How they win millions in the lottery: why the winners become drunkards and go bankrupt. How to win a large sum of money in the lottery Win a million rubles vbulletin

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The chances of winning the average lottery for each player, frankly, are small. But there are lucky people who win big prizes several times and even share their theories of guaranteed winnings. Not all equations can be explained logically, but they are nevertheless confirmed by the positive experience of the players.

We are in website We decided to collect the most interesting tips and tell you how you can increase your chances of winning. And at the end we will reveal the secret of what the probability of your winning will be if you decide to take part in the drawing.

1. Numbers that are drawn most often

Observing lottery drawings, analyst Soo Kim came to the conclusion that the number 20 ball most often comes out of the lottery drum. It is followed in terms of frequency of appearance by balls with numbers 37, 2, 31 and 35.

At the same time, the most frequent ball drawn in the bonus round was the number 42 . Kim is confident that by betting on these numbers, you will increase your chances of winning.

2. Increase chances without increasing costs

But not everyone wants to share their winnings (and there is such a possibility, even if you play outside the community). To avoid sharing the winnings with other lottery participants if you are lucky, try avoid the numbers that people use most often.

These numbers can easily be associated with dates that mean something to someone. Therefore, in order not to miss, mark the numbers after 31.

4. Don't be afraid of lotteries with a large number of participants

Novice players believe that there is no need to try to win the lottery in which they are participating. a large number of tickets (after all, the fewer participants, the greater the probability). This opinion is erroneous, since the probability of winning does not change depending on the number of players(unless we are talking about special drawings, where balls with ticket numbers are not removed from the drum).

By the way, lotteries with a large number of participants, on the contrary, are distinguished by a relatively large number of prizes and more significant winning amounts.

5. Keep an eye on your tickets

There are plenty of lottery winners in the world who don't even know their status. For example, Jimmy Smith, an elderly man from the United States, won $24 million and did not know it. Smith realized that he had won only 2 days before the expiration of the period allotted for receiving the money. Fortunately, all this time the ticket remained intact in the man’s shirt pocket.

The reality is that not everyone checks their tickets. Therefore, if you do not want to lose money, after purchasing a lottery ticket, do not forget to check it.

6. Don't trust cashiers

Be especially careful if you check your ticket through a cashier, otherwise you may end up in the same situation as the lucky one. The man bought a ticket in a supermarket and checked it through a special machine. Realizing that he had won a million, Figueroa turned to the cashier to double-check the data.

The cashier took the ticket and disappeared for 20 minutes, after which he returned and stated that he did not win the ticket. But Carlos already knew about his winnings thanks to the machine. In addition, the cashier brought a completely different ticket. You can’t even trust your friends on social networks. This is confirmed by the sad experience of a girl named Chantel, who posted a photo of a lucky ticket on Facebook.

One of the girl’s subscribers was brazen enough to scan the barcode from the photo and get other people’s money. As a result, when Chantelle tried to claim her winnings, she was denied.

Bonus: What are the chances of winning the lottery?

Before you go shopping for a lottery ticket and put these tips into practice, let's see what are the real chances of winning the jackpot today.

It has been scientifically proven that the chances of matching the numbers drawn from the lottery machine and the numbers written on the ticket are extremely small. And to be more precise:

  • the probability of winning a lottery in which you need to guess 6 numbers that will come out of the lottery machine before the drawing is 1 to 13,983,816;
  • The probability of winning the lottery with a ticket where you need to cross out the number field is 1 to almost 175,000,000.

Therefore, participation in the lottery should not be your only hope for solving all your problems.

Have you ever won the lottery? Do you have any secrets of your own? lucky numbers? Share this in the comments.

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If you are wondering which lottery has the best chance of winning, this already suggests that luck is just around the corner. As the saying goes: “Only those who don’t play don’t win”! Is it possible to win the lottery? – Of course it’s possible if you believe in your strength, luck and hope only for the best. An optimistic attitude is 90% of any win.

In fact, the chance of winning the average lottery is not very high. But there are lucky ones who have repeatedly hit a fairly large jackpot. In this article, such experts share their point of view on how to win the lottery.

As for which lottery you can actually win, player reviews boil down to the fact that there is no definite pattern. Not all versions discussed below can be explained from a logical point of view. But is logic really important if the result is obvious? To win the lottery, first of all you need to believe in it and follow the simple recommendations of experts. Only in this case your first million will not be far off.

TOP options for which lottery you can win

Most frequently drawn numbers

Experts in the field of lottery winnings say that the following numbers are most often drawn from the lottery machine:

But most frequent number in the winning round the number 42 appears. If you try your luck and place your bet on these numbers, you are more likely to succeed and win.

Chances increase, costs decrease

The more tickets you buy, the higher your chance of winning the lottery. But this requires considerable funds. The solution here is quite simple - you need to gather a community of players you trust. This group of people will contribute financially towards the purchase of tickets, which will greatly improve your chances of winning. But, if you still manage to hit the jackpot, you will have to share the money with all the participants in your happy company.

Playing alone

If you do not want to share your winnings, you can act independently. To increase your chances, you should not use numbers that may seem winning only at first glance (memorable dates, children’s birthdays, etc.). If you want to bring your winnings closer, mark the numbers after the number 31.

Do not avoid drawings with a large number of players

It happens erroneous opinion that the more players there are, the less chance of winning. Practice shows that lotteries of this type have a larger prize pool and the chances of winning here are much higher.

You should not trust the cashier to check your ticket.

After independently checking the data in the machine, many players ask sellers to check the data. There are cases when such sellers leave with a ticket for a minute, after which they claim that the ticket did not win. Unfortunately, cases of substitution are not uncommon. The cashier brings another ticket, which has nothing to do with the winning one.

After purchasing a ticket or after winning, you should not take a photo of it and post it on social network. Among your friends there may be unscrupulous individuals who want to take advantage of your winnings. The barcode and ticket number can be scanned and your money will be received. Even if you want to prove that you are right, it may not be possible.

The instant lottery is a chance to become a millionaire. But among a large number of players, only a few are lucky. If you make your preliminary calculations correctly, take into account all possible risk factors and simply hope for luck, it is quite possible that your lottery ticket will be a winner.

What is the chance of winning the lottery?

Before you buy a lottery ticket and try your luck, you should really assess the situation and determine the possible chances of winning. It has been proven that the probability of winning is negligible:

Tickets where you need to guess 6 winning numbers are among the most common. But, here the probability of winning is 1 in 13,983,816.

As for tickets where you need to fill out the entire field, the probability here is 1 in 175,000,000.

These statistics say that hoping to win the lottery should not be the only way out of this situation. But very often we hear from reports that this or that person hit his much-coveted jackpot. Therefore, winning the lottery is not a myth, but a reality!

And year after year, reports regularly appear in the media about huge lottery winnings. Each of us at least once in our lives thought about how good it would be to win big jackpot. Fantasies usually remain just fantasies. And we continue to listen with interest to messages about the incredible successes of other people. But the question is: why not try to win? Dear readers, most likely, will object: it is impossible to win! But that's not true! Today we’ll talk about how to win the lottery!

To do this, you do not need to have special knowledge or have higher education. It is enough to believe in success and read this article to the end. From it you will learn about the biggest and most amazing victories, methods and secrets of winning the lottery.

Probability of winning the lottery: science is on the side of the organizers!

What unites lottery organizers and insurance company owners? Of course, probability theory! They lose more often than they win. Receive insurance payments much less often than contributions are made. The profit is enormous in both cases. Why do they play the lottery and turn to insurance companies?

The fact is that tickets cost pennies, but you can win thousands and even millions of rubles. The same applies to insurance payments. Contributions amount to several thousand rubles, and payments in the event of an accident reach hundreds of thousands of rubles. Conclusion: the organizers and sometimes the players always win! So, how do you get into that small number of lucky ones? How to win the lottery?

From the point of view of mathematics, probability theory and statistics, it makes no difference whether you choose numbers at random or try to guess them using data from past lotteries and intuition. The appearance of any number is equally probable, regardless of the frequency of its appearance in past drawings. Fans of psychology believe that you need to develop a “winner’s mindset”, be mentally prepared to win and play not against the lottery machine, but against other players. That is, try to choose numbers that are least likely to be chosen by others.

Popular lotteries: Who? Where? When?

Now let's talk about what kind of lotteries there are. To do this, let’s find out who organizes them, where and when they are held? Few people know that the first lotteries in Russia appeared during the time of Peter I. Then they were exclusively state-owned and were used to “honestly” replenish the treasury. Only wealthy citizens could play the lottery, because not everyone could afford it.

At the moment, lotteries are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part 2, Chapter 58) and the Federal Law “On Lotteries”. According to the law, a lottery is a game organized by persons who have necessary permissions. It is carried out on the basis of an agreement between participants and organizers. Confirmation of the entry into force of the agreement is the sold lottery ticket. The organizer is obliged to inform the date, time and conditions of the drawing. If the conditions of the lottery are not met, then participants have the right to demand compensation for damages.

At the moment, online lotteries are becoming increasingly popular. Their essence has not changed. You just don't have to leave the house to try your luck anymore. Thanks to the Internet, it became possible to play not only domestic, but also foreign lotteries. But here's the first tip.

Tip 1. Choose popular domestic lotteries.

The fact is that if you win, you won’t have to go anywhere to get your fair winnings.

Tip 2. Choose the most popular lotteries.

Firstly, popularity is an indicator of the honesty of the organizers. Secondly, such lotteries usually have large jackpots.

Tip 3. Do not believe in the existence of “magic” methods of winning the lottery.

Among the lotteries are the following:

  1. Instant.
  2. Circulation:
    • with independent choice of numbers;
    • with ready numbers.

The names speak for themselves. With “instant” you will know about your winnings immediately. That is, you just buy a playing card, erase the scratch layer and find out the result. If you win, you can receive your winnings from the seller. If the amount is large, you will have to contact the organizers.

Draw lotteries are especially popular among players. Specifically, those in which you can choose your own numbers. But there are also fans of lottery tickets with ready-made numbers.

Lotteries can be classified by scale:

  • international;
  • government;
  • local.

The first type includes lotteries for which cards are sold in other countries. The second category includes those organized by the state or subject of the Russian Federation. Local lotteries are quizzes, sweepstakes or promotions with gifts. The main goal is to advertise a product, service, company, event, etc. The winners usually receive gifts rather than money.

Methods of winning the lottery and 3 secrets from experienced players!

So, here we come to the most interesting part: how to win the lottery? Of course, none of the methods guarantees 100% victory, but it is quite possible to increase your chances.

Method 1. Go against the flow!

The first of the proposed methods is based on the peculiarities of mass psychology. As mentioned earlier, most players choose numbers based on their feelings and results from past draws. If you have a desire to win, then you need to go against the crowd.

What is it about? About the fact that players unconsciously choose from the first 60-75% of options. For easier understanding, let us explain: if a player needs to choose several numbers out of 100 possible, then they will all be within 75. That is, most people simply forget about the existence of numbers 76-100. And according to the theory of probability, they appear as often as everyone else!

Secret 1. Choose the numbers that you think will be winning, evenly throughout the number series.

That is, if you decide to play a lottery in which you need to choose 6 numbers out of 48 offered, then divide 48 into 3 parts, each of which will have 16 options. In each part, choose 2 numbers. Why do people tend to choose smaller numbers? The fact is that many of us unconsciously believe in the power of “providence” or fate, therefore we focus on various significant dates or ages. If you go against the crowd, your chances of winning the lottery will increase significantly!

Method 2. Lottery Mafia!

Despite the name, we do not offer anything criminal. This is an extremely effective method of winning the lottery.

Secret 2. The probability of winning is proportional to the number of combinations.

That is, the more combinations involved in the drawing, the greater the probability of winning. We are talking about dozens and even hundreds of options. But in order to buy such a number of tickets you will have to spend a large sum. Therefore, you can gather a group of interested people and chip in money by playing many lotteries. If one of the combinations wins, then the profit is divided among everyone in proportion to the deposited funds!

There are quite a few people willing! This method is very effective in lotteries such as Gosloto 5 out of 36. According to probability theory, in in this case A total of 120 combinations of 5 numbers are possible. But since not only numbers are taken into account, but also their sequence, the number of options reaches 376,992 pieces. If you gather a large group of people, you can cover quite a lot of combinations. The cost of one ticket is only 60 rubles. A 100% chance of winning costs 376,992*60=22,619,520 rubles. The jackpot most often exceeds this amount!

For beginners, we will give some more tips

Tip 4: Don't pay for your friends.

It just doesn't make sense. If the combinations hit the Jackpot, then you will simply have to give your money out of the kindness of your heart to your friend who did not pay a penny. It’s probably hard to imagine a more profitable income. This leads to another piece of advice.

Tip 5. Skip the circulation for which there is no opportunity to chip in.

You will avoid conflict situations and disappointment.

Tip 6. Do not invite skeptics, pessimists, losers and whiners into your group.

Of course, the influence of positive thinking is not justified from a scientific point of view, but still, as practice shows, only positively minded people benefit.

Method 3. How to win the lottery: twice in the same river!

This method involves using the same number combination for all draws. If you have a favorite combination or several combinations, then you can use it for all draws and just wait for it to appear. There is no need to come up with a new combination every time. The effort required is minimal.

Method 4. Secrets of winning the lottery: distribution circulation is a bonanza!

Secret 3. Always participate in distribution runs.

This article accumulates the practical experience of experienced players who always participate in them. A distribution draw is a drawing of a jackpot that has been accumulating for some time. According to the letter of the law, the period cannot be more than one year. Therefore, at least once a year, lottery organizers distribute the jackpot (if it has not been hit) among all the winners. This is a great way to make money. The main thing is to have an active life position, track and participate in distribution drawings.

Method 5. What you pay is what you get!

This method involves playing with an expanded bet. This is acceptable in lotteries where you can choose numerical combinations yourself. It turns out that the probability of winning increases due to the fact that not one combination is played, but several at once. Of course, it will be much more expensive than usual, but the likelihood of hitting the jackpot is incomparably greater.

Russian lotteries with big winnings: TOP - 10 best of the best!

Based on the opinions of players and statistical data, we have prepared a rating of popular lotteries, both domestic and foreign.

TOP - 10 best of the best!

  1. Gosloto
  2. Euro Jackpot
  3. Sportsloto Keno
  4. New York Lotto
  5. Euro Million
  6. Russian Lotto
  7. Mega Million
  8. Lottery Golden Key
  9. Housing lottery
  10. Sportsloto

Russian lotteries with big win still somewhat different from foreign ones. The fact is that it is thanks to foreign lotteries that you can earn millions of dollars. Jackpots accumulate for a long time and sometimes reach fabulous amounts. For example, as of July 2016, you can win $39 million in the Euro Millions lottery, and $58 million in the Euro JackPot. For comparison, in Russia this figure rarely reaches $3 million. The Italians currently hold the record in this regard: the jackpot in the SuperStar lottery is 109 million euros!

Among Russian lotteries with big winnings, Gosloto is considered the most popular. It is unlikely that you will be able to find at least one message on the Internet that the funds won did not reach the winner. It’s up to you to decide which one to participate in, but we’ll tell you how to do it!

How to win the lottery: a good start is half the battle!

How to start? It all depends on whether you want to play “the old fashioned way” or use modern methods. Naturally, to get started you need to buy a lottery ticket. This can be done either through post offices in your city, post office or any other points of sale of lottery tickets. If you have never played, then most likely you did not even pay attention to where such points are located. We recommend that you pay attention to small retail outlets in large supermarkets or shopping centers.

If you don’t want to leave your apartment to participate in the lottery, then you can use any modern gadget with Internet access. We bring to your attention two proven online resources:


Stoloto provides access to all national lotteries. The site has a user-friendly interface. Collected full information about jackpots, drawing dates, conditions. You can buy a ticket directly on the website and pay in any way convenient for you.

Thelotter – this is a resource that provides access to the most popular foreign lotteries. As in the case of Stoloto, you can buy a ticket, pay and find all the information on the website. Then all that remains is to wait for the draw. By the way, it is thanks to Thelotter that you can play the lottery using the “syndicate” method. Through the Internet resource you can easily find like-minded people.

TOP – 7 incredible stories on how to win the lottery!

Story 1. Amazing luck of our compatriot!

The life of a native resident of Novosibirsk changed on February 27, 2016. They played in Gosloto. The man hit the largest jackpot in Russian history. It amounted to 358.4 million rubles. At the same time, 1.8 thousand rubles were spent on the bet. By the way, this is already the second success of the Siberian. Exactly two years ago, a resident of Omsk lost 184.5 million rubles.

Story 2. 130 million each!

In 2007, three people became multimillionaires at once: a family from New Jersey and a resident of Georgia. They shared the $390 million jackpot. Americans were able to change their lives thanks to the Mega Millions lottery. Moreover, all three worked for a modest salary.

Story 3. Hoping for Wings!

George Traikov moved to England from Bulgaria at the age of 26. He was fond of parachuting. The man had never participated in lotteries before. But he was interested in reports that the Jackpot was steadily growing, so he decided to try his luck and made a bet. After the draw, it seemed to him that the money had been wasted, but after checking it carefully, the man realized that he had won 1 million pounds.

Now happy ticket accompanies George on every jump. How will he spend the winnings? For my daughter’s education and my favorite sport. By the way, having convinced himself that it was possible to win, the man began to constantly buy tickets. Luck smiled on him a second time. True, the winnings were somewhat more modest and amounted to only 160 thousand pounds.

Story 4. I almost forgot!

This time we will talk about a Christmas miracle! Paul Goldie, bought lottery tickets all the time. On the eve of the holiday, he almost forgot to place a bet in his favorite lottery, having done so at the last moment. Having checked the ticket after the draw, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The family's wealth has increased by £7.2 million! What a holiday gift! The newly made millionaires immediately purchased two AUDI cars and planned to buy a large luxurious house. They did not radically change their lives and continued to work as before.

Story 5. Lucky and enterprising

French citizen Alexander loved to play Lotto. The probability of winning the lottery is very low, but it is famous for its large jackpots. The player needs to guess 5 out of 49 numbers and 1 out of 10! One fine day, the man was lucky and won 10 million euros! Alexander worked for many years in transport company, which was barely staying afloat. Having received the winnings, he bought the company from the owners and was able to rebuild the work so that the company became profitable. At the same time, the enterprising man did not fire a single employee!

Story 6. Lucky man from Africa!

An interesting story happened with a participant in the African PowerBall lottery. Not too much successful businessman I bought a ticket at a gas station for a dollar and a half. After some time, he asked to scan it for winnings. The seller said that there was no winnings, but, fortunately, he had doubts about the functionality of the machine, so he stopped the man who was going to tear and throw away the ticket. Scanning it again, it turned out to be the winning ticket. The lucky one hit the Jackpot, which accumulated for 24 draws! His secret to winning the lottery: participate only when the Jackpot exceeds 10 million!

Story 7. Millionaire by mistake!

A funny story happened to an American woman named Katie. She was a regular in the Mega Millions lottery. The girl's financial situation left much to be desired. At that moment, Katie didn't even have a job. One day, sitting in a cafe, she asked to bring her a ticket. The cashier made a mistake and sold the girl a PowerBall ticket, not a Millions ticket. Katie noticed this but did not ask for a replacement. The next day she learned that, thanks to the mistake of a cafe employee, she became the owner of $25 million. With the jackpot she received, the girl bought a house, a car, donated part of it to charity, and spent the remaining funds on travel! Here's how to win the lottery due to someone's carelessness!

7 principles from experienced players on how to win the lottery!

At the end of the article, we will summarize the information and formulate the general principles of winning the lottery.

Develop your own game system! Frequency, principle of number selection, list of lotteries, number of tickets and bets. Let participation in the lottery become a part of your life.


Now dear readers know how to win the lottery! There is no special method by which you can become very lucky. However, it is quite possible to increase the probability of winning! No matter how strange it may be, it is very important to form a positive mindset and truly believe in victory. Then luck will definitely smile on you! Play and win!

Last update: 12/27/2019

Reading time: 18 min. | Views: 50959

Hello, dear readers of the financial magazine “site”! In this issue we will talk about how to win a large sum of money in the lottery, as well as about the most winning lotteries that are absolutely possible for anyone to win.

Probably every person dreams of getting a huge amount of money just like that. There are several ways to do this, but they all have their own nuances. Most simple method quickly receive a decent amount of money or valuable prizes - winning the lottery .

For many, this topic is a peculiar taboo, because this activity very risky. In fact, by talking with experienced players, you can identify several trends and rules, following which you can make winning more realistic.

The main advantage of lotteries is that they do not require a person to Nothing. To win, you don’t need to graduate from university or seek outside support, you don’t need to own a business or be a child from a rich family.

To win a prize (both real and monetary), enough faith and a little bit luck. Thanks to their confidence in their success, many people buy tickets in the hope of winning. It is worth noting that some people have enough once try your luck to become the owner of a large sum, and some for years They are waiting for the coveted win, and fate eventually decides to reward them for their patience with victory.

IN this material The following important questions will be answered:

  1. What science says about the probability of winning various lotteries;
  2. How to make a decision if you want to purchase a ticket;
  3. Are there lotteries that even a novice player can actually win?
  4. Is it even possible to win the lottery and how can you maximize your chance of winning?

What’s most interesting is that the questions presented above are asked as experienced players and amateurs (or beginners), so comprehensive answers to them will be discussed below, and a small review of effective winning techniques together with interesting facts from the world of lotteries.

So here we go!

There are effective ways to win big money in the lottery. About this and more - further in the article

1. Is it really possible to win the lottery - people’s opinions + an example of a big win in Russia in a foreign online lottery 💬

There are two opposing opinions about whether it is realistic to win the lottery and whether it can be done in Russia:

  • Opponents of lotteries adhere to one thing: it is either practically impossible to win, or in any case, it is actually the organizers who win, who sell tickets at the expense of a large number of participants.
  • The second opinion is inherent to optimists and experienced players. It lies in the fact that with the help of popular lotteries such as “Sportloto”, “Gosloto”, etc., you can financially independent. This is due to the fact that they have been around for quite a long time and work absolutely honestly, providing people with solid winnings.

It is worth noting that to win really. At the same time, every player has a chance, because statistics and mathematics confirm the following: Absolutely any ticket purchased anywhere can be equally winning. Based on this, solid monetary reward It can come across both to a player in the capital and to someone from a small town.

With all this, we should not forget about this term in game theory, which is usually called "distance" .

This indicator characterizes how quickly can a person get the long-awaited winnings? and is the only obstacle on the path to any victory.

The point is that you can play for one day, a week, a couple of months, six months or even several years, but you can predict exactly when the jackpot will be impossible , because a period of time unknown to anyone may pass before it. And the whole secret is that the probability of winning is always the same, which means both a person who purchased his first ticket and a player with respectable experience can receive money or valuable prizes.

Of course, you shouldn’t particularly trust mystical technologies and various magical techniques, so they will be discussed only in passing so that the material does not lose its completeness.

There is a large circle of people who rely on chance or on efficiency special spells or spells, in the existence of lucky numbers or objects, as well as the opportunity to get into the so-called winning streak. A huge number of stories are devoted to such beliefs, which are demonstrated in popular literary works, theatrical productions, TV series and Hollywood films.

With all this, any player, no matter what he believes in, surrenders not to a magical coincidence of circumstances, but to banal statistics and the mathematical probability of one or another desired event.

Of course, the need to believe in one’s strength and success should not be underestimated. Doesn't call negative emotions and the fact that the person who is optimistic about business is always more successful than the one who thinks exclusively in a pessimistic way. This is due to the fact that a player who is confident in his undertakings acts more calmly and judiciously, not allowing himself to be consumed by emotions.


Online lottery - what is its essence + advantages over a regular (paper) lottery A rather interesting trend of our time is the rapid increase in popularity of the so-called online lotteries who quickly and confidently occupy the positions in which they previously stood.

paper analogues It is worth taking a closer look at the peculiarities of this area using the example of international service. This organization has gained popularity because it gives people the opportunity from all over the world

take part in lotteries, trying your luck in the most popular competitions from every corner of the Earth. Main nuance What allows such services to operate successfully is the fact that users not necessary buy special paper. On the sites, you just need to find the most suitable competition and indicate your desire to participate in it. The service will allow you to select numbers, if necessary, and offer to pay the lottery fee immediately.

The most attractive point is that the chances of winning and the size of the prizes match the real ones! That is, it is possible For example, participate in local European or American lotteries , winning in Euro or dollars with the same chance they play with local residents!

At the same time, everyone has the opportunity to choose several draws at once, if they want to try their luck more than once in different systems. Thanks to this, you can not miss the most anticipated events in the world of lotteries in any corner of the planet.

The essence of online lotteries also lies in the fact that in terms of sensations and technology, buying an Internet ticket is no different from visiting real places their sales. In fact, the computer player transfers money to the system, and it, in turn, pays him the winnings if successful, taking care of all the nuances on one's own(by buying tickets, collaborating directly with the organizers or developing your own unique methods).

It is worth noting that although online systems for participating in lotteries from around the world were created not so long ago, some of them, such as, are trying to gain the trust of customers by obtaining licenses from a special British commission that deals with gambling issues.

Thus, the advantages of online lotteries are clear:

  1. No need to visit specialty stores or certified ticket sales locations.
  2. You can confirm your participation in a particular draw right at home.
  3. It is possible to take part in competitions from all over the world, relying on services that take care of all the hassle of interacting with the organizers, as well as paying out jackpots.
  4. There is an easy way to simultaneously take part in the lottery on various parts globe, receiving winnings in the most desired currencies.


One of the biggest winnings in Russia in a foreign online lottery - a real example You can’t talk about lotteries without mentioning real winnings! In the first quarter of 2016, a Russian resident from the Moscow region placed an online bet on a popular European lottery. As surprising as it may sound, the personal driver managed to win - a phenomenal prize by our standards!

824 thousand euros

Of course, he did not advertise his contact information (including his first and last name), but he happily shared his experience and background. According to him, he took up the game quite recently. It took literally a few months before he managed to hit the big jackpot.

He lives with three children, and therefore money, especially in this amount, definitely cannot be superfluous. That is why the man decided to try his luck at Austria Lotto, having found out about it on the Internet. Without much difficulty or a long wait, he hit the jackpot, which arrived safely in the Moscow region. It wasn’t even a problem that the man actually had no gaming experience.

All readers may immediately have a question: how to catch the bird of happiness? The main methods of winning will be discussed further, but now we can focus on a few recommendations.

Scientists from many countries around the world have also asked questions related to the probability of winning the lottery. They were primarily interested in: Is it possible to develop some kind of strategy?, assuming that start-up capital available in unlimited quantities? Is it possible to increase the chance of winning by doing anything? How realistic is it, by investing without limits, to end up getting more than you originally got, having won back the cost of the tickets for the entire time?

The results, as one might expect, are quite prosaic. Briefly they can be expressed as follows:

  • all numbers and combinations are equally probable, which means that a certain set of numbers cannot be more likely to appear than another;
  • any strategy cannot in any way influence the appearance of something specific, so it is equivalent to a simple (random) choice;
  • There are no technologies that can guarantee both regular and one-time victory.

Everything is connected with the simple mathematical principle of all lotteries: in order to win something, you simply need to choose, not submitting to anything, waiting for a gift of fate.

Based on this, research by representatives of the exact sciences did not add confidence to experienced players, and therefore psychologists got involved, deciding to study the human factor of this issue.

The fact is that victory is influenced not only by mathematical probabilities, but also by the actions of the player himself, who buys a ticket, makes certain decisions and chooses some numbers.

All combinations are equally likely to win, which means the size of the prize will depend only on how many more people decide to bet on a particular sequence. How more people If she is chosen, the less money she can bring to each of them.

Note! Based on this, a fairly simple psychological principle emerges: the player needs to choose unpopular numbers. In fact, you need to be in smallest company people, because it is in this case that the winnings will be the maximum possible.

This idea, which is gaining more and more adherents, in its most simplified form is as follows: it is impossible to somehow deceive the system or beat it with tricks, because the chance of winning is the same for any combination of numbers.

That's why it's worth play against other participants, trying to predict which choice will be the least popular. To take advantage of this psychological principle, it is enough to study the image of the average player, analyzing the factors that may influence his playing style.

The effectiveness of this technique is due to the fact that absolutely all people think approximately the same, which means that a player with a scientific-psychological approach only needs to adhere to simple rule: Typical combinations should be avoided (those that the majority of competitors would most likely choose), and also not succumb to stereotypes.

2. Types of lotteries and features of drawings 📑

Nowadays there is a variety of lotteries available to the common man, is large enough. That is why any novice player can simply get lost in it, doing rash steps and losing your money.

Experts and experienced people who have long been interested in lotteries always give the same advice to those who want to try themselves in this field: it is best to trust the most famous and major draws. In this case, it is better to give preference at first domestic , because the rules for participation in such lotteries are always simpler and more transparent.

  1. The larger the drawing, the more prizes there are and the larger they are.
  2. Participation in Russian lotteries is safer and more convenient, because it is easier to buy a ticket and you can collect your winnings yourself, without using the services of intermediaries.

At the same time, based on the previously described facts, it is worth noting that there are a large number scammers who try to throw newcomers off the right path, offering them “winning” game technologies.

Previously, it was established that no method can bring the winnings closer, but there are ways to increase the size of the prize if victory does occur. That is why it is worth fleeing from those who offer “magical ways to always win the lotteries”.

The correct alternative to using magical techniques is to purchase an extra ticket and choose atypical numbers.

There are two main types of draws: instant And circulation . They differ in two main points: the duration of the wait for the prize and its size.


Instant lotteries This type of prank is as simple and uncomplicated as possible. He will practically know whether the player is lucky this time straightaway

. We have already talked about this in our lives in one of our publications. To determine whether a ticket is a winner, in most competitions it is enough to erase the in the right place protective coating (so-called scratch layer , which was always found on cards for replenishing a mobile account). Other plays involve a slightly different way of determining a winning situation:.

part of the ticket is torn off and unfolded The most interesting thing about such lotteries is that most of the prizes can be won right on the spot . If the player catches a real jackpot, he will have to contact the organizers, but this can be done in the shortest possible time

to become the owner of a pleasant amount of money in just a few days.


  1. Draw lotteries
  2. This type of sweepstakes is characterized by the fact that prizes are given out to lucky players at a specific time. Despite this, in this type of competition there are two main types:

each person chooses the numbers himself, writing them on a ticket or crossing them off from the proposed list;

All participants receive branded cards with serial numbers, so the one with this lucky number wins. The first variety is considered more popular and interesting, as it allows players to feel their influence on the situation by independently choosing the numbers on the ticket. In addition, the following lotteries are considered draw lotteries: auction drawings(carried out by specific trademarks, which releases to advertise their products lottery cards and in specific date.

give out prizes to lucky winners), as well as various

quizzes Such promotions and events are held on a one-time basis, since they are organized not by professional lottery communities, but by commercial enterprises. Such competitions most often imply the opportunity to receive not some kind of cash prize (although this is possible), but certain

Experienced players advise paying attention to events that at first glance may seem frivolous. Due to the fact that the number of participants is limited by the target audience of a particular brand, as well as the circulation of tickets or auction products, winning is not so difficult.

Certainly, money is most often much nicer than household appliances that may already be available, but such expensive things as modern smartphones, laptops, tablets or even cars certainly cannot interfere.

Proven ways to win big in the lottery

3. How to win a large sum of money in the lottery - TOP 5 working methods 📝

As mentioned earlier, methods of how to choose suitable numbers in a lottery ticket, there are countless. Some people try to do this completely by chance, others rely on complex ones found somewhere. math strategies. There are also those players who choose significant dates your life, but that’s what experts do do not advise.

Despite this, experienced players identify several methods at once that provide a real opportunity, albeit in a minimal way, but still bring your winnings closer closer to yourself.

The best thing is that all these technologies are available to everyone, which means all players have the opportunity to test them in action by analyzing how truthful their author was when he spoke about the performance of his technique.

Method number 1. Multi-circulation approach

This technology is the simplest to implement, which means it allows you to spend the least amount of your own effort. As stated earlier, all sequences equally probable, which means you don’t have to worry about choosing your own gaming strategy. It is enough to come up with absolutely any combination (both random and iconic) to use it everywhere.

In this case, it is enough to select it throughout long-term period, so as not to think about numbers every time, filling your head with unnecessary worries.

Any combination can lead to victory, but for a specific sequence you just have to wait for that triumphant moment. It’s enough just to regularly purchase tickets and fill them out according to your own invented rule the same every time.

Method No. 2.

To use this method, it is enough to remember the information that was given earlier: if it is impossible to go into battle against the service itself, trying to deceive the organizers and deceive the lottery, then you need to redirect all your strength on competitors .

The main requirement of this approach is that it is simply worth forget about the numbers familiar to all people(for example, the date of some public holiday that will be on the eve of the draw). At the same time, in order to choose the least popular combinations, it is necessary to parse all the sequences in your head into several components with a kind of effort.

More often than not, the lucky number sets that people mentally assign to the first group turn out to be the most common among players. It turns out that the most popular are from 60 to 75% available combinations (the simplest or the most associative).

Here's a simple example:

An example is the fact that any number up to 31 is considered more popular than any other, and this is perhaps due to the familiar numbers around us. In this case, it is assumed that in a similar way associations arise in a person’s head with lasting months.

In fact, all people in situations where they need to come up with some kind of numerical sequence immediately provoke memories of memorable dates in their heads, and the number of days is simply cannot exceed 31. That is why the choice of combination should be made using larger numbers, because they will definitely be less common.

This approach will not be able to bring your winnings closer, but will make it more serious if something happens, because combinations of this kind are simply very unpopular, which means you won’t have to share money or prizes with competitors.

Method No. 3.

Playing with Friends (Lottery Syndicate) In this case, experienced players advise doing this: a group of comrades chip in for a common cause and acquire maximum amount

tickets for your company. This kind of cooperation allows you not only to do something together among friends, but also significantly increase your chance of winning

, because the number of tickets increases, which means you can try more combinations. In this case, experienced players advise, together with their friends, using the syndicate strategy, to give preference game "6 out of 49" , and also try your collective luck in the drawing . This simple and, most importantly, effective method can be used for other competitions. For example, in “Russian Lotto” it will be possible to purchase many more game cards.

Despite all this, when using the described approach, it is worth understanding one very important rule: when a person invests money in the general budget, the winnings, no matter whose contribution or whose combination brings it, are necessarily distributed equally. No one is given priority.

Of course, if something happens, you can provide a system according to which the more tickets a person buys, the larger part of the prize is given to him, but this all needs to be discussed in advance to avoid conflicts.

Let's try to highlight a few key dogmas that cannot be violated under any circumstances:

  1. The player cannot ask his friends for money if he does not have enough for a new ticket, because if he wins, disputes will begin over who owns the share for him.
  2. For the same reason, it is forbidden to pay for your comrades, so as not to enter into conflicts with anyone after the results are announced. Friendship, as everyone knows folk wisdom, more expensive than money.
  3. Under no circumstances should you invite new participants to such a syndicate without explaining all the nuances of the joint business or on a dishonest basis.
  4. It is best to beware of those people who sow around themselves Bad mood, as well as those who lack faith in their own abilities. The team should only have persistent and optimistic people.

The most important thing in this matter - do not forget that all members of such a syndicate are friends and are on the same side of the barricades, which means they are interested in common success, which they most likely would not have received on their own.

From history, it is worth noting that such a strategy for cooperative ticket purchases brought one company of 7 people a prize of $315 million. This happened in 2005, when hospital employees decided to join forces by donating to the general budget. This news shocked not only Los Angeles, but the whole world! There are plenty of similar examples from all over the globe.

Method number 4.

Applying an expanded rate

This technique involves the following actions of the player: he thinks through all the desired lottery sequences in advance, and then writes them in the same fields on the ticket. In fact, there can be several combinations in one area. The main nuance of such a complex, at first glance, approach is, the need to take part in the drawing where everyone can choose their own numbers. Secondly, this method implies the need large investments, since you will have to pay extra for a complex bet.

As a result, this can pay for itself and bring a pleasant win, because the number of sequences used increases, which, in fact, is the only real way to somehow influence the chance of winning.

Method No. 5.

Participation in so-called distributed circulations

Purchasing tickets from organizers who support deferred and cumulative prize payouts can bring significant success. The point here is that distributed draws are actually drawings with several stages. Participants do not receive their prize immediately after the end of the lottery, but wait until the end of the whole series. As a result, it accumulates a significant amount of money

, which is subsequently distributed in appropriate proportions to all the winners. Experienced players argue that in this case the main advantage is not the chance of winning (and it is standard here, because it is very difficult to influence it), but its size

. After all, large companies involved in sweepstakes often distribute amazing sums among the winners in this way.

The stories of most millionaire players are associated with precisely this approach to lotteries, when under standard conditions of victory (chance is the most common) it is possible to get much more than with the average draw, in which prizes are distributed before the start of a new lottery series. 5 So there is main ways

either increase the chance of winning without any tricks (such techniques are indirectly associated with the use of a larger number of combinations), or increase the size of the winnings by using unpopular sequences.

List of the most winning lotteries that you can actually win

4. Lotteries that you can actually win - the most famous and most winning lotteries in Russia, the CIS and the world 📊 Modern technologies allow the most ordinary people to participate in sweepstakes from all over the world. With all this, the most popular always remain domestic

organizers of pranks, because ordinary people have more confidence in them than in foreigners.

  • The most popular are the following lotteries with the opportunity to almost instantly become a rich and independent person: everyone has known for a long time Sportsloto Keno (there are analogues of this drawing system in many countries), and also;
  • Sportsloto “6 out of 49”, which, so to speak, is considered a kind of version folk game, only with the possibility of real winning;
  • Gosloto(has several varieties depending on exactly how many numbers need to be guessed);
  • prize lotteries ( Housing lottery And Golden Key), which allow you to receive very valuable gifts that are often more desirable than a small monetary reward.

It is worth noting that such diversity only indicates that all kinds of lotteries are in demand, because they give real way earn money at low cost. There are other ways, quickly and a lot.

In all of the above draws there have already been cases when the player broke million jackpot . At the same time, very often their organizers decide to use distributed circulation technology. Thanks to this, they manage to accumulate winnings in order to then distribute it in the required amount to each person whose combination turned out to be winning.

Among foreign competitions with the purchase of tickets and choice number sequence worth noting as American Mega Millions and New York Lotto, and European , in which winnings can be received in euros, Euro Jackpot and Euro Millions.

Note! The most interesting thing is that playing in foreign sweepstakes, although it will cost more, but, taking into account the current exchange rate, winning can be as simple as phenomenal for domestic realities.

It’s worth saying, frankly, that almost every major organization in Europe tries to periodically delight its players with cumulative prizes. In one Spanish lottery, For example, could be received as a jackpot 74 000 000 euro (at the time of the draw it was more than 5.6 billion rubles)! This is exactly the kind of win that La Primitiva prepared for all its participants who would be lucky.

It may seem that it is very difficult to take part in any foreign lottery, but for this there is no need to look for people in another country, and it is certainly not worth going there.

It is enough to use one of the existing services that allows you to place bets on wide circle draws anywhere in the world. Eg , allows you to take part in several drawings at once with stunning prizes, incl. and in Euro Millions, which is available directly in the richest countries of the world, which means it is forced to constantly attract players with something special.

This lottery differs from others in several pleasant features that will help even a resident get rich Russian outback who will buy a ticket online. The drawing takes place every week, which makes it possible to apply a multi-circulation strategy on practice .

Residents of the largest cities can officially take part European countries, however, with the help online systems The contingent is constantly expanding, which is beneficial both to the organizers (more people buy tickets) and to the participants, because they can join in receiving substantial winnings.

The most interesting thing is that quite often the organizers decide to implement additional a draw or a pleasant surprise for players to increase their popularity. At the same time, there is a rule according to which a cash prize that no one received in 7 days, is postponed for the next week.

As a result, the following historical facts were recorded:

  • the largest prize for the entire existence of this lottery was 183 million euros (later it was distributed among the winners),
  • and one person managed to get as much as 115 million!

Thanks to such stunning figures, the Euro Millions draw quickly gained popularity not only in large EU countries, but also in other countries on all continents.

Best free online lotteries with real winnings and cash prizes “Social Chance”, “LotZon”, faucets, etc.

5. Free lottery with real winnings - TOP-3 online lotteries for real money without investment 💰

No matter how strange it may sound, you can try your luck and absolutely for free .

The main disadvantage of conventional lotteries is that to increase your chance you need to either cooperate(then the individual player's payoff falls), or buy a large number of tickets at once(costs of participation are rising).

As a result of this, relatively recently projects have appeared that give a person the opportunity to win a prize, without investing a single personal penny! The secret of such services, which can be easily found on the Internet, is that they make money from advertising , and since the chance of winning, as in any other lottery, is small, they work not only for the joy of the players, but also NOT at a loss.

We talked about how in one of our articles, but read on to see how much you can earn with zero investments in free online lottery draws.

Profit may vary here from small amounts(approximately from 2 to 20 rub. per day) amazingly(there are jackpots up to 300,000 rub., and experienced players thus manage to receive a normal salary at the computer without initial capital and special efforts).

Despite the simple principle and reality of such projects, it is best to familiarize yourself with the ratings of the most popular and reliable services in order to avoid falling into the clutches of scammers.

1 place. SocialChance

“Social Chance” is a clear and profitable project that plays out its jackpots every day. The maximum one-time payment amount is 10 thousand rubles, however, compared to conventional lotteries, there is no need to make no investment!

Several advantages of the project can be highlighted:

  • clear site interface, as well as its completeness (there are pages with frequently asked questions and complete answers to them, there are articles about the service itself and the basics of its functioning);
  • resource specialists developed the so-called "honesty control", thanks to which any player can check that he was not deceived and the system guessed a specific number, and did not change it during the game (this is done simply: before the start of the drawing, a person downloads an archive with a number, which is protected by a password and can be opened thanks to the one provided after choosing numbers to the key);
  • large table of prizes.

ABOUT last moment worth mentioning additionally. The system needs to guess 6 numbers. Profit increases from 1 kopeck 10 times for each number guessed. In case of complete luck, the winnings increase to the maximum - up to 10,000 rub..

Each player has a certain number of attempts. After registering and providing information about yourself, you can receive up to 6 game chances.

Performing simple additional actions allows you to get more attempts on a permanent or temporary basis, which makes it possible to significantly increase the likelihood of reward!

In his dreams, every person has more than once imagined himself as the lucky winner of a multimillion-dollar prize. However, not everyone rushes to the nearest kiosk or store to purchase a lottery ticket for little money. Many people believe that the chance of winning real money is negligible. That is why lottery tickets are meaningless pieces of paper for which you should not give your hard-earned rubles.

However, there are still people who have won not just a million, but tens and even hundreds of millions. And all this happened thanks to seemingly meaningless pieces of paper - lottery tickets. From this we can conclude that each of us has, even if only a small, chance of winning.

Conditions for winning

Lottery activity, like the entire rapidly developing world, does not stand still. In order to become the lucky one who wins a million, you can play any lotteries that exist in the world online. There are special intermediary sites for this.

As an option, you can independently determine which ones you think are more likely to appear in the next draw. At the same time, in order to win a million in the lottery, you can use special programs for selecting numbers.

Games in Russia

Lotteries are loved by many people. They are a great way to get a dose of adrenaline, because by investing a tiny amount of money there is the possibility of receiving a large prize fund.

It is not surprising that there are lotteries in almost every country. Residents of America consider this game a national pastime. B appeared relatively recently. This game was brought by Peter the Great along with shipbuilding, tobacco and other foreign things.

Today there are many lotteries. How to win a million in Russia? If you dream of a big prize, then buy a Gosloto ticket. This is where the biggest winnings are noted. However, in addition to quality, this lottery is also marked by quantity. A lot of players hit the jackpot in it. Most big win was the receipt of one hundred million rubles by a resident of St. Petersburg in 2009.

By becoming a participant in the Bingo lottery, you can also understand how to win a million in Russia. One of the most bright examples- a prize worth more than twenty-nine million rubles. It was received by an unemployed resident from Ufa.

How to win 10 million rubles or more? The company will help with this Russian lotto", which has one of the largest prize funds. The biggest win was a prize of 29.5 million rubles. It was received by a resident of the Yaroslavl region. Russian Railways offers a specific game. To have a chance at a prize, simply buy a train ticket. A lottery sticker will also be issued at the same time. Everything else is up to luck.

You can win a million online. This opportunity appeared with the development of the Internet. The game process in this case will take a few seconds.

How to catch the force of gravity?

There are four ways to become the lucky winner of a big prize. How to win a million using the first of them? To do this you will need to attract the force of gravity. This method is suitable for the person who considers a huge amount of money to be the limit of his dreams.

Each of us wants to have some material goods that we can wear, touch, etc. It is for such cases that the force of attraction must be used. For example, the ultimate dream of yours is to buy an expensive car for which to an ordinary person It's simply impossible to make money. How to win a million to become a happy car owner? The main thing is to always remember one important thing. You will definitely get something that will make you think about it. After purchasing a lottery ticket, you will need to imagine yourself every day and every second as the owner of the desired car. If you follow the laws of attraction, you will definitely get a car. It is recommended to make a collage with photos of the desired car on it.

Numerological method

How to win a million without constantly thinking about the prize? There is a numerological method for this. The fact is that every person has their own lucky numbers. Often they coincide with the date of birth or initials.

For example, you were born on May 15, 1997. Then there is a huge probability that your lucky numbers will be 15 and 5 (month number), as well as 26 (1-9-9-7).

Lucky numbers sometimes correspond to initials. So, the letter “A” is similar to the number 1, “B” - 2, “C” - 3, “D” - 4, “D” - 5, etc. In this case, only “Y”, hard and

Sometimes people have a number that certainly brings them luck. If you have it, then use it in the lottery.

Joel Klaus method

The famous book “The Messenger” can also tell you how to win a million. In this work, J. Klaus talks about his own method of winning the lottery. The book describes a system of win-win bets that are made on the outcome of sports matches. However, this method can be applied to the lottery, as well as to other types of games. What's the point this method? It represents a visualization through which it is possible to travel into the future.

How to win a million rubles using the J. Klaus method? First of all, you need privacy. In a separate room, you will need to sit in a chair or on a sofa, taking the most comfortable position. The next stage is relaxation, during which you follow the train passenger. Each station outside the window is one day. Let's assume that the lottery results will be published in six days. In this case, mentally you should get off at the sixth station, go to the kiosk and buy a newspaper in which the winning numbers will be indicated. They should be remembered and then written down in a notebook. If the lottery results are announced on TV, you will need to go to the waiting room during the visualization session at the station. There will definitely be a TV in it, from the screen of which lucky numbers will be announced.

Having learned the numbers, you should run to the train and come back. After the train stops at your station, the visualization process can be completed. At the end of the session, the numbers should be written down in a notebook.

Of course, this method is very complicated and not accessible to everyone. However, its results can be encouraging.

System game

The fourth one will also help you win a million rubles, very effective method. It is often used by professional players. By playing according to a certain system, each person can increase the likelihood of winning. What is this method?

There are many people in the world who make money only by playing the lottery. At the same time, they have good money. With a well-thought-out game system, there is a specially selected algorithm. It involves analyzing previous payments and calculating combinations of numbers. Other parameters are also taken into account.

System players, having earned decent amounts of money, sell their developments. Those who really want to make money by playing simply cannot do without it. For example, millionaire Sergei Stanovsky developed a system that he called “Secrets of Guaranteed Wins,” and Viktor Udachin is the author of “Lotomania.” Anyone who is seriously interested in this issue can visit a special website and get acquainted with the selection and analysis of digital combinations.

If for a person playing the lottery is just a way to feel excitement, and winning is not so important, then you should rely only on luck.

Safety regulations

If you passionately want to win a million dollars, then know that you should not buy a lottery ticket with your last money. There is a risk of losing everything. At the same time, the chance of winning a prize is negligible. You cannot even try to gamble with the money that has been set aside for an operation for a loved one or to a loved one, as well as for any vital important events. When buying a lottery ticket, you cannot be dependent on whether he wins a million or not. It is important to spend only the amount you don’t mind parting with to get a chance to become the owner of a million. In general, the entire game process should be pleasant and fun for you. It is enough to purchase tickets only once a month and wait for luck to smile.

Game with friends

In order to win the lottery, it is recommended to join forces. Relatives, friends or work colleagues are perfect partners. Everyone must purchase the same number of tickets for a certain circulation. Any winnings received can be divided among friends.

The main advantage of this strategy is less money spent on each player. At the same time, the chance of winning will increase significantly, because the probability of receiving a prize with fifty tickets is higher than with five. The more participants there are in the company, the closer luck becomes. This scheme is simple, but at the same time quite effective for winning large sums in the lottery.

Beliefs for attracting wealth

Residents of many countries around the world endow the Crassula with an amazing gift. This indoor plant, which is very easy to care for, is called the money tree. In order for the fat plant to attract a large lottery win, it is recommended to plant a small shoot in the pot yourself. It is believed that as the money tree grows, the owner’s wealth will certainly increase.
To get a greater effect, you can bury a few coins directly in the pot, and shake a wallet with money in front of the plant on the new moon.

Parting words for a doubting person

Currently, there is a fairly large number of different lotteries. Of course, if you buy a ticket from one of them, no one will provide you with a guarantee of winning. But if you don’t do this, then you won’t see the treasured million at all. Therefore, give fate a chance, and luck will certainly smile on you!