The state allocates money to start a business. What will this money be enough for and what can you do with it? Non-state support for small businesses

Funds for starting your own business can be obtained as part of the state program to support small businesses through the employment center (PEC). The institution provides a free subsidy in the amount of 59,000 rubles. The state is interested in providing this kind of subsidies, since these support measures reduce the unemployment rate and increase tax revenues to the state budget.

Requirements for the recipient of the subsidy

Citizens who:

  • have reached the age of majority;
  • do not have a job and are registered with the employment center;
  • more than 1 month cannot find employment through the employment center due to the lack of suitable work.

In addition, there are a number of restrictions. The following will not be able to receive a subsidy:

  • women on maternity leave;
  • citizens under 18 years of age;
  • pensioners who retired due to age;
  • full-time students;
  • employed citizens;
  • existing individual entrepreneurs and citizens who have registered an LLC. At the same time, you can take advantage of state support even after the closure of the business, but not earlier than six months after the date of liquidation;
  • citizens dismissed from work by court decision or convicted;
  • some military personnel;
  • persons who were dismissed from work for repeated violations of labor regulations;
  • persons who are registered with the employment center, but refused two or more offered jobs within 10 days from the date of registration;
  • persons who regularly violate the requirements of the employment service.

The procedure for obtaining subsidies for starting your own business

The amount of the subsidy provided is 59,000 rubles. To get help and start a business, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Register as unemployed and apply for unemployment benefits at the employment center.
  2. Get advice from a CZN employee on providing a subsidy.
  3. Submit a statement of intent to start your own business.
  4. Get tested.
  5. Prepare a business plan for a future enterprise.
  6. Submit a developed business plan and an application for a subsidy to the Central Planning Commission. Based on the results of its inspection, a special commission will decide on the possibility of providing money to open a business. It is finally accepted by the director of the institution based on the commission’s findings within no more than ten working days.
  7. Conclude an agreement on the transfer of funds if the commission makes a positive decision.
  8. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  9. Provide business registration documents and reports on all expenses that were made using government-provided funds to the employment center.

Drawing up a business plan

The purpose of a business plan is to describe the products that the enterprise intends to produce or the services that it plans to provide. It is also worth noting necessary equipment, availability of employees and their number, methods of selling goods or services. And also calculate the expected profitability of the future enterprise.

You can draw up a business plan yourself or entrust this work to specialists. At self-training The document should take into account the main points that the commission draws attention to:

  • First of all, employment center specialists will evaluate the originality and innovativeness of the business idea. Non-standard ideas are given preference.
  • Profitability of future business.
  • Jobs created. Business project that involves employment employees, will be a priority, since the main task of the employment center is to employ the unemployed.
  • Availability of initial capital. Subsidies are provided only when beginning entrepreneurs invest their own funds. In this case, personal finance should be attracted 2-3 times more than the funds provided. Otherwise, the subsidy will most likely be denied.
  • Expense items. It is recommended to indicate in the business plan all the expense items on which the subsidy funds are planned to be spent. At the same time, it is better to indicate the purchase of basic items as expense items. material resources, for example, furniture, appliances, transport. You should not spend these funds on advertising or renting premises.

After drawing up a business plan, the central control center should be notified about this. The commission will set a day for its presentation and defense. During the defense of the project, it is worthwhile to dwell in detail on each of the points of the plan. This will show your interest in implementing the business idea. It is also worth preparing for possible questions from committee members. These may be issues related to the choice of taxation regime or plans to differentiate from competitors.

A well-written business plan that describes original idea, will allow you to receive a subsidy to start your own business. As a rule, for such projects, employees of employment centers more often make a positive decision to provide support.

Required documents

Registration of state support for starting a business is carried out upon submission of a set of documents. It includes:

  • Internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a mandatory registration mark. Both the original and copies of the document are provided.
  • Employment history. You will also need an original and a copy.
  • SNILS.
  • Individual taxpayer number (TIN).
  • Help with last place work on income for the last three months.
  • Education document.

Other documents may also be required, which will be reported by an employment center employee.

Registering a business after making a positive decision

After the business plan has been reviewed by the commission and a positive decision has been made to provide government subsidy You can proceed to registering your own small business. Just like with a business plan, you can do everything yourself or entrust the work to an outsourcing company specializing in these

The crisis has done its job - the crisis can go away. During the global recession, there were mass bankruptcies, but those companies that survived the storm emerged stronger. It is a fact. And for many others, the economic crisis provided another chance - in 2009, the Government finally paid attention to the problems of small businesses. And they began to actively help him, although, naturally, for the purpose of charity. Which? Many economists believe that it is the growth in the number of small companies and private entrepreneurs that contributes to the speedy exit of the economy from recession. Why? Yes, because they can repurpose their activities in a short time and at low cost and even hire a couple of unemployed people fired from large enterprises. Hence - economic and social stability, so necessary for any country. But what forms of support does the Government offer in return for all these dividends? How can aspiring entrepreneurs get a grant to start or promote their business?

$2000 per hand

The state has launched several major programs to support small businesses. And there is nothing strange in the fact that the most widespread of them was invented in the Ministry of Health and social development. They decided to forge new business personnel from the 2 million unemployed people registered with regional employment services. Indeed, what if it’s full of people who, for ideological reasons, don’t want to “work for their uncle”, but don’t have the capital to open their own “candle factory”? Moreover, such a thought, I bet, has visited many employees more than once. And finally, in a crisis, for many laid-off workers, their job is real chance earn a living using your own skills and abilities. The crisis gave such people a chance, or rather, a “magic kick-off”. But in order to carry out what is planned, desire alone is not enough; you need to go through a serious selection process at the employment authorities. But first things first.

A citizen claiming a proud title individual entrepreneur or even the founder of the Company with limited liability, must be recognized as officially unemployed. And to do this, you need to collect a dozen papers from your previous job (any department of the employment service will provide you with an exact list). After this, at the labor exchange you will be required to open an account with Sberbank, to which unemployment benefits will be transferred, and if successful, a subsidy for starting your own business. Now the queues at the employment service have decreased, but in the spring of last year, many hours (or even many days) of standing in queues were added to all the paperwork. In any case, the registration process may take up to two weeks.

Those who want to become businessmen undergo a psychological test at the employment service to determine their “inclination” towards entrepreneurship. Already at this stage, most candidates are eliminated. Labor exchange employees do not reveal the secrets of the test, but they say that it checks factors such as initiative, mathematical and creative abilities of candidates, as well as a tendency to manage people. After this stage has been completed, the lucky ones are sent to training courses on the basics of entrepreneurship, where, in particular, they will be explained how to correctly draw up a business plan.

This is probably the most important part of the epic of receiving subsidies. An aspiring entrepreneur must write a business plan so that the commission, which usually includes city hall officials and representatives of the employment service, believes that the young entrepreneur has a chance of survival in the cruel world of business. And most importantly, a novice businessman must write down in detail the cost estimate, that is, what he will spend the subsidy on. Of course, it is not necessary to thoroughly work out a business plan. If the commission likes the project, the labor exchange promises to help bring it to fruition. All this preface may take one to two months.

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Who won't get money for business?

Not every entrepreneur can get money to start their own business. And it’s not even a matter of the charisma of the unemployed or the subjectivity of officials, although these factors certainly play their role. According to the law, subsidies are not provided to those who produce alcoholic beverages or cigarettes, are engaged in financial activities or operations with real estate. In addition, those who rent out machines and equipment without an operator or rent household products and personal items will not be able to receive help from the authorities. Create at public expense public association It's also not possible. And naturally, financial assistance will not be provided to those who do not have Russian citizenship.

Next is a matter of technology. The employment service will help you prepare documents for registering your company with the tax office and pay all expenses. The only catch is that you will have to spend your personal savings first. The state will return this money only upon presentation of all documents and receipts. In total, the entrepreneur will be reimbursed for both the costs of state fees and notary services, as well as the money spent on purchasing blank documentation, as well as seals and stamps will be produced free of charge.

And only after that the due money will be transferred to the bank account of yesterday’s unemployed. According to the Government's anti-crisis plan, every unemployed person who wants to open his own business can receive 12 maximum monthly benefits as a subsidy from the state. This is 58.8 thousand rubles. Nevertheless local authorities in some regions they add part of the money from themselves. For example, the Moscow government gives unemployed people another 70 thousand rubles when they start a business.

Within three months after receiving the subsidy, the entrepreneur must account for the money spent and provide documents to the employment center that confirm the money spent on the business. If it turns out that the money was spent for other purposes (for example, not on the purchase of building materials, but on diamonds for the wife), then the entire subsidy will have to be returned to the treasury.

Results of the program

According to Deputy Head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Maxim Topilin, more than 55 thousand unemployed people across Russia have opened their own businesses thanks to government assistance. Aspiring entrepreneurs have implemented a variety of ideas. It turned out that in the regions, even the rather modest money allocated by employment services is enough to open a business.

For example, in the Ivanovo region, two girls opened a small workshop for sewing pillowcases and sheets. They supply their products to several wholesale outlets in city markets. In the Oryol region, entrepreneurs received subsidies to open ateliers, hairdressers, shoe repair shops, legal agencies, and taxi services. In the Yaroslavl region, some former unemployed people are now engaged in beekeeping and making souvenirs.

“I decided to open my own company for installation and finishing work,” says Vladimir businessman Andrei Sviridov (before the crisis he worked in Moscow, but last winter all construction projects in the capital stopped and all workers were sent home). - I already had most of the tools. All that remains is to buy a hammer drill and a stepladder, and then place an ad in the newspaper. At first there weren’t many orders, but now things seem to be going well.”

The Altai Territory also showed interest in the program. Formerly unemployed Oksana Kiseleva took up trading. With the subsidy she received, she purchased a refrigerated display case for sausages. And her “colleague” Marina Nazarenko took up sewing and repairing clothes.

However, it is not without problems. Many job seekers are faced with the fact that the employment service does not give money.

"I wanted to open my own small business- make various designer accessories for the home, says Anastasia Smirnova from the Yaroslavl region. - But the local employment service told me that they only support socially significant businesses: they say, hairdressers, laundries and shoe repair shops are welcome, and my project is pampering. But I wanted to create several jobs...”

In 2010, the Ministry of Health and Social Development promises to allocate even more funds to support small businesses, as well as optimize the procedure for receiving them. So, if an entrepreneur hires three unemployed people for a newly opened enterprise, he will receive not 60, but 240 thousand rubles (that is, for himself and for three employees).

Opened a case? Move on!

60 thousand rubles is only the initial assistance that you can apply for. Then you can safely ask for another grant from another department - the Ministry economic development. Depending on the region, you can receive from 100 to 400 thousand rubles under this program. Financial assistance is provided through funds for promoting the development of small businesses (they exist in almost every subject of the Federation).

The main requirement is that an entrepreneur must register his company, but work for no more than one year, only in this case he is considered a beginner. These conditions are quite justified in the current conditions, because banks issue loans only to those who have worked for at least a year. Organizations whose founders are legal entities, as well as those who, even in a short period of existence, have already had problems with tax and other inspection authorities will not receive money from the state. And finally, the annual revenue of the enterprise should not exceed 400 million rubles. To tell the truth, this point is clearly superfluous - there is no point in asking for a subsidy for such a resourceful enterprise.

The application review process may take up to three weeks. If approved, the money will be transferred to the entrepreneur’s bank account. Rates and program conditions vary in each region. For example, in St. Petersburg an entrepreneur must contribute 30% of the amount of the proposed investment (at least 90 thousand rubles), in Bashkortostan - 25% (100 thousand rubles), and in the Ulyanovsk region 10% is enough own investments(30 thousand rubles). The most harsh conditions programs in Moscow - 50%. Anyone starting a business in the capital will have to find, in addition to the state 300 thousand rubles, another 300 thousand of their own savings.

“The main principle for selecting projects in all regions is their social significance and real opportunities for payback,” explained the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development. “We don’t just give money to anyone.” The entrepreneur needs to prove that he will not go bankrupt in a couple of months, but will steadily replenish the region’s budget with his tax payments.”

You can spend the money on almost anything: furniture, new equipment, renting premises, and even employee salaries. The main thing is to prove to the commission that this is really necessary for the business. For example, Ilya Chernetsky from St. Petersburg opened a laundry with the money he received. The expenses were distributed as follows: government money went to purchase equipment and consumables, and with his own savings he rented premises in one of the residential areas of the city. And the Meshcheryakovs from Ufa opened their own driving school and bought new simulators with a grant.

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Who is easier to get a grant?

  • Those who are registered as unemployed;
  • workers of enterprises under threat mass layoffs;
  • graduates of schools and universities;
  • entrepreneurs from distant areas of the region;
  • those who are under 30 years of age.

The big advantage of the money that the authorities give out through the Ministry of Economic Development is that you don’t have to give it back. According to officials, the money will in any case return to the budget in the form of tax revenues from the new legal entity. But in return, the entrepreneur must account for the use of every penny and strictly adhere to the business plan approved by the commission.

They will check what the subsidy is used for on a quarterly basis; this is stipulated in the contract. And the grant recipient must submit to the government agency every three months all the information on how his business plan is being implemented. Government money can be demanded back into the budget within ten days if the funds were spent inappropriately.

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What should be in the grant applicant's package of documents:

  1. application for a subsidy in the prescribed form;
  2. business plan - a document defining the composition, content, financial and economic parameters (including a comparative assessment of costs and results, efficiency of use, return on investment for the project), technologies, methods, timing and features of the implementation of project activities;
  3. costings;
  4. documents (information) confirming the availability of production and other premises necessary for the implementation of the project (if any);
  5. list of creditors and debtors with a breakdown of receivables and payables (if any);
  6. copies of existing contracts (agreements) and draft contracts (agreements) necessary for the implementation of the project (if available);
  7. copies of licenses and permits required for the implementation of the project (if any);
  8. copies of documents on the appointment of the head and chief accountant of the organization (if available);
  9. application form for an individual entrepreneur or head of a legal entity;
  10. certificate of availability and status of bank accounts;
  11. copies constituent documents(if any);
  12. copies of extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  13. copies of the certificate of registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  14. reference tax authority as of the last reporting date about the absence of a small business entity having overdue debts on tax and other obligatory payments to the budget system Russian Federation;
  15. a copy of the document confirming that the small business entity has completed short-term business training.

In 2010, the Ministry of Economic Development decided to reduce the volume of the program. Instead of 18.5 billion rubles allocated in 2009, in 2010 only 11 billion rubles will go to help start-up entrepreneurs, that is, 40% less. The reason is that in 9 months the regions spent only 10 billion rubles. Officials explain this by the lack of projects suitable for subsidization. The selection criteria will change slightly in 2010.

“It is necessary to look for new tools aimed at supporting innovation in small businesses,” says Natalya Larionova, Deputy Director of the Department for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development. “It is planned to create an export agency that will help small and medium-sized businesses enter international markets, and a seed investment fund with a total volume of 2 billion rubles, created by the Russian Venture Company, will be launched.”

According to Larionova, this fund will be able to offer up to 75% of financing, and 25% will have to be contributed by the entrepreneur or investor himself. In addition, Russia is intensifying the construction of so-called technology parks in order to increase the share of innovation in the small business sector. Now, only every tenth company in Russia can be considered innovative, according to the Ministry of Economic Development.

And today I will talk about where to get money for a business, whether it is possible to build a business without investments, and also what methods I had to use at one time.

Business is the dream of many motivated and advanced people. The times of the USSR with its extremely “anti-entrepreneurial” ideology have already passed, and now anyone can open their own business. Theoretically, this is true, but not every person has the necessary start-up capital in order to do business. This begs the question: where can I get the amount needed to start my own business? This article will be devoted to this issue.

Many modern entrepreneurs who do not have the money to implement a classic business project, find ways to build a business without investment. However, they usually don’t call themselves entrepreneurs for long, because for any worthwhile project they need material costs, without them he is doomed to failure. I say this now from personal experience, because at one time I also tried to open my own business without investing a penny in it. I also know many former colleagues who, like me, failed precisely because of the lack of capital. As a rule, a business without investments has 2 options for completion:

  1. The entrepreneur fails, realizing his complete helplessness in the competition. This option is the most common and happens perhaps in more than 90% of cases.
  2. The entrepreneur still achieves success, but his income does not exceed average salary an employee of a large company, which means that he cannot be called a full businessman. As a rule, a person works independently, providing some services himself (computer technicians on call, private plumbers, repairmen, shoemakers, etc.)

Thus, a promising business without investments is a utopia, and if you really decide to start your own business and become wealthy, you need to look for ways to get money for a business, and not how to build a business without money.

Money for business: 5 ways to get start-up capital!

So, we found out that to build profitable business investments are needed, but again we return to the age-old question of novice startups - where to get this money? Not every businessman is born into a rich family; some even lived below the poverty line in childhood. But this doesn't mean they can't succeed! Now I will name as many as 5 ways to attract capital to your business, which I either know personally or through the example of my colleagues.

Method number 1: Earn money yourself!

I'll start with the option that I think is the best. Indeed, what could be better than earning the necessary start-up capital yourself? At the same time, you do not impose any obligations on yourself, as in the case of a loan, you are not forced to give part of the company’s profits to the investor, you do not need to sell your own property or risk the integrity of the company by building a business in partnership. Another question is where exactly can you make money?

In fact, there are plenty of ways. You can build a less expensive and quickly paying off business, you can go freelance, find profitable ways to invest money, or simply save up the necessary amount. But all this took too long, and when I personally encountered such a problem (I needed a lot of money for global business expansion), I had to look for other options.

And I found such options. I won’t beat around the bush, now we’ll talk about making money on financial exchanges. This is the method that many modern American tycoons used to earn start-up capital on the stock exchange. Now there are also a lot of opportunities to make money. On the stock exchange, due to the relative stability of the stock price, it will not be possible to get more than 10-15% per month, but there are more profitable options. One of them, which I am familiar with from my own experience, is the options exchange. This option is described in more detail in the article, but now I’ll briefly describe what you need to succeed on the stock exchange. But first, I recommend watching the video of my mentor:

So, an options exchange is innovative way earnings, where it is quite possible to get start-up capital for a business. But don’t assume that everything is so simple here! To succeed, you need to undergo good training, learn all the necessary nuances and become a competent trader. Only after this is it possible to earn a stable income. So, to make money on the stock exchange you will need:

  1. Register with a reliable broker. A broker is a company with which you will trade; its reliability determines whether you will receive up-to-date quotes and whether you will be able to withdraw profits. Personally, I trade with the advice of an experienced trader. You can read his review at the link above.
  2. Find out basic information about the exchange. This includes trading terms, simple analysis techniques, and key concepts. You need all this in order to understand trading at a basic level and understand more professional material. Required information in convenient form contained on the portal, it was here that I myself studied at one time.
  3. Learn strategy. The strategy determines how effectively you will predict the direction of the price. In fact, your strategy is more than half the success in making money on the stock market. Personally, I currently trade two: “Exact Entry” and “Option Scalper”.

Earning start-up capital on the stock exchange is, perhaps, best way of all that I know to date. It’s not for nothing that such great people as Larry Williams, John Arnold and others used it in their time. Moreover, there are many financial exchanges in our world; the options exchange is only one of them, in my opinion, the most convenient. Despite the fact that the principle of operation is different everywhere, the essence is the same - to correctly predict the direction of the price, which is quite possible to do if you trade according to a professional strategy.

Method number 2: Take out a loan!

It would seem that this is the simplest option, which is used quite often. You can take out a loan from a bank, open your own business, and then pay it back with profits. But here two problems immediately arise:

  1. Not everyone is given loans. If you do not have a stable source of income, it is unlikely that the bank will look at the fact that you want to open a business that may generate income in the future.
  2. Loans must be repaid. And with interest! You cannot be 100% sure that your business project will be successful. If you miscalculate, you will find yourself in a place popularly called a debt hole, from which it will take a long time to get out.

Personally, I am not a supporter of loans, so I do not recommend using this method if there are other options available.

Method number 3: Attract investment!

At one time, when I was just starting my career as an entrepreneur, I used exactly this method. The idea is that you offer a wealthy person to invest the required amount in your business, and in return receive a share in future profits. In this case, you do not need to return the money even if the business “burns out”. But there are also 2 problems here:

  1. Finding an investor is extremely difficult. Not every person is ready to invest in your business without knowing you personally. You either have to convince him of the benefits of such an investment, or find an investor among your friends who is more loyal to you. Personally, it took me more than a year to find investments.
  2. You'll have to give part of it to the company. For an entrepreneur, this is an extremely serious step, because he loses a large part of future profits. It's good if you have at least 50% left, but in many cases investors demand significantly more. Personally, I had to give all 75%.

This method is quite promising, despite all its shortcomings. If you can find someone willing to invest in your business, you will have a real opportunity to succeed. However, given my experience today, I can say that there are more promising options, so I recommend reading this article to the end.

Method No. 4: Business in partnership!

If you have at least 1/10 of the total amount needed for the business, you can team up with friends and try to build a business in partnership. Roughly speaking, you can chip in for the company, distribute responsibilities and shares in profits among yourself. In general, the idea may seem pretty good, but...

But in reality, business in partnership is not much better business without investment. Even if the partners are friends, the likelihood of contradictions arising between them is extremely high. I had to realize this fact personal experience when, together with my classmates, I tried to build my own company. Some will want to be a leader, while others will not like it, some will work more, some will work less, some will have the same views on the future of the company, while others will have the opposite. Any of these circumstances can cause the collapse of the company. In principle, it is possible to build a partnership business, but only if there are no more than 3 partners, and even in this case, it is a big risk. It is necessary to stipulate from the very beginning who in the group will be the leader and who will have the last word.

Method number 5: Selling property!

Sometimes it happens that a person has an extra apartment, car, antiques or securities. All this can be sold as unnecessary, and the money received can be used to create a business. However, it seems to me that if you are interested in the question of money for business, then you do not have unnecessary things, through the sale of which you can open your own business.

Do not pawn or sell items that are valuable to you under any circumstances. family heirlooms etc. property to get the opportunity to build a business. Any startup is primarily a risk, so you shouldn’t risk what you can’t afford to lose. There are much more attractive ways to attract money to business.

A few details about myself!

And now, perhaps, I’ll briefly tell you what I personally do and why this topic is so close to me. My name is Vlad Novikov, I am a businessman, I own a share in a small travel agency. From the very beginning of my entrepreneurial career to this day, I have been striving to develop my company, increasing its turnover and profit. But at a certain stage I encountered difficulties: without additional investments, to raise the company to new level It’s impossible, there are too many competitors of the same type and it’s extremely difficult to enter big business.

Thus, I needed money for business, and considerable money - a million dollars. I couldn’t earn this amount from an existing business, I couldn’t find an investor who would provide me with that kind of capital, and there’s no need to talk about a loan. It was then that I began to thoroughly study the possibilities of making money on financial exchanges, and a little later I made a choice in favor of the options exchange.

How to get money for a business quickly and competently?

I can confidently consider exchange earnings to be the best option for this. Here you can as soon as possible receive the required amount, up to a million dollars. It’s unlikely that you’ll get more, the broker’s capital is also not unlimited, but this amount should be quite enough to open your own business.

Pay special attention to the fact that although making money on the stock exchange is available to almost everyone, only a trained person can make money here. No, you do not have to initially have any inclinations or experience in the financial sector, but you need to learn how to trade. So, you will need the following:

  1. Basic information, knowledge of trading terms, key trading principles.
  2. A trading strategy, which is a set of rules that you apply while working.
  3. Reliable broker, i.e. a company that mediates between you and the exchange. Personally, on the recommendation of an experienced trader, I work with

At one time, I was trained on the trading portal, the creator and main author of which is an active trader with 5 years of experience in options trading - Viktor Samoilov. The portal contains a lot of information on financial exchanges, starting with strategies and ending with the subtleties and secrets of trading. If you seriously decide to take up this activity, I recommend that you undergo training here.

Let's sum it up!

So, as it turned out, finding money for a business is more than possible, and today you learned as many as 5 ways on how to do this. Choose any of them and start active work. Don’t stop at every failure, difficulties only strengthen a true entrepreneur!

Best regards, Vlad Novikov!

One of the key areas in the development of the Russian economy is supporting small businesses. On this moment There are several programs in operation, the implementation of which is closely monitored by the government. You will learn how to receive money for business from the state free of charge in 2018 from this article.

Reasons for reducing small business assistance programs

Due to the difficult economic situation in our country, federal subsidies to small businesses from the state were significantly reduced in 2018. According to information received from representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development, the 2018 budget includes only 11 billion rubles for these purposes, given that in 2014 the government allocated 20 billion rubles to support small businesses, and in 2015 - almost 17 billion rubles. In order to rationally distribute funds between all subjects of our country, special competitive procedures will be carried out.

Since volumes financial support have been significantly reduced, regions will have to determine on their own priority areas activities that require government funding. That is, the funds will be directed to the most important areas of the economy, such as trade, Agriculture, as well as utilities and household services. It is also worth special mentioning innovation activities and implementation social projects. Therefore, before choosing a direction of activity, you need to find out. After this, you can safely make your final decision.

Despite all these changes, every entrepreneur has the right to count on subsidies for small businesses from the state. It's regulated Federal law No. 209-F3, as well as relevant regulations. Different support programs differ in budget, validity period and conditions for issuing funds. In all regions of the country, special bodies have been created that are responsible for the implementation of these programs. Their full list presented on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development.

Types of government assistance

In 2018, small businesses can count on the following types of support:

  1. Information assistance and consulting (various free seminars, training courses, as well as preparation of special training materials);
  2. Infrastructure support (small business development funds, business incubators, etc.);
  3. Fairs and exhibitions (provision of exhibition equipment, as well as the right to free participation in such events);
  4. Registration of licenses, various permitting documents and accounting support;
  5. Promotion of innovative developments;
  6. Financial assistance (subsidies, benefits and grants).

Non-governmental organizations can also provide assistance to small businesses. But entrepreneurs are most often interested in how to get money for small business development from the state in 2018, although much more funds are allocated from the budget for other types of support than for financial assistance. Let's look at the types of assistance that these organizations provide in more detail.

Grants for small business development

This is a free subsidy from the state for starting a business. The demand for such programs significantly exceeds the supply, so you will have to work hard to get a grant. But it’s worth it, because 300–500 thousand rubles is excellent support for any beginning entrepreneur.

To receive money from the state to open a business in 2018, you need to take part in a competition. Grants may also be awarded to various charitable or investment funds and other organizations. Choose only those projects that relate to your field of activity, otherwise participation in the competition will be pointless.

What documents will be needed for this? First of all, you must register.

After this, you need to collect the following documents:

  • Application;
  • A completed application form;
  • Copy of the passport;
  • Diploma of higher education(if available);
  • Copies of constituent documentation;
  • Registration certificate;
  • Documents confirming the right to premises.

It should be remembered that the package of documents may change, so before each competition you need to clarify this information.

Subsidies for start-up entrepreneurs

If no more than 2 years have passed since the registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, the entrepreneur falls into the category of beginners, and therefore can safely apply for a subsidy from the state for the development of small businesses. The maximum amount that can be received as support is 500 thousand rubles.

Package of documents:

  1. Application;
  2. Feasibility study of the project;
  3. Business plan;
  4. Copy of certificate of state registration;
  5. Order on the appointment of a director and chief accountant;
  6. Personal profile of the manager;
  7. Certificate from the bank about the status of accounts;
  8. Copies of statutory documents;
  9. Financial results report for the last year.

It is important to know that financial assistance is provided subject to co-financing of expenses. That is, you must invest at least 50% of your own funds into the total project budget.

The received subsidy can be used for the following purposes:

  • Purchase of machinery and equipment;
  • Organization of new jobs;
  • Purchase of raw materials;
  • Renting premises.

All expenses must be documented. The selection of applications for business subsidies from the state is carried out during the year at least once every two months. In case of misuse of funds, the entrepreneur is obliged to return them in full to the budget.

Non-repayable state subsidies for the development of small businesses are issued to entrepreneurs and for the purchase of fixed assets. The state pays 50-90% of the cost of assets totaling no more than 10 million rubles.

Financial assistance for self-employment

This subsidy from the state for starting a business is provided to unemployed citizens who are officially registered with the employment center. It corresponds to the size of the annual unemployment benefit, that is, 58.8 thousand rubles. If you give jobs to people who have official unemployed status, you will receive the same amount for each employed person.

Let's take a closer look at how to get a business subsidy from the state:

  • Make a competent business plan;
  • Officially register an individual entrepreneur;
  • Receive funds;
  • Draw up a report and attach documentary evidence of the intended use of funds.

So, you have made your decision and are ready to open your own business.

Where to begin?

First of all, collect information about the requirements that the employment center imposes on applicants. You also need to find out what government programs to support small businesses are in place in your region. Such information can be found on the official website of the city administration or at the employment center. You should also consult with an experienced attorney regarding this matter.

To receive a subsidy, you will have to spend a lot of time going through bureaucratic authorities. The most important thing is to objectively assess your capabilities and set realistic goals. Reflect all this in your business plan. Start working on this document before you quit your day job. If you cannot decide, seek help from specialists who will indicate the most promising and profitable areas of activity.

To obtain unemployed status, you will need the following documents:

  • Passport;
  • Diploma or certificate;
  • Employment history;
  • Application for opening a bank account.

After this, you should fill out an application form in which you confirm your desire to become an entrepreneur and undergo special testing.

Next, there's another one to come important stage– this is the protection of the business plan. It resembles an exam at school or university. The effectiveness of your project will be assessed by a special commission. If an entrepreneur knows for sure, his business plan will look realistic and will most likely convince the commission members that there will be no problems with its implementation.

After defense, you can write an application for financial assistance. It should be accompanied by a business plan and all necessary documents. If the commission approves the project, you will be informed that you need to sign an agreement. Next, you can register as an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. Final stage– presentation of documents on state registration to the employment center. They must be accompanied by receipts for payment of duties. After this, 58.8 thousand rubles will be credited to your bank account. Do not forget that this money can only be spent for its intended purpose. Of course, this amount is not enough to open a business, but it will be a reliable help for any aspiring businessman.

Methods for reimbursing interest on a loan

Another option on how to get money from the state for business development in 2018 is to seek reimbursement of interest on loans. Part of the interest accrued on loans for the purchase of machinery or special equipment can be compensated from the state budget in the amount of 1/3 or 2/3 of the total rate. Money is paid if there are documents confirming the payment of loan installments.

Only those enterprises that are engaged in the production of excisable goods, as well as their sale or mining of minerals, cannot receive such compensation. These are the areas


Hello! In this article we will talk about how to get a loan for a small business from the state.

Today you will learn:

  1. What types of government loans exist for businesses?
  2. Who can receive government support?
  3. Which authorities should I contact for help?
  4. What documents need to be collected?

The government offers an alternative - state support for small businesses. But before you turn to the authorities for help, you should understand what type of government loan will be optimal for you - that’s where we’ll start.

Types of loans from the state for business

In 2017, the government actively supports start-up entrepreneurs and provides assistance in the form of such forms of material support as:

  • Small business microfinance;
  • Guarantee from the state;
  • (free loan);
  • Compensation payments;
  • Tax relief.

Now we will look at each type state support small and medium-sized businesses separately.

Small business microfinance

Each region of the Russian Federation has a microcredit fund for small and medium-sized businesses. It is he who facilitates the issuance of borrowed funds to entrepreneurs on a preferential basis.

Lending conditions are different in each region. A significant advantage of this type of lending is its accessibility: money is provided regardless of the area of ​​employment.

There are only some restrictions that are determined by each region independently. For example, for Moscow this is a limit on the amount of a loan to a young entrepreneur.

Average conditions for obtaining a preferential loan:

  • or physical () in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation in which the loan will be received;
  • From 50 thousand to 1.5 million rubles (restrictions may be imposed on the amount depending on the area of ​​activity of the organization);
  • The interest rate of a preferential loan ranges from 8 to 12% and will depend on the prospects of your business, market needs, the solvency of the borrower, the amount of borrowed funds and the loan term, the type of collateral;
  • Money is provided against security: property pledge, surety, pledge of a product in circulation, etc.;
  • The loan is issued in non-cash form;
  • If the conditions for providing money are not met, penalties are provided in the form of an increased percentage;
  • There is a limit on the number of loans;
  • The duration of consideration of documents for the provision of funds ranges from 5 to 10 days, depending on the region.

State guarantee

In this case, a commercial bank will give you the money, and the state fund, represented by the Federal Notary Chamber, will act as a guarantor. However, it should be borne in mind that not all commercial banks participate in the state program. Their complete list in your region can be obtained on the official website of the Russian government.

Unlike the first option, receiving funds under government guarantee does not differ in terms of conditions from regular loan. Review of your application will not be quick. Also be prepared for the fact that the fund will not guarantee the entire amount, but only a portion.

Social enterprises providing services to citizens, production and industry, and innovation are most likely to receive a guarantee from the fund. Special attention When considering an application for a guarantee, the fund pays attention to the number of jobs created by the organization.


Subsidies are the most desired type of government support by entrepreneurs. The thing is that it is provided to businessmen free of charge.

However, not all entrepreneurs can receive a subsidy.

Businessmen must meet fairly stringent conditions to obtain:

  • It is necessary to register with the Employment Center as an unemployed person;
  • Answer the questions psychological test in the same Employment Center;
  • Complete training in entrepreneurship;

At the same time, all expenditures of government money must be consistent and supported by documents. After an entrepreneur receives a positive response from the Center, he must register his enterprise. Only after this the money will be credited to your account.

It often happens that an entrepreneur is denied a subsidy. The grant may be allocated for the purchase of equipment or goods for sale, or intangible resources. This should be stated in your business plan.


It is also provided to businessmen free of charge. The disadvantage of grants is that not everyone can receive one.

The following are eligible to receive a grant:

  • Beginning entrepreneurs (have been operating for no more than 12 months);
  • Entrepreneurs who do not have debts on taxes or loans;
  • Businesses that create a lot of jobs.

Also, the area in which the organization operates is important for receiving a grant. Each region defines these areas independently.

Compensation payments and tax breaks

In this case, the state simply compensates the entrepreneur for part of the money that he spent on business development.

The following companies can count on such a relaxation: companies producing innovative products, enterprises producing import-substituting goods, as well as service providers.

As for tax breaks, in 2017 a novice entrepreneur has the opportunity to take the so-called. They consist in exempting a businessman from paying taxes for two tax periods.

You can take advantage of vacations if:

  • Are you an aspiring entrepreneur?
  • Organization on one of the following taxation systems: or;
  • You are employed in manufacturing, social welfare or science.

Requirements for borrowers

Let's take a closer look at what requirements are imposed on applicants for state support to receive a particular benefit. The information is given in the table.

Conditions of receipt Important Features
Microfinance — registered in the region where funds are received;

- the loan must be secured by property

— goal: development of small and medium-sized businesses;

- loan terms -
no more than a year

State guarantee — the bank must participate in the state program;

— you must be an active organization for at least 6 months;

— registration in the region where the loan is received is required;

— you do not have problems with creditors and tax authorities;

— it is necessary to repay a certain percentage of the loan with your own funds (set in each region)

— The priority activities for financing are: production, innovation, construction, service activities, transportation, tourism (in the Russian Federation), education, medicine, housing and communal services.

— Does not apply to the extraction and sale of minerals, gambling, banking and insurance activities, securities funds, pawnshops

Subsidy — the importance of business for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Each subject has its own significant areas (you can find out the priority areas of activity for your region on government resources);

— presence of a business plan that must meet certain criteria (also established in each region);

— the entrepreneur must invest a certain amount of his own funds (depending on the program)

Funds are issued for the purchase of:

— raw materials and supplies;

— production equipment;

— intangible resources.

Period of use in cash limited. Typically 1-2 years

Grant — business activity has been conducted for less than a year;

— the businessman does not and has not had problems with loans and borrowings (“clean” credit history);

— the enterprise creates a certain number of jobs;

— you did not receive other government benefits;

- availability of own funds

Funds are allocated for the development of medium and small businesses
Compensation payments

Borrowers can be:

— manufacturers and developers of innovative products;

— sellers of import-substituting goods;

— organizations engaged in the provision of services

Spending goals: development of medium and small businesses
Tax benefits - employment entrepreneurial activity no more than a year;

— you are a member of the taxation system: PSN or simplified tax system;

— assistance is provided to companies engaged in science, production, and providing services to the population.

To summarize, government assistance is available for:

  • Beginning businessmen ();
  • Organizations involved in the production of products, development of innovative products;
  • Enterprises providing services to the public;
  • Entrepreneurs have no problems with loans.

Where to contact

For each material benefit there is a specific responsibility government agency, to whom the entrepreneur should turn.

Microfinance is provided by the Entrepreneurship Support Fund in your region. To receive a loan on preferential terms, you need to collect a package of documents (it differs for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities).

You can find out more about this issue on the official website of the fund in your region; we will name only the main generally accepted documents:

  • Application and questionnaire of the applicant, as well as the guarantor;
  • Entrepreneur data;
  • Constituent documents;
  • Extract from the register of small and medium-sized businesses;
  • Certificate of entry into / and extract from there;
  • A copy of the applicant's passport;
  • Copy of SNILS;
  • Activity licenses;
  • Accounting and tax reports.

After you have collected all the documents, you should submit an application for a loan to the Support Fund. You can also download such a statement on the official website of the Foundation in your region.

For a government guarantee, you must apply with all the necessary documents to the bank that participates in the affiliate program with the Entrepreneurship Promotion Fund.

The bank itself will evaluate the possibility of government support and submit the application to the fund, which will consider it within three days. An application for a guarantee should be attached to the standard package of documents required to obtain a loan.

A subsidy or grant can be obtained from the labor exchange. To do this, you must meet a number of conditions that we have already discussed above. The package of documents for receiving a subsidy includes an application and a business plan.

You can receive compensation payments at the employment center. To do this, provide a business plan and a corresponding application.

To receive tax benefits, please contact: tax office, there you will receive information about the documents that will need to be collected.

Non-state support for small businesses

If you do not meet any of the criteria for receiving government assistance, you can apply for non-government assistance for small businesses.

Such assistance is provided by non-state funds affiliated with banking organizations, and is expressed in the form of a grant. At the same time, a non-state grant can be issued both with a return and on a gratuitous basis.

The grant is received on a competitive basis. At the same time, members of the commission will evaluate the economic benefits of the project.

To the standard package of documents for receiving a grant, you will need to attach a document that will describe the product and its cost.