Methods for assessing the innovative activity of an enterprise. Define “innovation”. What factors influence the level of innovation of an enterprise

Innovation statistics, based on common international approaches, begin in 1989. It was initiated by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). OECD experts prepared a series of methodological guidelines that form the so-called “Frascati Family” (Frascati, Italy, famous for, that in it the OECD member countries in 1963 prepared the Frascati Manual “Standard Practice for Surveys of Research and Experimental Development”), including recommendations: on the measurement and interpretation of balance of payments data for technology (1990); on collecting data on technological innovation - Oslo Manual (1992); on the Use of Patent Data as Indicators of Science and Technology (1994); on Measuring Human Resources for Science and Technology - Canberra Guide (jointly with Eurostat, 1995).

In Russia, taking into account input market economy Innovation statistics begin in 1994. The system of statistical indicators characterizing the innovative activities of industrial organizations includes 10 sections.

The indicators that are most widely used in domestic and foreign practice and characterize the innovative activity of an organization and its innovative competitiveness can be divided into the following groups: a) costly; b) temporary; c) updateability; d) structural.

Cost indicators:

1) unit costs of R&D in sales volume, which characterize the indicator of the knowledge intensity of the company’s products;

2) unit costs for the acquisition of licenses, patents, know-how;

3) costs of acquiring innovative firms;

4) availability of funds for the development of initiative developments.

Indicators characterizing the dynamics of the innovation process;

1) TAT innovativeness indicator;

2) the duration of the new product development process ( new technology);

3) the duration of preparation for the production of a new product;

4) duration production cycle new product.

Upgrade indicators:

1) the number of developments or implementations of product innovations and process innovations;

2) indicators of the dynamics of product portfolio renewal (share of products produced for 2, 3, 5 and 10 years);

3) the number of acquired (transferred) new technologies (technical achievements);

4) the volume of exported innovative products;

5) the volume of new services provided.

Structural indicators:

1) composition and number of research, development and other scientific and technical structural units (including experimental and testing complexes);

2) the composition and number of joint ventures engaged in the use of new technology and the creation of new products;

3) the number and structure of employees engaged in R&D;

4) composition and number of creative initiative temporary teams and groups.

The most frequently used indicators reflect the firm's unit costs for R&D in terms of its sales volume and the number of scientific and technical departments.


1. The Japanese company Sony is considered the most innovative company in the field of consumer electronics. During its fifty years of activity, it constantly introduced into use fundamentally new technology that changed the work and leisure of people. The company's sales volume in 1991 reached 26 billion dollars, in 1994 it grew to 36.6 billion dollars. All of the company's products were developed by its scientific and engineering staff, numbering 9 thousand people (with a total number of employees at the company 112.9 thousand people). The company spends $4.5 billion on research and development, which is 5.7% of sales. Every year the company offers 1000 new products - approximately 4 every working day. About 800 of them are improved versions of products that are already on the market - either with improved characteristics or with a reduced price. The remaining 200 are original developments aimed at opening new markets. These are the latest in audio and video technology, as well as in the field of computer technology.

2. Hitachi is one of the largest manufacturers of radio-electronic and electrical products, machine tools and press-forging equipment. Its sales volume in 1994 amounted to 70.710 billion dollars, the number of employees was 291 thousand people, including 12 thousand were employed in scientific activity; R&D expenses amounted to about 10% of sales of products and services.

3. General Motors controls 88% automotive market USA, including the small car market. Already in 1983, General Motors occupied 5th place in the list of companies - the largest importers of the United States. In 1994, the company ranked 1st on the list of the 10 largest US companies with sales of $120 billion, profits of $2.5 billion, and 876 thousand employees. $4.2 billion or 4% of sales were spent on R&D. Currently (1996) General Motors employs almost 900 thousand people, of which 130 thousand are “white collar” (this is only in the North American automobile divisions).

4. IBM's annual turnover from 1984 to 1990 increased from 27.4 to 69 billion dollars. Profit in 1990 amounted to 6 billion dollars. IBM's R&D expenses in 1990 amounted to 3.5 billion dollars per year (about 5% of sales).

5. Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) is a transnational company specializing in the production of electronic products. In its industry, DEK in 1989 was 12th in the world and 3rd in the USA, behind IBM and General Electric. In 1989, the number of employees in DEC amounted to 126 thousand people, of which 8,300 highly qualified workers were in the field of R&D (6.6% of total number). Sales in 1989 amounted to $13 billion, net profit exceeded $1 billion. $1.3 billion was allocated for scientific development (1980 - $186 million, 1984 - $630 million). ).

6. General Electric Corporation is a leading manufacturer of electric motors, power equipment, medical diagnostic equipment, laser medical equipment, thermoplastics, computer-controlled railroad locomotives,

X-ray and ultrasound equipment. The number of employees in all departments is 307 thousand people, including 22 thousand people. - scientists and engineers engaged in research (about 7% of the total number of employees). R&D expenses amounted to $1.9 billion in 1988, and $3.2 billion in 1992, i.e. even more than is invested in fixed capital. Sales volume in just 15 years (1979-1994) increased more than 3 times and amounted to $60.5 billion in 1994. In the list of the largest US companies for 1994, the corporation ranks 8th in terms of turnover, 2nd e - in terms of profit and 5th - in terms of the number of employees.

7. The main activity of Chrysler is the automotive industry: the production of cars and trucks, jeeps and minivans. The number of employees is 119 thousand people, including about 4.5 thousand people in R&D. In 1995, with sales of $52.2 billion, the company's profits reached a record high of $3.7 billion. Research and development expenses were only 3.2%. In the second half of the 1990s, the company intends to spend an average of $1.9 billion per year on R&D.

The TAT innovativeness indicator is readily used. The term “TAT” was put into circulation by the Japanese and comes from the American phrase “turn - around time” (“have time to turn”). This is understood as the time from the moment of awareness of the need or demand for new product until it is sent to the market or consumer in large quantities. The Matsushita company in color television holds a kind of record value for the TAT indicator, equal to 4.7 months.


Experts at the consulting firm McKinsey believe that in the automotive industry, the use of advanced computer technology will lead to a reduction in TAT by reducing the vehicle design and development cycle by 25%.

This represents an 18-month savings that will allow car companies to make decisions about what kind of cars to produce a year and a half closer to the time the product is released to market. And this is a huge advantage over competitors who failed to take advantage of the new technology.

Other indicators are less commonly used in the wider press, for example, structural ones, showing the number and nature of innovative units. Such indicators are usually present in special analytical reviews.


Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (3M), a leading manufacturing company, is an example of a dynamic, market-oriented organizational structure. In the 90s, 3M was in the top hundred of US industrial giants: 32nd in terms of profit ($1.3 billion in 1994), 30th in terms of the number of employees (83 thousand people) , 27th in terms of total sales ($15.1 billion). The corporation is proud of the high knowledge intensity of its products: the share of R&D costs in the value of sales in 1994 was 6%, which is twice the average for the US manufacturing industry.

Particularly highlighted is the specific form of corporation activity in the scientific and technical field through the financing of venture companies, that is, small (inventive) companies created by scientists or entrepreneurs to develop some advanced science-intensive product or technology.
By controlling the development of several hundred such firms, the corporation actually carries out a “wide-ranging” search for promising scientific and technical achievements. 100-150 million dollars are spent annually on the acquisition of the most promising innovative companies.

Innovation goals

Concept of innovation goal

To achieve development goals organization is being developed innovation strategy*, the implementation of which in turn requires targeted innovation management, that is, the formulation innovation goal.

Innovation goals may include the following requirements:

1) on the creation of a new product;

2) about the transition to new technology;

3) about preparation new service;

4) about the transition to new look resource, new system management, new organizational structure.

To assess the innovative activity of an organization and its innovative competitiveness, indicators of the organization's innovative activity are widely used in domestic and foreign practice.

Indicators of unit costs of R&D in sales volume, which characterize the indicator of the knowledge intensity of the company's products;

· unit costs for the acquisition of licenses, patents, know-how;

· costs of acquiring innovative firms;

· availability of funds for the development of initiative developments.

Indicators characterizing the dynamics innovation process:

· TAT innovation indicator;

· duration of the development process of a new product (new technology);

· duration of preparation for the production of a new product;

· the duration of the production cycle of a new product.

Update indicators:

· number of developments or implementations of product innovations and process innovations;

· indicators of the dynamics of product portfolio renewal (share of products produced for 2, 3, 5 and 10 years);

· number of acquired (transferred) new technologies (technical achievements);

· volume of exported innovative products;

· volume of new services provided.

Structural indicators:

· composition and number of research, development and other scientific and technical structural units (including experimental and testing complexes);

· composition and number of joint ventures engaged in the use of new technology and the creation of new products;

· number and structure of employees engaged in R&D;

· composition and number of creative initiative temporary teams and groups.

The most widely used in domestic and foreign practice and characterizing the innovative activity of an organization, its innovative competitiveness, can be divided into the following groups: costly; by time; upgradability; structural.

Cost indicators:

The most frequently used indicators reflect the firm's unit costs for R&D in terms of its sales volume and the number of scientific and technical departments.

The TAT innovation indicator, which comes from the phrase “turn - around time”, is widely used. This refers to the time from the moment the need or demand for a new product is realized until it is sent to the market or consumer in large quantities. Other indicators are less commonly used in the wider press, for example, structural ones, showing the number and nature of innovative units. Such indicators are usually present in special analytical reviews.

Basic techniques for examining innovative projects.

The task of the examination is to assess the scientific and technical level of the project, the possibilities of its implementation and effectiveness. Based on the examination, decisions are made on the feasibility and amount of financing.

There are three main methods for examining innovative projects:

The descriptive method is widely used in many countries. Its essence is that the potential impact of the results of ongoing projects on the situation in a particular market of goods and services is considered. The results obtained are summarized, forecasts are made and side processes are taken into account. The main disadvantage of this method is that it does not allow correct comparison of two or more alternative options.

The method of comparing the provisions “before” and “after” allows you to take into account not only quantitative, but also qualitative indicators of various projects. However, this method has a high probability of subjective interpretation of information and forecasts.

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  • 1) TAT innovativeness indicator;
  • 2) the duration of the development process of a new product (new technology);
  • 3) the duration of preparation for the production of a new product;
  • 4) the duration of the production cycle of a new product.

Update indicators:

  • 1) the number of developments or implementations of product innovations and process innovations;
  • 2) indicators of the dynamics of product portfolio renewal (share of products produced for 2, 3, 10 years);
  • 3) the number of acquired (transferred) new technologies (technical achievements);
  • 4) the volume of exported innovative products;
  • 5) the volume of new services provided.

Structural indicators:

  • 1) composition and number of research, development and other scientific and technical structural units (including experimental and testing complexes);
  • 2) the composition and number of joint ventures engaged in the use of new technology and the creation of new products;
  • 3) the number and structure of employees engaged in R&D;
  • 4) composition and number of creative initiative temporary teams and groups. The most frequently used indicators reflect the firm's unit costs for R&D in the volume of its sales and the number of scientific and technical units.

The Japanese company Sony is considered the most innovative company in the field of consumer electronics. During her fifty years of activity, she constantly introduced into use fundamentally new technology that changed the work and leisure of people. The company's sales volume in 1991 reached 26 billion dollars, in 1994 it grew to 36.6 billion dollars. All of the company's products were developed by its scientific and engineering staff, numbering 9 thousand people (with a total number of employees at the company 112.9 thousand people). The company spends $4.5 billion on research and development, which is 5.7% of sales. Every year the company offers 1000 new products - approximately 4 every working day. About 800 of them are improved versions of products that are already on the market: either with improved characteristics or with a reduced price. The remaining 200 are original developments aimed at opening new markets: new audio and video equipment, computer equipment.

Hitachi is one of the largest manufacturers of radio-electronic and electrical products, machine tools and press-forging equipment. Its sales volume in 1994 amounted to $70.710 billion, the number of employees was 291 thousand people, including 12 thousand were employed in scientific activities; R&D expenses amounted to about 10% of sales of products and services.

General Motors controls 88% of the US automobile market, including the market for small cars. Already in 1983, General Motors occupied 5th place in the list of companies - the largest importers of the United States. In 1994, the company ranked 1st in the list of the 10 largest US companies with sales of $120 billion, profits of $2.5 billion and 876 thousand employees. $4.2 billion or 4% of sales were spent on R&D. In 1996, General Motors employed almost 900 thousand people, of which 130 thousand were “white collar” (this is only in the North American automotive divisions).

IBM's annual turnover from 1984 to 1990 grew from $27.4 billion to $69 billion. Profits in 1990 amounted to $6 billion. IBM's R&D expenses in 1990 amounted to $3.5 billion (about 5% sales volume).

Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) is a transnational company specializing in the production of electronic products. In its industry, DEK in 1989 was 12th in the world and 3rd in the USA, behind IBM General E 1ectric. In 1989, the number of employees in DEC amounted to 126 thousand people, of which 8,300 highly qualified workers (6.6% of the total) worked in the field of R&D. Sales in 1989 amounted to $13 billion, net profit exceeded $1 billion. $1.3 billion was allocated for scientific development (in 1980 - $186 million, 1984 - $630 million). ).

General E Electric Corporation is a leading manufacturer of electric motors, power equipment, medical diagnostic equipment, laser medical equipment, thermoplastics, computer-controlled railway locomotives, X-ray and ultrasound equipment. The number of employees in all departments is 307 thousand people, including 22 thousand people. - scientists and engineers engaged in research (about 7% of the total number of employees). R&D expenses amounted to $1.9 billion in 1988, and $3.2 billion in 1992, i.e. even more than is invested in fixed capital. Sales volume in just 15 years (1979-1994) increased more than 3 times and amounted to $60.5 billion in 1994. In the list of the largest US companies for 1994, the corporation ranks 8th in terms of turnover, 2nd - in terms of profit and 5th - in terms of the number of employees.

The main activity of Crysler is the automotive industry: the production of cars and trucks, jeeps and minivans. The number of employees is 119 thousand people, including about 4.5 thousand people in R&D. In 1995, with sales of $52.2 billion, the company's profits reached a record high of $3.7 billion. Research and development expenses were only 3.2%. In the second half of the 90s. the company spends an average of $1.9 billion per year on R&D.

Experts from the consulting firm McKinsey believe that in the automotive industry, the use of advanced computer technology will lead to a reduction in TAT by reducing the vehicle design and development cycle by 25%.

This represents an 18-month savings that will allow car companies to make decisions about what kind of cars to produce a year and a half closer to the time the product is released to market. And this is a huge advantage over competitors who failed to take advantage of the new technology.

Other indicators are less commonly used in the wider press, for example, structural ones, showing the number and nature of innovative units. Such indicators are usually present in special analytical reviews.

Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Corporation, a leading company in the manufacturing industry, is an example of developing a dynamic, market-oriented organizational structure. In the 90s the company is in the top hundred of the US industrial giant: 32nd place in terms of profit ($1.3 billion in 1994), 30th in terms of the number of employees (83 thousand people), 27th in total sales volume ($15.1 billion). The corporation is proud of the high knowledge intensity of its products: the share of R&D costs in the cost of sales in 1994 was. was 6%, which is twice the average for the US manufacturing industry.

Particularly highlighted is the specific form of corporation activity in the scientific and technical field through the financing of venture companies, that is, small (inventive) companies created by scientists or entrepreneurs to develop some advanced science-intensive product or technology.

By controlling the development of several hundred such firms, the corporation actually carries out a “wide-ranging” search for promising scientific and technical achievements. $100-150 million is spent annually on acquiring the most promising innovative companies.

The concept of “innovation potential” is interconnected with the concept of “innovation activity”.

Under innovative activity imply readiness to perceive and master innovations, the intensity of innovative transformations in the enterprise.

To assess the innovative activity of a company, the following indicators can be used:

Scientific and technical potential (number of employees with a scientific degree, number of rational proposals per employee, number of patents, etc.)

Resource potential:

K is the coefficient of intellectual property provision. It determines whether an enterprise has intellectual property and rights to it in the form of patents, licenses for the use of inventions, certificates for industrial designs, utility models, software, trademarks and service marks, as well as other rights and assets similar to those listed above. for effective innovative development.

In this analysis, the ratio of the listed resources to other non-current assets (Avn) of the enterprise may indicate the degree of its equipment and armament with intellectual capital, in comparison with other fixed assets of production. The value of K is as follows:

K is = C and / A in

where: C and – intellectual property(code 1110 “Intangible assets” I section. Balance Sheet), rub.

K is ≥ 0.10 ... 0.15 – leader’s strategy;

K is ≤ 0.10…0.05 – follower strategy.

Kpr – coefficient of personnel engaged in research and development work. This coefficient characterizes the professional personnel composition of the enterprise. It shows the share of personnel directly involved in the development of new products and technologies, production and engineering design, and other types of technological preparation of production for the release of new products or the introduction of new services, in relation to the average composition of all permanent and temporary employees employed by the enterprise. Determined by the formula:

K pr = P n / Ch r

where: P n – number of people employed in the field of research and development, people;

Ch r – average number of employees of the enterprise, people.

Kpr ≥ 0.20 ... 0.25 – leader’s strategy;

Kpr ≤ 0.20 ... 0.15 – follower strategy.

Kni is the coefficient of property intended for research and development. It shows the share of experimental and research property, purchased machinery and equipment related to technological innovation in the total cost of all production and technological machinery and equipment, according to the formula:

K ni = O op / O mon

where: O op – cost of experimental equipment, rub.;

About mon – cost of production equipment, rub.

Kni ≥ 0.25 ... 0.30 – leader’s strategy;

Kni ≤ 0.25 ... 0.20 – follower strategy.

K from – coefficient of mastering new technology. It characterizes the enterprise’s ability to master new equipment and the latest production and technological lines and is calculated from the ratio of the main production and technological assets newly put into operation over the past three years in comparison with other assets, including buildings, structures, transport, according to the formula:

To from = OF n / OF avg

where: OF n – cost of newly introduced fixed assets, rub.;

OF avg – average annual cost of fixed assets production assets enterprises, rub.

K from ≥ 0.35 ... 0.40 – leader’s strategy;

K from ≤ 0.35 ... 0.30 – follower strategy.

K op – coefficient of development of new products. It assesses the ability of an enterprise to introduce innovative or technologically changed products using the formula:

K op = BP np / BP ob

where VR np – revenue from sales of new or improved products (works, services) and products (works, services) manufactured using new or improved technologies, rub.;

VR about – total revenue from the sale of all products (works, services), rub.

K op ≥ 0.45 ... 0.50 – leader’s strategy;

Kop ≤ 0.45 ... 0.40 – follower strategy.

K ir – coefficient of innovative growth. It determines the sustainability of technological growth and production development and indicates the enterprise’s experience in managing innovative projects. Shows the share of funds allocated by the enterprise for its own and joint research on the development of new technologies, education and training of personnel related to innovation, business agreements for carrying out marketing research, in the total volume of all investments (including capital-forming and portfolio investments) according to the formula:

K ir = I is / I about

where And is – the cost of research and teaching materials investment projects, rub.;

And about - the total cost of other investment expenses, rub.

Kir ≥ 0.55 ... 0.60 – leader strategy;

Kir ≤ 0.55…0.50 – follower strategy.

In addition, it is customary to distinguish the following groups of indicators of innovation activity:

1) Cost indicators:

Specific R&D costs in sales volume characterize the indicator of the knowledge intensity of the company's products;

Absolute R&D costs

Unit costs for the acquisition of licenses, patents, know-how;

Costs of acquiring innovative firms;

Availability of funds for the development of initiative developments.

2) Dynamic indicators - TAT (Turn-Around-Time) innovation indicator This indicator refers to the time from the moment the need or demand for a new product is realized until it is sent to the market or consumer in large quantities.

The following three indicators characterize the components of the TAT indicator:

Duration of the development process of a new product (new technology);

Duration of preparation for the production of a new product;

the duration of the production cycle of a new product.

3) Update indicators:

Number of developments or implementations of product innovations and process innovations;

Indicators of the dynamics of product portfolio renewal (share of products produced for 2, 3, 5 and 10 years);

Number of acquired (transferred) new technologies (technical achievements);

Volume of exported innovative products;

Volume of new services provided.

Structural indicators

The most common structural indicators include:

Composition and number of research, development and other scientific and technical structural units (including experimental and testing complexes);

The composition and number of joint ventures involved in the use of new technology and the creation of new products;

Number and structure of employees engaged in R&D;

Composition and number of creative initiative temporary brigades and groups.

Structural indicators can be used as part of aggregate indicators of innovative development of enterprises, regions or countries. Thus, the Academy of National Economy of the Russian Federation uses the following seventeen indicators to assess the innovative development of constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

1. Share of personnel engaged in research and development relative to the economically active population, %;

2. Share of innovative organizations relative to the total number of enterprises, %;

3. The share of patents for inventions relative to population, %;

4. Share of applications for inventions relative to the population, %;

5. Share of patents for utility models relative to the population, %;

6. Share of applications for utility models relative to the population, %;

7. Share of industrial designs relative to the population, %;

8. Proportion of graduate students relative to the population, %;

9. The share of organizations that carried out research and development relative to the number of organizations registered in the Unified State Register of Industrial Organizations, %;

10. Ratio of internal current costs for research and development in the region to the value of GRP (gross regional product), %;

11. The ratio of the volume of planned investments by residents of special economic zones (if any) to the GRP of the region, %;

12. Proportion of higher education students educational institutions relatively general population, %;

13. Share of Internet users relative to population of the region, %;

14. Ratio of regional investments in fixed assets to the cost of fixed assets in the region, %;

15. Share of the economically active population of the region relative to the total population of the region, %;

16. Share of the number of subscribers to official publications of Rospatent relative to the population, %;

17. Share patent attorneys(from 1993 to 2004) relative to the number of enterprises, %.

Solving the problems facing innovative enterprises (IE) (independent or part of associations, concerns and others organizational forms high level) is carried out within the framework of certain organizational structures. They provide for the presence of a certain composition of divisions or individual functionaries who are in established relationships and interactions, and within the framework of intrastructural activities of one type or another, aimed at performing certain functions and achieving the private and general goals of the functioning of the individual entrepreneur.

Organizational structure of the individual entrepreneur is a set of scientific, design, design, technological and information units (laboratories, departments, sectors, groups) that carry out the main creative activities to create an intellectual product - innovations of a certain profile and specialization, as well as production, support and management units that ensure the implementation of thematic R&D plans and implementation of created innovations. The organizational structure of any individual entrepreneur must correspond to its target and functional structure at each period of time. In practice, such a complete coincidence of structures may not exist. This is explained by the fact that in the conditions of dynamic market relations some goals and functions disappear and new ones appear in accordance with new ideas, tasks, solution methods, etc. Periodic analysis and rationalization of structures is necessary, taking into account a number of factors and based on a number of critical principles.

12. Impact of innovations on changes in organizational structure

13. Innovative activity and indicators characterizing it

To assess the innovative activity of an organization and its innovative competitiveness, indicators of the organization's innovative activity are widely used in domestic and foreign practice.

The indicators that are most widely used in domestic and foreign practice and characterize the innovative activity of an organization and its innovative competitiveness can be divided into the following groups: expensive; by time; upgradability; structural.

1. Cost indicators:

a) unit costs of R&D (Research and development) in sales volume, which characterize the indicator of the knowledge intensity of the company’s products;

b) unit costs for the acquisition of licenses, patents, know-how;

c) costs of acquiring innovative firms;

d) availability of funds for the development of initiative developments.

2. Indicators characterizing the dynamics of the innovation process:

a) indicator of innovativeness TAT ​​(turn around time; integral indicator of the dynamics of the innovation process);

b) the duration of the development process of a new product (new technology);

c) the duration of preparation for the production of a new product;

d) the duration of the production cycle of a new product.

3. Update indicators:

a) the number of developments or implementations of product innovations and process innovations;

b) indicators of the dynamics of product portfolio renewal (share of products produced for 2, 3, 5 and 10 years);

14. Change management in enterprises.

The change itself is a gradual or stepwise process of taking an organization to a new level using existing ideas and concepts.

Changes in the organization include:

in the main structure- nature and level of business activity, legal structure, ownership, sources of financing, international operations and their impact, diversification, mergers, joint ventures;

in tasks and activities- product range and range of services provided, new markets, clients and suppliers;

in the technology used- equipment, tools, materials and energy, technological processes, office equipment;

in management structures and processes - internal organization, labor processes, decision-making and management processes, information systems;

in organizational culture- values, traditions, informal relationships, motives and processes, leadership style;

in people- management and service personnel, their competence, motivation, behavior and work efficiency;

in work efficiency organizations - financial, economic, social and other indicators for assessing the organization’s relationship with the environment, fulfilling its tasks and taking advantage of new opportunities;

the prestige of the organization in business circles and in society.

Changes are divided into product and process, material and intangible. There are also technical, technological, organizational and managerial, informational, and social changes. IN modern world the key role is played not only and not so much by changes in the material sphere (production of a new aircraft, a new computer, the use of a new method of melting steel, etc.), but also by changes in the intangible sphere (new business models, new management technologies, new social solutions).

In other words, everything higher value acquire process intangible changes that are organizational, managerial, informational or social in nature. These changes concern the introduction of modern information technologies, the transformation of business processes, culture, organizational management structure, the use of new sales channels and new sales methods. In some cases, it is these changes that determine sustainable competitiveness and lead to the success of the organization as a whole.

The process of change in an enterprise - be it changing the goals of activity, the intra-company structure, the responsibilities of individual employees, the introduction of new production, changing technologies - must be well organized and managed so that the changes produce positive results with the least expenditure of effort, money and nerves of employees and management. Change management is an issue that concerns all businesses and organizations.

Changes in an organization can be planned and unplanned, regular and episodic, they can be targeted or cover the entire organization, they can affect various fields activities of the organization.