Evening of museums. Moscow State Art Gallery of People's Artist of the USSR Alexander Shilov. Traditional event program

On the evening of May 20, the capital will host “Night at the Museum” for the eleventh time. The action will cover more than 200 sites - galleries, libraries, theaters, art schools and others cultural institutions. Many of them will start accepting guests from 18.00 and will work until late for free. The most interesting and unusual events of the action are in the RG review.

According to the press service of the Moscow Department of Culture, about 500 lectures, creative meetings, excursions, performances and concerts are planned for Saturday. The Hermitage Garden will be the first to plunge into the night. It is from here that the action officially starts at five o'clock in the evening. An educational festival will begin there two hours earlier. Lectures under open air will be read by famous historians, artists, journalists, photographers. The main events will begin at 18.00 - it is at this time that most of the city's cultural institutions will join the action.

Muscovites will discover secret places, previously unknown to the general public. According to the organizers, every small house-museum and apartment where they used to live has its secrets. famous writers and poets. In this way, the organizers want to shift attention from the Tretyakov Gallery and other giants to less popular ones, explained the head of the capital’s department of culture, Alexander Kibovsky.

Where long lines still gather, artists will go in concert cars. If you don’t want to languish in hours of waiting, you can try your luck and take an online test from the State Museum fine arts named after Pushkin. Correct answers will give you a chance to enter the building without waiting in line. There they prepared the quest “Pushkinsky Revived”, the action “I am a Tour Guide”, virtual tour around the Museum Town and an exhibition of one exhibit - a helmet from the 6th century BC. IN Historical Museum a medieval theater will appear, photo sessions with Vikings and Greek warriors will take place, as well as other events.

The Museum of Cosmonautics will launch free tours of the main exhibition and show documentaries. Cosmonaut Alexander Laveykin will talk about the Universe at the master class.

Fans of walking can go on a “trip” around Moscow - from Prechistenka to Pokrovka, from Sokolniki to Zamoskvorechye. It will be interesting in the subway too. Actress Alisa Grebenshchikova will perform at Arbatskaya station. She will read poems by Marina Tsvetaeva to the accompaniment of the Schnittke chamber orchestra.

You can arrive at night using free buses. The route will connect different institutions: Museum of Cosmonautics, Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Bulgakov Museum, Darwin Museum, buildings Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val and Lavrushinsky Lane. Buses will run from 18.00 to midnight - at intervals of 15 minutes.

By the way

A guide to all Night at the Museum venues is available on the website mos.ru/museumnight. Here you can see where and what time the event starts.


At Rohini Gallery, you can explore the work of famous and trending artists from around the world and purchase works that will add a stylish accent to your interior and become worthy exhibits in your collection. The gallery hosts exhibitions, master classes on painting and art, creative evenings, art shows and lectures.

st. Bolshaya Akademicheskaya, 6/1

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art 0+

Activities of this museum contemporary art is developing in three directions - exhibition, educational and research. Today, Garage is a respected international expert in the field of contemporary art.

st. Krymsky Val, 9, building 32

Multimedia Art Museum 0+

7 floors of spacious exhibition halls with smooth white walls, plenty of light and an anti-depressive atmosphere. Opening hours: 12:00 - 21:00; Monday - closed

st. Ostozhenka, 16

Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography

The exhibition center was opened on March 2, 2010 in the building former factory"Red October". Opening hours: from 12:00 to 21:00; Saturday, Sunday: from 11:00 to 21:00.

emb. Bolotnaya, 3, building 1

Museum-Theater “Bulgakov House” 12+

Bulgakov's house is unique cultural center, founded by fans of the writer’s work. Today it includes many creative venues: a museum, exhibition hall, theater, cafe and even a photo studio. Opening hours: from 13:00 to 23:00 daily, on Friday and Saturday - until 1 am.

st. Bolshaya Sadovaya, 10

Gallery on Solyanka

Three experimental spaces of new forms and content in art. Opening hours: Tuesday-Thursday -14:00-22:00, Friday - 12:00-00:00, Saturday-Sunday - 12:00-22:00.

st. Solyanka, 1/2, building 2

Museum of Erotica and Sex “Spot G” 18+

Disney Land for adults includes entertaining labyrinths, a museum and a supermarket with specific products. You can get acquainted with the sexual culture of the peoples of the world and make the necessary purchases daily from 12:00 to 24:00.

New Arbat, 15

Cold War Museum "Bunker-42" on Taganka 16+

The former air defense command post near the center of the capital is a source of constant interest from citizens. survive exciting journey Eighteen floors underground can be accessed around the clock - from 00:00 to 24:00.

5th Kotelnichesky lane, 11

Museum of the History of Corporal Punishment 18+

Basement vaults, minimal decoration and ominous exposition - if you haven't had enough of the day and the night before you want to tickle your nerves - you're welcome. The museum is open daily from 12:00 to 22:00.

On May 20, 2017, the capital will host a large-scale annual event for the 11th time - Museum Night in Moscow. As part of the promotion, from 18-00 to 24-00 you can visit many museum venues for free, take part in excursions, quests, theater, musical and literary events epax and other events. The motto of the Moscow event this year is “Discovery Time.”

Night at the Museum 2017

May 18th is celebrated annually around the world International Museum Day. This tradition began in 1977, when Museum Day was proclaimed by ICOM, the International Council of Museums.
In 2001, the Moscow government adopted a resolution “On the days of historical and cultural heritage of the city of Moscow", which determined the dates for their holding on April 18 (International Day for the Preservation of Monuments and Sites) and May 18 (International Museum Day) of each year.However, in reality, these dates are sometimes postponed to the weekend closest to them. For the eleventh time in a row, from May 20 to May 21, 2017, Russia will host what has become an annual cultural event - night at the museum in 2017. It is traditionally held in a number of countries around the world. Its main goal is to introduce a wide audience, especially young people, to the history of domestic and world culture. For this purpose, the exhibitions of the vast majority of museums and galleries are shown on museum night for visitors completely free of charge.

12 ideas for spending a Night at the Museum

On May 20, the capital will host the traditional cultural event “Night at the Museum”: from 18:00 until midnight, key Moscow exhibition venues will be open to free visit. AiF.ru chose 12 places with the most exciting program.

This is the eleventh year now.” Night at the Museum» opens the doors of all major metropolitan exhibition centers. This year, Moscow will host about 500 events of the main program - guests are expected not only in museums, but also in theaters, libraries, parks, and zoos.

Already on the way to the museum, you can unexpectedly find yourself in the center of events: from 18:00 to 23:00, artists will drive around the city in branded cars. They will stop and perform at the Tretyakov Gallery, the Museum of Cosmonautics, the Central Manege, the Zoo and the Darwin Museum.

ETOLIK offers a guide to the most interesting free cultural insomnia events.

In the museum

State Darwin Museum

St. Vavilova, 57 (metro station "Akademicheskaya")

“Night at the Museum” is the only chance to see the “Andy Warhol” exhibition at the Darwin Museum. Endangered Species" for free. This series of paintings has become one of the most famous and expensive in the legacy of the contemporary art pop star, and it is also associated with a sensational theft of the 21st century (in 2015, criminals stole three works from “Endangered Species” at once and fetched hundreds of thousands of dollars for them).

A visitor at the exhibition "Andy Warhol. Endangered Species" at the Darwin Museum in Moscow. | Source: RIA Novosti

Visitors are invited to the experimental exhibition “Fluffy and Dangerous!” The exhibition will introduce you to the history of the appearance famous images Dracula, the Werewolf and other heroes of Hollywood horror films, and will also explain why animals need sharp needles, claws and teeth. This evening, guests of the Darwin Museum are even welcome on the roof, where they can view the exhibitions “Secrets of the Darwin Museum” and “Looking at the Birds”, and at dusk listen to the performance of musician Vlad Andreev.

Museum Association "Museum of Moscow"

Zubovsky Boulevard, 2 (metro station "Park Kultury")

On May 20, the Museum of Moscow on Zubovsky Boulevard and all its branches will be open until midnight. The program contains the most interesting excursions researchers organizations: from the history of medieval Moscow to the world Soviet photographer Boris Kosarev, from the mysteries of the ancient city to the history of the Provision Stores complex.

At 21:00 you can visit the self-knowledge laboratory “VASYABEGI”, dedicated to modern Moscow teenagers, and in Building No. 2 you can find out what world capitals “sound” like: Frank Sinatra, Oblivion, Piazzolla... Guests will be presented music project“Sounds of the city: Moscow-Paris-New York” performed by the Belcanto-orchestra and the Belcanto organ duo.

IEC "Fashion Museum"

St. Ilyinka, 4 (metro station “Revolution Square”)

True fashionistas are welcome on May 20 at the Fashion Museum, where several free educational lectures will be held. At 16:00, visitors will be able to compare the “glossy” magazines of the times of Peter the Great with modern blogs, at 18:00, learn about the main trendsetters of the style of the 19th-20th centuries, and at 20:00, attend a lecture on the trends of the Soviet “Thaw” period with elements of vintage display.

The most fashionable program of the “Night of Museums” will end with a concert by The Freemans Orchestra, which will perform world rock hits in a symphonic arrangement.

Hockey Museum

St. Avtozavodskaya, 23, building 3 (metro station "Avtozavodskaya")

For the male half in the large-scale program cultural event There will also be activities to suit your tastes. For example, the doors of the Hockey Museum will be open to everyone from 19:00 to midnight. The program includes: watching the film “Hockey Games” and sports-themed cartoons, a table hockey tournament, watching the semi-final matches of the 2017 World Hockey Championship. There will also be a photo zone where you can try on hockey equipment and feel like a real goalkeeper of the Russian national team.



Andropov Avenue, 39 (metro station "Kolomenskoye")

A street festival will take place in Kolomenkoe Park on May 20. White night in Kolomenskoye." From 18:00 to 21:00 here to the sounds of jazz and pop music Circus artists will perform, competitions, flash mobs and master classes will be held.

On this day, everyone will be able to visit the main and temporary exhibitions of the museum dedicated to Peter I, the treasures of Russian art XVII century, the secrets of the Church of the Ascension and even Mikhail Bulgakov’s play “Ivan Vasilyevich”.

And at 21:00, park guests are invited to watch the performance “Reception of a Foreign Ambassador at the Kolomna Residence of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.” The boyars will gather at the front porch of the tower of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, and the ceremony of receiving ambassadors to Rus' in the form in which it took place 400 years ago will be played out in front of the audience.

Hermitage Garden

St. Karetny Ryad, 3 (metro stations “Pushkinskaya”, “Mayakovskaya”)

The Hermitage Garden from 15:00 to 21:00 will turn into the site of the educational festival “Open Lectures”. Representatives of Moscow museums will give their best lectures on a wide variety of topics: what the famous architect Vasily Bazhenov has in common with JK Rowling’s detective stories and fairy tales, how to photograph modern Moscow, is it possible to study social studies from the texts of the popular rapper Oxxxymirona and how to take a fresh look at the “Black Square” » Kazimir Malevich. Here you can meet visionary artists and learn latest news from the life of space and the universe.

Among the festival participants are art historian Andrei Sarabyanov, art critic Sergei Khachatyrov, art critic Olga Bad and many others.

Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val

St. Krymsky Val, 10 (metro station “Oktyabrskaya”, “Park Kultury”)

The program of the State Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val this year will be dedicated to the “Thaw” exhibition, which is open in the museum until June 11. In the building itself there will be a “Farce Major Concert”, where the main songs of the era will be performed by actors of the Theater of Nations, and an international food court dedicated to the VI World Festival of Youth and Students in 1957 will open in the courtyard.

Everyone will be able to take pictures in the interiors of that time, and in the evening dance to live music. The program includes: foxtrot, jive, lipsey, Charleston, twist and step.

Central Park of Culture and Culture named after M. Gorky and the Gorky Park Museum

St. Krymsky Val, 9 (metro station "Oktyabrskaya")

Throughout the evening, poetry, prose and music inspired by the theme of space will be heard in the clearing near the People's Observatory. At the same time, guests of Gorky Park can visit the exhibition “The Sixties. Rest” or watch films from the “Thaw” times in the Lecture Hall: “Give me a book of complaints”, “Once again about love” and “I’m walking around Moscow”. From 18:00 on the Observation Deck there will be chess battles, and at 19:30 a lecture on fashion and leisure culture of the 60s will begin.

Night at the Museum 2017. The most unusual

Institute of Russian Realistic Art

St. Derbenevskaya, 7, building 31 (metro Paveletskaya, “Proletarskaya”)

“Night of Museums” is the best time for lovers of experiments. For example, from 17:00 to midnight, in the space of Emil Tsindel’s ancient calico manufactory, on the territory of which, in the building of a former boiler room, today the Institute of Russian Realistic Art is located, the quest-performance “Theater Manufactory” will be held. This evening, artists will appear even from the famous boiler chimney, and visitors will unravel the secrets of the former owner of the factory and its red brick buildings.

We have prepared an equally unusual program for young guests - a master class with a telling name"I - museum exhibit", where everyone can try on the role of a work of art.

IRRI events will be held free of charge, but pre-registration is required by phone +7 (495) 276−12−12 or by mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Sheremetyevo History Museum

Khimki, Sheremetyevo airport terminal F, 5th floor

You can even have a great Night at the Museum at the airport. The Sheremetyevo History Museum, whose windows offer a breathtaking view of the airport's airfield, has prepared a tour of the permanent exhibition and terminals for visitors. On this day famous blogger Artyom Kashirin will share the secrets of professional photography of flying equipment, and the director of the Aeroflot Museum will talk about legendary and modern aircraft.

The most interesting thing is that for the first time the airport will give everyone the opportunity to feel like an aircraft commander. A flight simulator will be installed on the second floor of Terminal F, in the cockpit of which you can “fly” and perform exercises aimed at developing coordination of movements.

Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

Prospekt Mira, 111 (VDNH metro station). Even if you have already been to the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics, it is worth visiting it again on “Night of Museums.” This evening there will not only be a free sightseeing tour, but also a meeting with a real cosmonaut Alexander Ivanovich Laveikin. Anyone can ask the Hero a question Soviet Union, who spent almost 175 days aboard the Mir orbital station and went into outer space three times.

Single ticket to Night at the Museum

Since in one night the natives of the city and the numerous tourists who arrive here have a unique opportunity to visit several museum institutions in a row and get the maximum impressions from what they see, the organizers of the event have developed a single ticket that allows you to attend all the events of the famous “Night” without exception. The cost of such a ticket is 400 rubles. The holder of such a ticket will attend thematic excursions and exhibitions provided for in the program, choosing the format of the establishments to his taste:

  • from 6 pm to midnight,
  • from 6 pm to 6 am.

Night at the Museum 2017. Free buses

Six Moscow museums will be connected by a free bus route. On May 20, from 18-00 to 00-00, 8 buses will ply at 15-minute intervals with the following stops:

1. Museum of Cosmonautics (stop “VDNH” metro station)

2. Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center (stop “Palace of Culture MIIT”)

3. Tele2 communication salon (stop “Eye Hospital”)

4. Bulgakov Museum (stop “Triumphal Square”)

5. Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val (stop “Gorky Central Park of Culture”)

6. Tretyakov Gallery in Lavryshinsky Lane (stop “Tretyakovskaya metro station”)

7. Darwin Museum (stop “Darwin Museum”)

Popular museums and venues participating in the Night at the Museum event in 2017

  • Tretyakov Gallery
  • Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin
  • Museum of Cosmonautics
  • Museum A.S. Pushkin
  • Art gallery of Ilya Glazunov
  • Art gallery of Alexander Shilov
  • Patriarchal Museum of Church Art (Church of the Transfiguration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior)
  • Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA)
  • Estate "Tsaritsyno"
  • Kolomenskoye Estate
  • Zoological Museum of Moscow State University
  • House-Museum of M. Tsvetaeva
  • Darwin Museum
  • Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Tretyakov Gallery at the Night of Museums 2017

  • The main building on Lavrushinsky Lane will be open to the public for free. A temporary exhibition “The Artist's Model in the Camera Lens” will be organized here. You will see original photos people who posed for Ilya Repin and Ivan Kramskoy, Mikhail Nesterov and Valentin Serov, Konstantin Korovin and Viktor Borisov-Musatov
  • On Krymsky Val, as part of the special program “It has become possible to love,” the exhibition “Thaw” and music program"Farce Major Concerto". You will hear the main songs of the era, performed by actors from the Theater of Nations. In the evening there will be a master class on foxtrot, a modern ballroom dance(lipsey) and latin dance(jive)
  • Meetings with collectors will be held at the Museum-Apartment of Apollinary Vasnetsov, the House-Museum of Victor Vasnetsov and the Museum-Workshop of Anna Golubkina.

Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin (Pushkin Museum) on the night of museums 2017

State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. prepared by Pushkin online test, the correct answers to the questions of which will allow you to enter the building without queuing. The Night at the Museum program includes:

  • Quest for the main building of the museum “Revived Pushkin”
  • Promotion “I am a tour guide”
  • Virtual tour with audio guide of the Museum Town
  • Exhibition of one exhibit - a helmet of the Illyrian type of the 6th century BC. e.

Museum of Cosmonautics at Museum Night 2017

Here you will find free tours of the main exhibition and shows. documentaries“Time of the first. History of creation", "Time of the first. Leonov." Hero of the Soviet Union cosmonaut Alexander Laveykin will tell you about the structure of the Universe. At 21:00 in the night sky with the help of a telescope you will see the Moon and planets solar system and distant galaxies.

The “Night of Museums” event has been held in Russia every year since 2007. NSN I have selected several events on this year’s program that may interest even a sophisticated art connoisseur.

So, the capital's fashionistas and aesthetes will have a trip to the fashion museum. You can learn about all the trends and changes in the wardrobe of city residents, from the 1910s to the 1960s, as well as listen to a lecture on the emergence of the first fashion magazines, in one night by visiting the museum as part of all-Russian action. There will be a show of vintage costumes, and in the evening there will be a symphony concert The Freemans Orchestra, where the entire range of masterpieces of world rock will sound, from Metallica to Bi-2.

Where and when: st. Ilyinka, 4. The program starts at 11:00, concert at 21:30.

And for adherents of classical art it will open its doors state museum them. A.S. Pushkin, where this year, in addition to viewing the main exhibition, you can attend a number of thematic excursions - from an analysis of ancient ideals to a short guide course. Also, everyone will be able to take a test on their knowledge of the history of the museum and its exhibits, and the most active ones are invited to film their own video version of a walk through the halls and take part in the “I am a tour guide” competition.

Where and when: Volkhonka, 12. The program starts at 18:00, the ticket office is open until 23:30. Details of the program can be found on the museum's website.

The Darwin Museum invites you to look at rare animals masterfully performed by the king of pop art Andy Warhol. A series of silk-screen prints by the great artist of the 20th century, dedicated to rare species of animals that are on the verge of extinction, will inevitably attract the attention of visitors. And at 19:00 the author’s excursion of multimedia artist Nikita Scriabin will begin, who will conduct “Natural History Lessons”. Next, viewers will be able to look at the exhibition project “Fluffy and Dangerous!”, which will tell about the emergence of legends about such characters as Dracula, King Kong and the werewolf. And on the roof of the museum, which by the beginning of summer is gradually turning into a comfortable area with poufs, the exhibition “Secrets of the Darwin Museum” will open.

Where and when: st. Vavilova, 57. The program will take place from 18:00 to 00:00.

And for those who don’t like to stand still for a long time, looking at exhibits or waiting in line at the ticket office, the organizers have come up with a special way to experience art. Walking around the city, revealing the secrets of places that have already become familiar to Muscovites, will help brighten up the evening for lovers of walking. Thus, not every city resident knows that the Khitrovka district, located next to the Kitay-Gorod metro station, was once the center of crime in the capital. Guide Anastasia Chernyshova will guide the curious along this difficult stretch, glorified in famous book Vladimir Gilyarovsky’s “Moscow and Muscovites” will tell you how Saltychikha herself was imprisoned within the walls of the Ivanovo Monastery, and will explain why the descent to the square was popularly named Sviny.

Where and when: Gathering at house No. 1 on Zabelina Street. Starts at 18:00.