House 2 in contact Buranov Oleg. Oleg Burkhanov latest news, rumors, gossip. Case of disappearance

Account: burhanov_official

Occupation: former member TV project “Dom-2”

Oleg Burkhanov Instagram interests more than 200 thousand subscribers. Oleg came to the project in 2014 with a girl several years older than himself. She had a child, but this did not scare the young man, and he wanted to achieve the girl’s love. However, it was not possible to build a relationship with her, but Oleg did not get upset. Funny handsome guy I was not used to being alone and quickly began to meet girls. Despite his youth, he is a very confident and charismatic young man.

The profile for the TV show Dom-2 claims that he is a native Muscovite, however, some sources report that Burkhanov is from Uzbekistan, and his real name is Aslan. It’s not so easy to understand who is right here, but Oleg definitely looks like a native of the south.

Instagram of Oleg Burkhanov like others social media is very active. He happily shares photos with his followers. Oleg Burkhanov Instagram photos are always filled with cheerfulness. In the photographs, Oleg looks very positive, smiling, and his eyes glow with joy. If he goes on any trip, he always takes a camera with him, and his fans can follow his adventures almost in real time. He loves parties and expensive cars. His girls are the most beautiful, and his cars are luxurious.

At heart the guy is a very romantic and vulnerable person. He is not shy about posting photos with his dog or pictures of him goofing around. At the same time, he established himself as an intelligent young man, he is not rude and does not snap even at the most unpleasant comments addressed to him.

Biography of Oleg Burkhanov

The biography of Oleg Burkhanov is of interest, first of all, to fans of House-2. He was born in 1994 in Moscow. Before joining this television project, he was actively involved in sports, studied and worked as a bar manager. After entering the reality show, Oleg Burkhanov’s biography was structured as follows:

  • November 22, 2014 - passed the casting and first appeared on the perimeter of the show “Dom-2”.
  • May 2015 – started dating Anastasia Kiushkina. The guys' relationship did not last long, and they broke up. Oleg still had fleeting romances, however, true love he never found it on the project.
  • February 11, 2016 – left the project.
  • Oleg spent 447 days on the project.

Oleg Burkhanov is a former participant in the notorious TV show "Dom-2". Age: 23 years old. There are many secrets and mysteries in his personality. For example, he claims to be a native Muscovite, although in fact he is a native of Uzbekistan. There are also rumors that his real name is Aslan Burkhanov, and he changed his name in order to hide the facts from his life before the project. Although it is also known that before participating, he worked part-time in a bar, doing management, went in for sports, and also studied at the correspondence faculty. He stayed on the project for two years, then left of his own free will.

Participation in a TV show

In November 2014, twenty-year-old Oleg Burkhanov came to Dom-2. From the very beginning of meeting other participants in the clearing, many girls show sympathy for him, but Oleg’s main goal becomes And this despite the age difference of 8 years, and the fact that Alena already has a child. Alena did not feel a strong attraction to him, and soon became completely carried away by another participant, so Oleg Burkhanov decided not to spoil her plans and even became friends with the couple. He felt comfortable in front of the cameras, joined the team and became one of the highest-rated participants that year.

Case of disappearance

Oleg Burkhanov, along with other participants, was invited to the wedding of Evgeny Rudnev and Liber Kpadonu. But after the wedding, without telling anyone, Oleg and his colleague on the project, Valera Blumenkvarts, disappeared for a whole week. Confused, the project leaders considered it necessary to kick them both out, but the guys brought the girls they spent that week with to the project. The management of the TV set decided to leave Oleg Burkhanov and his friend on the project.

WITH new girl again nothing worked out, but this did not upset Oleg at all. Having masculine beauty and a wonderful torso, he understood that he could easily find another mate.

Oleg Burkhanov’s next relationship was with Tatyana Okhulkova. Because of his wedding ex-boyfriend, Tatyana was very worried. Oleg supported her in every possible way, which earned her the girl’s favor. They became a couple and started living together. The relationship was ideal, as the guy tried very hard: he gave flowers, gifts, breakfast in bed and much more. But soon Oleg is left alone again, as Tatyana leaves him and leaves for the Seychelles. A noteworthy incident was when Oleg called Tanya “fat.” She decided never to sleep with him under the same roof again and moved to the women's bedroom. Soon the couple separated.

Then the time comes for a little affair with But due to the fact that the girl was going through a difficult breakup with Andrei Cherkasov, the affair with Oleg did not work out.

Some short period of time passes, the project comes new member— Annastasia Kiushkina. And then Oleg falls head over heels in love with her (at least as seen on the cameras). Better days are coming for him, as the new couple becomes the most talked about not only among the team, but also among the audience. The couple's rating is growing due to the fact that Burkhanov beautifully looks after the girl and defends his beloved in every possible way in front of others. At some point, the couple leaves for Uzbekistan so that Anastasia can meet the parents of her chosen one. And for the time being everything goes smoothly, but then fights, misunderstandings and gossip begin. Because of this, the rating of the couple Burkhanov and Kiushina is growing and growing. The guy, not embarrassed by the cameras, raises his hand to the girl, she cries and does not take any steps.

Soon Nastya begins to speak about the inadequacy of her chosen one, which greatly upsets the latter. They are thinking about marriage, but the wedding of Oleg Burkhanov and Anastasia Kiushkina is out of the question, since the guy does not have enough money to arrange for his beloved the wedding she wants. Quarrels and showdowns continue, one fine day Oleg cheats on his girlfriend. In a drunken state, he spends the night with Camila. Anastasia, due to her love for Oleg, forgives the betrayal, but then everything gets even worse. The guy beats her and humiliates her in every possible way. The couple heads to Love Island. There, a girl falls ill, but Oleg, instead of caring for his beloved, flirts with other girls. Soon Oleg voluntarily leaves the television set.

After the project

There were rumors that Anastasia and Oleg got together again outside the perimeter. But that's not true. New darling The young man's name is Alisa Ogorodova. This can be understood from joint photographs on social networks. The media have stopped following Oleg’s life, so it is not known for certain how real the relationship between the young people is.

Member name:

Age (birthday): 16.12.1994

Moscow city

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Oleg Burkhanov was born on December 16, 1994. Oleg is originally from Bukhara, Uzbekistan, although everywhere on social networks he indicates that he is a native Muscovite.

There is confusion and with his last name he indicates Burkhanov, but on the official website he is registered as Burkhanov.

Often such inconsistencies are intentionally made so that it is impossible to trace the history of the participant to the project.

Oleg came to the project when he was 20 years old, in November 2014. Before the project, he worked as a manager in a bar. He is interested in sports and practices jiu-jitsu, studies by correspondence at one of the capital's universities and writes poetry.

I came to Alena Ashmarina’s project. It didn’t stop him that the girl was 8 years older than him and the presence of a child, however, the relationship, for some reason, didn’t work out.

Then the guy turned his attention to Tatyana Okhulkova, who had recently broken up with Evgeny Rudnev.

They declared themselves a couple and moved into a separate room; at first, thanks to Oleg’s efforts, the relationship was almost perfect.

He prepared surprises for his chosen one, looked after her, brought breakfast in bed. Subsequently, Tatyana began to open up on the other side, discussed their relationship with her friends, talking about often far-fetched problems, and the couple broke up.

There was also an attempt to build a relationship with Victoria Romanets, but she was still in love with Andrei Cherkasov and nothing worked out for the guys.

There was also some adventure. Oleg and another participant went to a nightclub and spent the whole night with unfamiliar girls.

The producers did not like this very much and Oleg was asked to choose either to leave or to move into a room with one of the girls.

The couple lived under the same roof for some time, but this casual connection also did not result in a serious relationship.

In October, Oleg was offered to participate in the second season of House 2 Island of Love, he agreed.

After arriving at the reality show filming location, even before the start of the main project, he managed to ruin relationships with almost all the girls and they advocated his expulsion.

He was given an ultimatum and given three days to correct it, but already on the first day he managed to be rude and quarrel with the participants. And now it is not clear whether he will continue his participation or leave the project

Photo by Oleg

While participating in the project, Oleg was a popular participant, as he is a young, athletic guy and girls like him.

A twenty-year-old guy, Oleg Burkhanov, appeared on the television project House 2 in the fall of 2014. Very little is known about Oleg’s life outside the program. The young man himself said that he had already become familiar with the peculiarities of working in a bar. Judging by his excellent physique, he devotes a lot of time to sports. He writes good poetry. Now he is receiving higher education by correspondence.

Alena Ashmarina is the guy’s first crush on the TV project House 2. Actually, it was because of her that he came to the reality show. Despite the girl’s marriage and the presence of a small child, Oleg seriously hoped to win the beauty’s heart. However, Burkhanov failed to build love with Alena. What exactly caused the discord - the eight-year age difference or the girl’s reluctance to ruin an existing relationship with Ilya Grigorenko - could not be finally determined.

Oleg got into serious trouble after the wedding and... Deciding to continue the fun, Burkhanov, in the company of Valery Blumenkranz, went to one of the Moscow clubs. There, the young people quickly became acquainted with young ladies, with whom they spent the whole day outside the perimeter.

An unexpected surprise awaited them upon their return to the show - the organizers simply did not let them in. Later on frontal place the question of future fate guys and the possibility of continuing their participation in the program. Many household members spoke in favor of temporary disqualification of Valera and Oleg. However, the project leaders decided that the guys who had been partying all night with two unfamiliar girls and dragged them to the perimeter of House 2 should be punished with more severe measures! As a result, Burkhanov and Blumenkranz had to live in city apartments with completely unfamiliar new friends and build relationships with them. However, Oleg even liked this adventure, because by nature he is a kind and flexible guy who does not make any special demands on his companion. However, this affair serious relationship never outgrew it.

Almost immediately after this event, Tatyana Okhulkova, Zhenya Rudnev’s former passion, returned to the project. The girl was having a hard time breaking up with her former boyfriend and really needed some kind of help. the slightest support. Oleg Burkhanov’s attention turned out to be very helpful. The young man fell head over heels in love with Tanya, who did not reject his advances. The couple moved into a separate apartment on the perimeter.

Previously, Okhulkova had repeatedly expressed that she did not want to return to the project and live under the gun of television cameras. After meeting with Oleg, her opinion changed dramatically. However, the young man made every effort to do this - with gallant courtship, daily breakfasts and pleasant surprises.

However, the idyll did not last long, and, having thoroughly enjoyed the pleasant moments, the capricious girl began to show all the “charms” of her character. The guys began to quarrel over every trifle issue. So, taking Tatyana in his arms, Oleg joked that her body weight was too heavy for him. After these words, Okhulkova literally fell into hysterics. She told all her friends that Burkhanov had called her a “fat cow,” after which she went to spend the night in the women’s bedroom.

This relationship did not last long and the guys soon broke up. Then Oleg began an affair with Victoria Romanets, but it also did not last long - the connection between the fatal brunette and the brave officer Andrei Cherkasov turned out to be very strong.

Now Oleg Burkhanov is on the project as a single person and is waiting to meet the only one who will build love with him.

Account: burhanov_official

Occupation: former participant in the television project “Dom-2”

Oleg Burkhanov Instagram interests more than 200 thousand subscribers. Oleg came to the project in 2014 with a girl several years older than himself. She had a child, but this did not frighten the young man, and he wanted to achieve the girl’s love. However, it was not possible to build a relationship with her, but Oleg did not get upset. The cheerful, handsome guy was not used to being alone and quickly began to meet girls. Despite his youth, he is a very confident and charismatic young man.

The profile for the TV show Dom-2 claims that he is a native Muscovite, however, some sources report that Burkhanov is from Uzbekistan, and his real name is Aslan. It’s not so easy to understand who is right here, but Oleg definitely looks like a native of the south.

Oleg Burkhanov’s Instagram, like other social networks, is very active. He happily shares photos with his followers. Oleg Burkhanov Instagram photos are always filled with cheerfulness. In the photographs, Oleg looks very positive, smiling, and his eyes glow with joy. If he goes on any trip, he always takes a camera with him, and his fans can follow his adventures almost in real time. He loves parties and expensive cars. His girls are the most beautiful, and his cars are luxurious.

At heart the guy is a very romantic and vulnerable person. He is not shy about posting photos with his dog or pictures of him goofing around. At the same time, he has established himself as an intelligent young man; he is not rude or snaps at even the most unpleasant comments addressed to him.

Biography of Oleg Burkhanov

The biography of Oleg Burkhanov is of interest, first of all, to fans of House-2. He was born in 1994 in Moscow. Before joining this television project, he was actively involved in sports, studied and worked as a bar manager. After entering the reality show, Oleg Burkhanov’s biography was structured as follows:

  • November 22, 2014 - passed the casting and first appeared on the perimeter of the show “Dom-2”.
  • May 2015 – started dating Anastasia Kiushkina. The guys' relationship did not last long, and they broke up. Oleg still had fleeting romances, however, he never found true love on the project.
  • February 11, 2016 – left the project.
  • Oleg spent 447 days on the project.