Exercises to keep your waist narrow. How to make a thin waist at home

The compiled set of exercises will help girls eliminate excess fat in the abdomen and sides. The stomach will become flat, and the waist can be called aspen. Train at home regularly to get the desired results as soon as possible.

How to achieve a wasp waist at home

A flat tummy and a wasp waist are the dream of every girl. How to achieve desired results? Perform a set of exercises for a wasp waist at home and within a week you will notice pleasant changes. If you are overweight, pay attention to exercises that will help you get rid of it. To effectively burn subcutaneous fat, combine power training with cardio. When there are no problems with extra pounds, it is not recommended to perform strength exercises. They can only increase your waist size.

A set of exercises for a wasp waist and flat stomach

The most effective exercises for a wasp waist

Warm up before your workout. Tilt your body first in one direction, then in the other direction. Run in place and jump for 5 minutes.


Gradually progress the load, increasing the time you hold the body at the top point. If your level of physical fitness allows, extend one of your arms forward.


  1. Lie down on a flat surface. Bend your elbows. Focus on your forearms.
  2. Get into plank position. The entire body should form a single line. Don't raise your head. Control your breathing. Look exclusively forward. Fix your position for 30-60 seconds.
  3. Repeat 3 times. Rest for 60 seconds.



  1. Take a lying position. Hands behind your head. Bend your legs at the knees, place them on the floor and hold them together.
  2. Raise your knees until they touch your chest. At the final point of the movement, lift your pelvis. Exhale with a delay of 1-2 seconds.
  3. Do 15 crunches, 2 sets each.

To achieve greater results, use a massage hoop. If you are using this sports equipment for the first time, do not overdo it. Let your body get used to this load.


  1. Stand up straight. Fix your hands at the back of your head, clasping them together.
  2. Use your lower body to rotate the hoop. The body remains stationary.
  3. Do as much as possible. Repeat 3 times.


  1. Lie on the floor with your stomach up. Keep your hands behind your head. Bend your knees, lifting your hips off the surface. Raise your head a little.
  2. Try to push your head and chest up to feel the work of the oblique muscles of the abdomen and upper abs.
  3. Repeat 20 times in 2 sets.

2017-12-13 How to make a wasp waist at home


  1. Take a lying position. Place your arms parallel to your body.
  2. Lift your feet 15 cm off the floor. Alternately swing your legs with a small amplitude of movement up and down. Breathe evenly.
  3. Do 20 reps for 3 sets with each leg.

Basic rules for making a wasp waist

  1. Take a holistic approach to losing weight. It is necessary to adjust the diet: exclude flour, sweet and fatty foods from consumption. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Combine diet with exercise.
  2. Watch your waist size. Measure your curves.
  3. Train slowly. Focus on the technique of performing exercises for a wasp waist. Feel the muscle tension.
  4. Ventilate the room before class.
  5. Exercise 2 hours after eating and 1 hour before eating.
  6. You cannot hold your breath while tensing your muscles.
  7. If your strength quickly leaves you, you should reduce the number of repetitions for the sake of the quality of the exercises.
  8. It’s better to end your workouts with stretching. This will relax your muscles.

Wasp waist in a week

Sudden weight loss is very stressful for the body, so it is recommended to avoid sudden weight loss. However, if the situation takes you by surprise, follow these rules:

  • Choose a day on which you will exclusively consume either fruit, buckwheat, or kefir.
  • Observe strict diet. Don't eat sweet foods, starchy foods or fatty foods. Replace coffee and carbonated drinks with water. Prefer fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese, and boiled chicken breast. Eat every 4 hours. Avoid eating before bed.
  • Train according to a specially designed complex.

Subtract 1 m from your height to determine what waist size will be proportional for you.

  • Heredity b. People who are not predisposed to obesity acquire a wasp waist much faster. It’s not easy for girls who have a small distance between the ribs and the pelvic bone.
  • Hormonal background. The waist will be aspen if estrogen is present in excess. If there is not enough female hormone in the body, the figure will look different.
  • Physical exercise. Waist size depends on the amount of subcutaneous fat. Regular exercise ensures your stomach is flat and your waist is slim.
  • Take the stairs as often as possible. Avoid using the elevator.
  • For sweets, prefer dried fruits. Eat often, but in small portions.
  • Choose shoes with heels.
  • Watch your posture. This will visually increase your height, you will become visually slimmer. Besides, deep breathing provides cells with oxygen.

Common mistakes

  1. Enthusiasm low-calorie diets. This slows down your metabolism. Better regulate your diet properly.
  2. Long-term cardio training. You need to practice for about half an hour. Exercise before breakfast if you want to achieve maximum results.
  3. Inappropriate set of exercises. Avoid bending with weights in favor of yoga. Don't forget to fix your position when performing each of the poses.
  4. Daily pumping of the press. It is wrong to do this exercise every day because the muscles need time to recover. Do the plank.
  5. Refusal to train other muscle groups. Tension should be distributed evenly between all muscles.

What should the waist circumference be, what does the waist size depend on, a set of exercises for thin waist, simple secrets beautiful figure

Every woman dreams of a thin waist, because it is one of the manifestations of femininity, one of the integral components of a beautiful figure, one of the symbols of female beauty.

To make our figure ideal, we are ready to make any sacrifices and endure the most terrible torment. In the old days, women wore corsets and tightened them tighter, all to make their waist appear even thinner. The fashion back then was a little strange. A girl who did not wear corsets was considered ill-mannered or too extravagant.

This method of adding grace to the silhouette is not entirely acceptable these days. And it is not safe for health. Corsets have not been in fashion for a long time. And in this you and I are, of course, very lucky. Putting on a corset is the pinnacle of courage, and wearing it all day is a real feat. Hardly anyone will dare to undertake such tests.

But you can go another, more pleasant and productive way: spend just 20 minutes daily on waist exercises and soon you will enjoy the changes in your appearance, and in a month you will buy yourself a fitted dress that you have long dreamed of.

So, how to make your waist thin and narrow at home


The transformation begins. If you're ready, we'll get started. Let's start with what waist size a woman should have.

Many representatives of the fair sex are chasing the coveted 90-60-90 like crazy. But we are very different, so there cannot be one standard for everyone. To determine the optimal indicator, you need to subtract 1 meter from your height. For example, if your height is 167 cm, then your ideal waist would be 67 cm, but not 60, as many people think. Everything is very individual and depends on the width of the bones, age, physique, height. If a woman with a height of 167 cm has wide bones, then her waist can be wider than 67 cm. Each body type has its own parameters.

There is another way to determine your waist size: if the chest and hip circumferences are approximately the same, then the ideal proportions will be with a waist size that is 70% of the hip circumference. They look harmonious and look very beautiful.

There is no need to adapt to any beauty standards. The desire to constantly improve oneself and change better side- This is wonderful. But the desire to meet the standards of beauty invented by someone is not wonderful, but rather dangerous.


But what if you really want to have a wasp waist?

Very simple and yet effective exercises that can be performed at home will help us with this, and it will only take 20 minutes every day.

Waist size depends on many factors: health of the thyroid gland and hormonal levels, volume of the abdominal and back muscles. If you have excess belly fat, you need to first get rid of it, and only then pump up your abs and “shape” your waist, because otherwise the fat will turn into muscle, but the volume will remain.

Before starting a workout, you need to warm up your muscles well. This is mandatory, and 5-7 minutes is enough. Do lunges, squats, circular rotations with your feet, you can simply dance energetically or do several stretching exercises: bend over first to one toe and then to the other (you can sit), while standing, stretch your arms up, down, to the sides and back.

It is better to perform each exercise carefully, slowly, 10-15 times. It is advisable to do 2 approaches. It’s very good if you can increase the amount to 20 times. You can't make sudden movements, because this training provides careful attitude to the spine.

These exercises are very effective and allow you to achieve good results if you do them regularly.

From all those offered, you can choose the exercises that you like best. Start each exercise on the side you feel comfortable on (for a right-handed person this will most likely be the right side, for a left-handed person this will most likely be the left).

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart

  1. Circular movements of the body. We put our hands on the waist. We make turns first to the left, and then to right side, while the lower part of the body must remain motionless.
  2. Tilts. Hands behind your head, back straight. Bend your left elbow towards your right knee, and vice versa.
  3. Matches. Scatter the box of matches on the floor. Standing in one place, we lift one match at a time, each time fully straightening up.
  4. Mill. With arms spread to the sides, we lean first to the left, then to the right. We perform this exercise vigorously.

Squat while on your knees

We put our hands on our shoulders or fix them on the back of our heads (so as not to help ourselves with our hands) and squat first on the right, and then on left side. We try not to lift our knees off the floor and perform squats smoothly, without jerking.

Sitting on the floor

We place our legs as wide as possible, raise our arms and hold them at shoulder level, and slowly turn our body to the right. We make a left turn in the same way. If you get tired, lie on your back and relax your muscles. When you have rested, repeat the exercise again.

Lying on your back

  1. We stretch to the sides. The back is straight, legs bent at the knees are on the floor. The left hand is behind the head, the left shoulder is lifted off the floor, while the right one remains on the floor, and right hand reaches for the heel. Then we change sides.
  2. Legs straight, arms on the floor (bent as if we are holding on to something). We turn our head to the left and our feet to the right, without lifting our body from the floor, and vice versa - we turn our head to the right and our feet to the left.
  3. Everything is exactly the same as in the previous exercise, only the legs are crossed. First we put one leg on top and perform turns, and then the other.
  4. Legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. This exercise is a continuation of the previous three. In the same way, we lower our knees to the right, and our head to the left, our knees to the left, our head to the right. We try to touch our knees to the floor or lower them as low as possible.

This was the last exercise. Now you can praise yourself and relax.

To all this you can add swimming, breathing exercises, exercises for the abs. If you wish, you can purchase a gymnastic hoop. It will help make your waist thinner and stronger: excess fat will go away and your muscles will become stronger. Hoop exercises are suitable for any age.

It is better to exercise 2-3 hours before meals, and if you have just eaten, wait at least an hour.

With desire and patience, every woman can make her figure the way she wants, and waist size is no exception. Of course, for this you need not only to do the exercises, but also to lead healthy image life and stick to proper diet nutrition. If you are overweight, you need to gradually get rid of it.

The main thing is gradually!

Going on a diet is harmful to your health. Try to change your diet towards naturalness: eat more fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and less sweets and fried foods. Drink plenty of water. And make dinner light and healthy, especially since summer is approaching and it’s very easy. Only a very lazy person finds it difficult to make salads in the summer and eat them as often as possible. This way the waist will appear and the silhouette will become more elegant.

Of course, the female gender has one funny feature: as soon as the weight reaches the desired level, and it would seem that everything is as it should be, new problem– I want to distribute this weight differently. This is how she is, female nature, we always want to correct something, improve something, only we sometimes forget that we are not loved for our thin waist, long legs or big breasts, but because we love ourselves. There are things much more important than visual appeal, because the latter is impossible without harmony. Therefore, in the pursuit of perfection, try not to lose the most important thing - your individuality and spiritual beauty. Love yourself and be happy!

Slender wasp waist and slim stomach- This cherished dream every girl. But, unfortunately, nature has not awarded everyone with an ideal figure, so it is not at all surprising that women are ready for real feats and difficult trials in order to achieve what they want. Today it is not necessary to wear special slimming corsets, which cause a lot of inconvenience, because there are other effective ways allowing you to get a narrow waist.

What should the waist be - generally accepted norms

It is generally accepted that the parameters perfect figure- chest 90 cm, waist 60 cm and hips 90 cm. This is why many girls constantly exhaust themselves with various diets, decide to go on long hunger strikes, which can completely ruin their health, and exercise to the point of exhaustion gym. But even these methods do not always achieve the goal. The fact is that each person is individual, and many girls cannot get closer to the cherished numbers. That’s why it’s so important to know your own ideal parameters.

Calculating these data is very simple, for example, if a girl’s height is 175 cm, you need to subtract 100 from this figure. What remains is 75 - these are the ideal parameters for the waist and certainly not 60 cm. The type of figure must also be taken into account, especially if the bone wide, small deviations are acceptable, about 2-3 cm is added to the result.

Girls who have the same volume of hips and breasts are recommended to use a different formula. IN in this case waist volume will be 70% of these indicators. For example, if the chest and hips are 100 cm, then the waist is 70 cm.

How to quickly make your waist thin and remove your belly - all the ways

Many girls strive to become much slimmer in a short period of time, get rid of fat deposits in the abdominal area and lose excess weight. But at the same time, they do not want to monitor their diet and adhere to proper nutrition. You can achieve your goal in the easiest way, but then you will have to constantly wear a special slimming corset. In addition, it will reduce your waist only for a while and visually make your figure slimmer. But this method will not help remove fat deposits in the abdominal area.

You can wear a slimming corset only after consulting a doctor, but not longer than three hours a day.

Only a corset will help a short time get a thin waist. There are also other methods, of course, they are not so fast, but more effective and do not harm health.

First of all, you need to pay special attention to your diet. If you don't diet, you simply won't be able to lose weight. To remove fat accumulation and make a flat stomach, you need to make nutritional adjustments. The diet is selected on a strictly individual basis, taking into account the woman’s initial weight and height, including her age and existing diseases.

The basis of most diets is the complete exclusion of fast carbohydrates from the diet. It is fast carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the body, after which they are converted into fat deposits. Therefore, sweets, cakes, pastries, chocolate, sugar, pasta, sweet store-bought juices and carbonated drinks must be excluded from the diet.

It is important not only to stick to the diet, but also not to forget about the benefits physical activity. A healthy diet alone will not be enough to achieve your desired goal.

You need to start the weight loss process with the following points:

  1. Compliance drinking regime. You need to drink about 1.5–2 liters of plain water per day. Juices, drinks, sparkling water and tea are not purified water. To speed up the process of burning fat deposits, you need to drink enough liquid per day.
  2. Don't forget or skip breakfast. Breakfast must be complete, because it is in the first half of the day that the body begins to launch metabolic processes. After a person wakes up, the body is completely ready to start burning fat.
  3. Regular execution physical exercise. It is necessary to choose the right set of special exercises that are aimed directly at reducing waist size. It is a mistaken belief that regularly working out your abdominal muscles will help you quickly achieve what you want. Weight loss does not occur only in problem areas in which we wanted to remove fat deposits.

It is important to try to completely avoid or minimize the amount of fast carbohydrates consumed. For many this is very difficult task, so you will have to stock up on willpower and start moving persistently towards your goal.

If you plan to begin an active fight against existing fat deposits, it is recommended to add the following products to your diet:

  1. Avocado is very useful not only for weight loss, but also for the whole body. The pulp of this fruit contains many fatty acids, vitamins and microelements. That is why it is often included in various diets.
  2. Pine nuts and pine oil help speed up the metabolic process. There is an improvement in the production of hormones responsible for reducing appetite.
  3. Raspberries, grapefruits and pineapples contain a lot of fat-burning components.
  4. Fish oil is an excellent source of omega 3, 6 and 9. These substances slow down the process of fat deposition. That is why it is recommended to add it to daily diet while fighting with overweight. Daily norm should not exceed 500 mg.
  5. Oatmeal is an excellent source of fiber and carbohydrates, which help lower cholesterol. If you add oatmeal to your diet, you can get rid of excess weight.

Diet for a flat stomach and thin waist

This diet is considered not only one of the most effective, but is also quite tasty. This technique is based on regular consumption of avocados and after just three days you will notice positive changes. Dieting alone is not enough, because the problem of excess weight needs to be solved comprehensively. If your main goal is a flat stomach and slim waist, it is recommended to additionally perform simple exercises.

Sample menu for the first day of the diet:

  • For breakfast, make it herbal or green tea. You will have to give up strong black tea and coffee. Peel the avocado and remove the pit. Take half the fruit, mix with cottage cheese and add a little salt, you can add spices and a mixture of dried herbs. Allowed to eat a slice rye bread or bread.
  • For lunch, prepare mashed potatoes, but only without using oil. You can add a pinch of coffee and a small amount of milk. You should not add salt to your food during cooking, as salt can only be added to cooked food. Prepare a salad from avocado - grate the fruit, cut the tomato into pieces, add a little hard cheese, for dressing, use oil and a little salt and pepper. Brew fresh green tea.
  • Make guacamole for dinner. To make it useful and tasty dish take the avocado pulp, grind it to a puree, add finely chopped tomatoes and green onions. For dressing, use lemon juice, add a pinch of black pepper and a little salt. This dish goes well with boiled chicken fillet, you can also eat a couple of breads and drink a glass of fresh tomato juice.

Menu for the second day of the diet:

  • For breakfast, the same dishes are served as the previous day, but dates are added (3 pcs.) and walnuts(no more than 50 g).
  • For lunch, take half an avocado, fresh green onions and cucumber. Prepare a light salad, use olive oil for dressing. The salad goes well with boiled fish; green tea or kefir is allowed, to which a little cinnamon is added.
  • For dinner, low-fat cottage cheese (1–2 tbsp) and half a boiled avocado chicken breast(100 g), apple, pineapple juice (1 tbsp.).

Menu for the third day of the diet:

  • For breakfast, mashed avocado pulp and cheese, green tea, 2 breads with butter;
  • For lunch, avocado salad - take avocado (1 pc.), tomatoes (2 pcs.), Bell pepper and cut into small cubes, add canned beans(2-3 tbsp.). For refueling, use any vegetable oil, a little lemon juice, pepper and salt. Boil one egg, brew green tea. You can eat one diet bread;
  • For dinner, make an avocado omelet. Take the bacon and fry on both sides. Beat eggs (2 pcs.), pour into a heated frying pan, fry on both sides. Place grated cheese and chopped bacon in the middle of the egg pancake and roll it into a tube shape. Serve the omelet with diet bread and a vegetable mix - cucumber, pepper, tomatoes. Make fresh orange or pineapple juice.

After following this diet for three days, it is recommended to add these dishes to your daily diet. Try to eat as many fresh vegetables as possible and drink purified water. At the same time, it is very important to almost completely eliminate fast carbohydrates from the diet.

How to make your waist thin and remove your belly - exercises

It is quite possible to get a thin waist and a flat stomach on your own at home. But for this you need to adhere to the following tips from professional trainers:

  1. Strength training should alternate with cardio exercises. In this case, the body spends much more calories than during these two types of exercise.
  2. Choose complex exercises during which the oblique abdominal muscles will actively work.
  3. Try to avoid bending over, otherwise your waist will only become larger.
  4. Each exercise must be performed for at least one minute.
  5. Between each exercise there is a short break of 30 seconds, for beginners 1 minute.
  6. At first, it will be enough to perform 3 approaches, gradually increasing the load.
  7. Training should be done every other day, as the body must have time to rest before new loads.
  8. Before each workout, stretching exercises are mandatory, which will help warm up and prepare the muscles for the load. In this case, the next day you will not be bothered by unpleasant painful relationships in the muscles.
  9. To prevent the body from quickly getting used to the load, it is necessary to alternate exercises.
  10. If the training is carried out independently at home, it is important to constantly alternate complexes.


During crunches, all muscles work abdominals:

  • take the starting position lying on your back - legs bent at the knees, hands clasped under your head, feet on the floor;
  • as you inhale, lift your body and touch your elbows with your knees;
  • at the exit, smoothly return to the starting position;
  • Over time, the body gets used to the load and you can lift your straight legs up.

Stepping plank

This exercise is quite difficult, so you will have to make every effort to do it at least several times:

  • take the starting position - emphasis is placed on the elbows and tips of the toes;
  • the muscles are maximally tense, the back remains straight;
  • take a step to the right with your left elbow and leg, move your left leg and elbow;
  • slowly return to the starting position;
  • repeat the exercise for your right arm and leg.

"Inverted" scissors

WITH classic version Many people are familiar with this exercise, but “inverted” scissors are performed differently:

  • borrow horizontal position, hands clasped at the back of the head;
  • raise your legs straight - an angle of 90 degrees should form in relation to the body;
  • the head and neck are lifted off the floor;
  • lower your legs one by one, while trying not to touch the floor.

At first it will be very difficult to perform this exercise, but soon everything will work out. To increase the load on the muscles, the angle of inclination is 45 degrees.

Walking in place with high leg lifts

This is an excellent cardio exercise, the main thing is to try not to slow down the rhythm:

  • while walking, you need to try to reach your elbow with your knees - with your right foot to the left elbow and with your left foot to the right elbow;
  • When pulling up, you need to make sure that the toe is stretched, and when returning to the starting position, place your foot strictly on the heel.

Swing your legs while lying on your back

The exercise is very simple:

  • take the starting position lying on your back;
  • legs bent at the knees and raised up - should be parallel to the floor;
  • arms are located along the body, can be spread to the sides;
  • The abdominal muscles tense as much as possible while bending the leg to the side.

Diagonal fold

Perform this exercise lying on your side:

  • you need to lie on your left side, focusing on the gluteal muscle;
  • the left hand is on the floor, the legs are straightened, the right hand is located behind the head;
  • focusing on left hand, the body and right leg are raised;
  • with the opposite hand you need to try to reach the foot;
  • hold for 5 seconds and return to the starting position;
  • repeat the exercise on the right side.

Crunches while sitting

To perform this exercise, you need to take the starting position:

  • sitting on the floor, keep your back perfectly straight, knees bent;
  • your feet are on the floor, your hands are on the floor so that your buttocks are slightly behind;
  • clasp your hands in front of your chest, relax your lower back;
  • make turns left and right;
  • return to the starting position.

Twisting jumps

  • take the starting position - spread your feet shoulder-width apart, clasp your hands in front of you;
  • simultaneously perform a jump and turn the pelvis to the left, another jump and turn the pelvis to the right;
  • To increase the load, you can train with weights.

How to get a thin waist at home in 7 days

With maximum effort, you can get a slender and graceful waist in just one week. With hard work, the result will be noticeable within a few days, but in order to consolidate it, you need to continue to be active and pay special attention to your own nutrition. It is very important to conduct training regularly - every other day.

To get a thin waist in just a week, it is recommended to regularly perform the following exercises:

  1. Side turns. It is important to perform the exercise correctly - place your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your hands on your waist, and make sure your back remains straight. Tilt to the right and left so that the lower part of the body remains motionless. Feet should not be lifted off the floor.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, arms clasped above your head, and your back remains straight. Bend forward, try to reach your right knee with your left elbow. At the same time as you tilt your body, lift your leg off the floor. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.
  3. Stand straight and bend forward, trying to reach the floor with your palms, but do not bend your knees.
  4. One of the most effective exercises is the mill. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, torso slightly tilted forward, arms down. Perform active bends, reaching with your left hand to your right foot, and vice versa. The back should remain straight, the knees should not bend, try to straighten completely. Do the exercise for at least two minutes.
  5. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, place your arms along your body, and keep your back straight. Turn left and right, but do not bend your elbows. It is important that the lower part of the body remains motionless.

With the exception of these exercises, to make your waist thin and tighten your stomach, it is recommended to spin a hula hoop or a hula hoop. This sports equipment is really effective, but it needs to be used correctly and regularly, which will help you get rid of accumulated fat deposits in the waist area much faster.

Exercises for a thin waist in the following video:

How to get a thin waist and flat stomach is a question that excites the minds of many women. It is clear that one dream of a beautiful and toned figure is not enough, you need a whole range of measures to promote weight loss - diets, sports, special exercises for a thin waist and flat stomach, body wraps, supplements that stimulate metabolism and burn fat deposits. In this article we will look at everything possible ways weight loss and give some tips useful tips, recipes and exercises on how to make your waist thin, your stomach flat, and your figure graceful and toned.

With regular implementation of the entire set of measures to form a thin waist, the results become visible within a week

How to achieve a thin waist - effective methods

The main tasks that need to be completed if you want to achieve a flat stomach and thin waist:

  • lose weight;
  • break down fat deposits in problem areas of the body, get rid of cellulite;
  • tighten the muscles, thereby simulating beautiful lines bodies.

Several will help with this basic rules how to make your waist thin and your figure toned:

  • proper nutrition and diet;
  • physical activity - special exercises for a thin waist, exercise equipment and yoga;
  • cocktails, supplements, teas, drugs that stimulate metabolic processes in the body, cleansing, metabolism and fat burning;
  • cosmetic procedures - massages, wraps, baths with additives, steam room, enemas.

In particular difficult situations You cannot do without radical measures - medical intervention: liposuction, mesotherapy, rib removal.

Exercises in pictures for a thin waist

Effective exercises for a thin waist

According to established legend, the most famous exercise for a thin waist and flat stomach was invented by A. Schwarzenegger, it is called “vacuum”. Simple, but very effective, the point is that as we inhale, we slowly draw in our stomach and as if we are trying to reach the spine with our navel; as we exhale, we release it, but do not weaken the abdominal muscles. The exercise can be done anywhere and anytime, even while powdering your nose. To get visible results in short term, it is recommended to perform up to 50 approaches per day, 5-10 times. To enhance the effect, you can retract/release your stomach while standing on all fours or sitting on a chair with your back straight.

Exercises for a thin waist, in the photo Mr. perfection performs a vacuum exercise

Exercises for a thin waist at home

By performing a simple set of 6 exercises daily, you will notice the first results of the workout within a week, perform quickly, to rhythmic music:

  • We place our legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, hands on the back of our heads, and spread our elbows as far apart as possible. As we inhale, we lean forward and try to reach our right knee with our left elbow; as we exhale, we unbend and repeat, with our right elbow reaching our left knee. We do 10 repetitions, every day we add the number of inclines, at the end of the week we do at least 30 times.
  • Position your feet shoulder-width apart, straight back, place your palms at chest level, begin energetic turns - 2 to the left, 2 to the right, you cannot lift your feet off the floor, make 20 turns in one direction and the same number in the other.
  • We lean forward, without bending our legs, with our left hand we touch the toes of our right foot, with our right hand up, and vice versa. We try to turn the body as much as possible in the direction of the tilt, bending 25 times in each direction.
  • We lie on our backs, bend our arms, and place our palms on the floor. We raise our leg, bend it at the knee and try to reach the floor on the opposite side, then with the other leg, perform it 30 times, alternating legs.
  • You will need a chair or sofa, stand sideways and cross your leg. We bend, try to reach the toes, straighten and bend in the other direction, trying to touch the field with our hands, perform the exercise 15 times, then cross the other leg and repeat the bends.
  • In order to get a thin waist, you need to work your abdominal muscles. We lie down on the floor, hands behind our heads, legs tucked under the sofa. We begin to lift the torso forward, doing 20-40 twists.

Helpful advice: You can continue your home workout on the health disk and spin the hoop for 10 minutes.

A modern hula hoop with massage pimples and magnets will speed up the process of forming a thin waist

Yoga for a flat stomach and thin waist will help you significantly correct your figure; the video shows a lesson on how to perform the exercises correctly.

The following video presents other effective exercises for a thin waist; video instructions will help you diversify your home exercise routine.

Exercises for a thin waist in the gym

For maximum results To model a thin waist, you should add gym classes to your home workouts. Here the instructor will select the necessary set of exercises based on the characteristics of your build, physical fitness and health status.

  • elliptical trainers;
  • cycling – a stationary bicycle with adjustable loads;
  • Roman chair – hyperextension.
  • For women, special fitness programs “Flat Belly” are relevant.

To achieve a thin waist in the gym, you should exclude the following types of loads:

  • classic squats with weight or belt;
  • lateral hyperextension;
  • bending to the side with dumbbells in hands.

A set of workouts for a flat stomach and thin waist in the gym should be selected individually

Nutrition and diets for a thin waist, special preparations

The basic rule for losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume. Therefore, an important part of the complex on how to make a thin waist at home is proper nutrition and stimulation of the body to break down fat cells. And if the average person consumes 2000 calories, then for a thin waist and flat stomach this amount should be reduced to 1000-1500 calories.

Tip: 60% of calories from the diet should be consumed before 16 hours, the remaining 40 - before 20 hours.

All diets for a thin waist are built on the same principle: we exclude fatty and starchy foods, remove foods containing carbohydrates and glucose from the diet, build a diet on protein, fiber and fat-burning foods.

Table of healthy foods for a small waist

Where to look for protein: turkey, chicken breast, veal, beans, cod, pollock, tuna, low-fat salmon, squid, shrimp, low-fat dairy products.

Sources of fiber: bran, soybeans, whole grain bread, brown rice, lentils, almost all greens, white cabbage, broccoli, apples, grapefruit.

Top foods that burn fat, improve metabolic processes and cleanse the body: ginger, cinnamon, white cabbage, cucumbers, raspberries, green tea, apples, pears, fresh pineapple, red hot pepper.

In the morning, a diet for a flat stomach and thin waist should start with a glass clean water, it is better to brew ½ tsp. cinnamon with boiling water, wait until it cools and stir tsp. honey, for greater effect, cinnamon can be mixed with ½ tsp. grated ginger.

After 20-30 minutes it is useful to have breakfast oatmeal with diluted milk or water with berries. To diversify the menu, you can alternate, and in the morning of the next day eat 2 boiled eggs with a fresh tomato or cucumber. At the end of breakfast - green tea.

Oatmeal will give you energy for the whole day

Important: All products for a thin waist should be steamed or boiled, for example grilled without oil.

Stimulants for a small waist

Over the years, the body catches on itself overweight, salts, toxins, wastes, which are very difficult to get rid of. It is necessary to give an impetus to the body to begin to act, but before that it is necessary to be examined and receive medical advice.

To cleanse and improve metabolism: low-fat fermented milk with cinnamon, buckthorn or hay collection, coarse flaxseed flour infused with kefir, green and ginger tea, water with honey, apple cider vinegar and cinnamon. To speed up the process, you can take tea for weight loss, for example, based on hibiscus - Redslim, or an Ayurvedic preparation - Zenslim, preparations with herbal supplements - Realex, tea - flight of the swallow. You can buy it at a pharmacy or online store. All products have a relaxing effect on the intestines, so they should be taken with caution so as not to harm your health and not make a nest on the toilet.

Foods that stimulate the body's metabolic process help shape a thin waist

Good to know: In stores sports nutrition you can buy drugs - fat burners, the choice is huge, the consultant will tell you the best option for you.

For wraps: best masks for a thin waist they are made on the basis of liquid honey, to which you can add:

  • cinnamon;
  • steamed ground coffee;
  • mustard;
  • red hot pepper.

The mask is applied evenly to problem areas and wrapped cling film. Keep it for 20-30 minutes, you can do housework.

Girls with thin waists who leave their reviews about losing weight say that it is good to make masks from blue clay and seaweed for an elegant and beautiful figure.

Wraps help to get rid of 20-50 mm per procedure

At home, for a thin waist, you should do a pinch massage: apply a little oil, or better yet anti-cellulite cream, and use your fingers to pinch the fat deposits, not to the point of bruising, but noticeably. Baths with salt or magnesium also help to quickly remove extra centimeters and become the owner of a thin waist.

Salon procedures for a thin waist: Charcot shower, hydro and manual massage, microcurrent, thalasso, mesotherapy - improve lymph flow and blood circulation, trigger liposis, promote elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Of course, you can wear a corset 23 hours a day, which is also very effective for a thin waist and straightens your posture, but for most people this brings physical suffering.

Thin waist, photos before and after a set of measures

We have offered several very effective remedies and procedures that will help you create a thin waist and flat stomach, remove sides and cellulite. All activities should be performed regularly, in combination, this is the only way to achieve visible results.

The fashion for a wasp waist forces girls, whom nature has not endowed with such external data, to create a figure on their own with the help of hard training and diets. Even prohibited anabolic steroids, growth hormone and other unsafe substances are used. Making your hips wider than your shoulders is possible in an acceptable time frame and is absolutely safe for health. The main thing is self-discipline and strict adherence to the training process.

Exercises to increase hip width

Really increasing hip width is only possible through heavy weight training in the gym. To start growth processes, you need serious muscle stress, which can be achieved by using exercise machines, barbells and dumbbells.

The width of the hips is formed by the quadriceps muscle - one of the largest in the human body. It is located on the front of the thigh and has four heads that stand out as independent: the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius.


To trigger the growth mechanisms of the total array of the quadriceps femoris muscle best exercise is a barbell squat.

Before starting the training, you need to do the following preparatory steps:

  • Warm up. 15-20 minutes on an exercise bike or treadmill will be enough to warm up your joints and muscles and prepare your heart for anaerobic training.
  • Stretching. Before the main lesson, it would be a good idea to do a little stretching of all the large muscles of the body, and unwind the joints in the shoulders with swinging movements. The knee and hip joints need to be warmed up with rotational movements.
  • Selecting working weight. If this is the first workout, it is very important to decide on the weight with which you plan to perform the working approaches. To do this, you need to make 3-4 warm-up attempts, gradually increasing the weight of the barbell to the level until it is possible to perform 10-12 repetitions. This will be the correct training weight.

It is important that your back is straight while squatting. This rule is very difficult for beginners to follow, since intuitively they will try to ease the effort by shifting the load to the spine. This is dangerous and can lead to injury. Therefore, during the first training sessions, when there are no skills yet, you must definitely use the services of a personal trainer. Or take a person with you to the gym who has such experience.

The exercise itself is performed in this way: remove the barbell from the racks, take half a step forward and squat to the floor, i.e. below the horizontal line of the thigh. After this, you need to straighten up without pausing at the lowest point. After 12 repetitions, the barbell is placed on the racks with the help of a trainer or partner.

The peculiarity of this exercise is that if the legs are spread wider than shoulder level, and the toes are turned to the sides, the load will go to the biceps of the thigh, i.e. on its inner side. In this case, the aesthetic effect will be noticeable on the buttocks, which will become rounder and firmer. But the width of the hips will not change significantly. Therefore, it is important that during the exercise your legs are at shoulder level and your toes are pointing straight.

Leg extension while sitting on a machine

This variety is an isolation exercise that works well on the muscles of the front of the thigh - the quadriceps. The absence of stress on the back and the need to maintain balance allows women with various injuries and diseases of the hip joint or back to train. The machine has a seat with a backrest to support the spine. It also has a defined trajectory of movement, which reduces the risk of injury from loss of control or falling weight.

The exercise is performed in 4-5 approaches of 10-14 repetitions each. The rest between them should be 1.5-2 minutes.

For a girl who has a low level of fitness or does not have it at all, at the initial stage of training with weights, only squats will be a sufficient load.

The thigh muscles recover after a very long time - 5-7 days. Therefore, squats should be performed no more than once a week. Otherwise progress in muscle growth will not be.

3-4 weeks after the start of training, you can add leg extensions while sitting on a machine to squats. This should be the first exercise. This will pre-fatigue the thigh muscles before heavy squats, which will additionally load the desired area.

Waist reduction

Unlike increasing the width of the hips, reducing the waist can be achieved at home.

  • change in diet;
  • performing training;
  • change in diet.

An additional stimulation of the fat burning process in the abdominal area will be an increase in overall physical activity.


Local fat burning does not exist, and it is impossible to remove fat from the waist while leaving it in the hips. Therefore, the training process will be aimed at increasing the overall energy expenditure of the body, and not just performing abdominal exercises.

In practice, such activities should look like this:

  1. Warm-up – 10 minutes.
  2. Running – 10-15 minutes.
  3. Stretching – 5 minutes.
  4. Abdominal exercises – 20-25 minutes.

To effectively work the abdominal muscles, it will be enough to perform 3 exercises: raising the legs from a lying position, raising the chest to the knees and the horizontal plank.

Raising legs from a lying position

Popular and most effective exercise to work out the lower part of the abs. You need to lie on the floor and put your arms along your body, raise your legs to a position “perpendicular to the body,” then slowly lower them to the starting position. The number of repetitions is at least 80% of the maximum in 3-4 approaches. The break between approaches is 1 -1.3 minutes.

Beginners need to do this exercise with their knees bent so as not to stretch the muscle ligaments that have not yet become stronger.

Raising your chest to your knees

An effective workout to work your upper abs. Performed from a lying position. You need to put your legs under a bench, sofa or chair, bend them at the knees, and clasp the back of your head with your hands. Lift up top part You need to move your body quickly, until your knees touch your chest. After this, you should slowly lower yourself and repeat the rise.

The number of times depends on the girl’s level of training, but not less than 80% of the maximum possible. The number of approaches is 3-4. The break between approaches is 1-1.3 minutes, for rest between exercises - 2-3 minutes.

Horizontal bar

The exercise perfectly loads all parts of the abdominal muscles and helps get rid of not only subcutaneous fat, but also the fat lining internal organs. You need to lie face down on the floor, lean on your elbows and toes, raise your body and hold it in this position for the maximum possible amount of time. After which you should rest for 1.5-2 minutes and repeat the horizontal plank.

More efficient this type carry out at the end of the press workout, alternating it with the “Vacuum” exercise. It allows you to quickly make your waist thinner. This result is achieved not so much by reducing fat, but by increasing the force that holds the internal organs deep muscles. You need to sit on a chair, lean forward a little, exhale and pull your stomach in as much as possible. You need to hold it in this position for 15-20 seconds. After resting for 30-40 seconds, repeat.

To reduce the width of your waist, it is strictly not recommended to perform various exercises on lateral muscles belly. A slight decrease in fat in this area is compensated by an increase in the volume of the lateral muscles themselves, which is why visually the waist will remain the same or even increase.

Changing your diet

The width of the waist largely depends on the volume of the stomach. Therefore, changes in diet should be aimed at maximizing the reduction of a single serving of food.

The amount of food that the girl ate 3 times a day should be divided into 8 small portions. You need to eat food every 1.5-2 hours at regular intervals throughout the day.


Making your waist narrow is quite difficult if you have a genetic predisposition to excess weight or other features of the body that prevent you from having beautiful figure. Changing the diet in such cases should be aimed not only at reducing total calories, but also at the correct selection of foods. You need food that is quickly digested and does not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels.

List of light foods that do not provoke obesity:

  • Boiled eggs.
  • Unsweetened cottage cheese.
  • Boiled fish.
  • Protein shakes.
  • Boiled cereals (rice, buckwheat).

Sweet drinks, chocolate and flour products should be completely excluded from the diet. Exception: half an hour before a heavy leg workout, you can eat a small chocolate bar. There will be no harm from this, since all the energy from the sweets will be used up during exercise with a barbell.

Sports nutrition

Various methods will help you make your hips wider than your shoulders. sports supplements. Their use is especially important for girls who do not have time to prepare their own food in the morning for the whole day.

Effectively use:

  • Whey protein helps replenish the body's supply of essential amino acids. Is building material for muscles, including thighs. Take 1 serving (50 g) several times a day.
  • Creatine – provides additional energy during training, increases its intensity, and activates the fat burning process.
  • L-carnitine is a very effective weight loss supplement. The energy deficit during training is replenished by the breakdown of fatty acids. The optimal dose for women is 1-2 g per day.

The task of increasing the width of the hips while simultaneously reducing the waist is very difficult. This is fine jewelry work on yourself, when the training process needs to be balanced between gaining muscle tissue and reducing fat. But the hardworking and patient will be rewarded in the form of a beautiful wasp figure, which is now so popular among young girls. You won't be able to achieve results in a week. The minimum period under conditions of following a strict diet and training regimen is 4-6 months.