Fractional diet. Fractional meals for weight loss - monthly menu, diet reviews

The problem of excess weight, unfortunately, is not only a problem of a person’s appearance. Huts exact weight has a very negative impact on human health, and sometimes even on the psychological state.

A less than perfect appearance can provoke many complexes and isolation, which can even lead to depression.

But you should never despair! For any problem you can find a reasonable solution. To solve the problem of excess weight, first of all, you need to carefully consider your diet..

Most diets only provide temporary results. Therefore, there is no point in refusing food and depriving yourself of your favorite foods. To begin with It’s worth developing fractional meals for yourself for weight loss - a menu for a month.

What is the essence of fractional nutrition?

The meaning of fractional nutrition lies in the frequent consumption of food in small portions. With this method, a person does not have time to feel hungry and does not have the desire to eat. large number.

Reducing portions

When you reduce the portion size, the number of calories consumed automatically decreases.. Which, of course, eliminates the possibility of gaining extra pounds.

Meals should occur every 2 or 2.5 hours - a total of 5 or 8 times a day.

Where to start

Of course, it is quite difficult to suddenly change your diet and start eating according to a new method. Therefore, it is better to do it gradually.

It would be better if The transition to fractional meals will begin during vacation or weekends. In a calm home environment, it will be easier to keep track of your meal schedule than at work.

The first thing to do is adjust your portion size., leaving the contents the same. If previously the daily diet was divided into two doses in large quantities, then you need to reduce the serving size by 2 times.

Then, gradually increase the size of one meal to the volume of a glass. To do this, you can choose a suitable bowl.

By this point, the nutrition schedule should already be correctly adjusted.

It should be convenient and mean every meal at the same time. And in order not to miss time, it is better to make a schedule in writing and place it in a visible place.

You need to make a meal plan and stick to it

You can also create a reminder using a mobile phone or download a special program. The same method can be used to count calories consumed. Or keep a nice notebook and just write down everything that was eaten.

Now you can take care of the components of your diet.

Superfluous and harmful

Some types of foods still need to be excluded from your diet., when it comes to fractional meals. First of all, these are useless or even harmful products for the body.

These include:

  • sweet and carbonated drinks;
  • various confectionery products;
  • chips, crackers and the like;
  • foods containing high amounts of unhealthy fats (not counting fish, nuts and other sources of essential fats);
  • foods fried in oil;
  • all kinds of semi-finished products and canned goods.

Better than a diet

Unlike diets, fractional nutrition is not based on sudden changes in the usual diet. After all, as already mentioned, it is enough to give up harmful products, which is not so difficult.

During a diet, in order to achieve weight loss, you have to constantly suffer from hunger. And this often leads to a deterioration in health.

With fractional meals according to a properly designed menu, for example, for a month, a person often eats food. Thus, the feeling of hunger has no chance. The result will be good health and excellent mood.

A sharp decrease in calorie content of food, as happens with diets, can result in stress for the body. But with fractional meals, calorie content decreases very smoothly and gradually, so the body does not even notice it.

When the diet stops, the starved body seems to attack the newly added calories to the diet. Now it not only replenishes the missing fats, but will also actively store it in reserve.

Ending a diet often triggers a return to old eating habits.

Therefore, the effect of thinness after finishing the diet may not only disappear, but there is a considerable chance of gaining even more extra pounds. And in a very short period of time.

With fractional meals, the body does not feel great deprivation. On the contrary, the gastrointestinal tract is already accustomed to taking food in very small portions, so it is no longer able to accept a large volume of food. And even more so heavy and high-calorie food, which he may even reject.

Therefore, the effect of such weight loss will last much longer than after a diet. In addition, after fractional nutrition in problem areas, fat deposition stops.

The next advantage is that fractional nutrition is indicated not only for healthy people. Very often it is used to restore people with any ailments. Thus, it is medicinal in nature. While diet can cause damage to health.

Small portions are easily digested by the body, leaving a feeling of lightness and comfort.. During a diet, the body is constantly under some kind of tension.

Serving sizes

The most difficult thing at the beginning of fractional nutrition is to limit yourself to a small portion size per meal. The entire daily diet should be about 2000, maximum 2200 kcal. It is divided into three main ones (400-500 kcal each) and two - three intermediate ones (200-250 kcal).

It is worth noting that portion sizes directly depend on a person’s lifestyle. The less active your lifestyle, the fewer calories you should consume.

A small portion of meat with vegetables corresponds to the required amount of calories.

When switching to fractional meals, you need to give up a lunch of three high-calorie dishes. You can eat meat and vegetables after soup, but the total size of these portions must correspond to the permissible number of calories.

When writing out fractional meals for weight loss, the menu for the month, for a more accurate determination required quantity food, you can use a little trick.

Two clenched and brought together fists show the volume of their owner's stomach

  • But this is the volume of the stomach in the correct state. In people prone to overeating, the stomach is stretched.
  • Therefore, in order to normalize the size of the stomach, it is necessary to consume at one time a volume of food equal to two clenched fists.
  • A woman's palm clenched into a fist is approximately 200g, and a man's is 250g.
  • A handful contains about half a glass of boiled cereal or pasta, as well as about two tablespoons of liquid.

Measures in hand to determine serving size
  • And here is the nail thumb corresponds to five grams, i.e. one second teaspoon.
  • The amount of butter consumed per day should be equal to two nails.
  • The size of a tablespoon can be equal to two thumbs folded together.
  • Two fists fit one portion of vegetables, fruits fit in one fist.
  • One palm corresponds to the norm of meat, fish or chicken, as well as dairy products.
  • A serving of soup should not exceed the size of one fist.

Menu of the day

When creating a fractional meal menu for weight loss for a month, you need to consider the diet of each day.

First of all, you must adhere to the main rule: even if you have no appetite, you still need to eat food.

Breakfast must be hearty and satisfying. Most best option for breakfast it is porridge. It's full of carbohydrates, which is an important condition first meal of the day.

Porridge is an ideal breakfast used in most weight loss programs.

Lunch should be a hot dish. It's good if it happens vegetable soup. But you can also have a second course.

For dinner you also need a hot dish. Perhaps it will be stewed vegetables, or a dish with meat.

For snacks you can eat:

  • vegetable or fruit salad,
  • just raw vegetables or fruits,
  • bread with added grains,
  • low-fat cottage cheese,
  • yogurt without additives,
  • cereals or muesli without added sugar,
  • vegetable soup or porridge.

You should not snack on chocolate, coffee, nuts, or candy.

Such foods are too high in calories.

The daily diet must be enriched with essential vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Menu of the week

Having considered the menu for the day, you need to think through the further steps of fractional nutrition, now planning your diet for the week. This is necessary in order to achieve weight loss within a month.

When eating fractionally, it is imperative to maintain a variety of foods, the choice of which is not limited.

You can eat less than the norm, but not more! If one meal was missed, then there is no need to try to compensate for it by eating a double portion at one time.

So, you can make sample menu for a week. Each person composes his own menu individually, according to his tastes, but based approximately on the given sample.


    • Breakfast can be made from semolina porridge with cottage cheese and the addition of berries and grapefruit juice.
    • For second breakfast you can eat an apple, as well as unsweetened compote.
    • Lunch will consist of chicken fillet with vegetable salad and two slices of bread.
    • For an afternoon snack, eat a glass of yogurt and a handful of berries.
    • You can have brown rice with stewed vegetables for dinner.
    • Complete your daily diet with a portion of kefir.


  • For breakfast you can eat omelet and buckwheat porridge.
  • Make second breakfast from one boiled egg and tomato.
  • For lunch, vegetable soup with bread.
  • For an afternoon snack, cottage cheese with pear.
  • Dinner of steamed fish and vegetables.
  • You can have a snack with a glass of yogurt.


  • Breakfast of omelet and oatmeal porridge.
  • Second breakfast of a handful of nuts with a banana.
  • Lunch of beetroot soup with bread and tomato
  • Afternoon snack of yogurt and berries
  • Dinner of boiled chicken breast with vegetable salad.
  • A glass of kefir will serve as a snack.

Having drawn up a menu, you can prepare products in the right quantities for each day.


  • Breakfast of scrambled eggs with coffee and toast
  • Second breakfast of vegetable salad
  • Have lunch mushroom soup with boiled beef and herbs
  • For an afternoon snack, eat cheesecake with cottage cheese
  • Have a vinaigrette with beans and bread for dinner
  • End the day with a glass of sour milk


  • Breakfast will consist of buckwheat porridge with milk and toast
  • The second breakfast will be a fruit salad dressed with yogurt.
  • Lunch of stewed vegetables, steamed turkey and greens.
  • For an afternoon snack, you can drink a mug of cocoa.
  • Have pasta with cottage cheese, herbs and green tea for dinner.
  • Snack: a glass of fermented baked milk.


  • Have breakfast with oatmeal porridge with butter, rye toast and unsweetened tea
  • Second breakfast of orange and grapefruit
  • Lunch with bean soup, bread and vegetables
  • For an afternoon snack, eat cottage cheese casserole
  • For dinner, chicken risotto and tea
  • Snack: glass of yogurt

The Sunday menu can be repeated on one of the listed days.

Menu of the month

When developing fractional meals for weight loss, it is better to create a monthly menu from the first day. The menu must be strictly followed so that this diet eventually becomes a habit..

If you violate the established regime even once, the chances of the body getting used to it decrease, and the meaning of all the work done on yourself is lost. Now you will need to start all over again.

If a feeling of fullness does not occur, but, on the contrary, is constantly accompanied by a feeling of hunger, then the fractional nutrition menu is compiled incorrectly. There is no point in sticking to it and stretching out your torment for a whole month.

In order to achieve weight loss, the menu should be designed in such a way that no difficulties arise, especially the feeling of malnutrition. A person should always feel full so that there is no desire to eat something extra. This is why fractional meals supplement the main diet with snacks.

Benefit and result

The essence of fractional nutrition for weight loss is that it can normalize the metabolism in the body. If the monthly menu is drawn up correctly, then every time food enters the stomach, energy is expended to digest the food. And since meals must be frequent, a lot of energy is required.

As a result, fats are burned, not only newly arrived fats, but also those previously deposited by the body. In addition, when consuming small portions, all the nutrients provided have time to be absorbed.

This promotes metabolic processes in the body. Which, in turn, leads to good health, health and good mood.

How to limit yourself in food

We must not forget about water, which is an integral part of fractional nutrition. The daily rate of water consumed should be at least 2 liters. If there are large physical activity, then the rate automatically increases.

Water is necessary for the body to function properly

It is better to drink water half an hour before a meal, and not earlier than an hour and a half after it. This is another trick. After all, once in the stomach, water takes up a certain amount of space. This way, the stomach will not be empty and will not send a signal to the brain about feeling hungry.

During a meal, there is little space left in the stomach, again due to water, so the feeling of fullness comes earlier. This eliminates the possibility of eating too much.

Nutritionists advise that when drawing up a fractional meal menu for weight loss for a month, be sure to maintain good quality proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet.

Proper fractional meals for weight loss: sample menu for 1 day and for a week. Watch the video:

Find out a nutritionist's opinion on fractional meals from the following video:

Fractional meals: myths and facts. Details in the video:

One of the simplest and healthiest ways to lose weight is fractional meals. Small portions to be taken every two hours promote weight loss, normalize metabolism, activate the digestive system. Using fractional meals according to a special scheme, you can lose weight by 4-6kg per month, at the same time, you will absolutely not upset the healthy balance and will avoid such a common condition during diets when the weight stops coming off.

Quick navigation through the article:

First, watch the video in which Andrei Tretyakov talks about how he lost 40 kg using fractional meals:

Rules for fractional meals

A fractional meal menu for weight loss can be very simple; you can create it yourself from the products available in the house, but only after you understand the principle of such nutrition.


You should remember that for the first five days you should eat every two hours, but serving sizes should not exceed 100g.


All high-calorie foods can only be eaten until two o'clock in the afternoon.


Juices, sweet tea, coffee also counted as one meal. Therefore, if you drank a cup of tea, then the next meal can only be in two hours.


During breaks you can drink plain water, unsweetened tea and coffee, herbal infusions (recipe below).


After five days you should switch to four meals a day, in which flour, confectionery, smoked, spicy, sweet dishes are excluded.


If you are used to not eating after six o'clock, then last two meals You can cancel it altogether, you should watch it depending on how you feel.


These two stages, consisting of five and ten days, can be alternated until the optimal weight is achieved. In the first five days it usually goes away from 3 to 5 kg excess weight, and in the next ten days the result is consolidated.

Herbal decoction recipe to reduce appetite:

Herbs that reduce appetite: heather, rose hips, corn silks and columns, seaweed, yarrow, sage, stinging nettle.

To prepare the decoction we will need:

2 tablespoons corn stalks and silks or 1 tablespoon stinging nettle leaves.

  • Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the herb
  • Leave for 1 hour
  • Strain
  • Drink 1-2 tablespoons 2 hours before meals

Fractional diet menu

So, let's look at an approximate menu for a fractional diet.

  • 7.00: Coffee or tea
  • 9.00: 100g grated carrots or apple
  • 11.00: One fruit (apple, peach, pear, apricot, orange, etc.)
  • 13.00: Boiled chicken 100g (fish, meat, turkey, rabbit)
  • 15.00: Cabbage and carrot salad
  • 17.00: One boiled egg (100g cheese or 100g cottage cheese)
  • 19.00: Dried fruits (apples, pears, prunes, dried apricots)
  • 21.00: 100ml kefir

This menu can be changed and varied depending on your preferences, but selecting products that are approximately the same in calorie content and nutritional value as those offered. For example, you can replace kefir with curdled milk, yogurt without additives, cabbage salad can be replaced with cucumber or tomato, grated carrots with apples, juice, etc.

Reviews about fractional meals

Reviews about fractional meals are always the most positive, since the fractional diet is very easy to tolerate thanks to frequent meals.

Look what Anna, 28 years old, writes:

I was recommended a fractional diet by my nutritionist, who has extensive experience practical activities. He believes that fractional meals are one of the most affordable and simple ways bring your figure back to normal without harm to your health. I listened to his advice and began to eat small portions every two hours. At first it was difficult to maintain the exact serving weight, since you always want to eat more. But I started weighing everything on a kitchen scale, and soon got used to the look and size of small portions. As a result, in a month I lost 6.5 kg, and now I continue to lose weight.

And here is a review from Zinaida Stepanovna, 58 years old:

I stopped liking my weight a long time ago, but recent years I no longer fit into my dresses, my winter clothes were bursting at the seams. I don't earn much, so I can't afford to update my wardrobe, and expensive products for diets are not available to me. Therefore, I was interested in fractional nutrition, which requires a minimum of the cheapest and most accessible products. And so I began to eat as stated in the diet. I measure food with a glass or spoon so as not to exceed the norm. And I am simply delighted with the results! I recently went to the clinic and they weighed me, and in two months I lost 11 kg! I can now wear all my clothes and continue to lose weight. The doctor praised me very much, and he was surprised that I had lost so much weight.

Sergey, 34 years old, also left a review about fractional meals:

I work for a transport company and am constantly on the road, I couldn’t eat right, I had to take fast food at roadside eateries or limit myself to buns, sandwiches, etc. After I decided to try fractional meals, I revised my diet, now I take from I take apples, dried fruits, carrots with me on the road, and for lunch I buy a chicken chop, which is available almost everywhere, and a light vegetable salad. I am full almost all the time, as I can have a snack within two hours. As a result, I lost 5 kg in three weeks. I will continue, I liked it and also convenient for my schedule.

Watch a useful video about why fractional meals are so useful and why it makes it easy to lose weight:

Any person, concerned about the problem of excess weight, begins to look for a suitable way to lose weight. Having tried many diets that give short-term results, do not despair.

In order to successfully lose weight, it is not necessary to experience a painful feeling of hunger and constantly control yourself, giving up your favorite food. It turns out that you can lose weight, but at the same time eat often and variedly. In this light, a comic saying “What should I eat to lose weight?” takes on a new meaning.

What is the fractional nutrition method?

Fractional nutrition involves small but fairly frequent meals. Its essence is that a person eats at least 6 times during the day, and the volumes of each portion are quite small.

Strictly speaking, this type of nutrition cannot be called a diet, since it regulates the number of meals and their size, but not the composition of the diet.

Adhering to the fractional nutrition system, of course, you will have to give up a number of products. But basically it will be food that does not provide any benefit to the body: snacks, sweet drinks, confectionery with a lot of fats and fast carbohydrates.

In addition, it is necessary to understand that fractional meals have nothing to do with diets that promise fast weight loss. With its help, it is impossible to lose 10 kg of excess weight in two weeks, because such weight loss is obviously unhealthy.

Fractional nutrition is aimed at a gradual restructuring of eating habits and activation of metabolic processes in the body, which allows you to further consume incoming calories rather than storing them in fat reserves.

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Fundamental principles of fractional nutrition

Fractional nutrition, like any food regimen, is based on certain rules:

  1. You need to eat at least six times: three main meals and three snacks.
  2. Meals should be organized with a break of about 3 hours. It is advisable to develop a meal schedule, this will make it easier to follow this principle.
  3. Snacks should be light: fruits, some nuts, a little cottage cheese, a glass of kefir.
  4. Small portions.
  5. We drink about two liters of clean drinking water.
  6. Increasing the share of foods containing fiber and healthy fats.
  7. The total calorie content of the diet should meet the needs of the body or create a small calorie deficitif the goal is to lose weight.

Pros and cons of fractional meals for weight loss

The transition to fractional nutrition has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • metabolic rate increases;
  • correct eating habits are developed, which then remain for life;
  • there is no feeling of hunger;
  • frequent meals in small portions are suitable for both healthy people and those with gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, colitis, ulcerative processes);
  • maintains stable blood sugar levels;
  • light and sparse food promotes good physical tone;
  • regular supply of balanced nutrients allows you to lose weight precisely by reducing fat mass, and not muscle, as happens with low-calorie and express diets;

There are also disadvantages, but they are not related to the influence of the diet on the body, but to the possible difficulties of its technical side.

These include:

  • possible difficulties in following a meal schedule;
  • the need to bring food to work;

How to eat according to the fractional nutrition method?

As mentioned above, fractional meals promote weight loss by reducing the total number of calories while increasing the quality and quantity of food intake.

If you are used to eating three times a day, then your portions are most likely quite large. When switching to fractional meals, the size of the usual portion should be divided in half, so you will get an idea of ​​​​the new volumes of food for the main meal. Add three additional snacks here.

With this method of eating, the body does not feel hungry, since you have to eat every 2-3 hours. Small portions are psychologically easy to bear because we know that we will eat again in a short period of time.

Thus, fractional nutrition successfully fights two main enemies beautiful figure: hunger and overeating.

The meal schedule is selected individually, as it depends on the person’s lifestyle, his work and other factors. As a starting point, you can use the plan below, which outlines the timing of your main meals and snacks.

07:30. Breakfast. During this meal, you should focus on foods rich in complex carbohydrates: porridge with fruits or dried fruits, muesli, cottage cheese casseroles, etc. They will give you energy for the whole day. In addition, it is during this meal that you can indulge in your favorite delicacies, the abuse of which will adversely affect your figure.

So, if you can’t imagine life without sweets, allow yourself some marshmallows, marmalade, jelly, and dark chocolate in the morning. Small portions won't do any harm, but will help you avoid quitting. new mode. But it is better to completely avoid industrial confectionery products (pastries, cakes) containing large amounts of fats and carbohydrates.

10:00. Snack #1. Don't forget that the snack should be light. Fruits, nuts, a glass of yogurt, small portions of vegetable or fruit salads, kefir or fermented baked milk, whole grain bread, cheese, dried fruit, cottage cheese are perfect for it.

12:30. Dinner. This meal should be balanced in terms of nutrients. It is recommended to stick to protein foods in the diet in combination with vegetables (stewed or fresh).

15:00. Snack #2. The same rules apply here as for the first snack.

18:00. Dinner. The evening meal should be predominantly protein. If we use incoming carbohydrates in the morning and afternoon as a source of energy, then in the evening they will directly replenish fat reserves. The best choice for dinner would be chicken or turkey fillet, egg white omelet, and fish. They can be supplemented with vegetables and a couple of whole grain breads.

20:30. Snack #3. This is the last meal of the day. They should not be neglected. Firstly, it will help you fall asleep without tossing and turning from hunger. Secondly, a prolonged absence of food triggers the process of saving energy and storing fat. Therefore, the last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Your evening snack should contain as few carbohydrates as possible. Therefore, before going to bed, it is better to give preference to kefir, homemade yogurt, as well as low-fat varieties of cottage cheese or cheese.

In addition to following the rules of nutrition, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of water, on average about two liters per day. Of particular benefit will be the habit of drinking a glass of water half an hour before meals. This will improve the digestion process and maintain metabolism at a high level.

To achieve a greater effect, you should slightly adjust your diet by giving up some foods:

  • foods high in fat (except fish, nuts and other sources of healthy fats);
  • dishes prepared by frying in oil;
  • semi-finished products and canned food;
  • snacks (chips, crackers, etc.);
  • carbonated drinks;

How to properly switch to fractional meals for weight loss?

When switching to new system nutrition, a natural question arises: where to start?

  1. First you need to choose the right time. It is advisable to switch to fractional meals during vacation or at least on weekends. This will make it easier to remember to eat on a schedule than in the hustle and bustle of work.
  2. Make a convenient schedule, where each meal will be scheduled for a specific time, and hang it in a visible place. In order to avoid accidentally deviating from it, you can create mobile phone relevant reminder.
  3. From the very first day you need to strictly monitor the volume of portions. Nothing good will happen to the body if it remains the same and the frequency of meals doubles. The usual portions should be halved, and light snacks should be organized between them. Considering that you will have to eat frequently throughout the day, it will be difficult to stay hungry.
  4. It is necessary to properly distribute food depending on the time of its intake. It is better to eat complex carbohydrates for breakfast. Daily meals should be balanced in nutritional composition: they should contain both proteins and carbohydrates. After 17:00 it is better to limit yourself to protein foods (cottage cheese, eggs, fish, poultry). Excess carbohydrates or fats in the evenings are a direct path to excess weight.
  5. We must not forget about the need to drink enough water. To do this, you can collect water in several small bottles and place them in each room: in the kitchen, at the computer desk, and whenever water catches your eye, take a few sips.

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Fractional meals for weight loss: sample menu for a month by week

Week 1

Breakfast: Muesli with milk or natural juice, Oatmeal with apple, Pancakes with honey, Porridge with cottage cheese and nuts, Cottage cheese casserole, Bread sandwiches with cheese and vegetables, Oven-baked cheesecakes.

Snack 1: Apple, Cottage cheese, Yogurt, Baked apples, Fruit salad, Nuts, Vegetable salad.

Dinner: Stewed meat with a side dish of boiled egg, vegetable salad, bread Vegetable stew with beef Pea soup, crispbread Stewed cabbage With chicken fillet Fish soup, bread Soup with meatballs, bread.

Snack 2: Nuts, Fruit salad, Crispbread with low-fat cheese, Dried fruits, Vegetable salad, Baked apples, Cottage cheese with berries.

Dinner: Chicken breast with vegetables, Fish baked with vegetables, Protein omelet, Stewed vegetables with poultry, Steamed cutlets from lean meat, Vegetable salad, Protein omelet, Fresh vegetables, Boiled egg with vegetable salad and bread.

Snack 3: A glass of kefir, Low-fat cheese and bread, Vegetable salad, Cottage cheese, A glass of kefir, Vegetable salad, Yogurt.

Week 2

Breakfast: Sandwiches made from bread with cheese and vegetables, Oatmeal with dried fruits, Porridge with cottage cheese and nuts, Pancakes with honey, Cheesecakes baked in the oven, Muesli with milk or natural juice, Curd casserole.

Snack 1: Cottage cheese, Yogurt, Apple, Dried fruits, Nuts, Fruit salad, Yogurt.

Dinner: Vegetable stew with beef, Meat casserole, Fresh vegetables, Stewed meat with side dish, Meatball soup and bread, Stewed cabbage with chicken fillet, Pea soup and bread, Fish soup.

Snack 2: Baked apples, Vegetable salad, Yogurt, Glass of kefir, Crispbread with cheese, Yogurt, Nuts.

Dinner: Baked fish with vegetables, Stewed vegetables with poultry, Protein omelet and fresh vegetables, Boiled egg and vegetable salad with bread, Boiled poultry and fresh vegetables, Chicken breast with vegetables, Steamed lean meat cutlets and vegetable salad.

Snack: 3 Bread with cheese, Low-fat cheese and bread, A glass of kefir, Cottage cheese, Yogurt, A glass of kefir, Vegetable salad.

Week 3

Breakfast: Pancakes with honey, Cheesecakes baked in the oven, Cottage cheese casserole, Oatmeal with apple, Muesli with milk or natural juice, Porridge with cottage cheese and nuts, Bread sandwiches with cheese and vegetables.

Snack 1: Baked apples, A glass of kefir, Fruit salad, Fruit chips and dried fruits, Vegetable salad, Apple.

Dinner: Boiled egg, Vegetable salad and bread, Stew with side dish, Fish soup, Vegetable stew with beef, Steamed lean meat cutlets and vegetable salad, Meatball soup and bread, Stewed cabbage with chicken fillet.

Snack 2: Yogurt, Crispbread with cheese, Nuts, Vegetable salad, Cottage cheese, Pea soup, Yogurt bread.

Dinner: Protein omelet and fresh vegetables, Boiled poultry and fresh vegetables, Chicken breast with vegetables, Baked fish with vegetables, Boiled egg, vegetable salad, bread Stewed vegetables with poultry, Boiled poultry and fresh vegetables.

Snack 3: Cottage cheese, Kefir, Low-fat cheese and bread, Yogurt, Kefir, Yogurt, Bread with cheese.

Week 4

Breakfast: Cottage cheese casserole, Porridge with cottage cheese and nuts, Bread sandwiches with cheese and vegetables, Pancakes with honey, Muesli with milk or natural juice, Cheese pancakes baked in the oven, Oatmeal porridge with dried fruits.

Snack 1: Dried fruits, Apple, Cottage cheese, Dried fruits, Nuts, Fruit salad, Vegetable salad.

Dinner: Pea soup and crispbread, Low-fat pilaf Meatball soup and crispbread, Meat casserole and fresh vegetables, Vegetable stew with beef,

Fish soup, Stew with side dish.

Snack 2: Cottage cheese, Nuts, Bread with cheese, Baked apples, Yogurt, Vegetable salad, Baked apples.

Dinner: Baked fish with vegetables, Stewed vegetables with poultry, Steamed cutlets from lean meat and vegetable salad, Boiled egg and vegetable salad with bread, Boiled poultry and fresh vegetables, Chicken breast with vegetables, Protein omelet and fresh vegetables.

Snack 3: A glass of kefir, Cottage cheese with berries, Low-fat cheese and bread, Yogurt, Cottage cheese, Yogurt, A glass of kefir.

  • Compliance with the principles of proper nutrition. You can find reviews and instructions on other diets and nutrition systems on the pages of my website
  • Active lifestyle.
  • You can get the rest of the secrets to successful weight loss for free by reading my other materials on the site.

    Fractional meals allow you to reduce your usual caloric intake to the level necessary for weight loss, but at the same time the body does not feel hungry.

    Frequent meals contribute to the fact that when we start eating again, we don’t have time to get really hungry and get full with a very small portion.

    With the usual three meals a day, a person sits down at the table having worked up an appetite, and as a result, eats more than he should.

    In addition, the feeling of hunger for our survival instinct signals that hungry times have come.

    Since the subconscious does not know how long they will last, the body reacts in a special way:

    • slows down all metabolic processes;
    • intensively replenishes fat reserves;

    Thus, the more often we experience hunger, the slower our metabolism and the more fat our body stores. This is exactly the effect that various semi-starvation diets give.

    Of course, at first, on such diets, weight will decrease, but this occurs due to the removal of glycogen and water reserves from the body (one gram of glycogen binds four grams of water). So it turns out that the weight seems to be decreasing, but the fat does not decrease.

    With fractional meals, such processes do not occur, because a person simply does not have time to get hungry between meals, even if he consumed fewer calories than usual. The body is constantly full, which means there is no need to store fatty tissue.

    In addition, fractional meals provide best conditions for proper functioning of the digestive system. Rich food creates a serious load on all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and eating small portions facilitates their work and, as a result, increases the absorption of nutrients.

    Fractional nutrition is an optimal dietary regimen that has no contraindications. In addition to weight loss, it promotes high physical tone and coordinated functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. You can stick to this way of eating throughout your life.

    Now I don't worry about being overweight!

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    Grazing is a newfangled trend in dietetics that advocates eating often, but in small portions. In English there is a concept “to graze”, which means “to have a snack” (although the literal translation is “to graze”). That is, full meals (those when you leave the table with a full belly and a feeling of extreme satiety) are replaced with light snacks.

    The trend has roots in the distant past. Even in Soviet medicine, this principle of nutrition was used to compile therapeutic menus. Today, many have already tested and approved a fractional diet for weight loss, which allows you to lose a sufficient amount of extra pounds.

    The essence

    As practice shows, about 70% of people eat the old fashioned way, i.e. 3 times a day. Not counting, of course, the 4th time, when before going to bed in front of the TV, plates of chips, crackers, nuts are consumed and all this is washed down with liters of soda. Even many nutritional systems designed for weight loss require three meals a day. But from a physiological point of view, this is completely wrong.

    Japanese researchers have discovered gremlin, a hormone produced by the gastric mucosa. It actively influences the brain, prompting a person to look for food and arouses the feeling of hunger. The longer the gap between meals, the more gremlin in the body, which causes a brutal appetite. To reduce the amount of this hormone, you need to satisfy those same pleasure centers more often, that is, eat more often.

    If you look at the menu of treatment tables developed back in Soviet era, fractional meals are their basic principle. No therapeutic diet consists of 3 meals - there are many more.

    Here's how a fractional diet works for weight loss:

    • your appetite does not have time to “work up” for a new meal, which means you will eat less;
    • small portions gradually reduce the volume of the stomach, providing quick saturation;
    • blood glucose is constantly maintained at the desired level, ensuring vigor and energy throughout the day;
    • activity allows you to burn more calories;
    • digestion is normalized;
    • harmful products are excluded;
    • The diet includes only low-calorie foods.

    The paradox of fractional meals: you eat more often than before, but you lose weight. A low calorie diet does not fully cover daily energy needs - and body fat steadily decreases. This is the ideal diet for slow but proper weight loss. In a month you can easily lose 10 kg - without stretch marks and hungry fainting.

    Basic rules

    To properly organize fractional meals that promote weight loss, you need to know its basic principles:

    1. Daily calorie content for women is up to 1,300 kcal, for men - up to 1,600.
    2. Breakfast should include slow carbohydrates (cereals, whole grains), fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables.
    3. Lunch is mostly protein, supplemented with vegetables. Broths are also desirable.
    4. Dinner is also protein-rich: meat, fish, dairy products. Vegetables are also allowed, but fruits in the evening are prohibited. Should be 3 hours before bedtime.
    5. For snacks you will need fruits, vegetables, nuts, dried fruits, yogurt.
    6. During breaks, drink pure ( daily norm- one and a half liters).
    7. Don't forget to exercise or at least keep up your physical activity.

    An example of how to distribute time based on eating every two hours:

    • 7.00 - glass of water;
    • 8.00 - full breakfast (25% kcal of the daily value);
    • 10.00 - first lunch (some fruit);
    • 12.00 - second lunch (nuts or dried fruits);
    • 14.00 - full lunch (30% kcal of the daily value);
    • 16.00 - afternoon tea (it's time for);
    • 18.00 - full dinner (20% kcal of the daily value);
    • 20.00 - a glass of low-fat kefir.

    A similar two-hour diet is the best option. You can adjust the schedule to suit yourself, taking into account the work schedule.

    Product Lists

    A fractional diet guarantees weight loss not only by reducing portion sizes and the stomach. One of its main postulates is low calorie content products. Therefore, you need to adhere to the lists below.


    • meat: dietary is better, but pork is also possible in moderation;
    • fish, seafood;
    • dairy products with low fat content;
    • non-starchy vegetables;
    • unsweetened fruits;
    • buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley;
    • sweets: honey, dark chocolate, marmalade, dried fruits, oatmeal cookies, marshmallows;
    • coffee, tea (with milk, but without sugar), homemade fresh juices, protein shakes.


    • alcohol, industrial juices, carbonated drinks;
    • fried, fatty, spicy, smoked, salted, pickled, canned foods;
    • starchy cereals (rice), pasta;
    • starchy vegetables: potatoes, cauliflower, corn;
    • food additives: salt, sugar, starch;
    • semi-finished products;
    • sweet fruits and berries (persimmons, bananas, grapes);
    • sweets, desserts;
    • fast food;
    • bakery, confectionery, pastries.

    A diet compiled taking into account these two lists allows you to reduce the calorie content of your daily diet and increase energy expenditure.

    Pros and cons

    Every power system, even one as ideal at first glance as a fractional one, has its drawbacks. It is better to get to know them in advance in order to be able to somehow avoid them or reduce undesirable consequences to a minimum.


    • thanks to a constant level of glucose, performance increases;
    • guarantees a light stomach at night good sleep, which leads to the production of a sufficient amount of melanin, which is involved in the breakdown of fats;
    • digestive problems are eliminated;
    • the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
    • lack of hunger;
    • Slow weight loss is the safest for health;
    • no contraindications.


    • you need to strictly follow the meal schedule, and in conditions of intense or traveling work this is not always possible;
    • you need to eat even if you have no appetite;
    • Limit portion sizes to avoid overfilling.

    Fractional nutrition is one of those systems that undoubtedly has more pros than cons. It is for this reason that most people who lose weight choose it.


    Exists huge amount popular diets. They differ from each other in terms of terms, promised results and menu. So you have a choice. How long does it take to lose weight - a week? two? month? How much - 5, 10, 15 kg? By answering these questions for yourself, you can easily decide on the right option.

    • Brazilian

    Developed by Brazilian nutritionists. The basis is protein foods and plant fiber (vegetables, fruits, fresh juices). The period is a week, but it can be extended. Results - 2-3 kg per week.

    • Protein

    The most famous, which involves excluding carbohydrates and fats from the diet. The basis of the menu is low-fat foods: fish, meat, milk, eggs. Results - 5-7 kg per week. Terms - no more than a month.

    • 5 by 10

    The “Five by Ten” diet is an alternation of a strict hunger strike with a gentle regime. That is, within 5 days it happens intensive weight loss due to fractional nutrition, small portions and a minimum of calories. Then, within 10 days, the achieved result is consolidated: you eat again according to your usual regimen, slightly increase the daily calorie content and portion size. Losses - up to 5 kg.

    • 3 on 1

    Also alternation, but here 3 days - on fractional meals in compliance with all the principles of the diet, and the next day - fasting (better - on). Result - 3-5 kg.

    • Semyorochka

    Unique, but not very popular diet, which many people bypass due to the long period (7 weeks) and relatively low results (only 7-10 kg in 1.5 months). Assumes alternation:

    • Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

    One of the most correct fractional diets. Compiled by experts in accordance with the principles of healthy nutrition. He suggests including the lowest-calorie foods in your diet and having frequent snacks. The recommended period is for 21 days with a result of minus 7-8 kg.

    Some of these diets are very, some - more. Evaluate them from the point of view of whether you can withstand and complete the task.


    The most difficult thing is to independently create a fractional diet menu for every day. The table below will allow you to purchase the necessary products in advance and not fill the refrigerator with anything unnecessary, so as not to be tempted.

    Sample menu for the week:

    Do you want to extend for a month? Just repeat this menu every week.


    Recipes will help make the task as easy as possible low-calorie dishes, fit perfectly into this system.



    • 300 grams of Chinese cabbage;
    • spinach (bunch);
    • 1 bell pepper;
    • green;
    • sesame;
    • lemon juice.


    1. Shred the cabbage into thin strips. Squeeze it out with your hands, adding a little salt.
    2. Chop spinach and greens.
    3. Pass the carrots through a grater.
    4. Cut the pepper into small cubes.
    5. Mix everything.
    6. Add sesame seeds and lemon juice.


    • 1.5 liters of vegetable broth;
    • 300 g cabbage;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 3 bell peppers;
    • bulb;
    • green;
    • 50 ml tomato paste;
    • bay leaf.


    1. Finely chop the cabbage into strips. Add some salt. Squeeze with your hands until soft and juice is released.
    2. Dip it into the broth.
    3. While it is cooking, simmer the grated beets and carrots (without oil) in a saucepan for 10 minutes. Add them to the cabbage.
    4. Chop the onion and simmer until yellow. Dip into soup.
    5. Thinly slice the pepper and add to the rest of the vegetables.
    6. When the soup is ready, before turning off the stove, add the pasta and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
    7. Turn off. Drop the bay leaf.
    8. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped parsley and dill.

    Beef with pumpkin


    • 300 g beef;
    • 500 g pumpkin;
    • 1 bell pepper;
    • green;
    • clove of garlic.


    1. Cut the beef, pumpkin and pepper into approximately equal-sized pieces.
    2. Stir in pumpkin and pepper.
    3. Salt and pepper the meat and vegetables.
    4. Place on a greased baking sheet in layers: vegetables - meat - vegetables - chopped herbs.
    5. Cover with foil.
    6. Bake at 180°C for 40 minutes.

    Having lost weight on a fractional diet, many understand that this principle of nutrition can be followed throughout life even with a normal diet. It prevents overeating even with high calorie foods. Those who adhere to it are not familiar with hunger, are always cheerful and feel incredible lightness in their body.

    So if the fight is extra pounds was successful, do not stop there so that they do not return back soon. Gradually returning to your previous diet, leave the habit of eating every 2-3 hours. This will help solve the problem of excess weight forever.

    Lose weight up to 4 kg in 5 days.
    The average daily calorie content is 640 Kcal.

    A fractional diet is one of the more loyal, but at the same time effective, ways to transform the body. It is successfully used by millions of people around the world. Living by the rules of this technique, you can throw off overweight without compromising health and morale.

    As you might have guessed, the diet is based on splitting up meals. Eating smaller portions of food evenly throughout the day than you were used to before helps in just 5 days to get rid of three or four kilograms that interfere with the full enjoyment of life.

    Fractional diet requirements

    Like all weight loss methods, a fractional diet has certain important principles that are responsible for the effectiveness of weight loss.

    • Days of direct fractional nutrition should be alternated with days of rest. The first last 5 days, the second - 10.
    • The interval between meals during a fractional diet should not exceed 2 hours. Ideally, start eating at 8:00, warming up the body with a hot drink, and finish at 20:00 with a light snack in the form of low-fat kefir.
    • Drink plenty of clean, still water throughout the day. Coffee and teas without sugar are also acceptable, but clean water is a priority.
    • Both during the consolidating 10 days and after losing weight, you should eat by excluding fast food, fatty, too salty and spicy foods, high-calorie foods as much as possible from your diet. bakery products and sweets, as well as carbonated drinks and alcohol (especially beer and liqueurs, which contain copious amounts of calories).
    • After reaching the desired weight, try not to have dinner later than 19:00, and move the consumption of the most high-calorie foods to the first half of the day.

    Fractional diet menu

    5-day diet on a fractional diet

    8:00 - a cup of unsweetened hot drink (choice of not very strong coffee, green or herbal tea, chicory).
    10:00 - large carrots grated or finely chopped, seasoned with a small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
    12:00 - fruit weighing up to 200-250 g (apple, peach, orange, banana, pear) or a handful of dried fruits soaked in water (dried apricots, dates, prunes).
    14:00 - a piece of lean meat or fish, cooked without adding oil; slice of bran or rye bread, thinly spread with butter.
    16:00 - 200 g low-fat cottage cheese or boiled chicken egg, or 40-50 g hard cheese minimal fat content.
    18:00 - 200-250 g of salad from any non-starchy vegetables, seasoned with a teaspoon of olive oil.
    20:00 - a glass of low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.

    Approximate diet for a 10-day results-fixing cycle

    Breakfast: 100 g of rice porridge, to which you can add a drop of cream or vegetable oil, or omelet made from two chicken eggs and non-starchy vegetables; as well as a glass of unsweetened fruit/vegetable juice or fruit drink.
    Snack: orange.
    Lunch: about 150 g of soup, cooked in chicken or beef broth, with a few pieces of lean meat; a slice of bran bread and a cup of herbal or green unsweetened tea.
    Afternoon snack: a couple of peaches or an apple.
    Dinner: 100 g of mashed potatoes (preferably without oil); the same amount of carrot salad and fresh white cabbage; a glass of kefir.

    Note. It's just approximate version nutrition, which must be adhered to for 10 days after losing weight in a fractional five-day period. You can replace foods, for example, by eating buckwheat or oatmeal instead of rice. You are also allowed to eat tangerines, grapefruits, bananas (do not overuse them), and other vegetables (preferably non-starchy). Instead of kefir, you can drink homemade unsweetened yogurt, fermented baked milk, and milk. You are also allowed to eat low-fat cottage cheese and a small amount of hard cheese (just make sure it is not too salty).

    Contraindications for a fractional diet

    • It is not recommended for representatives of the fair sex to follow the proposed diet during pregnancy, adolescents under 16 years of age, and people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    • It is better not to start a diet during an exacerbation of any disease. After all, the calorie content of the diet is reduced, and in case of illness it is recommended to eat nutritiously in order to provide the body with strength and energy for a speedy recovery.

    Advantages of a fractional diet

    Let's pay attention to the main advantages of a fractional diet:

    1. noticeable weight loss already in the first days of the diet;
    2. improving the functioning of the digestive system and the entire body as a whole;
    3. lack of feeling of acute hunger;
    4. reduction of increased appetite;
    5. reducing the size of the stomach, making it easier not to gain weight after finishing the diet;
    6. normalization of metabolic processes;
    7. the body is cleansed of waste, toxins and other harmful substances.

    Disadvantages of a fractional diet

    • Perhaps the main noticeable disadvantage of a fractional diet is the need to eat by the hour. Busy people may simply not be able to eat every 2 hours, as recommended by the rules of the method. In this case, if you still want to try this diet personally, try to subordinate it to your life schedule, but not forgetting about the basic rules, monitoring the calorie content of the products you consume and trying not to take long breaks between meals so that your efforts do not end up in vain .
    • In any case, at first, if you are not used to eating so often, you will have to look at the clock and not forget about the next meal that will bring you closer to the desired physical shape.

    Repeated fractional diet

    If you want to lose weight more and feel good with fractional meals, simply repeat the five-day diet as many times as needed (of course, within reasonable limits), alternating them with 10-day pauses.

    To maintain the achieved result in the post-diet period, you should also not indulge in all sorts of food sprees. You need to try to eat properly, fully (preferably in small portions) and make sure that the calorie content of your daily diet is not high.