Literature exam tests solved online. Online exam test in literature. Online Unified State Exam tests in literature on the educational portal

Take the Unified State Exam in Literature online tests with scores, demo version of the Unified State Exam in Literature with answers, Unified State Exam assignments in Literature

The Unified State Exam in Literature is one of the most controversial subjects Unified State Exam format. Many experts are in favor of abandoning the test format for testing knowledge in literature. Due to the specifics of the subject, the weight of the Unified State Exam is shifted more to the last part of the Unified State Exam, which is an essay. But still, the first parts of the Unified State Exam are test questions and you need to prepare for them. It is the Unified State Examination in literature that causes the greatest dissonance among schoolchildren. When reading the book, you are left with a general impression and some passages of text and quotes. But the authors’ opinion about the importance of a particular fragment may not correspond inner world student. Thus, authors of the Unified State Exam create questions that test the memory of a certain fragment that the student might not have responded to. Books evoke different emotions in readers over the years. What is important to a professor might not have any impact on a student. For these reasons, it is quite difficult for students to prepare for the Unified State Exam in literature. Reading the book again is unlikely to understand the opinion of the author of the questions.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Literature?

In connection with this difficult situation, the best way To prepare for the Unified State Exam in literature, it is the trial Unified State Exams that are considered. At them, schoolchildren have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the questions. When students know what topics question writers focus on from different authors, it is much easier for them to prepare for the exam. It is best to check questions before reading a specific author. This way you can better focus on the right topic when reading a literary work. Online trials provide this opportunity. Unified State Exam tests on literature.

Online Unified State Exam tests in literature on the educational portal

On educational portal posted trial options Unified State Examination, which is available for everyone to take. To take the test, you do not need to register or send SMS. Tests are available at any time, which makes them very convenient for preparation. Before brushing up on any book, a student can look at typical Unified State Exam questions according to the literature on this literary work, and find the answer in the text. This training format is recognized as the most effective way in order to get maximum points for the first parts of the Unified State Exam on literature.

Basic purpose of the Unified State Exam in literature is to identify basic and highly specialized knowledge during the period of studying world and Russian literature.

Possible execution test tasks with multiple choice answers and writing an essay, most often on moral and ethical topics.

Distribution of tasks into parts exam paper The 2019 Unified State Examination in Literature, indicating the primary scores, is shown below in the infographic.

Maximum points - 42 (100%)

Total exam time - 235 minutes


Part 1

12 tasks B1–B12
(With a short answer)


Part 2

4 tasks С1–С4
(Detailed response)

Changes in the Unified State Exam KIM 2019 compared to 2018

  1. The requirements for completing tasks 9 and 16 have been clarified (the requirement to justify the choice of an example for comparison has been cancelled).
  2. The fourth topic of the essay has been introduced (17.4).
  3. The criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer (8, 9, 15, 16, 17) have been completely redesigned.
  4. The maximum score for the entire work has been increased from 42 to 57 points.

All this takes 235 minutes, which is enough if you know the subject.

To be fair, it is worth noting that anyone can pass the Unified State Examination in literature with a fairly high score. The main thing is to know the theory of the subject and understand the works of Russian literature. The website will help you understand all the basics of the discipline and feel confident at the Unified State Exam in Literature.

The portal presents different variants tasks. All of them are structured exactly in the way that awaits you during the exam process. Just practice and study every unclear question you encounter in the online Unified State Exam in Literature, and success is guaranteed.

Textbooks for grades 9-11 will come to the rescue. They can be downloaded directly from the site without any problems.