How to pump up the pectoral muscles of a girl and woman. An effective program for developing pectoral muscles for girls

Perhaps every girl wants to look stunning and have beautiful shapes bodies. First of all, these are the buttocks, chest and abs. In principle, this is not surprising, since these are the parts of the body that most attract the male gaze. In this article we will touch specifically on the female breast, namely, I will tell you how to pump up a girl's breasts at home and in the gym.

This topic is very popular in women's society, since every girl wants to have beautiful and firm breasts. But it so happens that not all women are naturally given an attractive breast shape. So, if you are among this number and you are interested this question– read on.

Before moving directly to the program, I propose to briefly study the structure female breast. So, the main volume of the breast consists of adipose and glandular tissue. As a rule, in the female breast, there is more adipose tissue than glandular tissue (this ratio is a genetic factor). By the way, you've probably noticed that when girls lose weight, some breasts decrease greatly in size, while others remain virtually unchanged. So, it’s all about the ratio of these fabrics (the more glandular tissue, the less likely there is to reduce breast size during weight loss).

And now I have two news for you. One is good and the other is bad. Let's start with the bad one. When you (or other women) asked athletes: how to pump up a girl’s breasts (and is it actually possible to do this), then you’ve probably heard the expression that it’s quite possible to enlarge your breasts with the help of various exercises. So, dear girls, this is a myth! Unfortunately, it is impossible to increase the size of a woman's breasts through exercise. Impossible, because as I said above (and as seen in the picture), the female breast consists of adipose and glandular tissue. There are no muscles that can be pumped up and increased in size.

Now the good news. If it is impossible to increase its volume, then we can make it more elastic, lifted and toned. If you carefully studied the picture, you will notice that just under the chest there are the pectoralis minor and major muscles. By strengthening these muscles, you can slightly lift your breasts and make them firmer. Agree that this is pretty good news.

Also, in addition to exercises, you need to follow proper nutrition. A proper diet will improve the condition of the skin and help strengthen the pectoral muscles, which will ultimately make the breasts firmer and lift them a little. But we’ll talk about nutrition at the end of the article. And I also want to say right away that very sagging breasts cannot be made ideal using these exercises. (you can improve the original state a little).

How to pump up a girl's breasts at home? Program!

First, let's look at training at home, as this is the easiest way to keep yourself in shape. I will give you 2 programs (one for beginners, the other for trained women). For home workouts, you will need dumbbells and an adjustable incline bench. Before performing the exercises, be sure to read correct technique to avoid future injuries.

Program No. 1

This program is suitable for those girls and women who are far from sports and are just starting to train. Before performing exercises, be sure to warm up. A good warm-up lasts about 10 minutes. It might look something like this: 5 minutes – jump rope (choose any day).

No. 1. Pushups - 4 sets to the maximum

4 sets of 20 reps

Program No. 2

This program is suitable for trained girls and women who have been training independently at home for some time. Before performing exercises, be sure to warm up. A good warm-up lasts about 10 minutes. It might look something like this: 5 minutes – jump rope + 5 minutes – warming up the joints (swinging arms and legs, body turns, bending, etc.). You train once a week.

No. 2. Pushups - 4 sets to the maximum

No. 3. Push-ups from the floor with your head down - 4 sets to the maximum

If in the future this becomes not enough, you can add the 4th exercise “Dumbbell flyes on an incline bench – 4 sets of 20 repetitions” or “Dumbbell flyes on a horizontal bench – 4 sets of 20 repetitions”

How to pump up a woman's breasts in the gym? Program!

In the gym you can diversify your program very well, due to a large selection of different exercise machines and weights on the barbell (dumbbells). If you seriously decide to take up sports, then I would recommend enrolling in Gym. I will give you 3 programs (one for beginners, another for trained women and the third for the most experienced). Before performing the exercises, be sure to learn the correct technique to avoid injury in the future.

Program No. 1

This program is suitable for those girls and women who are far from sports and are just starting to train. Before performing exercises, be sure to warm up. A good warm-up lasts about 10 minutes. It might look something like this: 5 minutes – cardio machine + 5 minutes – warming up the joints (swinging arms and legs, body turns, bending, etc.). Rest between sets – 90 seconds (as you practice, in the future, you can reduce it to 60 seconds). Train once a week (choose any day).

No. 1. Pushups - 4 sets to the maximum (if it’s hard, you can do push-ups on your knees)

No. 2. Incline dumbbell raises – 4 sets of 20 reps

Program No. 2

This program is suitable for trained girls and women who have been training independently in the gym for some time. Before performing exercises, be sure to warm up. A good warm-up lasts about 10 minutes. It might look something like this: 5 minutes – cardio machine (exercise bike, treadmill, etc.)+ 5 minutes – warming up the joints (swinging arms and legs, body turns, bending, etc.). Rest between sets – 60 seconds (as you practice, in the future, you can reduce it to 30 – 40 seconds). Train once a week (in the future you can train 2 times a week, but between training there should be 2 days of rest).

Option A:

No. 1. Incline dumbbell bench press – 1 set of 20 reps + 3 sets of 12 reps

No. 2. Bench press on a horizontal bench - 4 sets of 15 reps

No. 3. Extension of arms in the butterfly simulator - 4 sets of 20 reps

Option B:

1 set of 20 reps + 3 sets of 12 reps

No. 2. Dumbbell press on a horizontal bench - 4 sets of 15 reps

No. 3. Raising arms with dumbbells while lying on a horizontal bench - 4 sets of 20 reps

You can alternate options (it will be even better that way). One week is option A, another week is option B, the third week is option A again, etc.

Program No. 3

Program for the most experienced girls and women. Before performing exercises, be sure to warm up. A good warm-up lasts about 10 minutes. It might look something like this: 5 minutes – cardio machine (exercise bike, treadmill, etc.)+ 5 minutes – warming up the joints (swinging arms and legs, body turns, bending, etc.). Train once a week (in the future you can train 2 times a week, but between training there should be 2 days of rest).

No. 1. Incline Bench Press – 1 set of 20 reps + 3 sets of 10 reps (rest between sets – 90 seconds)

No. 2. Incline dumbbell bench press – 2 sets of 12 reps + 2 sets of 15 reps

No. 3. Wide grip push-ups - 4 sets to failure (rest between sets – 60 seconds)

No. 4. Bringing hands together on a crossover - 4 sets of 20 reps (rest between sets – 30 seconds)

So, we've sorted out the training, now let's talk about nutrition. In order for your training to give the best possible results, you must follow correct ratio proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

You need to consume about 1.5g of protein * 1kg of body weight. That is, if your weight is 55 kg, then the protein norm = 82 g (1.5 * 55 = 82.5 g). Best protein foods: fish, chicken eggs, cottage cheese, meat, poultry.

You need to consume about 0.7g * 1kg of body weight. That is, if your weight is 55 kg, then the norm of fat = 38 g (0.7 * 55 = 38.5 g). Best sources of fat: fatty fish, nuts, flaxseed oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, seeds, avocado.

Carbohydrates need to be selected intuitively. It is necessary to choose such a norm so that excess carbohydrates are not deposited in body fat. Start consuming 1.5g * 1kg body weight. That is, if your weight is 55kg, then you need = 82g (1.5 * 55 = 82.5g). If you are losing weight, increase the amount of carbohydrates to 2g. If everything is fine, then leave it that way. The best sources of carbohydrates: cereals, durum wheat pasta, fruits, honey, brown bread, crispbread, potatoes.

A sample menu might look like this:

1 meal: chicken eggs (1 – 2 pcs) + oatmeal + fruit

Meal 2: chicken fillet+ buckwheat + flaxseed oil + vegetables

Meal 3: fish (cod) + rice + vegetables


Meal 4: turkey fillet + buckwheat + vegetables

Meal 5: fish (herring or salmon)+ vegetables

Meal 6: skim cheese

I will not calculate products by grams, since each girl is individual and each needs her own approach. Now you know how to pump up a girl's breasts at home(or in the gym), and I hope you understand that you shouldn’t expect quick results. Train systematically (without skipping) and then you will see the result. Also, do not forget to get a good night's sleep (7 - 9 hours). Bad dream will negatively impact recovery, which will ultimately negatively impact progress.


Don’t know how to quickly pump up your breasts at home? A series of exercises shown in the video will help you achieve your goal. Vasily Ulyanov will demonstrate them. One of the youngest and most popular fitness trainers of our time.

The point of the video is that many people who want to start exercising simply do not have sports equipment and the funds to purchase it. This training will show how you can pump up your pectoral muscles at home. Using only those items that everyone has.

Chest training involves pumping up its individual parts. The chest is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower. The set of exercises also includes working out the inside of the chest. It allows you to draw, in the middle of the chest, a beautiful relief strip separating the breasts.


List of exercises and methods for performing each of them:

  1. Working out the bottom part. On the street or in the hall, this task is performed on the uneven bars.
    You can use different types of furniture at home. Two stools, a sofa and a stool, or two chairs as shown in the video. One thing is important. The height of the objects used must be the same. And so we kneel down, placing a stool on both hands. We lean on them, placing them as wide as possible for maximum stretching of the part of the chest being worked. And we begin to do the exercise. Next we increase the load. We put on a briefcase that contains weighty objects. Pancakes, books, bottles of water or sand, and stones will help with this. And we perform 2 sets of 6-8 repetitions. The last 2 repetitions should be performed with the greatest load. Therefore, you need to choose the right weight for weighting.
  2. Mid chest. It is worked out by ordinary push-ups from the floor. Hands are placed as wide as possible. We place our palms as conveniently as possible, fingers to the sides or forward.
    One rep for warming up and two with a loaded briefcase on your back. The most important thing is to apply the maximum and last possible effort on the last eighth repetition. There shouldn't be more of them. Muscles grow only with strength exhaustion. Doing it 50 times will not result in any increase in breast volume!
  3. Without removing the briefcase, we move on to working on the inside of the chest. Take the “lying position” again. Only this time you need to bring your hands together as narrowly as possible. The thumbs should touch. When performing push-ups, tighten your chest even in the upper position. Elbows can be bent both under you and to the sides. We do 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions.
  4. Finally, we work on the upper chest. In this case, push-ups should be performed with your legs raised on a hill. It could be the same stool, sofa or window sill. With one foot on the windowsill, bend over and place your hands on the floor, throwing your other leg over. The width at which the hands are positioned does not play any role. Just try to use the chest muscles, not the arms. One approach for warming up, the remaining two for strength, 6-8 repetitions.

Good luck building strength and gaining mass. Practice and experiment!

Dear girls, work on yourself and for your own sake!

Passion for sports and working on muscles occurs mainly because a person wants to change in better side, improve, feel healthy and happy, because the truth is simple and says: in healthy body- healthy mind.

A sporty figure always looks very attractive and commands respect from others.

If we talk about female beauty and what every self-respecting girl should strive for, then it is worth noting that to be plump and have excess weight very simple, be thin and sit on strict diet– also won’t amount to special effort, but working on your body and having toned shape is truly aerobatics.

Many girls succumb to stereotypes and do not want to work on their muscles, thinking that this will make the muscles simply masculine. But by no means - girls who have taste and are not too fanatical about sports will always have very feminine, rounded shapes that will not leave any man indifferent.

When a girl begins to work on her body and muscles, she often wonders: is it worth pumping up her pectoral muscles and, if so, what is the best way to do it? The answer to the first question is an unequivocal yes!

In this case, the size of the breast is not important - if it is small, then working on the muscles will effectively increase it. And if the size suits you, then with the help of simple exercises you can make your shape fit and elastic.

Of course, it is best to work on your muscles in the gym under the guidance of a trainer or on your own using training videos.

But if you want to achieve a visible result, then you can effectively work on yourself in absolutely any conditions, including at home. Moreover, such training will not take much time, and by working on yourself for 20 minutes every day, the result will truly surprise you and bring not only physical, but also spiritual satisfaction from the work done.

Next, we will look at some effective exercises for the gym and for home in order to properly work out the pectoral muscles and you will learn how to get perfect breasts without surgery. At the same time, it will always be very useful to separately study the structure of the muscles that need to be worked on, so you will have a better idea of ​​what you are dealing with and what sensations should be in which area while performing a certain exercise.

Basic exercises for the upper and lower pectoral muscles

It so happened that women top part The pectoral muscle is less developed than the lower one. When working on the pectoral muscle, it is necessary to pay due attention to carefully working out both the top and the bottom.

At the same time, it doesn’t matter what muscles you work on - you need to monitor which ones develop faster and which ones are lagging behind (each person’s muscles develop completely individually) and, based on your observations, you need to build a workout.

If you work out in the gym, then for beginners it is advisable to work on the pectoral muscles using exercise machines and dumbbells with minimal weights. Once the muscles are stronger, you can move on to free weights and barbell bench presses.

Yes Yes! Many girls are horrified by barbells, considering them an exclusively male prerogative (it’s safe to say that many of those who are reading this now raised their eyebrows in righteous surprise), but these are all stereotypes that we will now dispel.

Working with a barbell with light weights will not make you a man, but will allow you to work out the necessary muscles as efficiently as possible and get quick results that you would have to wait for whole years spent lifting small dumbbells.

At the same time, you should not be afraid of the gym - the hormone estrogen dominates in women by nature, and testosterone in men.

Therefore, the muscles of men are more developed and for the same reason you will not build up huge biceps, no matter how much you want it. If bench pressing is still too difficult and there is no stability in your hands, then in the gym you can work well on a Smith machine on an inclined bench, being sure to adhere to the technique of correctly performing the exercise.

Push ups

A simply magnificent, well-known and accessible exercise is push-ups, which perfectly train the pectoral muscle. At the same time, there are a lot of push-up options.

The easiest way for beginner girls to learn to do push-ups is this:

  1. It is necessary to place a special rug or something under your feet that is not too soft, not too hard, since push-ups will be on your knees, which are very fragile and we don’t want to damage them.
  2. We kneel down, cross our legs behind us, take the starting position - place our hands shoulder-width apart and begin to smoothly lower and rise as many times as our strength allows.
  3. At the same time, do not forget about breathing, which is of enormous importance when working on muscles - most often at the point of greatest tension we exhale, and when returning to the position we inhale.

If the muscles are already a little stronger, then you can try doing push-ups in the standard way - placing your feet shoulder-width apart and at the same level as your hands. At the same time, you should strictly avoid a common mistake when doing such push-ups - do not lift your pelvis while lifting to the starting position, but work exclusively with the muscles of your arms and chest!

This exercise is, of course, more convenient to perform in the gym, where there are many dumbbells with different weights and a special bench with adjustable inclination, but you can adapt to its implementation at home. And believe me, this exercise is worth it!

To perform it, we take dumbbells with a weight that is comfortable for you, but it should be noted that with a kilogram dumbbell you won’t achieve much results even with 50 repetitions, so you should stock up on weights from 1 to 5 kg to begin with, depending on how thin your arms and weak muscles.

Sports equipment, including dumbbells, is not the equipment available to everyone for productive work at home.

Therefore, in economically it’s better to go to the gym (the cost of subscriptions can be easily compared via the Internet and you can choose for yourself the most suitable ratio of price, availability of exercise equipment and convenient location of the gym).

It’s one thing if you don’t have time for the gym at all, but all you can count on is a free half hour at home in the evening or in the morning before work. In this case, you will still have to take several dumbbells from different scales, otherwise you may not notice the results of your work for a very long time.

Speaking about the visibility of the result of working on the muscles, it should be noted that no cubes, reliefs and attractive roundness of the muscles will be visible if there is a large layer of fat under the skin.

You need to fight this strictly with a diet (take foods containing carbohydrates and proteins at a specific time, know which foods contain them and stick to fractional meals) and cardio equipment (various step machines, orbitreks and treadmills), which burn calories very well and thereby burn fat.

But let's get back to dumbbell raises.. Starting position: we lie down on an inclined bench, the lower back is well pressed against the bench, so as not to load our lower back and spine. If the dumbbells are not kilograms, and your working weight is 5 kg or more, then it is better for someone to help you take them when you are already lying in the position.

You can safely pick up dumbbells yourself like this:

First, we sit on a bench, place the dumbbells sideways on our feet, then lie down and take the dumbbells onto our biceps.

Technique: the dumbbells are on the same line with each other, slightly above shoulder level (the hands are turned perpendicular to the chest), we begin to simultaneously lift them, bring them together, there is no need to turn the hands perpendicular to the chest, they remain in their initial position. You should feel tension in the pectoral muscle and work more with it than with your arms.

Another great chest exercise with dumbbells

It is worth remembering another very effective exercise with dumbbells for working the pectoral muscle, which is quite simple in execution technique. We are talking about bringing your arms together at chest level, which, by the way, can also be done in a special simulator.

We spread our arms with dumbbells and begin to bring them together with effort, while exhaling well (the abs will also be pleased with this). There is no need to push your arms all the way and push the dumbbells together, otherwise you might hit yourself - leave a distance of a couple of centimeters between the dumbbells.


It's just short list exercises that can work the chest muscles and short description execution techniques. By doing them regularly, you can achieve results. In order to perfectly perform these exercises and learn many new ones, which will certainly bring visible results, you need to constantly expand your knowledge about muscle training, watch video lessons and read relevant literature.

VIDEO How a girl can pump up her pectoral muscles

The article was prepared especially for the site by Margarita Morozova

Fitness trainer, group exercise instructor, nutritionist

Provides general consultations on nutrition, selection of a diet for pregnant women, weight correction, selection of nutrition for exhaustion, selection of nutrition for obesity, selection of an individual diet and therapeutic nutrition. Also specializes in modern techniques functional testing in sports; athlete recovery.

Every girl dreams of beautiful breasts, because it is she who first of all pays attention to people of the opposite sex. To keep it in good shape, you need to devote a certain amount of time to training. Let's figure out how to pump up a girl's breasts at home.

  • Initially, you should prepare yourself for long-term work. This is due to the fact that the result will not be noticeable immediately, but only after several weeks or even months of hard training at home.

Important! You can enhance the effect by self-massage, taking a contrast shower and using creams.

  • Classes should be carried out in a specialized bra that supports the breasts.
  • You need to train at least twice a week.
  • Be sure to do a five-minute warm-up before training.

Important! You should not limit yourself solely to exercises for the chest; you need to involve the muscles of the arms, back and shoulders. This will create a beautiful torso corset.

A manly torso and beautiful shapes are a man’s dream. But this requires considerable effort and perseverance. Let's look at how to pump up the pectoral muscles on the horizontal bar.

An approximate set of exercises for training chest muscles for a girl

Exercises for the sternum are performed using small dumbbells and a large gymnastic ball.

  • Stage 1. Warm up.

Before a woman, she should tone her body and warm up her muscles. Need to:

  • jump on the spot, maybe with a jump rope - at least 100 jumps;
  • make a "mill". Tilt your body 90 degrees to the floor and touch your toes with the opposite hand, while the other hand should look straight up;
  • make body turns.
  • Stage 2. Stretching.

A small set of stretching exercises will help avoid injury.

Push-ups, two types. From the left side - classic version exercises, on the right - lightweight.

  • Stage 3. Basic set of exercises: Push-ups. Either from the floor, or from the wall or bed.

A woman can pump up her pectoral muscles by doing push-ups from the floor: with straight legs or on her knees. You need to ensure correct body position. The pelvis should not be lifted up, the body should be virtually parallel to the floor.

Push-ups are an easy version of the classic exercise. Your arms should be bent to an angle of 90 degrees.

Important! The classic or simplified version of the exercise should be done at least 10-12 times.

  • Bench. The position is similar to that taken during push-ups, only the arms are bent at the elbows. You need to hold this pose for as long as you can.

  • Exercise with a ball. You should sit on the edge of the bed and pick up the ball, then lift it to chest level, while your arms should be spread at shoulder level. As you inhale, an effort is made and the ball is compressed; the chest muscles should be tensed. You need to freeze in this position for a while. As you exhale, the muscles should be relaxed and the arms should be returned to their original position. You need to perform the exercise at least 8 times.
  • We pump up the pectoral muscles of a girl at home using dumbbells. You should lie on your back on the bed, place your feet on the floor. Hands with dumbbells should be brought together, a distance of about 12-15 centimeters should be maintained between the elbows. As you inhale, bring them behind your head, and as you exhale, return them to your stomach.

Important! You cannot relax and straighten your arms completely. The minimum requirement is 13 repetitions.

  • Raising your arms with dumbbells will help pump up a woman's pectoral muscles. You should take the dumbbells in your hands, sit on the ball, slightly round your back and smoothly lower yourself to a lying position. Your feet should be on the floor. The arms should be raised up, slightly bent at the elbows and spread to the sides as you inhale, and as you exhale return them to their original position.

Important! The exercise is performed in at least 2 sets of 10-15 times.

  • Stage 4. Stretching. It is important to end your workout with stretching.

The video shows chest exercises for a girl at home

This set of exercises will help pump up a girl’s breasts at home. The main thing is consistency and lack of laziness, as well as the desire to gain a beautiful figure.

How to pump up a girl's breasts?

Some ladies mistakenly believe that changing breast volume without plastic surgery impossible. However, by pumping up your pectoral muscles, you can slightly increase the volume of your breasts and improve their shape. And it is not at all necessary to use special simulators for this; It is enough to perform simple exercises known from school.

Exercises in the gym

The most effective exercises in the gym for girls who want to increase the volume of their breasts are the following:

By performing these exercises regularly, many girls will be able to pump up their breasts without much difficulty. But it is not always possible to visit the gym. Therefore, it is much easier and more convenient to perform special exercises at home.

Effective chest exercises for girls

If you decide to pump up your chest muscles at home, you should remember: visible results will appear within a month, but only if you regularly perform exercises such as:

These simple exercises will help girls pump up their pectoral muscles. But you can increase their effectiveness if you follow a special training program.

Training program: how to quickly pump up your chest

This program includes not only the above-described exercises performed at home, but also some others. This workout should be performed three times a week.

  1. Warm up for 10 minutes. Special attention Should be given exercises that warm up the pectoral muscles. These can be arm jerks and circular rotations. Then exercises No. 1 and No. 3 are performed one approach at a time, and exercise No. 2 is performed 3 approaches each. After this, you should take a three-minute break and repeat all the exercises again in one approach. At the end of the workout, be sure to do a five-minute warm-up.
  2. Run for 20 minutes. Then the whole set of exercises is performed with maximum number recommended approaches. Afterwards, warm up for 5 minutes.
  3. On the third day, you can repeat the workout of the first day.

By devoting an hour to such training three times a week, you can significantly pump up your breasts in a month, giving them a beautiful shape.