit (OGRN) - control number: the remainder of the division of the previous 12- digit number by 11, if the remainder of the division is 10, then the control number is 0 (zero) 15th digit (OGRNIP) - the control digit is equal to the last digit of the remainder from dividing the previous 14-digit number by 13, not 11. Using the OGRN as an example 1117746358608 let's consider all the information that we can get from this digital combination: 1 digit - 1.

Responsible for assigning records to the main state registration number. The 2nd and 3rd digits are 11. This is 2011 - the time when the entry was made into the state register. 4th and 5th digits – 77.

What is a registration number?

So what does this term mean?

Registration number (or registration code) is a strictly defined sequence of characters (most often letters and/or numbers) assigned to a specific object to identify it. In a series of homogeneous objects, it serves as an analogue of a name and can contain information not only about the serial number of the object among many of the same, but also about certain characteristics.

What are OGRN and OGRNIP and how to decipher them?

Later, new forms of ownership appeared (individual entrepreneurs, civil companies, public corporations, etc.).

etc.), and the existing ones began to evolve in such a way that one identifier became insufficient to distinguish them. Since the TIN contains the only information: which Federal Tax Service inspection the enterprise is assigned to, and under what serial number it is registered there. No more information can be extracted from the TIN, no matter how hard we try.

Therefore, after some time, or rather, after Federal Law No. 29-FZ of 08.08.2001 came into force.

OGRN decoding

That is why checking the OGRN can easily identify a fraudster and confirm the existence of a specific company. There are three ways to find out if the number is correct: 1.

Having submitted an official request to the tax authorities, find out after paying the state fee all the necessary information. 2. Through the official website of the Federal Tax Service, where you can access information about legal entities included in the Unified State Register. 3.

Registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia and the Social Insurance Fund, how to find out

I didn’t dare go there either - the huge queues killed all my desire.

Any enterprise today is endowed with a lot of different numbers and identifiers. Each of them performs a specific task. There was a time when there were not as many enterprises as there are today, and the tax authorities were satisfied that each LLC, OJSC or CJSC had a taxpayer identification number (TIN). Later, new forms of ownership appeared (IP, GC, OO, etc.), and the existing ones began to evolve in such a way that one identifier was not enough to distinguish them. Since the TIN contains the only information: which Federal Tax Service inspection the enterprise is assigned to, and under what serial number it is registered there. No more information can be extracted from the TIN, no matter how hard we try. Therefore, after some time, or rather, after the Federal Law No. 29-FZ of 08.08.2001 “On State Registration of Legal Entities” came into force, new form numbering of enterprises, institutions and organizations - OGRN (main state registration number). This identifier contains precisely full information about the form of ownership of the enterprise, about the date of creation of the company, about the subject of the Russian Federation to which the company is assigned, about the tax inspectorate to which the enterprise is assigned.

OGRN - code decoding

For example, let’s take any OGRN at random and “dissect” it in parts.
The number 1-12-77-46-50978-0 consists of 13 digits:


  1. The first digit (1) - a sign of the assignment of the state registration number of the record - tells us that the number belongs to. If it were the number “3”, the number would belong to and be called ORGNIP. There is another option that the value of the number would be “2” - this would indicate that the enterprise is a government agency.
  2. The next two digits (12) tell us that the company was founded in 2012.
  3. Numbers with serial numbers 4 and 5 (77) indicate that the company is registered in Moscow. 77 is its serial number of a subject of the Russian Federation according to the list of subjects of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution.
  4. Numbers 4 to 7 (7746) also indicate to us the tax inspectorate code (interdistrict 46th tax inspectorate for Moscow).
  5. During the year, certain entries are made in the register of tax authorities. The number of the decision according to which this enterprise was organized is contained in numbers 8 to 12 (50978).
  6. The last thirteenth digit in this “devil’s dozen” indicates the verification code. In fact, this is the result of the operation of dividing the number formed from the previous 12 digits by 11: 112774650978/11 = ?
    If the remainder of the division is 10, then the check number will be “0”, as in our case. This is a parameter for additional internal verification of OGRN in tax service.

As you can see, the OGRN number, on the one hand, can be unique for any enterprise (two identical OGRNs do not exist in nature, by definition), on the other hand, each registration number carries enough information about the enterprise, the main thing is to know how to decipher its meaning.

What is OGRNIP?

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about what OGRNIP is. This is the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur, assigned to each individual entrepreneur when registering with the tax service. It consists of 15 digits:


Its decoding is carried out in the same way as the OGRN, with the only difference being that the number of digits responsible for the registry number of the entry is greater (not 5, but 9), A last number(H) is formed as the remainder of dividing the entire set of numbers by 13.

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The main state registration number (OGRN) is assigned to all organizations and individual entrepreneurs operating on the territory of the Russian Federation. This is one of the main numeric identifiers, which contains encrypted information about the enterprise (place and time of its creation, type of organization and link to the tax office).

This code performs several functions:

  1. It can serve to confirm the fact that the organization actually exists.
  2. OGRN allows you to find out whether an organization is included in the “black lists” of the tax service.
  3. This code also allows you to find out the address of the company and establish the identity of its leader.

This identifier is unique for each institution or enterprise and is mainly used by the companies themselves as one of their details when making payments through banks, since the banking organization receives all the necessary information about the payer from the OGRN.

Decoding of OGRN

The OGRN code for enterprises consists of thirteen digits, the combination of which is divided into several groups. Each of them contains certain information, in particular, the value of the first indicates the type of organization:

  • 1 – the number is a sign of the state registration number;
  • 3 – number assigned to an individual entrepreneur;
  • 2 – the enterprise or organization is a government agency.

The next two digits are the year of registration (for example, “10” means 2010). The fourth and fifth ones indicate the region in which the OGRN holder is registered, and the subsequent ones (sixth and seventh) are the identifier of the specific tax office that carried out the registration. Numbers eight through twelve are the number of the decision according to which the enterprise was organized and registered. The thirteenth digit is a control digit and serves to verify the authenticity of the OGRN.

Often, instead of the abbreviation OGRN, the abbreviation OGRNIP may be found, which is the identifier of an individual entrepreneur, as indicated by the corresponding OGRNIP decoding. These codes themselves differ in the number of digits: there are 15 of them in OGRNIP.

How to find out OGRN

You can find out this organization code in several ways:

  1. If you yourself are the head of an organization or an individual entrepreneur, your OGRN can be found in the certificate that is issued upon registration with the tax office.
  2. If the INN of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur you are interested in is known, you can find out the URN by INN using a special service.
  3. Sometimes it makes more sense to contact tax office with a request to make an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities). This is not classified information that is shown to any legal and to an individual when applying and providing identification. The only drawback of this method is that it can take up to seven days to review the request and provide an extract. This is usually done in cases where it is impossible to find out the OGRN from the TIN.

And lastly: in a number of situations it may be necessary to verify the authenticity of the OGRN. For example, if you plan to conclude a deal or cooperate with an organization whose “cleanliness” is in doubt or there is a possibility that this identifier (like all other data) is fake.

The same thirteenth digit of the OGRN, the decoding of which is described above, is intended for this. You just need to discard this figure from general series and divide the remaining number by 11. You will definitely end up with a fractional number, from which you need to discard the remainder after the decimal point. Let's take this value as X.

We multiply the resulting value by 11 - this is the number Y. If, when subtracting the value Y from X, you get a value equal to the very thirteenth discarded digit - therefore, the OGRN is valid. Checking OGRN for individual entrepreneurs(OGRNIP) is carried out according to the same scheme. Only 14, not 11, is used as a divisor and multiplier.