How to make quick and honest money. How to make big money. Making money in real life

A schoolchild or a student, a housewife or a pensioner - the topic of earning money is close to any person. In times of crisis, additional income is also of interest to office employees and middle managers. Many books and articles on the Internet have been written on the topic “How to make money,” and all sorts of trainings have been developed. We will consider different types: from easy ones, where no special knowledge is required, to options that require certain qualifications, however, the earnings there are much more noticeable.

You can also choose, like most people with financial support, to continue to increase the amount of money you make so that you can take that extra money and do a lot of good in the world. While you're at it, if you have kids, make sure you teach them these concepts while they're young. It might just make the difference between having an adult child who creates financially successful life, and someone who at some point must live at home to get back on their feet for a while.

Come on, how to make money, right? She is the author of several financial literacy books, a speaker and trainer, and an expert on financial literacy for children and teens. Do you want to know how to make a lot of money with any business, no matter the type, and be where you are?

How to make money and become independent - general recommendations

The first rule that should be taken into account is that there are no quick ways to get rich, at least in an honest way. If you want money, you have to work hard. Today message boards are full of many offers to make money in short terms fabulous money, having previously invested the nth amount. The result in such cases is always the same - broken hopes and lost money. That’s why such advertisements should be avoided on the tenth route.

If you know what a business is, you will know how to make a lot of money with it

Therefore, if you want to make money from your business, you should strive. One of my mentors once released the following gem. You don't have a damn idea for your business. The one who really knows everything about your business is your client.

Computer program development

Thank you, Fernando, for this suggestion. If you want to know how to make a lot of money with any business, you must first make an effort to learn to understand your customer. We all want to make more money, don't we? Or why are you reading this?

Formula for success

If you take people who have achieved outstanding results in their activities, then their recipe is simple.

  • passion;
  • perseverance;
  • professionalism;
  • demand.

In other words, they all loved what they did and persistently pursued their goals, not giving up when failures occurred. They studied and developed their skills, became professionals, and most importantly, their business benefited others and was in demand on the market.

Counselor or animator

It's no surprise that making money is one of the main reasons people buy. Just take a look at the market and see how many products and services have been developed to help people increase their income and improve their financial situation.

You want to know how to make a lot of money and just like you, there are others who are looking for the same thing. There are people who want to have more money to finance their projects, travel, not have to worry about paying any bill, have some security, provide welfare to their family, etc.

How and where to earn money

There are many ways to make good money. All of them can be divided into two conditional groups:

  • Work “for an uncle”, hired labor, which is familiar to many. Here you receive a stable salary, sometimes bonuses, have paid vacation and sick leave.
  • Working for yourself. In this option, your income depends solely on you. From your perseverance, perseverance, faith in your strength.

The groups are conditional, because some types of earnings can be classified as both the first and second. Let’s say a freelance programmer doesn’t sit in the office and plans his own working hours, sets the price for the work himself, but at the same time fulfills the orders of others.

Be that as it may, money is needed to finance all these things. That's why it's one of the main reasons we buy. Saving money is just as important to shoppers as making money. In fact, if you browse the digital and physical product markets, you will find a lot of information about how people can cut their costs and save more money.

This is a very good reason for people to buy because this group of buyers is absolutely desperate for a quick and easy solution to their problems, and they are willing to pay or do almost anything to find such a solution. If you supply a market of buyers who are looking for answers and quick solutions for personal, business or emotional or physical pain relief, showing how your product or service can directly relieve their suffering will result in a lot of sales.

In the first case, you know that you will receive your salary at the end of the month, but the disadvantage here is that for most employees There is not much room to grow in terms of income. That’s why many people think about how to become their own boss. You shouldn’t make sudden movements and go into free swimming without carefully thinking through all the details.

If you can develop a product or service that addresses one of these reasons, you will sell a lot. But if your product or service answers three reasons, you will have developed the answer to the question of how to make a lot of money in any market. Let's see if I can show that this is possible with this example.

In my case and many that are dedicated to providing professional services, it also allows us to develop an alternative source of income that does not rely on our production hours. Those of us who provide services are selling hours of our time, so if we have to spend many hours learning something to investigate, we end up giving up. This course shows you how to handle certain tools, but is focused on the production of video courses with which we are left with the grain and we discard the straw, that is, functionality that does not help us at all. Finally, it relieves the pain. If you sell services, you may be able to partially stop depending on your production hours, and this course also highlights how to start making money as soon as possible, even helping you with the marketing and promotion of your new productions.

  • First, learn a way to make money.
  • Secondly, it allows you to save money.
As you can imagine, the author doesn't stop selling this course, and that doesn't surprise me.

Before quitting your job and growing your business, create a safety net

If you have a business that you are passionate about and that you understand, make sure that it will bring you an income no less than what you earn today at your main job. To do this, take your current salary and divide by 160 hours (with a 5-day working week 8 hours every day is exactly how much you work now). If your earnings are no less, you can quit.

You already know how to make a lot of money, and it will serve you in any market, anywhere and for all seasons. No matter where you are online, there is always a good opportunity to make money easily. The problem with the internet is also that within a very short time you can find many scams and recipes called miracles to get miraculous amounts. If there really are solutions to make money quickly online, do not be fooled: you will not earn thousands of euros in just a few hours.

Now that this myth has been deconstructed, what remains of it? An opportunity to make money online, round off your month ends and make it easier for you to help financially. You are saying one thing: as a person and an individual, you have value. Whether it is your property, your money or even the fact that you exist, this meaning can help you make money easily.

You can also leave if you have taken care in advance to create a safety net, thanks to which you will be able to develop your business for at least 4-6 months and this will not affect financial well-being family.

Otherwise, at first you should try to combine your main job and additional work until you get firmly on your feet.

Gambling and gambling: a good investment?

Discover the best solutions, guaranteed without scams, and experience it for yourself. Gambling has a sulfurous reputation. This is actually far from reality, especially these days. If gambling and gambling were once the preserve of the fickle, today they have become highly democratized to attract a large portion of the population.

So, good way make money online? You will find, of course, the most classic versions of scratch games, as well as some new features specific to the Internet. All players who want to make quick money online play online gambling where you compete with other real players. The principle is simple: the kitty consists of the amount that players are willing to put into the game, and the more this kitty is raised, the greater the winnings. Suffice to say, this is quickly becoming interesting for those who want to make money online easily!

You can earn a lot both online and offline on the Internet. real life. Beginners should not immediately aim for big earnings. First, you need to create a name for yourself, gain reviews, and when they recommend you to others, dictate your price.

Typical beginner mistakes

I want everything - this is the first thought that often comes to mind when seeing all sorts of types of income. However, you shouldn’t spray yourself. It is better to concentrate on one thing, become a professional in it and acquire a serious clientele, than to be mediocre in several types of income.

Good tips to keep in mind

If you have any doubts about gambling and chances, know that they are in themselves no different from other activities, considering them more professional, so traders and speculators in the stock market or even some forms of investment. The common denominator, the risk factor and the luck factor, remain very strong. Therefore, you must apply the same rules: give yourself the capital you are willing to lose to avoid unpleasant surprises. If you feel that the luck factor is too important, you can also play more strategic money games as well as online poker where you can apply techniques and tips to maximize your chances.

At least something - many beginners are ready to work on this principle. Texts cost 3 rubles per thousand characters, designs cost $5 per page - as a result, fulfilling orders takes a long time, and the income is scanty. As a result, disappointment and a return to office work.

Get everything now - the Internet today is replete with headlines: “The best ideas for making money on binary options, casinos, slot machines, rates" and other similar options. This also includes all kinds of mutual aid funds, financial pyramids who operate illegally. When they see such offers, newcomers’ eyes often light up and their hands automatically reach for their wallet.

Here we return to private forms of investment that allow you to make a modest contribution. This will allow you, if the project works, to recover part of the profit based on the original amount invested. So it is an interesting opportunity if you can find good deals and floating projects and thus make money easily. This will give you an idea of ​​high potential projects!

Take advantage of coupons and other promotional codes

You may have noticed, but it's all about getting clients, prospects, and consumers to make bulk purchases online. These incentives include discount coupons that help you reduce costs when shopping online. Specialized sites list valid vouchers, so make the most of them!

Statistics show that in pursuit of easy money, you will also quickly and easily lose your investments. In most cases, they are backed by scammers who are trying to trick you into getting your money. Therefore, there is no point in reacting to such promises.

Making money in real life

These types of earnings are more familiar and understandable to many. Some people don’t like to sit at the computer for a long time, others prefer live communication with people. Therefore, we will consider several options: from opening a small business to providing all kinds of services that are in demand on the market.

Rules for success in life and business

If you want to earn extra money but don't count on a second job, you should consider earning passive income. At first you only need to work, after which the money just comes, even while you sleep. How can you manage such a profitable activity? The most interesting business ideas that will help you make money while you sleep.

Write a book - write good book, and you can round up your sales earnings after publication. You also have the option to sell it digitally and you can self-publish it if you need to. Create an app - Create a smartphone app that will generate income for you when someone downloads it. Even the stupidest apps generated $000 in one day.

Own business

Opening a store, cafe or restaurant, beauty salon or bakery, growing strawberries or vegetables - all this can be classified as a classic type of business. The main disadvantage of such an idea is that you need to have an impressive starting capital: for renting premises or land, purchasing necessary equipment, employee salaries. In addition, you shouldn’t count on making quick money here either. Often, an enterprise begins to make a profit only a few years after its start. If own funds not enough, you can:

Setting up a static blog. Create a website on domains that are familiar to you and other domains. Focus on materials that don't need to be constantly updated; people will look for them. If you have good content, you will get money even from the oldest articles. Write articles online - you can also make money from online journalism. You will be paid according to your items.

Make a photographer. Draw and create various graphic elements. Some sites also give you money for illustrations or graphics. You get money for every download. Get yourself involved in making a custom t-shirt. You can compete with t-shirt designs for sites like No Thread. If your design is chosen, you earn $000, a $500 no-win voucher, and another $500 when your shirt is reprinted.

  • attract investors to your project;
  • take a loan from a bank;
  • receive a subsidy from the state to start your business.

You will also have to be responsible for the people you hire and pay them money on time. If all this does not scare you, then the first thing you should do is:

  • develop a competent business plan for a future enterprise;
  • register either yourself as an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • assemble a team.


How to make money if you have no entrepreneurial experience and are afraid that you won’t be able to cope creating a business from scratch on your own? In this case, you can start a franchise business, that is, purchase from the franchisor the right to use his brand.

Sales Insurance - In the insurance industry, you don't just get paid when you sign a contract. This way, you will receive a commission when the client renews their insurance policy. Dividend investing - One of the most popular ways to earn passive income is to invest in stocks that reward owners with large dividends.

How useful is this information? Note using stars Rating. The application must be constantly maintained and updated. In addition, you must provide technical support. If you use a smartphone app, you won't need this promotion.

At the same time, you have at your disposal already developed production and sales technologies, as well as a name recognizable among consumers.

The profitability and payback period of such a business have also already been tested by more than one year of practice, and therefore you immediately know what to expect after the start. Most often, this approach is common in the catering industry. Many famous restaurants and cafes operate along it.

Equipment repair and setup service

Without capital, the most convenient way to organize a small business is in the service sector. Reinstall the system on a computer or laptop, reflash a smartphone, replace a cracked screen - you can quickly learn all this with the help of training videos and earn good money. It’s better to start with private orders at home and, if things work out, rent a room and open a small service.

Hairdressing services, manicure, make-up

If you have a sense of taste and style, you know how to apply beautiful makeup and do your hair, why not offer similar services to others. You can start with your friends, and if you approach the process with all your heart, then word of mouth will do its job. Also create a page on social networks where you will advertise your services.

Nanny, housekeeper

Cleaning an apartment, looking after a child - many families are willing to pay a lot of money for such services. Again, offer your help to your friends, and they will then recommend you further.

How can you make money on the Internet?

Making money on the World Wide Web is convenient because you can do it no matter where you are in the world. at the moment you are in the city or in the village, on the road or at home. The main thing is to have a computer and access to the Internet. In this case, you have extensive opportunities for making a profit, often without requiring significant investments.

So, how to make money in 2017 without leaving home.


Fulfilling orders at home, sitting on the seashore or combining work with travel - this is called freelancing. Unlike office workers, the freelancer himself determines his work schedule and plans his vacation, sets the price for his services, and looks for customers. Payment is made both to a bank card and to wallets of electronic payment systems, and therefore they need to be created in advance.

The freelancer himself determines when and where to work

Most often in freelancing you can find:

  • programmers;
  • designers;
  • copywriters;
  • layout designers;
  • website optimizers;
  • translators.

Working as a freelancer requires discipline and the ability to properly plan your time. Among the disadvantages of freelancing, it is worth noting the lack of guaranteed monthly income, and therefore the presence of a financial airbag for several months in advance is mandatory.

Social media

Today it is difficult to find a person who does not have an account in at least one of social networks. The older generation has firmly established itself in Odnoklassniki. Young people spend a lot of time on Instagram, Twitter or VKontakte. With the help of social networks, you can earn money while sitting at home both on your personal page and in groups.

If your page is popular and has a lot of subscribers, you can:

  • place advertisements on it;
  • sell all kinds of products, both your own and others’;
  • promote your services.

The second way is to create a group that specializes in a narrow topic and fill it with content. In order for as many people as possible to know about your project, you need to promote it. For example, buy advertising in other publications. When you already have a large number of subscribers, you can start earning income from advertising.

If you don’t want to develop your own group, you can make money from others. Many large public sites are looking for administrators, moderators or editors and are willing to pay good money for this work.

Blog or website

Making money from scratch by creating your own website is a popular way among Internet entrepreneurs. You can launch a simple resource yourself, without involving programmers or layout designers in the process. If you intend to make a high-quality website that will generate good income, you should take its launch very seriously.

The first thing you should take care of is choosing a niche. The theme of the site should be close to you and at the same time profitable. For example, a site for growing cacti may inspire you, but it is unlikely to bring in a lot of money, since it is not popular with advertisers.

We analyze competitors, see what structure they have on their websites and determine in what ways we will be better than them. We register the domain. It is advisable to choose a name that will be in tune with the theme of your project.

Launch of the resource. There are several options here, it all depends on your financial capabilities. The simplest one is to host a blog with a non-unique template on free hosting. A more complicated option is to develop a full-fledged resource with the help of a programmer and designer. Or order a turnkey website from a specialized web studio. In this case, choose a reliable hosting.

For the future, keep in mind that if your site attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors per day, you will most likely have to think about a dedicated server.

The most important stage is filling the site. If you are good at writing, you can create content yourself. Otherwise, rewriters or copywriters from freelance exchanges will come to the rescue. It is advisable to order texts from the same performers in order to maintain a unified style. Consistency is also important. You shouldn’t collect hundreds of articles and post them all in one day. It is better to distribute them evenly and post 2-3 daily.

The final part is promotion. If you have little money and you are not in a hurry to get results, and the content is high-quality and in demand, then over time the site itself will take high positions in search engines. To speed up resource promotion, we use active methods:

  • order contextual advertising;
  • we buy expensive links from quality resources;
  • We create a group on social networks for the site;
  • We leave links to our project on thematic forums and in comments on blogs.

Monetization is what the site was created for. At this stage, we can already make a profit from our project. Ways to make money on your resource are:

  • Contextual advertising from well-known search engines Google or Yandex. You can configure both the display of banners and text ads, which will neatly fit into the design of your project.
  • Advertising of third party goods, services or products in articles. These can be either direct advertisers or affiliate programs. You shouldn’t overuse such texts so as not to fall under the search engine filter.
  • Advertising your services or products. For example, on a website dedicated to weddings, you can promote services for creating stylish bouquets.

Regarding contextual advertising, then earnings here depend on your target audience. For example, you can earn the most money from visitors from Europe and the USA. Therefore, if you know English well, you should create a website in this language. Visitors from Russia bring in an order of magnitude less income. Next in terms of profitability is Ukraine. And a very meager cost per click if users from Belarus or Kazakhstan follow the link.

Online store

Online shopping is valid today huge amount. Some sell products of a wide variety of directions, others specialize in a narrow niche. In many cases, you can open a store using the dropshipping principle without making an initial investment in purchasing goods. In this case, you are looking for buyers for a certain percentage, and the manufacturer directly handles the storage of products in the warehouse and delivery.

Resale of goods from foreign stores

Most often, they build a business on the resale of goods from China. The main sites on which to order products are Aliexpress, Taobao. They're on the move miscellaneous goods: gadgets, bags, phone cases, gifts, car accessories. Since they are inexpensive there, you can build a fairly successful business on their resale.

Game testing

You can make a good profit by testing game projects. Developers, before offering their creation to the general public, want to get a sober look from the outside. In this case, you need to go through the demo version of the game and inform the administrators about all the identified shortcomings.


This is nothing more than selling your knowledge in one area or another of life. Trading and psychology, handicrafts and travel, raising children and esotericism - today you can find courses and trainings on any topic. Particularly popular are:

  • health;
  • cooking;
  • business creation;
  • relationships with the opposite sex.

If you are a professional in any field, you can try to make money on the Internet by creating courses. Think about how you might interest a potential buyer. After all, on the Internet today there is a huge amount of information for every taste, and it is also available for free.

The main rule when creating courses is to be more specific and less water. You can create instructions in which you describe a particular process step by step. Support your words with examples from your own practice.

As a bonus, offer clients a personal consultation for free, during which you will help solve a particular problem.

The course can be formatted as e-book or video training. Before advertising it to the general public, offer your creation to family and friends. Listen to their opinion and correct the shortcomings. If you are in doubt about what price to set for your product, look at how much other information business people are asking for similar courses, and choose something in between.

Internet trading

This type of earnings requires an initial investment, as well as the ability to analyze the situation and maintain composure if the market situation has changed not for the better for you. You can trade both on the stock exchange and foreign exchange market Forex. How to earn money depends on your preferences. You can focus on stocks and bonds of well-known and not so well-known companies, trade futures and currency pairs. Many traders receive good profits, working with options.

To start working on the stock exchange, you need to enter into an agreement with a broker and establish the appropriate software and, preferably, take a specialized course or at least read literature on the topic of trading.


You can also make money online using cryptocurrency. Virtual coins in recent years firmly established in the real world. More and more shops, restaurants, and hotels today accept cryptocurrency for payment, in particular Bitcoin.

You can make money both on the exchange rate difference of cryptocurrencies, buying and selling electronic money on specialized exchanges, and by mining using a video card. IN the latter case you allocate your computer resources to mine new coins.

Sports betting

A popular type of income among both young people and middle-aged people and even pensioners, which does not require large financial investments. It is often referred to as an investment with high degree risk.

If you want to bet on sports, the main thing you need is patience, the ability to control your emotions, enough free time and access to the Internet.

You also need to understand at least a little about a particular sport. Basketball and football are the most popular among beginners. The intermediary in this type of earnings is the bookmaker's office, which takes a percentage for its services.


Today, success stories of channels that bring their owners thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars a month, are heard among young people. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people try to post videos on YouTube.

They film everything that can be filmed: reviews of purchased goods, playthroughs of games, test drives of cars, video tutorials and even personal life.

Once you get the required number of views on your videos, you can connect to affiliate program YouTube and make money. This can be done either directly or through intermediaries who charge a certain percentage for their services. To make money quickly in this area, you need to actively promote your channel. As soon as your project becomes popular, direct advertisers will flock to you.

Computer program development

Programmers earn quite good money from writing applications - from $1000 and above. It all depends on the level of complexity of the program and the qualifications of the specialist. You can develop for clients by accepting orders on freelance exchanges. Alternatively, create interesting program for your own needs, and then independently sell it to those who want it.

Photo stocks

If you are interested in photography, then you should go straight to photo banks and photo stocks. The principle is simple - you post high-quality photos on the resource and, if they are bought, you receive your share of the sales. Popular resources:

  • Shutterstock;
  • Depositphotos;
  • Dreamstime.

There are several advantages to this type of income. Firstly, the same image can be sold many times. Secondly, it’s always nice to make money from your hobby. Thirdly, if you fill your portfolio with a large number of high-quality photos of different subjects, over time you can earn a good income.

What to do to earn money with your own hands

Many women on maternity leave are looking for ways to earn pocket money. If you like to create stylish things with your own hands, cook deliciously or sew, then with a competent approach to business you can make a good profit.

Needlework and crafts

Beading, embroidery, making “hand-made” notebooks in original designs, boxes, jewelry, sewing wallets, clutches or bags - all this can bring income to craftswomen. There are many options for where to sell things - among acquaintances and friends, on specialized resources, at fairs. Having gained experience, many begin to conduct master classes and share their knowledge with others for money. You can also quickly make money by making bouquets of sweets, which are readily bought as gifts for any holiday.


If you're willing to stand in the kitchen for hours, you can make money with your own hands by baking. These can be elaborately decorated cupcakes, cakes for various holidays, cookies with company logos, or the names of the heroes of the occasion. Be sure to learn how to work with mastic, because products decorated with it are in special demand.

Always buy products that are fresh and of the highest quality. After all, if you cheat once, you can easily ruin your reputation forever.

How to make money as a student

Student life is not only study, but also entertainment, discos, and travel. And all this requires money. Many students already in their first year, having become accustomed to the academic routine, begin to look for part-time work. Some are interested in ways to make money quickly, others want to receive income on an ongoing basis.

Working in fast food

Through part-time work in restaurants fast food many students pass. This includes customer service at the checkout, washing dishes, and cleaning the halls. What attracts me first of all is the flexible schedule, as well as fairly decent earnings. In some cases it is even possible career growth. Since the influx of visitors in such establishments is large, it requires endurance and stress resistance. Lateness is punished by issuing fines.


A sales assistant in a store is a profitable part-time job if you can successfully combine it with your studies. You need to advise customers on a particular product, help them accept the right decision, competently present the advantages of the product. Computer stores and car dealerships are suitable for guys; girls should pay attention to fashion boutiques, jewelry, and cosmetics stores.

PC operator

Good computer knowledge, perseverance and the ability to do monotonous work - if this applies to you, feel free to go for an interview. You will have to type large amounts of text, format documents, create tables, and carry out all kinds of calculations.

Most often, PC operators are required by companies involved in logistics, medicine, trade, and banking.


This type of income is in demand on the market and is more suitable for a guy. You must be sociable, resilient, responsible and be able to navigate well in different areas of the city. Most often, delivery occurs either by moped or public transport.

CALL center operator

Competent speech, good diction, pleasant voice- these are the basic requirements for CALL center operators. You will have to receive calls, register and distribute them. Also, responsibilities often include conducting surveys for sociological and marketing research.

Extras actor

Actors to participate in crowd scenes are required both on film sets and television programs, talk show. This is a great opportunity to see the filming kitchen from the inside and get an autograph famous people, participate in live broadcasts, make useful contacts.

Similar offers pop up periodically on employment sites; you can also leave your details with photos in the database of production centers and film studios.


Knowledge is always valued, and therefore tutoring brings good money. Most often, students prepare schoolchildren for admission to universities. You know foreign languages- feel free to look for who is willing to pay to improve their skills. The main thing is that you must thoroughly understand the subject and at the same time explain complex issues in an accessible, easy language. You can work with students via Skype or by meeting in person several times a week.

Writing coursework

Earn money for a student by writing essays, coursework is not difficult, since the knowledge is still fresh, and the demand for such services is high. You can find such orders using word of mouth; it is enough to complete several high-quality works for your friends. Also, such advertisements often appear on freelance exchanges.

How to earn money for a teenager or schoolchild

Which schoolchild does not dream of having personal funds, earned through their own labor? Today there are a large number different ways, with which you can get your first money. Most of them are easy to combine with schoolwork, since such activities do not take much time. If your goal is to make money without the Internet, then the options are as follows:

  • posting advertisements;
  • distribution of leaflets;
  • counselor;
  • promoter.

On city streets today, many young boys and girls hand out leaflets and flyers to passers-by. Large companies, stores, and jewelry stores hire people for this type of work. If you want to post advertisements, be prepared to walk around the city a lot.

Counselor or animator

For high school students who can easily find common language with children, you can get a job as a counselor at a school camp in the summer. In this case, working as an animator is also suitable. You'll have to dress up in costumes fairy tale characters and help the presenter entertain the kids at holidays, matinees, and birthdays.


If you choose this type of income, you need to participate in promotions, communicate with a large number of people and tell them about the advantages of a particular product, distribute leaflets, and product samples.

Promoters often have to wear special branded equipment and work on busy streets near metro stations and supermarkets, regardless of weather conditions.

It’s not difficult to make money for a beginner today on the Internet. Moreover, in this case, we will not consider options with investments. Among the popular ones we mention:

  • earnings from clicks;
  • on entering captcha;
  • browsing websites;
  • on reviews;
  • on the comments.

On captcha

We register on sites such as, and other similar ones, and then we begin to solve and enter captchas - letters or numbers from pictures. Such services are primarily in demand among webmasters who promote websites, as well as among spammers. On average, it takes about 7 seconds to enter one captcha, and therefore in a minute you can recognize about a dozen pictures.

When it comes to money, especially big money, it is difficult to think soberly. Rich people are perceived as a certain caste of possessors of secret knowledge that is inaccessible to others, the poor. The truth is that money does go to some and completely ignores others. But it is also true that there is no secret here. Just a few very clear rules that we will announce to everyone today.

Big money doesn't happen by accident

There are people who “love money.” Wherever they go, whatever they do, luck favors them. There are also those who work hard all their lives, but receive mere pennies. And there are those who, at the first sign of big earnings, abruptly hide into illness and problems, and the money falls through, as if into a bottomless pit.

Outwardly, it seems that life is simply playing with us, giving gifts to those who are already wealthy and depriving those who have little. In fact, this “luck and bad luck” is saturated and fueled by behavioral programs and attitudes. We adopt both from childhood, observing our parents, relatives, and immediate environment. We unconsciously repeat their money habits, turning into the living embodiment of the rule:Your income is equal to the arithmetic average of your 5 closest friends.

Stop for a second and calculate what the total is? Does she suit you? Or do you want to double/triple it? The first and most important financial rule is:

Making big money starts in your head

And this means - we turn on and start rebooting with new installations.

Earn big moneymatter of habit

Think about your lucky and unlucky friends. You've probably noticed that each of them has their own habits.

Believe in yourself. The first gift we received from our parents. Successful, happy, harmonious people inspire children by their example. Those who never managed to realize their potential, on the contrary: either convince their children that they will not succeed, or try to recoup their failures in life with their help. This is how lawyers who dream of being artists, doctors who dream of music and economists with a secret desire to write books appear. Will they become successful?

Desire to achieve a goal. Does this star attract you so much that you are willing to spend years on the path to it? Neither wealth, nor fame, nor the fulfillment of desires fall from the sky (except for certain cases with the inheritance of an American grandfather, and even then, you need to be able to manage this very inheritance). If the answer is yes, if the desire is truly yours, go to him. Because...

Desire is given to us only along with the strength to fulfill it

Planning. Did you know that 70% of people on the planet live for today? About 20% plan not for a week, even less for a month. And only 2% plan for 5, 10, 15 years ahead? And it isOh they come to the greatest success! So, if you really want to become rich, think about exactly how you are going to achieve this, what steps you will take and how long it will take you.

Perseverance. You can once again remember Thomas Edison with his light bulb or Henry Ford and his bankruptcy, but the fact remains this: if you really want something, you need to work for it. And move towards your dream every day, at least in small steps. If you are interested,how to earn more money, there is a simple recommendation - become a professional.

It is interesting that all of the above: faith, desire, planning and perseverance only work in strong conjunction with each other. The scheme is simple: Want - Believe that it will work out (imagine what has already happened) - Plan actions - Persistently move towards the goal. Not working? Check the circuit from the very beginning - do I want enough? Because the truth of a desire is the greatest miracle that helps to cast aside any doubts.

For whom is it easy to earn money?

The phrase “Big money can only be earned through hard work” is nothing more than a myth. However, believing him, we roll up our sleeves again and again and work hard. We analyze, plan, predict... And at the same time we come up with difficulties, traps and obstacles where there were none initially. And now we are dancing on hot coals, trying to successfully overcome the obstacles that we ourselves have created.

While a relaxed person, working without tension, unexpectedly achieves success, bypassing all obstacles as if they never existed. So maybe that's why? After all, not only is the law not written for such people, but fear is also unknown. Just remember the movie “Guys with Guns” (by the way, based on real events). After all, how much can be achieved by treating the most serious undertaking as if it were a game!

Money should also be taken lightly. This doesn't mean throwing things away. Don't focus all your attention on them. Don't crave, just know that they will be there - in any case. Because they are needed for your plans and daily needs. And this is important, because...

The more value we attach to something in our minds, the more difficult it is for us to achieve it.

This is how human nature works: valuable = difficult. This means it’s time to change your thinking. For example, to the attitude: “Everything valuable is given to me easily, because I deserve it.” Worthy of love, support, health and knowledgehow can you make a lot of money.

Rules for success in life and business

  • Everything is possible, except what is not. And what is not allowed - everyone determines for himself.

If you are looking ways to make a lot of money, you will definitely find them. Another thing is that not each of them will suit you for one reason or another: illegality, complexity, stereotypes. Decide for yourself what you can do for the sake of financial inflow, and what is taboo for you. And act within the limits of what you allow.

  • Ask and it will be given to you. Knock and it will be opened for you.

It is very difficult to succeed alone. It's like a long and difficult hike through mountains and passes. You will have a much better chance of reaching your goal alive and unharmed if you enlist support. If you accept a helping hand in time or ask for it yourself.

How often pride prevents us from moving forward! When it seems to us: he/she did not treat me with enough respect! They didn’t call me back, but I waited so long! I will never come here again! But the question is, who needs it more? If you do, then go for it again and again. The main thing is not to invent the result in advance, for “it will be done to you according to your faith.”

Patch the holes and move towards success

As we have already said, like attracts like: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. This is true for everything. So what to do if lately Have you suffered a setback or a series of bad luck? Firstly, take a break and step away from work for a while. You need to lick your wounds, patch up energy holes and attract minor successes in other matters.

Switch to something in which you are lucky (it could be a new hobby, meeting people, knitting, planting cucumbers in the dacha - anything), catch a wave of luck and then return to money matters. Because success or failure (including money) is a habit, like everything else.

Simple Money Exercises

1. Respect money, treat it carefully, but freely. Give easily so that new ones can come just as easily. Invest in your development (the more developed you are, the greater your self-confidence will be, as well as your belief in what you can achieve in the future).

2. Repeat daily and write in your subconscious the following attitude: “I have the right to the money of the world. I am part of the world and I am comfortable with its benefits.”

3. Change your social circle. This does not mean that you need to suddenly abandon friends and relatives. Find those whose example inspires you and try to become useful to them. Communicate, adopt their way of thinking and you will notice how your strategies towards money change.

4. Reduce the importance of money.Make big money quicklyThis is possible only if you are sure: there is a lot of money in the world and there will be enough for everyone. To do this, you need to feel the abundance around you, not be afraid to get money, stop focusing on income... Control your income in the background. Just know that the money will come, but don't covet it.

5. Make plans to increase your income by exactly the amount you can believe in: 20%, 50%, twice. The main condition is that you really believe that this is possible. Each of us has our own amount, and the growth of your income is directly proportional to how much you allow yourself: first in thoughts, and then in reality.

6. Find your own “placebo” that will add confidence to you: a diploma, a beautiful athletic body, healthy eating. It can be anything, as long as the implementation of your plan depends only on you. And you will know for sure: by doing this, I become more successful. This means that my time is worth more (by the way, have you already calculated the cost of your hour?).

Prosper and be happy!

Let's discuss this


Svetlana Sergeeva about the program "Strategy of Female Blossom"

I took responsibility for my life. I used to be a child, because... this made it possible to live through my childhood, because I became an adult and independent too early. I wanted to rest.

Thanks to Katya's advice, I learned relax and work in pleasure! Now knowing these states, I can consciously take upon myself responsibility!!!

I have built a solid foundation from understanding such important concepts like: trust in life, the ability to listen to your soul, level of self-esteem and fulfillment in life, awareness of your feminine value, full energy exchange. My living standards increased, I stopped making compromises with myself, I don’t adapt to others. Many new wonderful people have appeared in my life.

In the Blooming program, I was able to form a holistic picture of the world, develop and understand certain states.

I stopped “rewinding” my life and now enjoy the process. And I try to bring a piece of happiness into every day. “Strategy for female flourishing” is a “psychological SPA salon”, after which you feel pleasantly relaxed, bags of illusory responsibility are thrown off, and it becomes easier to breathe.
Thank you!

Lyudmila Mezentseva about the program "Strategy of Female Blossom"

Have you ever been to a Opera House? I've never been. But it feels like I’ve lived there all my life. I moved between the rows by touch, guided myself by the blurry silhouettes, there was something big and scary there, there was something smaller there, but still scary, but in this corner there seemed to be no draft. And just a month ago, the lamps gradually began to come on in my theater. I clearly saw orderly rows of chairs, boxes, an orchestra pit and... yes! The stage where I should show off in the spotlight! Now I can see the road clearly to her between the rows and thank Fate that it does not begin from the gallery.

The value of this insight is that I gained confidence in myself. It turned out that I did many things intuitively correctly, but chaotically, and therefore there was no desired result. When you do the exercises from the course, you are simply amazed at the results. One outcome seems obvious, but in fact something completely unexpected emerges. But it turns out to be the most necessary puzzle of the theater hall plan. And the value of the course for me is that I feel like a creator (or, more correctly, a creator) of myself, of my own life.

The first change happened even before taking the course. To purchase it, I had to borrow money. To pay off debt, look for new sources of income. So I significantly increased my budget. And with the course per day I started getting more things done than before.

And, miracle (!), I finally have Desires. Not “wants” (beautiful underwear, new wallpaper, three custard cakes), but Desires that require change for the better, develop your skills, discover new abilities in yourself.

But the most pleasant result was the result, which was not in my plans. Constantly thinking about the information I received during the course, I radically changed my attitude towards my child. Her behavior, which was inconvenient for me, stopped making me nervous. More and more often I concentrate on its merits. It seemed to me before that it was not I who decided to give birth to a daughter, but she decided to be born to me. Now I was 100% sure of this, and I simply felt immense gratitude to her for this. The payoff from this restructuring of oneself turned out to be incommensurably greater. The child sent a huge wave of love, obedience and even understanding of me. Although my daughter is only 5 years old. Now I hear all day and night how wonderful I am and beautiful mom how she loves me. Finally happiness settled in my house.

Anna Ponomarenko about the program "Strategy of Female Blossom"

I'm like after a cold shower))

I knew before that no one owed me anything, that gratitude was good, that it was stupid to demand that others see the world through my eyes. I knew that happiness was in our hands, but it sounded somehow abstract. Now everything has become tangible. I began to feel life to the point of trembling and appreciate every minute. And now my main task is to manage to be happy every day.

I stopped accumulating knowledge and started practicing. She changed her approach to men, money, and stopped blaming others for her failures. And, lo and behold! People with whom I was offended, etc. “change” in an amazing way.

Olga Golovina about the program "Strategy of Female Blossom"

Yesterday I finished listening to the course “Strategy of Flourishing” and briefly: I-LIVE. I am calm, I don’t get nervous over trifles, and I HAVE TIME TO NOTICE WHAT’S HAPPENING AROUND.

I noticed that I influence the people around me, they become nicer, kinder, more open, even if at first they were wound up in the BYAKI scenario. They seem to reach out to me, surprised, calm down, and I see they feel embarrassed for their previous behavior. Amazing feeling.

Thanks to everyone: Katenka Andreeva (amazing, cool, unique, our president and a real lady, just REAL - that in itself rare occurrence!!). Thank you to the Universe, God, the Universe for being who I am)))

And I’m not euphoric (as it might seem), no, I’m perfectly aware of everything that’s happening. And I think so main advantage completing the course.

Svetlana Opatskaya about the program "Strategy of Female Blossom"

I knew Ekaterina personally even before training. We attended various programs together personal growth. Her education, intellectuality, depth and sincerity attracted me back then.

Naturally, having learned that Catherine opened her own Women's online school, I immediately joined the process without thinking for a second. And I was not mistaken in making this decision.

Participation in the first session of the School helped me Unleash your hidden potential. Yesterday's problems turned into easily solvable issues, worries dissipated, and they were replaced by an amazing feeling of inner fullness, inspiration and desire to live and develop!

I would like to note that Ekaterina manages to create an environment at the School in which each participant feels very comfortable. The secret is that both the coach himself and the presenter take a sincere part in your destiny and show genuine interest in your questions and problems. Every participant is important to them! You can't help but fall in love with it!

For me personally, the Ekaterina Andreeva School is sip fresh air, this is exactly what I’ve been missing lately! Thank you!

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