List of the lowest calorie foods for quick weight loss. Low (negative) calorie foods for weight loss

Hello my dear readers! Keeping yourself in good shape is a lot of work. Day by day you have to watch what you eat. Counting calories becomes a habit. But what if there is a way to simplify such a difficult path to perfection? If only there were calorie-free food - just vitamins. It turns out there is. And now I will tell you about it.

We all eat. In addition to vitamins and microelements, food gives us energy, without which it is impossible to live. The amount of energy obtained from foods is measured in calories. The higher the calorie content of the product, the more energy the body will receive when assimilated.

Almost any food contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Exceptions are water, tea and coffee, as well as spices and salt. Each element releases a certain amount of energy during decay. That is, its calorie content depends on the composition of the product. Many people know that fatty foods are bad for your figure.

1 gram of fat contains 9 kcal, and 1 gram of carbohydrates or protein contains only 4 kcal

In order not to gain weight, you need to know your daily calorie intake. Don't eat more than you need and overweight you won't be disturbed. To lose weight, you need to reduce the number of calories. Just don’t forget that moderation is good in everything. It is wise not to cut down your daily diet, but to replace harmful and high-calorie foods with healthier ones.

Negative calorie foods

When I started to create a diet that suits me, I came across a very interesting information. There are foods that help us lose weight. How many have heard about the so-called fat burners? These often include products that do not directly affect fat. But they are really important when fighting overweight. Let me explain in more detail.

The human body spends about 10% of all calories expended per day on digesting food. But some foods are digested easier and faster, while more energy is spent on processing others. That is, when eating foods with a negative calorie content, a person spends more calories digesting them than they contain.

Let me explain with an example. You eat 100 grams of broccoli. Cabbage contains 25 kcal. Essentially, it is a low-calorie, high-fiber product. It is believed that to digest this amount of broccoli the body will spend 80 kcal. Which is 55 kcal (80-25) more than the calorie content of cabbage itself. Where will he get the extra calories from? From your “strategic reserves” stored on your hips :)

However, a sufficient amount of research has not yet been conducted on how much our body spends on digesting certain foods. Therefore, there is no clear list of foods with negative calories.

It seems great! The fight against excess weight is no longer a struggle, but a pleasure. Chew on some carrots or broccoli and everything will be fine. But, if you think about it and start counting, your optimism will decrease. How many carrots do you need to eat to lose all those extra pounds?

On the other hand, there is a minimum of calories that our body should receive per day. You can’t force yourself to go hungry and eat only carrots or cabbage. This will not add beauty to you, but it will definitely cause health problems. So be careful and don't overdo it.

Calorie-free foods

What foods are considered low-calorie? Nutritionists include all those whose calorie content is less than 60 kcal. Most are low in sugar and high in fiber. I suggest you read the list of such miracle products below. I'm sure everyone will find something to their liking.

From 0 to 20 kcal contain

And don't forget to drink water. It contains 0 kcal and helps fight hunger pangs. The diet won't be so painful.

Contains from 20 to 30 kcal

Hello my dear readers! Keeping yourself in good shape is a lot of work. Day by day you have to watch what you eat. Counting calories becomes a habit. But what if there is a way to simplify such a difficult path to perfection? If only there were calorie-free food - just vitamins. It turns out there is. And now I will tell you about it.

We all eat. In addition to vitamins and microelements, food gives us energy, without which it is impossible to live. The amount of energy obtained from foods is measured in calories. The higher the calorie content of the product, the more energy the body will receive when assimilated.

Almost any food contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Exceptions are water, tea and coffee, as well as spices and salt. Each element releases a certain amount of energy during decay. That is, its calorie content depends on the composition of the product. Many people know that fatty foods are bad for your figure.

1 gram of fat contains 9 kcal, and 1 gram of carbohydrates or protein contains only 4 kcal

In order not to gain weight, you need to know yours. Don't eat more than you need, and the extra pounds won't bother you. To lose weight, you need to reduce the number of calories. Just don’t forget that moderation is good in everything. It is wise not to cut down your daily diet, but to replace harmful and high-calorie foods with healthier ones.

Negative calorie foods

When I began to create a diet that suits me, I came across very interesting information. There are foods that help us lose weight. Many have heard of the so-called? These often include products that do not directly affect fat. But they are really important in the fight against excess weight. Let me explain in more detail.

The human body spends about 10% of all calories expended per day on digesting food. But some foods are digested easier and faster, while more energy is spent on processing others. That is, when eating foods with a negative calorie content, a person spends more calories digesting them than they contain.

Let me explain with an example. You eat 100 grams of broccoli. Cabbage contains 25 kcal. Essentially, it is a low-calorie, high-fiber product. It is believed that to digest this amount of broccoli the body will spend 80 kcal. Which is 55 kcal (80-25) more than the calorie content of cabbage itself. Where will he get the extra calories from? From your “strategic reserves” stored on your hips :)

However, a sufficient amount of research has not yet been conducted on how much our body spends on digesting certain foods. Therefore, there is no clear list of foods with negative calories.

It seems great! The fight against excess weight is no longer a struggle, but a pleasure. Chew on some carrots or broccoli and everything will be fine. But, if you think about it and start counting, your optimism will decrease. How many carrots do you need to eat to lose all those extra pounds?

On the other hand, there is a minimum of calories that our body should receive per day. You can’t force yourself to go hungry and eat only carrots or cabbage. This will not add beauty to you, but it will definitely cause health problems. So be careful and don't overdo it.

Calorie-free foods

What foods are considered low-calorie? Nutritionists include all those whose calorie content is less than 60 kcal. Most are low in sugar and high in fiber. I suggest you read the list of such miracle products below. I'm sure everyone will find something to their liking.

From 0 to 20 kcal contain

And don't forget to drink water. It contains 0 kcal and helps fight hunger pangs. The diet won't be so painful.

Contains from 20 to 30 kcal

The concept of satiety of food is individual. A lot of things influence this - serving size, fiber content, amount of protein, digestion speed, and, finally, associations. Some sources praise apples as a real storehouse of satiety, and bless cabbage as the main fighter against kg. Others curse the first as a source of increased appetite, and the second as also the best remedy“stretch the stomach.” Everyone is right, in fact, everyone should choose a list of nutritious foods for themselves individually.

What foods are filling and low-calorie at the same time?

Technically, there are very few of them. According to the ADA classification, we can classify as low-calorie foods only food whose energy value does not exceed 90-100 kcal per serving (120 g according to the same classification). How many such foods do you know? Among the vegetables and fruits there are almost all representatives of the kingdom. What about meat and fish?

In general, in the strictest sense, these are:

  • - cod, haddock, pollock, hake, lemonema. The meat of this fish gives us a little more than 73 kcal per 100 g, mainly from protein. Contains all essential amino acids. Helps prepare dinner even when there are very few calories left and time is short. Cooks in seconds. Don't like boiled fish? Steam or bake in foil. But frying increases the calorie content of a serving by 200 kcal. And the fish is no longer so useful. Many people, however, will not agree that white fish is filling. It is digested quite quickly, leaving the stomach in just a couple of hours. How to “slow it down”? Serve on a bed of fibrous vegetables such as broccoli, kohlrabi and cauliflower. You can also grate carrots, it only improves the taste fish dishes;
  • - shrimp, crabs, mussels. Sounds more interesting, right? However, supporters of strict low-carb diets shy away from the meat of these marine inhabitants. The reason is as much as one gram of glycogen per 100 g of product. Seafood rarely contains more than 83 kcal per 100 g; our rare lobsters and sea cucumbers are slightly more nutritious. This category of products has a lot in common. All are a source of complete protein, all contain omega-3 and help fight hunger. They are also digested quickly, so for the needs of satiety - with vegetables;
  • - extra-low-fat beef. Or very dry veal, as we call it. In general, it is veal meat, completely devoid of fat. It will need to be steamed, and this is the only type of meat that is “low-calorie” in principle. Even chicken breast meat contains about 120 kcal versus 101 kcal from this. In addition, calf meat contains complete triheme iron, and therefore should be included in the diet of absolutely all women of childbearing age;
  • - all types of vegetables without starch. Cabbage and zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes, leafy greens and celery. All of them contain a lot of fiber and water, and little, literally from 18 to 35 kcal per 100 g. Do you want something sweet? Eat pumpkin. Salty? Sprinkle the cucumber salad with pulverized seaweed. Mashed potatoes? Grind with a blender cauliflower. Chips? Dry the kale collards in the oven and sprinkle with spices. Vegetables will appeal to everyone who is looking for satisfying weight loss;
  • - all mushrooms. Here are the opinions of nutritionists different schools separated. In the USA, the “common theory” is the benefits of mushrooms for a healthy, non-allergic person. Their fiber-rich protein bodies are believed to keep us full for a long time, and “protect” us from being consumed junk food. For example, fried fatty meat. But in Russian-language textbooks on dietetics, mushrooms are considered a controversial product. Many people are not able to assimilate and digest them at all, since they are very “demanding” of the enzyme activity of the gastrointestinal tract. One way or another, no more than 20 kcal per 100 g;
  • - seaweed. We eat little of them, but the Japanese eat a lot. Guess who's slimmer? This is, of course, an unscientific approach, but seaweed is filling due to its “gel-like” consistency. They fill the stomach, envelop... And they are also tasty and healthy, as they contain a lot of iodine, which we also need for weight loss;
  • - unsweetened and watery fruits. We have grapefruits and some varieties of pomelo, as well as green apples. Most doctors will also include all berries except watermelon and most sweet fruits on the list. But it is these gifts of nature that require an individual approach. Many people experience pangs of hunger due to one fruit and are “tolerant” of others;
  • - konnyaku fiber pasta. They contain about 12 kcal per 100 g and are almost not absorbed by our bodies. Konnyaku is a tough insoluble fiber that cleanses the intestines and helps reduce the glycemic load of food. Food with konjac is recommended for diabetics and those losing weight. The only negative is that if you overeat, it can cause bloating.

Slightly behind the low-calorie list are foods such as chicken breasts, coarse porridges made from buckwheat, barley and brown rice. More nutritious, but certainly very filling, are legumes, including soybeans. Food combinations are also important in reducing calories and increasing satiety.

Win-win pairings to satisfy your hunger

Adding vegetables to your food will help reduce the calorie content of your food. Vegetables with porridge are more satisfying than just porridge. Vegetables with meat - than just meat.

And there are also pairs of foods, one of which is filling, the other low in calories:

  • - coarse oatmeal and yogurt or cottage cheese;
  • - chicken eggs and spinach or broccoli;
  • - any meat and green vegetables;
  • - low-calorie cottage cheese with bran and honey;
  • - strawberries or raspberries and cottage cheese 0%/

Of course there are some low calorie foods- not an option. We still need fats and complex carbohydrates, and not just “dry” proteins and fiber. But from time to time, when you want to eat a lot, and the calorie range is modest, you shouldn’t give them up. After all, they make our life easier.

The desire to look good, to be active, to have a slim figure - such desires are not alien to most people, regardless of age and gender. There is ma ]]>

Calorie concept

Before defining what the lowest calorie foods are, you need to remember the concept of “calories”. Calories are the energy that enters the body when food is broken down. Some foods contain a lot of energy, others little. The calorie content of a product is determined by its composition and the content of carbohydrates and fats in it.

Followers healthy image life carefully study product labels in the store before purchasing, and they are right. As a rule, on each package food product There is a table of energy value per 100 g.

Calories received from food must be used by the body. If a person takes in more calories than he burns, he gains weight. If fewer calories come in than are expended, a person loses weight. If these two values ​​are the same, then the weight is stable.

How many calories a person spends per day depends on the type of activity. For example, in an 8-hour working day, a programmer spends on average 550 kcal, a teacher - 1050 kcal, a bus driver - 1500 kcal, and people who have serious physical activity (loaders, diggers, athletes, etc.) - 2050 kcal. Energy is constantly expended - when walking, doing housework, reading, and even while sleeping (during sleep, a person spends up to 70 kcal per hour).

There is a table according to which a person can calculate how much energy he burns per day on average.

Energy is needed not only for physical activity and work. Even the breakdown of the same food entering the body also requires a certain amount of calories.

To lose weight, you need to structure your diet so that the total amount of energy you get from food is less than the calories you burn. This kind of careful calorie counting can seem boring. However, practice shows that it is this approach to nutrition that allows you to lose weight and control your weight. This is the most reliable and proven method.

Low calorie foods

It is known that different products differ significantly in energy value. For example, 100 g of pork (shoulder part) contains 365.5 kcal, 100 g of chicken breast - 113 kcal, and 100 g of radish - 20 kcal. So choose what to eat so as not to gain weight.

There is a table that contains data on the energy value of a particular product, i.e. number of kilocalories per 100 g. Here are the lowest calorie dairy products.

The calorie content of dairy products depends not only on the amount of fat. As you can see, even low-fat products contain at least 31 kcal per 100 g. This is due to the presence of carbohydrates in them.

What types of meat are the lowest in calories?

Calorie content of meat in to a large extent depends on the part of the carcass, the degree of fatness of the animal, etc. So, the fewest calories in chicken breast without skin - no more than 115, and a chicken leg - already 161 kcal. The cooking method also affects the calorie content of meat. If you fry it in a frying pan with added oil or fat, the calories will only increase. Grilled meat gives up its fat (and calories). From a weight loss point of view, boiled meat is the most low-calorie and healthy.

Eggs deserve special mention. IN chicken eggs contains 157 kcal per 100 g, i.e. 1 egg contains approximately 60-80 kcal. Quail eggs contain 168 kcal/100 g, and one egg contains, respectively, 14-15 kcal.

Among fish and seafood there are also those that are useful for weight loss, i.e. the lowest in calories.

The method of preparing fish and seafood affects the energy value. The most popular cooking methods that help reduce calories are boiling and grilling.

Cereals and porridges, depending on the method of preparation, vary significantly in calorie content. Smallest number calories are contained in porridges cooked in water.

Mushrooms have always been considered dietary product. The table confirms this.

This is about fresh mushrooms. If you boil, stew, or marinate them, then the given data on the energy value will be fair. TO fried mushrooms this does not apply.

The leaders among low-calorie foods are vegetables. Table.

Fruits and berries also do not have high energy value. Here are the lowest calorie ones.

The list of vegetables, berries and fruits can be continued for a long time; they have no fat, calories are provided by carbohydrates, mostly represented by fructose. In addition, berries, fruits and vegetables contain a huge amount of vitamins and mineral complexes necessary for the body. Another advantage of fruits and berries for weight loss is that they do not have to be cooked.
Let's move on to drinks. Which ones are suitable for losing weight?

After reviewing the lowest-calorie foods, we can conclude that creating a varied and comfortable menu for weight loss from them will not be difficult. It is important that the amount of energy received is less than the amount expended. If you make calculations and adhere to this rule, then everyone can have the desired weight.


In addition to the number of calories, when choosing products for weight loss, it is necessary to take into account their vitamin and mineral composition, as well as their compatibility with each other. In addition to energy, the body requires various essential substances, which must come from food. This also needs to be taken into account when creating a menu for weight loss.

There are also little secrets. Some low-calorie foods help burn fat.

The term “negative calories” appeared not so long ago, and still causes a lot of controversy. The fact is that the breakdown and absorption of some foods by the body requires more energy than they contain. These products are high in fiber. Accordingly, to “process” them, the body spends stored energy, i.e. extra calories. For example, to digest 100 g of celery you need to spend 14 kcal, but it itself contains only 12. Similar products include many vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, herbs, spices and algae. Using this property of products, you can enhance the weight loss effect or create own system nutrition.

The amount of water content in the product also plays an important role. So, in cucumbers it is at least 95%, in watermelon - at least 92%, and in carrots - more than 90%. Such low-calorie foods will fill you up and cleanse your body of harmful substances, but will not contribute to excess weight.

The most beneficial way to lose weight will be to include in your diet foods that are not only low-calorie, but also have fat-burning properties:

  • Cabbage, cucumbers, beets, sweet peppers, celery, squash, zucchini;
  • Ginger, cinnamon;
  • Green tea;
  • Citrus fruits, especially grapefruit (you need to remember that septum fat is especially useful for the process of burning fat, so after peeling citrus fruits, you need to eat them whole)
  • A pineapple;
  • Raspberries;
  • Mushrooms.

These foods will add variety to your diet and help you achieve more while burning calories.

To low calorie diet really brought benefits and the desired effect, I would like to give a few recommendations:

  1. When creating a menu and counting calories, do not forget about the method of cooking. The body receives the greatest benefit from fresh foods. Therefore, eat what you can raw.
  2. It is better to boil or grill meat and seafood.
  3. Vegetables can be stewed, baked, boiled or eaten fresh.
  4. It is better to boil or stew mushrooms.
  5. Vegetables and fruits can be used to prepare a large number of desserts and salads. Use low-fat yogurt as a dressing.
  6. Don't forget about dairy products.
  7. Try to avoid anything that will increase the calorie content of foods.
  8. If you have a sweet tooth, then tea with honey and fruit may well satisfy your need for sweets.
  9. Remember the benefits physical activity, they strengthen the body, make it work more actively and renew itself.

Watch your diet, do not neglect moderation in food, and bloom appearance and slim beautiful figure will always be with you.

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Products with low calorie content must necessarily form the diet of a person who has decided to make his body slimmer. It is known that food directly affects the body's energy. And promotion as well as demotion vital energy, depends on the food consumed. However, there are healthy foods that have a beneficial effect on a person’s health and energy, without adding extra pounds.

Reduced fat content is one of the main criteria for low-calorie foods. Since calorie production doubles when fat is broken down. When breaking down carbohydrates and proteins, the opposite is true.

Low-calorie foods should contain sufficient carbohydrates and fiber.

Carbohydrates, which are easily digested, allow the body to easily cope with the calories that come from fat. And here high content fiber will allow the body to be in a state of satiety sufficiently long time because it takes a long time to digest.

Well, and most importantly - great content water. Since there are no calories in water at all, and based on this, the more water a product contains, the less room there will be for fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

The lowest calorie foods for weight loss are plant foods

Fiber is the fibrous part of plants that lowers cholesterol levels and slows down the body's absorption of carbohydrates. Thus, it turns out that the lowest-calorie foods can be considered plant foods.

These are herbs, spices, teas, vegetables, fruits and berries that contain many minerals, dietary fiber and vitamins. And yet, the record holders for low calorie content are vegetables.

For example, broccoli contains 33 kilocalories per 100g, while having many useful qualities, thanks to its composition. Broccoli contains: calcium, proteins, magnesium.

In addition to the benefits of using this product for weight loss, there is also the fact that broccoli prevents cancer. Broccoli is consumed boiled and raw.

Helpful advice: Do not overcook broccoli to avoid losing important nutrients.

In 100g carrots, which is a source of carotenoids – 35 kilocalories. The benefits of carrots are great, due to its antioxidant effect, it strengthens the immune system, increases intestinal motility, and is good for vision.

100g contains 40 kilocalories. Artichoke nourishes the human body with important components: potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium. And thanks to the complex of enzymes and sugars it contains, it is able to have a beneficial effect and normalize blood sugar levels.

You can also highlight other vegetables and herbs that will be useful in the process of losing weight. Some of these minimally calorie-containing foods include:

  • Eggplants – 24 kcal;

  • Parsley - 49 kcal;

  • Potatoes – 83 kcal;

  • Zucchini – 27 kcal;

  • Celery root – 32 kcal;

  • Red cabbage – 31 kcal;

  • Leek – 40 kcal;

  • Red and green peppers – 27/23 kcal;

  • Turnips and white cabbage – 28 kcal;

  • Beets – 48 kcal;

  • Onions – 43 kcal;

  • Cauliflower – 29 kcal;

  • Parsley root – 47 kcal.

Fruits, like vegetables and greens, are low in calories, even though they contain fructose. For fruits to be effective during weight loss, they must be consumed in daytime, best before lunch and in small portions.

100g of grapefruit contains about 35 kilocalories. Perhaps the most best helper for those losing weight. It has such a quality as the ability to suppress appetite. It will be enough to drink a glass of juice or eat a little grapefruit and hunger, no matter what. It is known that ¼ of a grapefruit burns up to 800 kcal.

The calorie content of pineapple per 100g is 48 kilocalories. Pineapple is able to cleanse the body of toxins, lower blood pressure, and regulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). Burns calories, just like papaya.

Papaya contains 43 kilocalories in 100g. Its composition contains a large number of enzymes that help absorb proteins and burn fats. It is best to eat papaya during meals, as its effects do not last long.

In addition to the fruits already mentioned, the following fruits and berries will be useful in the process of losing weight:

  • Lemon – 31 kcal;

  • Apricot – 46 kcal;

  • Orange, tangerine, red currant – 38 kcal;

  • Pear – 42 kcal;

  • Cranberry – 28 kcal;

  • Raspberries and strawberries – 41 kcal;

  • Plum – 43 kcal;

  • Gooseberries and peach – 44 kcal;

  • Black currant – 40 kcal;

  • Pomegranate – 52 kcal;

  • Apple – 46 kcal.

The lowest calorie meat products

Plant foods are good for weight loss, but you should not exclude meat products from your diet.

A long-term absence of meat in the diet of a losing weight person threatens the lack of useful substances in the body that are not found in plant foods.

Proteins, which come from meat products, constitute an important component in muscle building. Thanks to the work of muscles, physical activity allows us to burn the required amount of calories.

The body will spend more energy burning proteins rather than digesting fats and carbohydrates.

When choosing meat, you should give preference to rabbit meat, lean cuts of veal and beef, and white poultry meat. The listed products are quite filling. Their calorie content is as follows:

  • Lamb kidneys – 77 kcal;

  • Beef – 187 kcal;

  • Beef udder, brains, kidneys, heart, tongue - 173/124/66/87/163 kcal;

  • Turkey – 197 kcal;

  • Horsemeat – 143 kcal;

  • Rabbit – 199 kcal;

  • Chicken – 165 kcal;

  • Pork liver, kidneys, heart – 108/80/89 kcal;

  • Veal – 90 kcal;

  • Chicken – 156 kcal.

Lowest calorie dairy products

It is useful to include dairy products in your diet, which can burn fat just like vegetable products.

They have this ability thanks to calcitrol, which is produced with the help of calcium, which is abundant in dairy products.

Milk contains important components: lactose, protein, mineral trace elements and substances, fat-soluble vitamins.

Low-calorie dairy products include the following:

  • 10% cream – 118 kcal;

  • 10% sour cream – 116 kcal;

  • Full-fat kefir – 59 kcal;

  • Natural yogurt (1.5% fat) – 51 kcal;

  • Low-fat kefir – 30 kcal;

  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 86 kcal;

  • Half-fat cottage cheese – 156 kcal;

  • Curdled milk and milk – 58 kcal;

  • Ryazhenka – 85 kcal;

  • Condensed milk (no sugar) – 135 kcal.

Which foods are the lowest in calories: a review of the leaders (up to 20 kcal)

In addition to low-calorie and medium-calorie foods, there are foods with minimal or zero calories.

For example, calories greenery can be from 0 to 50 kcal. It will be very useful to use greens in cooking. various dishes, it is especially suitable for salads, as well as cocktails; use it as a sprinkle for main and first courses.

It is best to eat greens fresh, as they contain components such as vitamins and microelements, phytonutrients.

Eg, asparagus(20 kcal) and pumpkin(20-22 kcal) are needed to remove excess fluid in the body. Asparagus contains amino acids, as a result of which it is a diuretic and a kind of “food detoxifier”. If you want to lose weight up to 5 kg, then you need to consume 0.5 kg of these products daily for a month.

In 100g salad contains 15 kilocalories. The salad contains a lot of different useful elements and vitamins. Boosts the immune system and is an aid in blood regulation.

The product that brings the greatest benefit is considered to be - kale. The kilocalorie content per 100g is very low - only 5 kcal. Contains folic acid, vitamins, iron, manganese and phytonutrients.

How can we not remember such an important product as garlic - the calorie content of which is 4 kilocalories. It, like kale, helps fight cancer. It also reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases and is a strong antioxidant.

Chilli– 20 kilocalories per 100g of product. Stimulates the production of a natural analgesic. Protects the body from premature aging. Has the same functions as garlic and kale.

Tea(white, green, black) does not contain any calories at all, just like water. Tea is a strong antioxidant. Reduces the likelihood of a heart attack and is good remedy for cancer prevention. Useful properties There is a lot of tea: fluoride, creates safety for teeth; antispasmodic; anti-inflammatory; anti-allergenic.

Here is a few more lists of low-calorie foods that will dilute your diet and benefit the body:

  • Cucumber – 15 kcal;

  • Sea cabbage – 5 kcal;

  • Lettuce – 12 kcal;

  • Dill and parsley (greens) – 13 kcal;

  • Tomato – 14 kcal;

  • bamboo shoots, green onions, radishes, chard – 19 kcal.

So, having considered a wide variety of low-calorie foods for weight loss, we can conclude that the process of losing weight will be quite pleasant, and not only useful. Among huge amount plant, meat and dairy products, everyone will be able to choose what they like in their individual menu!