The most ordinary person in the world. The most unusual people in the world. Scary Angelina Jolie

1. Thai Ngoc: Hasn't slept in 38 years

In this post I want to write about people who became famous thanks to their unusual abilities. They haven't slept for 35 years, they think that the Second World War is still going on on Earth. World War, they live their whole lives at the airport. Meet the ten most unusual people on the planet.

Sixty-four-year-old Thai Ngoc has not slept for 35 years in a row. He stopped sleeping after he had the flu back in 1973, and has now spent 11,700 sleepless nights counting sheep in an unsuccessful attempt to sleep. However, prolonged insomnia did not affect his health in any way. Doctors who examined Ngoc found only mild liver problems in the patient.

2. Sanju Bhagad: Lived with a twin brother in his stomach

Sanju Bhagat always looked like he was on recent months pregnancy. The huge belly made it difficult to walk and simply breathe. In 1999, during an emergency operation on a suspected tumor, the cause of the strange “obesity” was revealed: his twin brother had been living in Sanju’s stomach all this time!

3. Shoichi Yokoi: Spent 28 years underground after the war

In 1941, Shoichi Yokoi enlisted in the Imperial Japanese Army and was sent with his unit to the island of Guam. In 1944, after the island was captured by American troops, Yokoi went on the run. Only at the beginning of 1972 the fugitive was discovered in one of the most inaccessible places on the island by two local residents. For 28 years he hid in a cave he dug underground, afraid to come out and not knowing what was happening in the world. “It’s strange for me to think that I came back alive,” Yokio said, returning to Japan with a rusty old rifle in his hand.

4. Mehran: Lives at the airport since 1988

Mehran Karimi Nassari is a refugee from Iran who has been living in the waiting room of Terminal 1 of Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport for 20 years. In Iran, he was imprisoned, tortured, and then expelled from the country. Since then he has been trying unsuccessfully to get political refuge in France, Great Britain and other countries that constantly refuse the unfortunate person.

5. Matayoshi Mitsuo: Japanese God

Matayoshi Mitsuo is an eccentric Japanese politician who is convinced that he is Christ. According to his political program, he will rule Last Judgment like Christ, but using for this political system and the legislation of the country. The first step of the “savior” should be to proclaim him the prime minister of the country. Mitsuo then plans that he will be asked to lead the UN and then gradually become the ruler of the world and rule according to his political and religious views.

6. Lal Bihari: Officially Dead

Lal Bihari was officially listed as deceased from 1976 to 1994. For 18 years, a farmer from the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh fought the Indian bureaucracy to prove he was alive and well. Back in 1976, Lal tried to take out a bank loan and discovered that he was officially dead. It turned out that Lal's uncle declared him dead in order to inherit the land that belonged to Bihari. During 18 years of struggle with the bureaucratic machine, Bihari discovered that there were many like him: about a hundred living people could not prove that they did not die. It was then that Bihari created his “association of the dead” - “Mritak Sangh”, which already has more than 20 thousand people living throughout India. Together they are fighting for the return of the rights of those who were declared dead and whose property was taken away.

7. David Icke: saving earthlings from reptilian humanoids

A former professional football player, television commentator, speaker of the British Green Party, since 1990 he has been passionate about uncovering the theory of a global conspiracy and told the world that we are ruled by the descendants of divine reptilian humanoids who once created this world and all people. According to him, the world is under the vigilant control of a secret organization called “Elite”, founded in ancient times and known as the “Babylonian Brotherhood”. This race of reptilian humanoids has given the world such political figures as George W. Bush and Queen Elizabeth II. David believes that humanoids are to blame for childhood cruelty and adult Satanism. David is the author of 15 books in which he outlines his theory in detail.

8. David Allen Boden: His own Pope

David Allen Boden of Kansas is the self-proclaimed Pope Michael I. Elected pope in 1990 by a group of six Catholics, including himself and his parents. His followers believe that Pius XII was the last true pope, and after him - only usurpers, since they were modernists. He dedicated one of the rooms of his house to a “church” and a study at the same time. His flock consists of 50 people and believes in the imminent end of the world.

9. Yoshiro Nakamatsu: Wants to Live to 140 with a Camera

Yoshiro Nakamatsu is a famous Japanese inventor, holder of more than 3 thousand patents for his inventions. According to him, his inventions include an electronic watch and a floppy disk, which he later licensed to IBM. Among his latest “miracle inventions” is an original design called Pyon-Pyon, which can be translated as “jump-jump”. But he was included in the list of eccentrics not because of this, but because for the last 34 years he has been photographing everything he eats and analyzing the contents of the plates. In this way he hopes to achieve his goal of living to 140 years old.

10. Michelle Lolito: Omnivore

Michel Lotito became famous for eating everything inedible, for which he was nicknamed “Monsieur Eat-It-All.” At his performances, Lotito eats metal, glass, rubber and other materials from which bicycles, motorcycles, televisions are made... And once he even gobbled up an entire Cessna-150 plane! Usually the object is disassembled into parts, cut into pieces, and Lotito swallows them with water. He began to “feast” on inedible objects as a child, and from the age of 16 he performed his “meals” publicly

Many people worry that there are no unique features in their appearance. However, there are individuals whose sense of their own “mediocrity” has forced them to look for extremely extravagant ways to attract the attention of others. And there are those who would be happy not to stand out from the crowd, but Mother Nature made arrangements for them. Here is a list of the most unusual people in the world, whose photos prove that they are not the figment of some wild imagination.

30. Chinese Rapunzel

Of the residents different countries, who claim to have the longest hair in the world, the Chinese are one of the last to come to mind. However, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, Xie Quipingt from China has the most long hair in the world. Their length at the time of measurement in 2004 reached 5.627 meters. She said she started growing her hair in 1973, meaning she hadn't cut her hair in 31 years when the record was set.

29. The Man with Giant Nails

Even if your nails are more like claws in size, they are far from the nails of Indian Sridhar Chillal.

He started growing his nails back in the early 1950s because he saw a teacher scold a student who broke a nail. Over the course of 62 years, the nails on his left hand grew to an impressive length of 910 centimeters.

Because of such an impressive size of his nails, the man was unable to get a job, and it’s difficult for him in everyday life. But the Guinness Book of Records requires sacrifice.

28. Woman with eyes popping out of their sockets

There is an expression “his (or her) eyes bulged out of their sockets.” You can see what it really looks like by looking at the photo of Jalisa Thompson. She can do without special effort squeeze eyeballs from orbits, and then return them to the place intended by nature.

27. Elastic man

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome causes a defect in the synthesis of type III collagen in the body, and there is no cure for the disease. Englishman Harry Turner, who holds the title of “the man with the most elastic skin,” has this syndrome. He was able to pull the skin on his abdomen 15.8 centimeters away from the rest of his body.

However, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is no fun as it can lead to ruptured blood vessels and then death.

26. People with the widest tongue

The tongue of Byron Schlenker from New York is 8.6 cm wide. The man became a local celebrity because his tongue was wider than an iPhone 6.

Byron's daughter, Emily, also has a tongue of impressive size, its width reaches 7.3 cm. This is larger than that of any other woman in the world.

It is curious that Mrs. Schlenker's tongue is of normal size.

25. Endless plastic

The strangest people in the world do not necessarily have any diseases or congenital anomalies. Here, 61-year-old Cindy Jackson holds the title of “record holder for the number of plastic surgeries.”

She has had more than a dozen major surgeries, including facelifts, rhinoplasty, liposuction, jaw surgery, implants, and countless smaller surgeries. There were more than 52 of them in total.

Jackson was named one of the top users of cosmetic surgery in 2000, and she doesn't stop there because...she just doesn't want to.

24. Big Nose

No one has ever received more comments about his nose than Turk Mehmet Ozyurek, and that's because he has the biggest nose in the world. At the time of measurement for entry into the Guinness Book, the length of Mehmet's nose was 8.8 cm.

23. Too many teeth

You may have looked at the photo above and thought there was nothing special about it. Now look at it again, knowing that the norm for humans is 32 teeth, not 37, like the Indian native Vijay Kumar.

22. Modified Man

Kala Kaivi, who works as a tattoo artist, has decorated (or disfigured - everyone has his own opinion) the body and eyes with tattoos, piercings and even silicone horns on the head. He also has the largest ear tunnels in the world, their diameter is 109 mm.

21. Horned woman

In the Middle Ages, the Chinese woman Liang Xiuzhen, nicknamed the “unicorn woman,” could have been burned at the stake. Fortunately, modern science knows that such a skin horn on the head is caused not by kinship with the Devil, but by a virus. Such formation is life-threatening, as it is susceptible to constant infections. Liang's growth reaches 13 cm in length and gives her unpleasant sensations. However, an elderly woman may simply not be able to endure a surgical operation to remove the “horn”.

20. Holes in the face

German-born Joel Miggler has 11 holes in his face. He made huge tunnels in the cheeks, and smaller tunnels in the upper lip, under the lower lip, in the nasal septum and in the nose.

Joel made the first changes in his body at the age of 13. It is unlikely that most teenagers will be allowed to repeat such a “feat” by their parents.

19. Wasp waist

Many women dream of thin waist. However, Michelle Kobke took this dream to the extreme. Using a special corset (almost without removing it), Kobka managed to reduce her waist to a staggering 40.6 cm.

Eventually, Michelle stopped wearing corsets because her waist had already reached the ideal and decided to return to normal life. She's gained a few centimeters, but her waist is still super-thin.

18. Hair in the ears

Few people consider the sight of hair growing in the ears to be a beautiful sight. However, Indian Radhakanta Bajpai is not like most people. He never trimmed the hair in his ears and they reached 13.2 cm in length.

Bajpai has no intention of removing his ear hair as he has been growing it since he was 18 and believes it symbolizes good luck and prosperity. He even uses a special shampoo to keep the ear hairs smooth and silky.

17. Silicone penis

Photo of one of the most strange people the world looks like a porn director's dream. However, in reality, Misha Stanz cannot have normal sex. Dreaming of a huge phallus, he injected himself with silicone four times into the penis and scrotum. As a result, his dignity grew to 23 cm in length and 9 cm in width. And it weighs 4.3 kg. But Misha is still far from the size of the owner.

16. Bloody tears

One day, 17-year-old Melanie Harvey bled from her eyes and ears. Melanie and her mother, Katherine, consulted several doctors, but doctors could not find the cause of this frightening phenomenon.

The bleeding became more and more severe because doctors could not give recommendations on how to stop it. And now Melanie bleeds not only from her ears and eyes, but also from her nose and nails about five times a day.

15. The man who hardly ages

Inhabitant South Korea named Hyomung Shin is one of the strangest people on Earth. He looks 12 or 13 years old, but is actually 26.

Shin has a very rare condition known as "highlander syndrome", meaning he does not age as quickly as a common person. Shin is often not allowed into clubs because security believes he has a fake passport. Even the reporters couldn't believe that this "boy" was no longer required to go to school, but Shin was able to prove his age.

14. The man who changed his race

A change of gender in our world will no longer surprise anyone, but what about an unintentional change of race? An elderly inventor from Krasnodar, Semyon Gendler, was diagnosed with hepatitis C and cancer. In one of the American clinics, he received a liver transplant from an African American, and since then Gandler’s appearance has changed dramatically. Simply put, it darkened. But Semyon is happy and claims that he has a second wind. Perhaps because his transplanted liver is only 38 years old.

13. Popeye

Arm wrestler Jeff Dabe from Minnesota was born with massive forearms, which is very reminiscent of Popeye the sailor from the cartoons. He has a nickname accordingly. Dabe's forearm circumference is 49 cm.

Doctors initially assumed that Jeff had gigantism or “elephant disease,” but did not find any of these or other pathologies in him.

12. Man with the head of a parrot

Ted Richards, a 57-year-old man from England, has undergone a major body transformation that includes more than 100 tattoos and 50 piercings. He also removed the ears to allow more room on the head for something that isn't usually found on human heads.

Richards has five parrots that he loves very much, and now he strives to be as much like them as possible. Richards is pleased with the progress and believes that this is the best thing that has happened to him in his life.

11. Barbie

Ukrainian Valeria Lukyanova did everything possible to turn herself into a living Barbie doll.

Some experts believe that such a transformation became possible thanks to the achievements plastic surgery. Others believe it's down to skillful makeup, countless hours in the gym, and the use of photo editors. Experts agree on one thing: Valeria definitely resorted to mammoplasty and nose shape correction.

10. Scary Angelina Jolie

The top 10 most unusual people opens with 19-year-old Iranian Sahar Tabar. She was so fascinated by the beautiful Angelina Jolie that she underwent 50 plastic surgery to be like your idol. Moreover, she sat on strict diet, and with a height of 150 cm weighs 40 kg. Alas, the result was frightening. Some even think that Sugar resembles a character from the cartoon "Corpse Bride".

Sahar later stated that all these photographs were the result of makeup and processing in a photo editor.

9. Boy with giant hands

This child, named Kaleim, suffers from a rare condition that causes his arms to continue to grow at a rapid rate. Each of them is already larger than the boy's head.

8. Little woman

Indian woman Jyoti Amji suffers from a disease known as achondroplasia, which limits her ability to grow. When she turned 18, the girl weighed 5.2 kg, and her height did not exceed 62.8 cm. She is.

7. Huge breasts

Masseuse Christy Love earns $1,300 a day massaging clients. The massage includes “kicking” the breasts and sliding them over the client’s oiled body. Each of Christie's breasts weighs 7.17 kg, and the woman's body weight is more than 140 kg.

6. Catwoman

Socialite Jocelyn Wildenstein decided to resort to plastic surgery to achieve maximum resemblance to the proud queen of animals. Having gone through countless surgeries, Wildenstein now looks like she can meow wildly before she says "hello." Today she is among the.

5. Half Ton Man

Patrick Deuel is also a man who was able to lose more than 300 kg of weight. At some point in Patrick’s life, his weight reached 510.75 kg, and in order to deliver such a colossus to the hospital, they had to break down the wall of the house.

After gastric bypass surgery, Deuel lost weight to 170 kg, then lost weight again to 254 kg and now his weight constantly fluctuates around 200 kg.

4. The fattest woman

British Susan Eman does not suffer from excess weight at all. She longs to become the fattest woman in the history of mankind, and her lover, a chef by profession, is ready to help Susan achieve her goal. She now weighs 343 kg and will soon compete with number five in the top 10 weirdest people.

3. Jessica Rabbit Live

A resident of Sweden, Pixie Fox, removed six ribs, pumped up her lips and breasts with silicone to achieve maximum resemblance to the sexy Jessica from animated film"Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" Now she eats only liquid food and constantly wears a support corset. But she is beautiful.

2. Tallest man

The height of the Turk Sultan Kösen is 251 cm. He. Straightening up in full height his head almost touches the basketball hoop. Can you imagine the size of his feet?

1. The strongest of men

The Lithuanian giant Zydrunas Savickas introduced the concept of “strength” to new level. He was able to squat 400 kilograms and lifted a weight of one thousand kilograms in powerlifting.

For obvious reasons, he is the most strong man of those currently living in the world. Savickas can easily lift the fattest man or the fattest woman in the world.

An autistic person from Great Britain, Daniel Tammet, has difficulty speaking, does not distinguish between left and right, and does not know how to insert a plug into a socket, but at the same time he can easily carry out complex mathematical calculations in his head.

“I represent numbers in the form of visual images. They have color, structure, shape,” says Tammet. - Number sequences appear in my mind as landscapes. Like paintings. It’s as if the universe with its fourth dimension appears in my head.”

Daniel knows by heart 22,514 digits following the decimal point in pi and speaks eleven languages: English, French, Finnish, German, Estonian, Spanish, Romanian, Icelandic (learned in 7 days), Lithuanian (he gives his preference), Welsh and in Esperanto.


A young man from Sacramento (California) - Ben Underwood - was born a completely healthy child, but his eyes were surgically removed due to retinal cancer at the age of three. However, Ben continued to live a full life as a sighted person.

Doctors' studies have shown that the boy's hearing has not become worse as compensation for the loss of vision - he has the hearing of an ordinary average person - Ben's brain has simply learned to translate sounds into visual information, what is he doing young man similar to a bat or a dolphin - it is able to capture echoes, and based on this echo, determine the exact location of objects.

Gutta-percha boy

Daniel Smith, a gutta-percha man from the United States who is a five-time Guinness World Record holder, began twisting his body at the age of four, believing that he was not doing anything special. But Daniel soon realized what talent he had, and at the age of 18 he ran away from home with a circus troupe.

Since then, the “rubber man” has taken part in many circus and acrobatic performances, basketball and baseball matches, and has been a guest at most famous television shows and programs. Among them: Men in Black 2, HBO's Carnivale, CSI: NY, and others.

The most flexible man alive does incredible things with his body: he can easily fit through a hole in a tennis racket and through a toilet seat, and he can also curl himself into incredible knots and compositions, and move his heart across his chest. Doctors believe that Daniel was given incredible flexibility from birth, but he himself took it to the maximum possible limit.

Metal Eater

We have written about this man more than once.

Frenchman Michael Lotito, born in 1950, discovered his amazing abilities at the age of 9 - after scaring his parents to death, he ate a television. From the age of 16, he began entertaining people for money, eating metal, glass, and rubber. It is interesting that Lotito’s body never showed any side effects, even when what was eaten contained toxic substances.

Usually the object is disassembled into parts, cut into pieces, and Lotito swallows them with water. The omnivorous Michael, nicknamed “Monsieur Eat It All,” was included in the Guinness Book of Records for eating a Cessna 150 airplane. He ate it for two whole years - from 1978 to 1980 - consuming about a kilogram of it a day.

The latest x-ray showed that there were still pieces of metal in Lotito's body. And he didn’t die only because the walls of his stomach are twice as thick as those of the average person.

Tooth King

Radhakrishnan Velu, known as the "Tooth King", also has a rare ability. This Malaysian practices pulling vehicles with his teeth.

On August 30, 2007, on the eve of Malaysia's 50th Independence Day, this man broke his own record by pulling a train with his own teeth.

This time the train consisted of 6 cars and weighed 297 tons. Harikrishnan managed to pull the train 2.8 meters.

Velcro Man

Liew Thow Lin is a magnetic person. At 70 years old, Harikrishnan's compatriot Velu managed to pull the car with the help of an iron chain attached to an iron plate on his stomach.

Liv Tou Lin considers the ability to attract metal objects to be hereditary, since besides him, his 3 sons and 2 grandsons are endowed with the same amazing and incredible gift.

Scientists, meanwhile, are trying to no avail to explain this phenomenon: there is no magnetic field around the Malaysian, and his skin is fine.

Sleepless man

Thai Ngoc, a 64-year-old Vietnamese man, forgot what sleep was after he suffered from a fever in 1973. It was from then on that Tai stopped sleeping. And on this moment has not slept for 37 years, which is more than 13,500 sleepless nights.

“I don’t know how insomnia affects my health,” he says, “but I’m quite healthy and can run a household just as well as anyone else.” As proof, Ngoc mentions that he carries two 50-kilogram bags of fertilizer several kilometers from his home every day.

And during the medical examination, doctors did not find any diseases in the Vietnamese, except for minor abnormalities in the functioning of the liver.

King of Torture

Tim Cridland is a man who does not experience pain. Even at school, the “King of Torture” amazed his classmates when, without blinking an eye, he pierced his hands with needles and painlessly withstood any heat and cold.

And today Tim demonstrates terrifying things to numerous audiences across America. To do this, he had to study anatomy for a long time. After all, when the admiring eyes of spectators look at you, safety comes first.

Scientific research has shown that Tim has a much higher pain limit than the average person. Otherwise, he is no different from ordinary people. Including the degree of damage caused when piercing the body with stilettos, as well as the chance of death due to these injuries.

Cat Man

Kevin Richardson, relying on instinct, makes friends with a family of cats, but not domestic ones, but predatory ones. Without the slightest fear for his life, Kevin can spend the night with the lions.

Cheetahs and leopards, capable of tearing apart a person in a split second if desired, mistake the biologist for one of their own. Even the unpredictable hyenas are so accustomed to Kevin that the female hyena, for example, allows him to hold her newborn cubs.

“I rely on intuition when weighing my chances when dealing with animals. “I will never approach an animal if I feel that something is wrong,” says Richardson. – I don’t use sticks, whips or chains, just patience. It's dangerous, but for me it's a passion, not a job."


Claudio Pinto from Belo Horizonte is better known as the googly-eyed man because he can widen his eyes by 4cm, or 95% of his eye sockets.

Pinto has undergone numerous medical examinations, and doctors say they have never seen a person capable of doing this to his eyes before.

"That's quite easy way make money. I can widen my eyes 4 centimeters - it's a gift from God and I feel happy," says Claudio.

Some people are so “unlike everyone else” that their abilities baffle even the luminaries of medicine and science. In this collection we have collected several examples of people with superhuman abilities or simply amazing and very original personalities.

Jaspreet Singh Kalra

Jaspreet Singh Kalra is known in his homeland as the "Rubber Boy": his body is so flexible that he can turn his head almost 180 degrees. However, this is just one of the many wonderful tricks this gutta-percha boy can do with his body.

Francisco Domingo Joaquim

A young man named Francisco Domingo Joaquima from the city of Sambizanga does truly shocking things with his facial muscles. The Guinness Book of Records even called his mouth the largest in the world. To the place where ordinary people they put food in, the record holder can easily put in a Coca-Cola can. Francisco's mouth measures exactly 16.99 cm.

Zhang Ruifang

Chinese resident Zhang Ruifang has been observing an increasing growth of unknown origin on her own forehead for several years. And everything would be fine, only these harmless bumps very much resemble devil’s horns. And if one horn can still be attributed to a coincidence and a cruel joke from Mother Nature, then a new symmetrical growth on the other side of the forehead, which began to grow later, will simply shock those around him.

Gino Martino

Gino Martino is an American professional wrestler and entertainer who shocks audiences with his incredible ability breaking various hard objects with your head, including iron bars, baseball bats and concrete blocks. His skull could even withstand bowling balls falling from a height of five meters. According to doctors, such an unusual physical ability Gino's strength is due to the fact that he naturally has a super-strong skull. For this he was nicknamed the anvil man.

Tim Cridland

Tim Cridland performing under stage name“Zamora, the King of Torture,” has been showing the world his unique ability- exceptional pain tolerance. He stabbed himself with swords, swallowed fire and swords, lay down on nails - and these are just a few of the dangerous stunts he performed throughout his career. Tim is a Guinness Book of Records record holder.

Wim Hof

Dutchman Wim Hof ​​has an amazing ability to withstand extremely low temperatures. He ran marathons barefoot in the snow, plunged into cold water and set a world record for staying in an ice bath - 1 hour 52 minutes. In addition, Wim Hof ​​climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro wearing only shorts, for which he received the nickname “Ice Man”. The man claims that he has reached a state in which he does not feel cold at all, solely thanks to meditation. Researchers have confirmed that Vim is indeed able to consciously control his autonomic nervous system and immune system reactions.

Chang Wan Hei

Vietnamese resident Tran Van Hei had hair 6.8 meters long. But, unfortunately, he never declared this to the Guinness Book of Records. Hay lived in Kien Giang province (South Vietnam) and worked with medicinal herbs. He began growing his hair at the age of 25 for a very simple but surprising reason - every time after cutting his hair he became very ill. He did not turn to doctors, but simply stopped cutting his hair and began to weave a braid, which over the years began to resemble a thick rope.

Sadhu Amar Bharati

The Sadhu's hand is a bony, dried-out thing, because he has not used it for more than 40 years. He raised it above his head as a sign of worship before the god Shiva. Sadhu lived ordinary life until 1970. He worked, he had a wife and family, three children. Of average income, the Sadhu was an ordinary Indian. But one fine morning the Sadhu realized that he no longer belonged either to his family or to himself - he belonged to God. And he set off along the roads of India, and after several years of wandering, he made a vow and raised his right hand up so as not to lower it for the next forty years. The year was 1973. They say he raised it as a sign of humility and renunciation of his sins, but there are also those who claim that he raised his hand in protest against wars on earth. So, with his right hand raised up, Sadhu Amar Bharati has been living for many years. Over these decades, his hand, which he did not use at all, dried up and took the form of a lifeless stick, consisting of bones and dried skin.

Mehmet Ozyurek

The nose of Mehmet Ozyurek from Turkey was solemnly measured on the set of the Italian program “Lo Show dei Record” and turned out to measure 8.8 cm (from forehead to tip), which was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records in 2010. Doctors say that Mehmet owes his long nose to rhinophyma, a rare skin disease that is accompanied by the growth of elements of the skin of the nose. It is possible that someday he himself will break his own record, since his nose continues to grow little by little.

Masutatsu Oyama

The legendary karate master, founder of the Kyokushinkai style, tenth dan holder Masutatsu Oyama was one of the most famous representatives of martial arts. Oyama struck according to the principle of Japanese fighters “one blow - one death.” Even if the opponent managed to block the blow, this block was not enough; the master’s blow swept away everything in its path. Oyama broke 17 layers of tiles and 3-4 bricks at a time with one blow with the edge of his palm. And he fought with bulls fifty times, killed three bulls with his bare hands and broke the horns of 49 bulls, also with a blow from the edge of his palm. He wanted to fight more tigers and lions, but he was not allowed to treat animals so cruelly. Oyama himself later admitted that one should not kill animals to demonstrate one’s strength.

Michelle Lotito

It was not without reason that the Frenchman Michel Lotito was called “Monsieur Mangetout” in his homeland, which in Russian sounds like “Monsieur will eat everything.” Between 1959 and 1997, it literally consumed about nine tons of metal objects, including an airplane, seven televisions, 18 bicycles, 15 shopping carts, a coffin and part of the Eiffel Tower. What is the reason for Lotito’s manifestation of such a shocking ability? This rare phenomenon in science and medicine is known as “pica” - an eating disorder that is expressed in cravings for inedible substances. This, along with the unusually thick mucous membrane of the stomach, allowed Lotito to consume great amount metal, which, by the way, he cut into small pieces, watered vegetable oil and swallowed it with water. Michel Lotito died, oddly enough, of natural causes.

Jill Price

Jill Price remembers every event in her life in chronological order since she was 12 years old. She remembers literally every little detail, including the program running at that moment on TV or events that happened in the world. Just name the date and it will tell you what day of the week it was and list everything that happened that day. Many people envy her gift, but super memory is not a gift for everyone. Just imagine that you are experiencing the events of your life over and over again, as if they had just happened. In addition, in every person’s life there are things that are better not to remember. Experts have not yet found a cure for Jill’s memory.

Alex Lenkey

Englishman Alex Lenkey, who has been practicing self-hypnosis since the age of 16, refused traditional pain relief and hypnotized himself during surgery for osteoarthritis. During the operation, which lasted 83 minutes, the hypnotist opened the wrist, removed a piece of bone the size of a nut, and also manipulated the patient's tendon. According to him, at this time he heard everything that the surgeon said, as well as the sound that accompanied the cutting of the bone, but did not feel any pain. Alex Lenkay had previously had a hernia removed under hypnosis, and once hypnotized his son, also Alex, to reduce the pain in his broken arm.

Yoshiro Nakamatsu

Japanese Thomas Alva Edison, mad scientist, one of the five greatest inventors in history - this is what society calls this Japanese man, who publicly claims that he not only invented the famous floppy disk 20 years before the American company IBM, but also became the record holder for the number of inventions, bringing their number to 3.3 thousand. This eccentric Japanese takes a philosophical approach to the process of invention itself: he compares the creation of each new creation to a five-story pagoda. The first of them is mental strength, because it is this that helps a person follow the difficult path of an inventor. The second step is healthy body. Then - study. At the same time, according to Dr. NakaMats, a real inventor must be equally versed in both technical and human sciences. After that comes the ability to experiment and, of course, talent.

Jonathan Lee Riches

Jonathan Lee Riches is an inmate at the Kentucky Federal Penitentiary on charges of wire fraud and holds the record for the most lawsuits filed in U.S. district courts by a single person on various grounds. In early 2006, Jonathan filed his first lawsuit, and over the next seven years he filed more than two and a half thousand lawsuits. For such an active civic position, the guy was included in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the most controversial personalities in history, and Jonathan, being true to himself, responded by suing the Book. And in 2012, he filed new lawsuits, this time accusing rapper Kanye West and actress Kim Kardashian of terrorism.

Amu Haji

The anti-achievement in the Guinness Book of Records was set by Iranian resident Amu Haji, who did not wash for 60 years. During this time, he not only never went to the shower or bathhouse, but also did not go near water at all. Haji lives in a dugout hole in the south of Iran in the Fars province near the village of Dejah. In winter, when it gets very cold in his home, he moves to a brick shack that local residents built for the old man.
The Iranian stopped washing himself when he was young. Hajj says he refused to perform hygiene procedures due to emotional failures and psychological trauma. Now the man is afraid of water. He is sure that he will get sick immediately after washing his hands or washing his face.

Jake Schellenschlager

In his high school In Baltimore, 14-year-old Jake Schellenschlager hardly stands out from the crowd of other eighth-graders. But in the gym, a teenager transforms into a real athlete. The boy has been professionally involved in powerlifting for more than 2 years. Jake is currently lifting weights that are more than twice his body weight. Many powerlifting fans are simply shocked by the teenager’s abilities. To achieve success in this difficult sport, the boy spends several hours every day in the gym: lifting barbells, weights, and doing pull-ups. The boy broke his personal and world records by lifting a barbell weighing 300 pounds (136 kilograms). This weight is more than 2 times Jake's body weight. This figure is incredible for him. weight category, as well as age.


Let's live through all sorts of incredible inhabitants of the Earth. I’ve met almost all of them individually before, but here the selection turned out to be quite good.

The total length of the nails was 6 meters 15 centimeters. On right hand Sridhar Chaillal did not grow his nails.
The Chinese man's meter-long nails grew in 15 years, and he began growing them at the age of 23. "When I was 20 years old, I read about an Indian man who grew fingernails about a meter long. I decided to beat him," says Lee.
“Before 1992, my nails accidentally broke twice: the first time when I was moving things, the second due to the fault of my friend. Each time I had to start over,” the record holder admitted.

Meanwhile, the world record for the length of nails belongs to 65-year-old Salt Lake City resident Lee Redmond. Last year she entered latest issue Guinness Book of Records, having grown the longest nails in the world - their total length is 7 meters 51 centimeters.

The largest and smallest heads.

The largest palms. A man named Hussein Bisad (UK) gained fame because of his enormously large palms. The length of the palms from the tips of the middle fingers to the wrist is 26.9 cm.

A man named Radhakanta Bajapai (India) became famous for having the longest hair growing from his ears, 13.2 cm.

A resident of the Indian city of Bhopal, BD Tyagi was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the person who has the longest hair in the world growing from his ears: the length of the unusual vegetation reaches 10.2 centimeters.

The longest nose. A figure created in the image of the German nobleman Gustav von Albach, who lived in the 18th century. in Bremen. He was famous for his unusually long nose. Gustav turned his ugliness into an object of fun and jokes, and was everyone’s favorite, especially children. He took part in carnivals (luckily he didn’t need a mask).

A child who grows old quickly. Due to his mother's illnesses (according to some sources, drug and alcohol abuse) he was born in 1811 in Austria weighing 1 kg 733 g, and height 25 cm.

The shortest man. The shortest man was Gul Mohammed from New Delhi (India). In 1990, when examined at the Ram Manohar Hospital, his height was only 57 cm. He died of a heart attack in 1997.

The heaviest newborn. On January 19, 1879, Seville (Ohio, USA), Anna Bates (Canada), whose height was 2 m 27 cm, gave birth to a boy weighing 10 kg 8 g and 76 cm tall. The boy lived only 11 hours.

The longest hair.

The fattest man on Earth.

American Katie Jung today has the narrowest waist in the world - 38.1 cm. The record holder has practically not taken off her corset for 14 years, and she has about a hundred of them. Recently, another “achievement” appeared in the Guinness Book of Records: the volume of the most immense female waist – 160 cm.