Project activity as a tool in kindergarten. Project activities in kindergarten. Project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions. Ready-made projects in kindergarten

Project activities for preschoolers. A manual for teachers of preschool institutions Veraksa Nikolay Evgenievich

Organization project activities V kindergarten

Project activity is project only if direct action in a particular situation turns out to be impossible. In other words, if a child wanted to draw a picture, took a pencil, a sheet of paper and carried out his plan, then this activity will not be considered a project activity - the child performed all the actions within the framework of traditional productive activity.

During project activities, the preschooler explores various options for solving a given problem and, based on certain criteria, chooses the optimal solution. For example, a child wants to make a stand for pencils or brushes. The implementation of this task in the case of project activities is not carried out immediately. First, the preschooler tries to imagine several options for making a stand. Since imaginative thinking dominates in preschool age, options for completing a given task can be presented in the form of a drawing. Having created several images, the child retains in his mind whole line options. If there are several options, it becomes possible to analyze them by comparing them with each other, identifying their advantages and disadvantages. In fact, each such option allows the preschooler to better understand what he is going to do and understand the sequence of actions. When making a stand, a child can use various material. Therefore, when comparing drawings, the material of the future craft can be taken into account. In addition, when comparing drawings, the people who will be involved in the joint project can be taken into account. When organizing project activities, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in preschool age the child’s plan, as a rule, is far ahead of his technical capabilities. In this regard, adults, first of all parents, should provide assistance to the preschooler in implementing the plan. Joint activities allow children and parents to better understand each other and establish trusting relationships.

When organizing project activities in kindergarten, teachers may encounter the following problems.

The discrepancy between the traditional form of organization of the educational process and the nature of project activities.

Traditional pedagogical activity is carried out in a normative space - it is focused on developed lesson notes, the strict logic of transition from one part of the program to another, etc. Project activity, as noted above, is carried out in a space of possibilities where there are no clearly defined norms. In this case, both the teacher and the child find themselves in a situation of uncertainty. Project activities are focused on research as much as possible more opportunities inherent in the situation, and not on following a predetermined (and known to the teacher) path. Naturally, it is easier for a teacher to follow a rigid program than to constantly look for new non-standard approaches to the educational process. Therefore, each teacher must assess his readiness for project activities.

Non-distinction between the child's subject and object positions.

Most preschool teachers are very sensitive to children and support them emotionally. However, this emotional support should not translate into a willingness to perform creative task for the child, be it the formulation of a creative idea or the search possible ways solving the problem.

The teacher must organize a problem situation for children, but should not offer his own options for solving the problem. Otherwise the child will end up in the object position.

In project activities, subjectivity means the expression of initiative and the manifestation of independent activity, while the child’s subjectivity can manifest itself in different ways. So, a child can express an original idea (that is, not previously expressed by other children) or support and slightly modify another child’s idea. In this case, the teacher should focus on the uniqueness of the child’s idea. Let's give an example. When discussing gifts for March 8, one boy suggested drawing a card for his mother. Another supported his idea, saying that he could also draw a card for his sister. From an adult's point of view, the same idea was voiced: creating a postcard. In this case, the teacher can say: “Vasya already said about postcards. Try to come up with something else." Another way is more productive: you can support the initiative of the second child, emphasizing that no one has yet told your sister about the postcard. In this case, the adult, firstly, opens up a new space for creative activity(you can find out how postcards for mother and sister differ, you can also remember about grandmothers, teachers, etc.), and secondly, it supports the child’s initiative (he gets a positive experience of speaking out and next time, most likely, he will also express some idea). From what has been said, it follows that you need to support and positively celebrate the very fact of the statement, even if it repeats the statement of another child. This is especially important for passive children who do not have positive social experience of taking initiative.

The need to form a teacher’s subjective position.

It is impossible to develop a child’s subjectivity while remaining in a rigid, fixed position. The teacher, due to his professional experience and education, has fairly stable ideas about how one can and should act in various situations. Let's return to the example of discussing gifts for March 8th. Any teacher knows who and what gifts can be given on this day, and how to make them. It is clear that children will not immediately be able to come up with original gift. But the teacher’s task is not to wait for an unusual solution. He must look at the situation he already knows and how to solve the problem from the point of view of the space of possibilities.

A “knowledgeable” teacher will act “according to instructions”: he will explain how to cut out flowers, where to glue them, how to fold a postcard, that is, he will act from the position of the cultural norm. The teacher, demonstrating a subjective position, will first find out how the child sees this situation (for a preschooler, creating a postcard or gluing a flower is not at all an obvious action, but a kind of discovery, comprehension of the holiday). And only then will the teacher turn to cultural ways design of the plan. And then cutting out a flower will become a means of realizing the child’s plan, and not just another link in the implementation of the educational program.

Project activity is a complexly organized process that involves not partial changes in the methodology of conducting individual classes, but systemic transformations of the entire educational and educational process. Obviously, such changes cannot be initiated only by the educator. They require the active participation of the preschool administration.

First of all, the changes concern the mode of the educational process. Project activity involves various forms of children’s activity, logically interconnected by different stages of the implementation of the plan, so it goes beyond the traditional grid of activities in kindergarten.

For design classes, it is most convenient to allocate one day every two weeks. On this day, the children's routine changes: creative work begins at 11 o'clock (after breakfast and a walk). At the same time, it is desirable that both teachers participate in the project activity, since at first it should be implemented during classes with children in subgroups (5-9 people each). Thus, each subgroup of children is engaged in their own project.

Since project activities involve active analytical and reflective work of the educator (which will be discussed in more detail below), the administration should facilitate the allocation of time and space for special meetings of teachers, as well as participate in these meetings.

The introduction of project technology into the educational process requires great organizational efforts from the administration, but at the same time allows:

Increase the professional level of teachers and the degree of their involvement in activities, make the teaching staff more united;

Develop a system of productive interaction between participants in the educational process (children involve their parents in the project, communicate with each other and with the teacher);

Develop in children such qualities as socialization and activity;

Create products that can be presented to society (the level of their originality and social significance increases, which contributes to a more successful positioning of the preschool institution).

So, if the administration is ready to get involved in the process of introducing project technology into the life of a kindergarten, then the next stage will be the organization creative group teachers.

The creation of a creative group should be initiated by a senior teacher with the support of the head. To do this, it is necessary to identify the degree of readiness of teachers to participate in project activities, paying attention to whether the educator wants:

Master additional literature;

Organize new forms of activity for children;

Participate in special meetings with colleagues;

Systematically analyze and record the results of your activities (keep a diary, etc.).

It is necessary to assess the teacher’s ability to work in a situation of uncertainty, to abandon the usual patterns of activity. When selecting teachers for a creative group, you can rely on existing experience working with them, as well as on a written or oral survey, which reveals the degree of consent of the teacher to be included in new types of activities.

As a result, all teachers of an educational institution can be divided into three conditional groups. The first group will include teachers who declare themselves to be active supporters of project activities, ready to search for new, non-standard solutions. The second group will include passive supporters of project activities, that is, those teachers who are ready to follow a leader who achieves successful results. Such teachers are most likely to join the creative group when the first tangible results of its activities appear. But since they do not actively reject the new technology, they can be asked to take on various support positions. The third group will include teachers who are not ready to implement project activities. It is important to emphasize that belonging to this group does not mean negative professional characteristics teacher Perhaps he realizes himself in other productive forms educational activities.

The formed creative group should be positioned in a special way both among educators (as a group that develops the educational space of the kindergarten) and in the eyes of parents (as a group that develops children’s initiative and their socialization).

When we talk about creating a creative group, we do not mean forming a list of teachers, each of whom will engage in project activities with their own group of children. We are talking about creating a professional association, within the framework of which the development of design technology and the formulation of a strategy for its implementation in the life of a preschool institution are being developed. A full-fledged creative team must implement two main functions: monitor project activities and contribute to the formation of a personal philosophy professional activity teachers.

Monitoring project activities involves systematically tracking current and intermediate results, as well as assessing them as problematic or successful. In other words, monitoring is an analysis of individual elements of the process (for example, how many ideas were initiated per initial stage implementation of the project, which of them was chosen as the main one) and development dynamics (change in the percentage of children’s activity at the stage of forming the plan). Monitoring has a detached, objective nature and provides a set of facts for further analysis and comprehension.

The formation of a personal philosophy of professional activity of teachers is largely associated with an understanding of one’s own role in organizing joint activities with children, one’s attitude to the situation, and the discovery of new professional opportunities. As already mentioned, the implementation of project activities involves restructuring the usual forms of interaction in the group, and therefore requires the teacher to rethink his own activities and even some values. Specially organized meetings will help teachers solve a number of problems related to the organization of project activities: who became the real author of the project concept (in a specific lesson)? What helped (or hindered) children’s initiative in the classroom? To what extent has the space of possibilities been explored (in a specific situation)?

Reflection on these questions involves not only identifying problematic issues in the implementation of project activities by a specific teacher, but also understanding why such a situation arose, how you can change your own position or attitude towards the situation, etc. It is imperative to note the presence of positive dynamics if the next meeting, it turns out that the teacher was able to overcome previously identified difficulties. In fact, at these meetings it is not so much the nuances of technology that are discussed, but rather the position of the teacher, his involvement in the process, and ability for creative activity. Therefore, a certain tact and respect for the personality of the teacher participating in such reflective discussions is necessary. Practice shows that despite the complexity and emotional intensity of such meetings, it is they that influence the professional development of the teacher.

To carry out monitoring and conduct reflective discussions, material from diary entries, video recordings of project classes and creative reports from teachers is used. However, the same material is analyzed from different positions.

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“Project activities in kindergarten”

According to requirements modern education, in accordance with regulatory documents (the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the national doctrine of education in the Russian Federation, the concept of modernization Russian education, Federal State Educational Standard) educational institutions must:

    provide conditions for self-determination and self-realization of the individual;

    provide an individual approach for each child;

    realize the child’s right to free choice of activities, opinions and judgments;

    remember that the child is an active participant in the pedagogical process;

    involve children in activities without psychological coercion, rely on their interest, taking into account their social experience;

    ensure the emotional, personal and social-moral development of the child, preserve and strengthen the health of children.

Therefore, new, most effective ways and means of solving the tasks assigned to the educational institution and us, teachers, are needed. Today, one of the most vibrant, educational, interesting, and meaningful methods for both adults and children is project activity. According to Professor W.H. Killpatrick, who developed the “Project-based learning system”, “project method”, “A project is any action performed with the whole heart and with a specific purpose.”

Modern education no longer requires a simple fragmented inclusion of research and project-based teaching methods in educational practice, but targeted work on the development of research abilities, specially organized training of children in the skills of project-based and research search.

This is also important because the most valuable and lasting knowledge is obtained independently, in the course of one’s own creative research. On the contrary, knowledge acquired through learning is usually significantly inferior in depth and strength. It is equally important that it is more natural and therefore much easier for a child to comprehend new things by acting like a scientist (conducting his own research - observing, conducting experiments, making his own judgments and conclusions based on them) than to receive knowledge already obtained by someone else in “ finished form."

As a result of this technology, children become active participants in the educational process. This makes it possible to get to know yourself without feeling the “pressure” of adults. The experience of independent activity develops in children self-confidence, reduces anxiety when faced with problems, and creates the habit of independently looking for solutions. If a child does not gain positive experience in creative activity, then in adulthood he may form the belief that this direction of development is inaccessible to him. But it is through creative abilities that a person can most fully reveal himself as a person. Modern society places great demands on such personal qualities as creativity and the ability for self-development.

Collective experiences, as well as the joy of success, pride from the approval of adults, bring children closer to each other and help improve the microclimate in the group. Project activities allow you to turn any team into a cohesive team, where every child feels needed in the decision important task. I believe that project activities can be presented as a way of organizing the pedagogical process, based on the interaction of teachers, students and parents. Involving parents in project activities has great value:

    they become active participants in the learning process of their children, fathers and mothers feel like “good parents” because they contribute to learning and acquire new skills.

    develops a deeper understanding of children's learning process preschool age.

Basic purpose project method in kindergarten is: development of free creative personality. The main tasks to achieve the goal are:

Tasks development:

    ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children;

    development of children's cognitive abilities;

    development of creative imagination;

    development of creative thinking;

    development of communication skills.

Objectives of research activities (they are specific to each age).

At an older age it is:

          formation of prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative

          development of skills to determine possible methods solving the problem with the help of an adult, and then independently

          developing the ability to apply these methods using various options

          developing the ability to conduct a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities.

In design and research activities, children have the opportunity to directly satisfy their inherent curiosity and organize their ideas about the world. Therefore, I strive to teach not everything, but the main thing, not the sum of facts, but their holistic understanding, not so much to give maximum information, but to teach how to navigate in its flow, to carry out targeted work to strengthen the developmental function of learning, to organize the educational process according to the model of student-oriented interaction, according to which the child is not an object of learning, but a subject of education. In my work with children I use the project method and research activities.

The project method is always focused on children’s independent activities - individual, pair, group, which the children perform over a certain period of time. The project method always involves solving a problem, which involves, on the one hand, the use of various methods and teaching aids, and on the other, the integration of various knowledge and skills.

Taking into account age psychological characteristics children, I am developing a step-by-step plan for the implementation of the project, where I reflect the most striking forms of work on this direction. Depending on the objectives of the project.

I try to work on projects in close cooperation with the families of the students. Having jointly discussed the plan-project and aimed at further work, the parents became active participants and assistants in the implementation of the assigned tasks. Together with the children, they took part in the production of posters, crafts, bird feeders, collages, and the production of newspapers, which were used to design various thematic exhibitions in the preschool institution. With their help, we purchased educational literature for children.

For development cognitive activity children and maintaining interest in research activities in the group, an “experimentation corner” was designed and equipped.

Pupils of the kindergarten of the senior and preparatory groups took part in the formation of my teaching experience. In the process of development, children of this age category gradually deepen their knowledge and develop mental capacity, the attitude towards the surrounding world is formed, the formation of personality occurs.

At this age, memory develops and the foundations of mental activity are laid. Children can already make independent judgments and express their opinions.

During this period, the child’s individual motivational system begins to take shape. Motives become relatively stable. Among them, the dominant motives stand out - those prevailing in the emerging motivational hierarchy. This leads to the appearance volitional efforts to achieve the set goal.

One of the motives may be the search for answers to one’s questions, because preschoolers are entering the age of “whys.” Now the child begins to understand that the subject is not as simple as it seemed to him before, and begins to study the objects, trying to penetrate into their structure and essence. I decided to use this feature of children in the cognitive development of preschoolers.

I monitored the knowledge, skills and abilities of children on project topics, where I found out the level of knowledge of preschoolers.

It turned out that only 14% of the group of children had a high level of knowledge on the topic, and only 49% had an average level of knowledge. I decided that it was necessary, in the process of direct educational activities, conversations, observations, experiments, working with parents of preschool children, replenishing the group’s developmental environment, to increase the level of children’s knowledge. This is how the idea of ​​creating projects arose: “Growing an Aster”, “We Planted an Onion”, “Space”, and the health-saving project “Healthy Baby”.

By the end of the projects, the level of children’s mastery of the material increased: high 43%, average increased by only 5.4%, as the number of children with high level mastery of the material, children with a low level of mastery of the material were not identified.

Building relationships with parents according to the principles of interconnection and complementarity made it possible to create maximum conditions for the personal growth and development of the child.

Children learned to negotiate, listen to the ideas of their comrades, and come to a common opinion when solving problems. The level of children’s skills in composing collective stories, creating collective works, negotiating with partners, and uniting in groups has increased significantly during the period of design and research activities. Preschoolers easily come into contact with both adults and peers; join groups for joint activities; They worry about the product of the entire team’s activities.

During the project activities, I observed clear positive changes in the cognitive development of children. And since our projects were mainly of environmental content, I decided to expand the children’s cognitive interests by introducing them to research activities that would help them identify the relationships that exist in nature. It is the consciousness of the unity of nature, the close connection of everything with everything, that will allow the child in the present, and most importantly, in the future, to correctly build his behavior in relation to nature, when interacting with each other and environment, children gain invaluable knowledge through experience.

I worked on this topic with children for 2 years. and, having accumulated enough material, I decided to summarize the experience of my work, which, I think, can help teachers in developing the cognitive interests of preschool children.

In the process of working on the topic of this experiment, I used several types of research to identify the level of development of preschoolers: observation, game tasks, testing, which made it possible to clarify insufficiently studied topics and outline a way to eliminate these gaps.

To work on eliminating gaps in the development of preschoolers, I used:

    A method of actively involving parents in joint activities

    Method for observing changes and transformations of an object

    Demonstration method

    Method of explaining new material

    Teacher's story

    A child's story

    Reading literature

    child research method,

    project method

    method of modeling problem situations

    method of reasoning

    a method for solving problematic problems and situations.

Since these methods support children's cognitive initiative in kindergarten and family settings and are relevant for a number of reasons:

    firstly, they help the child gain early social positive experience in realizing his own plans.

    secondly, to act unconventionally in a variety of circumstances, based on originality of thinking.

    thirdly, by the time the child enters first grade, he will have learned to solve such complex tasks How:

    be able to see a problem and ask questions;

    be able to prove;

    draw conclusions and reason;

    make assumptions and make plans to test them.

Project activities have enormous development potential. Its main advantage is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationships with other objects and the environment.

To solve the problems posed in the projects, I involved parents in the work, who were happy to look for solutions together with their children, helped in organizing the developmental environment in the group, and actively participated in the preparation and implementation of projects

At this age stage, children are actively interested in changes in the surrounding reality. Therefore, I used methods of observation, demonstration, and experimentation. During the work, the children looked at the objects with pleasure, identified the main features, noticed changes in the process of experimentation and talked about it.

For a more complete assimilation of the material, I made didactic games, invented outdoor games with the help of which the knowledge of preschoolers was consolidated and deepened.

Active work with parents led to the fact that they not only became a means of information and support for the child, but also actively became involved in project activities, and also enriched their teaching experience, experienced a sense of belonging and satisfaction from working together with children.

Together with children and parents, an environmental campaign “Vegetable garden on the window” was held, exhibitions of drawings and crafts “Take care of the primrose”, “These beautiful animals” were held, a photo album “And this is all about astronauts” was created, leaflets “My flowers” ​​were published.

During some projects, themed entertainment, creative living rooms, and a master class were held, which summed up our joint activities.

      Main stages of work on projects:

      Goal setting: I help the child choose the most relevant and feasible task for him for a certain period of time;

      Project development - an activity plan to achieve the goal;

      Project implementation - practical part;

      Summing up - identifying tasks for new projects.

Sequence of work on projects:

    Sets goals based on the interests and needs of children;

    Involves in problem solving (designation of a “children’s goal”);

    Outlines a plan for moving towards the goal (maintains the interest of children and parents);

    Discusses the plan with parents;

    Together with children and parents, they draw a plan - a diagram of the project and hang it in a visible place;

    Collects information and material (studies the plan diagram with the children);

    Conducts classes, games, observations, experiments (activities of the main part of the project), etc.;

    Gives homework to children and parents;

    Moves to independent creative works(crafts, drawings, albums, promotions, KVN, etc.);

    Organizes a presentation of the project (celebration, open lesson...);

    Summarizes the results, speaks at the teachers’ meeting, “ round table", generalizes the experience.

It is explained to the “young scientists” that their task is to prepare a short “message” on a given topic and present it beautifully for presentation to their friends. But in order to make such a message and present your work, you need to collect all available information on the topic, process it and format it. How can I do that?

Naturally, for children of this age, collecting information is a new and very difficult task. Therefore, it should be warned that there are many ways to obtain the necessary knowledge.

This is where an action plan is developed. Try to answer the question of what is already known and what is not. Now it will be easy to formulate: “What needs to be done?” This will be your action plan.

What do we know about this topic?

What should we do before we start collecting information?

Where do you think a scientist begins his work?

It is necessary to bring preschoolers to the idea that they need to think about what information is needed specifically on this topic. After the guys understand this, a card with the “think” symbol is placed on the table.

Next question:

Where can we learn something useful about our topic?

Answering it, children gradually build a line of cards:


    "ask another person"

    "get information from books"


    "watch on TV"

    "to conduct an experiment",

    "discuss in group"


    "registration of results"

    “presentation of the results of completed projects in the form of a material product

    "Project Presentation"

I consider the following to be an indicator of the effectiveness of introducing the design method into the educational work of preschool educational institutions:

    a high degree of development of children’s curiosity, their cognitive activity, communication, and independence;

    increasing children's readiness to perceive new material;

    active participation of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution.

One of priority areas my pedagogical activity is environmental education of children. The main goal, which is to educate from the first years of life a humane, socially active, creative personality, capable of understanding, loving the world around us, nature, treating it with care and protecting it. I carried out two environmental, educational and practical projects:

    “Growing aster” (sub. gr.);

    “We planted an onion” (senior group).

The work on the Firefly projects was very interesting and creative. Keeping up with the times, in cognitive, speech and communication development. In the preparatory group, I introduced two more long-term projects into the practice of my work:

    information-oriented “Space”;

    creative, health-saving project “Healthy Baby”.

When organizing my project work, I relied on:

    theoretical and practical research of domestic teachers - L.S. Kiseleva, T.A. Danilina, M.P. Zuikova, T.S. Lagoda, O.S. Evdokimova, V.N. Zhuravleva, T.G. Kazakova;

    literature - L.V. Mikhailova - Svirskaya “Project method in the educational work of kindergarten”

Vinogradova N.A., Pankova E.P. "Educational projects in kindergarten."

Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. "Project activities of preschoolers."

Kiseleva L.S. “Project method in the activities of a preschool institution.”

Shtanko I.V. “Project activities with children of senior preschool age”, etc.

Analyzing the work done, I came to the conclusion that project activities of preschoolers are a unique means of ensuring cooperation between children and adults, a way of implementing a person-oriented approach to education. In project activities, the child’s subjective position is formed, his individuality is revealed, interests and needs are realized, this in turn contributes to personal development child. This corresponds to the social order at the present stage. Therefore, I will continue to use the design method in my work. I plan to continue publishing the Firefly magazine. I want to implement the “Red Book” project. I was very interested in the project “Where I was born”.

The effectiveness of teaching experience.

The main means of implementing design and research activities were projects, research, special classes, during which various forms were harmoniously combined - circular conversations, classes, specialized games, experiments, reading, storytelling, theatrical performances, competitions and exhibitions. Not only preschool teachers, but also parents were involved in the organization of the educational process.

The results of the work were positive changes in the behavior of both adults and children.

The peculiarity of design and research activities and adult-children projects is that children, parents, and teachers take part in the project. The joint collection of materials on the topic, classes, games, competitions, presentations revealed the creative abilities of children, involved parents in the educational process, which naturally affected the results.

By solving various cognitive and practical problems together with adults and peers, children acquired the ability to doubt and think critically. The positive emotions experienced at the same time, surprise, joy from success, pride from the approval of adults - gave the children the first grains of self-confidence and prompted a new search for knowledge.

Collective experiences brought children closer to each other and to adults, and contributed to improving the microclimate in the group. It can be noted that using design and research technology in the upbringing and training of preschool children, life activities in kindergarten organized according to it made it possible to get to know the pupils better and penetrate into the inner world of the child.

By accumulating creative experience, children, with the support of adults, can later become authors of research, creative, gaming, and practice-oriented projects.

After finishing work on the projects, the level of children’s mastery of the material increased: high 43%, average increased by only 5.4%, as the number of children with a high level of mastery of the material increased, children with a low level of mastery of the material were not identified. By doing research in the experimentation corner, children significantly expanded their knowledge:

About materials;

About natural phenomena;

About the world around us.

Novelty (innovativeness) of the presented pedagogical experience.

The novelty of this experience is the integrated use of previously known and modern methods and technologies for the development of children's cognitive interests, the structuring of practical and diagnostic material for preschoolers both in preschool educational institutions and in the family. Having become interested in the problem of organizing design and research activities of preschoolers, I developed a model for the development of search and research activities in preschool educational institutions and families, which is aimed at developing the abilities of preschoolers to independently and creatively master new ways of activity.

Innovation activity is based on the following principles:

The principle of openness is to be able to perceive the child’s personality, be open, accept and respect his wishes.

The principle of the activity approach - the child learns about the world, gains knowledge through all types of activities, everyone is an active participant in obtaining and transmitting knowledge and information, attracting friends and adults to this

The principle of freedom of choice is the child’s right to choose the content of an activity, determine tasks, ways to solve them, and a partner for joint activities.

The principle of conformity with nature is to focus on the child’s inner world, create conditions for self-development and self-expression of each participant cognitive process

All projects, classes, experiments, etc. were carried out in joint and independent activities of children. Work was organized in small groups, which helped to instill in children the skills of self-examination, mutual assistance, and develop cognitive communication.

The planned work is aimed at turning the child from a passive observer into an active participant in the educational process. This was facilitated by methods and techniques that varied depending on the goals and objectives of the project.

The main principle in working with pupils was to give the child the opportunity to learn about the world around them through their own experience in specific deeds and actions, because it is precisely this experience that is remembered for a long time.

But to implement all plans and ideas, the work of not only kindergarten employees, but also parents and families is required. It is in the family, in a familiar environment, that children receive initial ideas about the world around them. Working with the family was one of the mechanisms that helped achieve the intended goal.

Project-based research activities are one of the interactive, innovative methods of modern teaching, which helps not only the all-round development of the child, but also strengthens positive motivation for knowledge, and gives a new impetus to the parent-child-kindergarten relationship.

The technological effectiveness of the presented pedagogical experience.

Project and research activities provide children with the opportunity to independently acquire knowledge in the process of solving practical problems or problems that require the integration of knowledge from various subject areas. If we talk about design and research activities as a pedagogical technology, then this technology involves the use of research, search, problem-based methods that are creative in nature. Within the framework of the project and experimentation, the teacher is assigned the role of developer, coordinator, expert, and consultant.

That is, project-research develops children’s cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, and develop critical and creative thinking.

This is combined with a group approach to learning. Groups determine how they think about solving this problem: personal motivation is activated, the process of creativity, the process of independent mental work begins. This independence depends on the development of skills and abilities in project activities.

A feature of design and research activities in the preschool education system is that the child cannot yet independently find contradictions in the environment, formulate a problem, or determine a goal (plan). Therefore, in the educational process of a kindergarten, project-research activities often act as collaboration, in which children and teachers take part, and parents and other family members are also involved. The main goal of the project is research method in a preschool institution is the development of personality and intelligence.

When developing and implementing the design and research method, I use the method of organized and controlled children's experimentation and searching for information in children's individual and collective activities, methods of ensuring children's emotional interest, activating children's independent thinking, joint activities of children and adults, play and problem situations.

Project-research activity presupposes not only the presence and awareness of a problem, but also the process of revealing it and solving it, that is, planning actions, having a plan to solve this problem, and a clear distribution of tasks for each participant. Projects are used when a research problem arises in the educational process, the solution of which requires integrated knowledge from various fields, as well as the use of research methods.

The level of participation of preschoolers in design and research activities depends on age characteristics children: in the older ones, they are full participants in the project.

In my experience, I described the work on planning and implementing projects for older children step by step.

The objectives of research activities are individual for each age. Thus, when working with children of primary preschool age, a teacher can use hints and leading questions. And children of older preschool age need to be given more independence. The teacher’s first step in working on a project is setting a goal. The second step is planning on the selected problem, which takes into account all types of children's activities: play, cognitive-practical, artistic-speech, work, communication, etc. At the stage of developing the content of direct educational activities, games, walks, observations and other types activities related to the topic of the project, teachers pay special attention to organizing the environment in groups. The environment should develop curiosity in a preschooler. When the conditions for working on the project are prepared, the joint work of the teacher and children begins.

Research classes are conducted according to the structure:

    Setting up a research problem in the form of one or another version of a problem situation (you need to interest children, make them want to act to solve the problem).

    Training of attention, memory, logic of thinking (can be organized before the lesson).

    Clarification of life safety rules during experimentation.

    Clarification of the research plan.

    Selection of equipment, its independent placement in the research area (the activity and independence of all participants in the experimentation is important).

    Distribution of children into groups.

    Analysis and generalization of the experimental results obtained (identifying the known and the unknown; leading to judgments, inferences and conclusions that are necessarily recorded in speech, sometimes graphically

Children are not given ready-made knowledge and are not offered ways of doing things. A problematic situation is created, which the child can solve if he draws on his experience, establishes other connections in it, while mastering new knowledge and skills.

Organization of work on projects (diagram)

Below I have presented a table that reveals the goals and objectives of each stage, the content of the activities of the teacher, preschooler and his parents.

Stages of work on project

Goals and objectives

Activities of the teacher

Preschooler activities

Parents' activities

1. Immersion in the project

Target - preparing a preschooler for project activities.


– determination of the problem, theme and goals of the project during the joint activities of the teacher and children;

– creating a group (groups) of children to work on the project.

Selects possible topics and offers them to preschoolers.

Encourages children's interest in the topic of the project.

Helps to formulate:

Project problem;

Plot situation;

Goal and tasks.

Motivates preschoolers to discuss and create a project.

Organizes preschoolers’ search for the optimal way to achieve the project’s goals.

Helps in analysis

and synthesis, observes,


Forms the necessary

specific skills

and skills.

Get used to the situation.

Discuss the topic of the project, the subject of research with the teacher.

Receive Additional information.

Determine their needs.

Make a decision as a group (or independently) about the topic (subtopics) of the project and justify their choice.

Carry out:

Analysis of resources and search for the optimal way to achieve the project goal;

Personal attribution of the problem.

Formulate (individually or as a result of group discussion) the goal of the project.

Help in choosing a thematic field, topic; in the formulation of the problem, goals and objectives of the project.

Motivate children.

2. Activity planning

Target - operational development of the project indicating a list of specific actions and results, deadlines and those responsible.


– determination of sources of information, methods of collecting and analyzing information, type of product and possible forms of presentation of project results, timing of presentation;

– establishing procedures and criteria for evaluating results and process;

– distribution of tasks (responsibilities) between group members.

Guides the process of searching for information of preschoolers (if necessary, helps to identify and recommend a range of sources of information).

Offers preschoolers:

Various options and ways of storing and organizing the collected information;

Distribute roles in groups;

Plan activities to solve project problems;

Consider possible forms of presentation of project results;

Think through criteria for evaluating results and process.

Forms the necessary

specific skills

and skills.

Organizes the process of control (self-control) of the developed activity plan and resources.

Carry out:

Search, collection, systematization and analysis of information;

Breakdown into groups;

Distribution of roles in the group;

Work planning;

Choosing the form and method of presenting the expected results;

Deciding to establish criteria for evaluating results and process.

Think about a group product and/or individual activities at this stage.

Conduct an assessment (self-assessment) of the results of this stage of work.

Consult in the process of searching for information.

Provide assistance in choosing ways to store and systematize collected information, and in drawing up a plan for future activities.

3. Carrying out activities to solve the problem

Target - project development.


independent work preschoolers according to the objectives of the project.

– intermediate discussions of the obtained data in groups.

Observes, advises, indirectly manages activities, answers children's questions.

Monitors compliance with safety regulations.

Monitors compliance with the time frames of activity stages.

Perform planned actions independently, in a group.

Carry out intermediate discussions of the obtained data in groups.

They are watching.

Monitor compliance with safety regulations.

Monitor compliance with the time frames of activity stages.

Provide assistance in collecting information, preparing materials and a portfolio of project activities.

4. Presentation of results

Target - structuring the information received and integrating the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.


– analysis and synthesis of data;

– formulation of conclusions.

Observes, advises,

guides the analysis process.

Motivates children, creates a feeling of success; emphasizes the social and personal importance of what has been achieved.

Draw up the project

make the product.

Participate in a collective analysis of the project, evaluate their role, analyze the completed project, find out the reasons for successes and failures.

Analyze the achievements of the set goal. They draw conclusions.

Observes, advises.

Helps in securing the project.

Motivates preschoolers and creates a sense of success.

5. Presentation of results

Target - demonstration of materials, presentation of results.


– preparation of presentation materials;

– preparation of a “message”;

– presentation of the project.

Organizes a presentation.

Thinks through and implements interactions with parents.

If necessary, advises preschoolers on the preparation of presentations and portfolio design.

Rehearses with children the upcoming presentation of the results of project activities.

Acts as an expert:

Summarizes and summarizes the results obtained;


Evaluates skills: communication, listening, justifying one’s opinion, tolerance, etc.;

Focuses on the educational aspect: the ability to work in a group for a common result, etc.

Choose (suggest) a presentation form.

They are preparing a presentation.

They continue to develop their portfolio.

If necessary, consult with the teacher.

They “protect” the project.


Understanding the problem, purpose and objectives;

Ability to plan and implement work;

Found way to solve the problem;

Reflection on activities and results.

Act as an “expert”, i.e. Ask questions and provide criticism (when presenting to others) based on established criteria for evaluating results and process.

Provide advice on choosing the presentation form.

Provide assistance in preparing the presentation.

Act as an expert.


As practice has shown, design and research activities are very relevant and effective. Combination various types children's activities in the interaction of adults and children in one whole project, consolidates the skills of pupils, helps them discover and learn surrounding reality much faster and deeper. Based on the children’s knowledge, observations, and impressions obtained during design and research activities; Focusing on the child’s personal experience, I try to create an atmosphere of co-creation. After all, only by getting each child interested in a specific creative work By supporting children's curiosity and initiative, any problem can be solved. The effectiveness of this approach also lies in the fact that it gives the preschooler the opportunity to explore and experiment on his own, maintain his curiosity and interest in the problem, and also apply the acquired knowledge in one activity or another.

Today the state has set a task to prepare a completely new generation: active, inquisitive. And preschool institutions, as the first step in education, already have an idea of ​​what a kindergarten graduate should be like, what qualities he should have. Modern pedagogical research shows that the main problem preschool education– loss of liveliness and attractiveness of the learning process. The number of preschoolers who do not want to go to school is increasing; Positive motivation for classes has decreased, and children’s academic performance is falling. How to improve the situation? The formation of a new education system, focused on entering the global space, requires significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of preschool institutions, and the improvement of pedagogical technologies.

The use of innovative pedagogical technologies opens up new opportunities for the education and training of preschool children, and design and research activities have become one of the most effective today. Design technology refers to modern humanitarian technologies that are innovative in the work of preschool institutions.

I believe that in design and research activities, a preschooler gets the opportunity to directly satisfy his inherent curiosity and streamline his ideas about the world. Therefore, I strive to teach not everything, but the main thing, not the sum of facts, but their holistic understanding, not so much to give maximum information, but to teach how to navigate in its flow, to carry out targeted work to strengthen the developmental function of learning, to organize the educational process according to the model of student-oriented interaction, according to which the child is not an object of learning, but a subject of education.

Hurray, spring has come! I salute you Dear friends and congratulations on the beginning of a new stage of our lives - warm, sunny and full of hope. As usual, his owner Tatyana Sukhikh is on duty at the blog. With the arrival of spring, inspiration appeared to create something! Let it be something useful, for example, a project at a preschool educational institution on some non-standard topic. Yes, yes, we also write projects with children, can you imagine?

The project sounds somehow official and scientific, doesn’t it? But in fact, this word hides the name of one of the methods for implementing tasks for the development and training of preschoolers. Project activities consist of working together teacher, parents and children studying some issue.

The purpose and purpose of the projects is to promote the development of independent thinking in children, the ability to make decisions, look for answers, plan, foresee the result and learn to cooperate with other people. The teacher gives some task to the children, feasible for their age, and teaches how to solve it and how to present the result of the solution.

Preschoolers cannot develop a project on their own; in kindergarten we do everything together. Typically, this type of activity is purely educational in nature; we use the project as a tool for learning, gaining knowledge and enriching life experience. This method has only recently begun to be used in preschool education; it is considered progressive and effective for modern children.

Active parents can easily do this simple task at home; I will describe in detail the types, topics, and structure. Development and learning in preschool format is carried out mainly through play activities, so projects have a creative, playful orientation. The most effective is group research activities of children.

The topics of the projects are very diverse.

Well, for example, the popular theme for children's projects is “Family Tree” or “My Family”. This project can be implemented in different ways - in the form of a collective panel with photographs of the family of each child in the group, or a painted large tree, or an exhibition of children's works on the theme of the children's family.

The point is not to give children a finished project, but to give them a topic and help them determine the path for implementing the project: what materials to use, who to ask for help, how to design the project product, how to present it. Moreover, this applies not only to children of the senior and preparatory groups. Kids also do projects that they can handle.

For those who want to create a project according to all the rules

The peculiarities of the pedagogical and educational system in Russia are such that every step we take must be strictly in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Therefore, even such a creative task as writing a project requires compliance with the methodological recommendations of the Ministry.

In order not to search for information for a long time, I suggest “registering” in my favorite online store “UchMag”, since there is absolutely any methodological literature, including excellent manuals on our topic:

  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions: practice of teaching children 3-7 years old”;
  • “Innovative pedagogical technologies. Project method in preschool educational institutions";
  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions: theory and practice of child development”;
  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions. Practice of teaching children 3-7 years old. Program for installation via the Internet";
  • “Preschool educational institution development program. CD for computer: innovative educational project";
  • “Environmental projects in preschool educational institutions. Research activities on walks";
  • Offline webinar “Technology for organizing project activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education”.

For teachers of a preschool educational institution, that is, a preschool educational institution, taking into account modern requirements for a preschool teacher, such manuals are simply a treasure. It contains everything that is necessary for competent planning and implementation of teaching activities: how to draw up a project, what to take into account, how to formalize the results, etc.

Types of projects in kindergarten

In the current practice of modern kindergartens, we use the following types of projects:

  • Research with a creative bent: the guys find out some information, for example, why snow melts in the spring, and the results are presented in the form of drawings, wall newspapers, staged skits, etc.;
  • Creative tasks are also educational in nature, but the results of the research are presented in the form of a theatrical performance, a performance, or a children's party;
  • Social and informational: the guys research the subject of the project and draw up the result in the form of a newspaper, folder, poster, installation;
  • Role-playing or gaming: children solve a project task using a fairy tale familiar to them, getting used to the roles of the characters, presenting the result of the research in the form of a role-playing plot.

According to the method of project implementation, they are divided into group, individual, intergroup, and complex.

In terms of implementation time, projects are short-term (one lesson), average duration(1-2 lessons) and long-term (entire academic year or half a year).

It may seem, especially to parents, that these projects are too difficult for preschoolers. But, I repeat, preschoolers are just getting acquainted with this type of activity, preparing for independent research that they will conduct at school.

Have you probably seen foreign films where children are preparing some projects, often making volcanoes, various devices, bringing a pet to school and talking about it? Such types of activities are extremely useful for children, as they broaden their horizons, activate cognitive activity, and reveal creative and scientific abilities.

The name - projects - sounds very serious and pompous to our post-Soviet ears. In fact, for children this is just one type of work that requires research and presentation of the result. Both short-term and long-term projects are designed to increase the child’s self-esteem, since initially the adult is determined to recognize the value of any result of the child’s research.

The point is not to get an ideal research result from a child, say, on the topic of a favorite toy. The point is to instill in him an interest in research and analysis of the processes that occur around us. Arousing curiosity and healthy curiosity in children is the task of children's projects.

What exactly is the work on the project?

The stages of work on a children's project in kindergarten come down to preparation on the part of the teacher and implementation through the joint efforts of adults and children:

  • Determining the goals and objectives of the project is the work of the educator, who must choose the topic of the project in such a way as to solve a problem with its help. For example, to give kids deeper knowledge about natural phenomena (rain, wind) or to reinforce the names of the days of the week, seasons, colors, etc.

Having determined the goal, the teacher voices it in front of the children. Together we choose the final product of the project - a poster, an album, a holiday, a performance. The type of product depends on the type of project and goals, of course. At this stage, children are faced with the following tasks: to understand and enter into a problem, to enter into a game situation (since main view learning in kindergarten - a game).

The main thing that the teacher must achieve is to awaken activity in children and direct them to find ways to solve the problem. For example, we want to learn more flower names. At the first stage of working on the project, children, with the help of the teacher, must get involved in the implementation of the project and present the final product, it can be a panel, a bouquet of paper flowers, an applique, or a drawing.

  • Work on the implementation of the project: you need to work together to draw up a work plan, that is, motivate the children to independently determine how to implement their plan. Who should I turn to for help (my parents, of course), what materials to use, where to look for answers to questions?

The children are divided into groups and distribute tasks among themselves, with the help of the teacher, of course.

The tasks to be accomplished at this stage are to create a favorable environment for creative exploration, involve children in joint activities, and encourage independent thinking. In the planning process, children train logical thinking and develop ingenuity.

  • Actually, work on the practical implementation of the project’s objectives: depending on the goal, according to the plan, we carry out project tasks step by step and design the final product, for example, an exhibition. We make a presentation in front of parents or conditional experts.
  • Let's summarize: what worked, did not work. This is for the teacher. He notes the effectiveness of the project for himself and outlines topics for further projects.

What does the project look like on paper?

It is clear that the teacher must know how to write a project, since everything that we do in the group must be documented, so to speak.

As I have said more than once, to make your life easier, it is logical to make a blank, a template and simply enter the necessary information.

What must be written in the content of the project:

  • Title, topic, tasks, type of project. It’s not difficult here: the name is in tune with the topic, and the tasks go beyond the topic. But there may be universal goals for all projects: social, cognitive, physical, aesthetic development children according to age. You already know the types of projects;
  • Statement of the problem: also depends on the topic of the project. If this concerns the topic of the Motherland, then the problem can be formulated as follows: find out from the children what the Motherland is, what it means for each person. It can be noted that there is a lack of awareness of children on this issue and low interest of parents in the formation of patriotism in children;
  • Activities within the project: if it’s a short-term project, then we write down what we plan to do in one lesson. Long-term ones involve many different activities: classes, conversations, consultations with parents, excursions, reading literature, applied activities;
  • Resources for the implementation of the project: we list methodological literature, materials from the method room;
  • Form of the final product: exhibition, presentation, celebration, open lesson. Perhaps you will find innovative forms a product that no one has ever done before;
  • Analytical note: write an analysis of the problem, briefly, why the implementation of this project is important for each participant, for children, parents, and teachers. For example, that now there is a decrease in patriotism, a loss of interest in the history of the homeland, the history of one’s family, etc. And the project will make children and adults aware of their involvement in their homeland;
  • Stages of project implementation: I already wrote about this above, it’s not worth repeating, I think;
  • The result of the project is based on goals and objectives.

What's left behind the scenes?

More than one Talmud could be written on this topic, about projects. But another time. I will only add that I would like parents to understand: today there is a serious problem with our children. This is low communication skills, lack of curiosity, lack of independence, passivity. Our main task is to teach children to communicate, interact with other people, independently look for a way out of any situation, and be able to act appropriately to the situation.

Introduction to the topic

The developing pedagogy of nonviolence has significantly changed the attitude of adults towards children. The level of development of the child becomes a measure of the quality of the work of the teacher and the entire educational system as a whole. Preschool teachers focus not only on preparing for school, but also on preserving a full-fledged childhood in accordance with the psychophysical characteristics of the developing personality. Respect for the child, acceptance of his goals, interests, creation of conditions for development are essential conditions for a humanistic approach.
Adults should not only pay attention to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of a preschooler and his adaptation to social life, but also teach through a joint search for solutions, provide the child with the opportunity to independently master the norms of culture.
A unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation between children and adults, and a way to implement a person-centered approach to education is design technology.
Design is a complex activity, the participants of which automatically: without a specially proclaimed didactic task on the part of the organizers, master new concepts and ideas about various spheres of life.

The project method arose in the 1920s in the USA and is associated with the development of the humanistic trend in philosophy and education, which was started by the American philosopher, psychologist and teacher J. Dewey.
The method was developed in the works of V. Kilpatrick and E. Collings.
The broadest definition of this concept is as follows: “A project is any action performed with all the heart and with a specific purpose”(as defined by Kilpatrick).
The ideas of the project method in Russia appeared simultaneously with the development of American teachers. Under the leadership of Shatsky, a group of teachers united, using the project method in practice.

1. According to the dominant method: research, information, creative, gaming, adventure, practice-oriented.
2. By the nature of the content: include the child and his family, the child and nature, the child and the man-made world, the child, society and culture.
3. According to the nature of the child’s participation in the project: customer, expert, performer, participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result.
4. By the nature of contacts: carried out within one age group, in contact with another age group, within a preschool educational institution, in contact with family, cultural institutions, public organizations (open project)
5. By the number of participants: individual, pair, group and frontal.
6. By duration: short-term, medium-term and long-term.

Research projects

According to E. Polat, projects require a clear structure, defined goals, relevance of the subject of research for all participants, social significance, and thoughtful methods for processing the result. In recent years, research projects have been actively conquering the space of schools and kindergartens. For example, a trip along the Volga. For 3 days there is a conversation about travelers: who traveled on what, determining the route, the journey itself, rest on the shore, return. Exchange of impressions, presentation of results, presentation.

Design technology in preschool educational institutions

Thematic project plan

1. Theme and its origin__________________________
2. Related activities and concepts that can be studied during the project____________
3. Required materials _________________________________________________________________
4. Questions for children about the proposed project
What do we know? _____________________________________________________________________
What do we want to know? _________________________________________________________________
How can we find answers to our questions? _________________________________________________
5. Evaluation. What new did you learn? (From the point of view of children and the teacher) ___________________________
6. Proposals for expanding and improving the project ______________________________


A teacher is an organizer of children's productive activities, a source of information, a consultant, an expert. He is the main leader of the project, and at the same time he is the child’s partner and assistant in his self-development.
Motivation is enhanced due to the creative nature of children's activities; the child gets acquainted with different points of view, has the opportunity to express and justify his opinion.
Design technology requires an appropriate organization of the subject-development space of the group. The group contains documents, books, various objects, encyclopedias that are accessible to their understanding. It is possible for children to go to libraries, museums or other institutions if necessary for the implementation of the project.
Design technology is focused on joint activities participants in the educational process in various combinations: teacher - child, child - child, children - parents. Joint-individual, joint-interacting, joint-research forms of activity are possible.
One of the advantages of design technology is that each child is recognized as important and necessary in the team. He sees the results of the group's collective efforts. A private, specific result of work for children can be a drawing, an appliqué, an album, a written fairy tale, a prepared concert, a performance, a book, a harvest, etc. During the implementation of the project, children develop independence, activity, responsibility, a sense of trust in each other, and interest in cognition.

Development of design skills in children

Design abilities are manifested in the interaction of the main management systems of any social organization (person, team, activity).

The implementation of design technology in the practice of preschool educational institutions begins with an orientation towards the current problem of cultural self-development of a preschooler and familiarity with design cycles. The design process consists of three stages: project development, implementation, and analysis of results.

A teacher who knows the project method, as a technology and as an activity for self-organization of a professional space, can teach a child to design.
Design abilities are manifested in the interaction of the main management systems of any social organization.
The main function of design is to outline a program and select means for further targeted actions.
The implementation of design technology in the practice of preschool educational institutions begins with an orientation towards the current problem of cultural self-development of a preschooler and familiarity with design cycles.
The design process consists of three stages: development of projects, their implementation, analysis of results.
The condition for mastering each stage is the collective mental activity of educators, which allows:

  • focus on the creative development of the child in the educational space of the preschool educational institution;
  • learn the algorithm for creating a project based on children’s requests;
  • be able to connect to the goals and objectives of children without ambition;
  • unite the efforts of all subjects of the educational process, including parents.

You can design collectively: matinees, evenings of entertainment, days of creativity, vacations.
Creative teams of specialists are capable of developing system and system-translated projects.

Project criteria

1. The relevance of the project, the reality of the proposed solutions, the practical focus on the development of the child.
2. Volume and completeness of development, independence, completeness.
3. Level of creativity, originality in the presentation of the topic, approaches, solutions proposed by the teacher.
4. Reasonedness of the proposed solutions and approaches.
5. Proper design: compliance with standard requirements, quality of sketches, diagrams, drawings.

After protecting the project, they move on to its implementation, i.e. to the second stage of work. The third, final, is held in the form of a seminar.

Algorithm for project development by a creative group of educators


Tasks Activities of the creative group Activities of the scientific and methodological service
Elementary Definition of the topic, problem. Selecting a group of participants Clarification of available information, discussion of the task Design motivation, explanation of the project goal
Planning Problem analysis. Identification of information sources. Setting tasks and choosing criteria for evaluating results, distributing roles in the team. Formation of tasks, accumulation of information. Selection and justification of success criteria. Assistance in analysis and synthesis (at the request of the group)
Decision-making Collection and clarification of information. Discussion of alternatives. Choosing the optimal option. Clarification of activity plans. Working with information. Synthesis and analysis of ideas. Observation, consultation.
Performance Project implementation Work on the project, its design Observation, advice (at the request of the group)
Evaluation of results Analysis of project implementation, achieved results (successes and failures) Participation in collective project analysis and self-assessment Observation.
Direction of the analysis process (if necessary)
Project protection Preparation for defense. Rationale for the design process. Explanation of the results obtained, their evaluation. Project protection. Participation in collective assessment of project results. Participation in collective analysis and evaluation of project results.

Relevance of the project topic

The project is aimed at solving issues of patriotic education of children in accordance with basic educational programs. The content has been expanded to include the tasks of pedagogical education of parents, the involvement of parents in the educational process, increasing the role of the family in modern society, the specification of tasks in local history, the use of regional and partial programs for raising children based on the traditions of folk culture.

Project goals: creating conditions that reveal the creative and intellectual potential of preschool children, focused on dialogic interaction between children, parents and teachers and promoting self-understanding and self-development of all participants in the pedagogical process based on introducing children to the traditional culture of their native land.

Dates: December – April.

Achieving this goal is possible if you solve the following tasks:

  • To form a child’s idea of ​​himself, his family and social environment.
  • Give an idea of ​​the role of the native village, region in the economic development of the country; introduce various social objects, their interrelations and significance for the life of the village.
  • Create conditions for parental participation in the educational process.
  • To form a positive, respectful attitude towards the native land, towards work, and its inhabitants.
  • Introduce children and attract parents to the historical and cultural heritage of their native land.
  • To develop the creative abilities of children and parents in productive and musical activities using local material, to introduce them to folk crafts.

This method involves the implementation of a series principles:

  • The principle of conformity with nature provides for the organization of the pedagogical process in accordance with the laws of nature, its rhythms, and cycles.
  • The principle of problematization is to create conditions for posing and solving problems, introducing human culture into the world through its open problems by increasing the activity and initiative of the child in solving them.
  • The principle of nationality underlies the entire pedagogical process; folk culture and its potential are of great developmental importance.
  • The principle of relying on leading activity is realized in the organic connection of play with other specifically children’s activities (visual, constructive, musical, theatrical, etc.) that interact and enrich each other.
  • The principle of cooperation and co-creation presupposes the unity of an adult and a child as equal partners, provides the opportunity for self-development of each, dialogical interaction, and the predominance of empathy in interpersonal relationships.
  • The principle of local history is implemented through the maximum inclusion of the culture of the Angara region in the educational process.
  • The principle of cultural sensitivity and integrativeness is realized in the interrelation of various elements of human culture in different spheres of art.
  • The principle of taking into account age characteristics and concentricity allows us to consider various problems at an accessible level, and then return to previously studied material at a new, higher level.
  • The principle of developing a child’s personal qualities is aimed at developing a positive, respectful attitude towards the native land, its inhabitants, and work.

To implement the project, a thematic plan “Introducing older children to the culture of their native land” was developed, based on the programs: “Education and training in kindergarten”, edited by Vasilyeva; “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture” by O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva; regional program “Fauna and Plants of the Baikal Region” L.A. Misharina.

Predicted result:

  • Expanding the knowledge of children and parents about their native land, its customs, culture, forming on this basis a spiritual, environmental, moral and personal attitude to reality.
  • Expanding connections between preschool educational institutions and society.
  • Improving work on interaction with parents, enhancing the position of parents as participants in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten.

Thematic work plan

Sections of work

Main content, timing

Cognitive and speech development

"Me and my whole family" Customs and traditions of the family, drawing up a pedigree and coat of arms of the family (December 2008)
“Our village Mikhailovka” Sightseeing tours around the village, targeted walks to monuments, institutions: museum, schools, hospital, shops, central temporary residence center, public service center, children's art school. Visit to the Church of St. Basil the Great, together with parents (December 2008 - January 2009)
“Beloved Irkutsk – the middle of the Earth” Examination of illustrations about Irkutsk, conversations about the coat of arms of Irkutsk.
Children and their parents visiting museums, galleries, theaters, circuses, dolphinariums and writing stories about what they were away with or presenting a video.
Reading works of Irkutsk writers and poets (January, February 2009).
"Nature of the Angara region" Cyclic observations of nature, weather (December – April)
Carrying out the campaign “Green Christmas tree - living needle” (December)
“Help the birds in winter” (January)
Examination of Maleev’s photo album “Animal World of Siberia”
Natural history lessons: “Rivers of Siberia”, “Quiz about Baikal” (for parents)
Reading to children the works of Irkutsk author Sofia Buntovskaya “Ecologically friendly fairy tales from the shores of Lake Baikal”
Leisure activities: “Earth Day”, “Titmouse Calendar”.
“Development of coherent speech in children 5–7 years old” Introducing children to the works of local authors, journalists, poets, using the newspapers “My Village”, “Cheremkhovo News”, and the magazine “Sibiryachok”.
Dramatization of Siberian fairy tales with children. Parents make attributes and decorations for fairy tales, participate in the production of works and fairy tales. Family theater.
Acquaintance with fairy tales and legends about Lake Baikal. Retellings of these works.
Together with teachers and parents, coming up with riddles about interesting places in the village (station, school, museum, temple, theater)
Writing a descriptive story about the temple
Reading episodes from the children's Bible and talking about impressions.
Involving parents in purchasing and reading the magazine “Sibiryachok”
Visiting the library, meeting with local authors. Compiling stories based on impressions.
“Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture» Folk traditions, crafts, signs: “Kolyada”, “Siberian gatherings”, “Russian felt boot holiday”
Holidays of the national agricultural cycle

Artistic and aesthetic development “Culture and art of the Angara region”

"Fine art of the Angara region" Introducing children to the wooden architecture of Irkutsk. Acquaintance with the works of artists of the Angara region. Visit by parents and children to the Irkutsk Art Museum. Visiting exhibitions of the Children's Art School.
« Musical culture Siberia" Unlearning folk songs, nursery rhymes, ditties of regional content. Familiarization with folk instruments. Introduction to songs about native land. Performance in front of children wok. groups of the House of Culture "Zharki" - "Veteranochka", "Lyubavushka"
Series of lessons on music education: “Musical culture of Siberia”

Physical Culture

"Games of the Peoples of Siberia" Production by parents of attributes for outdoor games. Placing games of the peoples of Siberia in a mobile folder.
Learning games with children: “Needle, Thread, Knot”, “Kite”, “Ice, Wind and Frost”, “Deer and Shepherds”, “Hawk and Ducks”, “Streams and Lakes”
Sports festival"Sport family"

Organization of project activities of a teacher in a preschool educational institution.

During the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, kindergarten teachers often began to use the design method in their work. This allows you to successfully plan both the educational process and its results.

Project activities have become a bright, developing, interesting method in the work of teachers. If you apply this method systematically, you can track the results.

The ability of a teacher to analyze the result of his work, the development of a child as an individual who knows how to think, plan, implement, and be able to apply the resulting product of his work in life, in practice, are important qualities of modern education.

Implementing various projects together with children in kindergarten, involving the parent community in joint activities allows us to raise a child as a creative, independent person who can achieve his goals and objectives. This method, like no other, involves the cooperation of children and adults, which has a positive effect on the child’s psyche and allows him to feel more confident and harmonious in society. Such children graduate from kindergarten and move on to a new level of education at school. More confident, successful, it is easier for them to make contact with adults and peers.

There are many projects that can be applied and used in kindergarten: these are thematic projects (informational, creative, gaming, research).
The following projects have been implemented in our kindergarten: “Fantasies with Legos” (game), “Properties and Possibilities of Water” (research), “The Art of Origami” (creative), “Trees and shrubs of our site” (informational). A different number of students took part in the implementation of all these projects. Some projects were prepared by several children, while others required the participation of the entire group of children, and there were also individual ones.

All projects are different in volume and capacity and require different time frames for implementation. For example, a project on the work of the Ural children's writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was long-term, lasting the entire academic year. Familiarization with the work of this writer is a very difficult process for preschoolers; the material is very voluminous and requires detailed examination (for example, many words in fairy tales are difficult for a child to understand).

The “Dinosaurs” project was of average duration, the children easily posed and solved the assigned problems, the search for material and its perception was easy. This suggests that this topic is more relatable and interesting modern child.

When decorating corners in a group, preparing a group for the holidays, children collect information and put it into practice, together with the teacher they come up with how best to decorate the group, for example for the New Year, in order to keep them occupied. prize place. First, they collect information together with the teacher and parents, then discuss what suits them, what they can handle on their own, and where adult help is needed. To involve me in making attributes, I spent leisure evenings with my parents, where we worked together on preparation. This form of cooperation brings children, parents and kindergarten staff closer together.

The main thing when using project activities is the result. It can be framed and presented different ways: this is a holiday, and the design of newspapers, albums, exhibitions, as well as playing games, for example, playing out fairy tale characters, getting into character. Such final events allow children to look for ways to solve problems, solve them in their own way, in an accessible form.

Project activities must be carried out sequentially:

preparatory activities:
The teacher, together with the children, formulates the problem, looks for solutions, collects information together with the children, and involves the parent community. Schemes are created, templates, card files, attributes and other necessary material are prepared.

It is decided where, in what place, the selected project will be implemented, and the time frame that will be spent on its implementation is specified.

the project itself, its development:
A work plan is determined. System-forming factors are selected. Deadlines are set. The teacher takes an active part in the development of the project, provides assistance if necessary, guides the children, but in no case does the work that the children themselves can do. In the process, children must develop and develop certain skills and acquire new useful knowledge and skills.

project quality check:
There is a self-examination, a mental assessment of one’s activities, one’s work. Experts can be selected who will also evaluate the children’s work (kindergarten specialists are selected as experts: speech therapists, physical education instructor, music director, senior teacher, parents). But in no case can an expert be the specialist who helped implement a certain project; he will not have an objective assessment. For example, during the implementation of the project “I love the Urals - my native land!”, the music director was directly involved, she helped in staging the play, and learned songs about the Urals. She is a participant and cannot be an expert.

When checking a project, they assume how it can be used in practice, how work on the project influenced the participants in this project.

If the experts made comments, then the participants (children, teachers, parents) must rethink it, edit it, and improve it.

At this stage, children learn to evaluate their work, accept criticism, correct comments, and improve their work. A sense of responsibility for the quality of your project develops.

After this action, the implementation of the project in practice begins.
Some projects do not require going through all of these stages to develop.

A full cycle of all actions is typical for large-scale ideas.
Projects that are lighter, smaller in scale, are created in a short time and do not require going through all the stages. They seem to be compressed, rolled up.

Together with the children, we were so carried away by the project activity that we wrote a short quatrain:
It’s not difficult for us to tackle the project,
He carries the covenant forward!
Helps to make friends and unite,
And gives us new ideas!