How a house should stand according to Feng Shui. Qi energy and its types. Doors, entrance and interior

The area in which the house is located is of no small importance, since it can affect both the physical and mental health of a person. So, what area is considered suitable for the location of a residential building from a Feng Shui point of view?

  1. There should be no busy highways, swamps or places for storing waste (in other words, garbage dumps) near the site on which the house is located.
  2. The site should be planned in such a way that there is a sufficiently large open space in front of the house, and behind it there are residential buildings, mountains, dense beautiful forest or a park. This is consistent with the subconscious desire of every person to have a reliably protected rear. It is advisable that all of the listed objects be located on a small natural elevation. WITH back side the house should not have any slopes or cliffs.
  3. Feng Shui experts say that any plant (even poisonous) is a source of life-giving qi energy. Therefore, an area planted with pears, cherries, plums and apple trees is a very favorable place to locate a house.
  4. The presence of a body of water (river, lake, sea or pond) is very important factor, from the point of view of Feng Shui. Its location on the site is no less important, since it should flow in front of the residential building itself, and not behind it. The best source of life-giving and pure chi energy can be a calmly flowing river with a winding shoreline and clear water.
  5. The garden plot should be spacious and not cluttered with a large number of outbuildings that block the path of life-giving energy.

Building a house according to Feng Shui

By building a house with our own hands, we get the opportunity to build it for ourselves, taking into account our characteristics and preferences.

Starting construction from scratch, you can create a building that meets all the wishes of Feng Shui practice, thanks to which the life of the people who live in it will be full of harmony and well-being.

  • If you are just planning to build a house on an already purchased plot, take a close look at it: having found a place with lush and vibrant grass (which indicates close groundwater), position the building so that this place is right in front of the entrance to the home. Thanks to this arrangement, the flow of positive energy will go directly into it. The area can be surrounded by shrubs that do not have sharp thorns.
  • You should avoid the fashionable tendency to build a garage into the structure of the house, and even more so to enter the living space through it, since as a result negative energy, accumulated in the garage, penetrates into the rooms.
  • Building a house according to Feng Shui also rejects another popular tradition of installing a swimming pool in the basement located under a residential building. This should not be done under any circumstances, because after some time the humidity in the house will become too high, which will immediately affect the health of the people living in it. It is better to build a pool outside the walls of a residential building. It is possible to build a bathhouse under the house, but you should not just place it under the bedroom or living room.
  • The practice of Feng Shui, dating back over five thousand years, recommends building houses from environmentally friendly and natural materials: wood and stone. Ideally, the most suitable for construction can be considered materials produced in the same area in which the house is being built, since this factor is a source of additional natural energy, beneficial both for the building itself and for the health of the people living in it.

The use of reinforced concrete and large quantity metal when building a house is extremely undesirable, since the inhabitants of such a home will constantly be surrounded by electric fields, which is unsafe for health.

The driveway to the house should be winding; it cannot be laid directly to the threshold: along its path you can place a miniature pond, a fountain or several small flower beds.

A house built taking into account all the requirements of Feng Shui will allow a person to merge very harmoniously with the environment, which cannot but affect his mental comfort and excellent well-being, and this, in turn, inevitably entails personal well-being and career success.

  1. A house cannot be built on a mountain or at the end of a gorge.
  2. A house cannot be built at an intersection when the street directly faces the house.
  3. Under no circumstances should a house be built at the end of a cul-de-sac. Not because it is difficult to evacuate in case of fire, but because there will always be conflicts in this house.
  4. If there is a large road on the west side of the house, this is good (but if the house does not face west).
  5. If the corner of a neighboring house faces your house, this is very bad (corners directed at something are harmful).
  6. If in front of the front door to the house there are big trees, this is bad, they prevent the passage of positive (yang) qi energy into the home and this leads to stagnation of energy.
  7. If there is a dry tree in front of the front door, it needs to be removed. It is also bad if there is a stump or a dry trunk “showing off” there.
  8. A large tree located in the northwest relative to the house brings great happiness to those living in the house. The seeds of the tree protect the inhabitants of the house and bring joy to everyone.
  9. If the house in which you live is higher than everyone else around you, then you will experience a state of anxiety, as if you are on display. The energies of yang and yin are out of balance and this leads to illness.
  10. If the fence on the front side is lower than the back, then this is good, if on the contrary, then this is a bad sign.
  11. If the walls of the house on the right and left are of different lengths, namely the right one is longer than the left (as seen from the front door), then the owner of the house’s sons become poor and orphans.
  12. A house that resembles an inverted ladder, as if tapering from the facade, then there will be a shortage of money in such a house. If the house is trapezoidal in shape, when it expands from the front to the back, then the resident can become quite a wealthy person.
  13. If the house's plan resembles a triangle, then the front narrowing with the rear expansion is called an “inverted brush.” Very often misfortunes happen to people from such a house, and this applies specifically to women. If the point is at the back and wide at the front, it is called “Mars dragging its tail.” In this case, the people in this house will become very sick.
  14. If the wall of a home or room to the left of the front door is long and the right is shorter, then this is very bad for everyone.
  15. If the house is rectangular in shape at the base and extends from north to south, it is good sign, everyone will be rich and happy, and there will be many children and grandchildren in this house.
  16. If the house is rectangular in shape and faces west to east, this is a bad sign.
  17. If there is a recess in a house on the western side, then you cannot live in such a house.
  18. If the excavation is from the south, then it will bring great wealth, but constant scandals in the family.
  19. If the excavation is from the north, then this is a sign of misfortune and fires.
  20. If a house or room is a square in plan, then people will find happiness, wealth and prosperity in such a house.
  21. If there is free space to the south of the house, then life in such a house will be calm and measured.
  22. Be T You can't paint the yard, it's unfortunate.
  23. It is better not to pave the yard with stone slabs; this will attract a lot of negative (“Yin”) energy.
  24. It is not recommended to plant trees between buildings.
  25. It's a bad sign if a stream flows through the yard.
  26. If the fence is very high, then the people living in the house will feel “like animals in a cage.”
  27. The fence cannot be placed too close to the house, no closer than one elbow.
  28. When in big house very few people live, this will lead to impoverishment.
  29. If the house faces south and there is a front garden to the east of the house, this is good.
  30. A lot of wall decorations are bad, but if they give a neat look to your home, it is fortunate.
  31. If there are cracks in the house and the wind blows through them, the residents will get sick and have nightmares in their dreams.
  32. In the center of the house there is a living room, and all the other rooms are located in a circle around the perimeter - this is a good sign.
  33. A staircase located in the center of the house is a bad omen.
  34. In the center of the house, unused space is not a good sign.
  35. 35.If the front door and the back exit are on the same line, this is a good sign.
  36. The bedroom is on the same line as the front door - fortunately.
  37. In no case should you place furniture in the bedroom in which old clothes are stored, this will bring big trouble.
  38. The kitchen and stove should be located in the southeast or east.
  39. A kitchen in the southwest is a bad Feng Shui at home.
  40. It is better to place a bedroom for elderly people in the south-eastern part of the house.
  41. The southwest is not suitable for a living room.
  42. A living room on the second floor cannot be arranged above an arch or ledge - this will lead to big problems.
  43. The southwest and northeast are unsuitable for the bathroom.
  44. The sewer system in the southwestern part of the house and yard is very bad.
  45. 45.The floor in the house should be higher than outside (45cm).
  46. It is best to start building a house from the back to the front.
  47. During construction, you cannot use wood upside down - that is, when the top is down, the butt of the tree is pointing up.
  48. If the tiles on the roof are cracked, you need to replace them urgently, something bad could happen.
  49. South-facing windows and doors that are not protected by decorative elements, a cornice or a canopy are fraught with conflicts.
  50. The area in front of the garage should be wide. A narrow platform is not a good sign.

The article will help you determine the main problems that arise during the construction of a house or cottage.

Building a house according to Feng Shui according to the cardinal directions, tips

New ideas and creative abilities are born in the east. You can make an office in this place. South, the zone is active, all communication and family gatherings should be there. The living room is ideal. The West, the passive energy of results and conclusions, will perfectly help you understand yourself, your affairs, and comprehend your actions.

The north is considered the energy of self-knowledge; it will help solitude and understand oneself. Exactly in this place philosophical thoughts come by themselves. The center is responsible for health.

Feng Shui house construction entrance doors

A house with several floors should not have a toilet above the front door. The door should open into the room so as not to release positive energy. Avoid windows opposite the door to avoid “transit” of energy output.

A completely metal door blocks energy. A glass door will not be able to contain the energy.

The door should lead into the hallway, a large hall, so that the negative energy dissipates.

feng shui construction business office color

Colors should be calm, not flashy. It's good to choose red, green, brown, add a little black.

Feng Shui home five simple rules

1. Throw away all accumulated trash.

2. Hang a mirror, round or octagonal, in the hallway. It will reflect negative energy.

3. The front door in the southeast will bring financial well-being.

4. There should be a wall behind the head of the furniture, especially the one on which you rest, so as not to lose support in difficulties.

5. Avoid corners and sharp lines throughout the interior, especially in the kitchen.

Only in this article can you find detailed information about colors and the teachings of Feng Shui for apartments and houses and get answers to the most asked questions. ...

The article provides answers only to basic questions, that is, those that are most often encountered in practice these days. Feng Shui of apartments...

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We are building a house according to Feng Shui. 99 examples of harmonious arrangement of your home, or “so that you live like this”

Winds come from the sky, waters touch the earth, wind-waters (feng shui in Chinese) constantly accompany people, their homes and graves. The joys and sorrows, happiness and misfortunes of a person can depend on the strength, direction and speed of the wind, as well as on the height, speed, length, width, and depth of the water flow. In Chinese geomancy, wind corresponds to the heavenly, and water to the earthly.

The importance of wind (air) and water for human life is well known; it is also known that they are both necessary and can bring misfortune with their destructive effects. Winds and waters belong to natural phenomena, and people should strive to return to nature. Feng Shui can help with this, ensuring health and longevity, life satisfaction, family harmony, improvement mental abilities, increasing the material standard of living, transforming a negative situation into a positive one. The methods of geomancy cannot yet be replaced by any methods modern science and technology, however, if you master this science of the past and future, you can understand how to build a good relationship with the earth and the atmosphere, how to reduce friction between man and the earth and avoid some unwanted natural disasters. Chinese culture of geomancy, an integral part Chinese culture, played a significant role in the development of the latter and can bring great benefit to those who master it.

Geomancy of dwellings

Purpose of this article- teach the reader to identify useful and harmful at first sight. Here are only general principles, described in more detail in other publications. However, no matter what is written in books and no matter what others tell you, everything needs to be verified by your own experience.

  1. In no case should a dwelling be built on the ridge of a mountain or at the entrance or exit of a mountain gorge, since in this case there will not only be no luck caused by geographical factor, but vice versa, it is easy to get various diseases.
  2. Housing cannot be built at a T-shaped intersection, or at the intersection of streets. That is, there should not be a street in front of the house that goes directly towards it, otherwise there will be countless troubles - first of all, this strong winds and fires. If you're unlucky, a street directly directed at a house can cause the house to collapse and people to die. The hidden influence is also largely negative: it can lead to injuries and business losses.
  3. Housing cannot be built at the end of a cul-de-sac. Not only because in the event of a fire it will be difficult for neighbors to evacuate, but also because in such a house conflicts and litigation often arise, and you can also lose your fortune or get injured.
  4. If a large road runs from the west of the home, this is great happiness (but only if the house’s facade does not face west). The benefits of this arrangement are as follows:
    1. Family privacy can be maintained. That is, people’s personal lives will not be subject to external aggression, no one will interfere from the outside, since there are very few extraneous doors and windows on both sides of the house, and noise from the street does not easily penetrate the house (for example, there is a blank wall facing the west, and north garden).
    2. You can effectively use the space inside the house, since except for the side directed towards the road to the west, other directions have little effect on the yard and rooms in the house.
  5. There should not be large trees right in front of the entrance, since they not only prevent positive (yang) energy (yang qi) from entering the house, but also negative (yin, yin qi) is difficult to remove. In addition, there is a threat of lightning strike, and falling leaves can easily be carried into the house.
  6. Under no circumstances should there be a dry tree in front of the entrance, especially a large one standing or lying on the ground. This is especially harmful for older people and also leads to impoverishment. It is best to uproot the roots.
  7. A large tree in the northwest of the house brings great happiness. (Northwest, according to the scheme of the subsequent sky (houtian), refers to the pure-yang trigram qian-creativity). The seeds of a tree can protect the residents of the house and bring joy to everyone. If you cut down a tree, there will be no children or grandchildren.
  8. A single dwelling should not be higher than those around it, otherwise insecurity of funds is expected. In addition, there is the danger of fires, floods, and misfortunes coming from the heavens. When the house is open in all directions, it is impossible to isolate yourself; the residents feel a hidden anxiety, as if the sun is burning from all sides, from which there is no shelter. Yang is in excess, yin is in short supply, and yin-yang disharmony leads to disease.
  9. Housing for children cannot be built in the courtyard of their parents' house. This restriction applies to families formed by children. Otherwise, families of both children and parents will wither away. However, this requirement, for the most part, applies to all sons except the eldest. (Daughters, according to Chinese custom, leave their parents' home).
  10. When there is a pregnant woman in the house, you can neither build a house nor do any repairs. Even minor repairs should be avoided at all costs, especially replacing tiles or bricks. This can lead to miscarriage or displacement from the home.
  11. When the base of a dwelling (i.e. a walled courtyard or a house in plan) is low in front and high in the back, this is a sign of great happiness, and the opposite situation is unlucky.
  12. If there is a recess in the base of a dwelling in the north-west, then although this does not harm valuable qi, it still leads to a decrease in sons (the trigram qian-creativity seems to have damage, and daughters were not valued in old China). It is also very unfavorable for the respiratory system.
  13. If there is a recess in the base of the dwelling in the southeast, this is, first of all, unfavorable for the birth of sons and raising daughters, but, in the end, does not harm getting rich.
  14. If there is a recess in the base of the dwelling in the southwest, then this is bad for the stomach and intestines, but in social terms (career, salary), on the contrary, it is useful.
  15. If there is a recess in the base of the dwelling in the northeast, then although this does not cause great trouble, it can negatively affect the digestive system.
  16. If the base of the dwelling or room in the plan on the right is long and on the left is short, then the sons born either become orphans or poor.
  17. If the base of the home or the shape of the room is wide in front and narrow in the back, forming an inverted staircase in appearance, then after living here it is difficult to save money, the number of people also decreases.
  18. If the base of the dwelling or room, on the contrary, is narrow in front and wide in the back, forming a kind of staircase in appearance, then after living here you will not only get rich, but also make money.
  19. If the base of the dwelling or the shape of the room forms a triangle, then the front point with the rear extension is called an “inverted brush.” After living here, both people and wealth suffer losses. Misfortunes brought by women are especially easy to arise, or misfortunes threaten women themselves. When the point is at the back and wide at the front, it is called “Mars dragging its tail.” This is very bad: suicides and incurable diseases are possible.
  20. If the base of the home or the room on the left is long and the one on the right is short (looking from the front door), then after living here the whole family will suffer.
  21. If there are recesses at all 4 corners of the base of the dwelling or the shape of the room, then you cannot live here at all.
  22. If the base of the home or the shape of the room is a rectangle, elongated from north to south, this is great happiness; the residents will be rich and noble, have many children and grandchildren, and live in joy.
  23. If it is a rectangle stretched from east to west, it is unfavorable, especially bad on the north and south sides.
  24. If the base of the dwelling or the shape of the room has recesses on both the north and south (in plan - like the letter “H”), then during the period of residence there may constantly arise litigation, and people will often get sick.
  25. If these recesses are in the east and west, then everything is calm here, but it is necessary for life to go on as usual.
  26. If the excavation is only from the west, this is considered a great misfortune; you cannot live here under any circumstances.
  27. If the base of the dwelling or the shape of the room has a recess only from the south, then there is a strong tendency towards wealth, but there are constant disputes and scandals in the family, there is no peace.
  28. If the excavation is only from the north, then this is considered a great misfortune, there is a constant threat of fires.
  29. If the base of the home or room has the shape of a square, then living here is a great happiness; wealth and prosperity await the whole family.
  30. If there is a semicircle-shaped pool in front of the home, with the oval side directed outward, then there is a hidden opportunity to gain wealth dishonestly.
  31. If the base of the home or the shape of the room is round at the front and square at the back, then after living here there will be both wealth and nobility.
  32. If there is empty space to the south of the home, it is considered great happiness; living here calms the heart.
  33. You cannot plant large trees in the yard of your residential building, otherwise it will be a disaster.
  34. Between the houses (especially when the base is horseshoe-shaped or the yard is square) in no case should you plant trees or concrete the yard, otherwise it will be a disaster.
  35. The courtyard of the home cannot be paved with measured bricks or stone slabs, otherwise you will attract negative (Yin) energy, and the fate of the family will weaken.
  36. If a stream flows into the yard, this is a big problem.
  37. The wall surrounding the house should not be too high (as some people build to protect themselves from thieves), otherwise the residents will be “like hunted animals” and will come to the point of need.
  38. The surrounding wall should not be placed too close to the house: closer than 60 cm.
  39. When few people live in a big house, this is bad: fate will lead the family to impoverishment.
  40. When the house is small, but there are many residents, this is happiness: the family’s destiny is fame and wealth.
  41. When the house faces south, this is usually a good thing.
  42. A dwelling where the longitudinal depth is greater than the transverse width hints at long-term luck (viewed from the front door).
  43. A U-shaped house, where the “crossbar” is too thin and long, threatens asthma.
  44. The number of rooms in the house affects joys and sorrows. One room - happiness, 2 - no harm, 3 - trouble, 4 - also trouble, 5-7 - happiness, 8 - trouble, 9 - happiness (the kitchen, bathroom, etc. are also taken into account).
  45. When the first living room or living room is in the center of all rooms, it is a great happiness.
  46. When the rooms in a home are mostly 8 in area square meters, this is a big problem. If there is a room of this size in the center of the home, then children and grandchildren will become unbridled and lazy, which will lead to loss of property. If such a room is not in the center, but in another place, then there will still be a tendency for the family to gradually wither away.
  47. If there is unused space in the center of your home, this is a big problem. If in the center there is a courtyard (in Chinese - “sky well”), a kitchen or a toilet, then this is also considered an unlucky placement, and this should be avoided as much as possible. It is best to place the bedroom in the center.
  48. The owner's bedroom in the center of the home is great happiness.
  49. If the main entrance and the back door of a home are on the same line, then this is very good for the home.
  50. If a family lives near a store, then when the store is located to the northeast or southwest of the home, then this is very bad. These two premises attract negative (yin) energy, the trading position will certainly weaken, and financial resources will gradually dissipate.
  51. In a separate dwelling it is impossible not to have a back door, otherwise it is impossible to live there for a long time, since there will be harm, mainly, to the spouses.
  52. If a separate dwelling is directed to the south, the living room is located on the west side, and the front garden is on the east, then this is great happiness.
  53. When the bedroom and the main entrance are on the same line, this is great happiness.
  54. When the bedroom is next to the kitchen, this is a big problem. When a stove or stove is placed next to the bedroom, it is not useful, first of all, for children.
  55. In the bedroom you should not put a closet with clothes that have served their useful life, otherwise it will be a big disaster.
  56. The location of the kitchen or stove in the east or southeast is great happiness.
  57. The kitchen cannot be located in the southwestern part of the home.
  58. A bedroom for elderly people should be arranged in the south-eastern part of the home.
  59. The room for ordinary life (rest room, celebrations) should not be placed in the southwest side.
  60. It is also not good to place a bathroom in the southwest side of the home, and even worse in the northeast.
  61. If the toilet is in the center of the home, then the residents, especially the owner, easily get sick.
  62. If the toilet bowl is facing north, it is a big problem that is difficult to measure.
  63. If the toilet and the main entrance to the home are directed in the same direction, there will be a hidden effect on residents, contributing to tumor diseases.
  64. If conditions permit, in the west of the main room (not including extensions and auxiliary rooms), separately from the places adjacent to the main room, a living room is created, with a connecting corridor in between. This is great happiness.
  65. If the staircase is located exactly in the center of the home, this is a big problem.
  66. If the windows inside the dwellings open to the east, which is best.
  67. However, this leads to irregular periods in women, which is bad.
  68. If in a house where people live in the western part, the windows can be opened to the south, then joys increase and sorrows decrease.
  69. When a family living near a shop creates a niche for sacred religious objects, this niche should not go outside, i.e. it must be created in a place invisible to passers-by.
  70. In a home with a small number of rooms, a religious niche can be placed on a wall cabinet.
  71. When a roof eave or sunshade is "pierced by wood" (that is, the wood is directly opposite), it is a great misfortune.
  72. When a living room is made in a building hanging over the first floor (above the arch), it is a great misfortune.
  73. When there is a pillar in a room with doors on all four sides, this is a great misfortune, leading to illnesses in the household.
  74. If the main pillar in the room from the front side is visible from the outside, there may be discourteous children in the family. This should be avoided.
  75. If the main beam in the roof of a home does not penetrate the room in a straight line, especially in a one-story house, then it will dominate major troubles in the house.
  76. When building a house, the pillars must be larger than the beams. The post for the top beam is chosen on a lucky day and installed on the same day. If you don’t finish it in one day, then on the first lucky day they put up the pillars, and on the other lucky day they put the top beam on them. Otherwise it will be a big disaster.
  77. If the floor in the room and the floor outside are at different heights, then the floor in the room must be higher, otherwise diseases, fires, conflicts and contradictions can easily occur. The most suitable floor height is no more than 45 cm.
  78. If the dwelling has W-shaped projections on the front side, then there is a tendency to fires and dispersion of wealth. This should be avoided.
  79. If the dwelling, looking in profile, has a protrusion, i.e. the ridge run in the middle is high, and low at the edges, this is a misfortune: it leads to a waste of wealth, will cause orphanhood.
  80. When the ground under a dwelling is soft, it is a big disaster: the merchant will not be able to live, a common person will live, but will wither away.
  81. A house built over a former well is unlucky: visual and auditory obsessions may arise, so the old well must be buried.
  82. Before building a house on land where there were thickets of grass and trees, it is necessary to uproot their roots, otherwise the roots of misfortunes will remain, and misfortunes will follow one after another, and for those living in such a house, events will be delayed, sorrows and difficulties will go in a continuous sequence.
  83. It is a great blessing to build a house from the back to the facade, but to develop it from the facade inward is unfavorable.
  84. In a residential building, you should not do partial repairs during your stay: for example, remodeling the kitchen or living room, otherwise family affairs will slow down, children and grandchildren will not follow generation after generation, and in the end, it is possible that the family line will end.
  85. If the dwelling, which was originally a marriage chamber, is later considered insufficient and a third floor is built, it is considered a great disaster.
  86. If two houses are combined into one by connecting the cornices, this is a big disaster: not only does the family deteriorate, the economy falls into decay, but often cracks appear in health and in the name (fame). The eaves are connected, and the pillars that previously separated them can break, which aggravates the disaster and can even lead to death.
  87. If the home is poorly built and the wind gets in through the cracks, it’s a big disaster: sick people will appear among the household, householders often see strange and bad dreams. Gaps often occur in door and window openings or in the joints of wall blocks; this should be considered carefully.
  88. If too many decorative items are hung on the walls in order to give the home a luxurious look or for decoration, this is a big problem. If it is externally beautiful, and the goal is purity, then this is happiness.
  89. If wood material is used upside down during construction, it will be a disaster. When the butt of a tree is directed up and the top down, misfortune awaits the household. This does not apply to modern reinforced concrete houses, however, door frames and windows are often made of wood, so the above must be taken into account, especially when inserts and connections are used to save material.
  90. In one-story houses, the roof tiles should not swing. If storms and thunderstorms or a person climbing on the roof cracks the tiles, it must be repaired immediately, otherwise, unfortunately, your family will get sick.
  91. The door frame or door posts should not have any bends, otherwise diseases will easily occur.
  92. Big Entrance door in a small home - misfortune.
  93. When a house has a yard, and the sewer system is located in the southwest, it is a big disaster, a misfortune even if there is no yard. (Southwest in the scheme of the subsequent sky, i.e. relating to the earth, and not to the sky, corresponds to the pure Yin trigram Kun-fulfillment. It would seem that this corresponds to the removal of waste, but in the Feng Shui system harmony also occurs in the case of opposites ).
  94. The bedding in the bedroom (quilted blankets, pillows, bedspreads, etc.) the drier the better. If the bed is very high, then although getting on and off is inconvenient, it is still better than being too low, since the humid air is very heavy.
  95. The battery (especially for lovers of Western flavor) cannot be placed in the middle part of the ridge girder, otherwise misfortune will befall the owner. A fireplace is especially not allowed. But if you design submersible-type furnace equipment for steam heating, there are no problems.
  96. If the home has windows or doors facing south, you need to have a cornice or canopy, otherwise conflicts and misfortunes will often arise among the household, and feelings between spouses will easily change.
  97. If the house has a personal garage, you need to have a wide platform in front of the garage - then happiness, but if it is narrow, squeezing the soul - disaster.
  98. If the main entrance to a home is located exactly opposite the corner of the neighboring house, it is a big disaster (corners directed at something are always harmful).

Do you know the feeling when you wake up already tired? Thoughts about problems at work or in relationships relentlessly haunt you, resulting in internal dissatisfaction with yourself and disappointment with life. If this is the case, then it's time to change something. Change environment could be a good new start. Feng Shui is not magic or strange foreign beliefs. It is a practice based on the idea that our homes and apartments are a reflection of what is happening inside us. The goal of feng shui is to bring our home into harmony with our inner world and plans for life. In other words, harmonize your energy with the energy of your home.

How to do this? Feng Shui at home is aimed at carefully organizing space, which will allow energy flows to flow freely through your home. From arranging furniture correctly to choosing the perfect painting, here we've compiled Basic Rules design of a house or apartment according to Feng Shui. Keep them as a note!

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Bedroom design and bed placement according to Feng Shui

From a Feng Shui point of view, your bedroom is perhaps the most important part of the house, since it is here that you gain strength for each new day. The location of the bed according to Feng Shui is where you should start transforming your home when you want to sleep better and feel better during the day.

The picture on the left shows how to place a bed according to Feng Shui:

  • A— good position for the bed. The bed is located away from the door and on its sides there is space for 2 bedside tables. The bed can also be successfully located in front of the window, but on the condition that it is covered with blinds or the like.
  • B is a bad position for the bed because it is in line with the energy coming through the door. In addition, there is no second bedside table in the bedroom.
  • C - poor bed position. The energy coming through the bedroom door simply “cuts” the bed in half.
  • D is also a bad location. The bed is too close to the door, which will cause the person to feel restless while sleeping and when waking up.

The way the bed is positioned in the bedroom according to Feng Shui plays an important role in attracting good luck. The footboard should not point towards the door, and the headboard should only be placed next to a window if there is good support at the back - a high headboard, blinds or the like. In addition, bedside tables should be placed on both sides of the bed, as this balances the flow of chi energy in the room. Ceiling beams in bedrooms cause a ripple effect of chi energy, and its pressure from above can have a bad effect not only on a person’s sleep, but also on his health. If your bedroom has such beams, then they need to be painted the same color as the ceiling, or balanced with hanging crystal spheres.

Feng Shui practice also advises not to overcrowd the bedroom with unnecessary things and decor. It is better to place TV, laptops, exercise equipment and other equipment in the remaining rooms of the house. They only bring into the interior bad energy- stress, Bad mood and anxiety.

The role of mirrors in the bedroom interior according to Feng Shui

If you have trouble sleeping, you should avoid having mirrors in your bedroom. When a mirror is needed here, it should be placed so that you cannot see yourself lying in bed, or use a blanket for it. Under no circumstances should you place a mirror directly in front of your bed, as according to Feng Shui, this can attract a third party into your relationship with your partner.

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The best colors in the interior according to Feng Shui

Each of us, returning home after a hard day at work, wants to find ourselves in a warm, loving and beautifully decorated environment. At the same time, Feng Shui at home does not mean that it must have bamboo, a fountain and other Chinese-style decor. However, it presupposes the need to connect the human spirit with its natural habitat - that is, nature. Therefore, red, green and blue are the main colors in the interior according to Feng Shui. How to use them correctly? Here it will help you to understand that each color symbolizes 1 of the 5 elements - wood, earth, fire, water or metal. The color you choose for a certain area will nourish it with the energy of that element. Moderate use of all basic shades will bring balance, harmony and a healthy atmosphere to your home.

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Order throughout the house

When we clear our home of clutter and unnecessary things, we literally open the door to inspiration and good energy. Having clutter in any room, including the balcony, can block the flow of chi and even the forward movement of your life. Remember: getting rid of the old always makes room for something new.

First of all, according to Feng Shui, you should take care of freedom of movement around the apartment, perfect order in the kitchen and the cleanliness of all windows. Windows generally play a very important role in our unity with the outside world. Fresh air, penetrating through them into your homes, cleanses their atmosphere of all negativity. Ventilate your house more often!

Bathroom design using Feng Shui (photo 2016)

The bathroom is designed to cleanse everything unwanted and renew your own strength. With the help of Feng Shui you can easily turn your bathroom into a source of... vital energy. Here are 10 best advice on how to apply Feng Shui in bathroom design:

  1. Your bathroom should be free and comfortable for relaxation (use headrests, chairs, etc.);
  2. It welcomes the presence of good ventilation and fragrances (candles, mixtures of herbs, etc.);
  3. Lighting should be of high quality, but not too bright;
  4. The best colors for a bathroom according to Feng Shui are green and blue;
  5. Indoor plants will help purify the air and bring vital energy into the bathroom interior;
  6. The use of different images as a metaphor for cleansing and renewal is encouraged: trees, flowers, meadows, seas, rivers, etc.;
  7. Keep all doors closed and the toilet lid down;
  8. It is also recommended to cover drains when not in use;
  9. Adding wooden elements will help balance the water, and faceted crystals will enhance the energy;
  10. Try not to put pictures of your family, friends and loved ones in the bathroom, or any images related to your personal passions, career, etc. Otherwise, you will simply flush all the energy you direct towards them down the drain!

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Furniture design and arrangement according to Feng Shui

According to the basic rules of Feng Shui, the furniture in any room should represent a mixture of yin and yang. Dark and light colors should balance each other, as well as the angular and rounded shapes of the bodies. The arrangement of furniture should be uniform over the entire area of ​​the space so that none of the sides visually “outweighs”. It is recommended to place sofas, armchairs and other seating furniture closer to the walls and away from doors, because It is believed that when there is a solid wall behind a person’s back, he is protected from misfortunes.

Please note that at night, all doors and doors in the house should be closed, including the doors of kitchen and wardrobe cabinets, shower stalls, etc. This way, you will allow the nourishing flow of energy to strengthen your health as well as your relationships.

Feng Shui paintings and other interior decor

When you choose furniture, statues, works of art and any other decor for your home, you should always listen to the feelings that the item evokes in you. Try to avoid buying things that make you sad, nostalgic for the past, or a strong reminder of loneliness. Instead, opt for a painting or table décor that represents what you want in your life. Different images can carry very powerful energy. For example, a person walking up a mountain represents growth, stability and passion.

In fact, Feng Shui at home is a very broad topic that cannot be discussed in one article. Here you learned about some simple things, which may become good start to transform your home and lifestyle. If you have any other questions on this topic, please leave us a message in the comments below and we will be happy to answer them!

Application of Feng Shui at home (tips and photos of interiors) updated: June 17, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko

Unlike apartment owners, owners of private houses can afford to design and build a house according to their wishes. By doing this according to all the rules, you can help yourself find a happy and decent life:

  • Create harmonious family relationships;
  • Gain good health;
  • Settle things in your career and business;
  • Increase financial wealth.

Anyone who plans to purchase a plot of land and build a house can choose the right plot, calculate the favorable location of the house, design it correctly and create an internal layout. The correct layout of the house according to the teachings of Feng Shui will help to increase and preserve Qi energy (positive energy that gives harmony and agreement) and avoid the accumulation of Sha energy (negative energy that brings misfortune and sadness to the house).

If you want peace and harmony to reign in your home, you need to place it in a place with the right energy. It is necessary to select a site for construction with special care, taking into account all the nuances.

  • The location of a private house next to high-rise buildings will be unfavorable. In such neighborhoods, Qi energy circulates poorly, but Sha energy will constantly enter the house.
  • A good option for the location of the house is considered to be a separate cottage community or a special village with similar buildings. In such places, where houses are built in a similar style, positive energy accumulates.
  • Worth paying Special attention to the surrounding nature. A picturesque location is ideal. Qi energy loves beautiful things natural areas, parks, forests. However, there should not be many trees. A lot of shade and a lot of sun can be harmful.
  • A natural body of water, such as a pond, would be a good addition to the site.
  • A low-lying location would not be the best option.

The main condition for choosing a site is the harmony of nature. A bare field will not do, nor will all hills. There should be trees, but not many. Surrounded by natural harmony, the house will be filled with spiritual harmony.

How to position the house

After choosing a site, it is worth taking care of the correct position of the house. In addition to the correct location according to parts of the world, you need to take into account some other characteristics.

  • If you have chosen a corner plot, then you should not place the house on the outer corner at the intersection of two roads. In such a place there is no concentration of Qi energy, but there is plenty of Sha energy here. On such a site, it is best to place the house inside the site.
  • Presence of a reservoir on the site good remedy to attract energy, but only if the house is located correctly. The house should face the pond with its central facade. If this cannot be done, then the house should be fenced off from the reservoir.
  • The location in the center of the site can have a bad effect on the energy of the house. It is believed that he has no support and protection, that he stands in the middle of nowhere. Raising a family in such a house will be problematic.
  • It is better to move the house away from the center, but not directly towards the fence. There should be free space between them.
  • The fence on the site should be low, especially if the house is one-story. Due to the high intake of Qi energy, it will be difficult to get into the site and into the house.

How to design a local area

When the house is built, the yard must be landscaped. The neglected area will attract Sha energy. A well-kept area should have flower beds and flower beds, but the central door to the house should not be blocked. It needs to be opened to the maximum for access to the house of Qi energy.

The path to the house should not be straight, but winding with smooth bends. If it is not possible to make it like this, then you need to at least make it so that it rests directly on the central gate or fence.

House shape

To build a house according to all the rules of Feng Shui, it is important to decide on the shape of the future house. The teaching recommends building a house in the shape of a regular square or rectangle. In a house of this shape it will be easier to make a layout and divide the rooms into. It is better not to choose houses of bizarre and irregular shapes, for example, in the shape of the letters P or G. In a house of this shape it will be difficult to zone the space.

  • must be wide to allow the correct energy to enter the house;
  • The more windows, the better;
  • The shape of the house should be symmetrical and regular;
  • The roof is also of a regular symmetrical shape - regular gable, hipped, pyramidal, oval, round, pagoda;

How to correctly correlate a house with the cardinal points

There are no unambiguous interpretations and correct plans for the location of the house on the cardinal points. This must be selected individually, taking into account the needs and characteristics of the residents.

The main entry points for energy are windows and doors, so main entrance you need to determine to the side of the world whose energy is important.

  • The North is a zone of self-discovery. It will help you to know yourself. Will contribute to the establishment of a calm, secluded life, supporting philosophical moods. Suitable for those who prefer solitude and tranquility.
  • South is the energy of activity, the opposite of North. Makes residents live more actively, filling the house with movement and life. There will always be a lot of guests and events here. The residents of this house will see things through to the end.
  • West is the energy of conclusions and results. Helps you understand complex matters, promotes success in your career and business, and avoids difficult negative situations.
  • The East is the energy of renewal. Brings fresh ideas, gives new strength in difficult situations, helps in planned endeavors.

There are also mixed flows of energies from the cardinal directions, which can also be used to orient the location of the house.

House layout using bagua grid

If you are just going to build a house, then it is better to take into account all the features according to the teachings of Feng Shui. It’s better to do everything right away according to the rules than to eliminate the consequences later. Help with planning will help.

What is bagua

The bagua grid is an octagon with a functional center. This is a kind of arrangement of flows of various energies in the premises. All sectors of the diagram are responsible for some area of ​​human life:

  • Career;
  • Trips;
  • Children, creativity;
  • Marriage and love;
  • Glory;
  • Wealth;
  • Family;
  • Knowledge, wisdom;
  • Health.

Each sector has its own direction and its own tools for enhancing or neutralizing incoming energy.

The bagua grid in the classical presentation will be difficult for non-professionals. The correct placement can be done by a professional Feng Shui consultant. For the rest, they created a Lo-Shu square. In it, each cell corresponds to a sector of the octagon.

Bagua overlay

If you want to make your home according to all the canons of Feng Shui, bagua can be correlated and applied to a drawing or project. If the house is still at the project development stage, then doing everything according to the rules will not be difficult.

If a box has already been built at the house, then the internal layout and partitions can be made in accordance with the bagua grid. To do this, it should also be correlated with the drawing and adjusted according to the plan.

When you have a drawing in front of your eyes, you can draw a square or rectangle directly on it in accordance with its dimensions, taking the supporting structure of the house and the external walls as the base. Having drawn the frames of the square in accordance with the cardinal directions, divide it into 9 sectors in accordance with the bagua grid. Non-residential buildings and buildings adjacent to the house, such as a balcony, terrace, veranda or porch, are not included in the map.

Having distributed the zones in the drawing, you can bring all this to life. By placing rooms according to zones, you will create favorable conditions for the Qi energy that will reign in your home.

The energy map will tell you where it is best to place the kitchen, nursery, bedroom and living room. A properly designed diagram will help to engage the areas that need to be activated to achieve positive results. Various Feng Shui tools can help with this. The most “working” tools affecting a specific area are indicated in the bagua grid:

  • Interior colors;
  • Decor items;
  • Decoration Materials.

The teaching of Feng Shui has been formed over thousands of years, so figuring it out on your own the first time and drawing up the correct layout will be problematic. A Feng Shui consultant can help you properly arrange your home so that it is full of harmony in all areas of life. If such a specialist also works together with the planner and designer, the result will be a house that will be full of the energy needed by its owners.