How to build muscle mass - training program for men and women, menu, sports nutrition. How to build muscle mass: a detailed guide to action

Many novice athletes often wonder how to build muscle in as soon as possible, and are ready to give a lot for the possession of simple truths. But the truth is that there is no need to reinvent the wheel, everything has long been invented for us: take it and do it! How to build muscle with or without exercise machines, doing street sports or weightlifting - all the information can be put into five simple tips, which will be discussed further.

Tip 1. Where to start?

How to build muscles if you are a complete layman in this matter and the heaviest thing you have lifted in your life is a spoon? Congratulations! It is you who will gain as quickly as possible. The fact is that muscles that are subjected to constant stress gradually get used to overcoming this barrier and eventually become more elastic and stronger. As a result, an experienced athlete, trying to develop micro-tears in the muscle, will be forced to lift enormous weights for minimal results. This is why an experienced athlete gains 1-2 kg per month in the gym and this is an excellent result, while a beginner can easily gain 10 kg and this will not be the limit! So set a goal and go towards it!

Tip 2. Base

You should always place maximum load on those muscle groups that are

the largest. How to build muscles if you do not subject them to systematic load? No way. Based on this, divide your training exercises into 3-4 groups and perform no more than 1-2 for each. Only in this way and only thanks to this approach will you have the opportunity to make a breakthrough for yourself among the masses.

Tip 3. How to quickly build muscle at home?

There is only one answer: use the same technique as in the gym. Improvise and create an insurmountable load for your muscles - this is the only way they will develop. There are no magic drugs that can turn you into a Schwarzenegger in one month, because even using anabolic steroids, you will have to train day after day, sweating and losing your pulse!

Tip 4. How to build muscle while doing street sports?

Do you think this is impossible? That working with your own weight is closer to cardio than to strength training? Well, we can congratulate you, because you are wrong, and you have a chance to dispel your misconceptions. A person's weight is 50 kilograms or more. When working on the horizontal bar, at least 40 out of 50 will be in work, that is, 80-85% of your body weight. Now think about it: will you be small, frail and weak if you start training in the gym from scratch with the same weights? Of course not! The whole secret lies in the technique of performing the exercises. She needs some attention Special attention by training slowly and focusing on the negative phase of each set, and only then will your muscles grow and develop. No concessions, no hackwork, pure hardcore!

Tip 5. If you don't eat, you won't eat!

Yes, yes, proper and plentiful nutrition is the key to a successful mass. Have you ever seen builders build a house out of thin air? Or from foam plastic, for example? So there is no need to worry about nonsense. Eat four to six times a day, fully, to satiety, and exercise regularly. If you do everything right, then in a couple of months you won’t recognize yourself in the mirror!

Eat enough protein, which promotes muscle growth. Your norm is 1–1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. For example, if you weigh around 80 kg, then you should consume at least 81-146 grams of protein daily.

Drink enough water. The body needs enough water to build up muscle mass at optimal speed. Here simple formula to calculate whether you are drinking enough fluid:

Eat regularly. Instead of eating three large meals, as we are all accustomed to since childhood, it is better to change your eating habits and divide meals into 5-6 small ones.

  • You can replace one or two meals with a protein shake to keep your protein intake at the desired level. On the Internet you will find many delicious and healthy recipes protein shakes, here is one of them:
  • 240 ml skim milk;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 teaspoon peanut butter;
  • 2 liters of protein powder.
  • Eat healthy fats. That's right - fats not only make food taste better, they are also good for the body if consumed. the right fats in the right quantity. The amount of saturated fat found in butter, chips or bacon should be kept to a minimum - no more than 20 grams. This is bad news. The good news is that unsaturated fats are very healthy and even necessary. They promote the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K, help improve vision and skin condition. Depending on your total daily calorie intake, 50 to 70 grams of mono or polyunsaturated fat will provide significant benefits to your workouts and overall health.

    • Monounsaturated fatty acids are found in olive, rapeseed and sesame oil, as well as in avocados and nuts such as almonds, cashews, peanuts and pistachios.
    • Polyunsaturated fats are found in corn, cottonseed and safflower oils, and they are also found in sunflower seeds and oils, flax and soybeans.
    • Omega-3 fats are very beneficial for heart and blood health, vision and brain development in children. These fatty acids are especially high in cold-water fish, such as salmon, tuna, cod and sardines.
    • To find your maximum fat intake in grams, multiply your daily calories by 0.001 for trans fat, 0.008 for saturated fat, and 0.03 for good fat. For example, if your diet is 2,500 calories per day, then you should have no more than 3 grams of trans fat, less than 20 grams of saturated fat, and up to 75 grams of mono- and polyunsaturated fat.
  • Take vitamins. In addition to balanced diet include vitamin supplements in your diet. This way your body will receive all the vitamins and minerals it needs for health. Eat various options depending on your age, gender, health and nutritional status. Find what's right for you and implement it in your daily diet.

    Part 2

    Training Tips
    1. Create an effective training plan. Good food is necessary for the body to increase your potential, but it is of no use until you take care of your muscles and start working to make them bigger, fuller and stronger. The best way to start is with the basics.

      Warm up. Before you start any workout, be it jogging or deadlifting 300 pounds, do a few simple exercises that will help warm up the muscles you need. This will not only help you get in tune, but will also prevent injury.

      • You cannot stretch untrained muscles. Research shows that stretching before exercise, contrary to popular belief, not only does not prevent injury, but can also lead to decreased productivity. Stretching is best done after your main workout.
    2. Work out harder, but less. High repetitions build endurance, but they are unlikely to increase muscle size or strength. Instead, perform 3-8 sets per muscle group, 6-12 reps per set. The last rep should be quite difficult for you. If not, increase the load.

      • The total duration of training should not exceed 45 minutes per day.
      • Change the set of exercises every 4-8 weeks. The body will get used to the tension and you will reach a stage where there is no tangible benefit from strength training. The only way to prevent this is to make adjustments by increasing the weight and changing the set of exercises. Try a week of just lifting weights, performing six to nine reps per set with the maximum weight you can lift. The more experience you have with strength training, the more often you should make changes to your training.
    3. Train your whole body. You will see maximum result if you use the whole body in training. The more muscles you use during exercise, the more hormones your body will produce (including adrenaline and norepinephrine), which in turn will promote muscle growth, both during exercise and throughout the day.

      • Give all muscle groups equal attention, for example, do five sets of deadlifts alternating with five sets of abs. This way the workout will be more balanced, and you will feel muscle growth and flexibility.
      • Complex exercises such as squats, deadlifts, ab crunches, rows and pull-ups involve various groups muscles.
      • You can work your entire body in one session or split your sessions up, such as core one day and lower body the next.
      • Do not hurry. Advanced athletes often use a technique called explosive repetitions. In other words, they lift incredible amounts of weight in a short (explosive) period of time. This method brings significant benefits, but the risk of injury among beginners is very high. It is suitable only for experienced athletes.
    4. Turn on some cardio. A healthy cardiovascular system ensures good blood circulation - mandatory requirement for muscle growth. The generally accepted recommendation is 150 minutes of moderate cardio per week or 75 minutes of intense cardio, or a time-equivalent combination of both. Cardio exercise can include running, cycling, swimming or any other sport that involves constant movement.

      • Cardio exercise burns calories quickly, so doing it too much or too often can reduce the amount of energy needed for muscle growth. If you increase the amount of cardiovascular exercise, also increase the number of calories you eat.
    5. Rest. Your body needs time to recover and grow muscles, and for this you need at least 7-8 hours of good sleep. Avoid alcohol and caffeine for better sleep.

      • In addition to getting enough sleep, don't overdo your exercise routine. The idea of ​​"more is better" is very tempting, but in this case it's just the opposite. You may overtrain, which can cause decreased blood flow and oxygenation to your muscles, which in turn can lead to decreased muscle mass. Here are a few symptoms that will tell you that you are at risk:
        • chronic fatigue;
        • prostration;
        • decreased appetite;
        • insomnia;
        • depression;
        • decreased sexual desire;
        • chronic pain;
        • prone to injury.
    6. Create a training schedule. To avoid overdoing your workouts, create a schedule that works for you and aligns with your goals. Here is one option for separate training that allows muscles to grow and recover:

      • day 1: pectoral muscles and biceps, followed by 30 minutes of high-intensity cardio;
      • day 2: back and triceps, then 30 minutes of moderate cardio;
      • day 3: legs and abdominal muscles, 30 minutes of high-intensity cardio training;
      • day 4: shoulders;
      • from 5 to 7 days: rest.
    7. Reduce your stress levels. Whether your stress is caused by stress at work or you're just nervous, do everything you can to reduce or eliminate it. Stress increases hormone production cortisol, under the influence of which the body accumulates fat and burns muscle tissue.

      Perform explosive lifts. As you climb up, you train explosive muscle power. Be careful, these workouts increase the risk of injury if performed incorrectly. If you want to perform this exercise along with squats or other movement exercises, start with light weights and not too intense workouts:

      • Build up to the explosive part of the exercise gradually, starting with a small range of motion and increasing it over time.
      • Move smoothly as you lower the weight. This movement is where most of the tearing occurs, so don't make "explosive" down moves.
      • "Load" the muscles at the beginning of the exercise - hold the contraction of the muscles before starting the movement.
      • Rise up sharply, but do not straighten up at the top of the range of motion. For example, the knees should be slightly bent when doing leg exercises, and the elbows should be slightly bent when doing leg exercises. top part bodies.

    Part 3

    Exercises for individual muscle groups
    1. Develop your back muscles. These exercises work the core muscles of the back, including the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and teres major:

    2. Focus on your chest muscles. The bench press is the most reliable way develop your chest muscles, although there are many other chest exercises.

      • Push ups. Combine push-ups with other chest exercises or perform them as a stand-alone exercise. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart as you lower down. The closer you place your hands, the more stress will be placed on your triceps.
      • For bench press start with a weight that is easy for you to lift. If you're a beginner, try starting with a barbell with a 10-pound weight plate on each side. With your hands shoulder-width apart, grab the barbell and slowly lower it until it is at chest level; lift the projectile up so that your arms are fully straightened. Do three sets of 8–10 repetitions, adding weight with each set. Once you have a few months of practice under your belt, gradually increase the weight and do 6-8 reps per set until you reach a "wear-out" state at the end of the third set.
      • Lift the apparatus on a bench from tilt. The bench used here is the same as for the bench press, only one side is at a 40-degree incline. Perform 3 sets of 8 times. It will be more difficult to lift the barbell at an incline, so start with less weight than on a flat bench.
    3. Train your leg muscles. These exercises will help strengthen your quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings:

      • Perform deadlifts to work your hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Lift a barbell or two weights from the floor and straighten up, then slowly lower down. Keep your back straight and your arms straight; engage your legs and back.
      • Squats with a barbell. Place weights on both sides and place the barbell on a rack at approximately shoulder height. The weight should be heavy enough to make it difficult to squat without making it an overwhelming task. If you are a beginner, you may be better off starting this exercise with just a bar. Bend under the rack and stand so that the bar rests on your trapezius muscles, directly under your neck. Bend your knees slightly and place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Raise the barbell up, remove it from the rack, and take a step back.
        • Slowly shift your weight downward by bending your knees. Keep your chest, knees and feet in a vertical line and push your hips back.
        • Hunch your back a little, but keep your body as straight as possible, your head and spine should be in a straight line.
        • Lower your buttocks and transfer the tension to your leg muscles. The safest option is to bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. With practice and experience, some people can go below 90 degrees, but this is not necessary.
        • Exhale deeply and rise up using your muscles, legs and hips, not your back. 3 sets of 8 times.
      • Front Squats with a barbell. Place the barbell on a stand just below your shoulders. Approach from the front and grab the bar so that the bar is placed on the front of your shoulders. Remove the bar from the rack. Keep your back straight, bend your legs and squat down with your hips under the bar. Get up and do 3 sets of 8 reps.
      • Bulgarian lunges(aka “single leg squats”) with a kettlebell. Hold the kettlebell at chest level with both hands. Go to the bench, take your right leg back parallel to the floor so that it lies comfortably on the bench. Squat down on your left leg so that your right knee almost touches the floor. Stand up and do 3 sets of 8 reps. Do the same with the other leg.
    4. Work your biceps. Dumbbell curls are one of the most effective ways to develop biceps strength. As with other exercises, gradually increase the weight you lift to build muscle.

      • Arm Curl with dumbbells. Sit on a bench, grab a dumbbell from the floor, hand between your thighs. Place your elbow on your thigh and lift the dumbbell toward your upper chest, bending your arm upward. Switch hands and repeat. 3 sets of 8 times.
      • Arm Curl with a barbell. Stand up and grab the barbell with both hands. Straighten your arms so that they touch your hips. Using only the strength of your arms, lift the apparatus towards your chest, bending your elbows. 3 sets of 8 times.
    5. Build your triceps with arm exercises. Back push-ups are the most effective method work the triceps, that is, the muscles that are located under the biceps. You need strong triceps to bench press and lift heavy weights.

      • To perform this exercise, place your hands on a bench shoulder-width apart, with your legs and torso extended forward. Slowly bend your elbows and lower your body down until your buttocks almost touch the floor. Rise to the starting position, repeat, performing 3 sets of 8 times. If this is not enough for you, increase the load by lifting one leg off the floor
      • Additionally, you can do dips. Holding onto two beams, bend your legs at the knees and take them back; lower your body until your knees almost touch the ground. Stand up and straighten your arms completely.
      • Barbell Forehead Press. Lie down on a flat bench. Bend your elbows so that the bar is a few centimeters from your forehead. Slowly lift it up until your arms are fully extended, and then lower it back down again. Keep your elbows close. Perform 3 sets of 8 times.
    6. Perform overhead presses to build up your shoulders. Hold a barbell or two weights at chest or shoulder level, with your palms facing forward. Raise the bar overhead until your arms are completely straight, keeping your elbows slightly bent to prevent overextension. 3 sets of 8 times.

      • Variations include changing the position of the arms and hands, lifting the weights until they touch the top of the head, and raising the arms out to the sides in a "Y" shape.
    7. Train your abdominal muscles by doing abs and core exercises. These muscles are responsible for chiseled abs. There are many exercises designed to strengthen abdominal muscles. Here are a few of them:

      • Exercises for the abs. Lie down on the mat and place both hands under your head without clasping them. Bend your knees so that your feet rest on the floor. With your lower back pressed into the floor, slowly lift your shoulders off the floor just a few centimeters upward (do not rise all the way to a sitting position). You shouldn't do it with a jerk; do everything slowly and smoothly. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions.
        • For an oblique press, rotate your body so that your shoulder touches the knee of the opposite leg. Alternate sides after each twist.
      • Plank. This exercise will help work your abdominal and core muscles. Lie face down on the floor. Rise up on your forearms (they should lie flat on the floor), pressing your toes into the floor so that they support your body weight, your body parallel to the ground. Hold this position for as long as you can.
    • Don't be intimidated or make assumptions when you see someone training at a different weight than you. Perhaps his training program involves heavier weights and fewer repetitions, or vice versa. Building muscle has nothing to do with how much weight you lift, it's all about how much you push your limits.
    • As you build muscle, your metabolism self-regulates like a thermostat to keep your body weight in balance. You may need to increase your daily calories again to maintain this balance.
    • If you are a beginner, start with light weights. Trying to push more than you can will only lead to injury.
  • It has long been known that muscles that are used frequently become more powerful, while those that are used little become weaker and lose volume. In this article we will talk about how you can quickly gain muscle mass, how to train and eat for rapid muscle growth. We will also touch a little on the issues of supplements for muscle growth.

    Obviously, you need to train the muscles you want to build and make stronger more often. To do this, there are many sports, various exercises and workouts, during which blood flow increases in the muscles and they grow more intensively.

    And yet, the question remains unanswered: “How can you quickly build muscles that others will admire endlessly?” Here are the most effective tips that will quickly help your muscles become strong and stay in excellent tone.

    After reading our tips, you will learn how to quickly gain muscle mass.

    1. Find out how many calories you need

    Calorie needs depend on your age, gender, weight and active lifestyle. To make things simple: multiply your current weight in kilograms by 40. If you weigh 70 kg, that's 70 x 40 = 2800 calories per day. What, you’re not used to eating so much?

    Workouts for fast muscle growth

    2. Train Large Muscle Groups to Jumpstart Muscle Building

    Research shows that training large muscle groups triggers the growth of muscle fibers, which leads to rapid and powerful mass gain. Make sure you work all of these muscle groups at least once a week. These include the muscles of the legs, back and pectoral muscles.

    3. Increase the weight you lift gradually

    As the muscles get used to the load, you need to stimulate them by constantly changing the weight you work with. If you hit 50kg on the bench press in the first week of training, try adding 5kg in the second week. Add another 5kg next week, and so on. The same goes for other parts of the body.

    Increasing your weight gradually will ensure that your muscles don't stop growing. Weight will stimulate the growth of muscle fibers, since its intensity directly depends on the load experienced. Just watch your muscles get bigger and stronger every week.

    4. Change up your workouts

    If you train two body parts three times a day, try spreading your workouts over six days to only one body part per day. Or if you work your chest and biceps on Mondays, and your back and triceps on Wednesdays, then change the order: work out your chest and triceps first, and then your back and biceps. By loading the body in unusual combinations, you will more intensely stimulate the growth of muscle fibers.

    5. Do different approaches.

    Instead of doing three identical sets in a row, do only a third of the required reps on the first set, two-thirds on the second set, and the full amount on the third. This reverse loading will allow you to lift more weight on the first set and less on the second and third.

    Sports nutrition for rapid muscle gain

    6. Use nutritional supplements

    Supplements certainly shouldn't be your only source of nutrients. They play a supporting role because they fill gaps in your diet that appear when you don't get enough nutrients to enhance muscle tissue synthesis. Here are some well-known supplements widely available in the market:

    Whey Protein

    This supplement should almost always be used when looking to build bulky muscle, improve performance, and lose fat. Whey protein is an integral part of the diet of anyone who wants to increase muscle mass. It is easily digested and absorbed by the body.


    Casein is the twin brother of whey protein. This is another type of protein found in milk. Compared to whey protein, our bodies digest casein more slowly. By consuming casein before bed, you can prevent the development of catabolism, protecting your hard-earned muscles from being converted into fuel for internal needs.


    The advent of creatine has become one of the most important discoveries in the field of sports supplements for last years. It increases the amount of energy entering the muscle cells so that it becomes possible to do more repetitions and lift more weight.

    Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

    Leucine, valine and isoleucine, called branched chain amino acids, are the most important amino acids for muscle tissue repair and synthesis.


    Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human body. It increases the amount of leucine in muscle fibers and reduces the rate of muscle breakdown. It has also been shown to stimulate the immune system.

    One bonus tip:

    How to lose weight

    You may think this is counterproductive to your goal of packing on the pounds with muscle tissue, but without this step you will never get the body of your dreams. You've eaten a lot and lifted weights for the first two months of your program, the next essential step in your preparation is to lose weight. Along with strong muscles, you'll likely notice fat deposits on your torso, arms, and legs. These “reserves” appeared during massive weight gain, when you needed to eat a lot. You'll have to cut back on what you eat so that people around you can see the big, defined muscles you've been working so hard on.

    When resting, do aerobic exercise, such as jogging or walking. Aerobic exercise is The best way losses excess fat. Just don't do cardio with weights during the day, or you'll burn muscle that way.


    It takes time to build beautiful muscles. Even if you do everything right, you will only gain 3-9 kg of muscle mass per year. If you follow the tips mentioned above, you will certainly get voluminous and sculpted muscles for a long time and in the shortest possible time.

    Based on materials:

    Have a well-trained and toned body with large,
    Many people want sculpted muscles, but not many know how to achieve it

    The guys work for hours in the gym, try for a long time and with great difficulty
    achieve success, but never get the desired result. This is explained
    for various reasons.

    Most often, failure lies in violating the principles of rapid muscle building

    Three principles of rapid muscle growth:

    Proper training

    Proper nutrition

    Complete rest.

    Success comes to those who know exactly what they want and are disciplined
    follows a plan to achieve a goal. It's the same with bodybuilders
    those involved in building their own body: it is necessary to have a clear program
    exercises and, most importantly, follow it religiously.

    Proper training

    You should clearly plan your workouts and decide which parts of the body and
    when, on what day, will you download.

    You can start with 3-4 days a week, spending no more than an hour a day. Gradually
    you can increase the training time to one and a half hours, but no more. Carrying out
    more time in the gym will increase the muscle mass of your body,
    but this will certainly not benefit your health.

    Most quick way pumping up muscles is training two muscle groups in
    combinations. A combination of chest and triceps or back and biceps exercises will
    to create miracles. Avoid working more than two muscle groups

    Reps should range from 4 to 12 in one set. During power
    training, you need to gradually increase the load to the maximum. Then
    Lose weight slowly. This helps you achieve results faster and at the same time
    increase endurance.

    Once a week you should lift only with the maximum weights for you, and at
    the next day, do a lesson only with small weights, but with larger ones
    number of repetitions. This will give excellent results in muscle building
    masses of good relief.

    It is important to rest 1 to 2 minutes between sets.

    Changing your workout routine every 6-8 weeks also helps improve
    rapid growth of muscle mass.

    Proper diet

    A balanced protein diet is another important principle of the fast way.
    building muscle mass. The body must be provided with the necessary calories
    And nutrients. Five to six fractional meals of high-calorie protein foods
    per day is optimal.

    Foods with complex carbohydrates and proteins, such as low-fat yogurt and
    Egg whites are especially helpful in building muscle mass. You should enable
    add protein shakes to your daily diet, chicken breasts, lean meat,
    oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, etc.

    If necessary, you can take nutritional supplements to quickly increase
    muscle mass.

    Avoid using anabolic steroids and similar drugs
    drugs. They are very harmful to your body.

    Proper rest

    The last but one of the most important requirements for building muscle quickly is
    complete rest. Muscles don't grow when you train in the gym -
    they grow when you rest.

    Try to sleep at least 7-8 hours. Rest a couple of days a week at least
    more important than resting between two sets. Research shows that short
    Breaks in training are very useful. The main thing is not to allow too long
    breaks, otherwise you will have to start from scratch.

    Each organism, each body is unique, so the methods that work for
    others will not necessarily work for you. Don't look at what others are doing
    gym, and don't try to do the same if you're not ready yet. IN
    it will only cause harm in the long run.

    Consult with instructors and nutritionists. Remember that even if you
    you use the fastest way to build muscle mass, no one has canceled it
    golden rule: “patience is the key to success.”

    Beautiful body - dreams or reality

    Many guys, having watched enough films with pumped-up men destroying everything and everyone around them, strive to improve their body through systematic visits gym. However, after some time such personnel notice that they do not have desired results, because the volume increases very slowly, but the weights on the simulators remain the same. Well, how to build muscle mass and increase strength? Let's try to answer these 2 questions.

    Bodybuilding as an art

    The first thing that all beginners should remember is that bodybuilding is not just about stupidly carrying iron, which is why your muscles will bulge under your T-shirt within a week. It's a much more difficult sport. Why? Let's talk later. So, how to properly build muscle mass? Of course, this is, firstly, regular visits to the gym. However, it is important to train correctly. It is advisable to have a professional trainer advise you for at least the first month. For wealthy people, you can stretch this condition over the entire period of your training. Secondly, you should adhere to a certain diet, which is very different when working on mass (increase in body weight due to an increase in muscle and fat mass) and cutting (burning excess fat up to 5-8%). It's important to note that gaining lean muscle mass is a myth. In any case, whether you are an ectomorph (thin people) or an endomorph (down and fat people), as you gain weight, your amount of fat will also increase. The third factor will be adherence to the regime, that is, you need to sleep 8-9 hours, eat regularly, and lead as active a lifestyle as possible. And finally, the last thing is additives, but we will talk more about them later. As you can see, the question of how to build muscle mass is fraught with many answers that are worth listening to.

    Nutrition as an important key to success

    Some professional bodybuilders claim that nutrition is 60-70% of success. At first glance it seems stupid, however, it is not so. Nutrition is one of the main components of your success in bodybuilding. Many athletes know that proper diet- This a large number of consumed protein (2-3 grams per 1 kilogram of weight), slow carbohydrates (various cereals), unsaturated fats and vitamins. When working for mass, the carbohydrate/protein/fat ratio should be approximately 60/30/10. During drying, the numbers may be different for each person, however, the most important tasks are reducing the consumption of carbohydrates and fat. When bulking, bodybuilders eat 3500-4000 calories, which decreases to 2000-2500 when cutting. This is the first answer inherent in the question of how to build muscle mass.

    Sports supplements and steroids

    This is a rather sensitive topic, because many people, when mentioning protein or gainer, no doubt say that it is chemistry, a path to pain, and so on. Let's draw a line right away: sports nutrition- these are additives designed to improve certain indicators that are made from natural products (milk, whey, eggs, etc.); Steroids are various pharmacological drugs that imitate the process of action of male sex hormones - testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. The first include proteins, gainers, BCAA, creatine, glutamine and fat burners. The latter include all drugs that have a strong effect on hormones. And if it is even recommended to use sports nutrition, then before taking a course of anabolic steroids you should answer yourself the only question: “Do I need it?” If true, then all those tales about steroids are exaggerated, and therefore a man will not become impotent after the first course and will not go to the grave (of course, if used correctly), however, after the end of the course there is a so-called rollback, which implies a loss of 10-30% gained mass. Someone will say that those 70-90% will also not hurt, however, after a person stops taking anabolic steroids, it is very difficult for him to recover to natural weight gain. Therefore, how to build muscle mass: with the help of anabolic steroids or not - everyone must decide for themselves. So what should we do? How to quickly build muscle mass? There are 2 answers: not at all or with the help of steroids (and that will last for 3-6 months).

    Motivation and drive in bodybuilding

    Believe me, these 2 words are very important. After all, there must always be some kind of motivation. Many people, after a month of training, get upset and quit this sport because they do not achieve even the slightest results. Why? Most likely, you trained incorrectly. How to properly build muscle mass? We figured out the nutrition. However, training is also important. As mentioned earlier, the first step is to hire a certified trainer to help you create an exercise and nutrition program. Beginners should visit the gym no more than 3 times a week, and more trained people should visit no more than 5-6. Those people who lift 5-6 times a week, as a rule, make a complete break in training. For example, on Monday they pump their chest, on Tuesday they pump their back, etc. What? That's probably all. We have answered the main question about how to build muscle mass. I wish you success!