Which side is the cross on the Orthodox monument? Where to put the cross? How to make a wooden cross with your own hands

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Hello, someone leaves handfuls of coins or several crosses at my father’s grave, on a monument, on a table, on the floor. Not for the first time. What could this mean and what to do? Thank you.


Tatiana. I don’t know who is doing this and why, but I am sure that you do not need to fear anything. Take the crosses to church, and distribute the change to those in need.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! Please tell me what to put on the grave of a relative and what not? Is a cross enough, are photos and other information about the deceased needed? They say that we need something like a monument with photos and data. Tell me what is really needed?


Hello, Yuri! First of all, there should be a cross on an Orthodox grave. For the memory of the living, you can hang a sign with the data of the deceased, a photograph. If you eventually want to erect a monument, then the cross should still be present on it.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Good health. I wanted to order a new cross from the cemetery, because the old one fell, and they offered me to put up a used cross, but I also have to buy it, only it’s cheaper. These, they say, are the crosses that are removed to erect a monument. Is it even possible to put up such a cross?


Ekaterina, of course you can. If it is expensive to put a new cross on a grave, put the one that is offered to you. An Orthodox grave should not have a monument, but an Orthodox cross.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, is a photograph required on the monument of the deceased?


Tatyana, there must be an Orthodox cross on an Orthodox grave; everything else (monuments, photos, etc.) is not at all necessary.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Good afternoon, father! In the Kharkov region, a mother and her three children - 6 months, 6 years and 7 years old - burned to death during a fire. They were buried in two coffins: a mother with a 6-month-old child in one coffin, and children 6 and 7 years old in another coffin. And in the cemetery, instead of four graves, there are only two. How does the church treat such cases and is this even acceptable? God bless you for your answer. Sorry to bother you.


Natalya, yes, it’s possible, there’s nothing reprehensible here: remember, for example, soldiers’ mass graves, where many people are buried, and over the grave - one big monument or cross. Moreover, this was also the case with the early Christian martyrs - each of them was not always buried separately. Very often, the bones of martyrs burned in ovens or torn to pieces by wild animals were buried by the pagans in the same grave.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, please tell me, is it true that soil from one grave cannot be poured onto another? The fact is that when installing monuments to my parents, the soil from the graves was mixed. If this is a violation, how can it be corrected?


Lydia, there are no rules in the church that would indicate that you cannot take soil from one grave to another. I think this is not significant. We all live on the same land, under the same sun, and we all breathe the same air. Don't worry, there's nothing wrong. The main thing is to pray for your departed, and visit church more often, confess and receive communion.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, father! Doesn’t the fact that on the grave contradict the Orthodox canons? Orthodox man When installing the monument and fence, the workers pulled out an oak cross, placed it on the grave, filled it with concrete and laid paving slabs on top. (In the upper corner established monument there is a small Orthodox cross).


Gennady, we Orthodox Christians must live and die in an Orthodox manner, and we must be buried strictly in a Christian manner. The most important thing on an Orthodox grave is, of course, the CROSS. The cross should not be drawn, but stand at its full height. Tell me, why does the deceased need a monument at all if it is erected instead of a cross? This is wrong. The cross should not have been removed from the grave. The cross is our hope, our hope. And what is a monument? It’s a soulless block of marble, which, unfortunately, many now put in place of the Cross. Cross on the grave Orthodox Christian It must be mandatory, and not lie down, but stand!

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! Please answer two questions on Genesis. 1. Why does the Bible tell the origin of man twice - once every sixth time [Gen. 1:23-29], and the second time the seventh day of creation [Gen. 2:2-8] and [Gen. 2:15-24]? 2. Why is the creation/creation of man different on the sixth and seventh days of creation? Thank you!


Vladimir, there is no contradiction here, it’s just a style of storytelling characteristic of this ancient monument like the Bible. First, it talks about the creation of the world, including man, and then in more detail about the origin of all things.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! Please answer my question. My grandmother died and exact date We don’t know the death, because we found her on the morning of January 12, and this date was written everywhere, in documents and on the monument. But having compared some facts, we doubtfully came to the conclusion that she died on the afternoon of January 11th. What should we do now and when to do it? memorial days, a particularly important fortieth day? This is a very painful question for me. After all, we may be late (so to speak) with the memorial day. Please help and thanks in advance.


Natalia, if the most likely date of death is January 11, then remember in accordance with this date, and without embarrassment.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! Please tell me what would be right: to erect a monument on the grave of an Orthodox Christian with an image of a cross and a photograph of the deceased, or just a cross? If you just put up a cross, is it possible to place an image of the deceased on the cross, or is only a sign with the full name allowed? and date of birth and death?


Oleg, a Christian should always have the Cross, both during life and after death. The cross on the grave should stand independently of the monument. You can erect a monument, as convenient, but the cross is separate. It is better to put only the date and full name on the cross, and a photo separately. But you can make a tombstone with an inscription and a photo, and put the cross separately, it will be inexpensive.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello. Help, tell me what to do. Neighbors bring grave crosses from the cemetery and place them in front of my windows. They also erected a monument depicting the deceased. Previously, my child suffered from the actions of these people - he spent more than a month in the hospital, and when he was discharged, crosses appeared under the window. I can't remove them. I live alone and have two small children.


However, what “hardworking” neighbors you have found, Irina! If only their energy could go in a peaceful direction!
Don't be afraid of anything, this whole circus won't harm you. And yourself - stand stronger in faith, live together with the Church, approach the Church Sacraments more often, grace will protect you, and the Lord will not abandon His! The Apostle said: "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Rom. Ch. 8, v. 31). And besides, you can turn to utility services and the help of the law, because It is unlikely that the law allows cemetery crosses taken from unknown sources to be installed on residential or public property.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello. Thanks for all your answers. I have another question: they ordered a monument for my late mother, but my grandmother wanted (good thing they talked me out of it) to first make a monument for herself with a portrait and date of birth. Isn’t it a sin to order a monument for yourself in advance? And another question: they say that young people cannot bring fresh flowers to the cemetery, but only artificial ones - otherwise young people will supposedly die. This is just superstition, isn't it? And where do people get this nonsense from? Thanks in advance for your answers!

Hello, Yulia! In Orthodoxy there is a tradition of preparing a coffin and a cross for yourself during your lifetime. Many saints did this, and there is nothing wrong with it. This is a remembrance of death that every Christian, especially the elderly, should have. If the grandmother wants to order a monument, let her order it if the relatives do not mind. Regarding flowers, this is definitely a superstition. Fresh flowers in a cemetery are a symbol eternal life deceased. And superstitions are born from ignorance and unwillingness to study one’s faith.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

In 2007, I erected a tombstone for my deceased wife. The red granite tombstone depicts an Orthodox cross, a portrait of Tanyusha, a favorite flower - clematis, and a stylized (unrecognizable) sculptural image of a little girl. The intended meaning is that my Tanya will be like a guardian angel to her granddaughter Alexandra, whom she loved very much. Now eldest daughter Anastasia insists on remaking the monument. Advise, father, what to do.

Kozlovsky Vladimir Leonidovich

Of course, your daughter is driven by superstitious fear. There is no need to redo the monument; the plot can be reinterpreted. Look at the icon of the Assumption Mother of God, there the soul of the Mother of God is depicted in the hands of the Savior in the form of a little girl, so one can interpret this figure on the tombstone as a symbolic image of the soul of the deceased.

Deacon Ilia Kokin

Hello, my name is Natalya, I am from Kazakhstan. I have one question, but first a little background: my mother, to my great regret, has been gone for almost 5 years, she sang in the church choir and I grew up in the church (so to speak) and now, I remember that my mother always She said that she did not want a monument to be erected for her after her death, she only allowed us to erect a wooden cross. She explained this, but I don’t remember exactly how she explained it, word for word. She said something about how on Judgment Day the cross would have to be carried, but the monument would be impossible to raise... And my question is: is this described somewhere in the Bible? Where did mom get this decision?


Hello, Natalya.
Placing a wooden cross on a grave is a pious act. Russian tradition. The simplicity of the material speaks of the non-covetousness of the deceased.
Many bequeath a portion of their funds and property to donate to those in need, and to place a simple wooden cross on the grave.
On the other hand, in this way Christians confess their readiness to follow Christ and hope for the salvation of their souls. After all, the instrument of our salvation, the Cross of Christ, was made of wood.
Perhaps my mother’s desire to carry a wooden cross on Judgment Day should not be taken literally, but she certainly wanted to have evidence that she had carried her Cross through all the trials of earthly life.
God bless.

Priest Sergius Osipov

Father, bless! At my father's grave, curb stones were used for landscaping. I want to put a monument on the grave and remove the curb stones. Can they be used in a summer cottage? God bless you.


Hello, Oleg! These stones are your property, you can do with them as you wish. But I personally wouldn’t take stones home from the cemetery.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

An Orthodox cross was installed at my mother’s burial place 57 years ago. Now I want to erect a monument. Is it possible to replace or remove an old cross that has become unusable?


Hello, Alexander! You can erect a monument with the image of a cross, and the old cross, so as not to be desecrated, can be burned or sawn into pieces and burned again.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! I really want to embroider my husband and I’s wedding portrait. Everything is ready for this. Mom, having learned about my desire, said a couple of days later that this should not be done, that this was something like a monument during my lifetime. I was very upset, so I want to know if this is so, and is it possible to embroider a wedding portrait? Maybe you need to go to church and ask for blessings before starting work. Please tell me what is the right thing to do?

Today Russia is developing in a multinational environment. Mostly it is inhabited by people who consider themselves Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists. Their faith is different, but their traditions have common ground. This applies, for example, to funerals. The ceremony itself has religious features, but all of them use typical attributes, such as monuments. Grave structures are an integral part of the burial, but not a single denomination sets a strict time frame for the installation of monuments after the funeral. Immediately after the burial, a temporary monument is erected, that is, a temporary monument. The predominant part of the population is Orthodox; most often for these purposes they use a wooden cross, since it is quite light, inexpensive and does not require significant expenses, while the funeral itself is not a cheap event. Monuments and crosses are placed at the feet or head of the hill so that the hill itself is open. It is also permitted to have a photograph or plaque on the monument. According to Christian canons, it is forbidden to do anything at the grave for 40 days after burial.

How long after a funeral can a monument be erected?: technical side of the issue

Considering the lack of regulations on the timing of installation of the monument, one should proceed from the point of view of practicality in the decision this issue. Naturally, for the successful installation of a monument, the earth must be compacted. The time required for this process depends on the time of year and the composition of the soil. For example, on rocky soil, a monument will look good within 9 months, but for maximum confidence, experts advise installing a monument on a grave a year later, when the seasonal cycle has completely passed. By this time, the earth will shrink, and the distortion of the monument with high-quality installation will be excluded.

It is necessary to correctly determine at what time you can start installation. The season for such work begins in the spring, when the ground is sufficiently dry, and ends in the fall before the first frost. Therefore, if the installation deadline falls in the winter, it is better to wait, since not a single installer will be able to install the monument properly in frozen soil, and in the spring you will encounter the unpleasant consequences of haste.

It is also important that the administration of each cemetery determines the time frame when a permanent monument can be placed on the grave of the deceased. Moreover, this process requires documentation. Thus, for the initial installation and subsequent replacement of a tombstone, permission must be obtained. To do this, you need to contact the cemetery administration with a package of necessary documents.

We have been manufacturing and installing monuments for 20 years. Our experienced employees can guarantee you high-quality work.

The process of organizing a funeral is complex and requires the relatives of the deceased person to resolve many issues. One of them is related to the installation of a monument on the grave. When can I order a tombstone and have it installed?

Choosing the time of year to install the monument

We advise all relatives of the deceased who contact our company for a memorial to carry out this procedure in the spring or summer. In winter, the installation of a tombstone is unlikely to be carried out efficiently. Drilling concrete support beams into frozen ground is difficult and undesirable. After all, after the ground thaws, the monument will move to the side. There is a big risk that the stone will not withstand such movements, will crack, or become deformed.

To save on purchasing a monument, you can order it in winter, when the cost of materials and services is reduced. Schedule the installation for the spring-summer period, when the weather is more or less warm.

Timing of installation of the monument: opinion of the Orthodox Church

Representatives Orthodox Church do not give precise recommendations regarding when a monument can be placed on a grave. Some of them are told that they need to wait 40 days and then carry out installation. Other religious people refrain from commenting. Thus, when choosing the time to install a tombstone for a deceased relative, you should rely on your own opinion.

How long after the funeral can a headstone be installed?

There are no strictly defined rules and requirements regarding the time of installation of a tombstone on the grave of a buried person. But there are recommendations that can help resolve this issue.

  1. It is better to install the monument a year after the burial. Immediately after burial, the soil on the grave is loose and soft, not compacted. If the tombstone is placed earlier, then when the soil shrinks, it will be severely deformed or even destroyed.
  2. There is another opinion, according to which the monument should be installed two years after the burial, when the coffin is completely destroyed and all the voids underground are filled naturally.

Our company offers a wide range of funeral services, including installation of monuments in Tver. If you have just buried loved one, and want to wait until the earth on the grave is compacted, we suggest considering the option of a temporary tombstone (a cross with a sign with the name, surname, dates of birth and death of the deceased). Subsequently you can order from us.

Here's what we know. The cross over the grave of a Christian is a silent preacher of blessed immortality and the coming resurrection. The deceased is usually lowered into the grave facing the east, with the same thought with which it is customary to pray to the east - in anticipation of the coming of the Morning of Eternity, or the Second Coming of Christ, and as a sign that the deceased is moving from the West (sunset) of life to the East of eternity. As a reminder that the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven was opened by the Savior's suffering on the cross, an eight-pointed cross is placed above the grave mound - a symbol of our salvation. The deceased Christian believed in the Crucified One, wore the cross during his earthly life, and now rests in the shadow of the cross. It is placed at the feet of the deceased. A crucifix to the face of the deceased - so that at the general resurrection of the dead, rising from the grave, he could look at the sign of Christ’s victory over the Devil. Here's another possible answer.

P Why do they put a cross at their feet and bury them to the east? However, there is another tradition - to put a cross at the head of the deceased. According to that tradition, a person in the future resurrection carries the cross installed at the head as a banner, as a symbol of victory over Satan. But it is worth noting that this tradition has not completely taken root among the Russian people. According to Orthodox custom, the deceased is buried with his head to the West and, accordingly, his face to the East, so that he can see the sunrise. The sun is born in the East, but dies in the West. The position of the deceased expresses silent prayer and the desire to follow from darkness to light, from West to East, from this earthly world to eternity. Before the end of the world, Christ will come from the East, where, according to the Bible, Paradise is located. And when he comes, the dead must see His face, and Christ must see the faces of the dead. The cross of Christ is placed at the feet of the deceased. Orthodox churches are also built so that believers face the East during prayer. Since ancient times, there has been a custom of placing crosses, rather than monuments, on the graves of Orthodox Christians.

from what the Magi think about the dead, cemeteries and crosses . It turns out they have ours ancient book dead. That's what they write there. Among the Russians, crosses with a gable cover and a Saint (an icon - in the era of dual faith) installed on graves were called “chapels”. In the Russian North, in addition to the usual cross, you can see an oblong quadrangular structure (“cabbage roll”), open at the top or covered with a flat roof, on which a cross is placed. They also make a kind of “garden” at the grave: they plant flowers, fruit trees- in commemoration of the ascent of the soul of the deceased to the Heavenly Iriy-Garden. Grave earth is one of the most powerful witchcraft remedies; it was used by sorcerers and witches to cast evil spells (less often, in healing magic). Cemetery - the burial place of the dead, where, according to legend, the souls of the dead and nawi spirits reside; sacred place where funeral ceremonies are performed. As part of a mythologized space, the cemetery is contrasted with the village, that is, the world of living people. The first deceased buried in the new cemetery is considered the ancestor of the entire cemetery community of ancestors. Strictly observed general rules behavior in the cemetery. U Eastern Slavs when meeting at a cemetery, you should not say “good afternoon”, “goodbye” (they say: “farewell”), so as not to meet at the cemetery in the future. You cannot sing songs near the cemetery; newlyweds should walk past the cemetery during a wedding, returning from a christening for a godfather with a child. All Slavs consider it a serious crime to desecrate a cemetery or the graves of their ancestors. Old cemeteries cannot be plowed up, just as tombstones cannot be moved, otherwise the family will die out; remove something from the cemetery (for example, something left on grave crosses clothes). At the cemetery, Volkhov actions and rituals are carried out with the aim of curing illness or infertility, expelling evil spirits from the village, as well as for a person to acquire miraculous knowledge or to cause damage. Special significance in these actions it is attributed to the earth, sand, plants from the cemetery, found bones and other objects. To drive out illness, in Polesie they boil sand from the cemetery in water and bathe sick children, after which it is returned to the place from which it was taken. A patient with a fever is sent to spend the night in a cemetery. Grave soil, as one of the powerful witchcraft means, was used by witches for witchcraft purposes: for example, in Polesie, cemetery soil and sand are thrown on the path of the newlyweds in order to ruin the lives of the young people or cause their death.

When to install a monument

How long after the funeral

  • Directly a registration plate is placed on the grave of the deceased, indicating Name of the deceased and years of life. These are mandatory inscriptions on the monument, which will be installed a year or more later.
  • The registration mark can be of any shape and design. On the grave of an Orthodox Christian it is wooden cross with a sign.
  • A permanent monument is erected the next year after the funeral or later. more reliable on soil that has already shrunk.

Time of year: from May 15 to October 15

  • Time frame for installation a permanent monument to the grave is determined cemetery administration.
  • , And middle lane In Russia, the installation season is the same everywhere - from May 15 to October 15. A total of five months, and most importantly time of year - summer.
  • In the south of the country, the installation time for monuments is increasing, and the season is longer: it begins earlier in the spring and ends later in the fall. The main limitation is that by this time the soil must thaw.
  • The monument is being installed in good weather- like any construction work outdoors, tombstone installation difficult in the rain.

Who can dismantle or install a monument in a cemetery

For initial installation or subsequent replacement of a headstone, you must obtain a permit issued by the cemetery administration on the basis of a death certificate and a document confirming the readiness of the monument. At a funeral, one of the deceased’s close people is appointed responsible for the burial, and only this person has the right to obtain permission to carry out any work on the grave, including dismantling the old and installing a new monument. The issue of changing the responsible person is resolved through the court. The person who takes responsibility for the grave is given certificate of construction of a tombstone, and in registration book the burial place, grave number, last name, first name and patronymic of the buried person, information about the monument (size and material used), as well as personal data of the person responsible for the burial are indicated.

Documents for obtaining permission to install a monument or fence

  • Certificate for the grave.
  • Passport of the person responsible for the burial.
  • Application for installation. In most regions of Russia, work on the installation of a monument is registered by application. In St. Petersburg, installation is the prerogative of organizations authorized by them.
  • An agreement for the manufacture of a grave structure (and its installation) with an invoice or receipt for the purchase of a monument or fence.

Usually dismantling and installation Tombstone construction is carried out by the cemetery administration or a contractor with whom the administration has an agreement. In accordance with the law, relatives can independently dismantle or install a tombstone, but only with the permission of the same administration. Flower beds, monuments and fences installed by citizens are their property, and the cemetery administration is not responsible financial liability for their safety.

Basic rules for installing monuments in a cemetery

  • A monument can only be erected within the time allowed by the administration(usually from May 15 to October 15).
  • Grave monuments can only be installed in areas designated for burials. Otherwise, the cemetery administration has the right to demolish the monument.
  • Regular grave size for two burials - a plot of size 1.8m x 2.0m. To increase the size of the grave, you need to submit reasons to the cemetery administration, and if technically possible, such a service can be provided.
  • Installed monuments and fences should not block access to other graves and should not have parts protruding beyond the boundaries of the site.
  • The monument must indicate reliable information O the person buried in this grave. There are cases when one large monument is installed on two or three graves (where close relatives are buried) with all the names listed on one monument. This is against the law, and there may be confusion about who is buried in which grave.
  • The size of the fence must correspond to the size of the area allocated for the grave, otherwise the cemetery administration has the right to remove it. Normal limit height - 0.5 meters and a ban on the use of sharp peaks.
  • To install the fence you need written permission from the administration cemeteries. Not all cemeteries allow fences. In particular, a fence cannot be installed if it will block passage to other graves.
  • There are cemeteries where there are rules and restrictions on size and height tombstones and fences. So, in particular, in cemeteries belonging to the State Unitary Enterprise “Ritual” (Moscow), it is not allowed to erect steles more than 2 meters high. Most often, monuments can be erected in cemeteries up to 1.5 meters high.
  • To clarify the rules and regulations for installing a monument, you need to contact the cemetery administration.

What could a gravestone look like?

As for the external appearance and the material from which it will be made, the legislation here does not limit citizens either in or in their. Endless variety - bright that confirmation.

Installation of the monument

The main details of the tombstone are a pedestal, an obelisk/stele and a flower bed. Their installation is preceded by work on marking and preparing the site. Installation begins with strengthening the soil using sand. Preparing the foundation and leveling the surface is given special attention so that the monument does not tilt or fall. After installing the reinforced concrete beams, the concrete pad and pedestal are poured. Upon completion, the grave is cleared and landscaped, including sprinkling with marble chips.

Special types of monuments and requirements for them

Certain standards determined by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation relate to military cemeteries, where military personnel, cadets, participants and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War are buried Patriotic War. According to this resolution, 8 types of monuments are defined that can be installed in such cemeteries depending on their rank, type of service (contract or conscription) and length of service. But, despite the existence of standards and rules, relatives are still allowed to make some changes to appearance and the content of inscriptions and drawings on such monuments. Also, these rules do not apply to military graves in regular cemeteries.