Innovative processes in education. Modern innovations in education: types and examples


N.V. Krasnova

subject methodologist

natural science cycle,

mathematic teacher

MAOU Kaliningrad Maritime Lyceum

Kaliningrad, Russia

At the present stage of development Russian society in light of the implementation of the “Second Generation Standards” in education, an urgent task becomesthe need to optimize education and improve it.

One of the effective ways to solve these problems is the process of innovation in education, which is primarily associated with the improvement of technical means of communication, which leads to significant progress in information exchange student-teacher. The emergence of new information technologies, associated with the development of computer tools and telecommunications networks, made it possible to create a qualitatively new information and educational environment as the basis for the development and improvement of the education system.

So what is innovation? Innovation (eng. Innovation - innovation) - the introduction of new forms, methods and skills that require less time, material and intellectual resources to achieve any result. In principle, any socio-economic innovation, while it has not yet received widespread attention, i.e. serial distribution can be considered innovation

Pedagogical innovations are:

a) targeted changes that introduce innovations into the educational environment, improving the characteristics of individual parts, components and the educational system itself as a whole;

b) the process of mastering innovations (new tools, methods, technologies, programs, etc.);

c) search for new methods and programs, their implementation in the educational process and creative rethinking;

d) new forms and methods for assessing acquired knowledge;

e) organization joint activities student and teacher.

Pedagogical innovations in education are implemented using pedagogical technologies, the main goal of which is to prepare a person for life in an ever-changing world. Innovative learning technologies should be considered as a tool with which a new educational system can be implemented. The essence of such training is the orientation of the educational process towards the potential capabilities of a person with his feelings and mind, and their implementation. Education must develop mechanisms innovation activity, find creative ways to solve vital problems, contribute to the transformation of creativity into the norm and form of human existence.

The goal of a teacher’s innovative activity is a qualitative change in the student’s personality compared to the traditional system. This becomes possible thanks to the introduction into professional activities of didactic and educational programs unknown in practice, with the help of which the crisis in education will be overcome. Developing the ability to find motivation for one’s actions, independently navigate the information received, the formation of creative unconventional thinking, the development of children through the maximum disclosure of their natural abilities, using the latest achievements of science and practice, are the main goals of educational innovation.

The most famous educational innovations include:

    Organization of classes (without destroying the classroom system):

Creation of career-oriented schools, such as the Kaliningrad Maritime Lyceum;

Creation of specialized classes;

Introduction of gaming techniques (quizzes, debates) into the educational process.

2. Organization of classes (with the destruction of the class-lesson system):

Introduction of the project method, where knowledge is acquired based on the student’s involvement in the research process;

Creation of schemes for network remote interaction student-student, student-teacher, teacher-parent (maybe it takes place both with destruction and without destruction of the classroom system);

Development of individual educational trajectories.

3. Presentation and transmission and assimilation of educational content:

Mastering universal general scientific teaching methods

The use of reference signals in block study of the subject;

Organization of interdisciplinary lessons with the presentation of interdisciplinary connections;

- introduction of ICT into the educational process, software of this process, interactive electronic whiteboards and ICT modernization projects are supplied to schools;

Introduction of the immersion method;

Highlighting the profile, national, cultural or culturological aspect of education;

Software training;

Problem-based learning;

Organization of research activities to obtain new knowledge for students.

3. Methods for assessing educational results:

Expansion of the point scale (to record creative progress);

Creating a portfolio.

Innovative activities in education as a socially significant practice aimed at the moral self-improvement of a person are important in that they can ensure the transformation of all existing types practitioner in society.

Education is the path and form of becoming a whole person. The essence and goal of new education is the actual development of a person’s general, generic abilities, his mastery of universal methods of activity and thinking. Modern concept“education” is associated with the interpretation of such terms as “training”, “upbringing”, “education”, “development”. However, before the word “education” began to be associated with enlightenment, it had a broader meaning. Dictionary meanings consider the term “education” as a noun from the verb “to form” in the sense: “to create,” “form” or “develop” something new. But creating something new is innovation, which means education itself is already an innovation.

Innovations, or innovations, are characteristic of any professional activity human and therefore naturally become the subject of study, analysis and implementation. Innovations do not arise by themselves; they are the result of scientific research, advanced pedagogical experience of individual teachers and entire teams. This process cannot be spontaneous; it needs to be managed.

In the context of the innovative strategy of the holistic pedagogical process, the role of the school principal, teachers and educators as direct carriers of innovative processes increases significantly. With all the variety of teaching technologies: didactic, computer, problem-based, modular and others, the implementation of leading pedagogical functions remains with the teacher. With the introduction of modern technologies into the educational process, teachers and educators are increasingly mastering the functions of a consultant, advisor, and educator. This requires special psychological and pedagogical training from them, since in the professional activities of a teacher, not only special, subject knowledge is realized, but also modern knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, teaching and upbringing technologies. On this basis, readiness to perceive, evaluate and implement pedagogical innovations is formed.

In understanding the essence of innovative processes in education, there are two most important problems of pedagogy - the problem of studying, generalizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience and, more importantly, the problem of introducing pedagogical achievements into practice.

The main problem of change management is the emergence of "phenomenon of resistance"changes. As arguments against the introduction of innovations, says the scientist (A.I. Prigozhin), judgments constructed as a set of variations on the theme are often given:

- “Yes, but...”; “We already have this.”Then, as a rule, a similar innovation is given. In this case, the opponent’s task is to prove the deceptiveness of the similarities and the significance of the differences.

- « We won’t be able to do this.”In support of this thesis, objective, in the speaker’s opinion, conditions are usually given that make the introduction of a specific innovation impossible.

- “It doesn’t solve the main problems.”This statement is made as if from a radical position. Innovation in this case takes on the image of something insignificant, and the innovator takes on the characteristics of an insufficiently courageous conductor of true progress. Since the distinction between primary and secondary is a matter of interpretation, the possibility of retraction is almost guaranteed.

- “This needs improvement.”Of course, every innovation, every project needs improvement. And by putting forward this thesis, the weak points of the innovation are really pointed out. The innovation is endowed with the characteristic of “raw” and therefore it seems that it should not be implemented.

- “There are other proposals.”In this case, an alternative to this innovation is implied, but not at all with the goal of offering a better solution, but only in order to divert attention from the application of innovations altogether.

The listed stereotypes are suitable for describing the patterns of almost any pedagogical innovation. Any teacher or innovative scientist, as a rule, has encountered some or all of the above arguments. Knowing the logic of his opponents, it is advisable for the innovator to select counterarguments to such judgments in advance, as well as take proactive steps to neutralize possible actions on the innovation process on the part of his opponents.

However, not all so simple. In society, “there are” special techniques that force a person to stop innovative activities. These techniques can be characterized by actions such as: “initiative is punishable”, “keep your head down”, “do you need more than everyone else?”, “don’t get ahead of the daddy”, “enough for our time”, “this needs to be agreed upon”, etc. To recognize such techniques, the innovator requires continuous reflexive work, finding out what exactly is hidden behind this or that action, proposal, his managers, colleagues, subordinates.

The nature of people in relation to innovations is different, some are inclined to accept them, others are more conservative. Sometimes in one person various manifestations of innovations from different areas of his activity coexist at the same time.

If a teacher gets used to living in complete agreement with externally given norms and rules, his innovative abilities fade away. The standardization of the teacher’s behavior and inner world is accompanied by the fact that instructive instructions occupy an increasingly important place in his activities. More and more ready-made samples accumulate in the mind pedagogical activity. This leads to the fact that the teacher can more easily fit into the teaching community, but at the same time his creative level decreases.

That is why an important direction in the work of school leaders and educational authorities is the analysis and assessment of pedagogical innovations and innovative technologies introduced by teachers, creating conditions for their successful development and application.
Applying Datatechnologies in innovative teaching,the teacher makes the process more complete, interesting,saturated. When crossing subject areas of the natural sciences, such integration is simply necessary for the formation of a holistic worldview and worldview.


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    Bokarev, M.Yu. Pedagogical conditions for career-oriented training of marine engineers at the initial stages of their training (lyceum-university): monograph./ M.Yu. Bokarev - Kaliningrad: BGA RF 2001. 121 pp.

    Bychkov, A. V. Innovative culture / A. V. Bychkov // Profile school. - 2005. - No. 6. - p. 83.

    Deberdeeva, T. Kh. New values ​​of education in the information society / T. Kh. Deberdeeva // Innovations in education. - 2005. - No. 3. – p. 79.

    Kvasha V.P. management of innovative processes in education. dis. Ph.D. ped. Sci. M., 1994. – 345s.

    Klimenko T.K. Innovative education as a factor in the development of a future teacher. Author's abstract. dis. Khabarovsk, 2000. – 289 p.

    Slastenin V.A., Podymova L.S. Pedagogy: innovative activity M.: IChP "Magister Publishing House", 1997. – 456s.

    Khutorskoy A.V. Pedagogical innovation - a lever of education. Introductory report at the VIIth All-Russian remote August scientific and practical conference "Innovations in Education" Moscow

I deliberately say that there are at least three of them, highlighting, in my opinion, the main ones, since in reality there are many more such problems, so I allowed myself to narrow the topic, limiting myself to only systemic and strategic problems. In my opinion, there are still three of them.
The first is the unresolved question “What is innovation in education?”
The second is the disguise of pseudo-innovations as innovations (and innovation and innovation are not the same thing).
The third is the unresolved question “When should innovation be carried out?”
Before moving on to detailing these three problems, I want to resort to a small image - a comparison. Imagine being asked: “Are you for or against progress?” Of course, most people will answer yes. But if you detail the request, for example: “Are you in favor of burial nuclear waste near your city? - then the majority will answer: “No.”
Of course, this is a hyperbole - an exaggeration, but it allows you to tune in to a certain single wave for understanding, because the task of education is not to destroy flowers, turning them into soulless camel thorns, but to give them an additional impulse of knowledge, morality and will.

What is innovation in education?
Today, there is a certain contradiction in the understanding of the very concept of “innovation in education”. Perhaps this is done deliberately, and perhaps not, but the lack of a clear generally accepted definition automatically gives rise to mutual misunderstanding, systemic problems in achieving set goals and, in a certain sense, chaos in our heads.
Initially, “innovation”, that is, in Russian just “innovation” (from the English innovation), is some kind of introduced innovation that ensures a qualitative increase in the efficiency of processes or products. Innovation is the final result of human intellectual activity, his imagination, creative process, discoveries, inventions and rationalization. However, a significant part of the scientific pedagogical community in Russia today understands innovative education as something that itself cannot give a clear definition. For example, scientists say that “innovative education is an education that is capable of self-development and which creates conditions for the full development of all its participants; innovative education is a developing and developing education.” If you, like me, even read this definition three times, you still won’t understand what it’s about, since it does not contain qualitative characteristics, there are only evaluative ones. Not all butter that melts in heat is yellow and slippery.
The representatives of the pedagogical community who are most skilled in weaving a verbal smokescreen have agreed that: “Innovations in education are the strongest energy that finally puts the innovation machine into action.” These same geniuses of the word believe that “Innovation is a certain mental potential of restless people who are thirsty for creativity in pedagogy.” And this approach already seems dangerous, since we already know from history what the potential of thirsty restless people can lead to.
If you look not at the theoretical, but at the practical aspects of implementing so-called innovations in education, then it becomes scary. After the successful substitution of concepts, the ideologists of innovation outlined their goal: “The transition from educational institutions and institutions that produce social functionaries to educational institutions that raise adequate people. The transition from educational activities, which still perform the function of social training and administrative supervision, to educational processes that implement the function of developing age-standard abilities.”
If these are innovations, and the above quote is their goal, then I am against such innovations, because we are being asked to move away from the upbringing, development and education of a harmonious personality, and instead engage in the preparation of certain beings who should be ready to perform feasible normative abilities, without a soul , conscience and morality. With this approach, we will quickly grow a technically educated generation that will first destroy all others, and then itself.
The state regulator itself - the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - avoids issuing a clear definition of what should be understood today as innovation in education, while simultaneously using this term in its official documents.
As lyrical digression I would like to note that an attempt to impose on educational organizations at all levels the ideology: “You should give only a given set of knowledge, you should not educate the individual” has been undertaken for 22 years with varying degrees of success. There is no clear solution today - are we raising a robot or a human?
Masking pseudo-innovations
for innovation
Today, the teaching community can clearly observe how pseudo-innovations are presented under the guise of innovation. Innovation (or novation) is a change with a particular scale of goals and objectives that fits within the framework of existing theories to change individual elements in the existing system. The result of innovation (innovation) is the improvement of the previous system and the rationalization of its functional connections. Innovation always goes beyond existing theories; it is aimed at completely updating the positions of subjects, transforming connections in the system and the system itself. A possible result of innovation is the birth of a new practice.
What is now being intrusively and gradually proposed in the field of education is not innovation, since innovation can cause a situation of misunderstanding and conflict, since it contradicts accepted norms, and as we know, everything fundamentally new is always perceived with hostility at first. These are not the stages of innovation yet, but if the “constructor” comes together, then innovation will emerge from its individual elements. But for now these are just pseudo-innovations passed off as innovations.
In a certain sense, innovation can be called the rejection of a free system higher education, since this decision radically influenced the education system as a whole, changed internal connections, subjects and their relationships with objects. Inclusion Russian Federation The Bologna process could probably also be called an innovation, even if it was not invented by us. If not for the stated goal: “A single educational space should allow national education systems European countries take all the best that your partners have. As a result, a united Europe will become more attractive globally. educational market" Time has passed, but the goal has not been achieved.
I may be mistaken, but I have not yet seen a third example of systemic innovation in education in our country. When it becomes like in Great Britain, where instead of algebra, geometry, physics and chemistry they introduced one subject - “Science”, then yes, this will be the third innovation.
The introduction of computer and Internet technologies is not innovation, but simply following the times. That is, an ordinary innovation, innovation. Replacing some items with others is also not innovation. Even the GTO is not an innovation.
Someone may quite fairly note that disguising pseudo-innovations as innovations is a consequence of the unsolved nature of the first problem I identified, and not the cause, and he will be right in his own way. And the reason, they say, is that the issue of terms has not yet been resolved, and the very concept of “innovation” still causes controversy in the scientific community. But then we will be forced to delve deeper into the study of questions like: who benefits from this, why such terminology is used, and what Skolkovo is. But studying these issues is not yet on my list of tasks.
Nevertheless, we can clearly observe facts when pseudo-innovations are passed off as innovations.
When should you innovate?
It is my firm belief that innovations in education (since we have adopted this term into the lexicon) should follow changes in society, and not vice versa. Trying to run ahead of a steam locomotive, especially if it is a locomotive, has never ended well and is unlikely to ever end well.
In my opinion, the task pedagogical science- monitor the level of development of the modern younger generation aged 2 to 18 years and promptly respond to changes that occur, make suggestions and offer practical pedagogical technologies. A teacher, like a doctor, must follow the principle: “Do no harm.” Good intentions in theory, when practically implemented in such an inert and complex sphere as education, often led to opposite results.
It is impossible to stand still in our changing world. The education system must develop together with society, the socio-political and economic situation. But any changes in the approach to education, and I insist - to the upbringing of children, must be justified by strict necessity. The principle “If something works well, it’s better not to touch it” has not yet been canceled by anyone except programmers. I’m not a retrograde person, but I’m convinced that when it comes to children, it’s better not to experiment.
If by innovation we mean an innovation that ensures a qualitative increase in the efficiency of the processes of education and upbringing, then I am entirely for it. If by innovation we mean the radical destruction of a successfully operating system and the birth of a new practice that does not exist, then I am against it.

Olga VASILYEVA, senior teacher of the Rainbow preschool department, school No. 933

The concept " innovation "translated from the Latin language means "renewal, innovation or change." This concept first appeared in research in the 19th century and meant the introduction of certain elements of one culture into another. At the beginning of the 20th century a new area of ​​knowledge has emerged innovation - the science of innovation, within the framework of which the patterns of technical innovations in the field of material production began to be studied. Pedagogical innovation processes have become the subject of special study in the West from about the 50s and the last twenty years in our country.




Khadiulina Tatyana Galeevna

The concept of "innovation" "translated from the Latin language means "renewal, innovation or change." This concept first appeared in research in the 19th century and meant the introduction of certain elements of one culture into another. At the beginning of the 20th century, a new field of knowledge arose, innovation - the science of innovation, within the framework of which the patterns of technical innovations in the field of material production began to be studied. Pedagogical innovation processes have become the subject of special study in the West from about the 50s and the last twenty years in our country.

In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of new goals, content, methods and forms of teaching and upbringing, and the organization of joint activities between teacher and student. Thus

pedagogical innovation is an intentional qualitative or quantitative change in teaching practice and improving the quality of the educational process.

Innovation activity is a complex, purposeful process of creating, using and disseminating innovations, the purpose of which is to satisfy the needs and interests of people with new means, which leads to qualitative changes in the system. It includes innovations:

Interaction between students, teaching staff, parents, and society;

Conditions of material, technical, information, program and methodological, personnel, socio-psychological support;

Achieving more effective performance results.

Innovative activities - updating the pedagogical process, introducing new formations into the traditional system

Innovations, or innovations, are characteristic of any professional human activity and therefore naturally become the subject of study, analysis and implementation. Innovations do not arise by themselves; they are the result of scientific research, advanced pedagogical experience of individual teachers and entire teams. This process cannot be spontaneous; it needs to be managed. One innovation Lately is the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES). Federal State Educational StandardToday you won’t surprise anyone with the introduction of this very standard; a number of problems arise that require certain management decisions.

Making such decisions rests entirely on the shoulders of the school principal and his team.

How to achieve the desired effect when introducing new standards using existing resources? How to increase the level of educational motivation in order to fulfill the task set by the Federal State Educational Standard “Teach a teenager to independently acquire knowledge”? How can I make a school so attractive that teenagers are happy to rush to class, teachers are happy to go to work, and parents are proud that their child is studying at my school?

Type of innovation

Creating a new control system

The goal and objectives determined, in turn, the content of the innovative field of activity of the administration and teaching staff of the main and high school, including:

  • Development of an educational program for basic general education.
  • Development of a program for the formation and development of general educationaluniversal actions of students in grades 5-9, which will include subprograms.
  • A package of materials for diagnosing the level of development of OUD;
  • Development of curriculum design mechanisms at the level of basic general education;
  • Organization of extracurricular activities;
  • Techniques of pedagogical techniques for the development of universal educational activities; Guidelines on designing a lesson (training session) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Memo on drawing up a lesson plan;
  • Technologies for the development of OUD.

Experimental work to prepare for the transition of primary schools to new educational standards is at the stage of practical implementation of the assigned tasks. Based own experience work on new educational standards, we believe that the transition of educational institutions to the standards of the new generation must begin with a lot of preparatory work for teachers to master the technology system-activity approach. Last school year, when analyzing the lessons teachers attended within the framework of the “System-Activity Approach” seminar, it forced us, the administration, to pay attention to the fact that in methodologically Teachers’ readiness to work according to new standards is at an average level. Despite the fact that most teachers have completed course training on working in the context of the implementation of new educational standards, the teacher’s level of proficiency in the technology of the systemic activity approach, according to the results of self-assessment, is not yet high enough. So, according to the results of self-diagnosis at the end of the past school year good level 25% have theoretical knowledge of SDP technology; satisfactory -45% of teachers; Most primary and high school teachers use SDP occasionally or not at all. It is optimistic that more than 80% of teachers are ready to use SDP technology, subject to a change in emphasis.

Modern lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard, this is a professional and methodological preparation teachers, system-activity approach, goal setting and motivation for learning, modern teaching aids, selection of optimal teaching aids, creating conditions for self-development, analysis of each educational lesson. A modern lesson must be considered as a link in a well-thought-out system of teacher work, where the tasks of teaching, educating and developing students are solved.

All educational activities should be built on the basis of an activity approach, the purpose of which is to develop the student’s personality based on the development of universal methods of activity. A teenager cannot develop if he passively perceives educational material. It is his own action that can become the basis for the formation of his independence in the future. This means that the educational task is to organize conditions that provoke teenage action. Based on this, creative group: the characteristic features of the activity-competent educational model of the training session were identified:

The teacher thinks through the goals of the lesson as the result of the student;

The teacher organizes work to motivate students;

The student himself sets the goal of the lesson as his own learning task;

The student himself designs the means to achieve his goals;

The student himself evaluates the result and corrects the actions.

School staff development

It is necessary to convince everyone of the need to constantly learn: participate in webinars, argue on Internet forums, freely travel the Internet, study educational Internet resources. All teachers of the school have completed professional development courses. Working in a team, when both failure and success are the result of everyone’s work, has given confidence to many of our teachers. Both the administration and teachers are friendly and open to communication with both teenagers and parents. The school's supervisory board has become an assistant and support to the administration in all management decisions made.

An important role was also played by the fact that we revised the system of incentives for teachers: the evaluation criteria became clearer, they are focused on the results of the tasks we solve; absolute openness and democracy in establishing additional payments and bonuses based on specific work results relieves tension in the team and promotes initiative and creativity.

It's no secret that you can't manage a school alone!

Our management team has become the basis of our success.

Innovation focus

In the direction of possible appearance - “above”, “bottom”. The methodology for introducing innovations - “from above” and “from below” influences the innovative activity of teachers, while teachers generally experience rejection of the position “from above”.

Federal State Educational Standard is an innovative project related to the systemic type of innovation.

Methods for implementing innovations

When the innovation process that has begun does turn into innovation, then there is an equally well-developed set of methods to stop it. Among them, I consider the following to be the most common:

- “method of specifying documents” - the main thing is to prevent the breadth of dissemination of the innovation and the volume of content;

- “piecewise implementation method” – introduction of only one element;

- “method of eternal experiment” - an artificial delay in the experimental status;

- “method of reported implementation” – a distortion of genuine implementation;

- “parallel implementation method” - innovation coexists with the old.

TO How do I see the future of my school?

Perhaps, at all times, love for teenagers and competence have been the most important qualities of a good teacher. Fortunately, there are many such teachers in our school, and we will in every possible way support and encourage those projects that teenagers love, which help them discover modern world. The impressions and information received by teenagers allows them to develop a sense of pride in their country, region, city.

We have to develop new projects and intensify the work of school government. Serious work remains to be done to improve both academic and extracurricular activities.

Today, due to the increase in the number of students according to the Federal State Educational Standard in primary schools, we are faced with the problem of space for conducting especially extracurricular activities, it is becoming more difficult to plan the use of the gym and the school canteen, and the need for new personnel arises. It is necessary to develop a new model for organizing extracurricular activities. Teachers will need to be involved to implement extracurricular activity programs additional education and use the capabilities of additional education institutions.

Teachers will have to master new areas of work with children with disabilities disabilities health and gifted children.

I think that I, the entire administration, and the Supervisory Board will need to work again on motivating staff, which has a strategic impact on the results of their work.

However, I know for sure that tomorrow will tell me new answer options, because school life itself will formulate them. There are always more questions than answers, and, probably, this is the purpose of a leader - to find answers to the most seemingly insoluble questions. My colleagues and I strive to ensure that our students receive a decent education, and that graduates always proudly say: “I studied at night school.”

Innovations in education, first of all, should be aimed at creating personality committed to success in any area of ​​application of their capabilities. Pedagogical innovations should be understood as a purposeful, meaningful, specific change in pedagogical activity (and the management of this activity) through the development and introduction of pedagogical and managerial innovations in educational institutions (new content of teaching, upbringing, management; new ways of working, new organizational forms, etc.) . Accordingly, the development of innovative processes is a way to ensure the modernization of education, improving its quality, efficiency and accessibility.

Intra-subject innovations: that is, innovations implemented within a subject, which is due to the specifics of its teaching. An example is the transition to new educational and methodological complexes and the development of proprietary methodological technologies. General methodological innovations: these include the introduction into teaching practice of non-traditional pedagogical technologies, universal in nature, since their use is possible in any subject area. For example, developing creative tasks for students, project activities, etc. Administrative innovations: these are decisions made by managers at various levels, which ultimately contribute to the effective functioning of all entities educational activities. Ideological innovations: these innovations are caused by the renewal of consciousness, the trends of the times, and are the fundamental basis of all other innovations, since without awareness of the need and importance of priority updates it is impossible to proceed directly to the update.

Innovation in education refers to the process of improving pedagogical technologies, a set of methods, techniques and teaching aids. Currently, innovative pedagogical activity is one of the essential components of the educational activities of any educational institution. And this is no coincidence. It is innovative activity that not only creates the basis for creating the competitiveness of an institution in the educational services market, but also determines the directions for the professional growth of the teacher, his creative search, and actually contributes to the personal growth of students. Therefore, innovative activity is inextricably linked with the scientific and methodological activities of teachers and educational and research students.

Innovation is an introduced innovation that is highly effective. It is the end result of a person’s intellectual activity, his imagination, creative process, discoveries, inventions and rationalization in the form of new or different objects from previous ones. They are characterized by the introduction to the market of completely new (improved) products (services) of human intellectual activity, possessing higher scientific and technical potential, new consumer qualities, which over time, in turn, become an object for improvement. Innovative methods - methods based on the use of modern achievements of science and information technology in education. They are aimed at improving the quality of training by developing students’ creative abilities and independence (methods of problem-based and projective learning, research methods, training forms that provide for the actualization of students’ creative potential and independence). Innovative methods can be implemented in both traditional and distance learning technologies.

Portfolio method (Performance Portfolio or Portfolic Assessment)- modern educational technology, which is based on the method of authentic assessment of the results of educational and professional activities. This method is most often associated with the field of education, although in in a broad sense This concept is applicable to any practical and productive activity. Translated from Italian, “portfolio” means briefcase. The portfolio method originated in the West from problem-based learning. This method is based on the technology of collecting and analyzing information about the learning process and the results of educational activities. A portfolio is a systematic and specially organized collection of evidence, which serves as a way of systematically reflecting on one’s own activities and presenting its results in one or more areas for the ongoing assessment of competencies or competitive entry into the labor market. Based on the types of practical and productive activities at a university, a distinction is made between an educational portfolio and a professional portfolio.

Method of problem presentation- a method in which the teacher, using a variety of sources and means, before presenting the material, poses a problem, formulates a cognitive task, and then, revealing a system of evidence, comparing points of view, different approaches, shows a way to solve the problem. Students become witnesses and participants in scientific research.

Project method- a training system in which students acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks-projects.

Problem-based learning methods(acquisition of knowledge, development of skills and abilities) are carried out in the process of partially search or research activities of students; is implemented through verbal, visual and practical teaching methods, interpreted in the key of posing and resolving a problem situation.

Student research work integrated into the educational process- such work is carried out in accordance with the curricula and programs of academic disciplines without fail; This type of research activity of students includes independent completion of classroom and homework assignments with elements of scientific research under the methodological guidance of a teacher (preparation of essays, abstracts, analytical works, translations of articles, etc.; preparation of reports on educational and industrial practices, completion of coursework and final qualifying works); the results of all types of student research activities built into the educational process are subject to control and evaluation by the teacher.

Problem-based learning- 1) technology aimed primarily at “stimulating interest.” Learning consists of creating problem situations, understanding and resolving these situations in the course of joint activities of students and the teacher with optimal independence of students and under the general guidance of the teacher; 2) active developmental training, based on organizing the search activities of students, on identifying and resolving real life or educational contradictions. The foundation of problem-based learning is the formulation and substantiation of a problem (a complex cognitive task of theoretical or practical interest). There are three possible levels of problematic nature in the educational process: problematic presentation, partial search and research levels.

Practice-oriented projects- peculiarity of this type projects consists in the preliminary formulation of a clear, significant result for the student, of practical importance, expressed in material form: preparation of a magazine, newspaper, anthology, video, computer program, multimedia products, etc. The development and implementation of this type of project requires detail in the development of the structure, in determining the functions of the participants, intermediate and final results. This type of project is characterized by strict control on the part of the coordinator and author of the project.

Creative projects- their peculiarity is that they do not have a predetermined and detailed structure. In a creative project, the teacher (coordinator) determines only general parameters and indicates the optimal ways to solve problems. A necessary condition for creative projects is a clear statement of the planned result that is significant for students. The specifics of such a project require students to work intensively with primary sources, with documents and materials that are often contradictory and do not contain ready-made answers. Creative projects stimulate maximum activation of students’ cognitive activity, contribute to the effective development of skills and abilities to work with documents and materials, the ability to analyze them, draw conclusions and generalizations.

Lecture-visualization- when reading a visualization lecture, the principle of clarity is observed; a lecture is information converted into visual form. The video sequence, being perceived and conscious, can serve as a support for adequate thoughts and practical actions. The video sequence should not only illustrate oral information, but also be a carrier of meaningful information. When preparing for a lecture, the content must be recoded into visual form. Visibility can be expressed in different forms: natural materials, visual (slides, drawings, photos), symbolic (diagrams, tables). It is important to observe: visual logic and rhythm of presentation of material, dosage, communication style.

The scientific basis of teaching is the very foundation without which it is impossible to imagine modern education. It is this kind of education that increases the personal, and in the future, professional self-esteem of the graduate, and conveys to him a significant part of the cultural and social standards of society. The results of high-quality higher education are not just literacy, close to a particular profession. This is a combination of education and behavioral culture, the formation of the ability to think independently and competently, and in the future to work independently, learn and retrain. This is precisely the basis for modern ideas about the fundamental nature of education.

Innovations in the education system: problems and trends.

“The difficulty of a teacher’s work is to find a way to each student, to create conditions for the development of the abilities inherent in each one. The most important thing is that the teacher must help the student realize himself as an individual, awaken interest in knowing himself, life, the world...”


Today, the concept of innovation in education is considered as renewal and innovation. But what is the purpose of this process? Of course, everything new that is created for the education system is used to improve the effectiveness of learning outcomes. This means that the current standards of educational schools are outdated and new approaches are required in teaching the modern younger generation. And the main reason for the issue of introducing innovations in education is the crisis of the entire educational system. “In a broad sense, creating something new is innovation.” Thus, education at its core is already an innovation.

The question arises: if innovative processes in education have such a positive effect on the humanization and individualization of the younger generation, then why does the “progressive part of humanity” represented by teachers stubbornly stand on the old, traditional pillars of education?

I think that innovation in education, first of all, should be aimed at creating an individual who is determined to succeed in any area of ​​application of his capabilities. By innovation I mean significant changes in one or more points:

2. teaching methods,

3. forms of quality control of training.

The main vector of an innovative approach to learning is the personality-oriented interaction between teacher and student. Innovation is becoming the most optimal means of increasing the effectiveness of education. The very essence of innovation in education lies in the search and successful application of new approaches to teaching the younger generation. Any innovations must meet the requirements of modern society and information technology. Quality school-wide education is the main tool for the development of the entire society. How to achieve quality?

It is necessary to introduce innovations into the educational process. Society is developing rapidly. This necessitates an organization of the education system and the educational process itself that could prepare today's students for life in rapidly changing conditions.

What is innovation? Innovation means any new idea, new method or new project, which is deliberately introduced into the system traditional education. Innovation is akin to innovation, and presupposes the presence of a person (in this case, a teacher) of constant motivation to make any changes. Pedagogical innovation - innovation in teaching activities, changes in the content and technology of teaching and upbringing, with the goal of increasing their effectiveness, “the process of improving pedagogical technologies, a set of methods, techniques and teaching aids.” Innovation in education refers to the process of improving pedagogical technologies, a set of methods, techniques and teaching aids.

Innovative technologies in education are diverse: this includes organizational work with children, and the formation of a healthy personality, and the education of patriotism, and the holding of Olympiads, and an individual approach to learning. The traditional teacher (a monopolist in the transfer of necessary knowledge) leaves the stage. He is being replaced by a teacher-researcher, educator, consultant, project manager, teacher with an innovative style of thinking, capable of creative and professional activity, self-determination and self-development.

In this context, the school mentor continues to play a fundamental role: the teacher, classroom teacher, project organizer, In the innovation space, the requirements for the mentor’s personality are increasing. He must now not only know a lot, but also be informed in the most latest news knowledge. Not just competent, but a professional in the deepest sense: intellectual capabilities are associated with the ability to master the latest technological advances, including information ones. True innovations are long-forgotten old truths in a different interpretation of teaching methods and techniques.

Modern system Only the lazy do not criticize school education. It has its pros and, of course, cons (as with any other system). Definitely, the modern school education system needs improvement. Let's try to figure it out. Innovations in teaching include new teaching methods, including multimedia programs and proprietary developments.

About the cons

Innovative teaching methods, in addition to their positive aspects, also contain disadvantages, which are usually visible when they are implemented in practice. To the undoubted disadvantages modern education It can also be attributed, in fact, to the fact that, having moved away from Soviet education, it has not come too close to education focused on the Western value system. The modern school education system can definitely be called transitional. Schools are underfunded, especially rural ones. Also UNT. Both teachers and students are dissatisfied. Education is replaced by training and coaching. UNT tests are not well thought out. The delivery forms are not suitable for all children (maybe alternative ones need to be developed?). In school education, the possibilities for an individual approach are minimal. At school, they do not pay too much attention to the child’s talents and/or his abilities and inclinations. Many teachers position their subject as the main one, which interferes with the child’s orientation. The assessment system is very imperfect. Often both student and teacher work for and for assessment. The approach is average, because everyone needs to be taught. The teacher physically cannot interview everyone and devote enough time to them. Students are overloaded with classes, they receive a lot of things that they will never need in the future. It is a mistake to believe that innovations in school are only fundamentally new and large-scale changes in the education system, such as the introduction of the UNT, an electronic diary, etc. Modifications of standard pedagogical techniques and methods in order to improve student performance in mastering certain material can also be called innovations

ICT is an excellent technology for improving the education system, but in practice it does not always and not everywhere increase motivation to study other subjects; rather, on the contrary, the child reorients himself only, most often, to subjects using ICT and to those where they are indispensable . ICT increases labor efficiency only in the early stages of its implementation, when students are interested in new types of activities. At the moment, these once innovative teaching technologies are becoming more and more commonplace and are being ranked on par in terms of effectiveness with traditional ones.

Absolutely all schools most of the time are forced to select or compile, organize and systematize programs and curricula in accordance with the introduced principle of variability to the detriment of the educational process itself; in other words, there is less and less time left for communicating with children. Organization of inspections and accreditations educational institutions Education departments in practice turn the educational process into a kind of “leapfrog” between teachers and students: instead of the process of cognition, only bureaucratic obligations are qualitatively fulfilled. Personal orientation and ensuring the comfort of the educational process for the child resulted in a significant drop in the authority of the teacher in the eyes of the student, since the “conflict-free” process also implies the elimination of many forms of “punishment”: from leaving for a repeat year of study to an unsatisfactory grade in the journal. And since didactic innovative teaching technologies are aimed mainly at independent work, students may not fully master the material or place the wrong emphasis on what they are studying and, as a result, choose the wrong direction in its development.

As for the portfolio system in psycho-pedagogical technology, here the child’s assessment of his activities may become completely inaccurate and may not correspond to the actual quality of the work. In addition, maintaining a portfolio takes time, and the learning process suffers because of this.

About the advantages

The amount of school knowledge is quite diverse, which gives the graduate a relatively broad outlook. The child learns to work, build relationships and communicate in a team. Necessary communication skills are developed. Thus, it is integrated into the social system. During the learning process, the child learns to communicate with people of his own and other genders. School graduates have the opportunity to continue their education and receive Good work.

Of course, the innovative processes taking place in education today have their advantages. For example, information and computer technologies are designed to make it easier for students to master software technologies for future profession.

Speaking about modern pedagogical technologies, we must take into account that true innovations in the field of pedagogy are a reflection of long-forgotten, old pedagogical truths in a different interpretation of teaching methods and techniques. Innovation in education is a complex process. Ways to increase the effectiveness of education are a problem for all teachers. One of the important areas is the development and implementation of new pedagogical technologies. The positive aspects of innovative technologies are undeniable and their correct implementation will certainly lead to colossal achievements in the education system. The introduction of innovative technologies makes it possible to improve the quality of education and the level of training of schoolchildren

Let's look at some innovative technologies, methods and forms .
Personally oriented technologies. This includes technologies of differentiation and individualization. Therefore, a differentiated approach to teaching should be carried out at the individual level, allowing the child’s personality to develop and better assimilate required material and develop creative potential in subject activities.

Integrated classes. Integrated classes are classes in which material from several subjects is combined around one topic. Features of an integrated lesson - clarity, compactness, conciseness, logical interdependence of educational material at each stage of the lesson, a large informative capacity of the material is presented in an entertaining, exciting game.
Research activity And practical work . Their goal is to obtain educational information from primary sources. Students learn to work with historical documents, textbooks, and periodicals.
Interactive approaches. The difference between interactive exercises and tasks and regular ones is that they are aimed at learning new things. For example: creative tasks, work in small groups, educational games, use of public resources (excursions, inviting a specialist), studying and consolidating new material (working with visual aids, “student in the role of teacher”, “everyone teaches everyone”), discussion of complex and controversial issues and problems, problem solving (“decision tree”, “brainstorming”).
Learning through teaching– a teaching method in which students, with the help of a teacher, prepare and teach a lesson.
Paired learning technology– one of the types of pedagogical technologies in which one student teaches another student. Communication between two students occurs in the form of dialogue.
Small group work- one of the most popular strategies, as it gives all students (including shy ones) the opportunity to participate in work, practice cooperation and interpersonal communication skills. Lessons according to the Singaporean method go like this: students sit face to face, work in teams of 4 people, change the location of groups more than once during the lesson, and independently search for information. Each team member contributes to the work during the lesson. Many people are no longer able to simply sit in the back desks, not paying attention to both the teacher and what is happening in the class. Each student takes part in the lesson, expressing his opinion or assumption on any issue.
Information and analytical innovative activities at school really motivates the lowest level of unpreparedness among teachers, the desire to improve programs and projects of the educational process, choose more advanced teaching methods, more creative methods in educational activities, allows you to objectively, impartially track the development over time of each child individually, class, parallel, school in in general.

Analysis and diagnostics during testing in intellectual development monitoring technologies helps to identify shortcomings in the assimilation of the material, “blank spots” in students’ knowledge of the subject and subsequently eliminate them.

Educational innovative activities at school helps to spiritually orient the individual in the direction of creation in accordance with the humanistic orientation of education, to form a patriotic consciousness and develop organizational skills. It is implemented in the form of involving students in additional forms of personal development: participation in cultural events

Didactic innovative teaching methods They help, first of all, to master the material in accordance with the student-oriented technology. Different ways of presenting material affect all possible ways of perceiving and assimilating it in a particular child. There is also a change in activity, which significantly sharpens attention during work. Both already known and proven techniques and new ones can be implemented here. This - independent work with the help of an educational book, a game, design and defense of projects, training with the help of audiovisual technical means, the “consultant” system, group, differentiated teaching methods - the “small group” system, etc. Usually used in practice various combinations these techniques.

Psychological and pedagogical innovative teaching technologies help the student learn to evaluate his own strengths and the quality of his activities.

Information Technology. These include computer programs and the Internet. The computer is used to illustrate the material. The computer and the Internet also help to participate in remote competitions and conferences
The introduction of ICT into the content of the educational process implies the integration of various subject areas with computer science, which leads to the informatization of students’ consciousness and their understanding of the processes of informatization in modern society

Information technology is not only a technology that involves the introduction of computers into education, but also any process related to information processing.

The use of new information technologies in educational institutions is not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. In accordance with the informatization program, our school pays Special attention development of school information support. The use of ICT in lessons and extracurricular activities solves many pedagogical problems: 1. Allows you to imagine educational material more accessible and understandable, increases the degree of visibility; 2. Makes the learning process more interesting, varied, intense; 3. Promotes the implementation of developmental education, develops students’ research skills; 4. Allows the teacher to a short time obtain an objective picture of the level of mastery of the material being studied and correct it in a timely manner. At the same time, it is possible to select the level of difficulty of the task for a specific student; 5. Allows for a differentiated approach to training; 6. Calls high degree emotionality of students, enliven the educational process; 7. Increases motivation and cognitive activity students. And as a natural consequence of all these components, there is an increase in the quality of students’ knowledge and their creative activity.

Of course, there are certain difficulties. And they, first of all, relate to the teacher’s readiness to work on modern equipment. Not only must the teacher learn how to work with an interactive whiteboard, that is, master its software and capabilities, but also then find time to prepare for lessons. But all these, as they say, are temporary difficulties. If you have a strong desire to learn how to work with an interactive whiteboard and other modern equipment easy enough. But then you will feel all the advantages of using all their technical capabilities in your lessons. The increase in mental workload in children forces teachers to think about how to maintain students’ interest in the subject being studied. And the computer is a huge help here. At school he is a kind of intermediary between teacher and student. And its main advantage is that it allows you to work with each individual individually. And individualization of training is known to improve the quality of training. Of course, this does not mean that the computer should be used everywhere and forget about traditional textbooks and oral explanations from the teacher. The use of a computer is advisable for diagnostic testing of material mastery, during teaching, when working with lagging students, and when practicing elements of the material being studied.

Active use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process is one of the key conditions for education. It is not for nothing that this problem is given the closest attention at the state level. But there are factors that hinder the implementation of innovation.

    Lack of proper funding.

    Insufficient competence (lack of information, in particular) of representatives of higher education authorities in the district.

    Unlike large cities, parents do not have the opportunity to purchase the necessary educational literature, and “obtaining” all the necessary textbooks and workbooks falls on the shoulders of already overburdened teachers.

    As strange as it may sound, there is no social order as such on the part of parents: teach what you want.

    Lack of preparedness for innovative activities of teaching staff

    Weak and practically absent technical information base.

    Personal factors: free time for reading; strong-willed; perhaps the teacher’s temperament, character traits, etc.

    Economic: lack of real market relations in education, therefore, does not stimulate the teacher’s personality to develop.

    Material: lack of funds due to individual reasons.

In my opinion, the modern school today is in active search innovative technologies and development paths, because it should be one of the first to respond to changes taking place in the world. On this path, any innovation, any proposal or initiative should be worth its weight in gold. It is possible that it is worth remembering some old methods and forms of work and taking from them the positive things that they brought. But, perhaps, the fundamental thing in this matter will be the compliance of the material base of educational institutions today. It is impossible to teach counting on wooden abacus when a child encounters electronics, computers, etc. at every step in everyday life. Therefore, the main trend in the development of innovative education (without detracting from the importance of others) is to equip schools with modern computer and multimedia equipment, improve the qualifications of teachers throughout the academic year, generalize and disseminate the experience of teachers who are actively introducing innovations into practice, increasing their interest in mastering computer technologies. programs, Creation of a methodological information base, accessibility and the ability to access the information network for every teacher of an educational institution. So the experience modern school has the widest arsenal of application of pedagogical innovations in the learning process. The effectiveness of their application depends on the established traditions in the educational institution, the ability of the teaching staff to perceive these innovations, and the material and technical base of the institution. Naturally, schools cannot overcome this path alone. They need help at the state level.