What do you need to open a hairdresser? Economy class hairdresser. Minimum number of staff

Small and big business Today they are developing very actively. This is due to great opportunities for entrepreneurial growth. The most common area in which you can make decent money is the service sector. This also includes, in particular, hairdressing salons. This kind of business has been thriving successfully for many decades. This is mainly due to the great demand, because almost any person in any country in the world periodically visits a hairdresser. Appearance and beauty play a big role in life. A good, fashionable hairstyle, well-groomed, clean hair is the key successful communication with other people, work and study colleagues.

Especially great value have hairdressing salons for females, since these establishments are a private version of beauty salons. Often, in addition to a simple haircut or hairstyle, they can also provide other services: hair coloring, manicure, pedicure and others. Establishments that offer only haircuts and manicures are called economy-class hairdressers. Many people will be wondering how to open their own hair salon from scratch. Let's take a closer look at the hairdressing business and how to organize your own hairdressing salon. But first you need to find out what types of beauty salons exist.

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Types of beauty salons

All beauty salons can be classified into 3 main types. The first includes basic level salons. Qualified specialists with special education work here. The list of services provided here is quite small. It includes hair coloring and cutting. Thus, these are simple hairdressing salons. These types of establishments are usually located in residential area closer to your potential clients, which ensures constant income. The cost of services in such a hairdressing salon is small, prices range from 300 to 700 rubles. The second type is middle class hairdressing salons. The difference from the previous ones is that the price list here is much wider. Additional services include manicure, pedicure, solarium. More experienced specialists in their field work here. She may also have her own store to sell personal care products.

Prices here are also higher, on average - 700 rubles. And finally, the last type is luxury beauty salons. All the craftsmen here are of the highest level; they often work under the guidance of an experienced, well-known master in the area, who has certain awards and certificates for his services. All employees know new trends in fashion and are able to give advice to their clients on any issue. Very often the cost of a trip to such a salon ranges from $100 or more.

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Hair salon business plan: documents and permits

It will be interesting for aspiring entrepreneurs and future hairdressers to learn how to open and organize their own beauty salon and hair care products store from scratch. in a small town should include the following provisions: the location of the future establishment, ways to establish a client base, a list of necessary documents and permits so that the hairdressing salon can legally operate, the purchase of equipment and care items, principles of planning and placement, recruitment of personnel, establishing the operating hours of the hairdressing salon and the size wages.

So, first of all, to organize your own hairdressing business, you need to obtain permission from the relevant authorities. But before that you need to register with tax office as a sole proprietor or LLC, otherwise the business will be illegal. In this case, you will need to pay a state fee. It is best to choose an individual entrepreneur, since in this case the list of necessary documents will be smaller and their preparation will not take so much time. Following this, it is worth obtaining permission from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities, fire inspection and territorial property management. If the premises are rented, then responsibility for fire safety falls on the landlord.

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Sanitary and epidemiological surveillance

News similar business not always easy, since it is subject to supervision by the relevant authorities. One of them is Rospotrebnadzor. He exercises control during construction and planning, as well as during the progress of work. The goal is compliance of the plan and project with regulatory documentation. Basic normative document regulating planning and development similar establishments, are building codes and regulations. According to them, the area of ​​the premises should be calculated based on the number of jobs. First things first workplace should account for 14 sq. m, and for each subsequent one - 7. The hairdressing salon must be equipped with all necessary communications: hot and cold water supply, heating, electricity, sewage system, ventilation and air conditioning.

All equipment must be in good working order.

The required set of premises, according to building codes, must include: a waiting room, a locker room, a work room, a sanitary unit, a staff room, and a room for storing equipment. If your salon has a store, you need space for it too.

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Sanitary and anti-epidemic regime of a hairdressing salon

In addition to all this, during the work the service will monitor the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime. The requirements for beauty salons are the same as for medical organizations. It's quite simple to implement. Staff clothing must be in triplicate. The first is the worker. The second one is in the wash, and the third one is clean. A hairdressing salon must be equipped with a sanitary facility and a shower, since hair from clothing and the body can only be removed with water. Linen used in work must be made from natural fabrics: linen, cotton. All waste material is collected in a container and processed by boiling and soaking in disinfectant solutions. A sterilizer is used for processing.

Today, hairdressing salons increasingly use disposable products and care items. They are cheap and require no processing. After work they are disposed of. All personnel must have personal medical records and undergo a preliminary medical examination, including all doctors, and undergo tests. It is advisable that the craftsmen work in overalls. Firstly, it will improve the image of the organization, and secondly, it will help to comply with the regime.

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Purchase of equipment and tools

To open your own hairdressing salon and store from scratch and run a business, you need to purchase necessary equipment, namely: height-adjustable chairs with soft seats, mirrors, a sterilizer, a coffee table and chairs, a clothes hanger, professional hair dryers, dryers, hair clippers, climazones and more. It is important to buy tools along with consumables. The tools you will need are regular and thinning scissors, straight razors with a set of blades, electric tongs, curlers, a set of combs, brushes, and towels. Often craftsmen come to work with their own personal tools, buying them with their own money. This is very beneficial for an entrepreneur, as you can save some money.

It is better to purchase equipment in specialized places. But first, it is recommended to consult with other hairdressers so as not to overpay. All equipment must be in good condition, and in case of breakdown, it must be repaired in a timely manner. The volume of equipment and tools directly depends on the number of working craftsmen.

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Hair salon interior

To run a business from scratch and a store, you need to carefully work out the external and internal interior. It is important to do this so that your clients feel comfortable staying with you. You can contact the designers and ask for advice. It is very important that the establishment has a waiting area. If funds allow, it is better to put a soft sofa or armchairs there, install a TV, put a table with beauty magazines and organize music. All this will create a pleasant environment, and the client will want to visit the salon more often. The color of the room can be very different; you can contact a paint store for advice.

It will be possible to open the hairdresser only after the renovation is completed. No one wants to run a business in a dark and uncomfortable room. A very important point is that it is better to make the floor from easy-to-clean, smooth materials. This will make it easier to handle, and thus the workroom will always be clean.

Opening a hairdresser is a long and labor-intensive process. It’s not enough to find a good premises and experienced craftsmen; you first need to collect a mountain of documents for the hairdresser. We have prepared material that will help you avoid difficulties at this stage.

Read the article to find out what documents you need to collect to open a hairdressing salon and where to get them.

We begin to collect a package of documents for the hairdresser with registration

Start by choosing a legal form. The legislation does not provide for any specific legal status, so the choice is up to the entrepreneur.

If you open a hairdresser alone or not in the city where you are registered, then it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur. Registration as an individual entrepreneur is faster and requires fewer documents. In addition, individual entrepreneurs have more tax benefits and easier with reporting documentation.

For those who open a hairdressing salon together with a partner, it is better to opt for registering an LLC. LLCs also have advantages over others legal forms: special systems taxation, sizes authorized capital and lower economic risks.

OKVED code for a hairdressing salon: 93.02 “Provision of services by hairdressing salons and beauty salons.”

Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or legal entity will be the first document for opening a hairdressing salon.

Permits for opening a hairdressing salon

To receive permitting documents for a hairdressing salon, the SES must bring its premises into proper shape, that is, the premises must comply with Sanitary Rules and Standards “Hairdressing salons. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for design, equipment and contents.”

Have you tidied up your hair salon? Now contact the SES so that they can send you an inspector to check. If he has no complaints, you will be given permission.

In the same way, you can obtain permission from the fire inspectorate. After the inspection, resolve all issues regarding which complaints arose. All that remains is to draw up a declaration and send it to the fire inspectorate. There the company is declared, after which you will receive a corresponding notification.

What documents should employees have for a hairdressing salon?

All hairdressers in your hair salon must have health records and certificates confirming the qualifications of their employees.

Remember that certifications are not just for hairdressers. Nail technicians, makeup artists and hair, face and body care specialists must have mandatory proof of qualifications.

In addition, all employees must sign a logbook for familiarizing themselves with safety regulations. And don't forget about the disinfectant log.

We conclude the necessary contracts

The first agreement you must enter into is a lease agreement. You will have to document your right to use the premises when you register the hairdresser with Rospotrebnadzor.

Among the documents for opening a hairdressing salon, there must be contracts with a recycling company for the removal and disposal of garbage and fluorescent lamps (two separate contracts). It is necessary to conclude an agreement with laundry and dry cleaning.

Don’t forget about contracts for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization.

We've got our documents in order and are ready to open a hairdressing salon.

Once again, go through all the documents you have and check them with the list above. Have you forgotten anything? Then it's time to notify Rospotrebnadzor. You can do this in person, in electronic format - through the portal public services, or by mail.

The most convenient way is notification in electronic form. In this case, the notification will be registered on the same day and you will be able to begin your activities faster.

If you don’t trust the Internet, then make sure that your notifications are in duplicate. This is necessary for both personal circulation and postal delivery.

Let's summarize

In the article, we looked at what documents are needed to open a hairdressing salon and how to proceed to obtain them. However there is one important point, which should be talked about. These are difficulties that are often encountered.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to protect yourself from possible risks when collecting documents for a hairdresser. Either the inspector will definitely not like something, or the post office will send your notice to the wrong address, or the master’s certificate will expire.

All you have to do is be patient and embark on the long journey of collecting all the documents. Not ready to waste time on bureaucratic formalities? There is another way out: you can buy a ready-made hairdressing salon in Moscow with all necessary documents, contracts and permits. Buying a ready-made hairdressing salon will not only save you from all the bureaucratic delays, but will also save you time on finding suppliers and developing a client base.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 240,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 64,175 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 415,000 rubles.
  • Payback – from 7 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will compile detailed business plan hairdresser with calculations.

Market analysis

If we talk about the hairdressing services market, it should be noted that the crisis and various economic changes react to it, of course, but not critically. A person cannot go long without a haircut. And if a woman has dyed hair, then she will definitely run to the salon as soon as her roots grow out. And here price will no longer matter as much as quality.

In total, there are more than 35 thousand different beauty salons in Russia. By the way, almost 15% goes to the Moscow region.

It is noteworthy that the share of chain stores does not exceed 3%. Almost the entire market is based on the work of individual hair salons. Each of them has its own consumer.

It is quite easy for a new service provider to enter the market - it has no financial or competitive barriers. All competitors occupy a very small market share. In fact, they are not direct competitors. Except for the salons that are very close by. It turns out that each hairdresser serves its own market segment, most often determined by location.

Almost 85% of the market is middle or economy class salons. When determining the cost of services, it is worth focusing on the prices of this particular market segment. VIP and luxury hairdressing salons need not be taken into account. They serve a separate stratum of society.

Thus, the main competitor is small suppliers of hairdressing services that have an average market price or below the market price. Their individual influence on the sphere is not significant.

Of course, the most frequent consumers of the service are women. Men and children have a smaller share of consumption.

Portrait of a potential buyer: women with average income who actively take care of themselves (age 18-55 years), as well as men with average or above average income aged 20-45 years. Children are also potential consumers, but, as a rule, parents bring them to get their hair cut at the same place where they themselves use hairdressing services.

SWOT analysis

When drawing up a business plan, you need to consider external factors that may have a positive or negative impact on the business. They cannot be changed, but it is quite possible to minimize the threat. External opportunities include:

  • Hiring more qualified personnel.
  • Increasing external investment in the project.
  • Development of relations with suppliers of raw materials and equipment, emergence of permanent suppliers.
  • The emergence of new technologies and the possibility of their implementation.

If we talk about external threats, then the following factors cannot be ignored:

  • An increase in the level of competition and, as a result, a decrease in the average market price.
  • Changing tastes and preferences of consumers.
  • Complications associated with the legislative side of the project, the emergence of new requirements, the need to comply with them.

In addition, the hairdressing salon has its own strengths and weaknesses, which will need to be worked with throughout the entire time. So, to strengths can be attributed:

  • Good location.
  • Qualified personnel.
  • High quality equipment.
  • Reasonable prices.
  • Quality service.

Weaknesses will be:

  • Lack of experience in this field.
  • Lack of client base.
  • Zero image of the organization, they don’t know about it.
  • Narrow range of services.

Opportunity Assessment

Number of working days in a week: 7.

Operating mode:

In total, the hairdressing salon will work 80 hours each week. Let us remind you that the maximum weekly hourly output by law must be no more than 40 hours. Thus, the organization must have at least 2 hairdressers.

At first, 2 masters per shift will be enough. In case of high demand and large quantity clients, you can hire an additional work unit. The premises must be equipped in such a way that there is room for one more employee.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Official registration. Individual entrepreneur or LLC. You only need to pay the state registration fee, which is 800 rubles. the manager can do it on his own if needed. Additionally, you can order a print and a printed version or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, respectively. Remember that the type of activity must be indicated there. To do this, you need to find a suitable OKVED code. In the case of a hairdressing salon, it will be – 93.02 Provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons. It includes not only hairdressing services, but also manicure, pedicure, and facial massage services. If in addition you are engaged in the sale of wigs or cosmetics, you must include this activity in the register with the appropriate code.
  2. The tax regime can be chosen either UTII or simplified tax system. Here the choice depends on the specific case.
  3. Remember that the lease must be official! No verbal agreements. If the premises are owned, this fact must be confirmed by the presence of appropriate paper.
  4. There is no requirement to obtain a license to provide hairdressing services. However, if you provide cosmetic services there, then a license is required.
  5. It is necessary to purchase a cash register and register it with tax authorities. This is provided that you do not use UTII.
  6. Before you use it for the first time cash register, it is necessary to notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of work. This can be done at the city administration. You need to have with you: a passport, an application, a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, a lease agreement, documents confirming the presence of a cash register.
  7. There are sanitary standards for hairdressing salons. They are clearly stated in SanPiNe, just dedicated to hairdressing.
  8. It is worth coordinating the opening of the salon with the SES and firefighters. Each of these authorities will most likely put forward their own demands. So, for the SES it will be necessary to submit documents such as:
  • Agreement on waste removal and disposal.
  • An agreement with a dry cleaner to wash the necessary linen.
  • An agreement for carrying out measures to treat the premises, including deratization, disinfestation and disinfection.
  • An agreement that confirms that fluorescent lamps are removed and disposed of properly.

You will also have to acquire a log indicating that the organization keeps records of the consumption of disinfectants.

All workers must be familiar with safety regulations. This is recorded in the appropriate log book.

Make sure you have bars on the windows (if necessary), an evacuation plan, a ventilation system, and fire safety equipment.

Please note that there is no need to obtain permission. However, failure to comply with the rules in the future may result in a fine or closure of your hairdresser!

  1. All hairdressers must have not only a health certificate, but also relevant certificates of completion of courses in their specialty. In addition, they must undergo a medical examination annually.

Please remember that certificates are required to provide the following services:

  • manicure;
  • pedicure;
  • makeup;
  • care for body, face and hair.

Drawing up a marketing plan

When developing a strategy, it is very important to decide on the name of the organization. The style of the hairdressing salon should be consistent with the name. Pay attention to interior details. It is better to choose a name that is memorable and catchy. It’s good if it is immediately associated with the corresponding type of activity.

At first, clients will come, learning about your hairdressing salon exclusively from advertising campaigns. Only then will the word of mouth system start working.

The following types of advertising should be used:

  • A bright and catchy sign.
  • Distributing leaflets and flyers on the street, as well as delivering them to nearby houses.
  • Carrying out promotions V shopping centers with the distribution of discount coupons.
  • Advertising in newspapers, on television.
  • Internet advertising (including contextual advertising, creation and promotion of your own group on social networks).
  • Entering information about the organization into all existing city catalogs.

Along the way, you may want to create your own website. Remember that it should not only be beautiful and informative, but also easy to use.

Income calculation

Due to the fact that the initial cash we don’t have much, and the main competitors will be small middle- and economy-class hairdressers; the price must be set at the market average. It is very important that workers have sufficient qualifications. The quality of service should not be inferior to competitors. The average bill at a hairdresser is 400 rubles. Men's haircut can cost 150-250 rubles, but women’s ones can reach up to 800 rubles, and if with coloring, for example, it will turn out much more.

The average price of the service is 400 rubles. The average traffic volume is 10 people per day per 1 technician. Total 2 masters for 4000 rubles. they will make 8000 rub. revenue per day.

Total monthly revenue: 240,000 rubles.

Drawing up a production plan

The work can be carried out in an ordinary one-room apartment. The main thing is that it be converted into commercial real estate.

Remember that one hairdresser should have at least 7-8 m2. We have 2 hairdressers. If we consider that the area of ​​a one-room apartment is approximately 40-50 m2, then there will be an additional reserve space that can be used to attract another hairdresser to work.

It is better to choose a room that has already been renovated. In any case, some modifications will be needed. Especially if the apartment does not comply with fire safety rules (no ventilation, no evacuation plan). This also includes the installation of special sinks for work.

Of course, the most important component of any hairdressing salon is the equipment. This includes chairs, tables, necessary tools (curling irons, hair dryers, etc.), counters, mirrors, cabinets, drawers, bins, shelves, racks. In a word, everything that is connected with the work of hairdressers.

Furniture includes an administrator's chair and desk, hangers, and chairs for waiting visitors.

In terms of equipment, you will need a laptop for work, a telephone for receiving calls, and you can also install a music center to create an appropriate or relaxing environment.

Particular attention should be paid to the clothing of staff. It is better to order a uniform from a special company. Have them make clothes in a specific color scheme, with the logo or name of the organization. This move will instill confidence in customers. They will understand that the establishment cares about its own reputation and pays attention to even the smallest details.

4 hairdressers will work in the organization. 2 people per shift. Work 2 through 2. There will also be 2 administrators who carry out wet cleaning several times during the day.

To attract professional hairdressers, it is worth considering working conditions that are beneficial for them (possibly a larger percentage of the cost of services, bonuses). The quality of services will directly affect the number of clients.

Initial costs

Financial plan

Monthly income: 240,000 rubles.

Monthly costs:

Net profit before tax: 75,500 rubles

Tax amount (USN, 15% of the difference between income and expenses): 75,500*0.15= 11,325 rubles

Net profit: 64,175 rubles.

Payback: 415,000/64,175= 6.46. Therefore, the business will pay off in about 7 months, at least. But the first 1-3 months will be a promotion period and there may not be many clients. Therefore, on average, you can take 10 months of payback.


When starting a business, it is very important to take into account all possible risks and try to minimize them. When opening a hairdresser, pay attention to the following risks:

  1. Economic risks . These include:
  • Possible insolvency of the business owner.
  • Decreased demand.
  • Price reduction.
  • Inflation.
  • As a result, a decrease in income.

To combat them, a more flexible pricing policy, provide high quality services, work with clients, conduct advertising campaigns.

  1. Production risks . They entail a decrease in income.

To avoid these risks, it is necessary to promptly replace and repair equipment, have clear schedule performing these works.

  1. Financial risks.

It is worth thinking about attracting investment and considering the option of taking out a loan. If possible, you can insure not only property, but also specific risks. It is very important to develop a competent and very detailed strategy that will help the organization get into the zone of profitable operation.

  1. Natural risks.

You can avoid them by insuring your own property.

I would like to give a few more tips:

If you feel that clients are not coming to you, run advertising. The most effective in today's technological age is advertising on the Internet. Order contextual advertising, for example.

Don't try to save money on equipment. This will reduce the quality of the service provided. In addition, low-quality equipment may break. Pay attention to finding a reliable supplier. Be sure to review all certifications. And when purchasing, do not throw away guarantees and receipts.

It is also better to purchase raw materials in bulk. Find a local supplier or work with a company that provides professional cosmetics directly. This not only saves money, but also ensures the reliability and quality of your products.

In the future, you can also sell cosmetics at retail. Just don’t forget to include the corresponding OKVED code in the extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Take the time to find professional craftsmen. Half the success of your business depends on them. Be sure to work with them, send them to new courses.

If you cannot find qualified specialists, contact special schools that train future hairdressers. Select the most promising ones and offer them a job.

To reduce costs and increase control over the business, some entrepreneurs independently act as an administrator in shifts. Thus, the expense is reduced by the amount of the salary of one administrator and goes to your net profit.

You can provide manicure services together with hairdressers. To do this, check out.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

Currently the business has the following characteristics:

  • the total area of ​​the salon is 80 square meters;
  • number of employees – 8 people;
  • a base of regular customers has been formed;
  • own premises, located in the central part of the city;
  • initial costs – from 3 million rubles;
  • monthly income – from 500 thousand rubles;
  • business payback is 1.5-2 years.

The room has two entrances, a designer renovation, two laptops (working ones), internet connection, boiler, stereo system and video surveillance.

There are three halls - cosmetic, manicure and hairdressing. In addition to the main premises, there is a small storage room, a bathroom, a shower and a kitchen.

How to open a successful hairdressing salon and where to start first?

Introduction or opening a hairdresser step by step

I've been working in this business for a long time, and I noticed one interesting thing. Even during times of crisis, women do not skimp on their beauty (men less so).

Consequently, beauty salon services are always in demand. You can start with one haircut salon. This will be enough to get you back on your feet. In the future, you can expand and create a full-fledged beauty salon.

But keep in mind one important point! When choosing a room, focus on further development business (especially if we are talking about buying rather than renting).

Drawing up a hair salon business plan correctly

It is quite possible to create a working business plan for your hair salon inexpensively. To do this, you need to purchase a business plan template and then, with the help of a specialist, rework it to suit your needs and goals. If you do as I suggest, you can save a lot:

What types of hairdressers are there?

The main services provided at the hairdressing salon are washing, drying, dyeing, styling and cutting hair. This is enough to get started.

After visiting your establishment, a person should leave neat and neatly cut. In the future, the hairdresser may become just one of the branches of a large beauty salon.

There are several main types of salons:

1. Basic level. In fact, this is an ordinary hairdressing salon, the main clients of which are residents of nearby houses and areas. The main services of such an establishment are coloring and cutting.

When organizing such a business, it is very important to hire qualified personnel and try to retain them. Regular clients, as a rule, go to “their” master. Average cost services in such an establishment - from 400 rubles.

2. Average level. This is already a small salon that offers a wider range of services.

In particular, it is worth adding a solarium, nail care services, and a tanning studio to hair cutting and coloring (a solarium is enough).

As in the first case, it is worth paying attention to the selection of qualified personnel and, if necessary, train them.

In mid-level salons, clients pay for additional comfort and individual approach.

The cost of services will be higher - from 800 rubles.

Over time, you can open a small store in a beauty salon, which will generate additional income. The main products are body and hair care products.

3. High level (luxury studio). Opening such an establishment “on the fly” is very difficult and expensive. The salon provides a wide range of services.

At the same time, clients come not only to clean themselves up, but also to feel their high status, relax and have a good rest. The range of services is very wide - facial, skin, hair, body care, spa services, aromatherapy, massages and so on.

Such establishments are visited by a special clientele, so the approach must be appropriate.

Beauty salon workers must be true masters of their craft, be able to communicate correctly with visitors and satisfy their needs to the maximum. The cost of services in such an establishment is from 3,000 rubles.

When choosing the type of hairdresser, focus on your budget. In particular, to open an ordinary hairdressing salon, 500 thousand rubles is enough.

If you open a luxury beauty salon, then the costs increase tenfold. On average, organizing such a business and furnishing the premises cost 5 million rubles and more.

What does it take to open a hairdresser?

What are the design features?

To open a hairdresser, you must collect a certain package of documents.

Here you will need:

  • permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (it will not be possible to obtain it without fulfilling all the requirements);
  • certificate. The advantage of a hair salon business is that it does not require a license;
  • fire department permission.

To quickly receive a certificate, carefully study the rules for certification of hairdressing services.

How to register?

The best registration option is individual entrepreneur. Don't forget to register with the tax office. In addition, before opening a business, send the necessary papers to Rospotrebnadzor for registration.

The list is as follows:

  • application (drawn up in the appropriate form);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • papers confirming the installation of the cash register;
  • documents confirming the ownership of business premises or a lease agreement.

Which room should I choose?

If you are taking your first steps in this business, then you should not spend money on buying premises. The best option is rent.

In this case, it is advisable to adhere to the following requirements:

  • The minimum area for one workplace is from 14 square meters. To organize each subsequent workplace, add 7 “squares”. As a rule, 60-65 square meters are enough to organize an average salon. This area can accommodate two places for haircuts, a solarium, and workplaces for manicure and cosmetics specialists;
  • pay attention to the layout. It is very important that the premises have a hall for receiving clients, an entrance hall (the place where clients will wait their turn), a storage warehouse and other storage facilities;
  • make sure there is a second entrance. This is important not only from the point of view of fire safety, but also to attract additional customers;
  • Water supply must be installed in the beauty salon. The easiest way is to connect to the city network, but for this, an appropriate project must be drawn up and implemented. To save on this issue, it is better to rent a room in a residential building where these issues have already been resolved;
  • think about lighting issues. Ideally, the workplace will receive natural and artificial light;
  • solve the issue with ventilation, because the beauty salon actively uses various perfumes and chemical-based care products. Workplaces must be provided with additional air conditioning;
  • provide a shower room for staff;
  • obtain the consent of the residents. This is important when it comes to renting premises on the ground floor of a residential building. In this case, permission will have to be “begged” only from residents of nearby apartments.

Table No. 1. Potential for creating hairdressing salons in Russia

The optimal location of the hairdresser is in a residential area, in a hotel, near the airport or train station. In general, the place should be passable and crowded.
If we are talking about opening a spa, then it is better to open it in the central part of the city or in a large shopping center.

The cost of renting a room can be from 600 rubles per square meter(per month). Therefore, if your room has an area of ​​60 sq. meters, then the costs will be from 36,000 rubles per month.

What equipment will be needed?

The purchase of equipment depends on the type of hairdressing salon. Minimum set– hair dryers, chairs, sinks, dressing tables, laptop, dryers. In addition, you will need various hair care devices, hair clippers, combs, perfumes and other small things.

Procurement costs – from 200 thousand rubles.

How to open a hairdresser from scratch and without money

How to select staff?

Pay special attention to the selection of qualified personnel. Each employee must have appropriate experience, education and work experience.

You don’t need to take your word for it - ask for confirmation of your qualifications with a diploma. The number of teaching hours must be at least 1000. In addition, mandatory requirement is the presence of a medical record.

As for age, there are no special restrictions. The salon can accept both young and more mature masters. Be sure to find a director who will deal with all issues of the salon.

In addition, you will need two cleaners, a cashier, and hairdressers. It is better to conclude with the latter labor agreement to avoid turnover. In addition, the document should stipulate issues of training, wages, bonuses, and so on.

The master’s income depends on the profit he brings to the salon. On average, one person can bring from 5 to 8 thousand rubles per day. Salary is 25-30% of this amount.

The best option is when an employee receives a minimum salary (from 15 thousand rubles) plus interest on income. Periodic bonuses are required.
With a staff of 6-10 people, labor costs will range from 150 thousand rubles.

Table No. 2. Growth of hairdressing services in Russia

How to advertise a business?

As many customers as possible should know about the new establishment. The best methods of promotion are advertising on prospectuses, mailing lists, distributing discount coupons to first customers, creating and promoting a website, advertising on TV and in newspapers.

Is it profitable to open a hairdresser?

Financial part


  • for registration – from 20 thousand rubles;
  • for equipment – ​​from 200 thousand rubles;
  • for advertising – from 50 thousand rubles;
  • on wages– from 150 thousand rubles/month;
  • for rent - from 36 thousand rubles per month.


  • total income – from 700 thousand rubles;
  • net income – from 300 thousand rubles.

Payback – 1.5-2 years.

An entrepreneur who is full of enthusiasm and truly passionate about the idea of ​​opening his own hairdressing salon will definitely get what he deserves. If the client is satisfied with his appearance– he immediately becomes permanent and will come again. This is a business where high level competition, but there is always the opportunity to organize a hairdressing salon with its own advantages!


How to open your own hairdresser? Where to start?

Opening your own hair salon is a worthy business idea if you really like this area. This desire usually arises among people in this profession who do not want to receive a standard salary, but prefer to work for themselves. You will have to face many organizational difficulties. But if you draw up a business plan competently and don’t rush into action, everything will work out.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Let's highlight the main ones pros:

  • interesting business and opportunities for growth, expanding the range of services, creating a network;
  • there are no problems with registering activities with the tax office;
  • minimum number of required permits;
  • simplicity of accounting and record keeping.

From cons:

  • strict compliance with standards, high degree responsibility;
  • dependence on the professionalism of the staff: more often it is important to contact a specific master, and not to your hairdresser;
  • High costs are possible (depending on the type and condition of the premises).

When trusted professionals work with you on mutually beneficial terms, and they remain loyal to you, no problems arise. We recommend that you pay special attention on working conditions.

Where to start opening a hair salon?

The most important rule: you don’t need to talk for a long time about the fact that you want to open your own business, or spend time discussing this issue with friends. If you're short on time, take a break from work or just spend a couple of weekends writing a business plan. Write in detail:

  • desired format of the hairdressing salon;
  • features of the room that is suitable for implementing the idea;
  • number of employees and revenue distribution;
  • costs (be sure to count to the maximum).

After you create a plan, you need to start taking action: selecting a location, registering a business, hiring staff, and doing promotion.

Important! A business plan gives a clear and sober idea of ​​your activities. Its absence will lead to you taking on everything, getting tired and losing control of the situation. .

Choosing a hair salon format

There are many options for opening a hairdresser:

  • hairdresser with a standard range of services for men and women (haircut, styling, hair coloring);
  • specialized hairdressing salon (for example, for men, with the possibility of cutting beards);
  • hairdressing salon with an expanded range of services (manicure, pedicure and other beauty salon services).

As for the audience, hairdressing salons can be divided into the following types:

  • economy class;
  • middle class;
  • VIP class.

For a beginner, it is most advisable to choose the first two categories, since there are too many requirements for elite hairdressing salons. There will be no opportunity to save on equipment, and the work must be done by craftsmen with many years of experience and a non-standard approach to work.

The simplest and most common way is to open a hairdressing salon with an average price tag, where services are provided for men, women and children. It is advisable to separate the men's and women's rooms.

Choosing a suitable location for a hairdresser

First, let's decide which location is more suitable for a hairdresser. Elite establishments are usually located in the very center of the city - if you decide to open a VIP-class hair salon. If you want to open a more modest salon (not necessarily an economy one), it is better to locate it in residential areas of the city.

There is an opinion among experienced entrepreneurs that it is better to locate a salon in the area where you live. This makes it easier to analyze the market for such services and understand which audience you will work for.

As for the room itself, there are several options:

  • on the first floor of a residential building(the most common type of room);
  • in shopping centers(if the rental price allows, it is expensive in large shopping centers);
  • in a separate low-rise building, which can be intended simultaneously for residence, shops, bars.

Important! Basement premises are very popular for business, but for a hairdresser this option is strictly prohibited! We are talking about basic sanitary standards and legal requirements.

Here you need to consider the main restrictions and requirements:

  • mandatory presence of utility rooms;
  • a properly functioning sewerage, water supply, and ventilation system;
  • sufficient space in the main room (minimum total area is 42 sq. m);
  • One workplace requires approximately 7-10 sq. m;
  • mandatory cosmetic repairs;
  • sufficient lighting, fluorescent lighting of the work area;
  • smooth floor without joints to avoid contamination;
  • 2 chairs must have one sink;
  • the premises must have free access and a separate entrance.

Hair salon equipment

We list the basic equipment that is required for a hairdressing salon:

  • chairs (one per workplace);
  • tables;
  • shelves;
  • shells;
  • mirrors;
  • chairs for craftsmen;
  • hangers;
  • urns;
  • cabinets;
  • air conditioner;
  • appliances: hair dryers, curling irons, machines;

The amount of equipment listed depends on the number of visitors that can be received at the same time. Don't forget to buy sets of scissors, combs, etc.

You will also need materials:

  • shampoos;
  • colognes;
  • air conditioners;
  • balms;
  • gels;
  • varnishes;
  • paints;
  • creams.

Consumables are also needed: cotton pads, disposable gloves and caps. It is recommended to purchase these materials for 2-3 months. Then you will simply buy everything you need.

Equipment selection video:


You should hire only proven craftsmen. Poaching beauty salon workers is a common situation. This is not so bad if the master works 2/2 and wants to earn more. But it is better to hire those who will work on a permanent basis.

There are several search options:

  • through friends, social networks;
  • submitting advertisements to newspapers;
  • personal offer to the artist of interest.

When recruiting personnel, it is important to determine exactly how payment will be made. It could be:

  • standard fixed salary + percentage;
  • percentage of the amount of work completed per month.

Typically, the master can receive up to 40% of the proceeds. And the size of the fixed salary will depend on the city in which you organize your business. Prices and salaries in the provinces and capital cities are different.

Regarding quantity:

  • for the smallest hairdresser, two hairdressers and a cleaner are enough;
  • for a middle-class hairdresser - 4-10 hairdressers, a cleaner and an administrator are needed.

How to open a hair salon? Legal aspect of activity

Business must be registered. Usually, registration of an individual entrepreneur is enough to operate a hairdressing salon. It's much simpler than an LLC: no need starting capital, statutory documents, there are no problems with withdrawing funds from your account. But the main thing is that it’s easier to deal with taxation. And usually there are not so many craftsmen working; a minimum number of personnel is required. What is required of you:

  • fill out an application;
  • pay the state fee;
  • submit documents for registration.

Please note that it is mandatory to indicate the activity code. If you specialize exclusively in hairdressing, we indicate:

96.02 – Provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons

You also need to decide on the tax system. Usually it is advised to choose UTII. Other options can also be considered, for example, if you are a private hairdresser and are opening a salon for yourself. You can think about the simplified tax system.

Providing hairdressing services does not require a special license. But you definitely need to get:

  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • SES permission;
  • permission from the fire service.

Financial part: costs, payback and income

  • renovation of the premises: 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of consumables: from 100 thousand rubles;
  • equipment: minimum 200 thousand rubles;
  • advertising: 10-15 thousand rubles.

On average, you will need half a million rubles to create a small hairdressing salon, and this is quite acceptable starting capital.

You will also need monthly expenses:

  • salary for a master: from 20 thousand rubles. or % of payment for services;
  • premises rental: from 25 thousand rubles. per month.

If you charge 200-500 rubles for a haircut, there will be about 20 clients per day, the income will be 3-8 thousand rubles. You will receive from 90 thousand rubles monthly.

You will be able to recoup your investment in 1.5-2 years.

Advice: develop, give discounts to regular customers, send specialists to improve their skills. If you are a master yourself, attend master classes from famous stylists. This will allow you to grow in professionally, stand out from the gray mass of ordinary hairdressing salons. Come up with your own “tricks”!

Promotion of services

You need to care about promotion no less than about the funds invested in equipment. They should speak well of you, which means the main condition is really good job masters And word of mouth always becomes the base. Therefore, it is recommended to start by providing services for your friends. If you work well, they will start talking about you in their circles. You also need:

  • Come up with a good and memorable name. If you are experiencing difficulties, just contact a freelance copywriter through any online exchange.
  • Create a design project. This includes the development of a logo and corporate identity.
  • Order a bright sign. It should be highlighted and attract attention.
  • Make business cards. It’s inexpensive, you will distribute business cards to all clients, and at first to your friends. If you like the work, they will call you and make an appointment.
  • Print flyers. Contact any printing workshop. Leaflets can be distributed to mailboxes in nearby houses in the area. So, you can report the discovery.

Let's sum it up

Having your own hairdresser is an opportunity to express yourself creatively, earn a lot of income, and engage in socially useful work. Assess your strength and try. Don't expect immediate payback and big profits. But when you love what you do and are constantly developing, it will definitely bear fruit. Take the first step, and we wish you success in your entrepreneurial endeavors!