Favorite diet: features and daily diet. Diet Favorite (7 days) - detailed description and useful tips. Reviews of your Favorite Diet and examples of recipes

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For those who want to lose weight quickly and effectively, a simple Favorite diet is suitable, which is distinguished by its accessibility. According to available reviews, this the diet really helps you lose about 4-5kg in a week. For those who have very heavy weight, exceeding 80-100 kg, the diet will help you lose weight by even more kilograms, and in addition, it will start the regulation of metabolic processes, which are usually reduced in obese people.

Result after the second day of the Favorite diet

To get started, watch the video - the girl gives feedback and shares her impressions:

Now let's move on to the diet.

Diet menu for 7 days: a gentle option

So, let's move on to the Favorite's diet menu. As you already understand, it is designed for 7 days, each of which will bring you closer to your goal. However, if you notice that you have difficulty maintaining such a menu, it is better to interrupt the diet and try another one.


First day:

On this day you are allowed to drink any liquids. This can be still water at room temperature, tea, coffee without sugar, low-fat chicken broth, decoctions of fruits or vegetables. You can drink freshly squeezed and canned juices, but without sugar. Make sure the manufacturers have not added sugar to them.


Second day:

Dedicate this day to vegetables. You can eat raw or boiled vegetables, prepare salads from them in different proportions. Avoid eating potatoes and do not dress salads with oil or mayonnaise. The dressing may consist of lemon juice or boiled water with vinegar. You are allowed to eat carrots, beets, leafy vegetables, cabbage of any kind, radishes, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, Bell pepper, you can stew or bake eggplants. Fantasize and choose from what you like. However, try not to make the portions too large so as not to overstretch the walls of the stomach.

  • You can eat it about 5-6 times a day, and the serving per serving should be no more than 250g.

The third day:

We repeat the drinking day, alternating cold drinks with hot ones. This promotes the rapid breakdown of fats. For example, if you drank hot tea, drink cool tea after an hour and a half. Apple juice, and after another two hours, prepare yourself a cup of hot chicken broth.


Fourth day:

Let's move on to fruits. You can eat almost any fruit on this day, with the exception of bananas and grapes, but try to limit daily norm up to 1-1.5 kg.

You are allowed to eat apples, oranges, grapefruits, kiwis, peaches, and apricots. You can also make fruit salads from several types of fruits, seasoning them with orange or lemon juice.


Fifth day:

This day you can eat any protein food. You can use eggs, lean fish, meat, mushrooms, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, chicken. This doesn't mean you have to eat everything listed, but you can choose what you have in the refrigerator and create a menu of 5-6 small meals for the day.


Sixth day:

We repeat drinking day No. 3, alternating cold drinks with hot ones. It is recommended to add lemon juice to tea or water on this day, which also helps remove fat. You can also make a rosehip decoction, which significantly compensates for the lack of vitamins.


Seventh day:

This day is a transition from strict diet to a normal diet. You can create a menu from those products that were allowed last week. For example, you can prepare fruit or vegetable salads, eat one of the protein dishes, cook low-fat broth or light soup, and maintain a drinking regime.


During all 7 days of the Beloved’s diet, you must take additional vitamin and mineral complexes, and also drink additional water or tea without sugar in any quantity on protein, vegetable and fruit days.

For those who want to lose more kilograms, you can use a more stringent Favorite diet menu for 7 days.

Diet menu for 7 days (minus 10 kg per week): strict option

  • First day: Drinking
  • Second day: only one type of vegetables, for example, carrots or cucumbers in quantities of no more than 1 kg
  • Third day: Drinking
  • Fourth day: Only one type of fruit, for example, apples 1kg
  • Day five: Choose one thing -
    - 300g baked or boiled fish;
    - 300g chicken without skin;
    - 3 eggs and 200g low-fat cottage cheese;
    - 300g meat;
    - 1l kefir
  • Sixth day: Drinking
  • Seventh day: You can have 200g of chicken, fruits, fish, vegetables and kefir. You will get 5 meals.

Reviews of people losing weight with before and after photos

As reviews about the Beloved Diet say, it should not be regarded as a panacea for all the extra pounds. It only allows you to start the process of losing weight.

Here's what Anna, 34 years old, housewife says:
I weighed more than 112kg when I was advised to try the Favorite Diet for 7 days. I started and noticed that my weight began to come off very quickly. In a week I lost 7.3 kg. Success turned my head, and I decided to continue losing weight for another two weeks. But at the end of the second week I felt very weak and dizzy, especially on drinking days. The diet had to be completed. In total, I lost 11kg in two weeks.

And here are reviews about the diet of Lyubimaya Nastya, 28 years old, initial weight 74 kg, secretary-typist:
My job is sedentary, so losing weight is very difficult for me, but on the Lyubimaya diet I was able to lose about 6 kg in a week. It is easily tolerated, since I can always make myself some hot coffee or tea. I was also saved by the rosehip decoction that my mother prepared for me and poured it into a thermos. It helped carry the feeling of loss of energy into drinking days.

Natalya, 37 years old, realtor, initial weight 69 kg, sent the following reviews and results about Beloved’s diet:
The diet helped me lose more than 8 kg in a week, since my profession is related to constant movement, and I tried to walk all the time. It was difficult only on the very first day, since I was not used to not eating anything. But the next day I noticed that my usual portions were not even finished, as my stomach demanded less food. I felt light and cheerful, I endured it very easily. I'm thinking of repeating it in a few months.

Watch the video made by a girl who went through all the days of the diet, she really lost a lot of weight:

According to nutritionist Irina Lyubovetskaya, who prepares individual diets and is an expert in the field proper nutrition, the Favorite diet for 7 days should not exceed this period. The fact is that on drinking days the body does not receive enough necessary substances, which can negatively affect health. The diet is contraindicated for people with diseases of the housing and communal services, kidneys, and cardiovascular system. It is also unacceptable to use it in patients diabetes mellitus. Otherwise, this short-term diet can really trigger slow metabolic processes, since small portions and fractional meals promote weight loss. It is better to supplement the diet with moderate physical activity and massage, so as not to provoke the appearance of stretch marks and wrinkles that may appear after sudden weight loss.

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Diet "Favorite"

Recipes effective weight loss must be present in every woman’s arsenal. The “Favorite” weight loss diet is one of the ways to quickly return weight to normal and cleanse the body. What are the food options? How do doctors feel about diet? What results can be achieved if you use various ways losing weight? Let's try to figure it out in the article.

Diet “Favorite” 7 days

The nutrition system is designed for a week so that each subsequent day you eat foods from a certain group. There is an alternation of drinking days with days when it is necessary to eat solid food. Under no circumstances should days be swapped. And if positive results are obtained, it is recommended to repeat it no earlier than after 10-12 weeks.

If you rely on reviews, the “Favorite” diet for 7 days allows you to lose 6-10 kg. If you consider that the menu does not become boring, then it is quite easy to endure the diet.


Kidney diseases.
Cardiovascular diseases.
Liver diseases.
Diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

Detailed description of the “Favorite” diet

There are several diet options, but the most common is the seven-day diet. It is necessary to prepare the body for the diet in advance. Start in a couple of days: gradually reduce the number of servings, give up fatty, fried foods, eat less flour. Train yourself to drink water, eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Have you prepared your body? Then we begin to actively lose weight!

Diet “Favorite” drinking day

The first day of the diet, as well as the third and sixth, are designed to consume large amounts of liquid. Moreover, you are allowed to drink not only water. These can be herbal decoctions, milk and fermented milk products (kefir, natural yogurt), broths (brewed yourself), vegetable juices, green tea without sugar and plain water without gas.

It is prohibited to consume sweet carbonated drinks, industrial juices, and alcoholic beverages. You can salt meat broths, but only a little.

Pure water perfectly dissolves toxins and removes them from the body, so it should be preferred on drinking days. It is better to dilute natural juices with water, and choose low-calorie fermented milk products. On such diet days, it is better to limit physical activity and rest more, as dizziness and weakness are possible.

Diet “Favorite”: vegetable day

On the second day of the diet you will have to become a vegetarian. On the second day of the diet, you can eat various vegetables, and at one meal you need to eat about 300 g of food. Vegetables can be boiled, stewed, baked or eaten raw. You should definitely eat cabbage (preferably broccoli) and carrots. As a dressing, you can choose vegetable oil and lemon juice.

Diet “Favorite”: fruit 4th day

Let us immediately make a reservation that on this day you cannot prepare juices and compotes from fruits, but you can drink clean water without restrictions. It is recommended to eat no more than 3 kg of fruit. If you are interested in the “Favorite” diet, sample menu on this day may include any type of fruit. The exception is grapes and bananas - they are high enough in calories and nutrition to be considered dietary.

Diet “Favorite”: protein 5th day

Finally, you can eat a piece of meat, shrimp or fish. Today it is also acceptable to eat cottage cheese or egg whites, beans or peas. True, it is necessary to observe moderation. During the day, it is recommended to consume 5 servings of protein food, 150-200 g each. This is quite enough for the body to receive the necessary energy and regain strength. However, this is not the time to start full-fledged physical activity.

Diet “Favorite”: day 7

The transitional stage from a dietary diet to a nutritious diet. On this day, it is recommended to make a diet from those vegetables and fruits that were consumed on vegetable and fruit day. You can drink kefir, eat eggs, meat and fish.

Diet “Favorite” detailed menu

For those who are planning to use the diet for the first time, our tips and recommendations will help, indicating specific dishes that can be prepared during the week. So,

1 day – drinking

8.00 – unsweetened tea + a cup of kefir.
11.00 – lightly salted chicken broth.
14.00 – natural yogurt (250 ml).
18.00 – kefir or milk (no more than a glass).

Day 2 – vegetable

8.00 – tomatoes (2 pcs.).
11.00 – cucumber and cabbage salad with herbs.
14.00 – cucumbers or bell peppers (1-2 pieces).
18.00 – salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and herbs.

Day 3 – drinking

8.00 – tea without sugar and 200 ml of milk.
10.00 – milk (250 ml).
13.00 – lightly salted chicken broth (150 ml).
15.00 – low-fat kefir (250 ml).
18.00 – milk (200 ml).

Day 4 – fruity

8.00 – orange and grapefruit.
10.00 – avocado.
13.00 – fruit salad of plums, kiwi and apples or kiwi, grapefruit and apple.
15.00 – apple and pear.
18.00 – grapefruit or kiwi.

Day 5 – protein

8.00 – boiled chicken eggs (preferably white without yolk), 2 pieces.
10.00 – boiled fish (150-200 g).
13.00 – boiled chicken fillet(150 g).
15.00 – cottage cheese (150 g).
18.00 – hard cheese (100 g).

Day 6 – drinking

8.00 – tea + kefir (250 ml).
10.00 – a glass of carrot-pumpkin juice.
13.00 – chicken broth (250 ml).
15.00 – yogurt (200 ml).
18.00 – milk (200 ml).

Day 7 – leaving the diet

On the final day of the “Favorite” diet, the diet may consist of the following dishes:

8.00 – boiled chicken eggs, 2 pieces.
10.00 – fresh apple or grapefruit.
13.00 – vegetable stew + boiled meat (70 g) or vegetable soup.
15.00 – orange or avocado.
18.00 – salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, dressed vegetable oil and lemon juice.
20.00 – a glass of low-fat kefir.

Diet “Favorite”: hard option

This way of eating is suitable for absolutely healthy people. It is allowed to use such a system for weight loss no more than once every 4 months. Changing the sequence of days and recommended products is strictly prohibited. In this version of the “Favorite” diet, the menu for the week is as follows:

First and second day. You can drink kefir (1%) in any quantity. Buy dairy products only from trusted brands or prepare fermented milk products yourself.

Third day – apple mono-diet. You need to eat about 2 kg per day green apples(their calorie content is slightly less than the calorie content of “colored” varieties).

From the fourth to the sixth day we eat exclusively chicken. Boil the chicken with a little salt, after removing the skin. 700 g-1000 g of meat per day is allowed.

Seventh day. The unusual menu consists of dry red wine and hard cheese. Despite the fact that the amount of wine is not strictly regulated, you should not overuse this drink. Each glass of wine is eaten with a piece of cheese (40-50 g). It is important to note that this diet option is rather an exception to the rule, since in most cases, the “Favorite” diet and alcohol are incompatible. But if you consider that dry red wine has an excellent effect on metabolism and improves blood composition, drinking it in moderation will only be beneficial.

“Favorite” diet for 5 days

This is nothing more than a shortened version of the seven-day diet. You will have to exclude the sixth and seventh days, and the rest are repeated in the usual sequence: drinking, vegetable, drinking, fruit and protein. You also need to exit the diet gradually, including foods in your diet very carefully.

Diet “Favorite” 12 days

The nutrition option consists of 12 mono-diets, each of which lasts 1 day. If you follow the “Favorite” diet for 12 days, the menu is quite strict and not everyone can withstand this way of eating. But even absolutely healthy people are not recommended to use the weight loss option more than once a year.

You will like this diet option for 12 days, because the menu is interesting and quite tasty.

Day 1 – kefir. Drink about 2 liters of low-fat kefir per day.

Day 2 – fruity. The total amount of fruit does not exceed 2 kg per day. Preference should be given to grapefruits, avocados, and lemons.

Day 3 – curd day. The menu consists of 0.5 kg of medium fat cottage cheese.

Day 4 – zucchini day. Prepare in advance squash caviar with the addition of onions, carrots and vegetable oil. On this day you can eat about 800 g of the product.

Day 5 – chocolate. A bar of dark chocolate is your diet for the whole day.

Day 6 – apple day. The number of green apples does not exceed 1.5 kg.

Day 7 – cheese day. Menu for the whole day - about 400 g of hard low-fat cheese.

Day 8 – tomato and vegetable day. 1 l tomato juice+ cabbage-cucumber salad with herbs.

Day 9 – meat day. They eat up to 500 g of boiled beef, chicken and turkey meat per day.

Day 10 – vegetable day. Throughout the day you can prepare salads from tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, carrots, cabbage and herbs.

Day 11 – cottage cheese day. Eat up to 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese per day.

Day 12 is fruity. The menu for the second day is repeated.

“Favorite” diet for 14 days

The method of nutrition involves dividing the diet into 4 three-day phases (12 days in total). And the last two days (13th and 14th) are considered transitional and allow the body to adjust to its usual diet.

The first phase is kefir. For three days drink exclusively kefir of any fat content. The quantity of fermented milk drink is unlimited. You can also drink boiled purified water, but you will have to give up tea and coffee.

The second phase is apple. Any number of apples should be eaten over the next three days. They can be baked or juiced.

The third phase is protein. For three days (7, 8, 9) they eat boiled chicken meat. It can be boiled or grilled without the skin. Salt and spices are not used during cooking. It is recommended to eat no more than 1 kg of meat per day. Only clean water is allowed to drink.

The fourth phase is wine and cheese. Hard cheese, in the amount of 40 g, washed down with dry red wine (about 200 g). You need to regulate the amount of wine yourself. Additionally, you are allowed to drink clean water.

The last two days you can cook vegetable soups, vegetable stew, boiled meat and eggs. The diet is designed in such a way that the calorie content does not exceed 1300-1400 calories. You can calculate calories using a free online calculator or read useful ready-made recipes with calculated calories on our website.

How to exit the “Favorite” diet correctly?

Since the nutrition system is made up of various mono-diets, rapid weight gain is possible immediately after its completion. But this risk appears if you switch to a normal diet immediately. There are a few important advice, which will help maintain the achieved results for a long time.

Be sure to keep a diary of the foods you eat in order to constantly calculate the calorie content of your diet, which should not exceed 1800 kcal per day. Stick to this diet for 10-14 days, while simultaneously increasing physical activity.

For 30 days after leaving the diet, you should not consume more than 100 g of protein per day.

Replenish your food intake gradually after the diet.

Use once a week fasting days. Focus on personal preferences. If you liked a particular day of the diet and did not cause any negative reaction, then you can practice it to maintain optimal weight.

“Favorite” diet: recipes

1. Vegetable stew. You will need 1 onion, carrot, bell pepper and tomato. Peel the skins of the onions and carrots, and remove the seeds from the peppers. Cut the onion into rings and simmer in a small amount of oil. Add grated carrots, tomatoes and chopped peppers. Add a couple of asparagus pods and chopped herbs. Cooking time is 25-30 minutes. The dish can be prepared without salt.

2. Carrot salad with garlic and butter. Peel 1 large carrot and grate it on a fine grater. Add grated clove of garlic and season with vegetable oil. No salt needed. Thanks to the juiciness of carrots and the presence of garlic, the salad has a piquant taste.

3. Boiled asparagus with soy sauce. Boil 150 g of asparagus for about 20 minutes without salt. When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs and soy sauce.

4. Fruit salad. For cooking dietary dish Take one kiwi, grapefruit and apple, cut them into pieces, mix. You can sprinkle with lemon juice or add zest.

Diet “Favorite”: reviews and results

The “Favorite” diet is very similar to the 6 petals diet, which also consists of mono-diet. In general, the “Favorite” diet is easy to tolerate, and special impressions are associated with the fact that if you follow the nutritional rules after the diet, the weight does not return and the results last for a long time. The results of the “Beloved” diet are impressive. Some people manage to lose 5 kg, although the average weight loss ranges from 8 kg to 10 kg. It’s easy to create a menu so that you can eat your favorite and tasty foods, which means that the name of the diet is completely true.

Reviews about the “Favorite” diet indicate that such a nutritional system really allows you to get rid of excess weight, although some find it quite difficult to completely give up solid food on drinking days. You should not exclude meat broths, since they are the most nutritious and allow you not to break down. But on a fruit day, you should divide the menu for the day so that the breaks between meals do not exceed three hours. In addition to extra pounds, with this diet option you can get rid of 2% of fatty tissue, which is very important when losing weight.

The “Favorite” diet and sports are also incompatible if we are talking about serious stress. The diet is limited, and the body works to get rid of excess toxins as much as possible. Load physical exercise it's not worth it. It’s better to stick to a calm daily routine, rest more, go for walks fresh air, less nervous. You should not go on a diet on days when serious results are required of you at work, when you need to be especially focused and attentive. It is best to leave pleasant weight loss for the holidays, when planning your day is much easier.

Diet “Favorite”: reviews from doctors

Before starting a diet, it would be a good idea to get acquainted with the opinion of doctors on this matter. Any nutritionist will tell you that serious work on yourself does not last a week or two. The diet is gradually restructured, they learn to combine foods correctly and reduce the number of calories consumed. At the same time, the best results are achieved by those who manage to actively engage in sports and eat healthy foods.

The “Favorite” diet for weight loss has its pros and cons. If, for example, you are soon going to shine at an important event, then the weight loss system can be used to get rid of extra pounds. The results of losing weight will be obvious, but coping with the feeling of hunger is quite difficult. Among the benefits of the diet, it should be noted that overweight go away quickly, and the body receives the necessary shake-up. But we should not forget that such a dietary restriction is a serious burden for the body. To avoid suffering from shortages nutrients, you should take vitamins.

By the way, a sharp restriction of nutrition “slows down” metabolism, since the body accumulates energy. In the future, it takes a lot of effort to force the metabolism to work with the same intensity. By and large, nutritionists advise using such diet options as rarely as possible so as not to harm the body.

When is such a diet recommended: the first day - drinking, the second - vegetable? This question interests many women. They all strive to be attractive so that men cannot take their eyes off them, but sometimes this is quite difficult to achieve, especially if there is a problem with overweight. In such cases, you need to follow the diets that exist a large number of, and at the same time play sports.

The choice of diet is very important, since some of them may be ineffective, others lose weight easily, but then quickly return, and others cause irreparable harm to the body.

Principles of the “Favorite” diet

The diet that has won the hearts of many women is “Favorite”. Its principle is simple. There is an alternating change of diet: on the first day - water, then vegetables.

A week on such a diet will allow you to lose 5-8 kg, and this weight will not return. This is achieved by the fact that the body cleanses itself during the diet and removes toxins and waste.

As with any diet, you need to consume only certain foods and in the right sequence, thanks to this, they are completely absorbed in the body, after a while they become saturated, and you will receive the required amount of nutrients and vitamins while reducing your diet.

How to eat properly on the “Favorite” diet for one week?

The first days are the hardest, during them there may be many temptations, desires to snack or eat something from the category of forbidden foods, another option is to eat diet foods, but in large quantities.

You have to endure it, and then every day it will be easier to control your desires. In addition to the lost pounds, you also train willpower.

1 day of drinking - this means that all day you only need to drink any liquid in unlimited quantities, but you cannot eat. Also, avoid drinking carbonated drinks that contain a lot of sugar or dyes.

Ideal liquid options on this day would be: broths, milk or fermented milk products, tea, regular mineral water, juices.

Thanks to the fact that you can drink a lot, you will simply deceive your stomach: it will be full, and if there is a feeling of hunger, it will be mild.

Day 2 is vegetable. The name speaks for itself: now the daily diet should include only vegetables, and their quantity and frequency of consumption will depend only on your desire.

Vegetables should be varied, for example, in a day you can eat a couple of cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, carrots and definitely cabbage, as it is the best fat-burning agent.

Vegetables should be fresh, you can lightly steam them, but under no circumstances fry them, especially in oil, if, of course, you want to get results at the end of the week.

Day 3 drinking. Everything is repeated as it was on the first day, but you can slightly reduce the consumption of broths and juices, but in no case give them up completely, as this will cause great harm to the body, cause stress, which is why fats will begin to be stored as reserves. losing weight won't work.

Day 4 is fruity. This is a real holiday for everyone who is on this diet. On this day, you can pamper yourself with any fruit and do not limit yourself in quantity. You can eat everything: melons, bananas, pears, but you should include apples, grapefruit and kiwi in your diet. Fruits promote the breakdown and burning of fats, speed up metabolism, and contain many vitamins and microelements that restore organ functions and bind toxins.

Day 5 - protein intake. This day is aimed at enriching the body with proteins, since these elements help muscles recover and grow and are not stored in reserve like fats.

All day you need to eat only those foods that contain proteins in large quantities: poultry, dairy products, etc. At the same time, it is worth paying attention Special attention to keep the fat percentage to a minimum.

Day 6 drinking. After two days when you could eat all sorts of goodies, it’s worth having a fasting day again. You can drink a lot of water, but no matter how much you want to, you cannot eat, even just a little bit.

Day 7 is the final day. On this day you can and should eat everything, but in small quantities, thanks to which your body will exit the diet more smoothly, without stress.

If you don't know how to do this, here is a sample menu. Of course, you can make up your own.

You wake up and the first thing to do is boil 2 chicken eggs and you can eat them with plain water, tea or coffee, but without sugar.

Lunch. If you haven’t had such a snack before, then this is a big minus, because it’s best to eat food 4-5 times a day, but in small portions, which will give the body enough energy, increase metabolism and prevent excess weight from forming. The second breakfast should consist of fruits, but no more than 2-3.

Lunch is the time for the largest portions, and you can eat a bowl of rice or buckwheat soup. Of course, it’s better to give up flour, but if you really want it, then one piece of bread won’t hurt, preferably black.

Dinner. At night, it is best to make a vegetable salad. It will not burden your stomach, and you will be able to eat.

Are there any contraindications?

Any diet is a serious burden on the body, so not all people are allowed to adhere to its different types.

The same rule applies to the “Favorite” diet.

You cannot follow this diet:

  1. Pregnant women at any time, even early stages, as well as nursing mothers.
  2. For heart disease.
  3. In case of diseases associated with impaired absorption of foods by the body.
  4. In case of renal failure.
  5. Until he undergoes rehabilitation after surgery.
  6. Under serious stress - both physical and emotional.

This best diet, which will allow you to lose 5-8 kg in a week, without torturing yourself with a hunger strike. But remember that the most effective diet will not be able to help you burn even a little excess weight if you do not adhere to it strictly all the time.

If you want to enhance the effect, then you should go in for sports, do exercises, but not to exhaustion, but in small approaches and often.

Another caution concerns people who eat very heavily and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Don't sit down right away strict diets, it’s better to start gradually reducing your diet. This may take a long time, but the body will not go into shock. The fact is that if you go on a diet without preparing, then the body perceives this as a dangerous situation and gives the command to almost everyone internal organs slow down so they consume as few calories as possible.

And don’t delay: if you decide to go on a diet, do it immediately.

Why is the diet called favorite - everyone is perplexed. It is difficult to imagine that someone could be crazy about it, because it is very difficult to bear and the feeling of hunger is constantly present. However, its huge advantage, which outweighs all the disadvantages, is real efficiency. Consisting of consecutive mini-mono-diets lasting one day, it really helps to lose weight.

How does weight loss happen?

Since the diet includes two nutrition systems - separate and , it works in two directions at once:

  1. Separate nutrition excludes fatty foods and carbohydrates from the diet. Products from different food categories do not mix in the stomach, which improves its functioning.
  2. Drinking fasting days remove fluid from tissues and give a feeling of lightness.

At first glance, the combination of two such effective systems within one diet should give excellent results. However, this is precisely what becomes a stumbling block in scientific circles. Many experts argue that such alternation can negatively affect the functioning of the stomach, which will then be very difficult to restore.

Description of mono-diets by day

For each individual day of your favorite diet, there is a special list of foods allowed for consumption. The table will tell you what you can eat at its different stages:

Daily portions are not indicated, because they are not limited. But you shouldn’t overeat the permitted food all day. In the process of losing weight, there should always be a slight hunger.

Advantages and disadvantages

Even before you sit on it, it is advisable to take into account all the pros and cons.


  • It is effective because it allows you to lose from 700 grams to 1 kg of weight daily;
  • no need to count calories;
  • You can eat as many permitted foods as you want;
  • there is no poor health, fatigue, lethargy, hunger, psychological discomfort (a very controversial statement);
  • intensity of weight loss;
  • you can choose the minimum duration (6 days), but this is not long at all;
  • the menu can be adjusted according to your taste preferences;
  • thanks to drinking days, you can cleanse the body well;
  • Among the benefits is also called a balanced diet, but usually mono-diets do not have this characteristic.


  • Difficult to bear;
  • leads to serious intestinal disorders;
  • not always effective;
  • provokes surges in blood pressure;
  • when choosing long periods (more than 2 circles), a deficiency of minerals and vitamins will make itself felt.

These are not generally accepted postulates. Here a lot depends on individual characteristics. For some, it will be effective, while others will only receive unpleasant consequences in the form of a stomach upset.

Who is it harmful to?

There are special contraindications for your beloved’s diet:

  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney disease;
  • simultaneous drug treatment;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • rehabilitation period.

To avoid disappointment, be sure to consult your doctors if you have any health problems. If, in the process of losing weight, attacks of gastritis, dizziness, constipation begin, do not sacrifice yourself - choose something more gentle.

Making a menu

The menu includes only products allowed for each day for a specific mono-diet.

Classic menu for the week

Formulated for your favorite diet detailed menu for 7 days will allow you to navigate the selection of products and dishes. If the serving size is not indicated in the table, then there are no restrictions, but still you should not overeat.

The estimated results that a 7-day favorite diet can produce are minus 7 kg.

Hard menu for 2 weeks

Not everyone can withstand 6 days of mono-diets, so honor and praise to those who decide to go on 14 days of such a hunger strike. The menu for her should be more carefully planned, as it involves additional products with a vitamin composition to maintain strength.

Days 7 and 14 are called balanced. They are designed to ensure that the exit from the diet is smooth - this will ensure that the weight does not return. Eat small meals to avoid stretching your stomach. Dinner - 3 hours before sleep.

If you remove days 7 and 14 from this menu, you will get your favorite diet for 12 days, but it is difficult to get out of it without gaining weight again. This is a fairly tough option, but it can result in up to 10 kg of lost weight.

Looking for recipes

To prevent your diet from seeming meager, you should not eat only raw vegetables or just fruits. Discover recipes for delicious dishes that will fit harmoniously into your diet.

Diet shake

The drinking days of your beloved’s diet always seem the most boring and difficult. But who forbids you to dilute this boredom with delicious cocktails? Yes, they will contain vegetables and fruits, but in pureed, liquid form, which allows this system losing weight. The only limitation is that you can please yourself with no more than 250 ml of the drink per day.


  • 2 broccoli florets;
  • 2 slices of pineapple;
  • 2 inflorescences;
  • cooled green tea - to the maximum mark in the blender bowl.


  1. Chop the pineapple and cabbage.
  2. Place all ingredients in a blender.
  3. Pour tea over them.
  4. Mix for 30 sec.

This green smoothie is perfect for a vegetable day if you add a little celery or asparagus instead of pineapple.

The vinaigrette

Judging by the reviews, the second day - the vegetable day - is very difficult to tolerate. This happens most often because everyone eats food raw and doesn’t bother with delicious dishes that are worth spending your time on so as not to break the bank. This recipe will come in handy. This is a dietary vinaigrette, as it is prepared without starchy potatoes.


  • 3 pcs. beets;
  • 2 pcs. carrots;
  • bulb;
  • 2 pcs. pickled cucumbers;
  • a handful of sauerkraut;
  • a handful of fresh green peas;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • 10 grams of grainy mustard;
  • 10 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • salt, sugar;
  • green onions.


  1. Boil beets and carrots until soft, cool, and peel.
  2. Chop the onion, sprinkle with vinegar, add sugar, and add salt. Stir and leave in marinade.
  3. Cut the beets into small cubes.
  4. Place pickled onions and... in a salad bowl. Pour marinade over them and mix.
  5. Cut the carrots into cubes - larger than the beets.
  6. Grind the pickled cucumbers.
  7. Rinse green pea, add to salad.
  8. The last thing to add is sauerkraut, squeezed from its juice.
  9. The dressing is prepared separately: oil and mustard are mixed.
  10. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

Dietary fruit salad

Everyone is looking forward to fruit day, but it does not bring relief, since the juicy pulp provokes the secretion of gastric juice and you want to eat endlessly. Dietary fruit salads will help you cope with your insatiable hunger.


  • 1 grapefruit;
  • 2 green apples;
  • 2 tangerines;
  • 2 kiwis;
  • 1 pear;
  • half a lemon.


  1. Rinse the fruit.
  2. Remove skin, seeds and core.
  3. Cut into small cubes.
  4. Sprinkle with juice from half a lemon.
  5. Mix.
  6. Eat within 15 minutes, otherwise the salad will turn into mush.

Fish protein soup

A truly satisfying day in your beloved’s diet is a protein day. The body finally receives meat, fish, seafood, and dairy products. From all this variety you can easily prepare various dishes.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 300 grams of fish, canned in its own juice;
  • bulb;
  • dill, pepper, salt;
  • Bay leaf.


  1. Chop the onion.
  2. Puree the canned food with a fork, do not drain the juice.
  3. Place onion, pepper, and bay leaf into boiling water.
  4. Place the fish. Cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Add some salt.
  6. When serving, sprinkle with dill.

If you decide on several rounds of the diet, be sure to select different recipes for every day, so that the body is saturated with everything it needs.

Questions and answers

The Favorite Diet is very popular because it promotes separate meals. And it is known to be very effective for weight loss. However, in the process of preparation and the hunger strike itself, various questions arise, and a nutritionist may not be at hand. We will help you solve some of them.

  • Which is better: your favorite diet or buckwheat?

It is worth choosing for those who truly adore this product and are not afraid of the monotony of their diet. In terms of effectiveness, both diets are approximately the same (loss of 700 grams per day), both perfectly cleanse the body of toxins, both are strict and difficult to tolerate. And yet, buckwheat, as many believe, is more stringent, since the range of permitted products is minimal.

  • Which diet is more effective: your favorite diet or 6 petals?

The authorship of your favorite diet is unknown, but the weight loss system was not developed by a famous nutritionist, so you can feel a professional approach in it. It is more carefully balanced. It is scientifically proven and supported by many nutritionists, which cannot be said about your favorite one. Still, alternate mono-diets with fasting days on liquids may be hazardous to health.

  • What can you eat on vegetable day?

Salads from any vegetables and legumes, except corn and potatoes.

  • How much can you save?

You can lose 6 kg in 6 days, but this happens rarely. It is better to count on 3-4 kg. If you plan such a nutrition system for a month, the results will probably be impressive, but will you be able to withstand 5 circles mentally and physically? big question. Abundance drinking days and a deficiency of carbohydrates and fats will provoke emotional breakdowns and stomach upsets. Therefore, nutritionists do not recommend such a long period. The maximum option is 2 circles for 2 weeks.

  • What can you drink on a drinking day?

Compotes, jelly (not always recommended), juices without pulp, low-fat and milk, coffee without additives, black and teas. For lunch - meat, fish, vegetable broths, but not too concentrated and low-fat. If there is a risk of a breakdown, you can treat yourself with a glass of smoothie or cocktail.

  • Will the weight come back?

Despite promises that the weight will not return, most reviews indicate the opposite. The only thing that can slow down the process is the correct exit from this system. But it doesn’t work for long. If on the 8th or 15th day you return to your usual diet of fatty and fried foods, the results of forced weight loss will disappear very soon.

  • How not to break down?

In fact, every mono-diet has a loophole that you can take advantage of in moments of breakdown, when it seems that you no longer have the strength to continue losing weight. On a drinking day it's delicious cocktails. In the vegetable section - 1 small jacket potato, seasoned with herbs, garlic and a few drops of olive oil. You can diversify the fruit one with your favorite, albeit forbidden, banana. On a protein day, just make chicken kebab in a dry frying pan with onions - and there will be no trace of depression left.

  • After how long can I repeat it?

As experts recommend, if it was 1 or 2 circles, in six months. If more - only in a year. The most correct option is to consult a nutritionist about how often you can go on your favorite diet. Due to individual indicators, intervals can be significantly reduced.

  • How to eat after a diet?

If you liked losing weight on separate meals, you can get to know its principles better, adopt them and implement them further. This will have a positive effect not only on your figure (then the lost kilograms will definitely not return), but also on your health. And so, within 1-2 weeks after the diet, you must definitely eat hot soups for lunch, and fatty and fried foods include in the menu gradually and in small quantities.

  • Can you eat canned peas?

Not advisable - better to eat fresh. But if you really want it and just a little, nothing bad will happen.

Whether your favorite diet will be a salvation in your case depends only on you. You will have to be patient, tighten the belt tighter and follow a clearly defined pattern. If you feel like you’re losing your temper, look for delicious dishes that will fit into today's mono-diet, delight yourself with new recipes, find support from your family. Only the desire to transform will allow you to cope with this difficult technique.

Girls all over the world are relentlessly, mercilessly struggling with excess weight. In pursuit of ideal parameters, all means are good. However, nutritionists advise to be very careful when choosing a diet and physical activity. It is advisable to first consult with a specialist. Otherwise, all responsibility for your own health will fall entirely on your fragile shoulders. A diet called “Favorite”, which is designed for just a week, has become phenomenally popular on the Internet. Is it worth sticking to? And what are more in this mode: pros or cons?

The essence of your favorite diet for 7 days

As already mentioned, the diet is designed for a week. main feature“Favorite” is that each day is dedicated to a specific product. In fact, you will have to stick to a mono diet every time.

  • The first day is dedicated to liquids. They can be consumed in unlimited quantities, following the thought: “everything that is not water is food.” On this day, broths, drinking natural yoghurts without flavoring fillers, low-fat kefir, low-percentage milk, etc. are allowed. It is recommended to avoid sweet drinks, juices, etc.
  • The second day is an “ode” to vegetables. Your menu should consist entirely of vegetables. It is recommended to give preference to white cabbage, as it is a natural fat burner. You are also allowed to eat tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, etc. in unlimited quantities.
  • The third day is again the topic of drinking. You should drink as much fluid as possible. When you feel hungry, reach for kefir, strong tea with lemon juice, etc.
  • The fourth day consists of fruits. It is allowed to prepare undressed fruit salads from any fruit: bananas, apples, kiwi, melon, etc.
  • Day five – pure protein. At this stage, you should consume protein in the form of fish, meat, eggs, low-fat cheeses, beans and other protein-rich foods.
  • The sixth day is about liquid again. Just repeat the menu of the first or third days.
  • The seventh day is a way out of the diet. This time your menu should be balanced, that is, contain all the elements necessary for the body - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, but in moderation!

Sample menu of Favorite diet for 7 days

If you just can’t figure out which foods are best to consume during the diet, pay attention to the sample menu below:

  • First drinking day.
    Breakfast – a glass of kefir (200-350 grams) and a cup of strong coffee/unsweetened tea.
    Lunch - unseasoned and unsalted broth, preferably chicken (200 - 300 ml.).
    Snack – a bottle of natural drinking yogurt without flavoring additives.
    Dinner – a glass of kefir or low-percentage milk (200-350 grams).
  • Second vegetable day.
    Breakfast – undressed salad of tomatoes and cucumbers (standard portion – 250 grams).
    Lunch – unsalted salad of white cabbage, cucumbers and fresh herbs. You can add a little olive oil or vinegar. Standard portion.
    Snack – 1-2 cucumbers with sprigs of herbs.
    Dinner - unsalted and undressed salad of sweet peppers, cucumbers, herbs, tomatoes. Standard portion.

    Don't forget to drink up to 2 liters clean water!

  • Third drinking day. The menu is similar to the first day of the diet!
  • Fourth fruit day.
    Breakfast – several medium apples of your favorite variety.
    Snack – small grapefruit.
    Lunch - fruit salad from your favorite fruits with the obligatory addition of a natural fat burner - kiwi.
    Dinner – 250-300 grams of fresh berries and several small pears.

    Don't forget about clean water!

  • Fifth protein day.
    Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs, it is recommended to remove the yolk from one.
    Snack – 150-200 grams of any boiled fish.
    Lunch – 200 grams of boiled skinless chicken and 100 grams of boiled legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas, etc.).
    Dinner – 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

    Clean water – up to 2 liters per day!

  • The sixth drinking day is similar to the first.
  • Seventh balanced day.
    Breakfast – 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and a cup of unsweetened tea, coffee.
    Snack – some fruit (apple, orange, etc.).
    Lunch – light chicken soup with added cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, etc.).
    Snack – any vegetable or fruit.
    Dinner – vegetable salad with olive oil and a little salt.

    Water, water and more water, which you need to drink up to 2 liters a day!

Hard version of the “Favorite” diet for 7 days

If you need to lose weight urgently, pay attention to the presented menu of the extreme version of the “Favorite” weekly diet.

  • The first and second days - drink kefir and clean water unlimitedly.
  • Third day – 2 liters of clean water and 1 kg of apples (can be replaced with oranges).
  • The fourth, fifth and sixth days are the period of chicken meat boiled in unsalted water. It is recommended to remove the skin.
  • The seventh day diet consists of a bottle of dry red or white wine and cheese. It is recommended to consume 30 grams of cheese per glass.

Is the Favorite Diet effective for 7 days?

Remember once and for all that this kind of diet is an emergency measure for weight loss. This is improper weight loss, which comes to the rescue under certain circumstances. For example, when you are preparing for important event. However, you should not always adhere to such a diet. Nutritionists prohibit doing weekly diet“Beloved” with your usual lifestyle, as this can negatively affect your health. If you want to get rid of excess weight forever, then you should eat the right and healthy foods, and also constantly follow a regime of physical activity!