Pedagogical activity and its features. The originality and specificity of pedagogical activity. Basic requirements for the personality of a teacher

Pedagogical activity is the purposeful, motivated influence of the teacher, focused on the comprehensive development of the child’s personality and preparing him for life in modern sociocultural conditions.

At the core pedagogical activity are the laws governing the practice of education. Pedagogical activities are carried out in educational institutions and carried out by specially prepared and trained people - teachers.

The nature and content of pedagogical activity is determined by its subject, motives, purpose, means and result.

Target pedagogical activity - creating conditions for the implementation of the prospects for the development of the child as an object and subject of education. The implementation of this goal is result pedagogical activity, which is diagnosed by comparing the child’s personality qualities at the beginning of pedagogical influence and at its completion.

The subject of pedagogical activity is the organization of interaction with students, aimed at mastering sociocultural experience as the basis and condition for development.

By means Pedagogical activity consists of: theoretical and practical knowledge, on the basis of which the teaching and upbringing of children is carried out; educational and methodological literature; visibility, TSO.

Ways to convey experience of social behavior and interaction in teaching activities are explanation, demonstration, observation, play, and joint work.

B. T. Likhachev identifies the following structural components of pedagogical activity:

    knowledge by the teacher of needs, trends in social development, basic requirements for a person;

    scientific knowledge, skills and abilities, the basis of experience accumulated by humanity in the field of production, culture, public relations, which in a generalized form are passed on to younger generations;

    pedagogical knowledge, educational experience, skill, intuition;

    the highest moral and aesthetic culture of its bearer.

A specific characteristic of pedagogical activity is its productivity. N.V. Kuzmina, I.A. Zimnyaya distinguish five levels of productivity of pedagogical activity:

    unproductive; the teacher knows how to tell others what he knows;

    unproductive; the teacher knows how to adapt his message to the characteristics of the audience;

    medium productive; the teacher has strategies for equipping students with knowledge, skills, and abilities in individual sections of the course;

    productive; the teacher knows strategies for forming the required system of knowledge, skills, abilities of students in the subject and in general;

highly productive; the teacher has strategies for transforming his subject into a means of shaping the student’s personality; his needs for self-education, self-education, self-development.

. Professional skills and personal qualities of a teacher

The fundamental role of the preschool period of development in the process of formation of the human personality places a number of specific requirements on the teacher, forcing the development of certain personal qualities as professionally significant and mandatory. As such, S. A. Kozlova, T. A. Kulikova distinguish:

    pedagogical orientation, as a complex of psychological attitudes towards working with children, professionally oriented motives and abilities, professional interests and personal qualities, as well as professional self-awareness;

    empathy, expressed in emotional responsiveness to the child’s experiences, sensitivity, goodwill, caring, and loyalty to one’s promises;

    pedagogical tact, manifested in the ability to maintain personal dignity without infringing on the pride of children, their parents, and work colleagues;

    pedagogical vigilance, which presupposes the ability to record what is essential in the development of a child, to foresee the prospects, the dynamics of the development of the personality of each student and the team as a whole;

    pedagogical optimism, based on the teacher’s deep faith in the strengths and capabilities of each child, in the effectiveness of educational work;

    culture professional communication, which presupposes the organization of correct relationships in the systems “teacher - child”, “teacher - parent”, “teacher - colleagues”;

    pedagogical reflection, as self-analysis of the work done, evaluation of the results obtained, correlating them with the goal.

In addition to the listed qualities, the pedagogical literature names humanity, kindness, patience, decency, honesty, responsibility, fairness, commitment, objectivity, respect for people, high morality, emotional balance, the need for communication, interest in the lives of students, goodwill, self-criticism, friendliness , restraint, dignity, patriotism, religiosity, integrity, responsiveness, emotional culture and many others. These include hard work, efficiency, discipline, responsibility, the ability to set a goal, choose ways to achieve it, organization, perseverance, systematic and systematic improvement of one’s professional level, the desire to constantly improve the quality of one’s work, etc.

The personal qualities of a teacher are inseparable from professional ones (acquired in the process of professional training and associated with the acquisition of special knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, methods of activity). Among them, I. P. Podlasy highlights scientific passion, love for his professional work, erudition, mastery of the subject of teaching, methods of teaching the subject, psychological preparation, general erudition, broad cultural outlook, pedagogical skill, mastery of teaching technologies, organizational skills, pedagogical tact, pedagogical technique, mastery of communication technologies, oratory and other qualities.

In addition to personal and professional qualities, a teacher must have a number of skills that indicate his subject-related professional competence. Conventionally, these skills are divided into gnostic, constructive, communicative, organizational and special (E. A. Panko).

Gnostic - these are the skills with which the teacher studies the child, the team as a whole, and the pedagogical experience of other educators;

Constructive skills necessary for a teacher to design the pedagogical process and raise children, taking into account the prospects of educational work. Constructive skills are embodied in planning work, drawing up lesson notes, holiday scenarios, etc.

Communication skills manifest themselves when establishing pedagogically appropriate relationships with different people in various situations.

Organizational skills teachers apply both to his own activities and to the activities of students, parents, and colleagues.

Special skills of a teacher - These are the skills to sing, dance, speak expressively, read poetry, sew, knit, grow plants, make toys from so-called waste material, show puppet theater, etc.

Thus, a preschool teacher is characterized by the most developed professional-subject, personal characteristics and communicative qualities in their entirety. This is due, first of all, to responsibility for the age characteristics of children, as well as the purpose and content of educational and developmental education.

Basic concepts of preschool pedagogy

The methodological foundations of preschool pedagogy reflect

modern level of philosophy of education.


Determines the special place of leading activities,

providing the opportunity to implement

various needs of the child, self-awareness

subject (S.L. Rubinstein, L.S. Vygotsky,

A. N. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin and

etc.). Great value in child development and has

game as a leading activity, creative

character, independent in organization and

emotionally attractive for self-expression

"here and now."

In FGT to OOP preschool education

Children's activities are listed:

motor, communicative, productive,

cognitive-research, labor,

music and art, reading




Unlocking the potential of every child

ability to be active, creative,



Development of requests, desires, interests,

child's inclinations. Preference is given

humane, democratic (helping) style


The meaning of the pedagogical position is

support: an adult helps only what is already

available, but not yet fully stocked

level, i.e. development of child independence.

Modern training of specialists in preschool education. education

In accordance with the “Charter of a preschool educational institution in the Russian Federation”, a teacher has the right:

· participate in the work of the council of teachers;

· elect and be elected chairman of the council of teachers of preschool educational institutions;

· select, develop and apply educational programs (including original ones), teaching and educational methods, teaching aids and materials;

· protect your professional honor and dignity;

· demand from the administration of the preschool educational institution the creation of conditions necessary for the performance of job duties and advanced training;

· improve qualifications;

· professional skill;

· be certified on the basis of competition for the appropriate qualification category;

· participate in scientific and experimental work;

· disseminate your scientifically substantiated teaching experience;

· receive social benefits and guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; additional benefits provided to teaching staff local authorities power and management, founder, administration of the preschool educational institution.

In accordance with the “Charter of preschool educational institutions in the Russian Federation”, the teacher is obliged to:

· comply with the Charter of the preschool educational institution;

· comply with job descriptions, internal regulations of the preschool educational institution;

· protect the life and health of children;

· protect the child from all forms of physical and mental violence;

· cooperate with the family on issues of raising and educating the child; have professional skills and constantly improve them

Concepts of preschool education

A pedagogical concept is a system of ideas, conclusions about

laws and essence of the pedagogical process, its principles

organization and implementation methods.

As methodological guidelines in modern preschool

Pedagogy distinguishes the following concepts of childhood.


D. B. Elkonina

The nature of childhood is considered in the context

specific historical conditions that determine

development, patterns, originality and character

changes in a person's childhood.

Childhood is seen as a social

psychological phenomenon in life

person as a necessary condition for acquiring

personality of human ways of satisfaction

organic, social, spiritual needs,

mastery of human culture.

The role of an adult is to assist the child in

mastering the native language, practical

actions, culture.11


D. I. Feldstein

Childhood is a special phenomenon of the social world.

Functionally, childhood is a necessary state in

system of development of society, state of the process

maturation of the younger generation, preparation for

reproduction of the future society.

physical growth, accumulation of mental

neoplasms, defining oneself in the environment

world, own self-organization in constant

expanding and increasingly complex contacts and

interactions with adults and other children.

Essentially childhood is a special state of social

development, when biological patterns,

associated with age-related changes in the child,

significantly manifest their effect by “obeying”

increasingly regulating and

the determining action of the social.


Sh. A. Amonashvili

Childhood is defined as limitlessness and

uniqueness, as a special mission for yourself and for

people. The child is endowed with a unique nature

individual combination of capabilities and

abilities. An adult should help him grow up

create conditions of goodwill and care, and then

a child, becoming an adult, will bring it to those around him

people are happy.

“Man needs man, and men are born each other

for a friend. Life itself, seething according to its own laws,

causes the birth of the right person. Here he is

is born with its own mission.”


V. T. Kudryavtseva

Childhood determines the existence of a cultural whole and

the fate of an individual. The value of childhood

mutual determination of culture and childhood as a sphere

the culture itself. Two leading ones stand out

complementary tasks that the child solves

– cultural development and cultural creation. These same

Problems are also solved by an adult who supports and

enriches the child’s experience of interaction with culture.

The result of their decision for children and for the teacher

there will be a subculture of childhood.

Childhood concept

V.V. Zenkovsky

The special role of play in childhood is emphasized. In the game

the child is active, he fantasizes, imagines, creates,

experiences, creating images that emerge in

consciousness and which serve as a means of expression

emotional sphere, and the game itself serves the purposes

physical and mental expression of the child’s feelings.12

Pedagogical theories are divided into global and specific,

generated by the demands of real educational reality

Education concepts.

In the period from 1917 to the 1990s. has been actively developing in our country

public preschool education system, which was associated with

social, socio-political changes. Happened

correction of the real goal and concepts of raising a teenager


In the 1920s - early 1930s. The leading concept was N.K. Krupskaya.

The main directions of the concept: education of ideological orientation;

collectivism, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of the child.

During this period, the first program documents appeared - Project

kindergarten programs (1932) and Program and internal regulations

kindergarten (1934). At the end of the 1930s. a requirement is introduced into the concept

patriotic and international education.

1950s characterized by attention to the mental development of children,

Compulsory education for children was introduced into the program (A.P. Usova).

Decree of 1959 on the merger of nurseries and kindergartens into a single one

preschool institution brought to life the Education and Training Program

children in kindergarten(1962). This program was subsequently reissued

and was updated until 1989. All programs were aimed at

subordination to one ideal goal - the education of a comprehensively developed 15

harmonious personality - and were uniform and mandatory for the entire system

preschool education.

In 1989, a new concept of personality-oriented

models for constructing the pedagogical process and interaction between adults and

child in kindergarten. The leading idea is the development of individuality

personality. The new concept lacked educational requirements

ideology, patriotism, collectivism.

An important event during this period was the acceptance by the peoples of the world

Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In documents

states that the child has the right to protection, to social security,

getting an education, the love of parents, shelter, respect for him

personalities, etc.

In the 1990s. new variable programs have appeared based on

concepts of a personality-oriented approach to education: “Childhood”

(SPb., 1996), “Rainbow” (M., 1996), “Development” (M., 1994), “Origins” (M., 1997)

Currently, the pedagogical concept is widespread

holistic development of a preschool child as a subject of children's

activities (M.V. Krulekht, 2003). The holistic development of a child is

unity of individual characteristics, personal qualities, development

child subject position in children's activities and


IN preschool age the child becomes aware of his own “I”, acquires

components of the “I-concept” (my gender, my interests, achievements, values,

relationships with adults and peers), strives for independence

(“I myself”), establishes relationships with the people around him, the world

things, nature. The child develops in activities, in which he

self-realization, self-affirmation. Intellectual, emotional

a child’s personal development, his social status and well-being are connected

with mastering the position of a subject of children's activities. Child's mastery

subject position requires special pedagogical technologies and

programs in order to develop his individuality.

The traditional approach includes physical, mental,

moral, aesthetic, labor education. The question is raised about

the need to expand the content of education to include sexual,

legal, environmental, ethnocultural, etc.

Modern pedagogical theories implement the principle of integration,

which is at the stage of scientific understanding (G. M. Kiseleva,

Yu. N. Ryumina, S. M. Zyryanova, B.C. Bezrukova and others).B.C. Bezrukova

considers pedagogical integration in three aspects:

 as a principle (foundation) of the modern state

pedagogical theory (for example, “Problems of moral and labor

education of preschool children", "Psychophysical well-being of children",

“Cognitive and speech development of children”). With such integration

better results are achieved in scientific and pedagogical 16

activity, the interconnection of various aspects of development and

raising children;

 as a process of directly establishing connections between objects and

creating a new holistic system (for example, a combination in one

class different types arts), combining forms and methods

cognitive activity (observation + story +

experimentation + model);

 as a result (the form that objects acquire when entering

relationship with each other), – integrated classes, modular

training, etc.).

In the theory and practice of preschool education, the most revealing

integration of learning tools, such as arts synthesis. Integration

forces us to look for new forms of education. We are looking for ways to integrate

types of activities (“game-work”, “construction-game”, etc.)

With the emergence of the teaching profession, however, nowhere from public life hasn't disappeared family education, public education, spontaneous and accidental education of children and youth.

As before, almost the entire society is engaged in some kind of pedagogical activity. The pedagogical component is present in the activities of any management structure; the pedagogical function is realized by art; Doctors, journalists, and directors become educators. Pedagogical activity turns into an attribute of universal human culture.

Thus, the purpose of pedagogical activity is to form relationships between people in a variety of areas.

Let's highlight these areas:

  • 1. Family, family relationships- a person is brought up primarily in a family, experiencing the influence of parents, brothers, sisters and other relatives. At the same time, he influences the people close to him.
  • 2. The sphere of self-education, the formation of oneself as an individual, as a specialist. These processes begin around adolescence and then for most people continue throughout their lives.
  • 3. Management sphere - in enterprise teams. institutions and organizations; the person at the head of the team passes on his experience and knowledge to the young and leads them along.
  • 4. The sphere of global interhuman relations - establishing relationships, mutual understanding, cooperation, the ability to compromise, agreement in the sphere of international, interhuman relations.

We have identified areas in which general pedagogical activity is manifested. Its forms are quite versatile.

But along with general pedagogical activities, there is professional pedagogical activity. It is carried out by specially trained people - teachers.

Definition of teaching activity.

According to psychologist L.M. Mitina, “pedagogical activity includes the professional activity of a teacher aimed at solving the problems of development and training of the younger generation” Mitina L.M. The teacher as a person and professional. M.: - 1994, P. 15..

Pedagogical activity is a type professional activities, the content of which is training, education, education, development of students (children of different ages, students of schools, technical schools, vocational schools, higher educational institutions, advanced training institutes, institutions additional education etc.) Introduction to teaching. M., "Academy". 2000, p.6..

Features of teaching activity:

  • 1. Pedagogical activity is unique. Uniqueness is determined by its object. The object of pedagogical activity is a living, developing personality. A characteristic feature of the object of pedagogical activity is that it simultaneously acts as the subject of this activity. Therefore, for the success of teaching activity, not only interest in it, passion for it, and responsibility for it are important. But its success also depends on the attitude of the children themselves towards the teacher, i.e. from their relationship.
  • 2. Many means are used in pedagogical activity, but the main one is the word of the teacher. His word is at the same time a means of expressing and understanding the essence of the phenomenon being studied, a tool of communication and organization of schoolchildren’s activities. Using the word, the teacher influences the formation of personal meaning, awareness of the significance of objects, processes and phenomena of the surrounding reality.
  • 2. The results of pedagogical activity, firstly, “materialize” in the mental appearance of another person - in his knowledge, skills, and abilities, in the traits of his will and character; secondly, they are not immediately obvious; they may be distant in time. In the process of development of a child’s personality, periods of progressive changes are observed, and perhaps even the opposite. In some cases, difficulties arise in assessing the results of teaching activities from the current position of society. For example, a teacher educates moral values, guidelines that, from the standpoint of today’s specific situation, turn out to be unclaimed.
  • 3. Let's consider another very relevant feature of pedagogical activity today. Modern market relations suggest considering teaching activity as a sphere of providing educational services. These services include training in additional educational programs, individual educational routes, tutoring, etc. - something that goes beyond the relevant educational standards.

The logic of building a market for educational services dictates the need to protect consumer rights. Among his rights: the right to information about services, the right to choose a service, and the right to guarantee the quality of the services provided. In the education system, these consumer rights are ensured by educational programs and educational standards. A variety of programs and standards form the field of choice for educational services. Educational programs are created in order to inform the consumer about the essence of services. Programs and standards act as a guarantee of the quality of educational services. In this sense, under educational services refers to those that government agencies can provide to the population, institutions and organizations. Thus, in educational institutions, educational services are provided to society through teaching activities.

So, we come to the understanding that teachers are engaged in expediently constructed, organized pedagogical activities. But a significant part of society in a certain area also takes part in pedagogical activities. The question arises: can a mass profession rely on a single talent or calling? Or can anyone do this activity?

There is a concept of medical contraindications to the choice of professions, types of work, and forms of professional training. Such contraindications may also be psychological plan. Contraindications are statements about which activities are not recommended or are categorically unacceptable for certain health problems, diseases, or character traits.

These are the contraindications for the teaching profession given by A.V. in his book. Mudrik.

If your health is poor and the doctors think it will not improve, and you agree with them, then it is better to choose a quieter job than teaching.

If, despite long and hard work on yourself, you have poor diction, then it is better for you not to become a teacher.

If, despite all your efforts, you cannot make contact with people, then do not rush to enter a pedagogical educational institution.

If people, junior or senior, cause you persistent hostility or constantly irritate you, then refrain, at least for a number of years, from entering the teaching path.

If your comrades say that you lack kindness, that you are often unfair, that you have a difficult character, consider whether you can get rid of these shortcomings before becoming a teacher.

If you are captured by some idea, the realization of which is the conscious goal of your life, then do not rush to abandon it and become a teacher.

But what if you are already studying at a pedagogical university?

There are two ways to correct a mistake: abandon the chosen path and try, after testing yourself well, to find your place; the second option is to force yourself to work hard to correct your shortcomings and work, work on yourself.

Teaching work is characterized by very high nervous tension. In order to master the mass of children, to capture them with one’s pedagogical and educational influence, it is necessary, as the People’s Commissar of Health I.A. Semashko noted, exceptionally high neuro-psychological tension. The work of a teacher is excessively large in volume and is associated with disabilities relaxation and spending time in the fresh air.

Contraindications to choosing professions of this type(including teachers) are weak nervous system, speech defects, inexpressiveness of speech, isolation, self-absorption, unsociability, pronounced physical disabilities (as sad as this may be), sluggishness, excessive slowness, indifference to people, “dull-heartedness,” lack of signs of disinterested interest in a person.

But what about someone who has already chosen the profession of a teacher, who has already become a student of pedagogical educational institution? There is no need to despair, you need to work hard and persistently on yourself. A lot can be changed if you know what needs to be changed, what needs to be worked on. To do this, the book provides various kinds of tests with which you can test yourself and find out what qualities of a teacher’s personality you need to develop in yourself Mudrik A.V. Teacher: skill and inspiration. M., 1996. P.38..

But the most important contraindication is the lack of desire to work with people, focusing only on one’s own self.

Pedagogical activity is the most eternal and enduring sphere of human activity. It arose along with the needs of society to transmit to new generations the culture and social experience contained in it, expressed in the system of knowledge, methods of activity, values ​​and norms accumulated by previous generations. A significant place in the structure of social experience is occupied by the experience of professional activity, the development of which by new generations ensures the preservation of the professional culture of society and the reproduction of its personnel potential, the formation of the personality of a specialist: his mastery of a system of professional knowledge, skills, professional values, the development of general and professional abilities.

For centuries, vocational training has been carried out through the inclusion of the student in the production process, in the creative laboratory of a master specialist. In this situation, the mentor was required, first of all, to be a professional in his field.

The intensive development of science and technology, their integration, the complication of the nature and structure of professional activity in the conditions of scientific and technological progress, the emergence of new technologies that require highly intellectual work, require specialists to have a broad general educational, scientific, technical, professional and cultural outlook.

The differentiation of sciences and disciplines that provide professional training for specialists, the organization of the process of vocational training outside the walls of a specific production encourages the teacher to build systems of their professional and pedagogical activities, in which special (professional) includes both, training content, which the learning process is aimed at mastering. Naturally, the nature of pedagogical activity is completely different from special activity; it has its own, clearly expressed, features.

Activity is considered in psychology as a specifically human form of activity aimed at transforming a person’s surrounding world and himself. Depending on the focus of activity on the production of material or spiritual values, two types are distinguished: material and spiritual. The differences between these types of activities are also manifested in their structure. If activity is considered not as a process, but as a certain substance, we can identify common structural components in any of them: subject, object (subject), means, product (result).

Table 1

Structure of production and teaching activities



Production area


Engineer, technician, worker

Object (subject)

Subjects of labor: materials, technologies

Formation and development of the student’s personality




Methods and means of teaching

and education, the very personality of the teacher



Spiritual values: education, well-mannered personality

The difference between pedagogical activity and any production activity lies in its spiritual nature, which determines the originality of all its components (Table 1).

At the center of any activity is the “subject” - the one who performs this activity, and the “object” - what this activity is aimed at, as well as the “product” - the transformed, changed object (subject) of the activity. The specificity of pedagogical activity is associated primarily with the characteristics of its “object” and “product”. Unlike any production activity, a pedagogical “object” can be called such very conditionally, since it is a process of formation and development of a personality that is practically not amenable to “processing”, changes without relying on its individuality, its characteristics, without including mechanisms of self-development, self-change, self-education. “Personality arises when an individual begins independently, as a subject, to carry out external activities according to the norms and standards given to him from the outside - by the culture in whose bosom he awakens to human life, to human activity. In the meantime, human activity is directed at him, and he remains its object, the individuality that he already, of course, possesses is not yet human individuality,” states E.V. Ilyenkov. Thus, the teacher deals with the highest value - the personality of the student, who is the subject of his own activities for self-development, self-improvement, self-learning: without addressing its internal strengths, potentials, needs, the pedagogical process cannot be effective.

This requirement, being a necessary condition for any pedagogical process, is especially relevant in the field of vocational education, dealing with a person who has not only his own psychophysiological characteristics, but also a special social position that differs from the position of a schoolchild. The professional choice made by a student upon admission to a vocational educational institution determines his subjective position as a future professional: learning is perceived from the point of view of realizing the life tasks of a young person, which significantly changes the motivation for learning and increases the share of independent work in the process. At the same time, entering a new student role for a teenager is significantly hampered by a weak readiness for independent activity. A contradiction arises between new tasks (mastering professional activities) and existing opportunities, between the new system of relationships and the usual stereotypes of building such relationships at school. The very path of professional training dictates a very rapid change in the student’s role position: at the beginning of his studies he must cease to be a schoolchild, and by the end - a student. All this presupposes intensive social maturation and professional and personal development of students.

From this point of view, the pedagogical position, the teacher’s attitudes, which should be based on the perception of the student’s personality as an intrinsic value, attitude towards him as an active figure, orientation towards building "subject-subject" relations, i.e. relations of cooperation in joint creative activity in the learning process. In such conditions, the “object” towards which the joint activity of the teacher and the student is directed becomes not so much the student’s personality itself, but the process of mastering professional activity: mastering the knowledge and methods of activity necessary for its implementation, as well as the development of professionally significant personal properties and abilities. Thus, the essence of pedagogical activity lies in the “object-subject transformation of personality.” From this point of view, the statement of V. A. Slastenin and A. I. Mishchenko is true that the true object of pedagogical activity is not the student himself, taken out of the pedagogical process, but precisely “the pedagogical process, which is a system of interrelated teaching and educational tasks, in the solution of which the pupil takes a direct part and functions as one of the main components.”

“Transferring” a student into a subject position becomes possible in a pedagogical process in which the teacher acts primarily as an organizer and manager. The uniqueness of pedagogical activity, according to Yu. N. Kulyutkin, lies in the fact that it is predominantly managerial, “meta-activity,” as if adapting to the activities of students. If professionals in another field of activity are competent enough to perform their own activity, then the teacher is called upon primarily not to impart knowledge, but organize educational activities of students. One of the pedagogical truths is that a bad teacher tells the truth, and a good teacher helps to find it. The most common mistake is the belief of teachers of special disciplines that to teach them it is enough to be a good specialist in their field, know their discipline, be able to convey this knowledge and organize the production process. Pedagogical activity has its own specifics, its own technologies, without knowledge and mastery of which a specialist in any technical field will not succeed as a teacher.

A feature of teaching activity is its complex, ambiguous nature. The teacher deals with a developing individual who has his own individuality, and the teaching group usually contains a wide range of young personalities. Added to this are the factors of extraordinary, constantly changing conditions of pedagogical activity, the variety of pedagogical tasks that need to be solved. The creative nature of pedagogical activity requires constant personal and professional growth, nurturing and cultivating one’s creative individuality, and developing one’s general and professional pedagogical culture. Of course, creative search and a creative attitude to business constitute an important condition for the effectiveness of any professional activity, but specifically in pedagogical activity they are the norm, without which this activity cannot take place at all. The creative orientation of the teacher’s personality is especially necessary in the modern educational situation, when his role in choosing the conceptual foundations of teaching and building his own activities as an individual pedagogical system increases.

Pedagogical activity performs the most important creative social function: in the process of it, not only a specific personality is formed and developed, but also the future of the country is determined, its cultural and productive potential is ensured. The predictive nature of pedagogical activity determines the polyphony of its goals, focused not only on the current needs of the individual and society, but also on the future, on the readiness of young specialists not only to adapt to the conditions of social life and professional activity, but also to transform them. The outstanding teacher of our time, Sh. A. Amonashvili, called “the basis of the tragedy of education” that the teacher lives in the present, but builds the future. That is why it is so important for him to understand not only his narrow professional, but also large-scale social tasks, their personal acceptance, concretization and construction on this basis of the goals and objectives of his pedagogical activity.

The multifunctional and systemic nature of the pedagogical activity of a teacher of a secondary vocational educational institution is manifested in its multidimensionality: in the focus not only on students’ assimilation of professional knowledge and methods of activity, but also on the development and formation of the personality of a professional, on building relationships in the student group that create conditions for the implementation of data goals, to create an educational and developmental environment, etc.

The main directions and content of the activity of a teacher of special disciplines are determined by the qualification characteristics of the specialty “teacher of vocational training”, presented in the State Standard of Higher Professional Education. He must be ready to perform the following types of professional and pedagogical activities: vocational training; production and technological activities; methodological work;

organizational and managerial activities; research activities; cultural and educational activities.

All this presupposes the integration into the teacher’s personality of general and professional pedagogical culture, the development of both broad general cultural, managerial, special (in related fields of science and production), and psychological and pedagogical competence. The variety of functions of pedagogical activity allows us to consider it as a complex unity of various components, interconnected and mutually defining each other, ensuring the integrity of the educational process.

Features of teaching work in modern stage

Functions of teaching work

1. Educational: equipping students with a system of knowledge, skills and abilities.

2. Educational: formation in students of a scientific worldview, moral personality traits, views and beliefs. At school there are no lessons of generosity, nobility, respect and attention to the dignity and honor of people. Even ancient thinkers posed the question: “Why are there teachers of mathematics, but there are no teachers who teach virtue?” And they themselves answered: “Because all teachers should be moral teachers.”

3. Developmental: when teaching, students should develop cognitive interest, creativity, will, emotions, cognitive abilities - speech, thinking, memory, attention, imagination, perception.

4. Social and pedagogical: educate not only the student, but also his parents, carrying out pedagogical education.

5. Public: teacher - conductor of ideas universal human values, propagandist, active member of our society.

Characteristic features of the educational (pedagogical) process

1. A certain focus.

2. Interrelation and internal contradiction of the processes of teaching and learning.

3. Continuous change in the components of the educational process in connection with changes in the social order of society (goals, objectives, content, forms, methods).

4. Subject – subjective relationships, constant interactions. These features determine the entire structure of pedagogical activity and make the work of a teacher different from the work of other people.

The main factors mediating teacher activity and its results

1. The nature of the stage of socio-economic development of society.

2. Ideology of society.

3. Transformation of science into a productive force.

4. Differentiation and integration of sciences.

5. Scientific and technological progress.

6. Increasing flow of information.

7. The increasing role of leisure in the formation of a new type of people.

Requirements for the activities of a modern school teacher

1. Purposefulness of training, development and education of younger generations.

2. Implementation of the educational process on an activity-communicative basis and a humane-personal approach.

3. Taking into account changes in social and age relationships, accelerating the mental and physical development of schoolchildren.

4. Implementation of the constantly changing content of education and upbringing.

5. Improving the educational and material base of the school.

6. Compliance with the requirements for organizing the educational process in accordance with innovative educational institutions and new pedagogical technologies.

7. Systematic professional development.

Features of a teacher’s work in a modern school

1. The nature of a teacher’s work is determined in general by the direction of the educational process, resulting from the needs of the development of our society, its social order.

2. Specifics of the object of the teacher’s activity – students. The organization of all pedagogical activities must take into account the characteristic features of training, education and personal development as an object of pedagogical influence. This is a complex dialectical process that occurs in accordance with the laws of personality development; it is associated with changes in its structure and functions. Development does not occur in direct dependence on pedagogical influences, but according to the laws inherent in the human psyche, in accordance with the characteristics of perception, understanding, memorization, development of the will and character of the student.

3. The object of pedagogical influences is at the same time their subject. There may be responses to influences: a reaction of resistance (from minimal in terms of intensity to acute conflict) or a reaction in the form cognitive activity(from low level to maximum). In the educational process there should be not just the influence of the teacher on students, but a unique interaction between them, dialectical relationships between them, as well as between teams of teachers and students. In this case, there may be refractions of such influences to the subject’s independent influence on himself: self-education, self-training, self-improvement.

4. The teacher deals with two objects of activity: with students and with educational material. A real teacher spends a lot of effort and time on replenishing his scientific knowledge, on purposeful selection of material, and on correlating it with the capabilities of students. He creatively reconstructs the content of education, dissects it, enriches it with the experience of the surrounding life and personal observations of students, makes it accessible to those being educated, etc.

5. An essential point in pedagogical influences is the nature of the activities in which the teacher includes schoolchildren, arousing the need and interest in knowledge and methods of acquiring it, as well as developing their persistence in overcoming educational difficulties.

6. Pedagogical work is creative work. It requires the teacher to constantly search for new solutions to the problems of teaching, educating and developing children and youth.

7. The source of personal development is the contradiction between the student’s new needs, demands, aspirations and the level of development of his capabilities, between the requirements presented to him and the degree of mastery of the skills necessary to fulfill them, between new tasks and his established ways of thinking and behavior. The teacher’s activities should be aimed at dialectically resolving these contradictions, at transforming them into driving forces educational process.

8. Creative character Pedagogical work manifests itself in all areas of a teacher’s activity:

1) constructive, including activities aimed at designing the educational process (selecting content and drawing up a composition from the information it communicates to students; planning student activities aimed at mastering this content; designing one’s own activities at each stage of learning);

2) organizational, which includes: organizing information in the process of learning new material, organizing students’ activities, organizing one’s own activities and behavior;

3) in communicative, including the organization of relationships in the process various types activities (play, work, etc.);

4) in Gnostic, which includes the study of:

a) the object of their activity (students);
b) the content, means, forms and methods by which this activity is carried out;
c) the advantages and disadvantages of one’s personality and activities for the purpose of its conscious improvement.

9. Creativity in pedagogical activity is an activity whose products are spiritual values, of public importance. Pedagogical creativity is, firstly, of a mass nature; secondly, it rarely results in new inventions or pedagogical discoveries; thirdly, the teacher’s creativity has a wide range.

10. The work of a teacher always takes place in teams of students, teachers, parents, and in close interaction with the public. And this work achieves high efficiency if all the actions and searches of the teacher are aimed at satisfying common needs and goals.

11. The productive activity of a teacher is ensured only by skill. It consists in the ability of a teacher, through rational efforts with the help of a system of pedagogical means, to achieve maximum results in the teaching, upbringing and development of schoolchildren, spending the time allotted for this curriculum and programs.

Levels of implementation of teaching activities by a teacher

1st levelreproductive. The teacher retells to others what he knows himself, and in the way he knows himself.

2nd leveladaptive. The teacher not only transmits information, but also transforms it in relation to the characteristics of the object with which he works (ensures its accessibility).

Level 3 – locally modeling. The teacher not only transmits and transforms information, but also models activity systems that ensure the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities on individual topics and sections of the program by the majority of students.

4th levelsystematically modeling knowledge and behavior. The teacher models and implements a system of activities that forms a system of knowledge and skills in the subject, as well as a system value orientations students.

Level 5systematically modeling activities and relationships. The teacher models a system of activities, which in turn forms in students the ability to acquire knowledge and develop traits of universal human values ​​and relationships. This level is the highest proof of the teacher’s developed creative skills; it provides maximum result his activities.

Characteristics of teacher types

Type 1 – proactive: takes initiative in organizing communication and interaction in the classroom.

Type 2 – reactive: He is also flexible in his attitudes, but internally weak, subordinate to the elements of communication (not he, but the students dictate the nature of his communication with the class).

Type 3 – super reactive: noticing individual differences, he immediately builds an unrealistic model that exaggerates these differences many times, believing that this model is reality.

If a student is a little more active than others, in their eyes he is a rebel and a hooligan; if a student is a little more passive, he is a quitter, a cretin, etc. Hence, the teacher’s behavior is not always objective and justified in communication.

Signs by which one can “identify” the presence of negative attitudes, that is, an unconsciously bad attitude towards a student:

1) he gives the “bad” student less time to answer than the “good” one, that is, he does not allow him to think and prepare;

2) if a “bad” student gives the wrong answer, the teacher does not repeat the question, does not offer a hint, but immediately asks another or gives the correct answer himself;

3) he is “liberal” - he evaluates the incorrect answer positively;

4) at the same time, he more often scolds the “bad” person for an incorrect answer;

5) accordingly, he is less likely to praise the “bad” person for the correct answer;

6) strives not to react to the “bad” person’s answer, calls out the other without noticing the raised hand;

7) smiles less often, looks less into the eyes of “bad” people than “good” people;

8) calls less often, sometimes does not work at all with a “bad” student in the lesson.

Teacher's professional identity

It is an important condition growth of teaching skills and includes:

1) knowledge about yourself as a specialist;

2) knowledge about oneself as an individual;

3) emotional attitude to yourself as a professional teacher.

The development of professional self-awareness occurs:

1) in the process of understanding the level of preparedness;

2) in self-knowledge of oneself as a person;

3) in self-knowledge of oneself as a professional;

4) in the process of self-analysis of one’s activities and its results;

5) in the process of professional self-assessment.

The professional growth of a teacher and the development of his creative potential depend on the depth of analysis of these criteria. An important indicator of the level of professional self-awareness, a critical attitude towards oneself, the results of one’s activities and the possibilities for self-improvement of a teacher is his professional self-esteem. It plays a regulatory role in the process of teacher professional growth, which is possible only with self-regulation based on the “mismatch” between self-assessment and perfect performance about the teacher.

Self-regulation parameters:

1) the need for self-regulation of cognitive activity and self-improvement (the desire to change oneself, one’s character, one’s will, organize one’s activities, improve skills, etc.);

2) sustainable self-regulation (real productivity of self-improvement, self-regulation at the level of habit, that is, control of one’s behavior, the ability to organize one’s activities, etc.).

Levels of self-regulation

1st level – high. The need for self-education, self-education, self-improvement, that is, to increase the indicators of manifestation of all personal and professional qualities. This level is characterized by high development of curiosity, intelligence, will, general and professional culture and erudition, needs and value orientations. A high level of self-regulation presupposes intellectual activity, which has the following characteristics:

1) awareness and identification of the problem;

2) the ability to predict one’s own activities and the activities of others;

3) the ability to plan and implement plans;

4) the ability to use logical operations and transfer existing knowledge and skills to other situations;

5) motivational-value dialectical approach to activity; the ability to perceive, search, analyze and process information necessary when making and implementing pedagogical decisions;

6) economy of thinking (rationality, finding the most original way problem solving, etc.);

7) independence of thinking in overcoming difficulties, in choosing ways to resolve difficulties, in developing action algorithms, etc.;

8) flexibility of thinking: speed of transformation of the method of action in accordance with changes in the situation, departure from standard solutions, from the stereotype, finding an appropriate option, switching from the forward train of thought to the reverse one;

9) a developed ability of pedagogical foresight, both content-targeted and operational, ensuring that the teacher is equipped with a complex of strategic and tactical means and methods for a more perfect organization of the teaching and educational process.

2nd levelintermediate. It is characterized by the fact that with a high need for self-regulation, there is unsystematic implementation necessary work: “I want to be a good teacher, but I don’t always plan to accomplish what I set out to do,” or “I can’t always agree with what is proposed or recommended to do,” etc. In this case, the stability of self-regulation and self-improvement sharply lags behind, since such a person does not control his behavior, is not guided by methodological requirements and practical recommendations, and cannot organize his activities correctly and in the right direction. Subjectivity predominates in the judgments of such a person; He rarely turns out to be a master teacher, since when preparing any task, he neglects the main postulates and is guided by “his own understanding”, his not always rational approaches.

3rd levelshort. Self-regulation is characterized by the fact that it is combined with a low need for self-improvement. Although such a person knows little, he does not want to know more, he does not want to find and read relevant literature that would raise him to greater heights. high level intelligence, erudition, personal and professional qualities. The intellect of such a person is narrow and infantile. He tends to choose light entertainment activities, conduct free time When walking with friends, ignore reading newspapers and fiction. Such people do not make creative teachers. They are characterized by narcissism, selfishness, and subjectivism. Main feature Such a person is that his self-esteem is conflicting in nature, since it comes into direct conflict with the norm, with scientifically substantiated conclusions confirmed by practice. These are, as a rule, conflict-ridden people, because they tend to overestimate their abilities, levels of knowledge and judgment, inflate their aspirations and self-esteem, and reduce the importance of improving motivation for activity and the importance of working on themselves.

Pedagogical activity is presented in modern pedagogical literature as special type socially useful activity of adults, which consists in the conscious preparation of the younger generation for life, realizing economic, political, moral, aesthetic goals.

Pedagogical activity has ancient historical roots, accumulates centuries-old experience of generations. The teacher, in essence, represents a link between generations, is a bearer of human, social, historical experience, largely determines the socio-cultural integrity of the people, civilization and, in general, the continuity of generations.

Objectives of pedagogical activity

The tasks of pedagogical activity, changing over the centuries with the development of society, always cover the sphere of education, upbringing, and training. Celebrated by leading thinkers of different times social significance pedagogical activities.

Basic specific feature pedagogical activity is its use by almost all people when performing various social roles: parent and relative, senior comrade, friend, leader, official, but this pedagogical activity is unprofessional.

Professional pedagogical activity is carried out by a specialist who has a special professional pedagogical education; it is implemented in certain pedagogical systems, represents the main source of livelihood and is paid accordingly.

Main components and content of teaching activities

The main components of pedagogical activity, which are equally important and represent dynamic relationships, are:

  • production of knowledge, that is, conducting research, searching for new things, carrying out developments, conducting examinations, etc.;
  • transfer of knowledge in an organized educational process;
  • dissemination of knowledge (development and publication of textbooks, teaching aids, writing scientific articles);
  • education of students, formation and development of their personality.

The main content of the teaching profession is the presence and use of special, subject knowledge, as well as multidirectional relationships with people (students, parents, colleagues). Let us note the requirements for dual training of a specialist in the teaching profession - the presence of special, subject knowledge, as well as the need for psychological and pedagogical training.

The peculiarity of the teaching profession is expressed in its humanistic, collective and creative orientation.

Three natures of teaching activity

A feature of the teaching profession is also that it, in its essence, has a humanistic, collective and creative character.

  1. The humanistic nature of the teaching profession is aimed at educating a person who is formed and develops as a person, who masters the achievements of mankind, and thereby ensures the continuation human race, there is a continuous continuity of generations.
  2. The collective nature of the teaching profession involves the impact on the student not only of an individual teacher, but also of the entire teaching staff educational institution, as well as family and other sources that provide group, collective influence.
  3. The creative nature of pedagogical activity is the most important specific feature, reflected in the degree to which the teacher uses his capabilities in achieving his goals.

The formation of the creative potential of a teacher’s personality is determined by his accumulated social experience, psychological, pedagogical and subject knowledge, new ideas, abilities and skills that allow him to find and use original solutions, innovative forms and methods.

Pedagogical activity is characterized by difficulty, uniqueness and originality, represented by a system and sequence of pedagogically appropriate actions aimed at solving pedagogical problems within a certain time frame and in compliance with principles and rules.

Goals of pedagogical activity

The implementation of pedagogical activity is preceded by an awareness of the goal, which sets the impetus for the activity. Defining a goal as the intended result of an activity, a pedagogical goal is understood as the teacher and student’s anticipation of the results of their interaction in the form of generalized mental formations, according to which all components of the pedagogical process are correlated.

Determining the goals of pedagogical activity has great theoretical and practical significance, which is expressed as follows.

  • Clear goal setting influences the development of pedagogical theories; the purpose of pedagogical activity influences the awareness of the formation of which human qualities should be given preference and affects the essence of the pedagogical process.
  • The formulation of the goals of pedagogical activity directly affects the implementation practical work teacher Important professional quality The teacher is designing the personality of students, which requires knowledge of what it should be and what qualities need to be formed.

The goals of pedagogical activity are based on ideological and values society, which gives rise to traditional approaches to education and upbringing, focused on efficiency, maximum use of new generations in the interests of the state.

IN modern society production is being intensively improved, its technical level is increasing, which affects the imposition of high demands on the level of preparedness of the younger generation. Informatization of society, implementation information technology, the presence of dynamic processes in social sphere life of society led to the formulation of the goal of pedagogical activity, in which the ideal of modern education and upbringing is a versatile and harmoniously developed personality. This represents the need for the development of the individual, society, and state.

The concept of “diversified and harmonious personal development” includes the need to ensure mental and physical development, spiritual, moral and artistic development, identification of inclinations and inclinations, and development of abilities; familiarization with modern achievements of science and technology; education of humanism, love of the Motherland, citizenship, patriotism, collectivism.


Thus, the main goal of pedagogical activity in modern conditions is the formation of a well-rounded personality capable of realizing creativity in dynamic socio-economic conditions, both in their own vital interests and in the interests of society and the state.

Modern pedagogical science has identified the traditional main types of pedagogical activity - teaching and educational work.

Educational work is aimed at organizing the educational environment and managing various activities of students in order to solve the problems of harmonious personal development. Teaching is a type of pedagogical activity aimed at ensuring the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. The division of teaching activities into types is quite arbitrary, since in the process of teaching they are partially resolved educational tasks, and when organizing educational work, not only educational, but also developmental, as well as educational tasks are solved. Such an understanding of the types of pedagogical activity helps in revealing the meaning of the thesis about the unity of teaching and upbringing. At the same time, for a deeper understanding of the essence of training and education, these processes in pedagogical science are considered in isolation. In real pedagogical practice, a holistic pedagogical process implies a complete merging of “educational teaching” and “educational education”.

Pedagogical activity has its own subject, which is the organization of educational activities of students, which is aimed at mastering subject-specific sociocultural experience as the basis and condition for development.

Means of pedagogical activity

The literature presents the main means of pedagogical activity:

  • scientific (theoretical and empirical) knowledge that contributes to the formation of students’ conceptual and terminological apparatus;
  • carriers of information and knowledge - textbook texts or knowledge reproduced during systematic observations (in laboratory, practical classes, etc.) organized by the teacher of the facts, patterns, properties of objective reality being mastered;
  • auxiliary means - technical, computer, graphic, etc.

The main ways of transmitting social experience in teaching activities are the use of explanation, demonstration (illustration), collaboration, immediate practical activities students, etc.


The product of pedagogical activity is the individual experience formed in the student in the entire set of axiological, moral-ethical, emotional-semantic, subject-matter, evaluative components. The product of this activity is assessed in exams, tests, according to the criteria of solving problems, performing educational and control actions. The result of pedagogical activity as the fulfillment of its main goal is expressed in intellectual and personal improvement, their formation as individuals, as subjects educational activities.

So, we examined the specifics of pedagogical activity, which consists in the presence of special professional knowledge, humanism, collectivity, and the presence of creativity. The main goal of pedagogical activity is the formation of a versatile and harmoniously developed personality. Types of pedagogical activity – teaching and educational work; Let us emphasize the existence of a relationship between types of teaching activities. The means of pedagogical activity are: scientific knowledge, carriers of information, knowledge, auxiliary means.