Why do you dream about a mass grave? Why do you dream of a grave - the main interpretation. Why do you dream about a cemetery?

Imagine - it’s night, it’s drizzling with cold rain. You are standing in a cemetery, around you are sad wreaths, fences and grave crosses, and the gloomy watchman, howling something sad, digs. Then the alarm clock rings and you wake up! The feeling from such a dream is not pleasant, but there is no need to be upset, but it is better to turn to the dream book and find out why you are dreaming of a grave.

So, if you dreamed of a grave, you first need to understand the meaning of this symbol. Since ancient times, the grave has been associated with other world, with the world of spirits and ancestors. The grave is like a portal to another reality, from where you can receive important news.

Thus, answering the question of why you dream about a grave will help you detailed analysis what exactly you saw in your dream.

Let's look at noble dream book, a woman dreams of a grave to receive secrets, secret knowledge, or maybe a friend will tell you her secret, or you will find out what your husband is secretly doing. In any case, you will learn something hidden, something that was previously unknown to you.

Seeing a grave in a dream is unpleasant, but if a man had such a dream, it means that he will soon take part in some kind of conspiracy, most likely at work. Apparently, intrigues have been woven there for a long time, and now you will become a participant in them, and perhaps you will be able to untangle this unwanted web.


1. If you saw your grave in a dream, then, apparently, colds, which is walking around, can knock you down too, so watch your health and eat more fruits.

Seeing your own grave in a dream means news, letters or notices. Soon you will learn something very important and useful. It’s good to go to a fortune teller after that dream, her predictions will be very accurate and important, perhaps you will learn how to overcome the difficulties you encounter.

If your own grave is fresh, as if recently dug, and even empty, then you recently made a mistake that could affect the further course of events, try to correct the mistake as quickly as possible, and then you will take a favorable line of life.

2. If you saw your mother’s grave, then it’s time to visit your mother, check on her, apparently she misses you very much. It's worth turning to your roots. Visit your childhood home, talk to your school friends, perhaps this will bring you the state of calm that you have been looking for for so long.

  • If there is no date of death on the mother’s grave, then the mother will live a long time and worry, there is no reason.
  • If the mother’s grave is excavated and empty, then take care of the rest of your relatives, take your mother to a boarding house or sanatorium, it’s time for her to receive treatment.

3. If you saw your father’s grave, then it’s time for you to reduce your ardor and be less furious in your affairs. You need to connect your softness, flexibility and adaptability. Whatever you want, you can just come and take it, rather than trying to overcome imaginary obstacles.

To dream of yourself falling into an empty pit prepared for your father means that you may make the same mistakes that your father made. Therefore, analyze your dad's life and think about how you can avoid the same problems that he had.

If you do not have a father, but dream of his burial, then soon someone will appear in your environment who can replace him and who will be a kind and benevolent teacher with you.

4. If in a dream you see the grave of someone unknown to you, then soon you will meet new people who will positively influence your professional future.

5. If you dreamed of the grave of a person close to you, then do not be lazy and visit him, find out about his health and recent events, perhaps he will need your help. If you look into Chinese dream book, the grave of a person close to you foreshadows events that you cannot influence.

Details and plot of the dream

  • If the burial that you see on is well-groomed, there are monuments or crosses, and possibly flowers, then this means that there will soon be a pleasant meeting for you.
  • If the grave is your own, then believe me, there are many people around who respect you.
  • If the cemetery is abandoned, then recently you abandoned some very interesting project, try to return to it and continue what you started.

  • Seeing grave crosses in a dream foretells events that will be the beginning of a new enterprise.
  • If you dream of rickety crosses in a cemetery, then you should start a new venture with a partner, so you can insure yourself against unexpected risks.
  • Seeing a living person in a cemetery means a new person in your environment. Perhaps you will make a new friend or colleague.

Looking for a grave in a dream means that if now you need a person for a specific business and if in a dream you found the necessary grave, then the right person you will find it easily. If you still haven’t found the grave, then the search will take longer than you expected. But don’t worry, fate will definitely give you the right person.

  • Digging your grave means it's time for you to rest. You pay too much effort and attention, this could just “drive you to the grave,” so it’s better to take care of yourself, not work.
  • Digging a hole for someone means that what you recently advised this friend will not have the consequences that he expected, and they will make you guilty, so it is better to talk with this person and offer other options for solving the problem.
  • To see someone digging a hole for you - be careful and remember this person, it’s better not to mess with him, he may not play well. best role in your life.
  • Digging a grave with one of your relatives means an addition to your family. After all, very soon one of your relatives will find a soul mate.

A freshly dug grave is always a new beginning, it has the same meaning as the Death Arcana in tarot cards, it is a transformation and change that will positively affect you.

If you are forced to dig for a living person or your own grave, and you absolutely do not want to dig, then soon there will be a situation in which they will try to saddle you with a bunch of things, but you do not agree and defend your position. Such a grave, as the dream book says, foreshadows worries.

But digging a hole in a dream means that in order for you to succeed, it is not enough to use only your own strength, you need a team, learn to ask others for help, and then you will be able to do everything.

If you dream of empty graves, then this is a sign of many different events that will happen in the near future, this is vanity and trouble.

Dead people

  • Seeing a relative in a cemetery in a dream - good sign, which means you will soon receive news from afar. And if he shows you his grave, then it means that you will soon learn some family secret.
  • Digging up the burial of a deceased relative means solving someone else’s problems, so think before you get involved in a dubious matter.
  • If you dream of strings of dead people, then soon a layoff may be announced at your work, but if you yourself were not dead in the dream, then nothing threatens you.

In general, it is very important to listen to the deceased in a dream, because they often advise something regarding your life or talk about the afterlife. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of such dreams. As they say, in a cemetery you need to be afraid of the living.

This, in fact, is what dreams of a grave mean; it would seem to be a gloomy attribute that does not bode well, but any dream book will say more good than bad about graves.


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    I dreamed that I was walking through the forest. autumn. after rain. dirt... how then I realized this abandoned cemetery. And in my hand lies my gold, which I never take off, because there is a cross there. I move with this hand the leaves, above the ground... and from the graves the gold of dead people rises to me. As if on a magnet. but the more I raise, the less my gold becomes... in the end, I lost my gold and was very upset. But my mother, who walked with a bag, She said: why do you need your gold?! just stretch out your hand and everything will work out on its own... after a while, with great effort, I succeeded. But in my heart I prayed that this was the last gold and still collected more.

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    Good afternoon, dear guests of this site... I want to tell you about my dream, I’m really terrified.

    I dreamed that I was waking up in some barn, among the graves. I then came out of it, right next to the grave of my deceased father... (The most important thing is that in the dream I was not afraid and it seemed to me that this was my home). I cleaned up my dad's grave and left the cemetery... Then I dreamed that I met a friend..., talked and it seemed like we went to big company, then, while talking with people, a tooth fell out with blood... After that I woke up... I am very terrified from this dream, I know that unpleasant news awaits me ((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((

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    I had a dream that I came to the cemetery to visit my father’s grave, but I couldn’t find it. At the cemetery I see a cafe under construction and already built ones, in which there are already people, music is playing... I find out from one of the builders that all the graves have been moved in the nearest mountains and in the place where they were, I see only depressions in the loose earth... Then I pay attention to some kind of pile dumped near the built cafe and in this pile I find things that supposedly belonged to my father: el. razor and more than one and something else. And this once again convinces me that I will never find my father’s grave here. How can this dream be explained?

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    I dreamed that my father’s three sisters, who don’t even exist, died in a car accident; the middle sister was to blame for this incident, since she was driving. And so I dig graves in my yard. It was cloudy outside. When we had already laid out the corpses and began to fill up the holes, it turned out very interesting picture- three graves were on top of each other, but with one monument; I couldn’t see the inscription.

    The strange thing is that we have only three daughters in our family, one of whom I am, and the middle one at that.

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    can anyone tell me I dreamed that I was walking with my child in the yard of a multi-story building and there were old crosses (like an old neglected cemetery) I was looking for the name of a woman I knew on them and couldn’t find it, and then I saw a surname and name like my child’s and on the other one like sisters. I also say, look at the names like yours. But before that, I dreamed that it was my daughter’s birthday and thousands of beautiful butterflies were launched into the room as a gift, very beautiful - here

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    and I dreamed that my friends and I were in the cemetery. It doesn’t even look like a cemetery... there are no slabs or tombstones. and instead of them there are beautiful tables. and we chose a table (grave) and dug... I didn’t dig, I watched. and when they dug up the grave, the corpse came to life... but my friend didn’t care... she took off the gold... a lot of gold. and then they sold it. but the gold was never sold... I woke up! who knows what? Thank you

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    I dream that I am standing with my older sister near a fresh grave, and in it lies my mother open coffin(she died on August 25, not yet 40 days old) and she seems to be alive, but I see that she is sick and suffering and I can’t do anything (((and I see that she begins to choke, turns on her side and there is blood from her mouth and face she looks exhausted and tired, and I stand there and can’t even move or do anything to help her.

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    Hello Dashka! I had the same dream as you with freshly dug graves, I find it difficult to decipher this dream, I will be grateful to you for deciphering this dream. In a dream, I saw about 6 freshly dug graves, not in a cemetery, but right between 5 floors in the city, I didn’t look into them, but I’m sure that they were empty. I turned around so as not to pass between them and walked around them.

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    I had a dream in which my father, who died almost half a year ago, we all stood with him over his grave, it was clean, well-groomed, fresh earth, and for some reason I was my father, my husband, we stuck needles in, but then these needles turned into candles! But my father’s mother (my grandmother) never approached the grave and stood aside!!!

    What is all this for?!

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    Message... I dreamed of me and my friends walking through a cemetery and we were looking for some name and there were a lot of church candles everywhere and we lit them to see everyone’s names on the tombstones, in the end we found my name, but my name was just written there , as if for the future or something, please describe to me what this is for? Thank you!

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    I dreamed that there was a fresh grave in the courtyard of the house and my two friends were sitting next to it and crying, I first looked from the window, and then went out to them and started crying. Then I witnessed a murder, they brought me to the morgue for identification, and the corpse was burnt the guy comes to life. help me understand what this means?

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    I see my mother and sister in a dream, but they are not alive, I see my mother is sitting and my father is sitting next to me, and my sister is nearby and I took her in my arms, hugged and kissed her, then I went home, I saw big flies flying near the window and I let’s drive them out, they seemed to have flown away, then they appeared near the window again, and I started chasing them again.

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    I’m standing in a cemetery opposite graves with monuments behind a fence, very scary photos, some of them are blurry and cause horror, I read some dates of the surname, then I write something with a pencil and throw it to the monuments and leave, then this note appears again, but with a different text

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    Hello. I had a dream: it was as if my family and friends and I were going to visit a friend through a cemetery, but the cemetery was somehow historical and before leaving this cemetery it was necessary to pretend to be dead so as not to wake the dead!!! and I woke up!!!

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    and I dreamed of many coffins with the dead, in which lay both women and men, and several more coffins with small children... but the worst thing is that my child is running around these coffins and trying to touch them, and I can’t stop him... a terrible sight( ((

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    I had a dream where I came with some woman to the cemetery and she asked me to show her my grave... it was with a white monument and my photograph... and my daughter stood and cried next to the monument... and I so wanted to tell her that I was alive and to her dont cry…

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    I had a dream that I was in a cemetery picking flowers where there were no graves and laying flowers on the grave, on the grave of my grandmother’s friend. She had been dead for a long time. And I also looked at her grave and there was some kind of icon. I carefully placed the flowers and left. please tell me what this dream is for.

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    Help me find out what my dream means. I walk through the cemetery with my husband and tell him, this is where my mother is buried. I turn around and the grave is fresh and there is my photo on it. And in my dream I get angry and ask why my photo is here. My mother died a long time ago. And I woke up.

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    and today I had a dream about my husband sleeping on his father’s grave. I woke him up and said that he shouldn’t sleep like that. And nearby were the graves of people who are alive now and not in the cemetery, but just on the street. I don’t know what to expect. Who can tell me what this is for.

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    I very often dream of my dead friend (classmate), he leads me somewhere and tells me something, and when we arrive he says that this is his grave and it always stands alone near some forest, although I know for sure that this is not so!!! Why is that?!!!

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    I dream of a cemetery with a large number of fresh coffins in which lie both women and men, as well as small children... and my little son runs between them and tries to touch... and I don’t shout to him, but he doesn’t listen to me... it’s a terrible sight...

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    In a dream, I was digging a grave for my grandfather, although he died 15 years ago, and I was digging right in front of my house. And I always had this feeling that I was being pulled there, as if I was falling into a grave, but somehow I was holding on... I dreamed about something like this

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    I dreamed that I bought myself a purple tombstone and covered up the inscriptions, they were there and I understood that they were mine. Then I see that 36 SMS came to my phone, saying that I was fixing the inscription. I am 35 years old.

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    I dreamed that I was walking through the forest, and I saw there the grave of a girl who actually died about a year ago. I never talked to her and I don’t know why I dreamed about her. This is already the second time. I do not know why(

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    my friend and I came to the cemetery to see a really deceased friend... and then I show her my grave in which I was buried... and on the monument there is a photograph of my deceased father


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    And I once dreamed that I myself saw my grave... It was just dug up and there was a cross next to it, my photograph, my name, surname, patronymic and date of death were written.

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    I dreamed that my boyfriend was standing with a bouquet of my favorite roses and crying, and then I looked closer and saw a photo of myself cut out on the monument and the grave was fresh

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    In a dream I see my mother’s tombstone as if it turns into a baby and he laughs and for the second time it’s like there are two tombstones standing next to her, what does this mean?

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    I dreamed that in the middle of the day I was standing near the grave of a friend (after the rain) and wanted to step over, but I couldn’t reach it and stood with my right foot on the grave and fell through.

When an image of one’s grave appears in a dream, in most cases a person becomes curious about what the dream of one’s own grave is for. It is worth noting that graves most often dream of illnesses and troubles, some obstacles to achieving a goal.

What if you dream about your own grave?

If a person saw his own grave in a dream, then real life some kind of shock awaits him or an extraordinary event happens that will radically and negatively change his fate. If a person dreamed that he was buried alive, then this good dream, which can symbolize wealth and prosperity. A person’s own grave seen in a dream foreshadows that in reality attempts will be made to ruin all his plans. If a person dreams that he is digging his own grave, then this indicates that he will find himself in cramped circumstances.

In a dream, a person throws himself into a grave - a very bad sign. In fact, the likelihood of ending up in prison is high. An extremely negative dream is one in which a person sees himself in a grave and realizes that he is dead. This is a sign that if he is put behind bars, he has little chance of being freed, and he will die in prison.

If in a dream a person stands near his own grave, then this is evidence of an approaching serious danger. This situation will arise due to enemies who seek revenge and reprisals. If a person sees himself in a grave, then this is a favorable sign. Such a dream foreshadows the imminent acquisition of wealth. Moreover, its size depends on the amount of earth poured on top: the thicker, the more. Also, such a dream can be a symbol of acquiring an inheritance in the near future or any other luck related to money.

What does it portend?

But falling into a freshly dug grave symbolizes interesting meeting with a stranger. From the meeting you can learn some new and unexpected circumstances, thanks to which the idea of ​​ordinary everyday things will change. If a person in a dream sees that his own grave is untidy, unkempt and abandoned, then this is a hint of inner emptiness, some confusion, melancholy and despair. However, a quick and successful meeting with a good-natured and noble person will relieve you of this decadent state.

Sometimes seeing yourself in your grave is characterized by some unusual, extraordinary event in life, which as a result will negatively affect the course and resolution of affairs. You should be more careful and attentive in your actions.

Thus, dreams in which a person sees his own grave have an ambiguous meaning. For more accurate interpretation In such dreams, it is necessary to take a closer look at the details of the situation in which the dream takes place.

Death in a dream is associated with peace and tranquility, the end of some period in life. After waking up, you should not worry and expect imminent disaster; you need to look in dream books for the meaning of the plot you saw. Why do you dream about graves? Monuments, tombstones or fresh burials rarely portend anything dangerous or bad. We will find out the details in the interpreters.

The cemetery symbolizes rest and peace; the dreamer can expect a calm period in life without worries and worries. However, no bright events are expected either. If there were disturbing sensations when contemplating the graves in the cemetery, it means that a calm period in life will be overshadowed by the destructive thoughts of the dreamer himself.

Grave crosses, oddly enough, are considered a positive symbol, because they decorate all Christian churches. The cross is a symbol good changes, hope for a brighter future and an end to suffering. Walk through the cemetery among the grave crosses- indulge in memories of past meetings, forgotten friends and acquaintances.

A dream in which the dreamer saw a well-kept cemetery has a positive meaning, graves with flowers and wreaths. If the cemetery looked abandoned, the dream means disappointment in something. Look for someone's grave- in life you will have to look for a way out difficult situation, into which the dreamer fell through his own fault. Find a grave- a way out of the impasse will be found.

Flowers and wreaths on graves are a good sign. It's beautiful to contemplate graves decorated with flowers- you are among loyal and reliable friends. Laying a wreath on a grave- you will have to come to terms with a circumstance that is unpleasant. However, you will find the strength to accept this fact in your life and find inner peace.

Cleaning up someone's grave in a dream- you will be asked for help. You cannot refuse a request; you need to help as much as possible. The dream warns of a karmic debt that the dreamer must fulfill.

See your grave

Why you dream of a cemetery and graves became clear from the interpretation. Why do you dream about your own grave? This image says that rumors will spread about the dreamer(V in a good way words). People will discuss the dreamer's achievements and successes, praise and admire. The dream foreshadows success in career growth , hard-earned honors. See clearly name engraved on the monument- to glory and honor.

If you happened to see a newly dug empty own grave— the dreamer seeks to get rid of something in life, to bury memories or a bad situation. Sleep or lie in an empty grave- you need rest, time out. Don't overexert yourself, give your body a chance to recover.

A dream in which a person is covered with earth in a grave. This plot foreshadows the loss of one’s position in the working field, the loss of authority and respect. The dream foreshadows oblivion. Feel that suffocating in the grave- to trouble and trouble.

Seeing the grave of a still living person

If you saw an open grave and a person in it, the dream has several interpretations:

  • portends separation from this person;
  • means an attempt to erase this person from your life, memory;
  • expresses a passionate desire for intimacy with a currently unavailable person;
  • grave - the dream book foretells a new acquaintance if the person in it is unfamiliar.

Freshly dug the grave of another person without a coffin and a deceased person- to unpleasant news. You should also expect deception in hope, frustrated plans due to the fault of other people.

Relatives' graves

When deciphering a dream, it is important to remember whose grave you dreamed about at night. If you visited a relative's grave, expect dramatic changes in life. For example, a long-awaited job or change of residence. However, the grave must look well-kept. If you came in a dream image of an abandoned relative's grave, problems await in life.

  • The father's grave is dreamed of helping loved ones.
  • Mother's grave - to loss vitality, disease.
  • Grandmother's grave - to a strong connection to the past in life.
  • The husband’s grave means a new marriage (without widowhood).

If someone dreams grave in your own yard of a house or cottage, the dream warns of a family secret that is inaccessible to the dreamer. Also, a dream can show the image of a “skeleton in the closet,” that is, the secret of the family, which is carefully protected by family members.

Dream Interpreters

Newest dream book warns: you will be entrusted with a dangerous secret. If you happen to dig a grave in a dream, expect a “fatal” illness.

New dream book : to dig - to one’s own guilt, to see - to news from afar, uncovered - to bad news, to lie in a grave underground - to wealth, to tear apart - to death.

Family dream book believes that the plot foreshadows illness and trouble. A fresh grave - someone’s action will harm you, an abandoned one - news about a person’s serious illness, digging - to the machinations of the enemy, digging to the end - to victory over enemies, seeing inscriptions on monuments - to unpleasant events.

Modern dream book gives sad interpretations. The image of a grave promises failure of commercial transactions and deterioration of health. A fresh grave portends trouble due to the antics of another person; wandering around the cemetery means premature death and an unhappy marriage.

Looking at a dug hole means disappointment and loss of friends. The image of a person covered with earth in a grave foreshadows the loss of property; if you see a friend in the grave, he is in danger. Contemplating your own grave in a dream - beware of the machinations of enemies who will stop at nothing.

A bright sun in a dream with a grave foreshadows a way out of a difficult situation. An attempt to bury a dead person who suddenly disappeared - trouble will come from where it was not expected. Spending the night in an open grave for lack of another place to stay for the night means big troubles, a break with your loved one, and misfortune.

Seeing yourself buried in a grave means lack of money and financial ruin. Seeing abandoned old burial grounds around is a sign of despondency, melancholy and sadness. Looking into an empty hole means loss loved one.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state, physical health, clarify exciting moments? What does what you see in a dream mean will tell you.

Why do you dream about the Grave: interpretation of sleep according to 100 dream books

Why did you dream about Burial (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

Despite prejudices, even dark symbols sometimes promise happiness. Loss, news or wealth is an incomplete list of what a grave means in a dream, and the rest depends on the nuances.

  • A classic closed grave in a dream promises news from afar, while its fully decorated appearance promises changes in personal life.
  • I dreamed of a high tombstone - this is success.
  • Flowers and well-groomed, tidy soil around the grave mean happiness and love.
  • Seeing a mass grave, according to the dream book, symbolizes future glory.
  • An empty grave must be filled, otherwise it represents illness, failure, and the possible death of loved ones.
  • You personally started excavating the grave, which means you yourself are to blame for the imminent loss.
  • But a dream where you are lying in a cozy grave bed under a thick layer of earth means wealth, and the amount of money is commensurate with the thickness of the earthen blanket.
  • Why dream about the old grave of a relative - a dream means an illness that can become chronic.
  • If a relative whose grave you saw is sick, the dream may foretell his death.

Why did you dream about Graves (Psychiatric dream book)

Grave - According to the canons of psychoanalysis, “cemetery” dreams symbolize past experiences or memories of them, which should have long been swept out of the active “storeroom” of the brain.

  • Why dream of a fresh grave - it would be better for you to come to terms with the present and not stir up the past, because it only complicates today's realities. Calm down and accept the situation as it is, otherwise fate will shower you with new trials.
  • If you dig a grave with your bare hands in a cemetery, it means that a series of troubles is about to end and the long-awaited white streak will come.
  • See yourself falling into a freshly dug grave? Be prepared: you will soon face new challenges and find yourself in a cycle of unexpected changes.
  • Seeing a grave unkempt and overgrown is a sign of internal devastation, confusion due to the loss of life guidelines.

Why do you dream about the Grave (Romantic dream book)

  • If you dream about walking between graves in a cemetery, you may get married, and it will turn out to be unhappy.
  • Plots where a fresh grave appears can foreshadow future illnesses or symbolize severe pain from the dishonest act of a person close to you.
  • In a dream, a cemetery at night? A cooling of your lover or loss of friends awaits you.
  • If you dreamed of a freshly filled grave, this is a harbinger of undeserved suffering caused to you by your loved ones.
  • If zombies and vampires rise from old graves in a dream, this is a symbol of an unsuccessful union, when one of the partners will draw strength from the other.
  • Why dream of an abandoned grave, if you see a relative in it - expect a big family scandal.

Why does a woman dream about the Grave (according to the dream book of Natalya Stepanova)

  • Walking among graves in a dream means an unsuccessful marriage.
  • Dreaming of reading inscriptions on graves means unpleasant chores.
  • Seeing an empty grave in a dream promises the loss of loved ones.
  • If you dreamed of digging a grave, your opponents are preparing to crush you.
  • Seeing your own grave in a dream is a harbinger of a shock, an unusual event that will change your destiny not for the better.
  • A fresh grave portends dishonest act, which will cause you terrible suffering.
  • An abandoned, unkempt grave in a dream is a sign of confusion and inner devastation.

Why do you dream about the Grave in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing a grave in a dream means disturbing news.
  • Dreaming of looking into an empty grave portends the loss of loved ones.
  • I dreamed of a man in an unfilled grave - impending danger.
  • Seeing your grave in a dream is a harbinger of intrigues being prepared against you.
  • I dreamed that a corpse for which a grave was ready had disappeared - bad news.
  • Spending the night in a cemetery in a grave - a dream means the loss of friends, the cooling of a lover.
  • I dreamed of a grave, old and dilapidated - a dangerous illness and death.

If the dreamer dreamed of the Grave (interpretation by the magician Yuri Longo)

  • Digging a grave for someone in a dream, that is, acting as a gravedigger, means that the dark streak in your life will end, and you will live happily ever after. No material difficulties, complete well-being in personal affairs - this is what the dream speaks of.
  • Why dream of falling into a freshly dug grave? According to the dream book, you will soon meet those people whom, although you see quite often, you know practically nothing about them. Most likely, we are talking about your co-workers or neighbors. Unlike everyday communication the meeting foreshadowed by the dream will reveal a lot for both you and the rest of the company, which means it will be remembered for a long time.
  • Mock a grave or see traces of vandalism - many people like your simplicity, everyone considers it one of yours characteristic features. However, this is also the reason why something important so often slips away, gets away from you, and you only find out about it after a long time.
  • Having seen in a dream something dug out, but long since overgrown with grass and half crumbling, you need to prepare for the fact that soon someone whom you considered your enemy will contact you. You will find out that this person treats you very well, although for many years you were sure of the opposite.
  • Why do you dream of a mass grave - a symbol of gossip, which for some reason you selflessly believe in, although they have no basis in reality.

The meaning of the dream about the Grave (Vanga’s Dream Book)

  • Why dream of a grave intended for you - a harbinger of a shock, an unusual event that will change your destiny not for the better.
  • If you dream of several burials, this means that a chain of unfavorable events awaits you ahead, with each of which you will lose more and more confidence in your abilities, and only prayers will return hope to you.
  • An abandoned, unkempt grave is a sign of confusion, internal devastation, loss of direction in life, melancholy and despair, which will pass thanks to a new acquaintance with a wise and sympathetic person.
  • According to the dream book, the grave you dreamed of is a hint that in reality you will find yourself in cramped circumstances.
  • A dream in which you personally dig a hole for yourself has a similar meaning.
  • When you see yourself in a grave, and you understand that you have died, then this is a harbinger of the fact that if you are imprisoned, you will no longer be released, since you will die in a dungeon.
  • If you dream that you are throwing yourself into a grave, then in reality you will face imprisonment.

The meaning of the dream about the Hill (Collection of interpretations of Zhou-Gong)

  • Seeing a high burial mound portends happiness and benefit.
  • A new grave, a new coffin - portends relief from anxiety.
  • Vapors rise above the burial mound, a cloud - fortunately.
  • The doors leading to the grave and crypt open - good luck in business.
  • The light rises above the grave - fortunately. Darkness is unlucky.
  • Why dream of a grave on which a tree grows - fortunately. The tree is broken - unfortunately.
  • Seeing flowers opening on a grave is fortunate.
  • A coffin emerges from the grave by itself - fortunately.

What to expect if you saw a Tombstone in a dream (according to the Explanatory Dream Book)

  • To dream of seeing yourself in a grave means gossip.
  • If in a dream you see a person you know in a grave, covered up to his neck in earth, it predicts trouble for this person, and for you the loss of property.
  • Seeing your own grave means your enemies are planning something against you, and you should be extremely careful.
  • Why does a woman dream of a grave - a dream in which night overtook her in a cemetery and she is forced to go to sleep in an open grave - means: she will suffer deep disappointment associated with the death or betrayal of a loved one. She will be unhappy in love and will be haunted by failures.

Dream meanings by day of the week

Information about what a particular dream means depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day it occurred. You can find out about this by reading the interpretations of the dream book by day of the week:


I was having a dream:

dream: at night I’m at the grave of my long-dead grandparents, there are concrete walls around the grave, like a crypt, it has two entrances from the north and east, respectively, two doors that open and close themselves from the wind, I dismantle the grave, it’s on top covered with things: blankets, pillows, carpets, I know that these things previously belonged to the dead. Among these things I find my mother’s robe and put it aside. I don’t remember whether I removed the soil from the grave myself, but I removed the boards myself, and under them were two coffins, grandfathers and grandmothers. I did all this because... I needed to perform a ritual: put two chickens, connected by their heads, on the coffin in the grave, supposedly in order to unite, bind myself to someone before death. Immediately water starts running from somewhere, my mother (she is now alive) enters the crypt through the doors on the north side, very angry with me for digging up the grave without her, our relatives (now alive) are already standing around the edges. , they are watching, my mother is looking for some kind of slab, in the same place in the grave. I, in a hurry to carry out my ritual, go down to the bottom of the grave, put these chickens on the coffin, tie them with their necks (naked, plucked carcasses), get out and begin to put everything in order (boards, earth, blankets, carpets, pillows), here among I find my mother’s robe, I tell her: “You put it there, after all, why?” I put it away, she is angry. The door of the crypt on the eastern side opens from the wind and I see that it is becoming lighter, I understand that morning is coming, I am no longer so scared. I’m just wondering who I connected myself with with this ritual and I can’t understand, because... I don't have a husband, a man.
Here’s a dream, help me interpret it, because... “otherworldly” dreams and representatives of these worlds occur to me, my mother and daughter very often.