State subsidy for starting a business. Tax benefits for new and existing entrepreneurs. Who provides subsidies for individual entrepreneurs?

We will look at how to receive a subsidy for the development of your business from the state represented by municipal structures in this article.

Currently, you can receive a subsidy for business development by contacting the city administration. As part of a special state program, sold in 40 Russian regions, beginning entrepreneurs are provided with grants in the range of 160-300 thousand rubles.

If your region participates in the program, then you need to meet a number of requirements:

  • Register as an individual entrepreneur or co-founder of a legal entity (no more than 1 year must pass from the date of registration);
  • At the time of submitting the application, invest at least 40% of personal funds into the project, or submit documents certifying the availability of this amount;
  • At the time of registration, you must belong to one of the following categories of citizens: students, retired military personnel, disabled people, doctors or unemployed people registered with the employment service;
  • Select one of the priority activities: organization catering, construction, production of building materials, tourism, timber processing, leisure activities, waste disposal and processing, extraction and processing of raw materials, consumer services, hotel business, innovation.

  • Provide a business plan in the form;
  • Invest personal funds in a business project in the amount established by Government Decree in your region;
  • Take the Fundamentals course entrepreneurial activity» in a licensed educational institution;
  • In full accordance with the Resolution, prepare a package of documents and in the prescribed manner submit along with the grant application.

Cannot receive subsidies for business development: citizens of foreign countries, gambling enterprises, participants in production sharing agreements, insurance companies, credit organizations, individual pension funds and non-state pension funds, pawnshops, stock market participants, manufacturers and sellers of excisable goods, as well as enterprises engaged in the extraction and processing of minerals.

An applicant may be refused a subsidy if he has previously received a similar type of support and its validity period has not yet expired, or personal funds have not been invested in the project on the date of application. In cases where an enterprise is reorganized, liquidated or goes bankrupt, or has outstanding overdue debts on mandatory payments, the applicant is also excluded from the lists for receiving a grant.

Subsidized funds must be directed to the intended use for which the individual entrepreneur or legal entity is responsible. In cases of disclosure of misuse, the commission decides to return the amount of money. If after 1 year the funds have not been used in full, the commission may require the return of the balance.

The advantages of owning your own business can be described endlessly, but not everyone has enough money to open one and further development. Beginning businessmen are wondering where to get start-up capital. Government subsidies will partially help solve this problem. Development of small and medium-sized businesses ─ priority direction in the development of the country and has a number of benefits for the state: the emergence of new jobs, a decrease in the unemployment rate, the deduction of taxes, which contributes to the general well-being.

It happens erroneous opinion that subsidies must be returned. A subsidy is gratuitous assistance, i.e. for nothing. But you shouldn’t try to deceive the state. It will not be possible to receive government assistance to open and develop a business and then spend the money on your own needs. You will have to account for every penny you spend. If facts of misuse of funds are revealed, the state punishes newly created businessmen and obliges them to return the assistance. The funds received must be spent on specific purposes:

  • purchase of equipment, raw materials;
  • business and patent registration;
  • obtaining licenses;
  • training and retraining of full-time employees;
  • discounts on rental of premises, services, goods.

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The amount of funding may differ in different regions, but the most large sums Muscovites can get:

  • 25 thousand rubles for registration;
  • 300 thousand rubles for starting a business;
  • a new type of subsidy covering from 40 to 60% of expenses, provided that this amount does not exceed 300,000 rubles.

How to get help starting a business

The state subsidy for starting a business is 12 monthly unemployment benefits, which is approximately 60,000 rubles. To receive it, you must have unemployed status and a fact of lack of employment opportunity, confirmed by the employment service. It is worth noting that the following categories of citizens are not considered unemployed:

  • women on maternity leave;
  • young citizens who are under 16 years of age;
  • full-time students;
  • citizens registered as individual entrepreneurs or working under an employment contract;
  • people who have retired due to age.

How to get a subsidy from the state, action plan:

  1. Register with the employment center at your place of residence. To do this, you will need to provide copies and originals of your passport, work book, diplomas, certificates, tax identification number, salary certificate for the last 3 months with last place work.
  2. Write an application for a subsidy and provide detailed business– a plan in paper and electronic form, which must indicate the purpose of receiving the subsidy, costs and payback.
  3. On the appointed day, you must appear at the commission meeting and make a presentation of your business project. It is possible that committee members will ask questions, so you should review your business plan carefully.
  4. In case of a positive verdict of the commission, register as an individual entrepreneur.
  5. Provide a package of documents to the tax service and open an account with Sberbank.
  6. After two months, receive the money. Provide the employment center with a full report on the funds spent.

Such assistance is issued only once, and the entire procedure for receiving money can last 6 months.

Subsidies for business development

Each region is allocated limited quantity funds for business development. There are a lot of applicants for assistance, so it can be obtained on a competitive basis; applications are submitted to the local government authorities at the place of residence. Entrepreneurs with experience cannot apply; the age of a private enterprise should not exceed 1 year.

Organizations that are on the verge of bankruptcy, conducting their activities related to alcohol, tobacco products, real estate, and rentals do not take part in the competition. Organizations associated with trade have minimal chances of receiving assistance for business development, unless they are related to goods for the poor.

The following areas are priority:

  • transport;
  • construction;
  • youth programs;
  • public service sector;
  • innovative business;
  • production;
  • agriculture;
  • road repairs.

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To take part in the competition, you must provide a package of documents: copies of your passport, TIN, registration certificate, all constituent documents, data on the number of staff and salaries of employees, business plan.

Each specific case is considered individually and may vary in the forms and amounts of assistance. So in the regions, subsidies to small businesses from the state amount to 200-300 thousand rubles, in Moscow this amount can be increased to 500,000 rubles. Some regional programs can provide one million rubles. The maximum period for spending funds is one year.

The federal Start program was created to help young enterprises whose age does not exceed 2 years. Any company can take part if its products have not yet been sold. The program works in the areas of innovative medicine, innovative materials, equipment, and high technologies. Assistance is provided in the amount of 6 million rubles over three years and is allocated for scientific and research activities.

Subsidies for the purchase of housing

How to get an apartment

In 1986, Mikhail Gorbachev promised that in 2000 every family would have its own apartment or house. It's 2017, but things are still going strong. According to official data alone, 3 million. Russian families do not have their own home. IN Soviet times there was the concept of “standing in line for an apartment.” After 5 ─ 10 years of working at one enterprise, a person could become the happy owner of his own square meters. After 2005, it became possible to improve their living conditions at the expense of the state only for the poor, who are in dire need of improved housing conditions and preferential categories; only these citizens can get on the waiting list for an apartment and, in 10-20 years, cross the threshold of their own apartment.

The first condition is to receive the status of a person in need. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have lived in this city more than 10 years and the occupied area is below the accounting norm. The rules vary in each specific city. In Moscow ─ 10 m² per person. In St. Petersburg ─ 9 m², in Vladivostok ─ 13 m². For example, if a family of three lives in Moscow in an apartment of 35 m², then it does not need to improve its housing.

The second condition is to officially confirm the status of the poor. In Moscow, a low-income person is someone who has not been able to save up for an apartment in 20 years, saving all funds except the subsistence level. Everything movable and real estate. By the standards of St. Petersburg, a citizen whose income is less than 2 subsistence minimums, and whose own property should not exceed the amount of 486,000 rubles, is recognized as low-income.

To obtain low-income status, it is necessary to prepare certificates of income for all family members, a marriage or divorce certificate, documents for existing real estate, its valuation, and documents for a car. If there is no real estate or car, you will need certificates confirming these facts.

If the low-income status is confirmed, an application is written, a package of documents is collected and transferred to the city administration. If the commission approves, the citizen is put on the waiting list. You must confirm your low-income status annually. If income increases and they are immediately excluded from the queue for an apartment. The waiting list can last up to 20 years, during which time you must remain low-income and live in housing less than the established norm.

Until relatively recently, some twenty years ago, there were very few private entrepreneurs - rarely did anyone dare to go on an open voyage; most citizens preferred to “work for their uncle.” Since then, a lot has changed - private entrepreneurs began to be called individual entrepreneurs and enough of them appeared so that we can say with confidence that small business in Russia has been formed and it is based mainly on small enterprises and individual entrepreneurs.

This increase in the number of individual entrepreneurs is quite natural: own business allows you to independently, without orders from above, manage personal resources and time, while not reporting to anyone.

That is why there are not fewer people who would like to start their own business. However, many are stopped by the lack of initial capital and a strategy for independent development. In this article we will talk about what kind of support the state provides to beginning businessmen and how to get a subsidy to start your own business.

Who is eligible for a subsidy from the employment center?

Assistance from the state to beginning individual entrepreneurs comes through territorial employment centers. The state has a direct interest in increasing the number of individual entrepreneurs for several reasons:

  • The number of unemployed is decreasing;
  • The treasury receives new taxes and contributions;
  • Small business is the backbone of the country. The stronger and more numerous it is, the stronger the state.

However, despite the active promotion of the development of individual entrepreneurs, the number of citizens turning to the state for support is not so large: only 2%. This is due to low awareness of the population about such a program and people’s fear of being left alone with their problems in the event of unforeseen situations.

But let's start in order. Who is eligible for government subsidies?

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation upon reaching 18 years of age;
  • citizens who are registered with the employment center as unemployed for more than one month.


  • minors;
  • women on maternity leave;
  • full-time students;
  • pensioners;
  • some categories of military;
  • convicts;
  • employees under employment contracts;
  • persons who were already previously registered as individual entrepreneurs, if less than six months have passed since deregistration;
  • those who were fired from work due to violations of labor discipline.

In addition to all of the above, employees of the Employment Center will refuse a subsidy to those who registered as unemployed, but within 10 days from the date of registration refused the proposed work options twice.

Unemployed people who have repeatedly violated the rules of the employment service will also not receive a subsidy.

Subsidy amount for individual entrepreneurs

The law clearly states that the amount of the subsidy must be equal to the amount of cash unemployment payments for twelve months.

The essence of assistance to starting entrepreneurs from the employment center

As mentioned above, the first and main part of supporting start-up entrepreneurs is payment to them of the corresponding subsidy. The amount of financial assistance in each specific case is individual and depends on the amount of unemployment benefits assigned on the basis of wages and length of service at the last place of work. Typically, according to statistics, medium size The subsidy is about 60 thousand rubles.

Second help option: compensation for the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur. In particular, the state returns the state fee for registration, reimburses money spent on legal consultations and notary services, compensates for the costs of purchasing forms, making stamps, etc.

The third way to support aspiring businessmen is to provide them with free consultations from lawyers, organizing business training, as well as the possibility of renting premises at a price significantly lower than the market price.

And finally, the fourth point - assistance in developing a business plan, without which it is basically impossible to receive a subsidy.

Documents and procedure for obtaining subsidies for individual entrepreneurs

In order for financial assistance to start your own business to be paid, a certain algorithm of actions has been developed that must be strictly followed:

  1. You need to register with the territorial department of the Employment Center. To do this, you must have a passport, tax identification number, work book, certificate or diploma, a certificate from your last place of work about your salary for the last three months in a row, as well as an application for unemployment benefits.

    Attention! If an applicant for a subsidy has not officially worked anywhere for five years, the Employment Center specialists can legally refuse to receive financial assistance for opening an individual entrepreneur. The logic is simple: if a person had money for living from somewhere in the previous five-year period, then he will be able to provide himself with it in the future.

  2. It is necessary to consult with an employee of the Employment Center. The procedure for receiving subsidies may differ slightly depending on the region of the Russian Federation;
  3. You must write a statement that will become written evidence of your desire to open your own business;
  4. Psychological testing: a formal but necessary procedure to receive a subsidy;
  5. Developing an enterprise development strategy or, in other words, writing a business plan. Let's dwell on this point in a little more detail. The fact is that a business plan is not the simplest document. In order to write it correctly, a certain amount of experience and knowledge is required. Therefore, if you feel that your skills are not enough to develop a business development concept, it is better to turn to specialists. What should be included and what to pay attention to in a business plan:
    • Profit margin. This is the most important point in every business plan, since any commercial activity implies some kind of income;
    • Availability cash , which can be invested in the business as initial capital. The money allocated as a subsidy will clearly be insufficient to start a business from scratch, so a novice entrepreneur must have some kind of financial reserves of his own. In addition, they will be additional confirmation of the seriousness of the intentions of the future individual entrepreneur. The ratio of personal funds to the amount of financial assistance must be at least 1:2;
    • Innovation. The more unusual and more original idea, the higher the chances that the project will be approved;
    • Number of personnel in the future company. The main goal of the Employment Center is to employ as many people as possible. more people. That is why the Employment Center specialists give the greatest preference to business plans with a high number of employees;
    • Reasonability of expenses. The business plan must specify for what purpose the subsidy received will be used. And the more detail this point is described, the better. It would be good if the purchase of equipment, raw materials or supplies is stated as such goals. The worst option: wasting subsidies on renting space and advertising services.
  6. After writing a business plan, it must be submitted to the Employment Center along with an application for a subsidy. These documents will be reviewed by a specially formed commission, which will evaluate the results of psychological testing and the business plan, after which a verdict will be made on the ability of the applicant for a subsidy to engage in entrepreneurial activity. Then, within 10 days, the commission will make a decision, with a corresponding order signed by the director of the Employment Center;
  7. If approval is received, you will need to enter into an agreement to transfer the subsidy amount and then go to tax office register as an individual entrepreneur at your place of residence;
  8. After completing all these points, it will be necessary to provide the specialists of the Employment Center with all reporting documents, including registration of the individual entrepreneur with the tax office and receipts justifying expenses from the subsidy funds (invoices, checks, etc.).

As can be seen from what is written above, getting a subsidy from the state to open your own business is not so problematic. To do this you need to create good business plan and go all the way from an idea to its implementation in established by law ok. If everything is done right, then a government subsidy can be an excellent support at the beginning of an independent entrepreneurial journey.

Pay attention! A more current version of the article is here: .

Subsidies for small business development are one of the priority tools of the government support program aimed at supporting start-up entrepreneurs.

In previous articles we have already talked about how small businesses can, but today I would like to talk about new types of government support, as well as how to quickly and easily receive a subsidy in 2017.

Subsidies for opening and developing small businesses in 2017

Today in Russia there are several different types government assistance programs for small businesses. The size of the subsidy, as well as the conditions and procedure for its provision, may vary depending on the region, but general principle All programs have the same actions - all subsidies are provided strictly for specific industries and specific purposes.

You can get information about what types of assistance are available to start-up entrepreneurs in your region at the Employment Center at your place of residence or registration. For example, Moscow entrepreneurs can count on a subsidy from the State Budgetary Institution Small Business of Moscow in the amount of up to 500,000 rubles.

Who can receive a subsidy for small business development in 2017?

Anyone can apply for a subsidy in 2017 individual who received official unemployed status. However, one should remember about exceptions: according to current legislation, entrepreneurs whose activities are related to real estate, alcohol, tobacco products, as well as the performance of supply functions, cannot count on receiving government subsidies.

How to apply for a subsidy for small business development? Step by step instructions

We have prepared especially for our readers simple instructions, which will help you receive a subsidy for opening and developing small businesses in as soon as possible and at no extra cost.

Step one – registration with the Employment Center

If you do not yet have official unemployed status, first of all you need to register with. To do this, contact the labor exchange at your place of residence with the following package of documents:

  • Passport;
  • Diploma or other document confirming education;
  • Work book (if available);
  • Insurance pension certificate;
  • TIN;
  • Sberbank card number;
  • Military ID (for men).

After registering, you will have to write two applications: about receiving unemployment benefits and that you plan to engage in private business, and also pass a short test.

Step two - drawing up a business plan

So, you have registered with the Employment Center. What's next? The next stage is writing a business plan, and its preparation must be approached with the utmost seriousness. Your plan should not only make a good impression, but also interest the head of the central control department, so we recommend that you contact special attention to the main points:

  • New jobs. If you are planning to attract employees, be sure to include this in your business plan! This will increase the likelihood of receiving a subsidy several times.
  • The social significance of your business. Tell us how your business will be useful and important for society. As practice shows, projects in the manufacturing and services sectors have the best chances.
  • Your investments. The higher your own costs, the higher the chances of success. The optimal ratio of your investment to the amount of the subsidy should be at least 1 to 2.
  • Targeted use of the subsidy. Of course, this is the most important criterion, to which the Center pays special attention. Describe all expenses in detail so that the commission understands exactly for what purposes the money received from the state will be spent.

Step three - protecting the business plan

After you have drawn up a business plan, it must be submitted to the Commission of the Employment Center for consideration. If the plan turns out to be successful and is approved, an agreement will be concluded with you on the transfer of the subsidy.

Pay attention! First of all, you need to conclude an agreement and only then register an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

Step four - registering an LLC or individual entrepreneur

The final stage will be registering your company with the Federal Tax Service. You can find information on how to correctly register an LLC and individual entrepreneur in our articles and.

As soon as you receive it in your hands registration documents, they must be submitted to the Employment Center, after which funds in the amount of 12 monthly unemployment benefits (approximately 60 thousand rubles) will be transferred to your card.

Pay attention! After receiving the money, you are required to keep records confirming the intended use of the subsidy. After three months, you need to report on the use of these funds.

Assistance program for individual entrepreneurs– provision of government subsidies in the form of government funding. This is a designated amount of money that is given one-time as an incentive to start-up businessmen for targeted spending. It can be spent on purchasing necessary equipment, premises, purchases of raw materials and other goods and services provided for in the business plan. Financial assistance for starting/developing a business is a measure used by the state in the fight against unemployment. Besides, successful business– additional contributions to the state budget in the form of tax payments.

Features of calculating subsidies for individual entrepreneurs

A legal entity has the right to issue subsidies for individual entrepreneurs on a non-refundable basis. The amount received will not have to be returned if the funds are spent in strict accordance with the goals of the business plan. This is government assistance, which is issued with the aim of covering the financial costs and lost profits of a businessman during the production and sale of goods and the provision of services. Information on the procedure for accrual and payment, restrictions and reasons for refusals, and purposes of receipt can be found in Art. 78 of the Budget Code. Also, these issues are regulated by legislative act No. 209-FZ (07/24/2007).

Subsidy goals

Subsidies for start-up entrepreneurs can be issued for:

  • payment of lease payments;
  • purchase of premises;
  • registration of a patent and purchase of other intangible assets;
  • organization and modernization of workplaces;
  • carrying out repairs;
  • purchase of raw materials and consumables, about 20% of the required amount is provided for these expenses;
  • payment for employee training programs;
  • renewal of fixed assets, purchased equipment cannot be sold within the designated time period, from 1 to 3 years the property must be on the balance sheet of the enterprise;
  • repayment of a bank loan;
  • opening a new business in accordance with the approved business plan.

All relevant expenses must be supported by expense reports and documents. The recipient of assistance must agree to the appropriate checks organized by the manager of budget funds. Within this framework, an analysis is carried out of compliance with the conditions, goals, and the procedure for spending the funds received by the entrepreneur.

Important! Subsidizing activities related to the production, distribution, sale of tobacco/alcohol products, rental of real estate and rental of equipment, Russian state not provided.

Types of assistance to individual entrepreneurs

The following types of assistance are provided for the development of small/medium businesses:

  1. Support for existing business. The amount is within 25,000 rubles.
  2. Opening a new business, with the ability to regulate the amount of financial payment, up to 60,000 rubles.
  3. Opening a business for a disabled person who is unemployed and raising a child alone. This amount is within 300,000 rubles.

Conditions for obtaining financial assistance for starting a business

A subsidy for the implementation of a business idea is issued on a one-time basis. It is issued to the category of persons who are not employed by the Employment Center. The following requirements are presented to the applicant:

  • unemployed status;
  • presence in the work book of the status “dismissed”;
  • lack of individual entrepreneur status;
  • You cannot be the founder and co-founder of an enterprise.

Application procedure, step-by-step instructions:

  1. Applying for unemployment benefits.
  2. Get advice from a specialist at the Employment Center. Clarification of conditions.
  3. A statement confirming your desire to open your own business.
  4. Passing the test.
  5. Development and writing of a business plan. There are several options here. Can be ordered finished project from a specialist or study the issue yourself in order to write a professional business plan.
  6. Submitting documents for subsidies.
  7. Checking the documents submitted by the applicant and analyzing the situation by specialists from the Employment Center. The decision to pay or refuse is made by the director of the organization in accordance with the decision of the commission.
  8. Concluding an agreement to finance a small business, if a positive decision is made.
  9. Registration of individual entrepreneur/LLC.
  10. Providing documents confirming business registration to the Employment Center office.

Documents. Subsidies can be issued to future entrepreneurs after the applicant presents a package of documents and fills out and signs application forms. In addition to an identity document, you need a certificate from your previous place of work. TIN, work book, a certificate of education will also be required. The applicant will be asked to write an application for registration plus an application for opening an individual entrepreneur on the spot.

After the citizen who applied for the subsidy receives the status of unemployed, the employees of the Employment Center will offer him to issue a savings book. They will also schedule the next meeting and tell you the plan of expected events. Next, the applicant must propose and defend a business plan. He must submit the project in electronic and printed form. The document must set out all aspects of future business activity.

The business plan should clearly indicate such points as:

  • the purpose of the subsidy;
  • the profitability of the project, a head of expenses and payback must be provided;
  • planned jobs;
  • possibility of attracting own funds applicant for business development.

On the appointed date, the commission meets on the issue of issuing a subsidy to a specific candidate. A decision on the advisability of paying financial support is made within 60 days. If the decision is positive, the applicant will be required to sign an agreement on the targeted use of funds. After the application is approved by the organization’s management, the citizen can begin registering an individual entrepreneur. After copies are provided to the Employment Center tax documents, they will make the corresponding charges to the savings book. The contract can be closed only after the entrepreneur provides reports and confirmation of the intended use of money for review.

Important! The subsidy is issued if the Employment Center employees confirm the fact that the applicant is unable to find employment. The analysis is carried out taking into account professional skills and level of education.

It is worth noting that subsidies to small and medium-sized businesses are awarded if:

  • the registration period for individual entrepreneurs is no more than one year;
  • the need to spend money throughout the year;
  • the need to spend funds exclusively on the implementation of the goals provided for in the business plan.

Important! If during the audit it turns out that the payments were spent by the entrepreneur on needs not provided for in the business plan, he may be required to return the amount previously paid to him.

After a year has passed since the accrual, the individual entrepreneur is required to provide reports on the expenditure of funds received under the program. If he cannot confirm the appropriateness of using any amount, he will be forced to return it. To avoid negative consequences you need to properly plan the implementation of the agreed goals, monitor reporting and collect documents confirming expenses.

List of documents that need to be prepared to receive a subsidy

A complete set of documents is one of the first grounds for issuing a subsidy. Only on this basis can a citizen who applies for financial assistance be included in the list of applicants. State support can only be obtained on a competitive basis. So, to the one who applied individual entrepreneur provides:

  • application of the appropriate sample;
  • business plan;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • feasibility study, abbreviated as feasibility study - a document that can be used instead of a business plan;
  • estimate of future costs;
  • a questionnaire containing information about the type of business;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • bank certificate confirming the existence of an entrepreneur’s account;
  • certificates from tax authority, other off-budget funds confirming the fact that there is no debt.

Many people cannot start their own business due to lack of starting capital. This is a serious obstacle that prevents budding entrepreneurs from realizing their plans. In this case, government financial support becomes a good help. You will learn how to receive a subsidy from the state for small businesses in 2018 from this article.

Types of subsidies

First of all, it should be noted that a subsidy for small businesses from the state is not a credit or a loan. The entrepreneur receives funds free of charge, but only on the condition that he spends them for their intended purpose.

If you want to receive a business subsidy from the state, you need to draw up in advance detailed plan actions, as well as calculate possible costs and future profits. All expense items should be described in as much detail as possible. In this case, officials will clearly understand what you want to spend the money on and, most likely, will make a positive decision. After an individual entrepreneur spends money, he must report for it to regulatory authorities. Documents that confirm their intended use must be attached to the report.

Government programs to support small businesses are an excellent option for those who don’t know.

They can have different target orientations:

  • Training of employees at courses;
  • Loan payments;
  • For rental payments;
  • Fixed asset updates;
  • Grants for the implementation of a business plan;
  • For patenting.

Distribution of funds among regions is carried out on a competitive basis. The list of events aimed at supporting start-up businessmen expands every year.

Types of subsidies are established by each subject of the Russian Federation individually.

State assistance can be of the following types:

  • Opening your own business – 60 thousand rubles;
  • Support for entrepreneurs – 25 thousand rubles;
  • Assistance to start a business for an entrepreneur who is disabled, unemployed or a single parent minor child– 300 thousand rubles.

The subsidy is issued not only for opening, but also for business development. In addition to financial support, you can also receive other types of government assistance:

  • Renting commercial real estate, special equipment or land plots at low rates, and in some cases even free;
  • Preferential bank loans;
  • Subsidizing fixed assets for the purchase of equipment or leased equipment.

Funds that support start-up entrepreneurs employ specialists who provide free legal support for businesses and help with accounting.

How to get help?

To get money to start a business from the state in 2018, you need to go through a difficult and long haul. By law, any unemployed person who is registered with the employment center can apply for such assistance. To do this, you need to provide a ready-made business plan. It should indicate the type of activity, information about production equipment and technologies, suppliers of raw materials, etc. It is also necessary to calculate the approximate cost of the project, taking into account government subsidies and equity capital.

If you believe high hopes this money should be carefully prepared from all sides. Initially, the business plan is reviewed by an expert commission, which gives it professional assessment. If your proposal does not seem strong enough or illiterate, you will most likely be rejected. Therefore, before submitting an application, you need to make sure that your project does not have vulnerabilities:

  • Sphere. It is best to start your own business in the manufacturing or innovation industry;
  • Means. Indicate in the application what you want to spend the subsidy on;
  • Jobs. If you plan to hire 5 workers, this will give you certain advantages;
  • Qualification. If your team has at least 3 years of experience in the selected industry, you will receive additional points during the assessment.

After you submit all the documents to the department for promoting self-employment of citizens at the employment center, you need to open an account to which the state subsidy for the development of small businesses will be transferred. If your plan is approved, you can register with the tax office. You will spend no more than five days to register an individual entrepreneur. After receiving the certificate, you need to submit the following package of documents to the employment center:

  • Passport;
  • Business plan;
  • Application for assistance.

These documents are needed to conclude an agreement between the state and the entrepreneur. Financial assistance will be transferred to your account within a month from the date of signing the agreement.

Reasons for refusal of financial assistance

Let's figure out how to get money for business from the state free of charge in 2018 and at the same time avoid refusal. The most common reason why a subsidy may be refused is the inconsistency of the business plan with the areas of activity whose development is a priority for the state. Therefore, if you have not decided yet, pay special attention to the following areas:

  • Agriculture;
  • Innovation sphere;
  • Education;
  • Medicine;
  • Tourism.

There are certain areas of activity that are not subject to subsidies:

  • Gambling business;
  • Banking services;
  • Insurance;
  • Issuance of loans.

If a person asks too much a large amount, civil service may significantly reduce it or refuse to provide assistance. The fund that issues subsidies makes a decision within 6 months from the date of submission of the application. So if you really need financial support, apply to several different funds at the same time.

Another common reason for refusal to receive a subsidy from the state to open a small business is a dubious, weak project, when considering which many questions arise. Before making a positive decision, members of the commission must make sure that the financial resources given to you will be used strictly for their intended purpose. It should also be remembered that the state does not finance projects that will be implemented outside our country. An unemployed person who was already receiving a subsidy may also no longer count on government support.

Before applying for a subsidy, you must first find out in order to choose the right area of ​​activity. After this, carefully develop a business plan and collect all the necessary documents.

Features of receiving a subsidy

The main feature of small business subsidies from the state in 2018 is that you will not have to return the money received, since it is issued free of charge. But the state must receive in return new jobs in small enterprises and another strong cell in the economy.

An entrepreneur who signs a subsidy agreement must understand that by doing so he assumes certain obligations. The most important of them is the provision of reporting with documentary evidence of the intended use of the subsidy. The report must be submitted to the tax office within 3 months after receiving financial assistance.

As confirmation you can use:

  • Paid payment orders;
  • Checks;
  • Receipts and any other payment documents.

The report must fully comply with all points ready-made business plan. If an entrepreneur cannot fully or partially confirm the intended use of funds, he will have to return in full all the money. There is one more small nuance in the terms of the agreement, which excludes the emergence of fly-by-night companies opened with public money. By agreement, the entrepreneur who received the subsidy must work for at least 1 year.

Before you receive money for small business development from the state in 2018, you need to familiarize yourself with all the features of issuing subsidies in order to avoid problems in the future.

Video: how to get a subsidy for a business?

What can the subsidy be spent on?

Public money should be used only for its intended purpose. An entrepreneur who received a subsidy must account for every penny. To understand where finances can be used, before receiving money from the state for business development in 2018, you need to carefully study the terms of the agreement.

So, what can you spend your money on:

  1. Purchase of equipment. It is placed on the balance sheet for 3 years, so you do not have the right to sell or give away the equipment during this period;
  2. No more than 20% of the total amount can be spent on renting an office or industrial premises;
  3. Purchase of licensed software;
  4. Obtaining the necessary licenses;
  5. Purchase of consumables and raw materials (20% of the total amount).

Before applying for government assistance, decide to correctly distribute cash flows.

How to draw up a business plan to receive a subsidy?

Developing a business plan is a very important point that you should pay special attention to. If you are sure that your idea is a good idea, you need to convince the officials who decide on issuing government assistance.

Let's consider the main principles of drawing up a business plan:

  • Try to express your thoughts simply and clearly, without specific terms;
  • Use accurate numbers as much as possible. If you want to make 2 million rubles in profit in the first year of operation, indicate in your business plan how you can achieve this;
  • The project must contain a clear development strategy. Describe the expected distribution channels, projected demand for products, etc. Also, do not forget to indicate how much money you plan to spend on implementing the idea;
  • A well-drafted action plan is the easiest way to receive a business subsidy from the state.

Do not forget that the money received as part of the subsidy must be spent within one year. If your company goes bankrupt for some reason, you will be forced to return all the funds spent.