Financial support for farms. Sales of fruits and vegetables. Grant size and conditions of participation in the program

Assistance to beginning farmers in the form of grants from the state has been provided since 2012. The goal is to help develop entrepreneurial activity in any industry Agriculture: breeding horses, cows, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, growing potatoes, grains (legumes), vegetables on open and closed ground, fruits and berries, fishing, beekeeping. Grants are provided to individuals who have been registered as individual entrepreneurs for at least a year and have a business plan to expand or modernize their farm. Support is provided once; the acquired property cannot be sold for 10 years.

Goals of the Beginning Farmer Program

The main goal is to increase the competitiveness of agricultural products through development.

Grants must provide:

  • conditions for modernizing existing ones and creating new ones farms;
  • availability of finance.

State support stimulates the transition from subsistence farming to farming.

Subsidies for beginning farmers in 2017-2018 - what can they be used for?

Assistance to beginning farmers is provided in two main areas:

  • for the creation (development) of a farm 1.5 -3 million rubles;
  • assistance for household installations up to 250 thousand rubles.

Funds received from the state under the first point can be used for:

  • purchase of agricultural land, Vehicle, animals, equipment, inventory;
  • development of projects for the construction (modernization, reconstruction) of premises for production, warehouses;
  • purchase, construction, repair of premises for production, warehouses, utilities, barriers, their registration and connection to utility networks;
  • construction of roads, without which production, processing, and storage of products are impossible;
  • purchase of seeds (other material for planting), pesticides, fertilizers.

The home improvement grant can be used to purchase:

  • housing;
  • utility vehicle (see);
  • furniture, communications equipment, household appliances, electrical and gas equipment, computers, septic tanks, devices for supplying and draining water.

The landscaping also includes:

  • residential building renovation;
  • repayment of mortgage debts (see);
  • connection to the central water supply, sewerage system, electrical network, and the Internet.

The cost plan is drawn up separately for each item; the farmer must pay 10%.

Interesting! In 2017, the usual grants for beginning farmers were supplemented with the opportunity to receive:

  • subsidy for the return of interest on a loan issued earlier for development;
  • compensation for constructed production facilities;
  • payment of first installments when purchasing machinery (equipment) on lease;
  • compensation for losses during land registration;
  • funds for gasification, installation of an irrigation system, etc.

In addition, farmers have the opportunity to obtain a loan at a reduced rate.

Important! In 2017, in some regions the amount will reach 3 million rubles. In 2018, increases are planned throughout the country.

The Ministry of Agriculture notes that 40% of agricultural products are produced on small farms. The issue of simplifying the procedure for providing grants, the possibility of lending on preferential terms on short time. It is expected that in the future the construction of residential buildings on agricultural land will be allowed.

The sequence of actions of the applicant is established by law:

  • choose legal form farms;
  • check compliance with participation requirements;
  • develop a business plan;
  • collect a package of documents;
  • compose and submit an application.

Specific conditions for receiving the Beginning Farmer grant:

  • experience (at least 10 years), education (preferably higher), recommendations issued by the cooperative and local authorities;
  • high quality business plan (must contain a description of activities, financing, risk analysis, justification for effectiveness);
  • Availability equity(at least 10% of the project cost);
  • availability of contracts for the sale of manufactured products;
  • significance for a particular region.

The applicant must conduct business for at least six months, use the funds provided within 1.5-2 years, and have no arrears in transferring social contributions (see).

Subsidies for beginning farmers in 2017-2018 - package of documents

To participate you must provide:

  • application of the established form;
  • questionnaire;
  • document certifying the conformity of education;
  • work book (to determine experience);
  • an extract certifying the presence of a household;
  • business plan;
  • a document certifying the legal form of the farm;
  • passport;
  • cost estimate for the project;
  • bank statement confirming the presence own funds;
  • a certificate confirming the availability of equipment;
  • extract from their tax office.

Important! The list of documents may differ in different regions.

“Beginner Farmer” program in 2017-2018 - prospects and reviews

In 2017 (compared to 2016), changes were made to the conditions. The subsidy budget has increased, the main criterion for selection was the efficiency of the applicant’s activities and the absence of tax arrears. Maximum subsidy amount for this moment 3 million rubles But this amount is not available in all regions due to the difference in coefficients.

All documents are submitted to the regional Ministry of Agriculture. The review lasts 15 days, then the applicant is called for a conversation. Before making a final decision, they evaluate business qualities applicant. If the application is approved, funds are provided within 3 months. The most subsidies were provided in the Stavropol Territory and Dagestan.

Agrarians (judging by the reviews) are attracted to the Beginning Farmer program, but the collection of documents takes a long time. In addition, their registration requires significant financial costs. The requirement for higher education is also considered negative. Agricultural Academy courses are not enough to receive a subsidy. Funds are also not provided to those who have little land and money in the bank. In practice, at least 200 thousand rubles are required.

In the current economic conditions, the development of certain industries is a priority for the state. These include agriculture, gardening, animal husbandry, etc. To support the industry and attract new participants, a program has been developed at the federal level to provide subsidies to beginning farmers in 2018.

Getting support

Subsidies to farmers in 2018 are assigned based on the amount allocated to a specific region. The number of such areas is increasing every year, but the distribution of the total amount allocated by the government for development is uneven.

Each region receives a portion according to general conditions. At the same time, it is assessed how much it suffered from the introduction of sanctions, the general level of development of the industry, the presence of favorable conditions, etc.

This year, the subsidy for farmers amounts to over 3 billion rubles, and the total number of regions participating in the program is 83.

Requirements for farmers

To receive assistance in the form of a subsidy, a beginning farmer in 2018 must meet certain criteria:

  • registration of individual entrepreneur, LLC or legal entity other form;
  • Availability starting capital. The minimum limit of own funds is 100 thousand rubles;
  • the presence of a business plan that takes into account the procedure for distributing funds, forecasting the profit and profitability of the enterprise;
  • an individual entrepreneur must work for at least 3 years and sell products worth more than 30 thousand rubles;
  • collective farms have the right to apply for state assistance only once during the entire period of activity (up to this point they must have worked for more than a year);
  • personal subsidiary plots, micro-enterprises, and agricultural cooperatives also have the right to benefit from state support.

Despite the fact that subsidies are mainly intended for beginning farmers, enterprises that have been operating on the market for several years have the right to take advantage of the opportunity for government funding. In this case, you can get help for development or expansion. The benefit can be used to pay off loan obligations.

Procedure and features of receiving subsidies

There is a certain procedure for how to receive subsidies for farmers. In addition to meeting certain conditions described above, it is necessary to prepare an application and collect a package of documents:

  • Diploma, other educational document. A higher or secondary degree is required special education.
  • Labor book, individual entrepreneur registration certificate or other papers certifying the presence of experience in the industry for more than 3 years.
  • Agreements, invoices for the sale of products (if the enterprise is not new), certifying the volume of trade turnover.
  • Bank statement or other documents confirming the presence of 10% of the requested amount.
  • Business plan.

What can you spend it on?

The applicant must indicate and guarantee that they have not previously received government assistance. Based on the presented development plan, the commission makes a decision on issuing assistance.

Subsidies received from the state cannot be spent at your own discretion.

At the same time, you need to understand that subsidies to young farmers can only be spent on strictly defined purposes, for example:

  • agricultural machinery;
  • planting material, fertilizers;
  • land;
  • livestock;
  • pet food.

Verification and reporting

The Commission reserves the right to check how funds are spent. The frequency of inspections is set individually - once a year, once a quarter. Analytics and reconciliation takes place based on the articles of the business plan.

Achievement of planned results is also taken into account.

You should be aware that if inaccuracies are discovered, for example, funds are spent on items not taken into account in the plan, subsidies issued to support beginning farmers will need to be returned to in full. Read about what other subsidies you can receive from the state in the following materials on our website.

Peasant farming (peasant farming) is usually organized according to family kinship. This form of business organization represents commercial organization, producing agricultural products for sale. A farm is an enterprise in which 70% of its profit comes from the sale of agricultural products. Peasant farms must be located on land owned by farmers or received from the state. The state implements programs designed to support and develop farms. For farmers there are tax benefits. Such support makes farming a very promising type of entrepreneurship in Russia. In this article we will look at how to open a farm from scratch.

General legal features of opening a peasant farm

The Law “On Peasant (Farm) Economy” is the main document containing information on the procedure for forming farm property. According to Article 3.1 of the law on peasant farming, any capable citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as a foreigner or stateless person, can open and register a peasant farm. In addition to the law “On peasant (farm) farming”, the activities of peasant farms are regulated by: the civil code of the Russian Federation, the land code and the law “On state registration legal individuals and individual entrepreneurs."

According to Article 3.2 of the law on peasant farms, the organization may include:

  • One person (analog individual entrepreneur);
  • Close relatives of the organizer of the peasant farm: spouses, parents, grandparents, sisters, children, brothers, grandchildren (the peasant farm may include up to 3 families). Grandchildren, children, sisters, brothers, upon reaching 16, can become members of the farm;
  • People not related to the organizer of the peasant farm (up to 5 people + an agreement on joint activities according to Article 4 of the Law on Peasant Farms).

The industries falling under the activities of peasant farms are as follows:

  • livestock: goats, pigs, cows, horses, sheep, rabbits;
  • poultry farming: ducks, broiler chickens, laying hens, turkeys, ostriches, geese, pheasants;
  • fish farming: carp, trout, sturgeon, silver carp, carp, catfish, pike;
  • beekeeping, etc.

The field of activity of the peasant farm includes: breeding, growing, production, transportation and sale of agricultural products of this site. You can grow the following types of crops common in Russia:

  • berries and fruits: melons, watermelons, pears, apricots, strawberries, apples, cherries, cherries, plums, prunes;
  • vegetables: tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, pumpkin, peppers, carrots;
  • greens: dill, onion, parsley, garlic;
  • grain crops: oats, wheat, rye, millet, corn, barley, buckwheat, sunflower, etc.

One of the common types of agricultural business is growing green onions: →" ", →" ", →" ".

Additional activities

The advantages of farming include the possibility of additional income, which can exceed the main one. Examples additional types activities:

  • if your main activity is growing vegetables and fruits, then start producing frozen fruits and vegetables;
  • when breeding pigs or cows, set up production sausages, stews and other meat delicacies; if you raise cows, make a profit from the sale of dairy products: sour cream, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.;
  • When growing grain crops, organize the production of cereals, flour, open a bakery and sell bakery products.

How to open a farm: step-by-step instructions

Stage #1. Registration of peasant farms: paperwork

Registration of peasant farms is carried out in the same manner as for an individual entrepreneur (IP). The procedure for registering a farm is described in Article 5 of the law on peasant farms. Below are the registration instructions:

  • Agreement on the establishment of peasant farms. (required if additional partners are involved).
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (cost 800 rubles);
  • Certified statement of state registration of a peasant farm with a notary according to form No. P21001;
  • Application for transition to special tax regimes: Unified Agricultural Tax, simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • A copy of all pages of the passport.

When registering a peasant farm, it is recommended to immediately switch to special taxation regimes: Unified Agricultural Tax or Simplified Taxation System - this will allow you to save on tax payments and will simplify the tax payment procedure. If, when registering a peasant farm, an application for transition to preferential treatment is not submitted, then it will be possible to re-submit the application only at the end of calendar year(no later than December 31 of the previous year) and taxes will be calculated according to general regime taxation.

Tax system— single agricultural tax (UST)

Tax rate — 6%

The Unified Agricultural Tax abolishes the share of agricultural production less than 70% and applies OSNO to the manufacturer ( general system taxation).

The video presents the features of the Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT).

If the system is selected taxation simplified tax system, then you need to choose a method for calculating tax rates.

  • by gross income (tax rate 6%);
  • on income minus expenses (tax rate 15%).

It should be noted that if under the simplified tax system (based on income minus expenses) a loss was incurred, then it is still necessary to pay the minimum established contribution in the amount of 1% of the income received.

Initially, bookkeeping can be outsourced to an accounting company.

Stage #2. Registration of peasant farms

Registration of a peasant farm can be carried out in person by submitting documents to the tax office (you must take the original passport), via the Internet using the online service of the Federal Tax Service or by mail. Sending documents by mail is the most difficult and time-consuming option. If documents are submitted by an authorized person, then a notarized power of attorney is required for all documents provided.

Comparison of peasant farms and other legal forms of agribusiness

The figure below shows a comparison of peasant farms with other forms of doing business: individual entrepreneurs and private subsidiary plots (personal subsidiary farming).

Features of marketing and sales of agricultural products

To run a business profitably, it is necessary to reach an agreement with possible consumers: processing and trading organizations, before producing products. There may be an oversupply of similar imported products on the market, which forces farmers to sell their products at reduced prices. Creating a sales network is a key factor in the success of running a farming business.

State support for agricultural business

The state provides loans for the development of agricultural business only to farms included in the agro-industrial complex development program. To receive a loan you need a large number of guarantors, which makes it difficult to obtain. You can contact the employment service by writing an application for inclusion in the self-employment program and receive a subsidy of 50,000-60,000 rubles from the state. to open an individual entrepreneur in the agricultural field.

The process of import substitution, which began after the imposition of sanctions against Russian Federation, continues in 2019. Was accepted Government program based on Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 14, 2012 No. 717. It is aimed at supporting farming activities. Duration of the program: 2013 – 2020.

In order to encourage private farms to expand and official registration, the state took measures to provide material support. This support consists of the allocation of grants for agricultural development. However, not all citizens can receive subsidies.

general information

Types of grants

Agricultural subsidies exist in several areas:

  • compensation for fertilizers;
  • funds for the purchase of farm animals;
  • compensation (not in full) for the construction of production facilities (for example, a plant for the production of dairy products);
  • funds for modernization on the farm (for example, for the purchase of modern equipment);
  • funds for acquiring land, establishing communication networks, constructing agricultural facilities (for example, a pig farm);
  • compensation for leasing payments (literally - rent for a fee).

A beginning farmer can count on several options for support from the state, provided that he meets all existing requirements.

Not only a beginning agricultural entrepreneur, but also an existing one who needs help in developing his business can receive a subsidy. The requirements for all candidates are the same.

How to get help

There are certain requirements that apply to beginning farmers.

If a person or family does not qualify for at least one of them, then it is impossible to receive a grant.

The state finances only those who can benefit society and the domestic market.

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Primary requirements

The list of requirements is not too long, but not all farmers can meet them.

The main criteria include:

  1. Professionalism. Preference is given to those farmers who have higher education or experience in farming for at least 10 years. That is, if a person has been running a subsidiary farm for more than 10 years, and can confirm this, but does not have a higher or special education, then he can receive a grant.
  2. Having your own funds to start a business. The state admits that a beginning farmer may not have the entire amount on hand. Therefore, the minimum threshold was set at 30% of all necessary funds.
  3. A competent business plan. Without planning for future business development, funds from the federal budget will not be allocated, since the commission will have no idea what benefits the developed agriculture will bring.
  4. Ownership of at least minimum quantity land and production facilities. That is, a beginning entrepreneur must own a plot of land and buildings on it.
  5. A clear plan for marketing the resulting products. An entrepreneur must clearly understand how and where he will distribute or sell products obtained from agriculture.

If at least one of the conditions is not met, the grant will be denied until the citizen meets the criteria.

If the beginning farmer does not have enough professional experience, the grant can be approved with the permission of the municipal authorities. That is, representatives of the municipality can give recommendations for a citizen who begins to develop agriculture in the area and expects to receive subsidies.

Requirements for candidates

In addition to the requirements described above, there are a number of mandatory conditions. These include:

  • the applicant has Russian citizenship;
  • experience in agriculture (at least 3 years in any field);
  • failure to receive assistance from the state in this area;
  • residence in the area in which the peasant farm will be located.

In fact, a person can work as a tractor driver for 5 years and then start developing agriculture as a farmer. Work experience will be taken into account when documents are reviewed by the inspection commission.

Selection by competition

A special commission reviews the documents and makes a decision on whether subsidies will be allocated to help the entrepreneur or not. The selection is made between all participants who submitted an application. And preference is given to the candidate who is most useful to society and meets the requirements.

Refusal of one grant does not mean that subsidies in another area will be denied in the same way. Therefore, the candidate has the right to submit applications in several directions at once. The commission independently decides what to transfer federal budget funds to.


Agricultural subsidies can be allocated only if a person submits to the commission a certain list of documents confirming compliance with the requirements.

Such documents include:

  • application for participation (filled out directly when submitting documents);
  • copy of passport (all completed pages);
  • copy of diploma;
  • certificate of registration as a peasant farm (registration in tax authority registration is carried out within 14 calendar days);
  • business plan (you can draw it up yourself or with the involvement of third-party organizations);
  • agreement for verification, processing and storage of personal data;
  • letters of recommendation from the municipality, if available;
  • agreement on the sale and marketing of finished products.

If any documents are missing, the commission will not accept the application for consideration, and participation in the competition will be canceled.

You can resubmit your documents at any time. Therefore, if the application does not pass the selection the first time, then submission at a convenient time after correction of errors is not prohibited. The development of agriculture is a priority, which explains the unlimited number of attempts to participate.

How to implement funds

In 2019, it is not meant to be a one-time allocation of funds from the state in a single amount, but the conclusion of a government contract as part of the support program.

That is, an agreement is concluded between the farmer and government officials, according to which funds are allocated for the benefit of the business throughout the year.

The contract specifies the following aspects:

  • subsidy amount;
  • reporting deadlines;
  • types of reporting;
  • target purpose of subsidies;
  • the procedure for returning funds that were not disbursed during the year;
  • liability for violation of contract clauses.

If a farmer does not spend the allocated funds in full for 2019, then he will be obliged to return the rest to the budget.

The subsidy period is exactly one year. During this period, the state provides financial support to the entrepreneur, after which the business either gains momentum or shows its insolvency.

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Last changes

In 2017, the maximum grant amount was 1.5 million rubles. In 2018, it is planned to increase this level taking into account inflation and rising prices. The subsidy program is designed for a long period.

Implemented since 2019 new program agribusiness support. According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2018 No. 204 “On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024,” the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia is developing a federal project “System for supporting farmers and developing rural cooperation” within the framework of the national project “Small and Medium entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative.”

The federal project involves the implementation of grant activities peasant farm support, provision of subsidies to SPOK and achievement of performance indicators of competence centers in the field of agricultural cooperation and support for farmers.