Which low-calorie foods for weight loss should you choose? List and review. Low-calorie meals for weight loss from simple products

The concept of satiety of food is individual. A lot of things influence this - serving size, fiber content, amount of protein, digestion speed, and, finally, associations. Some sources praise apples as a real storehouse of satiety, and bless cabbage as the main fighter against kg. Others curse the first as a source of increased appetite, and the second as also the best remedy“stretch the stomach.” Everyone is right, in fact, everyone should choose a list of nutritious foods for themselves individually.

What foods are filling and low-calorie at the same time?

Technically, there are very few of them. According to the ADA classification, we can classify as low-calorie foods only food whose energy value does not exceed 90-100 kcal per serving (120 g according to the same classification). How many such foods do you know? Among the vegetables and fruits there are almost all representatives of the kingdom. What about meat and fish?

In general, in the strictest sense, these are:

  • - cod, haddock, pollock, hake, lemonema. The meat of this fish gives us a little more than 73 kcal per 100 g, mainly from protein. Contains all essential amino acids. Helps prepare dinner even when there are very few calories left and time is short. Cooks in seconds. Don't like boiled fish? Steam or bake in foil. But frying increases the calorie content of a serving by 200 kcal. And the fish is no longer so useful. Many people, however, will not agree that white fish is filling. It is digested quite quickly, leaving the stomach in just a couple of hours. How to “slow it down”? Serve on a bed of fibrous vegetables such as broccoli, kohlrabi and cauliflower. You can also grate carrots, it only improves the taste fish dishes;
  • - shrimp, crabs, mussels. Sounds more interesting, right? However, supporters of strict low-carb diets shy away from the meat of these marine inhabitants. The reason is as much as one gram of glycogen per 100 g of product. Seafood rarely contains more than 83 kcal per 100 g; our rare lobsters and sea cucumbers are slightly more nutritious. This category of products has a lot in common. All are a source of complete protein, all contain omega-3 and help fight hunger. They are also digested quickly, so for the needs of satiety - with vegetables;
  • - extra-low-fat beef. Or very dry veal, as we call it. In general, it is veal meat, completely devoid of fat. It will need to be steamed, and this is the only type of meat that is “low-calorie” in principle. Even chicken breast meat contains about 120 kcal versus 101 kcal from this. In addition, calf meat contains complete triheme iron, and therefore should be included in the diet of absolutely all women of childbearing age;
  • - all types of vegetables without starch. Cabbage and zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes, leafy greens and celery. All of them contain a lot of fiber and water, and little, literally from 18 to 35 kcal per 100 g. Do you want something sweet? Eat pumpkin. Salty? Sprinkle the cucumber salad with pulverized seaweed. Mashed potatoes? Grind with a blender cauliflower. Chips? Dry the kale collards in the oven and sprinkle with spices. Vegetables will appeal to everyone who is looking for satisfying weight loss;
  • - all mushrooms. Here are the opinions of nutritionists different schools separated. In the USA, the “common theory” is the benefits of mushrooms for a healthy, non-allergic person. Their fiber-rich protein bodies are believed to keep us full for a long time, and “protect” us from being consumed junk food. For example, fried fatty meat. But in Russian-language textbooks on dietetics, mushrooms are considered a controversial product. Many people are not able to assimilate and digest them at all, since they are very “demanding” of the enzyme activity of the gastrointestinal tract. One way or another, no more than 20 kcal per 100 g;
  • - seaweed. We eat little of them, but the Japanese eat a lot. Guess who's slimmer? This is, of course, an unscientific approach, but seaweed is filling due to its “gel-like” consistency. They fill the stomach, envelop... And they are also tasty and healthy, as they contain a lot of iodine, which we also need for weight loss;
  • - unsweetened and watery fruits. We have grapefruits and some varieties of pomelo, as well as green apples. Most doctors will also include all berries except watermelon and most sweet fruits on the list. But it is these gifts of nature that require an individual approach. Many people experience pangs of hunger due to one fruit and are “tolerant” of others;
  • - konnyaku fiber pasta. They contain about 12 kcal per 100 g and are almost not absorbed by our bodies. Konnyaku is a tough insoluble fiber that cleanses the intestines and helps reduce the glycemic load of food. Food with konjac is recommended for diabetics and those losing weight. The only negative is that if you overeat, it can cause bloating.

Slightly behind the low-calorie list are foods such as chicken breasts, coarse porridges made from buckwheat, barley and brown rice. More nutritious, but certainly very filling, are legumes, including soybeans. Food combinations are also important in reducing calories and increasing satiety.

Win-win pairings to satisfy your hunger

Adding vegetables to your food will help reduce the calorie content of your food. Vegetables with porridge are more satisfying than just porridge. Vegetables with meat - than just meat.

And there are also pairs of foods, one of which is filling, the other low in calories:

  • - coarse oatmeal and yogurt or cottage cheese;
  • chicken eggs and spinach or broccoli;
  • - any meat and green vegetables;
  • - low-calorie cottage cheese with bran and honey;
  • - strawberries or raspberries and cottage cheese 0%/

Of course there are some low calorie foods- not an option. We still need fats and complex carbohydrates, and not just “dry” proteins and fiber. But from time to time, when you want to eat a lot, and the calorie range is modest, you shouldn’t give them up. After all, they make our life easier.

The process of losing weight includes a whole complex - this balanced diet, active lifestyle. In order to prepare low-calorie meals for weight loss from simple products, you need to take into account their components. To do this, you need to know that one gram of fat is 9 kcal, and one gram of carbohydrates is 4 kcal.

You can replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie ones and enjoy it

Guided by this, when preparing dishes, you can use those products that contain a low percentage of fats and carbohydrates. Butter, fatty meats, sausages, sausages, chocolate and confectionery products are excluded from the menu. The list goes on. You can find out how much fat a product contains from reference books.

Features of cooking to reduce calories

By following some advice from nutritionists while preparing a dish, you can reduce its calorie content

Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of liquid and are low in calories. The presence of fiber helps reduce calories, because when they enter the stomach, they slow down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates by the body. Please note that cooked vegetables contain more calories than raw vegetables.

Especially Negative influence hidden fats. For example, in boiled sausages, in confectionery they sometimes make up up to 50% of the product's weight. Before processing, be sure to remove fat from any meat. It is believed that if you consume foods with low content fat, this will lead to weight loss, and the total number of calories does not decrease. Fans of extreme weight loss who are trying to find the desired body in 2 weeks can learn about the diet and reviews by clicking on the link.

Many people think that potatoes, cereals and pasta contribute to the accumulation of fat. This is wrong. If you prepare them correctly, this will not affect the increase in body fat. Here are some useful tips:

  • Use any oil to a minimum;

  • Do not boil pasta and cereals, otherwise carbohydrates will be less absorbed;

  • It is recommended to use brown rice and cook for about 15 minutes, then it will remain a little hard;

  • Fry potatoes without oil in a Teflon frying pan; Mashed potatoes and boiled potatoes should not be on the menu.

When choosing low-calorie dishes for weight loss from simple products, you should take into account the content of all components. For example, peppers and cauliflower have the same water content, but peppers have more fiber and fat, so the calorie content of peppers is lower than that of cabbage.

The same dependence can be seen when comparing products with the same amount of fat, but with different amounts of fiber. For example, champignons and boletus mushrooms have almost the same amount of fat, but champignons have half as much dietary fiber, as a result, the calorie content of the latter is higher.

Find out how easy it is lose 10 kg in a week on the watermelon diet!

Which foods have the least calories?

Low-calorie vegetables are those that have only 30 kcal per 100 g. Potatoes, carrots, beans, beets, green pea, as well as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi have a higher calorie content - up to 99 kcal per 100 g of product.

Low-calorie foods include:

  • Milk, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, koumiss, yoghurts with a fat content of one and a half percent or 3.2%;

  • Fruits, fish - hake, cod, flounder, pike perch.

Some nuances that change the taste of coffee and tea

Tea without sugar is a low-calorie drink

When eating low-calorie meals for weight loss from simple foods, what should you drink to avoid gaining weight? In addition to the need to drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day, you can drink drinks that have a small amount of calories. Drink tea or coffee without sugar. One teaspoon of coffee contains 2 kcal, tea – 1 kcal. And a spoonful of sugar contains from 16 to 40(!) kcal. The quantity varies, because depends on the fullness of the spoon and the sources: on Wikipedia – 4 g in a teaspoon, and according to GOST – 10 g. Therefore, for the purity of the experiment, you can independently determine the number of grams in one spoon.

If you drink tea and coffee without sugar, you can immediately reduce the number of calories consumed per day. Milk added to coffee or tea also adds calories to the drink. One teaspoon of medium-fat milk contains 11 kcal, condensed milk - 40 kcal. One spoon of cocoa contains 33 kcal; if you add sugar, you get a lot. Drinking sweet tea, coffee or cocoa is just a habit, so giving it up is difficult for the first few days. When you get used to drinking these drinks without additives, you will feel the real taste and aroma.

Low calorie diet: menu for the day

Juices, especially grape juice, are high in calories. 100 g of compote made from dried fruits contains 170 kcal. Has zero kcal mineral water. From alcoholic drinks:

  • the most high-calorie ones are liqueurs (300-350 kcal per 100g);

  • a bottle of beer contains 250 kcal;

  • The fewest calories in 100 g of dry wine are 65 – 86 kcal.

Therefore, to obtain effective results, you need not only to eat low-calorie meals for weight loss from simple foods, but also drink appropriate drinks.

How to determine the number of calories

To calculate the number of calories needed for weight loss, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. Age, gender;
  2. Height Weight;
  3. Lifestyle or activity level;
  4. Availability of training;
  5. What kind of diet exists at the moment?

There are several ways to calculate the calories needed to lose weight. The simplest one is as follows:

  • per 1 kg 26-30 kcal for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle with little physical activity;

  • 31-37 kcal for people with average physical activity;

  • up to 40 kcal for those who combine an active lifestyle with high physical activity.

For those who want to lose weight, you can make an adjustment of 10-15% downwards.

There are other more complex calculation systems. You should not go below 1200 kcal per day, as this will negatively affect your metabolism. There is no need to get hung up on counting the number of kilocalories. Each organism is individual; you need to determine the types of products and quantities for weight adjustment taking into account all the characteristics and preferences.

If you are preparing low-calorie dishes for weight loss from simple products, then you need to take into account the effect of heat treatment. For example, when vegetables are cooked, fiber is destroyed and, consequently, the calorie content of this product increases.

Delicious breakfasts that will help lift your mood and promote weight loss

Baked oatmeal with fruit is a great low-calorie dish

When following a diet or if you just need to lose weight, you don’t have to eat tasteless food. Experts recommend diversifying the menu and developing several types of dishes.

Breakfast is a must. A nutritious meal in the morning fills the entire body with energy for the whole day. It is better to skip dinner than not to have breakfast. Of course, sandwiches with any sausage, butter and pies should be excluded from the menu. You can eat a sandwich made from whole grain bread with fish.

For a quick and low-calorie breakfast, muesli seasoned with kefir or low-fat milk is suitable. Low-calorie breakfast dishes for weight loss can be prepared from simple ingredients. Cook the porridge in water, without oil. For this you can use buckwheat and rolled oats, millet, and pearl barley. They help restore digestion and cleanse the stomach.

Porridge needs to be cooked correctly. How to do it:

  • Cook with water or milk with 2.5% fat content;

  • After boiling, simmer for 10-15 minutes;

  • You can add fruits, berries or honey.

Curd cheesecakes are suitable for breakfast, but they must be baked in the oven.

An egg omelette with vegetables and a slice of whole grain bread is a great breakfast!

Low-calorie lunch recipes for weight loss

Even if you decide to lose weight, you need to have lunch. At lunch, with food intake, the body receives 40% of the required calories. Lunch should start with a salad. It can be made from vegetables rich in dietary fiber. This will create a feeling of fullness and the amount of remaining food can be reduced. Water and fiber in vegetable salad help reduce the absorption of other dishes.

It's better to dress the salad soy sauce or vinegar. Here is one recipe for such a salad:

  • White cabbage is cut into strips.

  • Carrots, apples and beets are grated on a coarse grater.

  • Mix the vegetables, add herbs and season with low-fat kefir.

Recipe for a low-calorie, hearty salad:

  1. Boil the cauliflower in salted water, then separate it into inflorescences.
  2. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Add chopped boiled eggs, green onions and add a small amount of low-fat sour cream.

This low-calorie salad will be filling.

For lunch, low-calorie first courses for weight loss can be prepared from simple ingredients. Properly prepared soup loses up to 4% of its calorie content. Hot soup or broth helps improve digestion. Don't give up soups.

Here is the turkey soup recipe:

  • Half a kilo of turkey;

  • Three potatoes;

  • One onion;

  • One carrot;

  • A glass of rice;

  • One tomato.

Pour three liters of water into a saucepan and place the turkey in it. Cook the broth for 45 minutes, add carrots and onions. Rinse the rice and add to the broth. After 20 minutes, add chopped tomato to the soup. Cook for another 10 minutes and the soup is ready.

The second course can be prepared from dietary meat with a vegetable side dish; cottage cheese casserole cooked in the oven is suitable. You can add pieces of apple and cinnamon to the cottage cheese, this will diversify the second dish.

Here is another recipe for an interesting second dish with a low amount of calories - stuffed with vegetables potato:

  • Potatoes – 4 pieces;
  • Carrots – 2 pieces;
  • Celery – a bunch;
  • Tomato – 1 piece.

Peel the potatoes, cut lengthwise, scrape out the middle. Boil the remaining vegetables and fill the potato halves with them. Cook in vegetable broth until tender. Add squeezed tomato juice. Sprinkle chopped herbs onto the finished dish.

To remove extra centimeters from the waist, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself with diets. You can eat normally with low-calorie foods.

To lose weight, you need to prepare a complete lunch correctly, from simple, low-calorie foods.

Do you want to lose weight quickly? Read the entry:

Low-calorie, simple foods for dinner

Fish stewed with vegetables is good both as a low-calorie lunch and as dinner

Many people believe that it is not necessary to have dinner if you want to lose weight. You can have dinner if you meet a number of conditions:

  • Have dinner three hours before bedtime;

  • Avoid fatty meats, flour and confectionery products;

  • Make portions small: meat and fish - up to 150 g, foods containing carbohydrates - up to 40 g, vegetables - up to 250 g.

Delicious stewed fish with vegetables is an example of a low-calorie dinner:

  • 500 g fish fillet;
  • 200 g onions;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • A little tomato paste;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cut the carrots and onions into rings and sauté in oil with the addition of tomato paste. Then put the fish on top, pour in half a liter of water, add spices and simmer for 40 minutes.

You can cook boiled chicken for dinner. This will take about 20 minutes. You can add vegetables or some green peas as a side dish to the chicken.

You can treat yourself to a delicious baked apple in the evening. Cooking recipe: wash the apples, cut out the core, you can add sugar, honey, cinnamon. Place in a container and bake at 180 degrees until the juice comes out. Such an apple can be a complete dinner.

You can prepare low-calorie meals for weight loss that are very tasty. Even simple products produce culinary masterpieces. For example, baked eggplants:

  • cut the eggplants into one-centimeter slices and place in a pan greased with vegetable oil;

  • put chopped tomatoes on the eggplants, sprinkle with oil, sprinkle with chopped herbs and spices, squeeze out two cloves of garlic;

  • Place the mold in the oven for about 50 minutes;

  • Before taking out the finished dish, you can sprinkle with grated cheese and keep in the oven for two more minutes.

Another healthy dinner recipe - chicken cutlets:

  1. Make minced meat from chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese and onions.
  2. Beat in one egg, salt and pepper.
  3. Bake the formed cutlets in the oven. Very tasty and low calorie.

You can lose weight without dieting, just use low-calorie foods, be sure to have breakfast, drink about 2 liters of liquid per day and have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime. By adhering to all these recommendations, achieve desired result it will be easy.

Meat lovers can treat themselves to chicken cutlets with vegetables for dinner (low-calorie option)

Diets are fashionable these days. Newly developed weight loss techniques replace each other almost as often as clothes on high catwalks. In fruitless attempts to find perfect figure many adhere to one or another of these diets.

But there is nothing easier than throwing it away forever overweight. All you need is to develop your diet in such a way that the lion's share of it consists of low-calorie foods.


You shouldn’t entertain any illusions: your favorite cheese with a high-fat label on the wrapper, fried potatoes with all kinds of sauces, spicy sausage with pieces of lard, or donuts soaked in sugar syrup are not at all suitable for weight loss and will not fall into this category by definition.

The lowest-calorie foods are fresh, non-heat-processed vegetables and fruits, berries, low-fat dairy products, light meats and fish. They can be eaten in any combination and in almost any quantity: even if you chew 3 kilograms of cucumbers or apples per day, it is unlikely that this will have a detrimental effect on your figure, but it will be very useful for losing weight.

What foods are the lowest in calories and can be used for weight loss? The list below of the approximate calorie content per 100 g of product will help you navigate when creating a menu, and the table below includes the exact calorie content of each product separately.

0–20 kcal: any greens, bamboo shoots, cucumbers, watercress, lettuce, white radishes, tomatoes.

The more water there is in a vegetable or fruit, the fewer calories it contains, because water does not contain any substances. That is why the presented vegetables weigh practically nothing in terms of energy: their water content is the highest.

For weight loss, pay special attention to greens: being essentially devoid of calories, they contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

20–30 kcal: lemon, Bell pepper, celery, pumpkin, broccoli, coriander, spinach, champignons, almost all varieties of cabbage, eggplant, lingonberries.

This list, again, includes only the healthiest products necessary for weight loss.

For example, lemon helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins, bell peppers contain a record amount of vitamin C, which supports our immunity, and pumpkin is an excellent preventative against diseases of the cardiovascular system.

30–40 kcal: zucchini, strawberries, grapefruits, melon, radishes, limes, watermelon, green beans, pomelo, onion, peaches, radishes, low-fat yogurt.

Fruits are slightly more nutritious than vegetables that contain a lot of water. That is why they are included in our list only now. This is due to the fact that fruits contain natural sugars, which are the reason why fruits taste sweet.

And yet, at the same time, many effective diets for weight loss, and daily inclusion of fruits in the diet will help the body fill with vitamins and energy.

In addition, not all fruits are equal in calories. For example, 100 g of watermelon contains only 30 kcal, in contrast to, for example, grapes, which already contain 67 kcal in 100 g. In addition, some fruits actively burn excess fat! For example, grapefruit is an excellent tool for losing weight - a quarter of this citrus fruit destroys as much as 800 kcal in the body!

40–50 kcal: apples, carrots, oranges, plums, nectarines, celery roots and stalks, apricots, beets, blackberries, gooseberries, feijoa, cranberries, low-fat kefir, skim milk.

Natural milk will weigh more in terms of energy. For example, the calorie content of 2.5% kefir will be 50 kcal, and regular homemade kefir will be 63.3 kcal.

50–60 kcal: cherries, red currants, pears, raspberries, blueberries, potatoes.

Despite the calorie content, the products included in this list should definitely be on the menu of all family members.

Cherry - for unique ability cleanse the blood of toxins and harmful compounds, blueberries - for their ability to maintain eye health, red currants - for their ability to remove heavy metal salts from the body.

60–70 kcal: cherries, kiwi, pomegranate, grapes, black currants, mango.

It is better not to overeat on some of the foods on this list. For example, grapes, a kilogram of which you can easily crush and not even notice it. The cherries also disappear from the bowl phenomenally quickly. But pomegranate, for all its calorie content, is extremely useful for the body, having a beneficial effect on the composition and quality of the blood.

Low-calorie meats - chicken, veal, turkey, lean beef. Flounder, carp, pike, perch, as well as shrimp, squid, crab meat - all these low-fat seafood can also be included in the menu.


Recipes for low-calorie dishes, as a rule, consist of the same deprived large number calories ingredients. These could be recipes for fresh vegetable or fruit salads, vegetable snacks. Low calorie and recipes with minimum quantity vegetable and butter oils, sugar, fatty meats and fish, eggs, or those that do not contain these products at all.

Cereal porridges with vegetables, first courses in vegetable broth, pieces of meat or low-fat fish baked in foil with spices, steamed vegetables - all these recipes contain a minimum of calories with maximum benefits.

It is noteworthy that quite ordinary recipes for very energy-heavy dishes can be altered in such a way that they contain few calories and are quite suitable for weight loss.

For example, when preparing regular kefir pancakes, nothing prevents you from using kefir with the indication “0% fat” on the package instead of the usual one, natural low-calorie sweeteners such as stevia instead of sugar, and frying not in oil, but without it at all - in a frying pan with a non-stick coating. Or take, for example, recipes for meat cooked in the oven.

Most of them use mayonnaise, which cannot be called a dietary or low-calorie sauce. Meanwhile, the problem is easily solved. It is very easy to replace it with low-fat sour cream, flavored with spices and herbs to taste. This sauce will be much healthier and, by the way, tastier.

And if you can’t imagine your life without sweets, choose dessert recipes, again, with low-calorie ingredients. You can replace sugar with the same stevia; it is better to take skim milk or with a minimum fat content. Can't give up chocolate?

Then it is better to take one with a cocoa content of at least 72%: yes, it is dark chocolate, but it does not contain excess sugar and milk. The best sweets for tea can be marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade.

If store-bought sweets do not inspire confidence in you, you can easily prepare them yourself: simple and easy-to-prepare recipes are well known and posted on many culinary Internet sites.


Ideal liquids in terms of calorie content are water, green and black tea, herbal teas, black coffee. They weigh...0 calories. Of course, provided that two or three teaspoons of sugar or honey are not added to them and 100–200 ml of cream or full-fat milk is not poured into them.

Complex drinks, for example cocktails, the recipes of which include milk, sweeteners, cream, should not be consumed often. Well, cast a spell on them, slightly modifying them classic recipes, is also not forbidden.

The table below will help you understand the calorie content of foods and create the optimal menu for the day. Hung in a visible place in the kitchen, such a table indicating the energy value of each product will help you prepare delicious and healthy dishes for the whole family.

The product's name Calorie content per 100 g of product, kcal
Greenery 13
cucumbers 15
Tomatoes 19
Radish 19
Asparagus 20
Spinach 22
Zucchini 23
Green beans 24
Eggplant 24
Cabbage 27
Pumpkin 28
Mushrooms 30
Onion 41
Polka dots 55
Potato 83
Fruits and berries
Lemon 31
Mandarin 38
Orange 38
Pear 42
Raspberries 42
Plum 43
Peaches 44
Apples 45
Apricots 46
Cherry 52
Pomegranate 52
Milk and dairy products
Low-fat kefir 30
Skim milk 31
Low-fat cottage cheese 88
Sour cream 10% 115
Cream 10% 116
Meat and offal
Beef liver 125
Lean chicken 135
Veal 131
Chicken liver 140
Beef tongue 146
Rabbit meat 183
Beef 187
Fish and seafood
Sea kale 50
Mussels 50
Pollock 70
Squid 75
Cod 78
Blue whiting 81
Burbot 92
Zander 97

This table will serve as a great help to housewives who care about the health of all members of their family. However, your own table, compiled on the basis of the one proposed, may include many more products: it all depends on the individual preferences of each household member.

A balanced diet and getting enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates is extremely important for the human body. Without these components, the body will not function normally, and an excess of these substances leads to extremely negative consequences.

If there is an excess of protein, the body does not have time to absorb it; it sinks to the bottom of the intestine undigested and begins to decompose there, releasing substances that are toxic to the body.

Eating a significant amount of fat complicates metabolic processes, which leads not only to obesity, but also slows down nervous activity. A large number of carbohydrates are converted by the body into fat, which also leads to obesity.

Frequent or regular consumption of high-calorie foods that are rich in fat leads to hypertension, the formation of cholesterol plaques, and stroke. Also, consuming a large amount of fat causes the release of free radicals in the body, and they cause the formation of malignant tumors.

Well, let’s not forget about banal obesity, which not only interferes with beauty, but also leads to the development of many diseases associated with weight gain.

But don’t immediately throw the bottle of olive oil into the trash! No matter how great a person’s desire for reduced fat consumption is, it will not be possible to get rid of them at all.

According to the calorie tables, each product contains these components, namely:

  • water;
  • carbohydrates;
  • protein;
  • fats.

For example: the fat found in fish is polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 5), ​​they are simply necessary for our body. Nuts (almonds), which also contain fats (omega 6), essential for the functioning of our body.

List of low-calorie foods

Low-calorie foods are those that, according to the calorie table, do not gain 100 kilocalories per 100 grams of weight.

In meat products it is veal. Low-calorie meat products include:

  • beef kidneys;
  • beef liver;
  • pork heart;
  • pork kidneys.
  • lamb kidneys;
  • lamb heart;

Low-calorie protein products are some types of fish, both sea and river. This one is not far full list low-calorie fish kingdom.

Sea fish:

  • flounder;
  • smelt;
  • icy;
  • macrusus;
  • pollock;
  • navaga;
  • whiting;
  • cod.

Freshwater fish:

  • crucian carp;
  • carp;
  • burbot;
  • river perch;
  • zander.

Dairy and fermented milk products:

  • acidophilic milk;
  • natural yogurt;
  • curdled milk;
  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

And also vegetables and fruits, by nature they contain few calories, however, there are exceptions. In vegetables, garlic stood out from the list, gaining as much as 106 kcal. In fruits, rose hips and dates are the leaders, gaining 101 and 281 kcal, respectively.

Up to 40 kcal

  • eggplants – 26 kcal;
  • zucchini – 27 kcal;
  • white cabbage – 27 kcal;
  • onion (feather) – 22 kcal;
  • carrots – 30 kcal;
  • cucumbers – 13 kcal;
  • sorrel – 21 kcal;
  • pepper – 27 kcal;
  • radish – 32 kcal;
  • turnip – 26 kcal;
  • salad – 13 kcal;
  • cauliflower – 29 kcal;
  • radishes – 19 kcal;
  • tomatoes – 19 kcal;
  • green beans – 32 kcal;
  • spinach – 28 kcal.
  • quince berries – 38 kcal;
  • cherry plum – 34 kcal;
  • orange – 37 kcal;
  • grapefruit – 38 kcal;
  • lemon – 32 kcal;
  • tangerine – 37 kcal;
  • blueberries – 35 kcal;
  • blackberries – 33 kcal;
  • cranberries – 38 kcal;
  • cloudberries – 31 kcal;
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries – 30 kcal;
  • currant berries – 39 kcal;


  • sea ​​cabbage – 5 kcal;
  • sea ​​cucumbers – 35 kcal.

Up to 70 kcal

  • onions – 44 kcal;
  • parsley (root, greens) – 46 kcal;
  • beets – 47 kcal;
  • apricot fruits – 46 kcal;
  • pineapple – 47 kcal;
  • cherry berries – 48 kcal;
  • pomegranate fruits – 51 kcal;
  • pear fruits – 43 kcal;
  • figs – 55 kcal;
  • dogwood berries – 45 kcal;
  • peach fruits – 44 kcal;
  • rowan berries – 58 kcal;
  • plum berries – 43 kcal;
  • persimmon fruits – 63 kcal;
  • cherry berries – 52 kcal;
  • mulberry berries – 53 kcal;
  • apples – 46 kcal;
  • lingonberries – 40 kcal;
  • grape berries – 69 kcal;
  • strawberries – 41 kcal;
  • gooseberries – 44 kcal;
  • raspberries – 41 kcal;
  • blueberries – 41 kcal;
  • black currant – 41 kcal.

Meat by-products:

  • beef kidneys – 67 kcal.
  • grenadier – 60 kcal;
  • pollock – 69 kcal;
  • crabs – 69 kcal;

Dairy products:

  • natural yogurt – 52 kcal;
  • kefir (fat) – 58 kcal;
  • milk – 59 kcal;
  • curdled milk – 57 kcal.

Low-calorie diet foods

  • boiled rice (brown);
  • radish;
  • yogurt;
  • boiled lentils;
  • Champignon;
  • all greens for salads;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes and cucumbers.

Fiber found in fresh vegetables slows down the process of absorption of carbohydrates and fats in the body, nutrients from food can be better absorbed and not turn into fat deposits.

Low-calorie products from which the salad is prepared will be useful as diet food, only if you prepare the dressing for them yourself. Instead of mayonnaise and sunflower oil For dressing, take lemon or apple cider vinegar.

When planning to lose weight with a low-calorie diet, it is worth remembering that the number of calories should not be less than 1000–1400 per day. Otherwise, there is a risk of serious harm to health. Ideally, the diet should be developed by a nutritionist. In such a diet, proteins should predominate, then weight loss will occur due to the burning of fat, and not muscle mass.

Low-calorie menu:

  • Breakfast: 200 ml of juice (fruit, vegetable), a small cracker.
  • Second breakfast: tea 150 ml (without sugar), black bread 60 g with meat (boiled, grilled) 60 g, 2 tomatoes.
  • Lunch: borscht 200 ml, 1 soft-boiled egg, boiled fish 60 g, boiled potatoes 2 pcs, vegetable salad 100 g.
  • Lunch: fruit 150 g, biscuit 40 g.
  • Dinner: low-fat kefir 200 ml, stale bread 40 g, a teaspoon of jam.

Low-calorie breakfast

You can cook it for breakfast oatmeal by adding skim milk. You can chop an apple, banana or dried fruits into it: raisins, dried apricots, prunes.

An excellent option is porridge made from whole grains and ground: pearl barley, wheat, gornovka, barley. You can prepare a salad for such porridges or make them sweet by adding honey and fruit.

Low calorie lunch

Most often, the most satisfying dishes are prepared for lunch. But they can be made even from the most low-calorie foods. For example, you can cook eggplants with mushrooms and tomatoes, baked in the oven. A salad with beans goes well with them.

The second option for lunch would be liver with apples in the oven, as well as winter salad from beets, cucumbers and carrots. The recipes for these dishes can be read below.

Low-calorie dinner

The calorie content of such a dinner should not be higher than 350 units. So, this rule corresponds to such dishes as vegetable stew, rice with vegetables, seafood salad, spinach casserole.

All these dishes will have a great effect on weight loss and at the same time saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Low-calorie recipes

Baked eggplants with mushrooms and tomatoes


  • eggplants – 450 gr;
  • tomatoes – 250 gr;
  • cheese (hard) – 90 g;
  • mushrooms – 250 gr;
  • sour cream – 150 gr;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • greenery;
  • salt.


Wash the eggplants and cut them into slices. Add salt and set aside for 30 minutes so that they are not bitter. Rinse the eggplants with water. Cut tomatoes and mushrooms into slices. Pass the garlic through a press or finely chop it, mix it with sour cream.

Grate the cheese or cut into thin slices. Place eggplants in layers, mushrooms and tomatoes on top. Place sour cream and garlic on top of the tomatoes and sprinkle with cheese. Bake at 180 – 190 °C for 35 minutes.

Baked liver with apples


  • beef liver – 450 g;
  • onions – 4 pcs;
  • apples (sour) – 300 g;
  • sour cream – 150 gr;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp;
  • pepper, salt;
  • baking foil.


Wash and cleanse the liver. Cut into portions, wrap in cling film and beat it off. Salt and pepper. Peel the onion, cut into cubes and fry in olive oil. Peel and seed the apples and grate them on a coarse grater.

Cut the foil into 15–17 cm rectangles. Place the liver, onions, apples on the foil and brush with sour cream. Fold the edges of the foil to form envelopes. Bake for 10 - 15 minutes at 250 °C, then uncover the foil for another 20 minutes.

Low-calorie salads

Winter salad


  • beets – 3 pcs;
  • carrots – 3 pcs;
  • pickled cucumbers – 3 pcs;
  • oil (mustard, linseed) – 1 tbsp. l;
  • green peas – 4 tbsp. l;
  • onion -0.5 onions.


Boil the vegetables, cool, peel and cut into cubes. Add onion, peas and mustard oil, mix everything. Place on a plate and decorate with herbs. If desired, the greens can be finely chopped into a salad.

Vegetable salad with beans


  • tomatoes – 2 pcs;
  • boiled beans – 0.5 cups;
  • cucumbers – 3 pcs;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs;
  • onion (medium) – 1 piece;
  • sweet pepper – 2 pcs;
  • lettuce (leaves) – 1 bunch;
  • oil (olive, linseed) – 1 tbsp;
  • a pinch of salt.


Wash greens and vegetables. Peel the onion and remove the seeds from the pepper. Cut peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes into large slices, tear the lettuce into small slices. Add beans, lemon juice, flaxseed oil, salt and mix.

Rules for a balanced diet

  1. Dishes must be cooked steamed, grilled or in the oven, without sauces or oil.
  2. You need to drink 1.8 - 2 liters per day clean water. Drinking water before meals will dull the feeling of hunger, which will help reduce the amount of food you eat and remove toxins from the body.
  3. For such diets, the serving of protein and grains is 100 grams, and the serving of fruits and vegetables is 200 grams.
  4. You should not eat apples after meals, they increase the calorie content of the food taken by 10%, it is better to leave the apple for a separate snack.
  5. Eat meals up to 6 times a day.

How to lose weight on low-calorie foods

Get active physical activity for weight loss, while leaving fatty foods in the diet, takes a long time and is not effective. As soon as you step off the treadmill, your body will immediately gain all the spent “wealth” back. But very often, there is simply not enough time for active sports!

Foods that promote weight gain

  • fruit juices, even freshly squeezed;
  • sugar;
  • cakes and pastries;
  • margarine;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sweet water;
  • sausages, sausage;
  • potato chips;
  • sausages;
  • mutton;
  • breakfast cereals.

It is much more effective, without changing your lifestyle, to change your diet to a low-calorie diet. Lose weight without feeling hungry and don’t exhaust yourself in the gym.

To achieve results as quickly as possible, it is worth doing a fasting day for the body once a week, consuming not 1400 kcal per day, but cutting the diet to 800–1100 kcal. This will not allow the body to get used to the diet and begin to accumulate “reserves” again.

Hello my dear readers! Keeping yourself in good shape is a lot of work. Day by day you have to watch what you eat. Counting calories becomes a habit. But what if there is a way to simplify such a difficult path to perfection? If only there were calorie-free food - just vitamins. It turns out there is. And now I will tell you about it.

We all eat. In addition to vitamins and microelements, food gives us energy, without which it is impossible to live. The amount of energy obtained from foods is measured in calories. The higher the calorie content of the product, the more energy the body will receive when assimilated.

Almost any food contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Exceptions are water, tea and coffee, as well as spices and salt. Each element releases a certain amount of energy during decay. That is, its calorie content depends on the composition of the product. Many people know that fatty foods are bad for your figure.

1 gram of fat contains 9 kcal, and 1 gram of carbohydrates or protein contains only 4 kcal

In order not to gain weight, you need to know yours. Don't eat more than you need, and the extra pounds won't bother you. To lose weight, you need to reduce the number of calories. Just don’t forget that moderation is good in everything. It is wise not to cut down your daily diet, but to replace harmful and high-calorie foods with healthier ones.

Negative calorie foods

When I started to create a diet that suits me, I came across a very interesting information. There are foods that help us lose weight. Many have heard of the so-called? These often include products that do not directly affect fat. But they are really important when dealing with overweight. Let me explain in more detail.

The human body spends about 10% of all calories expended per day on digesting food. But some foods are digested easier and faster, while more energy is spent on processing others. That is, eating dishes with negative calorie, a person spends more calories digesting them than they contain.

Let me explain with an example. You eat 100 grams of broccoli. Cabbage contains 25 kcal. In fact, it is a low-calorie product with high content fiber. It is believed that to digest this amount of broccoli the body will spend 80 kcal. Which is 55 kcal (80-25) more than the calorie content of cabbage itself. Where will he get the extra calories from? From your “strategic reserves” stored on your hips :)

However, a sufficient amount of research has not yet been conducted on how much our body spends on digesting certain foods. Therefore, there is no clear list of foods with negative calories.

It seems great! The fight against excess weight is no longer a struggle, but a pleasure. Chew on some carrots or broccoli and everything will be fine. But, if you think about it and start counting, your optimism will decrease. How many carrots do you need to eat to lose all those extra pounds?

On the other hand, there is a minimum of calories that our body should receive per day. You can’t force yourself to go hungry and eat only carrots or cabbage. This will not add beauty to you, but it will definitely cause health problems. So be careful and don't overdo it.

Calorie-free foods

What foods are considered calorie-free? Nutritionists include all those whose calorie content is less than 60 kcal. Most are low in sugar and high in fiber. I suggest you read the list of such miracle products below. I'm sure everyone will find something to their liking.

From 0 to 20 kcal contain

And don't forget to drink water. It contains 0 kcal and helps fight hunger pangs. The diet won't be so painful.

Contains from 20 to 30 kcal