Products with the highest fiber content. Fiber-rich foods for weight loss - list

Anyone who monitors their health and strives to maintain a normal figure knows that food should be balanced. Every day, the human body needs carbohydrates, fats, protein, dietary fiber (fiber), acids, etc. While much is known about the benefits of dietary fiber, what properties dietary fiber has is not clear to everyone, because it is not digested by stomach enzymes.

Fiber is an organic fiber belonging to. Their peculiarity is that the substances do not dissolve, but passing through the digestive tract, they absorb all toxins, waste and harmful substances, removing them from the body. It is important to understand which foods contain these organic fibers and what functions they serve.

Useful properties

Fiber is found in plant foods - fruits, vegetables, cereals, plant leaves, etc. It is invaluable for the intestines; with its help, you can improve bowel movements, cleanse the body, get rid of constipation, but its benefits are not limited to this. You can also highlight the following benefits of consuming this beneficial substance:

  • Normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood. Organic fibers help strengthen and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, which has a beneficial effect on blood pressure and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Sugar control. Products with high content fiber is essential for people with diabetes mellitus, because active substances slow down the rate of absorption of sugars into the blood.
  • Fight with overweight . When dieting, foods containing fiber should become the basis of the diet. Fiber helps dissolve and remove fat, which is extremely important for weight loss.
  • Regulation of intestinal microflora. By consuming foods that contain insoluble substances, you can eliminate problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as prevent complications of diseases such as hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, and rectal cancer.

People between the ages of 15 and 55 need fiber the most. Then the need is reduced by 10 units. During pregnancy, the amount of foods high in organic fiber should increase as your food intake increases. Vitamin deficiency, anemia, intoxication, excess weight - all this is a reason to add more plant foods to your daily menu.

Norm, excess, deficiency

Based on numerous studies, it can be concluded that daily requirement the body's fiber content ranges from 20 to 40 grams. If your menu is incomplete, you need to include foods high in dietary fiber, such as rye bran, in your diet. 100 grams of product contains 44 g of fiber. You can also purchase ready-made mixtures based on it in pharmacies. If the body lacks organic substances, it will let you know, the main thing is to notice the signals in time. Signs of a lack of dietary fiber include:

  • unpleasant body odor, indicating that waste and toxins predominate in the body;
  • pressure changes and problems with blood vessels;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • rapid weight gain.

Popular wisdom says that everything is good in moderation. Therefore, you should not abuse foods that contain a lot of fiber. An excess of this beneficial substance can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as flatulence, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, nausea and vomiting, impaired motility and intestinal microflora.

Diet problem modern man lies in nutritional imbalance. We eat a lot, which quickly turns into sugar in the body and settles in the form of fat deposits on the hips, abdomen, sides and internal organs. To adjust the menu, you don’t need to buy pharmaceutical additives and dietary supplements, just increase your consumption of cereals and vegetables, add fiber-rich foods, the list of which can be found below.

What to include in your diet

When compiling a daily menu, carefully consider each item, focus on own desires, taste preferences and body needs. Almost everyone who is trying to lose weight thinks about foods rich in fiber. You can find out what contains the most dietary fiber by studying this list of foods. Most of the options presented are affordable and are sold in your nearest store.

/ 16.05.2018

Which cereal has the most fiber? Fiber-rich foods, types of fiber.

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Foods rich in coarse fiber

Fiber is divided into two types: soluble (soft) and insoluble (rough). The greatest benefits for our body are coarse fibers, which are a glucose polymer. They are not broken down in the gastrointestinal tract, are eliminated naturally, and are not a source of energy. Coarse fiber reduces the risk of cancer, helps reduce weight, and reduces cholesterol synthesis. Therefore, coarse fibers must be present in the diet of every person. Today we will tell you which foods contain coarse fiber.

Foods rich in coarse fiber are necessary for the human body to accelerate the synthesis of lipase in adipose tissue, regulate the amount of glucose in the blood, reduce plasma cholesterol, normalize the intestinal microflora, remove bile acids, and also to avoid the formation of gallstones . In addition, fiber reduces the risk of constipation and hemorrhoids and prevents the development of cancer.

Coarse fiber brings particular benefits women's health. If representatives of the fairer sex regularly consume foods containing fiber and coarse fibers, then the risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer is reduced.

Coarse plant fiber that enters the body from certain foods is not broken down in the stomach; it begins to absorb toxins and harmful substances. This happens due to silicon, which literally attracts heavy metals, radionuclides and viruses.

The benefits of coarse fibers for the body do not end there. If you want to maintain body weight and lose weight, then foods containing coarse fiber should become the basis of your diet. It not only has low calorie content, but also slows down the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In the stomach, it increases significantly in volume, stimulating intestinal function and bringing a feeling of fullness. Regular consumption of such foods suppresses appetite, removes water and sodium, and creates a feeling of fullness.

What foods contain coarse fiber: list

Products rich in coarse fiber include bran, wholemeal foods, cereals and muesli from solid cereals, as well as corn and brown rice. Add sprouted grains, bran, and oatmeal to salads.

Plant foods rich in coarse fiber also include vegetables and fruits: cauliflower, beans, broccoli, potatoes, pumpkin, cucumber, dill, sweet pepper. It is advisable to consume them with the peel, since it is in it that maximum quantity coarse fiber. Therefore, do not peel pears, apples, peaches and other fruits. Note that heat treatment does not affect the amount of fiber. But it is still advisable to consume them raw.

Rate of coarse fiber intake

We presented to you full list products containing coarse fiber. Now it is important to talk about the rules and norms for consuming products containing coarse plant fiber.

An adult needs 25-40 grams of coarse fiber per day. The exact daily requirement depends on physical activity, weight, and health status. To get this amount of coarse fiber, it is enough to eat 1.5 kg of fresh fruits and vegetables per day. Please note that this substance must be introduced into the body gradually.

You have probably heard many times about fiber and its benefits for the body. But complete and reliable information about this substance, which is often scattered across the Internet, cannot always be found in the required volume. Therefore, in this article we have prepared useful material, maximally revealing all the properties, benefits and features of fiber.

What is fiber?

Fiber is a nutritional element in the form of small dietary fibers. It should be noted that it does not saturate the human body with a charge of energy, however, it is very important in the functioning of the human body.

Contains mainly fibrous cellulose in food plant species, which contain a small amount of sugar. This element “works” for the benefit of the body, combining with other nutritional components. It is noteworthy that it inhibits the absorption of consumed fats, as well as proteins and carbohydrates. This means that such dietary fibers are actively help you get rid of extra pounds. This also means that it is not recommended for those who want to gain weight to consume fiber.

The benefit of fiber is to slow down the process of digesting food, therefore slowing down the processing of carbohydrates by enzymes. Eating soluble fiber reduces the level of bad cholesterol.

Types of dietary fiber and their content in different products

Insoluble fiber. It is contained in bran, grains(which were not processed), seeds, legumes, nuts, cauliflower and broccoli, as well as in the peels of various fruits and vegetables.

Useful properties are to speed up the digestion and movement of food. Often such fibers are used to prevent constipation and relieve the condition when it occurs. In addition, they effectively restore balance in the body's microflora.

Soluble fiber. Contained in beans, legumes, lentils, oats, barley, raisins, avocados, berries, apples, pears and peaches.

List of foods containing fiber:

Products, 100 g dry Fiber
Bran 40-45 g
Flax-seed 25-30 g
Dried mushrooms 20-25 g
Dried fruits 12-15 g
Legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc.) 9-13 g
Whole wheat bread 8-9 g
Various berries (blueberries, lingonberries, etc.) 5-8 g
Avocado 7 g
Sweet fruits (peaches, pears, oranges, strawberries, etc.) 2-4 g

Benefits of consuming fiber

1. Cholesterol and blood sugar levels are normalized.

2. The microflora is restored and maintained normally. At the same time, many pathogenic organisms become uncomfortable in it, as a result of which they die

3. Toxins are removed from the intestines.

4. The functioning of the digestive system improves.

5. Weight loss.

In addition, representatives of science have found that fiber reduces the risk of death from heart and vascular diseases. To do this, you need to consume 210 grams per day.

Fiber is a type of complex carbohydrate that cannot be digested by enzymes in the human stomach, but is beneficial for intestinal microflora and the general functions of the digestive system. The main fiber-rich foods are primarily the stems and grains of plants - in fact, it is fiber (or “dietary fiber”) that forms their dense structure.

Despite the fact that fiber is practically not absorbed by the body, it plays a critical role in digestion, providing mechanical movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract (1) . In addition, it helps regulate and balance blood sugar levels, thus influencing feelings of hunger and satiety, ultimately helping with weight loss.

It must be remembered that you cannot blindly trust the tables of fiber content in products found on the Internet - many of them have gross errors. For example, such tables often put grapefruit in first place in terms of maximum dietary fiber content, strangely implying that it is eaten with the peel.

A role is also played by the fact that the fiber content in plants varies quite significantly depending on the variety and method of cultivation, and in finished food products (for example, whole grain bread or pasta) - on specific production technologies. That is why it is better to focus on general logic than on a specific number.

Table of foods rich in fiber:

Fiber-rich foods

As can be seen from the table, the foods richest in fiber are bran (essentially the hard shell of the grain), flaxseed and whole grain cereals (for example, pearl barley, buckwheat and oats) - they contain up to 10-15 g of fiber per 100 g dry product. In addition, all types of legumes (including lentils and peas) contain a lot of fiber.

We also note that the fiber contained in oatmeal - beta-glucan - is especially beneficial for the body. Scientific research they say that regular consumption of beta-glucan in food not only normalizes the feeling of hunger and satiety, but also reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. That's why.

Daily value of fiber in the diet

The daily fiber intake for children and adults is 20-30 g (1). Athletes need up to 40 g of fiber per day due to a higher caloric intake and, accordingly, an increased volume of food consumed (2). Unfortunately, the diet of a typical city dweller contains at least half as much fiber.

The reasons for this are banal - love for potatoes, bread, sweet pastries, desserts, semi-finished products and products fast food, poor not only in dietary fiber, but also in vitamins and minerals. However, let us remind you once again that to replenish daily norm You need fiber not by taking pharmaceutical supplements in tablets, but by consuming fresh vegetables and various cereals.

Why is a lack of fiber dangerous?

Chronic lack of fiber in the diet provokes numerous metabolic disorders - starting with increased glucose levels and the associated constant feeling of hunger, overeating and weight gain. excess weight, ending with constipation. However, it is necessary to understand that a lack of fiber is primarily a consequence of a complex nutritional disorder.

Since fiber is found in regular vegetables and grains, there is absolutely no need to look for recipes for fiber-rich dishes, buy pharmaceutical supplements or expensive “fiber-enriched” products. You just need to include it in your daily diet natural vegetables, while minimizing (sugar, white flour products).

Fiber for treating constipation

If you practically do not eat vegetables and cereals, and see fruits only in the form of desserts covered in sugar, be sure that you will have digestive problems (primarily constipation), obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. At the same time, a healthy diet always starts with natural food, and not with taking vitamins in tablets.

Pharmacy dietary supplements with fiber, as well as various sports supplements, containing dietary fiber, are significantly inferior in cost to conventional plant products. In fact, a jar weighing 150-200 g contains only enough fiber for a few days - however, a pack will be much cheaper and more effective for normalizing health and digestion.

Fiber for weight loss

FitSeven has already written that fast carbohydrates (for example, sugar) cause a sharp increase in blood glucose levels - this forces the body to produce large doses of insulin for. At the same time, the presence of fiber in the stomach slows down the absorption of glucose into the blood, which has a positive effect on normalizing insulin levels.

In simple terms, the more fiber you eat, the fewer calories you store as fat. In addition, dietary fiber physically fills the intestines, causing it to block the feeling of hunger and send a signal to the brain about satiety, which prevents overeating. However, this does not mean that taking fiber tablets will help you lose weight.


Fiber is an important component healthy eating, affecting the feeling of hunger and reducing glucose levels and. At the same time, fiber is not a panacea for weight loss, and pharmaceutical dietary supplements and sports supplements are inferior to natural sources of dietary fiber (vegetables and cereals) both in price and ease of use.

Scientific sources:

We have heard many times from doctors, nutritionists, popular TV presenters and all-knowing girlfriends about magic word“fiber”, which can cleanse our body of waste and toxins.

What kind of miracle is this? In fact, it is correct to talk not about fiber, but about dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is complex carbohydrates that are not digested in the human gastrointestinal tract. More precisely digestive enzymes humans are not able to digest it, but the beneficial intestinal microflora copes with this task quite well.

All dietary fiber contained in food products is usually divided into six types: cellulose, fiber, hemicellulose, pectins, lignin and the so-called mucilage and gums. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that based on the information available on the Internet, it is impossible to determine how much fiber is in a given product and how much gum, cellulose or pectin is in it.

Perhaps reference books have been compiled on this topic for specialists food industry or doctors, but no one provided them for general use on the network; by and large, the available information is very approximate and not always reliable. But it is very important what kind of dietary fiber is contained in the food on our table. And here's why. Dietary fibers differ in composition and properties.

All of them are classified by water solubility into:

water-soluble: pectin, gums, mucus, starch - it is believed that they better remove heavy metals, toxic substances, radioisotopes, cholesterol.

water-insoluble: cellulose (fiber), lignin - these retain water better, promoting the formation of a soft elastic mass in the intestines and improving its excretion.

Roughly speaking, fiber is the membrane of plant cells, and pectin is a substance that binds plant cells together. Physiologically, the difference is felt in this way: if there is more pectin in the foods consumed, then the digestion time of food is delayed. If there is more fiber (cellulose), it is shortened. Anyone who has ever suffered from constipation will understand what I'm talking about.

Actually, the names speak for themselves - coarse dietary fiber (fiber) and soft dietary fiber (pectin).

For even greater clarity, I will give an example: an apple. Beautiful, juicy, healthy and other blah blah. Let's look at the numbers: 100 g of the edible part of apples contains 0.6 g of fiber, 1 g of pectin (average). As you can see, fiber is almost two times less than pectin. Therefore, some people who are prone to constipation, due to the physiological structure of the intestines (dolichosigma, extra loops of intestine, etc. pathologies that are detected during colonoscopy or irrigography), after eating a lot of apples, especially after cutting off the peel, will wait for the urge to visit toilet room even longer than without apples. Now, if they ate the peel alone, they would get the effect - after all, cellulose (fiber) is found mainly in the peel, and pectin is found in the pulp.

Many mothers have encountered a problem: after introducing apples into complementary foods, their babies began to retain stool. But to most people the phrase “apples and constipation” seems wild and absurd. Why, apples are full of fiber! Why doesn't it work? Try giving zucchini puree or carrot juice and the chair will improve.

What is dietary fiber for?

Water-soluble dietary fiber: gums and pectin bind to bile acids in the intestines (forming a gelatinous gel-like mass in the stomach), thereby reducing fat absorption and lowering cholesterol levels. In general, they delay the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, envelop the intestines, protecting it if there are ulcers or erosions on it. Therefore, on a diet with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cholecystitis, enterocolitis, it is useful to eat not raw fruits, but baked ones, with the peel removed. In addition, gums and pectin slow down the absorption of sugar after meals, which is useful for diabetics.

Water-insoluble dietary fiber: cellulose (fiber) and lignin bind water in the intestines, thereby adding volume to “gastrointestinal waste”, promote faster bowel emptying, which is the prevention of such consequences of constipation as spasmodic colitis, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, varicose veins rectum.

In the instructions for dietary fibers sold in pharmacies, you can find out that they bind xenobiotics, heavy metals, radioactive isotopes, ammonia, divalent cations and promote their removal from the body. In fact, they have an enterosorbing, detoxifying, and antioxidant effect.

But it is wrong to lump all dietary fiber under the same brush, under the name “fiber.” For people who do not have digestive problems, and the gastrointestinal tract works like clockwork, excess intake of some dietary fiber, namely fiber, risks diarrhea and flatulence.

How much dietary fiber does a person need?

Nutritionists in most countries believe that a person simply needs ballast substances in the form of dietary fiber. That's just consensus, how much is in grams - no. The American Dietetic Association has set a guideline of 25-30 grams of fiber per day. Russian nutritionists recommend 20-25 g of fiber per day. This is an indicator for the average person, without physiological deviations.

In case of any diseases, the doctor can adjust the norm. So, in some cases, the amount of dietary fiber, and in particular coarse fiber (fiber), can be increased to 40 g per day (in sports medicine, recommendations are from 35 to 50 g of fiber per day). Or, on the contrary, reduced, although in most cases, if you write down the diet ordinary person(non-vegetarian) in terms of nutritional value, then at most 15-17 g of fiber per day is gained - too much refined food in our lives.

The recommended dose of pectin for ordinary population groups is 4 g per day for adults, and 2 g for children. With an increased radioactive background, the pectin rate should be increased to 15 g per day. Excess pectin in the body can cause allergic reactions, fermentation in the colon, accompanied by flatulence and decreased digestibility of proteins and fats. Have I already mentioned that dietary fiber is only found in plant foods? No, well, you guessed it yourself. But the content of dietary fiber, or rather pectin and fiber, varies greatly.

Products containing dietary fiber


Products Pectins Fiber Total carbohydrates
Eggplant 0,4 2,5-3,3 5,5-7
Zucchini 0,8-1 1 3,5-5
White cabbage 0,1-0,6 2 6,5-6,7
Cauliflower 0,6 2,3-2,7 6,3-6,5
Potato 0,5 0,8-2 13-26
Onion 0,4 2,8-3 8,2-11
Carrot 0,6-0,8 2,5-3,5 9,6-11
Beetroot 0,8-1,4 0,9-2,5 10,8-11,5
cucumbers 0,4 0,8-1,1 3-3,5
Patissons 0,3 0,9-1,3 3,8-4,1
Sweet pepper 0,3 1,5-2 4,-8,5
Radish 0,3 1,6 3,8-5
Pumpkin 0,3 0,5-2 5,8-6,5
Tomatoes 0,3 1,4 3,8-5

Berries and fruits

Products Pectins Fiber Total carbohydrates
Apricots 0,4-1,3 2 11,1
Quince 0,5-1,1 3,5 13,2
Avocado 0,1 5,5-6,7 7,5-8,5
Pineapple 0,1 1,2 13
Oranges 0,6-0,9 1,5-2 11,5-11,8
Watermelon 0,05 0,4 8
Banana 0,9 2,6 23
Cherry 0,2-0,8 1,8 12,2
Grape 0,6 0,6-0,9 17,2
Pomegranate 0,01 4 18,2
Grapefruit 0,5 1,1 8,4
Pear 0,8-1 3,1 15,5
Melon 0,4 0,9 8,3
Strawberries 0,5-1,4 1,4-2,2 9,7-10,5
Raisin 1,6 3,8 78-79
Dried figs 5,5-6 9,8-10 64-64,5
Kiwi 0,3 3 14,5-14,7
Dogwood 0,6-0,7 1,1-2 12-17
Strawberry 0,7 1,4-2,2 9,7-10,5
Cranberry 0,5-1,3 4,6 12-12,2
Gooseberry 0,7-0,9 3,5 11-12,5
Dried apricots 1,5-2 7,3-7,5 51-62
Lemon pulp 0,5-0,7 1,1-1,2 9,3-9,5
Lemon zest 1,9-2,5 10-10,6 16
Raspberry 0,3-0,7 6,5 12
Tangerines 0,4-1,1 1,8 13,4
Plum 0,9-1,5 1,4-1,6 11,4-11,8
Red currant 0,4-0,7 4,1-4,3 13,5-13,8
Black currant 6-6,5 4,5-4,8 15,4
Sea ​​buckthorn 2,3-2,6 2 7,8
Peach 0,7-1,2 1,5 9,7-10
Pomelo peel 6,8-5 10 25
Dates 2,2-2,5 8 75-80
Persimmon 1,5 1,5-3,5 17
Cherries 0,4-0,6 2,1 16
Prunes 1-1,5 7 64
Apples 0,9-1,7 1,5-2,4 13,5-13,8

Cereals, grains and legumes

Products Pectins Fiber Total carbohydrates
Buckwheat 0,8-1 8,8 56-70
Peas 0,6 23-25,5 49,5-60
Corn 0,5 2-4 70-74
White chickpeas (kabuli) 2,7 1,2-2 65-71
Chickpeas brown (desi) 2 4-6 51-65
Soft wheat 0,5 2,3-2,7 70-71
Durum wheat 0,7 10-10,8 71-71,5
Millet 0,7 13,7-14,3 66-72
Oats 7,7-7,8 10-12 66-67
Long grain white rice 1 1,7-2,2 79-80
White rice round 0,9 2,8 77-79
Brown rice 1,8 3,3-3,5 76-77
Wild rice 1,4 6-6,2 74-74,5
Rye 7,9 14,6-15,1 69-75
Soybeans (beans) 0,05-0,1 9-13,5 30-30,5
Barley 0,5-1,2 14,5-16,5 74,5-76,5
Beans (dry beans) 0,4-0,5 20-24 59-60
Dry lentils 1,5-3,3 7,2 60

Nuts and seeds

Products Pectins Fiber Total carbohydrates
Peanut 4 8 16-17,5
Brazil nut 0,2 6,5-7,5 12-12,3
Walnut 0,8 6,5 13,5-13,7
Pine nut 0,15 3,5-3,7 13-13,1
Cashew 0,2 3,3-3,6 32,7-33
Sesame 0,4 5,5-11,2 23-23,4
Flax-seed 1,8-3,3 24-25,5 28,9
Poppy 0,5 19,5 28,1
Almond 0,2 12,2 21,7
Sunflower seeds 0,8-1,9 13-16 20
pumpkin seeds 0,3 6-13 10,5-11
Pistachios 0,4 10 27,5-28
Hazelnut 0,3 11 17

The amount of pectin substances may vary for various reasons. The first is the varietal qualities of vegetables and fruits. Take a closer look at pears, remember how different they are - with thin skin (conference pear), with thick skin (Chinese pears). In addition, during storage, the amount of pectin in fruits decreases, so it is healthier to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

The amount of fiber also varies depending on the variety; this is clearly seen in the example of the now popular chickpea. There are two types on sale: white chickpeas chick-pea desi yellow, dry dirty yellow or gray and brown chick-pea kabuli (popular in India) it is dark brown, dry almost black. Pectin and fiber content, as well as general content carbohydrates (there is almost 1.5 times more starch in white chickpeas) is very different. In addition, the amount of dietary fiber and total carbohydrate content depends on whether you use peeled chickpeas (without shells) or unshelled chickpeas in your dishes. I collected this article literally from bits and pieces of reference books, not only Russian-language ones, for example, “Dietary fiber profile of food legumes” by Sarhad J. Agric. Vol. 23, No. 3, 2007.

By the way, in addition to pectin and fiber, some products contain other dietary fiber - mucus - various substances chemical composition, predominantly polysaccharides, but close to pectins. They selectively absorb other harmful substances in the intestine, reducing putrefactive processes in it, promoting the healing of its mucous membrane and removing excess cholesterol from the body. Their source is primarily flaxseed (6-12%), mucilages are also present in rye grain.

Let's summarize: the richest in fiber, and dietary fiber in general, are primarily legumes, nuts and seeds, especially flaxseed, whole grain flour, then vegetables (especially onions, carrots and beets), fruits (especially avocados, dried fruits) and berries (especially cranberries , raspberries, black currants). Moreover, fruits have the highest content of dietary fiber in their peel.

You shouldn’t discount some spices, such as cinnamon. It is very rich in dietary fiber. I couldn’t find information about how much pectin it contains and how much fiber it contains; we only know that the total amount of dietary fiber is 53 g per 100 g, which is more than half. So cinnamon enriches baked goods not only taste qualities, but also structurally.

How much and what to eat to get enough fiber

To dial required quantity fiber 25-35 g, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, for example, 1 kg of apples or 1 kg of pears, or 1 kg of carrots, or 1 kg of cabbage or 1 kg of pumpkin, 1.5 kg of apricots, or 2 kg of melon. You can gorge yourself on berries - just half a kilo of currants! But you won't eat that much every day.

One of our main suppliers of dietary fiber is bread - rye (8.3 g of fiber per 100 g of bread), grain (8 g of fiber), doctor's roll (with bran - 13 g of fiber), cereals (oatmeal - rolled oats, buckwheat - 10-11 g fiber). But count how much bread you eat? A slice of bread weighs 20-30 g, one large plate of oatmeal weighs only 40 g of cereal. A large bowl of buckwheat contains only 8 grams of fiber.

Children especially lack dietary fiber, in particular fiber; it is difficult to get them to eat vegetable salads, whole grain bread, and legumes. Nuts and dried fruits save.
If you reconsider your lifestyle and start eating more food, rich in fiber, one not entirely pleasant moment appears - an increase in the amount of carbohydrates or fats and total calories. The fact is that fruits and dried fruits, for example, contain a lot of sugars in addition to dietary fiber, and fats in nuts.

In the same apples, in addition to pectin and fiber, there are 10 g of sugars for every 100 g of weight, in prunes - 38 g of sugar. The average carbohydrate norm for a person is 250-450 g (depending on weight and physical activity). The situation is the same with nuts and seeds - you can go over the fats, the norm of which is approximately 40-50 g per day.

I tried to create a daily meal plan for the day, from the most regular products, so as to more or less bring it closer to the norm. Honestly, it's not that easy! Don't judge strictly approximate version per day, which should be divided into 5-6 meals:

  • 120 g (5-6 slices) rye bread,
  • 200 g cottage cheese 5%,
  • 200 g boiled long grain rice,
  • 200g boiled pasta,
  • 100 g boiled chicken fillet,
  • 200 g baked pink salmon without oil,
  • 200 g fresh cucumber (1 cucumber),
  • 150 g fresh tomato (1 small),
  • 10 g vegetable oil (tablespoon),
  • 100 g tangerine (2 small ones),
  • 500 g apples (2 large or 3 medium),
  • 60 g sugar (10 teaspoons for tea or coffee),
  • 20 pieces (20 g) almonds.

Total: 130 g of protein, 44.6 g of fat, 275 g of carbohydrates, of which 39 g of dietary fiber, a total of 2054 kcal. Calculated for a person with an energy requirement of 2000 calories (+/- 50) doing recreational activities 3 times a week strength training not trying to lose weight. Can be replaced vegetable oil creamy, adding it to the side dish, then you will have to eat the vegetables raw so as not to overdo it with fats and calories.

Diet option: remove all apples from the above list, add a plate of boiled lentils (200 g) and get: 140 g of proteins, 43 g of fat, 210 g of carbohydrates, of which 39 g of dietary fiber, a total of 1811 kcal - a more fitness option - a slight deficit calories and fewer carbs will help you lose some fat.

Another diet option: we completely remove sugar, replace it with 100 g of prunes (1 piece without pits weighs 8-10 g), then the hated lentils can be replaced with a portion of 300 g of potatoes baked in spices (without oil or with a drop of oil). We get: 134 g of proteins, 44 g of fats, 224 g of carbohydrates, of which 38.6 g of dietary fiber, a total of 1849 kcal.

Sometimes there are times when there is no desire or opportunity to eat vegetables and fruits. Most often, this is in the process of losing weight. Here carbohydrates (sometimes fats) are cut. And they cut it very much - less than 100 g per day. But then the intake of dietary fiber decreases very sharply, literally down to 2-4 g. This threatens a serious disruption of the regularity of “stool”. In such cases, special products with a high fiber content come to the rescue: wheat, oat, rye bran (25-55 g of fiber), flaxseed flour (25 g of fiber), soy flour (14 g of fiber).

But, perhaps, each of these products should be devoted to a separate article...