Runes are a way out of a difficult situation. Becoming to be trusted. Becoming a Deus Ex Machina - getting yourself out of trouble

Galdstav Þekkur - captivates people

A safe way out of the Soulo-Dagaz-Vuno situation

It works to resolve various situations, breakdowns, return of damaged goods, resolve conflicts, etc., it really works, you can use the following script:

Berkana - generosity, productivity, pleasant working atmosphere Kenaz - inspiration, creativity, learning. General form of this reading - X is a crossroads converging on Eichwas. This is not surprising given the situation. In this case, it could mean that. The line of runes between Kenaz and Inguzia seems more "positive" than the runes between Hagalaz and Laguz, indicating that a decisive choice, or a decisive adjustment of attitude, may be made.

A roll can also be read as a choice between four options. The initial situation is fairly well defined, with a wide range of possibilities: regular work, a creative outlet, or possible relocation to another situation. The fourth "hand" is confusing, but seems to relate to my feelings of uncertainty about the whole situation. Rather than offering any clear predictions about what my work situation will be in the next few weeks, the reading simply provided me with a clear definition of what my options are and where those choices might lead.

I know the song

Since the clouds in the sky have thickened,

I will sing and the sky will open.

The light of the sun will warm the earth,

He will fill your heart with joy,

Driving the thunderstorm away from me.

Don’t forget to also make a reservation, being as specific as possible about what you expect.

From personal observations - if applied to the solar plexus or between the first and second chakras, it works much faster and more effectively than when applied to the left hand.

Switching to a new task seems like a bad idea this moment, although perhaps my fear of starting with a new company is sabotaging this opportunity. As it turned out, the new owners went back on their word and did not offer to support me. This is likely the creative aspect represented by Kenaz, especially since Kenaz also has a technological side. It seems upon reflection that there were only two things going on here: one was the new owners deceiving me and forcing me into a seemingly disastrous situation.

Another track - a more positive result - creative work at home. At the center of it all was the Eichwas, turning the wheel from one path to another. All it took was a motivating event and a change in attitude. The starting point is the Self. Now only clarity and goodwill are effective. The right connection with your Being is of paramount importance, because from it flows all possible right relationship with others and with the Divine.

Runescript contributes mutual understanding and improvement of relations,it also contributes to the occurrence of pregnancy and the desire for it in both people.

You can also apply the following formulas:

Gebo+Inguz+Otala. Usually done on wood. The amulet is at home. It can be characterized by the phrase - “The gift of children to the home.”

Berkana+Perto+Inguz - in the form of an amulet or talisman

He remains humble - this is Orculo's advice. It is in the world, but you are not of it, that is implied here. However, do not close, judge or judge, but remain receptive to the impulses coming from the Divine within and without you. Strive to live ordinary life in an unusual way. Remember that everything that comes is fleeting and focus on what remains. Now nothing is required from you.

This is the time of greatest growth and correction, and, as a rule, correction must be achieved before progress can be made. The field is plowed before the seeds are sown, the garden weeds are before the plants bloom, and the Creature must know peace before he can discover his true song.

Perto + Gebo + Berkana + Inguz + Vunyo - you can make a talisman, Perto - will open up opportunities, Gebo + Berkana - will promote pregnancy, in combination with Inguz it will be desirable for both, Vunyo - carries good mood and joy.

On your husband’s photo you can apply the following formula - Teyvaz + Uruz + Gebo + Inguz + Dagaz (the formula is aimed at making the man himself want a child, as if without “pressure” from the outside) or this - Teyvaz (the man himself) + Eyvaz + Yera + Inguz (realizes that the time has come for the birth of a child) + Vunyo + Fehu (and this realization will please him and push him to action) with a task, i.e. While you are drawing, say what you need - a desire, for example - “Let my husband (name) want to have children with me and do everything possible for this.” The formula can be applied above your head without touching the image itself, because after receiving the result, you will need to burn it, or put runes on a sheet of paper and burn it over the photo, saying the task (second time, 1 time when you draw), then leave the ashes on the photo and hide it in a place where no one will touch, you don’t have to burn it , but simply put it on top of the photo (the runes should be “facing” you, that is, as if you were drawing on the photo). Before drawing in your own words, turn to God or Goddess, for example, Freyr or Freya, Odin, Frigg (to one person), ask for what you need, say that you haven’t used runes yet, but you really need help, etc., the main thing is to speak openly and from the heart and bring gifts of something sweet or beer, the gifts are nearby on the table while you draw, then leave them in some quiet place (ideally under a tree, but you can also just on the street, leave without turning around). If “soft” actions are not suitable, you can try more “weighty” ones, perhaps the result will not will appear immediately due to the fact that this is only the beginning of your practice with runes, but it will definitely happen.

Now is not the time to seek credit for achievement or focus on results. Rather, be happy with your homework for the sake of the task. This bigger problem for those whose eyes are always on the target, than for those who have not forgotten how to play, and can more easily do work for work's sake. Here lies the secret to experiencing the real present.

If you take the Genesis Rune and cut it right down the middle, you will see the Joy Rune with its mirror image. There is a subtle warning against the party here. Now the acrobatic energy of balance is required - the Self requires the balance of the ego. Nothing extra - this is the second sentence written above front door to the temple at Delphi. The first piece of advice was to know yourself.

draw a runescript and put it on top of his photo, keep it in your home, the formulas (Gebo + Inguz + Otala, Berkana + Perto + Inguz and Perto + Gebo + Berkana + Inguz + Vunyo) can be applied to paper and carried with you as a talisman. The remaining 2 formulas (Teyvaz + Uruz + Gebo + Inguz + Dagaz and Teyvaz + Eyvaz + Yera + Inguz + Vunyo + Fehu) should be drawn over his single photo.

If you feel blocked, unable to see yourself again, look within, silently, to find the enemy of your progress. No matter what area of ​​your life is hindering you, stop and take a look. You will recognize the external “enemy” as a reflection of something that you have hitherto been unable or unwilling to recognize as something that comes from within.

Becoming Attracting the right people

First of all, don't give up. Overcoming the impulse of the habits of the past is the challenge here: in the life of the Spirit you are always at the beginning. The removal of this Rune is a sign of the presence of some form of association or relationship. But he warns you not to ruin this union. For true connection is achieved only by individual and whole beings who retain their uniqueness even when they are united. Do not forget to let the winds of heaven blow among you.

You can simply draw with a pen or a felt-tip pen, you can carve it on wood with a knife, staining with blood is not necessary, if desired, if you feel that it is worth using blood, then you color the drawn formula or draw with it, then you don’t have to bring gifts, because blood is already a more than sufficient gift.

Becoming an Inaccessible Star

There is another meaning of Society to which we call. The path of Society can lead you to the realization of an even greater union - union with the Higher Self, union with the Divine. The final gift of this Rune is the recognition of the Divine in all things: God always enters into equal association.

Becoming Attracting clients

Gebo Rune Association has no reviews. This means the gift of freedom from which all other gifts flow. The main note here is to receive: messages, signs, gifts. Even timely warning can be considered as a gift. When the Hand of the Messenger brings sacred knowledge, one is truly blessed because the message can be a new reason in life. The twists and turns of life begin with new connections, unexpected encounters that lead us to new paths. Now you need to be especially careful during meetings, visits, chance encounters, especially with people wiser than you.

The point is to find the correct answer, and in such a way that you definitely don’t make a mistake, in cases where making a decision is mortally important and extremely difficult.

Just three runes and a lot of emotions.

The meaning is this: if what I ask is for my good, then let it grow and develop, but if not, then let it be chopped off with an ax.

Come up with your own options, much more interesting than mine (now it seems that at the age of 20 I didn’t even have a brain, although what happened thanks to this position says the opposite, I then avoided getting married on the fly, or rather avoided a relationship with such a girl who, half a year after nevertheless, she was pregnant and got married) the question was about relationships and everything was done as it should be with a sacrifice to Odin and a good sacrifice

Loki is an ancient trickster of the pantheon of Norse gods. He is the American Indian heyohka, "the mocking shadow of the creator deity," the bearer of benefits for humanity. Even grebnevites and screaming thieves can be bearers of wisdom. When you take out this rune, expect the unexpected: the message is always a challenge, a call to new life.

Ansuz is the first of thirteen runes that make up the Cycle of Initiation - runes that focus directly on the mechanism of self-transformation - and as such lead you to the need to integrate unconscious motives with conscious attempts. By accepting this you are saying intimacy with the Divine. Because Ansuz is a sign to explore the depths, the foundations of life and experience the inexhaustible source of Divinity in your nature.

Runes: Thurisaz, Ansuz, Berkana

The triskal spins in the direction that the Gods will point according to good fate. (We are still Dazhdbozh’s grandchildren, some of them for sure) Subsequently, I made a universal rune staff with this stave, asked a question, received an answer, put it away until next time.

At the same time, it reminds you that you must first get out of the hole in order to nourish yourself and give yourself. Then there will be more than enough to feed others. A new sense of family solidarity is also investing in Ansuz. You may be concerned about what appears to be a lack of communication, lack of clarity or awareness in your past history or current situation. You may feel overwhelmed to accept what is offered. Feelings of worthlessness or futile movement can overwhelm you.

Remember, however, that what happens is timely in your process. If the well is clogged, it's time to clean out the old one. Ansus reversed says: Consider using adversity. Now this time is different. They must remove old skins and abandon outdated relationships. When this rune appears on a roll, something needs to be done to get rid of it.

Brain adjustment

Hagal - we break a person’s attitude towards you (in the brain) or any negative one and also in the brain

Ansuz per + Naut + Ansuz zerk - we completely remove thoughts from negativity towards you

Tours 2 pcs - help in this matter

Soulo 2 pcs - gives energy for best quality change

Algiz - constant control, protection, beacon

Gebo - harmonization of thoughts

The appropriate action here is submissive and most likely withdrawn - knowing how and when to leave and having the willpower to follow through. However, the benefits you receive, the "inheritance", may come from what you have to give up. Such surrender can be especially difficult when what you are calling for to give up or give up is an aspect of your behavior or some part of your cultural heritage. To do this, you must take a close look at what you still proudly display as your birthright.

Dagaz - transformation of negative thoughts and attitudes (also in the brain) towards you

Yera - brings the job to the end.

Snake's pipe (trust)

ACTION: Captures attention, fascinates, enchants.

Whether your attachment is to your position in society, to your job, or even to your beliefs about your own nature, then the separation required now will free you to truly become more of who you are. This is not the time to keep you tied to the old conditioning, to the old power. Think not only about what will benefit you, but also what will benefit others, and act in accordance with the Light that you have in your life now. Complete honesty is needed because you may be called upon to radicalize yourself from the old ways.

RUNES: The well-known ligature Boundless Trust, nestled inside Perth and playing the magical pipe Evas + Nautiz, acts as a trap of trust, to use the capabilities of another person, in favor of the needs of the operator.

On the other hand, through your neglect or your refusal to see clearly, you can hurt others and harm yourself. Adaptability and ability are qualities that need to be developed now. You must wait for the Universe before you act.

When receiving this Rune, remember: we do it without doing anything, and everything gets done. Rune of termination and new principles. The removal of Uruz shows that the life you live has exceeded the capabilities of your form. This form must die so that the energy can be released in a new birth, a new form. It is a rune of passage and as such is part of the cycle of initiation.

Finest hour+perfect wave



(Mannazy) Surrounded by a friendly, coordinated team (Gebo), strives intuitively (Laguz, background) To support any of my endeavors, opening up more and more new horizons (Dagaz) for my development and increasing well-being at all levels, while at the same time protecting me from everything that is not included in the stipulated program of serving me and my strictly defined (specify) territory. Where Perto plays the main role - Honor, profit, help from friends, thereby providing me with the Perfect Wave. (Draw the Perfect Wave in your photo.

However, growth and change may involve passing through darkness as part of a cycle of constant renewal. As in Nature, progression consists of five parts: death, deterioration, fertilization, pregnancy, rebirth. The events that are happening now may well push you towards inner death. Since self-transformation has never been forced - we can always resist - remember and remember that the new form, new life always better than the old one.

Prepare yourself then for opportunity disguised as loss. This can result in the loss of someone or something that you have a strong emotional attachment to and through which you live a part of your life, a part that you must regain now so that you can live it for yourself. One way or another, slavery is destroyed, relationships change radically, he experiences death. Search through the ashes and find new perspective and new strength.

If on yourself. That Perfect Wave without a Photo, in the middle.

In the background, on the left, you can see the Expelling Cross, which can serve to expel obstructing/inhibiting factors and people from the territory of my activities.

Becoming a Golden Key challenges the trust of others

in this stave the runes are: Ansuz - Laguz - Vinya
Secondary runes: Kenaz - Gebo - Soul (mirror)
The key evokes groundless, uncritical trust, associated with a state of mental comfort among those who encounter the subject of influence, against the backdrop of the impossibility and unwillingness to clarify the real reason such a situation. We apply it to the left hand. You are unlikely to become friends, but the attitude should change in better side. The result is quick. The name is very characteristic: the key to any heart.

The original symbol for Uruz was the Turk, the wild bull. When a wild wolf is tamed - a nearly impossible task - it can carry heavy loads. Learn to adapt to the demands of such creative times. Corporate principles are tied to this rune, and at the same time, humility is required, since commanding requires learning to serve. This Rune notifies you that your soul and universe are supporting new growth.

Becoming a Deus Ex Machina - getting yourself out of trouble

No ears to hear and no eyes to see, you couldn't seize the moment. The result may be either a loss of opportunity or a weakening of your position. It may feel like your power is being used against you. For some, the inverted Uruz serves to warn and provide clues in the form of small failures and disappointments. For others, those who are more deeply unconscious or unprepared can provide a hard push.

Becoming to be trusted

Becoming a "Changer"

Becoming directly affects reality, bypassing most chains of cause and effect.

The Ansuz-Nautiz-Dagaz runes are runes for bringing changes into reality, they work in such a way that in reality there is no resistance to the necessary changes. A master key that allows you to change.
Runes Evaz-Raido, my favorite process engine, here is where the change process itself starts.

3Inguz-Uruz, runes thanks to which opportunities will light up in your life like light bulbs for the necessary changes to occur.

Everything is simple and neat, and most importantly, unnoticed by others, as if it was so, and sometimes those around them remember that something that has changed, in fact, was from the beginning. Information is rewritten in the heads of those affected by these changes.

Remember the flash device from the movie "Men in Black", something like that.
Good luck to all!!!

becoming "Royal"

The energy of the “Royal” position is aimed at developing leadership qualities, strengthens your influence on others, helps you rise above the crowd, and makes you a wise leader.

The basis of the stav is the glyph “FAITHFUL SERVICE”: (I write the meaning verbatim so that you know all the possible effects) is aimed at a healthy desire for career growth; revealing the qualities of a leader, sound judgment, understanding of people, ability to convey information; development of oratory.

Adjoining it to the right and left are the glyphs “FACENESS IS DESTROYED”: they help to reveal personality, gain individuality, charisma, independence, self-confidence and willpower. Open glorious road to prosperity, reliable partnerships and material well-being. They give success in business and trade, help to find enrichment opportunities for their owner, protect against unsuccessful investments and unwise spending of money. Grant the ability to foresee events, manage time and extract maximum profit in a short period of time.

They are continued by 2 glyphs “INBREAKABLE WILL”: aimed at strengthening the etheric conductor, improving mental activity, revealing strength of character, justice, and openness.

Above and below are the glyphs “THE TOP OF VICTORY OVER THE WORLD”: they are aimed at revealing the qualities of a leader in a person: determination, optimism, reliability, will, perseverance, independence, a clear vision of the goal and readiness for change. They develop intuition, improve oratory abilities and diplomacy. Strengthen their own authority and importance, protect from negative public opinion.

Becoming a Relationship Cross (acquiring connections)

The cross was originally created as a mechanism to attract material well-being, money, wealth. But, in practice of direct attraction material resources did not have. At the same time, in all cases new love relationship, the owner of the cross aroused interest. He was offered and provided with profitable, promising work, new connections appeared in his life, new relationships began. At the same time, the cross works very strongly. Powerful funnel. Verified by independent experts. In practice, I have repeatedly become convinced that love (marriage) relationships are formed, the basis of which is the love and business (material) component. But as soon as the business (material) component loses its meaning, the love component may disappear.

Becoming Leadership and Charisma

Becoming is intended to develop leadership qualities and create a special charisma that can captivate people, gain inspiration and optimize methods of accumulating energy.
Speak in the following terms:
becoming collects and accumulates energy from the surrounding world (in addition, this and that), highlights and strengthens leadership and
other personal and creative characteristics, increases the potential of the individual (ignites charisma or those qualities that are necessary)
and through this makes it possible to achieve set goals or heights, and also contributes to the fact that all circumstances develop
in a manner suitable for this. Becoming highlights only the positive qualities necessary to achieve the goal and does not cause harm to the operator.
Runes consisting of: Sol, Inguz, Yera, Wind rune.

Becoming Flickering in the Night

Rune of the Heart - Kenaz (Shimmer in the Night)

Runes of the first plan - Laguz (correct intuition)

Raido (safe path)

Feu (luck)

Secondary runes - Soulo, Vunyo, Berkano, Gebo,

It is preferable to apply it to yourself (on your hand) in blue.

Thought form: In my hand is Kenaz - Flickering in the night, giving me intuitively (Laguz) the correct and safe path (Raido) to finding good luck (Feu).

Secondary runes need not be specified. They are necessary companions on your path to success. The essence of the Flickering in the Night is to lead you by the hand on a safe path, removing obstacles and enemies along the way that prevent you from achieving success.

Becoming Morok Respect - Make you respect

The purpose of the stave is to make you respect you, treat you with respect and listen more. Suitable for bosses so that their subordinates respect and do not talk too much. Depending on the slip, it can even cause awe of the operator.

Evas - identity of the operator

Nautiz + Anzus - forcing a certain perception of you

Ansuz + Algis - control of the situation, the suggestion that you are in charge here.

Tours + mirror Tours - increased coercion, slight fear

Becoming an Inaccessible Star

A star for the stage, politicians, actors. A star that can only be admired from a distance. She shines for everyone (I’m like that - melting) She draws attention to herself (Gebo itself) but she completely protects from any attacks (Algiz Cross, attached to Gebo)

Becoming Canceller

Becoming which would cancel an unnecessary process, for example, “I cancel the disease” or “I cancel the shitty work of the heart and blood vessels,” “I cancel poverty”

As for getting rid of blocks, I agree with the wording of getting rid of blocks, abolishing them, canceling any wrong program leading to a block.

Therefore, we got this canceller of blocks and bindings and a canceler of anything

Therefore, first we cancel it with the help of Ansuts-Fehu-Hagalaz, so that everything that does not need to be correctly reprogrammed or abolished.

And after that we also use Sovila-Inguz-Bjarkano so that in place of blocks and bindings a sea of ​​positivity and spiritual power begins to bubble up.

Becoming a Perfumer - influencing others

Working runes:

Vunyo - provide joy and happiness when encountering an operator, endowing him with the most “bright, joyful, attractive” qualities.

Teyvaz - provides the operator with courage, perfection and valor in the eyes of those around him.

Soul – provides people around the operator with insight and an explosion of “tender and kind feelings” (at the level of sympathy) towards the operator, and also gives people around the operator the energy of joy, happiness and pleasure in the presence of the operator.

Dagaz - they transform the environment so that it simply “falls” for the operator and is happy about it, content only with the fact that the operator is nearby and gives him attention.

Noyt - forcibly creates interest in the operator among others, and also causes them to need and need the operator (in the long term - the need to fulfill minor desires and instructions of the operator).

Raido and Laguz - create a flow, a vortex that attracts surrounding people to the operator and provides surrounding people with a desire to act (for the benefit of the operator).

Gabe – creates a partnership between the operator and the people around him for effective interaction.

Berkana - (this is my proposal and Montana agreed with it) - creates stability in the operator-rabbit system relations and ensures their further development.

Tours destroy and destroy everything that prevents those around the operator from experiencing friendly feelings and interest in him and everything that prevents them from seeing a “mini god” in the operator.

Fehu - as a result of the action of the talisman - success, luck, the operator “basks” in pleasure, abundance and everything that promises favor, attention and good attitude surrounding people.

Stav carved it on wood. In the task, I stipulated that the people around me should feel sympathy and interest in me, they should see their ideal in me, etc... - in general, everything that “deprives people of their brains” and forces them to blindly follow the operator and see perfection in him and God and creates in them a feeling of falling in love with me (we know that a person in love is ready to do a lot for the sake of the object of desire).

Activated by becoming breathing.

The result was the very next day. I had to go to a photo shoot at school. The first-graders naturally made noise, played pranks and chatted incessantly, but after 15 minutes they were ready to do everything I told them. I understand that now you will begin to object and say that it is very easy to interest children, but believe me, the situation developed as much as possible in my favor. The children unquestioningly carried out my instructions for three hours, which is unusual for first-graders. Moreover, the teacher, not very pleased with my appearance (apparently I was in a bad mood), said that I only had an hour to take photographs, but she herself became involved in the process, preparing the children and helping with their hair. As a result, the session lasted for three hours)) I note that by the end of the shooting the previously dissatisfied teacher was already glowing with happiness and even asked to take her photo. Which I did not intend to do under any pretext. And now the trick: at the end of work, a kid comes up to me, cuddles up to me and says the phrase: “Uncle, I love you.” I am under the table.

The second day of testing gave a similar result. I had to go to one office for a “showdown” regarding defective equipment. They greeted me with restraint, listened to my complaints and “lo and behold!”, they offered me to change my marriage on my terms (which they clearly didn’t want to do when I talked to the manager on the phone). Moreover, I became the owner discount card, which is not given to the ordinary buyer. Among other things, the equipment was brought to my car. The picture was touching. If I had asked for handkerchiefs to wave at me, that would probably have happened)) The friend who was driving was left in a bad mood. He couldn’t even get a lousy discount from this office.

Well, one more thing. My cat really liked the amulet with the stave. He is usually reserved about such things, in fact, he avoids them. And then I can’t understand, he’s reaching for the chest with talismans. Yesterday I left “Perfume” on the table, so this brat stole it and dragged it all over the apartment, and fell asleep with it. One more trick. The cat, who is always restrained in his emotions, really “hangs out” on me when the talisman is with me. He began to show tenderness more actively, sleeps in his arms, which was not observed before))

And now the fly in the ointment. It takes time for a bet to form a situation, so you shouldn’t expect it to become a magic wand (waved and it happened immediately). Yes, sympathy, attraction (if you can call it that) and interest in the operator arise among others, but if we are talking about aggression towards the operator, then becoming only suppresses it. Moreover, it works flawlessly only in simple situations, for more complex cases he needs time and quite a lot. Therefore, you should not expect a lightning-fast “blitz krieg” in advanced cases.

Well, one more thing. Becoming forms a certain “fall in love” with the operator, but in order to force people around the operator to mindlessly carry out the orders of the owner of the talisman, this does not happen. The prerequisites are laid by this rule, but the rest is “sleight of hand” and the work of not only the magician;).

Becoming a PR person

Simple script written for PR of one project

Unobtrusively attracts people to your store, forum, group, etc.

I don't like formulas with more than 5 runes, but this one came out a little larger than usual. I feel like everything is right

Fehu - desired number of people

Ger is the rune of the base. We discuss the subject of interest.

Legal is the goal, we stipulate that everyone comes to you, looking for something of their own

Sol + Soulu - we highlight our project with spotlights and cajole people

Algis (there are many of them here) - collecting potential clients through all possible channels

Evas - facilitating the passage of people

Madras are actually people

I've used it several times. You can simply apply it to a blank sheet of paper and highlight your store or advertisement for the public interested in the product or service. Attract as many people as possible. They will flock like butterflies to the light. If it’s an internet resource, then you can integrate it into the website design.

Becoming Attraction the right people

Attracting the right people into your life, getting into the desired society

Mannaz is society itself

Fehu - money, profit from this society

Ansuz is an intellectual component to make it interesting and not boring, to increase your intellectual level

Gebo - profitable partnership

Hyera - Harvest

Becoming Attracting clients

Attracting clients

Otal - Your business, organization, company, etc.

Laguz+Naud is a forced flow that attracts the right clients

lake Laguz + Turisaz - interrupts the flow of those who are unnecessary.

Mannaz+Naud - the client and his need for which he comes to you.

Becoming a Runic Wrath Wolf

Elm increases tenfold the effect you want to have on others

What you play will be imprinted in the minds of those around you. If you are playing a lady vamp today, everyone will perceive you as a vamp... if you are playing a defenseless bunny, everyone will perceive you as such....

If you play a woman with a model figure, everyone will see and remember that the figure is really a model. This is a hassle.

You can also use MCH. Imagine yourself as Alain Delon, get into character... the collar of the raincoat is raised... the tie is loosened... a cigarette... a casual gait... and off you go.

Another thing is how you can use it......

No, well, if MCH doesn’t know how to wear ties, then no amount of trouble will help

And what is depicted there does not matter. This will work even without decrypting the source code. The whole stave is intended and not each rune separately.

Actually, if you want to appear before the employer as a unique and all-knowing specialist, that’s also welcome. But before that, get into the role of such a specialist, and becoming will do the rest.

He (becoming) should be on you and in plain sight... “glowing”. You can put it on a button... on a hairpin... on a keychain - if it is attached to jeans... you can make a very small design... but it should “glow”, that is, be visible. Although no one will pay attention, nevertheless, your concern is to ensure his publicity... and how - you can figure it out yourself

There is no need for any rituals, but in this case it is necessary to cover it with blood. Because you are not applying it to yourself.

The action of the stav is the same every time - to influence those around you in such a way that they perceive you..... since you will play that day... The stav will not do anything for you. You yourself will play a good specialist and at the same time a chic woman - it’s up to you to convince others of this. I don't really care who you play - he will always enhance the effect. If you lose face, he will enhance that too.

Becoming a Deus Ex Machina - getting yourself out of trouble

Becoming a Deus ex machina to get yourself out of difficult situations

Helps to get out of open assholes, normalizes events like how Munchausen pulled himself out of the swamp with a horse.

The idea of ​​Stav belongs to Katya Chernaya, for which many thanks to her, it turned out to be an interesting toy.

2 Dagaz, 2 Evaz, Mannaz, 2 Ansuz, Nautits, Isa, Ken (Anglo-Saxon futrock), 3 Sovilu, 2 Uruz, 3 Algiz.

I stipulated this: By becoming this I pull myself out of all situations of realities and conditions that are harmful and dangerous for me.

My first application showed that becoming acts quickly and simply by influencing, first of all, the person himself, removing internal subconscious reasons (reasons are brought into the person’s consciousness, he begins to understand them) of the emergence of a difficult situation, this happens within a week, and removes the situation itself through a confluence circumstances to the level at which a person can already take some action to get himself out of a difficult situation.


If you initially turn to such a beautiful animal as a fox, then it is necessary to highlight several of its main qualities, which the fox pursues.
The sly Fox knows how to hide very well, while she seems to blend into the area where she is hiding.
Thus, the main traits of a fox are adaptability, cunning, observation, integration, and quickness of thought. These traits may also include making quick decisions, and running confidently in physical world. Exactly what the operator needs.

The fox can use stupid tactics, like a brilliant use of camouflage.
No one can guess the cunning behind such inventive maneuvers.

So it consists of:

Anzus, as already noted, the rune is responsible for wisdom and the power of thought, but in addition, together with Kano, it gives the operator the power of speech. Thus, it will make the operator’s speech convincing and attractive, which will help him achieve and strengthen success and achieve his goal.

Eyvazy – mental flexibility and, again, mental strength. In addition, it will strengthen the operator's mental endurance, which will help him avoid embarrassment. Rune of communication. Allows you to trace the situation as a whole, establish a complete picture of the world

Laguz – Stabilizes an emotionally or mentally unfavorable situation in favor of the operator. It will increase mental abilities, sharpen and enhance the intuitive perception of the world, exactly what the operator is looking for. At the same time, it will allow you to get rid of complexes and fears.

At the expense of the Laguz, secret, hidden control of the situation, control of chance, and luck is ensured. Allows you to create an event flow or manage a similar flow. In addition, it will competently disguise all the operator’s actions both for those “seeing” and for those on whom his influence is directed.
Teyvaz is the operator’s protection, and an amplifier in the station as a whole. In addition, it will work as a guide to the main goal.

Naut - again introduced into becoming, as a protective rune, and helps to develop the necessary endurance for the operator, and will give the operator self-sufficiency, which also characterizes the main goal.

Tours - neutralizes psychological pressure on the operator, or directly neutralizes the one who dares to encroach on the honor and dignity of the operator.

Yera - There is a small tasty treat hidden in it, because it will open the way for the operator, that is, it clears the way for events. And in connection with Tours, it will eliminate obstacles that interfere with achieving results. Well, it will strengthen and consolidate the result (like the final one in a runescript)

Gebo gives balance and harmony to the stave as a whole, since due to the peculiarity of its construction, there is a risk of instability. And it ensures the correct and even distribution of energies and forces both in the station and among the operator.

In stave, Dagaz is used to influence a change in your position or the position of someone else. In addition, it gives strength to the operator, both vital and personal.