Sample brief descriptions of professions for the professional education of students. General characteristics of professions, requirements of professions for personality traits

“A good cook has a lot of character, imagination and feeling” -

Emil Yun, chef of Strasbourg
restaurant "Au Crocodile"

Cook is a food preparation specialist. A good cook is sometimes called a wizard, because he can cook a real masterpiece from the most ordinary products that will bring joy and pleasure to people. The profession of a chef is one of the most popular and in demand in the world. Anyone can cook something quickly and even tasty, but chefs do something more with food. They don’t just follow the requirements of the recipe, mixing ingredients in the right proportions and bringing the products to readiness. Extensive knowledge in the field of physiology, chemistry, visual arts, as well as a sense of proportion and special intuition form what we call culinary masterpieces.

Brief description of the profession.
The cook prepares dishes according to special recipes, but can modify them to his taste, that is, approach the process creatively. Skilled chefs are often called masters of cooking, and their dishes are works of art. Because their main goal is not just preparing food to satisfy hunger. They strive to convey certain sensations and moods to people by choosing the most successful combination of taste and aroma, as well as beautifully decorating the dish. Without a doubt, this can only be done with talent and a certain amount of inspiration.

Specifics of the profession.
The work of a cook consists of several stages:
- obtaining initial products;
- maintaining technology and recipes for preparing dishes;
- ensuring the cooking process: preparing the necessary equipment, preparing semi-finished products;
- proper operation of kitchen equipment;
- ensuring proper accounting and storage of products in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
- sales of products.

The profession of a cook has several areas of activity.

Chef- the highest level in the profession. The chef combines the functions of an administrator and a cook. He draws up requests for the necessary products, ensures their timely receipt from the warehouse, controls the timing, assortment, quantity and quality of their receipt and sale. Studying customer demand, she forms an assortment of dishes and culinary products, and compiles a daily menu. Monitors food preparation technology and employee compliance with sanitary requirements and hygiene rules. Organizes accounting and reporting on the activities of the enterprise. A chef is also a high-class professional who invents new dishes and improves existing recipes, whose integral character traits are creativity and originality.

Pastry chef engaged in the production of sweets. This specialization requires a developed imagination and a subtle artistic taste, since it is very important not only to prepare a confectionery product, but also to decorate it in an interesting way.

Cook-technologist organizes the process of preparing food. Determines the quality of raw materials, calculates their quantity to obtain portions of finished products, and calorie content of the daily diet. Develops recipes for new signature dishes and draws up technological maps for them. Prepares necessary documentation and instructs cooks. His responsibilities include the proper organization of the cooking process.

Cook calculates raw materials and output finished products, prepares dishes, performs straining, kneading, grinding, molding, stuffing, stuffing products, regulates temperature conditions, determines the readiness of dishes and products using control and measuring instruments, as well as by appearance, smell, color, taste, produces decoration dishes and confectionery, divides them into portions.

The profession of a cook has its pros and cons, like any other profession.

Pros of the profession.
The profession of a cook is in demand and creative; there is a place for imagination and ingenuity in it. Good chefs have high wages. The undoubted advantages are the presence of constant demand for this type of activity, the likelihood of professional growth and obtaining skills useful in Everyday life. In addition, this is a great opportunity to realize your creative potential and create something original.

Disadvantages of the profession.
The work requires great physical endurance and responsibility. Not every person can stand standing at a hot stove full-time. At the same time, there is a constant strain of attention when you have to monitor the preparation of many dishes and there is no opportunity to relax or get distracted.

Personal qualities.
- olfactory and tactile sensitivity, olfactory memory;
- good taste and color perception, taste memory;
- good eye;
- exquisite taste, imagination, penchant for creativity;
- ability to recognize small deviations of technological process parameters from set values by visual signs;
- the ability to simultaneously perceive several objects;
- Fine developed sense timing;
- dynamic thinking;
- knowledge of measures, the ability to quickly and accurately determine by eye the required amount of liquid, bulk products, spices;
- ability to understand the quality and freshness of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits;
- knowledge of fast food preparation technologies, how to rationally allocate time;
- good coordination of movements of both hands, hand firmness, hand stability;
- ability to perform small precise movements;
- efficiency;
- physical endurance: the ability to work intensively for a long time without reducing performance;
- energy;
- ability to improvise;
- responsibility;
- forethought;
- punctuality, pedantry;
- ability to switch from one activity to another;
- striving for professional excellence.

Demand for the profession of a cook.
Nutrition is an integral process for maintaining human life every day. Therefore, the demand for the profession of a cook can hardly be overestimated. Almost all institutions have canteens, from kindergartens to government organizations. And in last years Due to the growing level of culture and wealth of the population, more and more different establishments began to open, offering a solid assortment of dishes. There are several reasons for this - people’s desire to try something new, to learn more about the traditions of another country by tasting its cuisine, or the desire to spend as little time as possible at home at the stove. The result is the incredible popularity of various pizzerias, fast foods and restaurants specializing in national dishes. And any of these establishments employs at least several chefs.

Place of work and career.
The profession of a cook involves working in the service sector. Food preparation is carried out in the canteens of various enterprises, organizations, educational institutions, as well as in cafes, bars and restaurants. You can also work in food processing plants, confectionery factories and food processing plants. Another possible option is to work as a personal chef for wealthy people. In good hotels, the profession of a cook is considered key in the hotel business. In hotels, chefs cook themselves and at the same time control the process of creating almost all dishes - from standard breakfasts to desserts. They also participate in the purchase of equipment, create menus, and ensure that restaurant products are fresh and immediately processed. The chef can also open his own restaurant or cafe. Wealthy people hire chefs for their homes.
The professional activity of a cook begins in an educational institution. GBPOU RK "Yalta College of Economics and Technology" provides students with permanent internship for the entire period of study.
For subsequent successful job search, a novice chef should create a portfolio with photographs of the dishes he has prepared. This is a modern approach to job search, which is perceived positively by a potential employer.
In the profession of a cook, career growth is possible from an assistant cook to a chef in a prestigious establishment. Professional growth begins with the position of assistant chef. And then, in accordance with his specialization and subject to the worthy performance of his duties, a person becomes a chef in the corresponding line of activity. At the same time, qualifications are gradually increased by assigning a rank. When you reach level 5-6, you can safely look for a vacancy as a chef.
The salary of a cook depends on the region of residence, the specifics of the institution, the size of the enterprise and the range of duties that the cook performs.

Descriptions of professions (given below or compiled specifically taking into account local conditions) can be used to prepare conversations with students (about the world of professions, about types of professions), for example, during student teaching practice at school. Such descriptions (or extracts from them) can be used as illustrative material in lessons in relevant academic disciplines to expand students’ understanding of the areas of application of a particular science in practice. When presented in the form of a file cabinet or computerized database, these (and similar) occupational descriptions can be used by students in their independent work to play possible selections future profession. Other uses of these materials are possible to the extent of the methodological ingenuity of the student trainee or teacher.
Professions like “Human-Wildlife”
Seed breeder. Seed production is a branch of agriculture. It includes agricultural enterprises (farms) and scientific and practical institutions.
Why is it important to start seed farming? Aren't the available crop varieties good enough? The fact is that plants and their seeds gradually lose their valuable qualities - they degenerate, as they sometimes say. And we must constantly work on variety renewal in order to provide the sown areas with high-quality seeds.
Growing varietal seeds is more difficult than simply getting a harvest from conventional crops: it requires additional pollination of plants, selection of the best seeds, and special control against weeds.
The seed production team is led by an agronomist-seed grower. On the one hand, he must be both a skilled organizer and a teacher (he has to teach members of the team - seed workers). On the other hand, he himself needs to know a lot about the characteristics of flowering, pollination of plants, ripening of seeds and fruits, the requirements of plants for living conditions, and their possible pests and diseases.
All practical work Team members conduct seed plots. Seed production teams are equipped with equipment: tractors, combines, tillage and seeding machines.
Seed growers prepare seeds for sowing, select large ones, treat them with special substances to prevent diseases of future plants (treat them), carry out sowing, care for the plants (weeding, watering, fertilizing, additional pollination), and store them for storage. For example, additional pollination of rye and buckwheat is carried out by gently shaking the plants with a rope stretched between their rows.
All these types of work require an interest in botany, special knowledge, observation, a penchant for practical work, and a culture of movement. In some cases, careful, precise movements are important, and sometimes significant physical effort is required (for example, when harvesting root vegetables, cabbage).
The seed grower must be persistent, patient, observant, and have a good understanding of the hidden biological processes at all stages of plant development. At the same time, he needs to be able to handle a variety of equipment.
This work is responsible and brings great satisfaction. After all, the seed grower knows that large areas of land will be sown with the seeds he has grown, and high quality seeds are the basis for a good harvest.
Vegetable grower. A vegetable grower grows vegetable plants for use as food, either fresh or processed. Vegetable growers work in the field and in greenhouses under the guidance of an agronomist.
The work of a vegetable grower requires significant physical effort. It is necessary to dig the ground, loosen, weed, fertilize, add soil, collect vegetables, transport them to the place of installation, lay them, etc. These operations are performed more than once. This side of a vegetable grower’s work is visible to everyone.
But there is another side to the work of a farmer - creative. Although agricultural science equips people with knowledge of the laws of nature, no textbooks or instructions can take into account the complex mosaic of all the circumstances (factors) that determine a high yield. The ability to foresee the influence of various factors on the development of plants lies in the art of the farmer.
The formation of plants requires a creative approach. For example, in order to create better conditions for plant lighting, place more fruiting branches on one square meter area of ​​greenhouses, cucumber branches must be tied up in a timely manner and twisted around vertical trellises. And in order to increase the number of cucumbers on each plant, they are pinched - excess non-fruiting shoots are removed. This promotes the development of fruiting shoots, providing them with nutrients, light and warmth.
There are different methods for performing this operation depending on what goals are set: to get an earlier harvest or a more abundant one, but later, etc. Certain practical actions of a vegetable grower are always the result of his mental activity, analysis of cause-and-effect relationships in nature. It is precisely this creative attitude to work that explains the fact that, under equal conditions, some vegetable growers receive a harvest several times greater than others.
Proper care of plants involves timely taking measures against various diseases. Observation helps the vegetable grower here. The lack of nutrients in plants can be judged by one specific signs, about mineral poisoning - according to others, etc. A vegetable grower must know all these signs and features of plant changes, notice them in time and take appropriate measures.
A vegetable grower must have dexterous hands. When picking seedlings, weeding, and shaping plants, the worker’s fingers very quickly, but carefully and gently touch the still very weak shoots. You have to work quickly, since thousands of plants are waiting for the grower’s hands, but at the same time calmly, accurately and carefully so as not to damage fragile plants.
This profession makes certain demands on a person’s character: the results of the work have to wait weeks and even months, and each plant must be looked after like a small child.
Those who are distinguished by a love of nature, observation, perseverance and patience work successfully in vegetable growing.
The work of a vegetable grower is attractive because there is no place for a template in it. Each month and year has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when making certain decisions. Working in the field, the vegetable grower is always in the fresh air and sees the beauty of the world around him. Working in a greenhouse has its advantages: many operations are mechanized, and the working day here is strictly regulated. Vegetable growers on large farms usually work in teams, and several teams are combined into a team. Vegetable growers are trained directly on the farms.
Agronomist. This is one of the main figures in the village. His main task is to improve agricultural production by managing the labor of machine operators and field farmers. He is the main conductor of science in the economy, he determines the technology of labor and its organization.
An agronomist must be observant, notice and take into account in his work changes occurring in nature, and, if necessary, make emergency and non-standard decisions. Emotional stability, will, a developed sense of responsibility for decisions made - these qualities are also necessary for an agronomist, because often his activities take place against a background of emotional tension, accompanied by a state of anxiety (for example, in unfavorable weather conditions).
Most often, an agronomist is faced with the tasks of diagnosis and prognosis. An example of solving such problems is the establishment of the causes of low yields on the farm and the change in sowing dates by the famous field farmer T.S. Maltsev. It has long been believed that main reason low yields on Siberian lands - June drought. Therefore, they sowed as early as possible: in late April - early May. Observations by T.S. Maltsev showed that in this case the period of plant development occurs in June, when it rarely rains in Siberia. He decided to sow later - at the end of May - so that the main development of the plants would occur in July, rich in precipitation. This made it possible to obtain higher and more sustainable yields.
From this example it is clear that in order to identify the reasons for the low yield, it was necessary to put forward and test a number of assumptions. To put forward the correct assumption, it was necessary to go beyond the usual ideas, to overcome the inertia of generally accepted views. This means that an agronomist needs flexibility of thinking and independence in decision-making.
This example also shows how important it is for an agronomist to be observant, conduct experiments, and analyze the results. His possibilities for experimentation are exceptionally great. Essentially, he conducts not only production, but also research and development work. Studies the effectiveness of varietal crops, soil cultivation methods, and the application of various types of fertilizers.
A significant place in the activity of an agronomist is occupied by planning the production process. He determines the set of field works, their sequence, the content of field experiments, distributes the means of production, etc. An agronomist deals not only with land, seeds, and plants, but also with people who grow bread and other crops.
In this regard, pedagogical qualities are professionally important for the activities of an agronomist. The ability to sensitively and differentiatedly approach people, to penetrate their psychology. Treat their needs and interests with understanding, awaken their initiative and work spirit.
Master cattle breeder. A decisive role in increasing the production of milk and meat belongs to cattle breeders - those who care for the animals, feed them and water them, milk them and treat them.
On large livestock farms, comprehensive mechanization and automation are being introduced. The milking process has been mechanized, as well as water supply, preparation and distribution of feed, manure removal, and primary milk processing. To create the necessary conditions for keeping livestock, ventilation and heating systems are installed, and refrigeration units are installed for storing milk.
The work of a livestock worker has become modern production easier physically, but requires much more knowledge. He must know the basics of the anatomy and physiology of cattle, the rules of breeding and caring for animals, the requirements of animal science and veterinary medicine. He also needs hand and machine milking skills. He must carry out equipment maintenance and eliminate simple faults.
The duties of a master livestock breeder include conducting a chemical and bacteriological analysis of milk - determining its purity, density, acidity, and fat content. He must know the basics of animal hygiene, comply with the requirements of industrial sanitation and prevention.
Particularly strict sanitary requirements apply to premises for dairy farms. They have a room for draining and straining milk, a washing room for washing dishes and storing them. A rest room should be provided for milkmaids (milkers).
When working on livestock farms, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the safety rules, especially electrical protection. Work in the feed shop and feed kitchen takes place in electrically hazardous conditions: moisture here contributes to the rapid destruction of electrical insulation, so it is necessary to vigilantly monitor the condition of electrical equipment. When working on feed preparation machines, caution and caution are required.
The abundance of technology on a modern farm does not detract from the role of a master livestock breeder - an expert on the biological characteristics of animals, capable of understanding the conditions of their growth and development and providing these conditions.
Veterinary assistant. Control of a variety of animal diseases is important for both livestock production and human health.
There is a whole system of government bodies, institutions, and services where veterinary specialists work. They direct their efforts to increasing livestock productivity and protecting animals from diseases.
The field of veterinary medicine also includes issues of sanitary assessment of livestock products. The fact that the animal products we purchase in a store or on the market are benign and uncontaminated is the result of vigilant monitoring by veterinarians.
Paramedics work in agricultural enterprises, at stations for combating animal diseases, in laboratories, at veterinary stations, poultry farms, etc.
On farms, paramedics participate in the development of livestock development plans. They put into practice zoohygienic requirements and rules for keeping animals and monitor their implementation by workers.
The most difficult thing in the work of a paramedic is the process of medical thinking when making a diagnosis, hidden from external observation. An important task is the constant examination of animals in order to identify sick, weakened, and with initial signs of the disease. To do this, he must master the techniques of approaching animals, know and take into account their specific and individual habits.
Animals not only get sick, but also die. For what reason did the animals die? What measures should be taken to stop the death rate? Life also poses these and similar questions to a veterinary assistant. To answer them correctly, he must have a broad outlook in his field and unconventional thinking.
The work of a paramedic is very responsible. In this regard, he has significant rights. He can prescribe a feeding regime for animals, prohibit the use of certain animals at work, prohibit the use of poor-quality feed and water sources, etc.
The work of a veterinarian makes certain demands not only on his mind, but also on his character. He must be a firm and principled person. His unscrupulousness can cause human misfortunes (illnesses, poisonings), and can cause great moral and material damage to society.
Beekeeper. Bees are very useful insects. They produce a number of useful products that are widely used by humans: honey, wax, propolis, beebread and other medicinal substances. In addition, they pollinate many agricultural plants.
Honey bees are conservationists. While collecting nectar, they carry out preventive work - they destroy harmful insects, bacteria, and larvae.
Caring for bees is a complex process. Active work with hives begins in early spring. The beekeeper places the hives from the winter hut (special room) outside or removes the insulation from hives that have wintered in the wild. He makes a quick inspection of the families, cleans the nests. The nest is a complex structure made of wax - honeycomb. Checks the availability of food and, if there is a shortage, organizes feeding of the bees.
The most difficult and crucial period in a beekeeper’s activity is obtaining new bee colonies. At the border between spring and summer, the time of reproduction begins - the swarming of bees. The bees with the queen fly out of the hive and, gathering into a large lump, seem to stick to a branch of some tree. Collecting bees, removing a swarm, planting it in a new hive - all this requires special skills from the beekeeper.
Bees spend a lot of time and energy collecting nectar. Some even die along the way. To facilitate the work of bees, the beekeeper organizes transportation of hives to sources of honey - fields of buckwheat, sunflower, etc. This contributes to a significant increase in honey yield in the apiary.
When selecting honey, the beekeeper takes great care. Tries not to irritate the owners of the hive with foreign odors or sudden movements. He removes the honeycomb from the hive and pumps out some of the honey using a centrifuge.
After pumping out the honey, the beekeeper processes the wax and other types of products, bringing them to a certain condition.
When conducting an autumn inspection of the nests of bee families, the beekeeper takes care of the food supply and properly insulates each bee family. The development of bee colonies in the spring and their productivity in the summer depend on the outcome of wintering.
Bees don't just work. They can get sick and die in entire families. This requires the person caring for them to have knowledge and skills, observation, and care.
The beekeeper actively participates in the work of agricultural technicians, monitors crop rotation, and ensures the sowing of honey crops in areas located close to the apiary. Shows great vigilance regarding chemical treatments of fields, especially from airplanes (such treatments can kill bees).
For a person who loves nature, working in an apiary can bring a lot of joy. It has a beneficial effect on a person’s mood and character. Teaches perseverance, patience, hard work, brings kindness and peace to his soul.
General purpose tractor operator. In modern agricultural production, the profession of a wide-profile tractor driver is the most common. He is a farmer, a car driver, a driver of basic agricultural machinery, and a repairman.
In spring he plows, cultivates, sows. In summer it processes and feeds crops. In autumn he is the main figure in the harvest. After harvesting, he switches to raising plowed land. In winter, he takes care of accumulating more snow on the fields, repairing equipment, sorting grain, and transporting mineral and organic fertilizers to the fields.
The agricultural machine freed the farmer from the exorbitant physical exertion associated with manual peasant labor. She changed the very nature and content of the grain grower’s work, opening up space for creative thought and initiative.
The operation of machine and tractor units in various conditions requires the machine operator, on the one hand, to comply with certain operating rules, and on the other, a non-standard approach to solving production problems. To increase the efficiency of their work, experienced machine operators use innovative techniques. They invent and apply additional devices to existing equipment. They are introducing progressive technology for cultivating and harvesting agricultural crops.
Labor in the fields is not easy. In hot and cold, in rain and snow, a tractor driver works on his unit. How much effort, effort and skill he needs to put in to reap a rich harvest! Therefore, he cultivates such strong-willed qualities as perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties, self-control, discipline, and responsibility.
A real tractor driver, being one on one with the earth, with living nature, treats it as a zealous owner and a good friend. He tries to prepare the soil well for sowing and takes care of creating the best conditions for the development of plants. And what great joy and moral satisfaction he experiences when he sees the first shoots in his field, a green field and, finally, grown bread! And the higher the harvest, the higher the professional pride of the grain grower.
Working with technology, communicating with nature and the earth contribute unique beauty into the work of a rural machine operator.
It goes without saying that a general-purpose tractor driver must have good health, sufficient visual acuity, and good color vision. He needs a stable vestibular apparatus (organ of balance), normal hearing is important in order to determine the condition of the engine by the strength and tone of sounds.
The new technology provides for improved working conditions for tractor drivers. New models are equipped with cabins protected from dust and noise. They supply purified, heated or cooled air. The cabins and seats are sprung, which reduces the effect of vibrations. New brands of cars use electronic elements.
Biophysicist. Biophysics is the science of the physical and physicochemical foundations of the structure and functioning of living systems at all levels of their organization - from the submolecular level to the level of the biosphere.
The goals and objectives of a professional in this field depend on whether he is engaged in theoretical or applied research. The results of applied research are used in medicine and agriculture. For example, a biophysical method for analyzing a cardiogram has been developed, which makes it possible to diagnose heart disease at a very early stage, and therefore fight it more effectively. There are also useful developments for agriculture - methods for recognizing plant diseases or environmental pollution. Where it is difficult for an agronomist to notice signs of a disease by eye in an apparently healthy plant, and chemical analysis takes too much time, biophysicists come to the rescue.
Biophysicists can work in research (physical, biological, medical, chemical) institutions. And also in scientific and practical (medical, agricultural). Biophysicists conduct research work, testing scientific assumptions (hypotheses) experimentally. For example, a specialist studying the process of photosynthesis can consider the effect of different conditions on plants (lighting, fluorescence, the presence of heavy metals in the environment). In the case of fluorescence, its work in the experiment will proceed as follows. A certain amount of light is sent to the plant and the amount returned is calculated. In this case, recording systems and photomultipliers are used, which amplify and convert light.
The specialist must be able to work with instruments and analyze the data obtained. The profession requires the ability to pose scientific questions and tasks. It requires persistence in moving from ignorance to knowledge, a critical mind, the ability to not take anything for granted, and to come up with something new.
The environment in which a biophysicist works is multi-component. It is also vital (from Lat.vita - life), because the object of biophysics is all living things. She is also social - a biophysicist often works in a team. It is also informational. All this presupposes a high development of diverse cognitive interests. As in any business, the ability of each employee to work in a group is important. We must constantly monitor the release of new scientific publications in Russia and abroad (you must speak a foreign language).
For professionals, their field of activity is valuable because they are faced with questions (for example, to find out the mechanisms of interaction of the influenza virus with the cell membrane) to which they are interested in looking for answers. This satisfies their inclination to knowledge and gives them the consciousness that you are making a contribution to the development of science, to the affairs of all mankind.
Professions such as “Human-technology and inanimate nature”
Sewing equipment operator (previously this profession was called “seamstress-motorist”; for brevity, we will further use the word “seamstress”).
This profession is the most common in garment factories. Modern sewing workshops- these are spacious, bright rooms. You can often see a lot of plants and aquariums in the workshop, which create a favorable microclimate. At work places, the lights are not turned off even during the day shift, because the work of a seamstress requires constant visual control.
High-performance special sewing machines and accessories for them have been created and continue to be improved. Semi-automatic machines sew buttonholes themselves and sew down the collars of men's shirts. Just put the workpiece on a special device and take it off, and the machine itself will quickly trace the line as needed. Special devices allow you to hem the edge of a product in one step, threading is easier, and the stitching speed is much higher than in everyday sewing practice.
Every girl with normal health and good eyesight can become a seamstress. Such qualities as attentiveness and perseverance are also very important for this profession.
During the work, the seamstress checks the quality of the cut, the color matching of the stitched parts, threads, and buttons; monitors the quality of the seam, regulates the thread tension and stitching frequency, eliminates thread breaks, changes bobbins (spools) as the thread is consumed.
Sewing operations can be very different. And here it is important to choose a job you like. For example, when making individual lines and seams of complex shapes, careful and precise movements are required. Girls who are not attracted to work at high speeds and frequent changes of operations work more successfully here. And vice versa, when sewing long seams, decisive girls with fast, sharp movements work better.
Paths of professional growth for seamstresses include mastering new equipment and new technological operations.
A seamstress who has mastered all operations in her workshop can work in groups serving fashion designers and clothing designers. These groups produce the first copies of new models of coats, dresses, shirts, and suits. The future fate of new clothing models largely depends on the art of seamstresses.
Experience as a seamstress is important for those who have a strong interest in sewing, wants to become a sewing production technologist, clothing designer, fashion designer.
Plastic presser. Plastics have extremely wide applications in the national economy. The most common method of processing and producing plastic products is pressing.
In the most general outline The work of the press looks like this. A fixed and a movable plate are mounted on the press frame. Between the moving and stationary parts of the press, the processed material is compressed in a certain way, turning into the desired product.
To obtain a product of a given configuration, a special split mold is needed. It consists of two metal plates - a matrix and a punch. There is a cavity between them, the shape corresponding to the profile of the product.
The matrix is ​​mounted on a fixed press plate, and the punch is mounted on a movable one. The worker presses a button and opens the press: the movable press plate moves away along with the punch. Now the press operator places the plastic material into the die cavity. He presses another button, and a movable plate with a punch closes the press.
In order for the material placed in the mold to enter a plastic state and fill all the recesses of the mold, it is heated to the temperature specified by the technology. Heating is carried out automatically by high frequency current directly in the mold. Thus, when the mold is closed, pressure is applied to the material and at the same time it heats up. This causes the material to transition to a plastic state.
Complex equipment, relieving the worker of great physical stress, requires constant monitoring. The press is a device that includes electrical, mechanical and hydraulic systems. In the event of problems with its operation, the press operator must be able to figure out in which particular system they arose in order to call the necessary specialist for repairs - an electrician, a mechanic or a specialist in hydraulic devices.
A similar situation arises when the press is working properly, but there is a defect. The press operator must quickly determine the cause. This is not always easy, because the same type of marriage can have different reasons.
This means that the press operator must have a good knowledge of not only the structure of the press, but also the technology for manufacturing plastic products. He must be attentive in order to detect problems in a timely manner and be technically competent. And most importantly - patient and persistent in identifying the causes of problems.
If a press operator works on two or three presses, he needs distribution and switching of attention. Presses can produce various products and operate in different modes. It is necessary to ensure that the downtime of each press is minimal, equal only to the time required to load the material into the mold.
This work is not recommended for people who have increased irritability of the skin on their hands.
Tool maker for making fixtures. Mechanics are employed in all sectors of the national economy. The work they perform is so varied that there is a whole range of plumbing professions. One of the most common professions is that of a tool maker.
Toolmakers for the manufacture of fixtures produce all kinds of equipment for machines of various types and types: lathes, milling, planing, drilling, etc. The equipment they produce is intended for installation and fastening of the workpiece and working tool on the machines. They participate in the creation of automatic machines, semi-automatic machines, and automatic lines.
The main metalworking operations include: marking, chopping and cutting, bending and straightening, drilling, tapping, riveting, soldering, etc.
The responsibilities of a locksmith are wide and varied. Mental work here is combined with high manual skill, the ability to work on machines, and use a variety of mechanical and control instruments.
The work of a toolmaker begins with reading the drawing. This requires not only great knowledge, but also good development of technical thinking, especially spatial concepts.
The toolmaker clearly plans his work, establishing the order of processing and assembling the product, so as not to miss a single operation and at the same time not to do unnecessary work.
The manual labor of mechanics is facilitated by the use of various mechanized devices to perform labor-intensive types of processing. Manual operations are performed during the most precise work: finishing, fitting, assembling products. Their quality is determined by the precision of the master’s hand movements.
A well-developed joint-muscular sense is of great importance in metalworking. It allows you to control the strength and direction of movements. It is also important to have a well-developed sense of touch, since a mechanic determines the quality of processing not only with the help of tools, but also by touch.
The toolmaker must have healthy arms and legs (flat feet are contraindicated), good vision in both eyes, healthy lungs and heart (heart defects, dizziness, epilepsy are contraindicated), a healthy spine (spinal curvature is contraindicated), healthy skin (you have to work with emulsions , oils, pastes, etc.).
Toolmakers are the most skilled and knowledgeable workers in production.
Operator of drilling and lathe machines with numerical control. One of the main means of automating technological processes in production is computer numerical control (CNC) machines. They differ in that they work according to a pre-designed program. The program can be changed within a wide range without rebuilding the mechanical equipment.
The essence of program control is that the sequence of processing operations developed by a technologist is expressed in the form of numbers (according to certain rules). This is the program, the task for the machine. It is applied to a program carrier - magnetic tape, punched tape, punched card.
According to a given program, the machine performs a sequence of operations. The machine is a complex system of devices and mechanisms based on the use of electronics, pneumatics, and hydraulics. He has a store of tools and himself selects them for processing in accordance with the program.
An operator of CNC machines of any type performs the following actions: direct maintenance of the machine, control and measurement operations, setting it up for a new batch of parts.
Setup is the most critical part of the operator's work. The quality of processing of the entire batch of parts depends on how correctly it is produced.
The operator’s work on setting up the machine begins with studying documents: drawings, technological task map, etc. According to this documentation, the operator selects the necessary tools and installs them in the appropriate devices. Then he installs and secures the workpiece, for this he selects the appropriate devices according to the setup map.
While processing the workpiece (and thus obtaining the desired part), the operator observes the operation of the machine. He takes measurements of the processed part and, if necessary, makes corrections by referring to the correction blocks of the machine. The majority of the operator's time is spent observing. This can create monotony in his work, especially if processing one part takes a long period of time.
The operator's work does not involve heavy physical labor or monotonous working postures.
The profession of a numerically controlled machine operator will appeal to those who like to deal with complex modern technology.
Electric welder. Welding is a reliable and economical method of permanently connecting machine parts, structures and structures. Its essence is the formation of strong bonds between atoms and molecules of connected bodies due to local fusion or a special kind of deformation.
Without welders, neither any large-scale construction nor the creation of spaceships, microelectronic circuits, or sea vessels is unthinkable.
The most common types of welding are electric arc and gas. In both cases, permanent connection of products is achieved by melting using thermal energy. In the first case, its source is an electric arc, and in the second - gas burning in oxygen. If an electric welder works with an electrode when manually welding, then a gas welder works with a special torch, from which a stream of blue flame bursts out with a quiet hiss.
Despite the widespread use of welding machines, manual welding will always be important. It is indispensable in the construction and installation of buildings, laying pipelines, constructing hydraulic structures, and repairing various equipment.
Below we will talk about manual electric arc welding. The worker received a task - a drawing, a technological map, which said what should be welded with what, by what method, what brand of electrodes and for what time. He must carefully understand these documents, mentally imagine the situation and take into account all the requirements for the work.
A responsible operation is preparing surfaces for welding. The strength of the seam largely depends on it. For each specific case, the welder selects the welding mode: current value, its polarity, etc.
Having completed the preparatory operations, the worker turns on the device, sets the desired current mode and, looking through the dark glass of the protective mask, lights the arc. You need to control your movements with great precision: if the electrode is pressed against the workpiece, it will melt; if you hold it too far away, the arc will be unstable.
The electric arc both melts the electrode and creates a pool of molten metal on the workpiece. The welder's task is to control this pool and the particles of molten metal of the electrode. He decides when and how to change the angle of the electrode, the direction and speed of its movement. By shades of color and some other characteristics, it distinguishes molten metal from the resulting molten slag and prevents them from entering the seam.
The welding process requires concentration and sustained attention from the worker. Based on the complex and changing information delivered by the senses, the welder continuously makes decisions, which he immediately translates into practical actions. Thus, the demands on the welder’s practical thinking are very high. A good memory for standards of color and its shades, for the features of complex shapes and contours is also important for him.
Welders have to work in a wide variety of conditions: in the production workshop, in the field, at height, and underground. There is also underwater welding. This places certain demands on human health. This profession is contraindicated for people with diseases such as hypertension, bronchial asthma, rheumatism, and musculoskeletal disorders.
Milling operator. Milling is one of the types of processing of metal, plastics, and wood using a cutting tool (cutter). A cutter is like a set of several cutting teeth (for example, it can look like a gear wheel, the teeth of which have cutting edges).
The cutter is fixed in the milling machine and receives rotational movement. The workpiece is placed on the machine table and fed perpendicular to the cutter axis. During processing, the teeth of the cutter sequentially cut into the surface of the workpiece and remove a layer of the processed material from it.
A wide variety of operations are performed on a milling machine using multi-edged cutting tools - milling cutters. Complex curved surfaces of parts, planes, grooves, round holes, threads, teeth of gears and worm wheels and many others are processed.
Before starting work on the machine, the milling operator studies the drawing of the part, its dimensions, as well as a technical map, which indicates the sequence of operations and the necessary tools. At the same time, he mentally imagines the progress of processing the part, then checks the workpieces received at the warehouse: are their dimensions close to those indicated on the drawing, are there any defects in them.
Now you need to set up the machine to produce a specific part. The quality of processing depends on how correctly the tool and workpiece are installed. Therefore, the milling operator, when performing these operations, must be extremely careful, attentive and patient. The ability to correctly and quickly set up a machine is not given immediately; it characterizes the skill of a milling machine operator.
The work requires a person to have high coordination and precision of movements. After milling is completed, the worker removes the part from the machine and checks its dimensions. If they do not correspond to the specified ones, then the milling machine operator continues setting up the machine. When the specified dimensions are reached,
he begins processing the entire batch of parts, if necessary, adjusting the machine during operation.
The profession of a milling machine operator requires intelligence and technical savvy, the ability to apply knowledge of geometry and trigonometry in practice. For example, a milling machine operator can design a device himself that can be used to process several workpieces at the same time, or he can choose a tool that can be used to process different surfaces.
Anyone who has mastered milling well will never regret choosing this difficult, but at the same time very interesting, creative profession.
Machine and technological equipment adjuster. This is a general name, but in fact there are many different specialties of service technicians in all sectors of the economy - from the production of candy, sewing clothes and ending with the construction of spaceships.
Thanks to the machine adjuster, the devices operate smoothly and smoothly.
Plants and factories are constantly installing new equipment and mastering new technologies. It is important for an installer to be interested in the direction in which the technical development of his industry is going, to navigate technical innovations: after all, he not only has to set up, adjust, and maintain existing equipment, but also participate in the installation, testing, commissioning, and adjustment of new, unusual things.
The adjuster must be able to practically work on the equipment being adjusted (say, on a special sewing machine or on machines with numerical control - depending on what kind of equipment he is servicing): without this, you will not learn some important subtleties of labor and the technology of the corresponding production.
The technician watches the machines with interest and vigilance, anticipates and prevents possible problems, shows initiative, independence, and skill in eliminating them.
The causes of malfunctions are often hidden. They need to be mentally found and correctly identified so as not to disassemble the entire machine.
The installer has to understand technical documents (drawings, flow charts, diagrams), i.e. using conventional signs and drawings to mentally imagine the structure and operation of equipment.
Activities of this kind require important mental qualities from a person and develop them in him (we are talking about technical thinking, ingenuity, spatial imagination, ingenuity).
If an operator services mechanical equipment (for example, metal-cutting machines, weaving machines, mining machines), then he is required to have good physical development. You have to operate with metalworking tools, sometimes move heavy parts and mechanisms. This, by the way, also develops physical strength and endurance.
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If a service technician works at an enterprise in the medical, food, or microbiological industries, then special cleanliness and accuracy are also required of him.
At any level of technological development, this profession will remain necessary and important.
Molder. The molder is one of the main participants in the foundry industry. He prepares a “void” in a special sand-clay mixture to fill it with liquid metal. This “void” must be shaped like the blank being cast. That is why it is called a mold, and the worker is called a molder.
The mold is made in a flask using a model. A model is a copy of a future workpiece, made of wood or metal. A flask is a container (a kind of open box without a bottom) into which a special sand-clay mixture is poured (it is called “soil”). The flasks can be stacked on top of each other and secured in this position using pins.
Casting molds are made from special refractory plastic mixtures. When compacted, the mixture (“soil”) retains its given shape. But after casting the part, it can be loosened and used again to make new casting molds.
The finished form consists of several articulated flasks filled with a compacted mixture. Inside the form there is an unfilled space, which is a copy of the future part.
To cast parts with holes and cavities, special fillers called cores are inserted into the mold. They prevent liquid metal from entering future holes and cavities.
The molder must have mental spatial vision. He needs it both to accurately recreate the shape if it is damaged, and to correctly install the rods. An additional difficulty for the molder is the polarity of the mold and the model: where there is a protrusion on the model, there is a recess on the mold and vice versa. Therefore, the spatial thinking of a molder must be flexible, capable of quickly switching from one system of spatial relations to another.
Since the mold is made of a rather fragile material, constant monitoring of its condition is necessary. To do this, the molder must have such qualities as attentiveness, prudence, and patience.
With machine molding, labor productivity increases several times. The molder has to control the production of a much larger number of molds. The requirements for speed of perception and perfect hand movements are increasing. The worker must know the structure of the machines on which he works. A machine molder works in a team. Therefore, the success of work and satisfaction from it largely depend on the ability to get along with the team, the desire for coherence and mutual understanding.
Optician. Optical instruments are very diverse. A microscope lens can have a diameter of up to 1 mm and weighs small fractions of a gram. The mirror for a powerful telescope has a diameter of about 6 m, and its mass is measured in tons.
Before turning into an optical part, a glass blank will go through many operations: it will be peeled - the main allowances will be removed; grind - to give the required dimensions; polish - to obtain transparency of the surface of parts and their final parameters; center - to align the optical axis of the part with the geometric one; clarify - to increase the light transmittance and apply a protective coating.
The optician's workplace is equipped with grinding and polishing machines, abrasive materials and tools, as well as materials for washing and wiping parts.
The parts are processed on a machine in a device in the form of a mushroom (with a convex spherical surface), a cup (with a concave surface) or a faceplate (with a flat surface).
An optometrist must be able to use a wide variety of measuring instruments. High processing accuracy, calculated in thousandths of a millimeter and 1 - 2 arc seconds, can only be controlled using special instruments.
An optician must have developed a visual-figurative memory for colors and their shades, for the shape of parts, for their movements (their direction, strength). He needs a sense of time - determination of the duration of the process, since in the manufacture of small-scale parts the time and sequence of operations are often established empirically.
When grinding and polishing, the amount of pressure the tool exerts on the workpiece is of great importance. In the process of manual processing, the optician focuses on visual, tactile and muscle-articular sensations and perceptions, choosing the speed, direction and magnitude of hand movement forces.
In order to perform his work competently, he must have special technical knowledge, be able to read drawings, and identify defects in the processing of parts.
Despite the fact that optics are provided with instructions, processing cards, and reference books, they need independent thinking. During the processing process, he must take into account various factors (circumstances influencing the progress of work): properties of glass, abrasive materials, working tools, processing speed, tool pressure, etc. All these factors act simultaneously in various combinations and are constantly changing. The ability to evaluate and take them into account comes with the accumulation of practical experience.
To become a highly skilled optician, you must be observant, focused and extremely careful. The slightest scratch or speck of dust on the material, poorly washed parts or hands can undo a lot of work done.
Opticians of the highest category are true masters of their craft, creative partners with instrument designers and technologists.
Analytical chemist. Chemical analysis is an activity to determine the composition, structure of substances, and their chemical properties. Specialists also develop general principles, rules, and methodology for chemical analysis.
Currently, much research is being carried out at the intersections of various sciences, and analytical chemistry is no exception. Research involves other areas of chemistry, such as physical chemistry, quantum chemistry, and a number of branches of physics. Due to the diversity of objects of chemical analysis, specialists in this field also have to interact with biochemists, workers in the field of molecular biology, geochemists, geographers, soil scientists, and geologists.
The knowledge and skills of analytical chemists are applicable in almost all areas of human life. For example, in Lately Environmental monitoring has become quite relevant (determination of harmful components in wastewater, nitrates and other substances in soils and vegetables, analysis of the quality of drinking water). Sometimes it is necessary to identify various components of automobile fuels, rocket fuels and their decomposition products in water, soil, and air. In medicine, with the help of chemical analysis, they find out the effect of various drugs, their “behavior” over time, and determine how well the medicinal drugs are synthesized.
The work of a modern analytical chemist mainly involves the use of instruments. Mathematical methods are also used when processing measurement results for statistically correct expression of results. A variety of computer programs are actively used, depending on the tasks and preferences of specialists.
Separate laboratories are engaged in research within a single area. Within the laboratory, there is usually a division of employees into groups that deal with even more specialized problems. Each specialist in the group is engaged in a specific area of ​​research, i.e. One person often deals with one problem, but his work is regularly discussed within the group. This is important for possible improvement of the study.
A specialist can also engage in applied work. For example, the customer needs to know whether the soil contains nitrates and nitrites in quantities that can harm plants in a given area.
An analytical chemist, when fulfilling an order, can act either according to a standard procedure or approach the matter creatively. For example, treat the soil in different ways and try to understand which one is most suitable. The technique can be developed not for a specific type of soil, but for different ones (soil properties vary greatly). Sandstones, loams and chernozem differ greatly in dryness, the presence of various compounds, and the ability to retain substances of interest to the researcher. In this way, creative exploration can take place different ways soil treatment to extract, for example, the mentioned nitrates and nitrites.
The necessary knowledge, skills and qualities are acquired during training, in particular such important ones for a chemist as accuracy and caution.
Professions of the “Human-Human” type
Educator preschool institutions. A child is not a reduced adult. He lives in his own world, where reality, fairy tale and fantasy imperceptibly penetrate each other. A preschooler lives by playing. In the game, his personality, character, and relationships are formed. A child easily believes that a toy car with a broken wheel suffers in the same way as a wounded chick.
How should we treat children’s judgments and their fantasies? Maybe take the realistic position of an adult and explain to the child that all this is nonsense and fiction? In no case. After all, a child’s sincere experiences in play are the basis of poetry, as the famous teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky noted. Therefore, we must treat them with sincere understanding and respect.
Educator kindergarten works with children who are interested in everything: “Why is it raining?”; “How are tigers treated?”; “What is the moon supported on?” For many thousands of “whys” it is necessary to give the correct answer, taking into account age.
If an adult has not mastered the necessary knowledge and has not become a subtle and sensitive psychologist, then children may turn out to be uncontrollable, mysterious creatures for him.
One of the main tasks of preschool education is to protect the health and life of children. For this purpose, favorable hygienic conditions are created and caring care for children is provided.
Children are taught to play and live together, to show a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, to take into account the opinion of the team, to be independent and proactive. They are brought up with a willingness to do any necessary task, and not just the one they like.
Much attention is paid to developing the skills of personal hygiene, self-care, keeping things in order, and treating them with care.
Children are interested in having a teacher who knows how to make things, draw, and sing. Humor and jokes are faithful assistants in his work.
The success of your work largely depends on observation. A good teacher never sees all children as the same. He sees them individual characteristics, the infinite variety of their characters and keeps them in mind. The distribution of the teacher's attention, like observation, is developed as experience accumulates, subject to interest in the matter, in the child's inner world.
While observing the daily routine prescribed for children of this age, the employee carries out all the necessary educational work. Conducts morning exercises, classes, and walks with children. Organizes children’s observation of surrounding natural phenomena, life and work of adults.
The work of a teacher can bring a lot of joy to those who love children and who are interested in communicating with them. Every child is amazing and beautiful world. And to be able to see this world and help it open up is a high and noble task.
Secretary of the institution. The secretary's reception room is located next to the office of the manager or chief. The types of work, rights and responsibilities of secretaries in different institutions may differ. This is due to the nature of the institution's work.
The secretary performs two main functions: works with documents and provides non-documentary services to management staff and visitors.
The secretary, participating in the creation of documents, prints them (you need to be able to use a computer) and sends them to the recipients, takes shorthand notes, and works with a voice recorder.
Sometimes the secretary independently prepares draft orders and responses to incoming letters or requests. In these cases, the manager outlines the essence of the document, and the secretary draws up the text, prints it, gives it to the manager for signature and sends it.
The secretary keeps minutes of meetings, records telephone messages, orders, instructions, letters, etc., dictated by the manager.
The undocumented work of a secretary is to ensure communication between the manager and subscribers, as well as organizing the reception of staff and visitors, preparing and servicing various meetings, etc.
Typists who have mastered their profession in a vocational school or in special courses can type at a speed of 350 characters per minute. This speed is achieved by mastering the touch typing method (when the typist does not look at the keyboard). Learning with this method is based on motor memory - movements for each finger of both hands are remembered.
In the work of a typist and secretary-typist, thinking plays an important role. Knowledge of the subject, erudition, erudition, and broad outlook help the typist type quickly and accurately. Over the years, highly qualified typists begin to understand the content of printed materials better and better. This helps them type when handwriting is illegible and the author makes mistakes.
The main thing for a secretary-typist is switching and distributing attention. The secretary often simultaneously monitors signals from the boss’s office, monitors visitors, types and answers the phone. He switches from one action to another dozens of times a day. For a person with slow reactions and difficulty switching, the work of a secretary is contraindicated.
Both the typist and the secretary need to be able to work against a background of interference while maintaining high quality work.
A good secretary is a friendly, affable, tactful person. Under all circumstances, he must maintain self-control, be calm and restrained. At the same time, the secretary, if necessary, must show persistence and strength of character, not follow the lead of visitors, but strictly and strictly fulfill his duties.
Seller of non-food products. The introduction of the self-service method significantly changed the nature of the salesperson’s work and led to the emergence of a new profession - sales consultant.
The new form of trade removed some of the functions from the seller. All types of goods are displayed in the sales area. The product can be picked up, examined, tried on. Therefore, there was no need to answer questions about the availability of goods and show them.
Some of the seller’s functions were taken over by beautifully designed signs and advertisements that help navigate the sales floor. Advertising posters and brochures reveal the consumer properties of goods and explain the procedure for purchasing them.
The sales consultant must know the rules for trading goods of this group, their assortment, classification, purpose, methods of use, storage, care, warranty periods.
No less important than a high level of professional knowledge is cultural customer service. You must be able to trade so that the buyer leaves the store in good mood from a successful purchase, from its execution.
In order to give appropriate advice, the seller must follow the fashion trends of the current season. He is involved in work to study consumer demand. His responsibilities include the design of in-store displays, stands, and placement of goods. And for this he must have decorative skills.
From 53 to 70% of a salesperson's total working time is spent performing core functions. This includes consultation and assistance to customers in choosing goods, delivery of goods to the payment center, and review of the hall. The rest of the time is devoted to replenishing inventory, displaying goods, selecting and placing price tags.
The specifics of trade presuppose a special form of labor organization for workers - collective financial responsibility. With a team system, the safety of material assets is better ensured, and responsibility for the quality and storage of goods increases. It assumes great trust between sales staff.
Those who choose this profession should be aware of its difficulties. First of all, this is work “on your feet,” which is one of the sources of professional fatigue. In the autumn-winter period, drafts are possible in the trading floors, and stuffiness is possible in the summer. Therefore, people predisposed to colds should not choose the profession of a salesperson. Medical contraindications for this profession also include speech and hearing defects, flat feet, and a predisposition to varicose veins.
The positive side of this profession is its mass character and ubiquity. This allows you to work close to home.
The work of a seller is devoid of monotony and monotony. It involves constant communication with people. This attracts lively, proactive people to this profession, but requires endurance, patience, and goodwill from workers.
Conductor of a long-distance passenger carriage. He is called a “carriage” conductor, but the main thing in his work is caring for passengers, and not just the correct operation of the carriage, although this is also important.
At the beginning of the journey, the conductor makes sure that passengers are seated correctly, distributes bed linen, and offers hot tea. On the way, reminds passengers about disembarkation, returns tickets previously taken from them, promptly wakes up at night those who need to get off; ensures smooth disembarkation and embarkation at stations with short stops. The conductor informs passengers of the necessary information, especially when the schedule changes: the train is late, the stops are reduced. He also keeps the carriage clean. At the end of the journey, he collects bed linen. Responsibility for the lives of passengers obliges the conductor to be especially vigilant and also demanding. And at the same time, when communicating with them, he must remain polite and friendly. The conductor bears his share of responsibility for the safety of the train as a whole. Carefully observes the operation of brakes, shock-traction devices, and electrical equipment. The carriage has heating, ventilation and water supply systems. In the conductor's service compartment there is a control panel for the electrified systems of the car with buttons, switches, signal lights, and an audible alarm that is triggered in case of malfunctions. The conductor must immediately report any malfunctions or even suspected malfunctions to the mechanic-foreman, and in exceptional cases, stop the train using a stop valve.
The conductor's work shift begins long before the train departs (listening to instructions, receiving the carriage from the conductor of the previous trip according to the inventory of the equipment in it; receiving sets of bed linen, tea, sugar, newspapers, lemonade, etc.). 30 - 40 minutes before departure the train arrives at the platform. By this time, everything in the carriage should be ready to receive passengers. Upon returning from the trip, when the train goes to the sidings (to the depot), the conductor cleans up the carriage and hands it over to another conductor in the prescribed manner.
The guide does not have a strict sleep schedule and does not have a specific lunch break. Duration working week depends on the duration of the flight.
The railway also requires “iron” discipline. An uncollected person who easily loses self-control in an unexpected situation should not work as a guide. This type of work is suitable for those who like frequent changes in their surroundings, who like to see new places and cities, and who can easily and happily communicate with a large number of strangers. After working as a conductor for several years, you can become a foreman (of a train crew), and over time, an instructor.
Manager. Management is a set of principles, methods and means of management (from the English manage - to manage), applied in a market economy. A manager is a specialist in managing production, an organization, or a company in market economic conditions.
Management is a purposeful influence on a certain system (say, a company, factory, etc.), carried out in such a way that it moves from one state to another, the required state. Simply put, so that it does not fall apart and does not get stuck in difficulties, but survives and develops. After all, any organization, left to its own devices, is more likely to collapse and go bankrupt than to prosper.
There are management of technical systems (say, an airplane or a device for the production of sulfuric acid), economic (economic) and social (communities of people). But technical systems, no matter how “multi-cunning” they may be, are still man-made and dead in the sense that everything down to the last screw is pre-designed and made, installed. And most of the possible behavior options for technical systems are still provided for. In this sense, they are easier to manage than social systems. In the end, if a technical system “behaves badly”, it can be sent to a landfill.
It’s not the same with social and economic systems. They are always “sealed” with real people, and this requires a special approach, a special attitude to the matter, a special mindset from the one who undertakes personnel management. When we further talk about a manager, we do not mean a “techie” who finds himself faced with the need to manage people, but a specially educated and trained human organizer.
In the field of management there is always a subject, i.e. the one (or those) who somehow controls, and the object - the one (or those) who are controlled. The means of control are orders, instructions, requests, advice, hints, hints, etc.
Objects of management can be both large and small social systems: production teams, regions of the country, economic sectors, cities, states.
Most general principles management are as follows. Clear definition of management goals and objectives. Development of specific measures to achieve them. Dividing tasks into separate types and distributing responsibility among people (part of the organization) for their solution. Distribution of work. Coordination (harmonization) of the activities of various departments within the organization, improvement of decision-making processes by members of the organization (this can be done, say, due to the timely receipt of the information they need). Search for effective leadership styles and others. A manager is not a theorist, not a consultant. He himself implements these principles in his practice.
It is clear that the activities of a manager are associated with high responsibility and limited time that he may have to solve his problems. Folk wisdom here by the way: “If you’re late, you only drink water.” The work is further associated with the high cost of mistakes (large losses or collapse of the organization), the need to anticipate the course of events, to assume and think through possible unexpected circumstances.
Therefore, in addition to a high level of general awareness and deep specialized knowledge, the manager is required to be able to think creatively in the field of socio-economic phenomena. It is important to be able to quickly navigate a complex invisible environment (characterizing the state of affairs in the organization and outside it). It is important to quickly switch from one activity to another and at the same time not lose sight of the main goals, i.e. to be purposeful, persistent, combined with restraint, balance, and a correct attitude towards people.
Among the personal qualities for a manager, the most important are sociability, goodwill towards people, a sense of fairness in relations with them, responsibility, organizational skills, efficiency, initiative, self-criticism, and discipline.
Nurse. There are many specializations for nurses. The operating room nurse assists the surgeon in performing the operation. Prepares sterile material, instruments, anesthetics, electrical equipment, and equipment in advance. Prepares the patient himself for surgery. The nurse is also responsible for observing the rules of asepsis (disinfection) in the operating room.
During the operation, the nurse provides sterile material and instruments to the surgeon in the sequence in which it is necessary for this operation. At this time, every fraction of a second counts, so the nurse must have perfect knowledge of all surgical instruments.
Working in the operating room requires the nurse to be extremely attentive, collected, responsible, and focused.
The ward nurse takes care of the patients in the ward. Her main task is to accurately carry out medical procedures prescribed by the doctor and care for the sick. Skillfully organized care, compliance with the requirements of the treatment regimen, attentive and caring attitude towards the patient - all this mobilizes the body's defenses and contributes to the success of treatment.
A ward nurse must have a variety of medical, natural science and technical knowledge, and on their basis - well-developed practical skills. She must be able to take blood for analysis, give injections, rinse the stomach, etc. She must have a good knowledge of medical instruments and physiotherapeutic techniques.
The clinic nurse works on a local basis. Like the clinic doctor, she serves the permanent contingent (many people) of the microdistrict.
A nurse at a children's clinic, together with a doctor, serves the children of his area. Children require a special approach; you need to be able to understand them. Those manifestations of the disease that are difficult for a child to describe in words, she can notice by observing him.
The patronage nurse does a lot of work, serving patients at home.
An ambulance and emergency nurse works under the direct supervision of a visiting physician.
A shop nurse works at the health center of a factory or plant. She systematically monitors the sanitary condition of the workshop, working conditions, and compliance with safety regulations. Checks the sanitary condition of dining rooms, buffets, and washbasins. Helps the shop doctor in seeing patients and performing medical procedures.
The school nurse helps the school doctor and, in particular, carries out preventive vaccinations for children.
Girls who are calm, patient, responsible, responsive, and attentive become good nurses.
Emergency medical service tow truck. When we dial the number 03, the same for the whole country, we find ourselves in the operational department of the central ambulance station.
Employees of this department - medical evacuators - receive calls from the population and institutions to provide emergency medical care and transport patients. They fill out special call cards and transfer them to dispatchers responsible for a particular area of ​​motor transport services.
It would seem that there is nothing difficult about listening to a person and recording a call. However, it is no coincidence that people with secondary medical education work as medical evacuators. From the entire flow of information, he must quickly and with an understanding of the essence of the matter identify those cases when seeking medical help is justified. Next, through targeted questioning, clarify the patient’s supposed diagnosis in order to send to him the specialist he needs. In addition, it is important to give correct advice about what the people around the patient or himself should do before the doctor arrives.
There is also a console for doctors on duty in the hall. If necessary, they provide advice to the population, monitor the operation of tow trucks and, if any difficult situations come to their aid.
Having found out the reason for calling the ambulance, the medevac decides whether it is a reason for emergency medical care. If a specific case does not correspond to the established list of reasons for calling an ambulance, he may advise contacting a district clinic or other medical institution. For this purpose, on the tow truck desktop there are various kinds of reference guides with telephone numbers and addresses of various medical institutions.
Having decided that the call needs to be accepted, the medevac notes on the card the expected diagnosis, the name and age of the patient, the address and name of the caller. It is important to clarify the routes of access to the patient’s location. At the end of the conversation, he must say the time of the call and mark it on the card.
One of the important specific features The thing about a medevac is that he deals with people all the time. There is an agitated man on the other end of the line, asking for help. It is often difficult to understand his confused, chaotic speech. Often, instead of reporting important information, he screams, indignant. A medevac must constantly remember that a person’s life sometimes depends on his calmness and restraint, sense of responsibility, conscientiousness and sensitivity.
Despite all the external repetition and similarity of labor operations, the work of a medevac can in no way be considered monotonous or monotonous. After all, he constantly deals with new people, new situations that require making quick decisions.
Ambulance service is available 24 hours a day. This places additional demands on human health, the ability to maintain work activity and performance at night.
Philosopher-religious scholar. All people tend to have some understanding of the world, an attitude towards it and appropriate behavior. If this is associated with belief in the existence of one or more gods, in the “sacred”, supernatural, then they talk about the existence of religiosity of people, religions (Latin religio - piety, piety, shrine, object of worship). There are more than five thousand religions in the world. The number of religious people can hardly be counted. Everyone faces questions of determining their ideological and moral position, and it may be in one way or another in relation to the religious position.
Religions form a significant part of human culture. Facts of mutual misunderstanding, rejection of people, their feuds, even wars are often associated with a discrepancy between variants of religious doctrines and religious practices. And it would be strange if religions were not the subject of special scientific study.
Religious studies specialists can engage in research, teaching, scientific and practical, and expert activities. They can work in universities, secondary specialized educational institutions, schools, government agencies for relations with public and religious organizations, in publishing houses, on television and radio, in the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines.
In state and public organizations, specialists can conduct religious studies examination (analysis, evaluation) of various projects. For example, we may be talking about problems with registering religious organizations operating in a given territory. A religious scholar gives an opinion on whether a certain association is religious or not. It conducts public opinion polls on topics related to religion. Surveys are conducted, for example, to find out the attitude of citizens towards the activities of a particular religious association. Conducting surveys is necessary to understand the religious situation in a particular region. Then religious scholars present the relevant findings and conclusions primarily to government bodies involved in relations with public and religious organizations.
In publishing houses, religious scholars can edit books and articles with philosophical, religious and religious content. In the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, religious scholars can analyze (analyze) correspondence that comes in large quantities from representatives of religious organizations and individuals.
Religious scholars can work as television and radio journalists, covering events of religious life with an understanding of the matter; they can prepare texts, materials for video series, etc.
In libraries, religious scholars can work as experts and consultants in the selection of literature with philosophical, religious studies and religious content for the collection of libraries. They can advise readers on the selection of reading materials.
The activities of a religious scholar should contribute to the creation of a favorable public opinion (“information field”) in which interaction and mutual understanding between representatives of different religions develops (interfaith communication; from lat.sop/eBBYupaIB - religious, church).
Professions like “Man-sign system”
Corrector. We are accustomed to the fact that a book, magazine, newspaper is distinguished by impeccable literacy and readability; high quality of printed products does not arise by itself; proofreaders from publishing houses and printing houses make a great contribution to it. Translated from Latin, the word “corrector” means corrector, controller.
The author brings his manuscript to the publishing house. Here the editorial preparation of the text for publication begins: the manuscript is reviewed (evaluated), edited (literary errors, annoying repetitions are eliminated, incomprehensible, ambiguous expressions are corrected, etc.), corrected (grammatical errors are eliminated).
There are electronic programs (spellers) that quickly “fish out” (highlight) language errors from an electronic typing, and if you consider it necessary, you can correct them. This removes excess strain from the corrector’s eyes. But if the text uses non-banal, “unworn” words and expressions, then the speller will also indicate them as erroneous. And although spellers can also be “trained,” the highest judge still remains a highly competent human specialist.
A manuscript that has undergone editorial processing is already called the beautiful word “original,” but it has such a “rough” appearance that it cannot yet be sent to the typesetting shop (cross-outs, edits, insertions, pastings, etc.). You need to retype it completely, and after reprinting, the publishing house's proofreader carefully checks the clean copy with the original, corrects errors that are inevitable when reprinting, adds by hand those signs that are not always convenient to retype (say, mathematical, chemical formulas), checks the signatures under the figures and diagrams, numbering , uniformity of abbreviations, etc. With electronic typesetting, the actual “scraping of paper” is reduced, but the essence of the work of the proofreader and editor remains the same.
A clean, corrected copy of the original is submitted for correction. After correction, errors are possible again. They make a test print on paper, which is called a proof print - specifically so that the proofreader will work again and indicate with special icons in the margins where and what to correct in typesetting.
The proofreader must carefully compare the texts and bring the print into conformity with the original. In the print, it is important to notice not only grammatical errors, but also technical ones: the proofreader checks the distance between letters and the length of lines, the accuracy of reproduction of tables, figures, graphs, photographs, the location of headings, epigraphs, the serial numbers of all pages, the clarity of the imprint of each character.
The proofreader carefully checks the print with the original and makes the necessary corrections; In the same print (in the proof) he makes those corrections that the author and editor considered necessary to make in their copies. Then the proof impression is returned again for correction.
In general, before printing an edition, proofreaders read the text 5-6 times (is it clear why there are practically no errors in publications?).
The proofreader must be impeccably literate, know foreign alphabets, the most common abbreviations in English, German, French, and Latin.
A person who is focused, collected, and thoughtful can become a good proofreader. Sloppyness, restlessness, dishonesty are traits that are unacceptable for a proofreader (his activities are not visible from the outside, and you cannot assign a “supervisor” to him).
People in this profession feel joy when they see a book they have worked so hard on. And society recognizes their merit: the book must include the surname and initials of not only the author and editor, but also the proofreader.
Clerk. The activities of institutions, organizations and enterprises are reflected in numerous official documents: resolutions, orders, instructions, regulations, letters, telegrams, etc.
The work associated with the organization of documents - from their creation or receipt to the delivery of completed cases to the archive - is called office work. This work is carried out by employees of the administrative services of institutions (administration, general department, office, secretariat).
The responsibilities of the clerk include: drawing up official documents, registration, receiving and sending correspondence; monitoring the execution of documents; accounting, storage and ensuring the operational use of documentation; preparing documents for archival storage.
The clerk, processing incoming correspondence, analyzes the content of each document and determines where to send it. By filling out the column “ Summary", the clerk analyzes the document and concisely formulates main idea so that anyone can understand what is being said.
After using them, all official documents are filed in separate files (folders). Each institution has a list (nomenclature) of cases, the number and name of which varies depending on the purpose of the institution. Formation of files is one of the most important and responsible operations performed by a clerk.
Documents must be properly prepared: registered, delivered to the executor, executed, and included in the file in chronological order.
Completed cases are prepared by the clerk for filing in the archives. Before transferring documents to the archive, he is responsible for the safety of each document.
Without the right to rely on memory, the clerk is obliged to make entries in registers or cards about any movements of the document.
The responsibilities of the clerk also include monitoring the execution of the most important documents. Special control cards are drawn up on them, where the deadline for execution, the movement of the document in the institution, the progress of its execution, the position and telephone number of the executor are noted. From the control cards, a card is formed, in which the cards are systematized according to deadlines. Every day, the clerk reviews the cards and reminds the performers that the relevant deadlines are approaching. He reports to the head of the institution about documents not completed on time. If the document is executed, the clerk puts a mark on the control card and files all the materials related to it in a folder.
The profession of a clerk will appeal to those who see behind numerous documents not paperwork, but the life of the institution, its activities. This work requires constant communication with the staff of the institution. This communication is most often related to service. The clerk sends correspondence, looks for this or that document, etc. At the same time, he must remain correct, even, and helpful.
Postman. The main responsibility of the postman is to deliver newspapers, magazines, letters, parcels, money orders, etc. to the addressees. In addition, he pays pensions and benefits at home on behalf of the social security authorities (social protection).
Arriving at work, the postman receives newspapers, magazines, and letters from the correspondence sorter. He recalculates them and compares them with the data in the work log. The postman then picks up the mail for each subscriber.
When preparing correspondence for delivery, he mentally “plays out” his actions on the site - he imagines his route, the order of the houses and apartments. In order to rationally organize his work, the postman must imagine his site in detail. Then he will be able to choose the shortest and most convenient route. Well-developed visual memory and spatial concepts greatly contribute to his successful performance.
For experienced signalmen, all operations and the sequence of their implementation are carefully thought out. Each publication has its own permanent place on the table. The postman enters the names of newspapers and magazines into the work journal in a certain order, this reduces the processing time for correspondence. Regularly, at the end of each month, the postman checks the data of the journal and delivery cards. He makes changes in a timely manner to avoid misunderstandings.
The postman strives to save time in all operations. Newspapers arrive at the department nested one inside the other. With quick coordinated movements of both hands, he separates them - folds them. It takes an experienced postman less than 2 seconds to fold a couple of newspapers, and 30 to 40 minutes for all preparatory operations.
Working at the station, the postman takes correspondence out of his bag, quickly checks the numbers on the newspaper or magazine with the number of the cabinet compartment, and puts the mail into it.
Good work as a postman means not only timely delivery of correspondence, but also attention to people and care for them. He is interested not only in meeting deadlines for the delivery of correspondence, but also in ensuring that it reaches the addressee safely. Therefore, he will not put a newspaper or magazine in a faulty mailbox, but will leave a notice about them.
The profession of a postman will appeal to those who like to walk and be outdoors a lot. This profession is widespread, so you can work close to home.
Draftsman-designer. Currently, a number of actions for the production of drawings are automated (based on computer technology). The so-called CAD systems (automated design systems) exist and are being improved. For example, the AutoCAD package is a computer support system for engineering, technical and architectural activities. But they do not completely replace a person. In order to use computer tools, and even more so to improve them, one must also imagine the activities of a person engaged in engineering graphics. Automatic technology (as a tool, a labor tool) can only be used by a knowledgeable and skilled person.
Let's consider the content of a draftsman's work in its classic version.
The work of creating machines, in particular their design, is divided between different specialists. One of the links in the chain of specialists, connecting, on the one hand, engineers, and, on the other, direct manufacturers of products, is the draftsman-designer. The main job of a draftsman-designer is the production and drawing of working drawings of parts.
Let's imagine that the plant should start producing a new car. This means that the workers who will take part in its manufacture and assembly must have drawings that indicate the specific grade of material, the accuracy of processing of parts, and provide graphic images of products and parts in the required number of projections. All this must be done in accordance with strict rules defined in special documents - State Standards (GOSTs).
The drawing can be based on a sketch by a design engineer. In this case, it is necessary to determine the most important geometric relationships in the sketch, mentally separating them from the secondary ones. Next, you should outline a plan for constructing the drawing. Think about which parts to draw first and which ones later. What auxiliary lines will be needed (they are not needed in the final drawing, but you cannot do without them during construction). Which parts of the outline are invisible and should be indicated by dashed lines rather than solid lines.
In some cases, the draftsman must construct the sketch or drawing from life himself. For example, before his eyes is a part made by a craftsman for a prototype product. You need to be observant, mentally analyze the characteristics of this part, and determine how its appearance will change when transferred to the plane of the drawing sheet.
Sometimes a design draftsman may only have an assembly drawing at his disposal, and from it he needs to make sketches or even working drawings of the necessary parts of the product. These details have not yet been developed by anyone. This is what the draftsman-designer will have to do independently.
The construction of sketches and working drawings based on an assembly drawing is called detailing. When performing this work, the draftsman-designer must show a lot of initiative, resourcefulness, independence and, of course, versatile knowledge. At his disposal are numerous reference manuals in which he must be well versed.
To check the correctness of the design solution, it is necessary to draw an assembly drawing using the working drawings of the parts (carry out the so-called control assembly). This requires knowledge about the construction of assembly drawings, a clear understanding of the interaction of the elements that make up a given assembly.
The work of a draftsman requires a creative approach, making independent decisions related to the graphic side of the matter.
Draftsmen and designers who love their work find and see in drawings not only accuracy and rigor, but also beauty.
Manual typesetter. Perhaps you will smile: what an antiquity! Technological progress in the printing industry has led to the use of automatic and semi-automatic typesetting machines. Computer graphics are so advanced that some scammers are even trying to use it to make counterfeit banknotes.
But development computer graphics does not mean eliminating all manual processes in typesetting. The work of a manual typesetter is indispensable when typing unusual mathematical and chemical formulas, non-standard tables, documents, posters, posters, diagrams, announcements, etc. As one publishing employee joked, “a good hand-typesetter is now harder to find than an academician.” Let's just say it's a rare profession. Let's look at it in its classic version.
The purpose of the work of the specialist under discussion is typing text from individual elements. The main element is the letter. It is a metal block, on the top platform of which there is a mirror (reverse) image of the letter - a point. On the front wall of the letter there is a semicircular groove - a signature necessary for installing the letter by touch in the proper position.
The size of the bars varies. Just remember the newspaper - it has both large headlines and messages in small print. In addition, fonts are very diverse in shape.
Blank material of different sizes is used to fill the spaces between words. Letters and white space are placed in 95 cells of cash register boxes located on special tables with an inclined surface (at an angle of 15°).
The main external tool of a typesetter is a typesetting table - a metal plate up to 140 or 200 mm long, limited by sides. The left wall moves, and with the help of a lock, the required line size established by the standard is secured.
One line is separated from another in the typesetting table by a typesetting ruler, which, after typing a line, moves down to type the next one.
To remove letters from the set when correcting errors, use tweezers and an awl.
At a convenient distance from the typesetter’s eyes, above the cash register, there is a mechanical device for securing the original (the text from which the type is being typed).
To identify possible errors In the set, a proof print (print) is made from it. The proofreaders check it against the original, marking errors in the margins with special marks. The print is then returned to the typesetter and he edits the type.
The variety of texts, materials used and typing methods leads to a narrower specialization of manual typists. Among them there are distinguished tablets, formulaists and displayists.
Tablistniks collect unusual tables, diagrams, and diagrams in scientific reference books, industrial and technical literature, and textbooks.
Formulators type non-standard mathematical and chemical formulas. Exhibitors make their labor contribution to the set of posters, posters, announcements, invitations, theater tickets, etc.
Hand typing is fine work with elements of creativity. Ingenuity and intelligence, in addition to knowledge of typesetting rules and the use of rational techniques, ensure both the accuracy of typesetting and its beauty and readability.
The profession of a manual typesetter will appeal to those who love precision, who are patient, careful and attentive. The results of the typesetter's work become immediately apparent.
Programmer. In order to build, for example, a modern jet plane, it is necessary to make calculations that would take one person about a hundred years. Using an electronic computer, they can be done in about one day.
With the help of computers, they calculate and design the trajectories of spaceships, predict the weather, design new cities and factories, make medical diagnoses, sell train tickets, decipher ancient manuscripts and do much more.
In order for a machine to solve a problem, it needs to be given a program. A computer program is a complete and accurate description of the information processing process in a specially invented formal language. A programmer is a specialist in composing such programs (sequences of machine commands).
The work of a programmer consists of a number of stages. First of all, you need to choose a method for numerically solving the problem, i.e. reducing complex mathematical formulas to elementary arithmetic operations. These methods are developed by relevant mathematicians. If there are standard programs, then the programmer decides which one to use.
The next stage is one of the most important in a programmer’s work - drawing up an algorithm (a detailed plan for solving a problem). There can be several algorithms. They may differ in the time required by the machine and in some other indicators. The selection of the optimal (best) algorithm is entrusted to the most experienced and qualified programmers.
The most labor-intensive stage is the detailed development of individual parts of the program. In addition to knowledge of the programming language and special skills, the programmer at this stage requires special care, accuracy, and patience.
Another stage is almost inevitable - debugging the program. Since various errors usually creep in at all stages of programming, it is necessary to specifically address their detection and elimination. This is debugging the program.
For final verification, the programmer carries out calculations according to the program on specially prepared test problems with pre-known results.
The last stage of the programmer’s work is the analysis of the calculation results from the point of view of their compliance with the problem statement.
Programmers can work in large teams, in close contact with mathematicians, with specialists in the areas for which calculations are carried out; Contact with engineering and operator personnel servicing the computer is expected.
Economist. This is a specialist involved in financial and economic activities (enterprises, industries, etc.) in order to improve them. In this sense, he is right hand head of the enterprise. The economist identifies and creates a picture economic condition economy in the form of numbers, indicators, numerical ratios, etc.
First of all, his responsibility is to develop a financial and economic plan. When developing a planning document for his enterprise, an economist must take into account many issues. These are the main directions of development of the economy as a whole, and the requirements of objective economic laws, and the real level of production achievements at a given enterprise, and the peculiarities of local conditions - the availability of raw materials, human resources, the possibility of updating equipment, etc.
One of the typical and important tasks of an economist is calculating personnel needs. How many engineers, technicians, employees, workers are required, what qualifications should they have? In order to answer questions of this kind, an economist must know production and understand its technology. The economist's assistants are reference books, card indexes and other means of information support for mental work.
The economist also calculates the required wage fund for all categories of employees of the enterprise. The results of its calculations are documented in appropriate documents. The plan is approved by a higher organization. Now the economist will monitor the documents to ensure that the actual number of employees and the wage fund correspond to the approved plan.
Reports are compiled in accordance with the indicators specified by the plan. By comparing the data from the plan and the report, the economist analyzes the expenditure of the wage fund. So he noticed that some production areas are not provided with the necessary labor force or the wage fund is overspent. Then the economist plunges into the search for causes and ways to eliminate them, and formulates his proposals to the management of the enterprise. He needs to show the feasibility, profitability, and realism of his proposals, justifying them with calculations and special calculations.
The work of an economist is not associated with physical activity, but is necessarily associated with calculations and processing of large volumes of information expressed in numbers. The work of an economist is equipped with computer technology.
The profession of an economist is suitable for boys and girls who are interested in improving production, financial and economic activities and who are inclined to work with documents, texts, and numbers. Such work requires responsibility, attentiveness, accuracy, and perseverance.
Mathematician (mathematical modeling). Any object (physical, chemical, social, etc.) is subject to certain laws. For example, the movement of cosmic bodies is described by the laws of Newton and Kepler.
The description of such laws in mathematical expressions, equations and their (equations) further solution is called mathematical modeling. In other words, mathematical modeling is understood as an approximate description of a class of phenomena, expressed using mathematical symbols. Even simpler: a specialist must come up with formulas and equations that reflect the behavior of certain real objects and systems.
Mathematical modeling has received practical applications, for example, in the field of astronautics. After all, before launching a rocket, you need to know how it will behave in the upper layers of the atmosphere, how it will heat up, how its position and movement can be stabilized. A practical experiment is impossible here, and everything must first be written out and “played out in numbers”, on computers.
In addition to aviation and astronautics, atomic physics and related types of production have become areas of application of mathematical modeling. It is clear that in these areas the consequences of experiments can be tragic. And again mathematical modeling came to the rescue.
Every year there are more and more areas where mathematical modeling is used. In addition to those mentioned: biology and medicine; chemistry, design of complex socio-technical systems. And that's not all. Even the financial exchange needs models of economic development, trading forecasting, etc. All this can be written in the form of equations and solved (equations) with a certain degree of probability.
The process of mathematical modeling is far from simple. It can be divided into several main stages;
formulation of the problem and determination of the properties of the simulated objects;
finding an algorithm (sequence of actions) that allows you to build and study a model. It is important to develop an algorithm or method that allows one to obtain numerical solutions for their further comparison with the results of observations of the “behavior” of modeled objects;
research of the created model with transfer of research results to real objects, as well as verification of the results obtained and formulation of conclusions based on the research conducted;
clarification of the question of whether the adopted model (while it is “blank”) meets the requirements of practice within the limits of observational accuracy;
analysis of the model in connection with the further accumulation of data on objects;
improvement (necessary changes) of the mathematical model and, if necessary, repeating all stages of mathematical modeling again.
It is clear that a specialist must be fluent in computer technology.
The profession develops logical thinking and teaches one to understand complex systems.
Professions such as “Human-artistic image”
Artist constructor (designer). Man lives in a world of objects. Among them, a huge place is occupied by things created by industry: from a toothbrush and a kettle to a car and a sea vessel. These items should be useful, convenient, economical and beautiful. In order for industrial products to be like this, design artists also take part in their creation already at the design stage.
At the design stage, it should be taken into account that things are produced in editions of thousands and even many thousands. The designer's error, like the design engineer's error, is multiplied accordingly and thus becomes very costly. That is why a designer must combine, to a certain extent, opposing qualities. On the one hand, a bold flight of fantasy, open-mindedness, and relaxed thoughts. On the other hand, a high sense of responsibility, mental discipline, the ability to take into account the real conditions of production as much as possible.
The designer is involved in shaping the appearance of the future product, developing its structural elements, packaging, advertising, and documentation.
The creative process of an artist-designer begins with thinking about possible options for the future product. It is important to collect information about existing similar products and critically examine and discuss them. A worker with a broad outlook will successfully solve the problem. A good specialist is always concerned with collecting data in his field. Therefore, he turns out to be ready to solve an unexpectedly posed task.
The designer must be able to take into account economic and technological considerations. For example, the original shape of a product conceived by a designer may turn out to be unprofitable from the point of view of an economist or difficult to implement from the point of view of a technologist.
A person who devotes himself to the service of technical aesthetics must be interested in the fine arts and be an artist himself. He also needs to know technology, natural and social sciences, draw well, and have skillful hands. He must navigate the cultural heritage of his own and other peoples. Not every artistically and technically trained person will successfully cope with his responsibilities as a designer, but only those who relate to the world of things as a transformer.
Painter (porcelain painting). A few movements of the worker with a brush - and bright flowers bloomed on the dishes, or unprecedented birds flew, or funny characters from children's fairy tales appeared. There is something magical in this profession!
There are several methods of painting porcelain, one of which is hand painting.
Worker-painters decorate (paint) mass-produced products according to samples created by the factory’s artists and approved by the art council.
The worker transfers the contours of the design from the sample to the product prepared for painting (it is not yet covered with a shiny and hard layer of glaze), prepares the necessary paints, brushes, feathers at the workplace and paints the surface along the applied contour.
Drawings can be complex and varied: these are landscapes, scenes, literary portraits, characters, fairy tale images, stylized images of flora and fauna, ornaments.
The master painter is fluent in the techniques of painting and graphic work, methods of copying drawings at various scales, techniques of engraving on gold and silver, and techniques for independently developing the details of drawings.
Before starting work, the painter must imagine the drawing in his mind, mentally break it down into parts, and outline the sequence of coloring its parts. And while performing each operation, he sees the drawing ready in his imagination.
Each painter can approach the sequence of painting a drawing in his own way, but it is necessary to take into account some mandatory requirements of the technology. The fact is that products can be fired several times during the work process, depending on the number of colors included in the design. Painting should begin with refractory paints that can withstand temperatures up to 900 ° C (for example, purple, black, blue, powdered gold); but reds of different shades require lower firing temperatures (up to 700 °C). If you disrupt the sequence of paint application, it will be a defect.
You can start training directly at a porcelain factory and improve your qualifications to the highest (sixth) category; You can also enroll in art and industrial educational institutions.
Painter for artistic decoration of buildings and premises (alfresher). The most important requirement for finishing a room is its aesthetic impact on a person. It is the taste and experience of the craftsmen who perform such work that create the beauty of the interior (interior decoration of the room). That is why the work of an artistic finishing painter who performs complex decorative work is so difficult.
The painter (that’s what these craftsmen used to be called; for the sake of brevity, we will call him that from the Italian al fresco - fresh, raw), before starting to paint the surface, he carefully prepares it for finishing. Removes old paint, weakened top layer of plaster, putty, primes the surface.
Much in the work of a painter depends on the choice of paint composition. Its color and shade, shine or dullness, transparency determine the decorative qualities of the finish. The resistance of paint to light, water, and gases contained in the city’s atmosphere determines its performance.
The alfresher needs developed practical thinking and long-term memory, which allows him to remember with great accuracy a significant number of colors (paint compositions that differ in color) and the features of their preparation.
Before starting work, the framer must form a certain mental image of the future decorative finishing of the object. Therefore, creative imagination as well as aesthetic feelings are very important in this profession.
In many rooms being renovated, the framer has to re-imitate three-dimensional elements (depict recesses, bulges). At the same time, he must take into account the location of light sources in the room, since lighting plays an important role in the perception of the depth of space.
When decorating a room, imitation of decorative natural materials is often used: precious woods, various types of finishing stone.
A difficult but interesting part of the work of an alfresher is the execution of ornamental and pictorial compositions.
The painter receives or makes the “cardboard” himself - a drawing on the scale of the future painting. The cardboard is installed in the place prepared for painting in order to determine the interaction of the future painting with the character and proportions of the room. They are usually made on cardboard by applying the main lines of the drawing, tracing paper. Punctures are made along these lines, through which the design is transferred to the wall using charcoal powder or dry ocher.
The main assistant and controller in the work of an alfresher is vision. He must have great accuracy of visual perception and spatial representation, be able to analyze the spatial arrangement of decorative forms, the width and length of lines, proportions in the drawing. The requirements for distinguishing subtle nuances (shades) of color are especially high.
Medical contraindications to mastering this profession are diseases of the eyes and vestibular apparatus (organ of balance), epilepsy, hypertensive and hypotonic diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Florist-decorator. Green spaces contribute to human health: they purify the air, improve the microclimate, and reduce noise. In addition, they decorate our lives.
Indispensable participants in the creation of flower arrangements are flower growers and decorators. They grow ornamental plants for decorating parks, gardens and public gardens, for landscaping indoors, as well as fresh flowers for cutting.
Flower growers can work outdoors in parks, gardens and public gardens, in greenhouses and nurseries, as well as in buildings for various purposes when decorating interiors (interior decoration of buildings). They deal with various plants: trees, bushes, herbaceous plants.
Gardens and parks are a combination of nature and art. By skillfully using and enriching nature, flower growers and decorators seem to reveal its beauty to people.
Green construction is carried out in several stages. Specialists draw up a project and working drawings for landscaping. Based on them, the site is prepared, paths and lawns are created, and then plants are planted. The project is prepared by specialists with higher and secondary specialized education, and it is implemented by flower growers. Gardens and parks live, change, and require constant care and restoration.
A flower worker needs to know a lot. When arranging landscape ensembles, plants have relatively small areas, and each type and variety requires special soils and agricultural techniques. Soil requirements also change as plants grow.
The complexity of composing flower arrangements is aggravated by the fact that the florist, when starting his work, cannot immediately see its result. Seeds, seedlings and even young plants give no idea appearance- size, shape, color - of mature plants.
Working with different plants and in different conditions, the gardener cannot automatically apply ready-made solutions in all cases. He analyzes, compares, imagines, decides. This is based on visual-figurative thinking.
This profession is suitable for those who love growing plants and who are sensitive to beauty. Flower growers are so pleased to see how the grass has turned green on a former wasteland, flowers have blossomed, or lilac and rose hip bushes have bloomed!
Retoucher. Illustrations printed in a book almost always have a loss in quality compared to the original. The task of the team working on the printing reproduction of the original is to make these losses minimal.
Retouching can be considered as a method of overcoming the limitations of the printing method of image transmission. The retoucher's job is to ensure that the printed form can ultimately be created. The print (imprint) from it, of course, will differ from the original, but for human vision this difference will be acceptable.
There are two types of retouching: technical (correction) and artistic. Technical retouching consists of removing scratches, dark or light spots or dots, coarse grain, etc. from the publishing original (the material from which the printing form will be made).
The role of artistic retouching is much broader. With its help, the plot and visual elements of the illustration are emphasized. Their shapes and spatial relationships are clarified, and shortcomings in the gradation of tones and colors are eliminated. Such work is accessible only to those who are fluent in drawing, have a good feel for the tonal relationships of colors and know how to use them.
When working on illustrations that will be printed on newsprint, the retoucher maximizes the contrast of the image, making the contours of details sharp and clear, since the yellow-gray tint of newsprint significantly reduces the differences in brightness perceived by the eye.
When retouching illustrations printed on good paper, a more subtle and precise retouching is carried out. They slightly enhance the tone in shadow areas, and give only a slight rigidity to the contours.
To reproduce color illustrations in print, more complex and time-consuming work by a retoucher is required.
All operations that a retoucher has to perform require active mental activity and good memory. He must remember and take into account various factors, on which the choice of technique and retouching method depends, compare them, analyze and make the necessary decisions. The specificity of his work is that the retoucher must constantly keep in mind the visual image that he seeks to embody.
The process of reproduction (typographic reproduction) of images is based on a deep understanding of the original. The retoucher perceives in the original what is sometimes hidden to the average viewer. To do this, he must have observation skills. For a deep aesthetic appreciation of a work, he also needs a developed sense of color and form.
The work of a retoucher involves a lot of mental stress: throughout the entire working day, he has to analyze complex works of art and solve various spatial and color problems. Creative imagination, great aesthetic taste must be accompanied by such qualities as accuracy, patience, perseverance.
Restoration artist. Humanity has accumulated enormous cultural and artistic values. Art galleries and the museum exhibitions of our country have the right to be proud of genuine masterpieces created by the hands of masters of all times and peoples. But time passes, and many works of art gradually lose their original appearance.
Paintings are most often subject to the destructive effects of time. Paints on paintings are separated from the ground with which the canvas or wood is covered, the strokes applied repeatedly become stratified. Art restorers can save works of art.
A special commission, consisting of art historians, painting curators and restorers, carefully examines the painting, identifies all defects and establishes the reasons for their occurrence. Based on this analysis, experts assess the possibility of restoring the artistic features of the work, determine the necessary working methods, as well as materials.
The commission approves the task. Having received the task, the artist draws up detailed description all detected defects in this painting. To do this, he uses an arsenal of all kinds of means. Takes photographs, draws up diagrams, makes sketches of the details of the picture. Often he resorts to the help of special technical means that allow him to see what is hidden from the naked eye.
The restorer studies the peculiarities of the painting. The methods of writing, the materials used, the thickness of the paint layer, the author’s individual stroke style, the quality of texture processing, etc. This allows him to determine the objectives of his work. Comprehensive erudition, good memory, and experience from previous work contribute to the success of his business.
Before starting work, the artist creates an image of the updated painting and forms a plan for its restoration. Creative imagination plays an important role in his activities. But it should not contradict the intention of the author who created the picture. Any deviation from the original artistic idea is a distortion of art.
Deleting from painting darkened covers, the restorer does not immediately remove the entire thickness of paints, varnishes, and dirt. He frees the surface from them gradually, layer by layer.
The restorer also engages in reconstruction - replenishing what was lost in the painting. He restores the missing details of the image or tones the lost painting with a neutral color. This work requires great artistic tact.
The range of activities of a restorer is wide. He must master the methods of working with canvas, cardboard, wood, stone and metal bases of the picture, with painting done with egg and casein tempera, gouache, oil paints etc.
Art historian. Art history (art history) is a set of sciences that study artistic culture in general and individual types of art. There are many areas of artistic creativity. Many of them are, as they say, “in plain sight”: architecture, sculpture, painting, graphics, decorative and applied arts, music, dance, theater, cinema, etc.
The work of art critics, and even more so historians, is less obvious to the general public, but very important. In this brief description we will refer to the work of a specialist in the history of fine art.
Specialists work in organizations where works of this type of art are presented or studied.
These are, for example, museums where they store, study, complete collections, conduct excursions, and give lectures. These are, further, publishing organizations where specialists act as editors of literature on the fine arts.
These specialists also work in research institutes, studying the history of fine arts, design, as well as art galleries, various exhibition organizations. Art historians also teach. The subject “History of Art” is included in the plans of many educational institutions.
Museum work can include both research activities (in libraries, archives) and scientific and technical activities. In this case, modern special equipment is used (X-ray, infrared illumination; optical instruments, for example microscopes, which allow one to examine in the smallest detail the materials from which a work of art is made, etc.).
What exactly can representatives of this profession, for example museum workers (say, the Tretyakov Gallery) do?
Museum workers prepare, in particular, scientific catalogues. This requires painstaking work and familiarity with many sources. Such catalogs include references to which exhibitions the work of art was exhibited and where it came from (movement of the monument). This is difficult work, and therefore not all even large museums have such catalogs. Specialists working in museums, as a rule, participate in a variety of research activities, conferences, and interviews.
Some are engaged in popularization, i.e. conduct excursions and conduct special clubs.
In general, their activities can be divided into work with the art monument itself and work at a desk, in a storage room, or in a library.
A contraindication to choosing this profession is a lack of sensitivity and interest in artistic features works of fine art.
In order to work successfully in this field, you must have some specific abilities. This, as professionals say, is the “eye”, artistic taste.
You must be able to deeply perceive and understand works of fine art. This talent can be developed through learning. 8.1.

1 general characteristics professions, professions’ requirements for personality traits.

A profession is a historically emerged form of activity necessary for a person, and to perform which he must have a sum of knowledge, skills and abilities. Also have appropriate professional abilities and professionally important qualities. It is necessary for society and limited due to labor. This is the area of ​​application of a person’s physical and spiritual forces, giving him the opportunity for existence and development. There are various classifications of professions: according to working conditions, according to the subject of work, according to the goals of professional activity, etc. Let’s consider by subject of work. Professions, according to this classification, are divided into five main types. Consider Table 1:

Table 1 - a brief description of groups classified by subject of labor

Group name

Brief description of the group

Man-technology All professions related to the creation of equipment, its maintenance and management; professions related to metals, electrical equipment, maintenance of buildings and structures, production of industrial goods, and mining.
Man-man Professions related to education, training, treatment, information, consumer services and people management.
Man-nature All professions related to plant and animal organisms and microorganisms.
Man-signs Everything related to numbers, drawings, notes, diagrams, physical and chemical symbols, etc.
Man - artistic image Professions related to music, art, literature, acting, etc.

Each employee, regardless of their field of activity, has special requirements. The main aspects of the requirements are highlighted:

1. Professional requirements.

· High level of professionalism, ability to quickly adapt.

· Systematic vision of production processes.

· Willingness for continuous professional growth.

· Interaction with specialists of other specialties.

2. Personal requirements.

· Availability of personal and social experience.

· Constructiveness, mobility, non-productive personality reserves.

· Ability to make decisions in a situation of choice.

· The ability to predict the consequences of your decisions and bear responsibility for them.

3. Socio-economic requirements.

· Knowledge of information technology.

· Knowledge of the basics of major subjects.

4. Creative requirements.

· Creative attitude to work.

· Knowledge of engineering and artistic methods.

Also, special attention is paid to professionally important qualities that determine the professional suitability of a specialist.

Professionally important qualities are a set of human qualities that characterize him as a subject of labor and affect the effectiveness of professional activity and the success of its development.

There are three main groups of professionally important qualities:

1. Qualities that guarantee the professional orientation of the individual. This, as a rule, is a system of emotional value relations of a person, which determines the corresponding hierarchical structure of motives that encourage a person to self-affirm his professional activity. Where, professional orientation characterized as ideas, beliefs, principles, views, attitudes.

2. Qualities that determine the professional competence of an individual. There are two types of professional competence: subject-related professional competence and socio-professional competence.

3. Features of psychophysiology - features of thinking, memory, perception, age, gender, temperament and character.

General professional qualities are also highlighted. The classification of which is considered in Table 2.

Table 2 - General professional qualities



Attentiveness Sensitivity to changes in a person's mood and behavior and the ability to consider a person's well-being when making decisions.
Emotional stability Resistance to environmental factors and negative reactions people to work situations.
General characteristics of behavior Interest and respect for people, an active desire to provide help and support, personal exemplary behavior, decency, commitment, integrity, cleanliness.
Characteristics of speech Accuracy, expressiveness, intelligibility, intellectual and emotional richness.

The concept of professionally important signs. All the diversity of the psyche, one way or another, manifests itself in a person’s work activity, but at the same time these manifestations are different character, which is determined by objects and tools specific to each profession, as well as labor tasks. To study this diversity, the selection of professionally important features can be carried out according to the following plan; psychological characteristics of sensory activity, and then, although all this is inseparable from each other, consider attention, memory, emotional-volitional sphere and personality characteristics.

Sensory activity in different types labor may differ, first of all, in the load on a particular visual, auditory, skin, muscle-articular, etc. analyzer or complex of analyzers. For example, if a musical instrument tuner has a leading auditory analyzer, then such professions as a radio operator, radio and television equipment tuner require, along with visual perception no less so, auditory perception; fine distinction of noise, distinction of pitch and timbre of sounds, etc. There are professions where the leading analyzer can be the sense of touch, for example, polishing rejectors, where tactile issues are of great importance. There are types of work in which the senses of smell and taste play quite, quite a large role. First of all, these are professions related to tasting. And if we talk about the sense of smell, then some types of chemical and oil refining industries.

In addition to the analyzer, you need to keep in mind the peculiarities of the nature of the perception itself. A number of professions require long-term tracking in a wide sensory field. A number of professions, on the contrary, require a sharp narrowing of the field of perception, but for a long time.

There are professions in which tracking moving and flickering objects is of great importance. This must also be taken into account when we analyze the profession from a perceptual perspective.

Professional characteristics of mental activity. Thinking is an essential component of any activity, but thinking as a professionally important feature is primarily identified in those professions where it is necessary to evaluate a situation that requires making a certain decision depending on the given situation and implementing it in the form of some adequate actions.

We imagine that scientific and technological progress, mechanization, and automation are constantly increasing the demands on thinking, even in blue-collar professions. In fact, in many activities it is difficult to separate physical and mental labor.

In a number of types of manual labor, so-called visual-effective thinking most often takes place. But there are types of work, especially in automated systems, where the role of the intellectual component increases significantly. You have to evaluate the situation based on a number of parameters, find a solution taking into account the likelihood of an event occurring, and choose different actions depending on changing situations.

Professional features of motor activity.

When talking about motor activity, it is more correct to consider sensorimotor coordination, even in cases where the motor component of the activity is extremely simple; pressing a button or lever. Why? Because any motor activity is caused by a sensory component, and the implementation of this action is also controlled by the sensory component.

In terms of sensorimotor coordination, professions differ very sharply from each other. There are professions in which the motor component of the action is of a very simple nature, namely; in response to some situation that has arisen, carry out some manual actions - turning a lever, pressing a button, etc. But in some cases, on the one hand, the speed of reaction plays a role here, i.e. The action itself is simple, but everything must be implemented quickly enough. Slowing down may produce undesirable results. On the other hand, a number of professions require complex sensorimotor coordination of not only the arms, but also the legs. These are driving professions; drivers, pilots, also the profession of seamstress-motor operator and other professions of machine operators.

Professional features of attention.

Attention, which carries out the function of controlling activity, is inseparable from perception, from thinking; it is necessarily present in any activity. But in different professions individual properties of attention have different meanings. There are professions (rejectors, inspectors, assemblers, etc.) that require long-term, sustained attention throughout the entire working day on one or even several objects and periodic concentration.

There are professions that require an exceptionally wide expansion of attention and switching of attention. In general, in work life it is very difficult to separate the distribution of attention from its switching. A number of operator professions that have a wide field of view require all the time to distribute attention and switch attention from one object to another. But there are professions in which it is necessary to alternately concentrate attention and then switch it.

Professional features of memory.

Memory is always needed regardless of the type of work. But we are talking about a professionally important feature of memory for types of work. The fact is that a large load on memory is required when learning this type of work, when skills have not yet been formed, but when basic skills have been formed, but when basic skills are formed, then the load on memory decreases. People who have mastered the machine perfectly do not have to remember every time which levers to use, what to look at. Drivers don’t need to think about which hand or which foot to use and what movement to make. But there are professions in which memory is one of the most important attributes. For example; in the work of a telegraph operator, typist, where it is necessary to retain positions and situations in memory for some short time. In this case, we are talking about short-term or operative memory as the most important professional attribute.

Professional characteristics of the emotional-volitional sphere of personality. At psychological analysis work activity, the emotional-volitional sphere is best considered together with personality characteristics. If we talk about any activity, then it evokes a certain attitude towards itself and is emotionally experienced. What is this connected with? This is connected with motives, with human needs, with interest in work. These are, for example, general emotions in work. They can be positive and negative.

Positive emotions are, for example, satisfaction with one’s work, a sense of duty, competition. On the other hand, there may be negative emotions. This, first of all, applies to those cases when people, although they work, do not like this work. They do it out of a sense of duty, perhaps in good faith.

In work psychology, in some cases it is necessary to take into account another aspect of emotions. This is the mood today, which affects performance, i.e. the mood with which a person comes and does the work.

It is also important to take into account specific emotions that are directly caused by specific work activities. These emotions are highlighted primarily as professionally important. They are divided into two subgroups. The first subgroup is those emotions that connect the relationship between people and the team in the process of a given collective type of work.

The second subtype of professional emotions are those emotions that arise during the work itself. These are, first of all, those professions in which emergency situations can arise and where incorrect, slow decision-making can lead to an accident in conditions of high emotional tension (pilots, steeplejacks, some types of operator work). Emotionally unstable people cannot work in these professions.

A number of professions place special demands on other various personality traits: neatness, organization, pedantry in some cases, sociability or isolation.

Along with the study of professionally important characteristics, it is necessary to pay attention to the individual characteristics of a person, to the individual style of his work, as one of the ways of adapting a person to the profession. In order to understand individual characteristics, individual style of activity, it is necessary to carry out comparative analysis those workers who perform the same job using different techniques and actions.

2 Individual psychological characteristics of the individual and their manifestations in professional activities

2.1 Abilities

In the very general view abilities are individual psychological characteristics of a person that ensure success in activity, communication and ease of mastering them. Abilities cannot be reduced to the knowledge, skills and abilities that a person has, but abilities ensure their rapid acquisition, fixation and effective practical application. Success in activity and communication is determined not by one, but by a system of different abilities, and they can be mutually compensated.

There are a number of classifications of abilities. Let us reproduce one of them, the most significant:

1. natural (or natural) abilities are basically biologically determined, associated with innate inclinations, formed on their basis, in the presence of elementary life experience through learning mechanisms such as conditioned reflex connections;

2. specific human abilities that have a socio-historical origin and ensure life and development in the social environment (general and special higher intellectual abilities, which are based on the use of speech, logic, theoretical and practical, educational and creative). Specific human abilities are in turn divided into:

a) general ones, which determine a person’s success in a wide variety of activities and communication (mental abilities, developed memory and speech, accuracy and subtlety of hand movements, etc.), and special ones, which determine a person’s success in certain types of activity and communication, where a special kind of inclinations and their development are required (mathematical, technical, literary and linguistic, artistic and creative abilities, sports, etc.). These abilities, as a rule, can complement and enrich each other, but each of them has its own structure;

b) theoretical, which determine a person’s inclination towards abstract-logical thinking, and practical, which underlies the inclination towards concrete practical actions. The combination of these abilities is characteristic only of multi-talented people;

c) educational, which influence the success of pedagogical influence, a person’s assimilation of knowledge, abilities, skills, the formation of personal qualities, and creative, associated with success in creating works of material and spiritual culture, new ideas, discoveries, inventions. The highest degree of creative manifestations of a personality is called genius, and the highest degree of a person’s abilities in a certain activity (communication) is called talent;

d) the ability to communicate, interact with people, namely, human speech as a means of communication, the ability to perceive and evaluate people, socio-psychological adaptability to different situations, coming into contact with different people, getting them to like you, etc., and subject-activity abilities associated with the interaction of people with nature, technology, sign information, artistic images etc.

A person capable of many things various types activity and communication, has a general talent, that is, a unity of general abilities that determines the range of his intellectual capabilities, the level and originality of activity and communication.

Abilities, abilities and individual differences

The vast majority of psychologists believe that inclinations are some genetically determined (innate) anatomical and physiological characteristics nervous system, constituting the individual-natural basis (prerequisite) for the formation and development of abilities. However, some scientists (for example, R.S. Nemov) believe that a person has two types of inclinations: innate (natural) and acquired (social).

Individual (individual psychological) differences are features of mental phenomena (processes, states and properties) that distinguish people from each other. Individual differences, the natural prerequisite for which are the characteristics of the nervous system and brain, are created and developed in the course of life, in activity and communication, under the influence of upbringing and training, in the process of human interaction with the outside world in the very broad meaning this word. Individual differences are the subject of study in differential psychology.

The nature of human abilities

Here, first of all, we should talk about the nature of the so-called social abilities, the biological basis of which has not yet been precisely established. These are higher, culturally determined abilities. The conditions and prerequisites for their development are, first of all, the circumstances of a person’s life: life in society, the presence of a socio-cultural environment created artificially by the labor of many generations of people; learning in childhood to use appropriate objects, for example, musical instruments; participation in a range of complex, highly organized activities and communications; the presence of a circle of people who are able to convey the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities using effective means and methods of training and education; the absence of a rigidly programmed behavior in a person from birth, the presence of immaturity of brain structures with their ability to be subsequently formed through training and upbringing.

The anatomical and physiological basis of social abilities, when they become developed, are the so-called functional organs - intravitally developing neuromuscular systems that ensure the functioning and improvement of the corresponding abilities.

Development of abilities

Abilities are not static, but dynamic formations; their formation and development occurs in the process of a certain way of organized activity and communication. The development of abilities occurs in stages.

An important point In children, the development of abilities is complex - the simultaneous improvement of several complementary abilities.

The following levels of abilities are distinguished: reproductive, which ensures a high ability to assimilate ready-made knowledge, master existing patterns of activity and communication, and creative, which ensures the creation of new, original ones. But it should be borne in mind that the reproductive level includes elements of the creative, and vice versa.

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In the above material, I would like to say that all the characteristics given in this section, which describe the features of a number of diagnostic techniques, are of a directed advisory nature and serve the purpose of optimizing the diagnostic process when conducting individual professional consultation. In this section of the work, we have not touched on many valid, scientifically based techniques, but with some