How to properly hang a horseshoe on a door in a house. How to properly hang a horseshoe over the front door

Truth is good, but happiness is better! This is probably one of the most popular sayings of our people. The citizens of our country were almost entirely Orthodox in Tsarist Russia, atheists in the USSR, today they often profess the most exotic spiritual teachings... But no matter what religion a person adheres to, he always tried to deceive fate - and often with the help of talismans to attract good luck and wealth.

Horseshoe talisman: meaning

For several centuries now, the horse's horseshoe has held the palm among household talisman amulets.

“A horseshoe brings good luck even to those who don’t believe in omens,” according to legend, the famous inventor Edison said. And, probably, he is right - otherwise, why has the horseshoe stubbornly remained at the top of the chart of lucky Russian talismans for centuries?

A little history

The history of the appearance of such a talisman as a horseshoe dates back to Ancient Egypt. Usually, during festive ceremonies, the pharaoh and his retinue rode in front of the people in a chariot drawn by luxurious stallions, and quite often it happened that the horseshoes from the hooves of his horses flew off and became trophies of ordinary Egyptians. It would seem, what kind of happiness is it to find a dusty horseshoe that smells of manure? God knows what joy... If not for one thing: the horseshoes of Pharaoh’s horses were gold! Naturally, such a find immediately made the happy owner of the trophy a wealthy person. However, this is just one of the legends, nothing more. The truth is lost somewhere in the darkness of centuries.

Horseshoe talisman: how to hang it?

How to properly hang a horseshoe in the house? What material should it be made of? Is it important that she has been on a horse's hoof before or not? These questions bother many people.

If a person wants to attract happiness to his home, then a horseshoe should be hung over front door inside the home with the horns facing down - this is exactly how, by the way, it has been customary in Russia for centuries. But in the East, on the contrary, it is believed that a horseshoe should hang with its horns up in order to bring a lot of material benefits to its owner. At the same time, there is a belief among mystics that if a horseshoe hangs with its horns up, then it collects cosmic energy, if with its horns down, the energy flows from it to the ground. Perhaps this is why it is believed that a horseshoe should be hung with its horns up inside the house - to attract wealth into it, and with its horns down - outside, so that all the energy of possible ill-wishers “glasses” from it and does not penetrate the threshold

The material from which the horseshoe is made is not significant. However, a real horseshoe that has been on a horse's hoof is a stronger amulet.

Do you need to buy a horseshoe, find it, or secretly “borrow” it from the stable?

It has long been considered a very good omen to find a horseshoe on the road. And if it fell off the horse’s hind leg, then this is absolutely unheard of luck! In this case knowledgeable people they advised to pick up a horseshoe, spit on it, and then, after making a wish, throw it over your left shoulder and leave without looking back.

Countries where the horseshoe mascot is popular

Surprisingly, the worship of a horseshoe as a talisman exists on almost all continents of the Earth:

  1. IN Western Europe And Latin America It is customary to hang a horseshoe with its horns facing down. In this case, it is believed local residents, happiness will pour down on them from heaven like a wonderful waterfall.
  2. The exceptions are Great Britain and Ireland: its inhabitants hang the horseshoe with its horns up, not wanting the happiness accumulated in it to flow away from them.
  3. In Mexico, a horseshoe is a kind of sacred object of worship; it is decorated with ribbons, faces of saints, covered with coins and hung so high that a random visitor to the house cannot reach it and desecrate the sacred amulet.

Horseshoe - a talisman against evil spirits

The belief that a horseshoe protects against evil spirits comes from the belief that the devil, demon and any other representative of evil spirits for some reason always inevitably walks in a circle. And once on the horseshoe, the evil spirits will be forced to walk back and forth - from one end to the other - endlessly. That is, he will be trapped.

Paradoxically, even the church sought protection from evil spirits from the horseshoe. For example, in a church in Suffolk (Great Britain) a horseshoe is buried under one of the portals.

For luck, a horseshoe also adorned one of the masts on the flagship Victoria of the famous Admiral Nelson.

But if we talk about the tradition of hanging a horseshoe over the door, then it is best to remember the legend of St. Dunstan. He, they say, was an excellent blacksmith. And then one day the devil himself flew into his forge demanding that he shoe his hoof. However, the smart blacksmith instead chained the most unclean one to the wall and began to beat him as hard as he could. The devil could not stand it and asked to be released. The blacksmith agreed, but only in exchange for a promise to never, under any circumstances, cross the threshold of a house with a horseshoe hanging over the door.

Horseshoe - ancient Slavic amulet, allowing you to protect your home from the machinations of otherworldly forces and the treacherous acts of unkind people. Having passed through the centuries, it has remained relevant to this day. This symbol of happiness, good luck and home comfort is recommended to be placed in every home to protect against the evil eye and adversity. But in order for the talisman to show its magical power, you need to know how to hang a horseshoe correctly.

Why is a horseshoe considered a symbol of happiness?

Belief in the luck that a horse's shoe brings is not limited to the Slavs. So, in Ancient Egypt the person who found this item was considered lucky.

During the reign of the pharaohs, only wealthy people shoed horses: precious metals were used to make protective hoof pads.

The joy of the Egyptian poor man was explained by the anticipation of the financial profit that he could make from the sale of a valuable item.

In Rus', a horseshoe was not considered a particularly profitable find with material point sight, since it was made of rough metal.

However, faith in her extraordinary abilities forced a person to carry the acquired object into the hut in order to place it above the front door.

There are several versions of the origin of the belief:

  1. The horseshoe was associated with the horse - an ancient magical animal associated with the Sun God himself - the giver of light and life. The image of a horse was often used as a talisman: horse heads, called “skates,” decorated roofs, wooden horses were used in complex amulets, etc.
  2. Blacksmithing, without which the production of horse heel is unthinkable, was considered the highest skill, an art associated with supernatural knowledge, witchcraft, and communication with otherworldly forces. Each thing forged by a blacksmith was automatically assigned the status of magic, bringing happiness.
  3. Faith in the miraculous power of the talisman was strengthened by its resemblance to a crescent - the rim of the Moon, which is the mistress of the starry sky. The fickle queen of the night, in the minds of the ancient Slavs, helped to gain the gift of clairvoyance, patronized love and contributed to the birth of healthy children.

Both old and young knew how to properly hang a horseshoe in the house.

On the outside of the front door it was placed with its horns down to protect against damage and the evil eye, and on the inside - with its horns up to attract goodness and prosperity.

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Where should you hang a horseshoe?

Since today it is problematic to find a magical object lying on the road, superstitious people settle for its modern copies, which are plentifully presented in souvenir shops.

The old guidance regarding how to properly hang a horseshoe remains in force: the amulet is placed on the front door from the outside or inside.

The front door is the link between the owners and the outside world.

An intruder can enter the house through it or devilry, as well as to bring out the peace and harmony that reigns in the family.

A horseshoe above the door will protect the house from troubles: it will protect the owners from an evil eye, ward off quarrels and conflicts, and attract good luck and prosperity.

How to hang a horseshoe correctly for good luck

It is important that the head of the family hangs the home amulet. The wife and children should also participate in the ritual. They should take turns holding the talisman in their hands, then its magical effect will be distributed equally among everyone.

Let's look at how to properly hang a horseshoe over the door so that it shows its extraordinary abilities:

  1. Using twine. A horse that has lost its iron shoes does not want them put back on it. Therefore, using a rope will be a kind of tribute to the sacred animal.
  2. Nail with one nail. A person who nails an amulet with one nail proves his superiority over the thing and commands it to serve faithfully for many years.
  3. Secure with nails according to the number of holes. This method allows you to attach amulets to the spirits’ home, the number of which is equal to the number of holes in it.

The horseshoe is a pagan symbol, so it should not be placed next to Orthodox cross or icons.

In addition, deeply religious people generally try to avoid various esoteric subjects related to witchcraft and magic.

This should be remembered by those who want to give a souvenir in the form of a horseshoe to loved ones or acquaintances.

Horns up or down

The talisman, placed with its ends up, resembles a cup of abundance. In this way it is hung above the front door from the inside.

It is believed that a house in which there is such a bowl will soon be filled with prosperity, and peace and harmony will reign in the family.

The amulet is placed with the ends down above the front door from the outside. A horseshoe nailed in this way looks like a protective dome.

She will protect the home from visits from people who have evil thoughts, from negative energy, from evil spirits.

How to strengthen a horseshoe

To enhance the supernatural properties of the amulet, you need to activate it: wash it with holy (you can use salt or running) water and charge it with the energy of the luminaries - the Sun and the waxing Moon.

The horseshoe is left in a place where light will fall on it celestial bodies. It is important that her horns look deeper into the room.

After the ritual has been completed, the talisman should be held in the hands of each family member in turn, so that happiness does not pass anyone by. Then you can hang it in your favorite place.

From time to time it is necessary to take the amulet in your hands, wipe it from dust, bathe it in clean water and don’t forget to thank for your help.

Communicating with amulets of any type is part of their “recharging”. An item will not bring good luck if its owners do not pay attention to it.

It is important to believe in the magical power of the amulet, then it will fully protect and protect its owners.

What to do if a horseshoe falls

There is no point in worrying about a fallen horseshoe, since the worst is already over. The amulet collapsed due to the fact that it took a blow that was intended for the owners.

The talisman worked as it should - it protected its charges from misfortune. True, the power of the horseshoe is considered exhausted from this day on.

It needs to be lifted: it is better to do this not with bare hands, but through the fabric. You can wrap the used amulet in the same fabric, and then take it away from the house and bury it.

You need to quickly hang a new horseshoe in its original place, remembering the wise saying about trouble that does not come alone.

A new house or cottage begins to live its own special destiny together with its residents. Amulets and talismans in the shape of a horseshoe above the front door will help protect everyone living here. But in order for the amulet to truly protect your home and fill it with happiness, you need to know how to properly hang a horseshoe over the front door in order to ward off bad feelings and attract prosperity.

Why hang a horseshoe over the front door?

A horseshoe is a curved plate, usually forged from iron, which protected the horse's hoof from damage and slipping. There are real horseshoes, which are used to shoe horses, and decorative ones. Various figures can be placed inside a decorative horseshoe, which enhance the effect of the amulet in a certain area.

Horseshoe over the door - powerful protection from evil and ill-wishers. Many legends and parables about unkind, envious neighbors have reached us. A beautiful, cozy house, into which its owner has invested his skill, energy and abilities, can cause acute feeling envy.

You don’t choose your neighbors, and to prevent ill-wishers from influencing the positive atmosphere of your home, you need to correctly choose and place a horse horseshoe amulet over the entrance.

Where did the tradition of hanging a horseshoe come from?

The origins of the tradition of hanging a horseshoe come from Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire. Only very rich people shoed horses in those days. It happened that horses lost their horseshoes, and this item, precious in itself, was associated with luck and good fortune.

The iron horseshoe served lucky amulet in India, Russia, European countries. In the Middle Ages, horseshoes were forged from iron. Horse - irreplaceable assistant in business and a companion on travels, loved and revered. Whoever found a horseshoe on the road took it away and nailed it over the door of the house. Particular luck was associated with a horseshoe flying off the horse's hind leg.

Evil spirits, as legends say, are afraid of blacksmiths and his iron horseshoes. Therefore, the tradition of nailing a horseshoe above the door as a talisman to protect the home still lives.

In addition to protection from ill-wishers, a horseshoe talisman can:

  • attract good luck in business;
  • gain support higher powers;
  • fulfill your innermost desire;
  • help get wealth;
  • promote harmony in relationships;
  • create an atmosphere of love in the home.
The famous physicist Niels Bohr explained why he nailed a horseshoe over the door of his house: “Of course, I do not believe that a horseshoe brings good luck. But I’ve heard that it helps whether people believe in it or not.”

How to properly hang a horseshoe over a door?

You can place a horseshoe amulet above the door of a private house, cottage, country house, or in different areas of your home. If you have recently moved into new house or cottage, immediately place a horseshoe above the front door on the street or yard side. This must also be done to improve the unfavorable atmosphere of the purchased house, in which they have already lived. A horseshoe, attached with curved arcs downwards, will help balance the energy fields in the living space.

Seven rules for placing a horseshoe over will help effectively protect your new home:

  1. Before attaching the talisman, you need to wipe it, and then let each resident hold it in his hand. This is necessary so that its energy influences the life of each family member and brings good luck and prosperity.
  2. Set up the talisman correctly and introduce it to the house, walking around it at night and thinking about those good things with which you want to fill your home.
  3. The horseshoe should be placed above the top frame of the front door with the curved ends down. So it will protect your home from evil spirits that are afraid of iron. In this case, priority is given to the protective properties of the horseshoe. The ends of the horseshoe downward symbolize the container into which negative thoughts and bad wishes of those who pass by or cross the threshold of the house are collected. Negative energy will be expelled, as if flowing down.
  4. Old horseshoe better than new, it is saturated with the powerful energy of a living horse - a strong, free and beautiful animal.
  5. Choose a black horseshoe, which will additionally protect residents from the evil eye and disease.
  6. You can use two horseshoes different sizes and hang them, inserting one into the other. This will create a balance of protection from negativity and a magnet for good luck.
  7. You should not hang dead flowers next to the horseshoe. You can hang your keys nearby.

How to hang a horseshoe in the house correctly - calling for happiness

Inside the house you need to place a horseshoe with the ends up. In this position, the talisman will accumulate positive energy and symbolize the saying “a house is a full cup.” You can hang a horseshoe in the hallway, in the hall, above the fireplace - you choose the place yourself, based on the interior design. Placing one horseshoe with arcs downwards above the front door, and the second - with inside the entrance with arcs upward symbolizes double protection of the home.

If a horseshoe turns over, it can promise misfortune, and if it falls, trouble can happen in the house. You need to quickly hang the horseshoe correctly again, without leaving it in the wrong position.

Methods for attaching a horseshoe

The horseshoe has special holes for screwing in horseshoe spikes. There are several options for fixing the talisman above the door.

  1. Fastening with a single nail. If the material of the wall does not allow it to be punched, drill a hole, place a dowel there and secure the horseshoe with self-tapping screws.
  2. Rule of seven nails- hammer nails into all existing holes, which folk superstition, strengthens the properties of the horseshoe even more reliably.
  3. The talisman should not be nailed down, but tie with twine, suitable in color - the Old Believers were convinced of this.
“A horseshoe is supported by a nail, a horse is supported by a horseshoe, a horse is supported by a rider, a fortress is supported by a rider, a state is supported by a fortress” (Eastern proverb).

Today, a horseshoe not only protects, but also decorates the house. If you can't find an old, worn horseshoe, you can go to a blacksmith's shop where they can forge a custom-made horseshoe. You can see how horseshoes are made here.

Among the talismans for good luck there are also horseshoes. Mostly decorative, they are decorated with silhouettes of horses, beautiful ornaments and even flowers and ribbons. But with this kind of talismans, not everything is so simple. It is important to know how to hang a horseshoe correctly in order to unlock its power and get maximum benefit. Let's figure out how to do this.

We use natural materials for the mascot

Before determining how to hang a horseshoe in the house, let's consider what material the talisman can be made of. No matter how beautiful horseshoes made of wood, ceramics or even precious stones are, they can be nothing more than interior decoration.

A horseshoe will be nothing more than an ordinary interior decoration if you do not reveal its energy

Because only metal is one of those materials that literally attracts to itself. As for the entrance to the house (apartment), it is no coincidence that our ancestors buried a bottle with sharp objects under the threshold. It served energy protection. Not to mention the fact that a fork or knife clenched in your hand will save you from the evil eye during a toast in your honor.

The ideal amulet for your happiness will be a real horse shoe. It would be even better if it was found somewhere along the road by accident.

Why? Such a “worn” horseshoe has absorbed a lot of good energy, because for a long time it was used to protect the horse.

But if such a find has not yet come your way, this does not mean that you need to give up the horseshoe for luck. A souvenir horseshoe will also work, but it must be metal.

How to hang the amulet, up or down?

There are disputes over how to hang a horseshoe over the door and where the horns should be turned, even among specialist healers. The sorcerer Khazan explains that an iron horseshoe should hang over the front door with its ends down. And then the amulet will attract, through one horn, the energy of the person who came into the house, and through the second, return it.

A horseshoe can be decorated with stones or other paraphernalia, in which case its energy power will increase

In other words, your guest will receive “on his head” exactly the same thing that he “exudes” when he comes to you. If he wishes you happiness, the visit will turn into good energy for him. And if not, it will be his own fault.

A horseshoe with its ends up, the healer believes, has no protection family well-being does not serve.

But psychic Dmitry Volkhov (he participated in the “Battle of Psychics”) believes that each position of the horseshoe above the front door plays its own specific role.

The horseshoe, reinforced with its horns facing downwards, should hang from the street side. In this position, the psychic claims, the horseshoe symbolizes an inverted bowl. Thus, negative energy will not be caught by the ends of the amulet. The energy cup will cover everything bad, isolating it from the inhabitants of the house (apartment), and, therefore, nothing will threaten the happiness of the owners of the house.

But with the horns facing up, you need to turn over the horseshoe, which is hung on the front door indoors. It will become a symbol of the “full cup” - abundance, wealth and happiness.

Horseshoe for luck according to feng shui

Feng Shui supporters will be interested in the approach to this issue from the point of view of this Eastern teaching. The horseshoe symbolizes the strength of the Earth, so when you hang it, this ritual serves the well-being and happiness of everyone living in the house. How to hang this talisman correctly according to Feng Shui?

If you hang a horseshoe on the outside of your home, it will improve the energy of the house

In general, it will be good either way. Simply, if you hang a horseshoe upside down, it will become protective amulet for all residents of the house, a symbol of happiness and prosperity. By placing the amulet with its horns down, you will attract prosperity.

Feng Shui has its own view on the Russian tradition of hanging a horseshoe from the side of the street. In accordance with this eastern teaching, a talisman hung on the outside of an apartment or house improves energy and extinguishes the “painful” effect that can be directed at household members.

Also, according to Feng Shui, it is believed that even a souvenir stylized horseshoe will bring happiness. Only on the condition that it, as well as the decorative elements that decorate it, are made of metal: iron, gold or silver.

Moreover, even if you are not keen on this teaching, a correctly hung horseshoe will bring you happiness. This talisman will work for love, and this is what every person strives for.

Why should a talisman be hung, not nailed down?

Eat Slavic tradition, rooted in the deep past: do not nail a horseshoe. The amulet should hang on the doors on a string. Why? The belief says that if a horseshoe nailed to a horse’s hoof falls on the road, then it’s time to “free” it.

It is better not to nail the horseshoe over the door frame, but to fasten it to a rope made of natural fibers

There are also ancient custom, according to which you need to hold the horseshoe for each of the family members in turn, and only then place it on the door.

This behavior ensures an even distribution of positive energy from the amulet between household members.

You can strengthen the effect of such an iron protector. This is done with the help of another talisman - a cornucopia, by the way, it is better if you make it yourself. He will “help” the horseshoe.

So, if you have chosen a horseshoe as a protective talisman, use its power correctly and then your life will really change for the better.

Horseshoe - ancient, magic talisman attracting love, luck into the house, material well-being and happiness. IN modern world people are distrustful of various superstitions, but many of us believe in the magical power of this amulet. Wooden and metal horseshoes are used as a talisman in all countries of the globe.

How to properly hang a horseshoe in the house - legends of ancestors

The first mentions of the magical actions of the amulet appeared before our era. In Ancient Egypt, horseshoes were made of gold for the horses of the pharaohs, but sometimes, during travels, the horses threw them off. A person who accidentally found such a valuable find was provided with wealth and prosperity for life.

In the era of chivalry, horseshoes were made of pure iron, but this did not reduce their value, because at that time metal was very expensive. It was considered a constant success and good luck to find a lost iron heel, which was subsequently sold and people lived richly and happily.

In Orthodox tradition, there is another story - one day the devil came to the blacksmith in the garb of a horse. He tried to tempt him in every possible way in order to take him to hell. But the blacksmith quickly saw through his plan and shoed his hooves, driving in long sharp nails. The devil could not bear this torture and quickly disappeared. Since then, it is believed that all evil spirits are afraid of the horseshoe, and the amulet protects the house from the penetration of any evil forces.

How to hang a horseshoe

The whole secret of the magical action of the talisman lies in its unusual shape. A horseshoe, suspended with its ends up, resembles a round bowl in shape, accumulating only positive energy and preventing it from flowing out of the house.

  • To protect your home and household members from misfortunes and misfortunes, a horseshoe is hung with its ends down, creating a kind of dome.
  • Place it on the table with the ends inward - ensure yourself good luck in business and bring benevolent energy into the family climate.
  • A talisman placed on the windowsill with the ends inward during the full moon will help to attract material well-being into the house and preserve it.
  • There are also cases when the amulet takes over the illness of a household member; for this, it is placed at the head of the patient for 3 nights.
  • Saves from accidents on the road and car breakdowns - placed on the panel, ends inward.

According to Feng Shui, a talisman buried in the corner of a plot or near the northwestern wall will help you get a good harvest and bring good luck.

Which horseshoe to choose for your home

According to esotericists, the greatest power is possessed by horseshoes that were previously worn by horses and were accidentally lost to them. At the same time, it is important to find it yourself, and not accept it as a gift. You can look for heels at stables, a hippodrome, or ask farmers. An alternative would be to purchase a new horseshoe yourself, but it will have a slightly smaller magical power. What material can you choose:

  • A talisman made of metal will protect against the evil eye, damage and enemies, attracts money and good luck.
  • Made of wood - does not allow envious people into the house, helps to increase love and understanding.
  • A clay horseshoe will give the owner self-confidence and protect the house from troubles and adversity.

How to hang a horseshoe correctly

The legends precisely define the location of the horseshoe in the house: “The amulet should be located above the border of good and evil,” in modern understanding this means above the main threshold of the home. Which side to turn the darlings depends on the desired effect. Direction matters not only for talismans placed above the door, but also those on the refrigerator and used as decorative decorations.

You can place the amulet outside the doorway and inside - in the first case, it will preserve love, harmony, luck and success in the house. In the second, the horseshoe will protect the home from fire, destruction and the evil eye.

It should be remembered that the amulet is attached to the wall with only one nail, and is nailed by the head of the house. Before securing it, all family members must stand in a circle and take turns holding it in their hands.

Now you know about protective and magical properties horseshoes, in order for the amulet to act for your benefit, treat it correctly and respectfully, and also do not allow a stranger to touch it. Good luck to you and your home!