Two basic principles of the Montignac Method. Separate meals according to Montignac

The Montignac method of losing weight is divided into 2 periods. The first lasts from 1 to several months, the second – for life.
During the first period, old eating habits are abandoned. The period proceeds quite easily, because... no need to count calories and limit yourself in the amount of food.

Menu for the first eating period according to Montignac:

Its function is to restore the activity of the pancreas and reduce weight. The best place to start is with fruit (such as kiwi, which is very rich in vitamin C) or freshly squeezed juice. However, you need to drink juice or eat fruit on an empty stomach, before other foods, preferably 30 minutes before.

The first breakfast option is carbohydrate: sugar-free porridge, wholemeal bread, low-fat milk, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt, sugar-free and weak tea, or decaffeinated coffee, chicory drink, sugar-free jam. Drink plenty of fluids at breakfast. Whole milk products and all types of fats are prohibited.

The second option is protein. Hard-boiled or fried eggs or scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage or ham, low-fat milk and cheeses. The drinks are the same as in option 1. Exclude: cocoa and caffeinated coffee, bread, confectionery, honey, jam, muesli.

Snack may consist of tea with low-fat cheese or nuts (a few walnuts or almonds or hazelnuts) or any fruit except bananas, grapes, canned or candied.

Dinner. Any raw vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, onions, any greens, white cabbage, avocado or a salad made from them. Mushrooms are also suitable cauliflower, broccoli, artichokes, sweet pickled cucumbers. It is better to season with olive oil (vegetable oil can be used), low-fat cream, vinegar or a small amount of low-calorie mayonnaise. The salad should not include: beans, corn, rice, potatoes, lentils. As a main dish, it is better to choose fish (but without breading) or seafood. You can eat meat, but not fatty meat. Poultry meat is perfect. Feel free to eat eggs for lunch as well. Side dishes of potatoes, white rice or pasta are taboo! Choose vegetable side dishes. All potato products cannot be eaten, including chips. It’s better not to think about dessert for now.

Dinner- the easiest meal. Start with vegetable soup, leeks, cabbage, celery. Then you can eat a 2-egg omelet with a green salad. You can eat carbohydrate-protein foods for dinner 2-3 times a week, but without using fat. For example, vegetable soup without potatoes and carrots. You can also mix boiled beans, peas, lentils, onions with chopped tomatoes. Or durum wheat pasta, semolina or brown rice with vegetables and low-fat sauce. Dinner dessert – low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese or fruit.

It's fashionable to eat without restrictions green onions, olives, celery, pickled vegetables, leeks. Your seasonings are cinnamon, bay leaf, low-fat cream sauce, basil, dill, garlic, tarragon, parsley, a little low-calorie mayonnaise.
The second period of the Montignac weight loss method begins when the weight returns to normal and finally stabilizes. Menu of the second period or recipes according to Montignac, which can be downloaded for free.


Juice or fruit, wholemeal bread, porridge, a little butter, skim milk, decaffeinated coffee.
Vegetable salad with butter, steak with green beans, weak tea or coffee.
Vegetable soup, omelet with mushrooms, green salad, low-fat cottage cheese, mineral water without gas.


Orange juice, bun or croissant, butter, coffee with milk.
Vegetable salad, grilled hake fillet, spinach and cheese. Juice or tea, weak coffee.
Scrambled eggs or omelet with tomatoes, green salad, mineral water.


Fruit, bread and butter, decaffeinated coffee with skim milk.
A glass of white wine, not strong, boiled beef with beans, salad, cheese, fish appetizer. Juice or herbal tea.
Vegetable soup stuffed tomatoes, green salad, low-fat cottage cheese, water.


Bacon, sausages, scrambled eggs, coffee with milk.
Tuna with grilled tomatoes, biscuit and tea.
Vegetable soup, cauliflower (can be baked with cheese), green salad, yogurt, water.


Orange juice, low-fat cottage cheese, coffee with milk.
Baked fish with vegetable salad, dry wine 250g.
Lean pork with lentils, water.


Bread, low-fat cottage cheese and coffee.
Raw vegetables, boiled hake with tomato sauce, tea or mineral water.
Vegetable soup, ham, green salad, yogurt.


Wholemeal bread, low-fat cottage cheese, decaffeinated coffee, low-fat milk.
Salad with celery, entrecote with green beans, fruit, tea or coffee or water.
Berries and fruits.

And finally, a few secrets of the Montignac method of losing weight:
Eat bread once a day;
After excesses in food (pork, alcohol) - a strict diet of the 1st period for a couple of days.
Indulge in food only once a day;
Don't drink strong alcohol. All strong drinks should not be taken on an empty stomach.
Potatoes, lentils, pasta and white rice consume rarely and in limited quantities.
Avoid fizzy drinks completely.
Play sports - there will be no problems with cellulite, and weight loss will go twice as fast.

Download free Montignac nutrition menu (downloads: 4222)

The main idea of ​​separate nutrition according to Montignac is to limit the amount of fats and carbohydrates consumed, and not to reduce the amount of food consumed. Change to this system nutrition is easy if you understand in detail the food compatibility table and their glycemic indices. The effectiveness and simplicity of separate nutrition using the Montignac method has already been appreciated by thousands of people!

Separate feeding according to Montignac consists of two phases:

  • the first is reducing excess body weight;
  • the second is maintaining weight at the achieved level.

The goal of this nutrition system is to eliminate the so-called pendulum effect in dietetics.

Let's consider the basic principles of the first phase of separate nutrition according to Montignac

If you planned to lose weight, using a separate supply system according to Montignac, then it is necessary to completely exclude from daily diet potato, flour products, bread, pasta, rice, butter and margarine. And also bananas, cottage cheese, melons, sugar and ice cream. Recommended on the menu include meat products, mushrooms, eggs, legumes, fish and seafood.

It is important that the diet is saturated with a large amount of plant fiber, namely green vegetables.

Following the principles of separate nutrition according to Montignac breakfast and lunch must be the most rich, and dinner early and light. The number of meals should be at least three times a day. It is forbidden to drink food while eating. It is recommended to drink only half an hour after eating.

It should be noted that Michelle Montignac in its separate power supply system completely excludesalcoholic drinks from the menu.

Very important exclude in the diet combinations of carbohydrates and lipids. This rule applies to all starchy carbohydrates and fats. For example, you should not eat bread with butter or lard.

Fruits should be consumed with caution.

In combination with many foods, they can cause disturbances in the digestive tract, losing all their valuable properties. As a result of this, no preferably include fruits on the menu immediately after finishing lunch or dinner. Their best eat on an empty stomach k, 20 minutes before the main meal or three hours after eating. Exception amounts to lemon which goes well with many salads and.

Whole milk contains both fats and carbohydrates, so it is rational to drink skim milk. Low-fat cottage cheese contains only proteins, and carbohydrates are concentrated in the whey.

We offer an approximate menu for the first phase of separate nutrition according to Montignac.

For breakfast:

Option #1.

Jelly-like jam made from fruit pulp, low-fat cottage cheese or low-fat yogurt, wholemeal bread.

Option protein-lipid №2.

Eggs, cheese or bacon. Low-fat cottage cheese.

In all variants separate food menu for breakfast Can include skim milk, weak tea or coffee decaffeinated. In the first phase of separate power supply it is desirable exclude cocoa from the diet. Drinks recommended to use without additions Sahara.
Can I replace breakfast?

For lunch:

Salad of fresh green vegetables, and with it a choice of:

  • lean bird,
  • meat or fish,
  • cheese and still water.

Lunch can also be completed with low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt, in the amount of 100 g.

On the lunch menu should include lipids and proteins. Salad recommended refuel vegetable oil , lemon or vinegar. Products containing protein should not be rolled in flour or breading. Using sauces with added flour is also prohibited. Side dishes must contain fiber, so include plenty in your diet vegetables.

For dinner:

Option protein-lipid №1 , which includes a lot of fiber and is not large number carbohydrates.

Thick vegetable soup, prepared without carrots and potatoes, and optional:

  • lean bird,
  • fish or eggs
  • green vegetable salad.

Option protein-carbohydrate №2 , which is characterized by the presence in the menu of a large amount of fiber and a small amount of lipids.

The following dishes are available to choose from:

  • vegetable soup,
  • beans,
  • boiled whole rice with tomato puree,
  • artichoke, with lemon and mustard,
  • green vegetable salad.
  • For dessert, low-fat cottage cheese is recommended.

The main condition is to exclude any oils, fats, cheese, and eggs from the dinner menu. The lipids you eat at night are quickly converted into adipose tissue.

Very important in separate nutrition according to Montignac competently distribute basic meals for the week. The diet should include poultry twice, fish and meat three times, and legumes and whole foods four times.

First phaseseparate nutrition according to Montignac Maybe last so many, How many to you need to for normalization your weight. Next, the second phase of separate nutrition according to Montignac begins.

Let's consider the basic principles of the second phase of separate nutrition according to Montignac.

Second phase allows for some concessions. For example, it is allowed sometimes mix fatswith carbohydrates. But provided that the menu also includes lots of fiber in the form of vegetable salads.

Here are the main rules of the second phase of separate power supply:

  • It is prohibited to include any sweets, honey and jam in the menu;
  • do not abuse bad carbohydrates;
  • eat whole foods and legumes;
  • Drink only skim milk.

During the second phase of separate nutrition, you need to learn how to regulate your diet and think through the menu in detail. But after a while you will be able to perform these actions automatically. It should also systematically control your weight until your diet becomes your way of life.

Thus, based on separate nutrition according to Montignac lies the principle of getting rid of habitual conditioned reflexes that are associated with overeating, and acquisition absolutely new food skills promoting weight normalization for life.

Angela Panina | 04/17/2015 | 779

Angela Panina 04/17/2015 779

To lose weight, you don't have to stick to a strict diet. You can simply normalize the body’s nutritional activity by adhering, for example, to the nutritional system of the famous French nutritionist Michel Montignac.

The approach to healthy eating proposed by the Frenchman seduces with its simplicity and lack of strict restrictions. This is not a diet, but a way of life that will not be difficult for you to stick to throughout your life. many years. As a result, you will not only get a slim figure, but also normalize the functioning of the intestines and pancreas, cleanse the body of toxins, and tidy up the skin.

Why do we get fat: Montignac's theory

According to Michel Montignac, It’s not those who overeat who get fat, but those who combine foods incorrectly in their diet. After all, foods that are “not friendly” disrupt the normal functioning of the pancreas. This leads to weight gain.

The cause of obesity is the wrong combination of foods

Adhering to his theory, the Frenchman conditionally divided all food depending on its glycemic index into “good” and “bad”.

Glycemic index (eng. glycemic (glycaemic) index, abbreviated as GI) is an indicator of the effect of food on blood sugar levels after consumption.

If a product has a low glycemic index, it means that when it enters the body, the blood sugar level will rise slowly. A rapid increase in this indicator is caused by foods with a high GI.

For the vast majority of people (with the exception of athletes), low GI foods are more preferable. The gradual decrease and increase in sugar levels allows diabetics to monitor the concentration of glucose in the blood, and those who have problems with overweight, lose weight faster.

Who is this power system not suitable for?

If you need quick results, Montignac nutrition is not for you. The main goal of this method is not sudden weight loss, but changing your diet in general to be slim and feel healthy.

If you are ready to radically reconsider your eating habits, you are welcome to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of the nutrition system developed by Michel Montignac.

Montignac nutrition system

The Montignac power system is usually divided into two phases. During the first, the emphasis is on cleansing the body and losing weight, the second - maintaining the results obtained.

First phase can last from a month to a year and ends when the weight reaches the desired level or simply stops decreasing.

If you decide to change your eating habits, guided by the method of a French nutritionist, at first you It is necessary to exclude from your diet foods with a glycemic index above 50.

High glycemic index foods Low glycemic index foods
malt (100) wholemeal bread with bran (50)
glucose (100) brown rice (50)
baked potato (95) peas (50)
white bread made from premium flour (95) unprocessed cereals without sugar (50)
mashed potatoes instant cooking (90) oat flakes (40)
honey (90) fresh fruit juice without sugar (40)
carrots (85) gray wholemeal bread (40)
cornflakes wholemeal pasta (40)
popcorn (85) cauliflower (40)
sugar (75) dry peas (35)
white bread (70) wholemeal bread (35)
processed cereals with sugar (muesli) (70) dairy products (35)
chocolate (bars) (70) dry beans (30)
boiled potatoes (70) lentils (30)
cookies (70) Turkish peas (30)
corn (70) rye bread (30)
peeled rice (70) fresh fruit (30)
gray bread (65) canned fruits without sugar (25)
beets (65) dark chocolate (60% cocoa) (22)
bananas, melon (60) fructose (20)
jam (55) soybean (15)
pasta made from premium flour (55) green vegetables, tomatoes, lemons, mushrooms (less than 15)

You need to eat at least three times a day, preferably at the same time. At the same time special attention You need to pay attention to the compatibility of products. So, bakery products and “starchy” food should not be placed on the same plate along with meat, eggs, or vegetable oil. Products with a glycemic index of 20 to 50 cannot be combined with foods that contain large amounts of fat.

It is better not to eat meat and bread together

You can only eat foods in any quantity and combine them with anything that have a GI value of less than 15. These are green vegetables, tomatoes, lemons, and mushrooms.

The first step is to completely eliminate alcohol from your diet. It would be good to give up strong coffee too.

It is better not to drink anything before eating; during, you should also not get carried away with liquids. You can quench your thirst 15 minutes after eating. You can indulge in a glass of freshly squeezed juice if you are hungry and there is still a long time before your next meal.

Don't starve, but don't eat if you haven't felt hungry yet.

At the first stage of the Montignac diet, it is important to lose weight, at the second - to consolidate the results obtained

Second phase The Montignac diet is no less important than the first.

If you have successfully completed the first phase and reached desired result, you can eat foods with a GI above 50, but do not overuse them.

White bread and starchy foods remain prohibited.

The last meal is no later than 20:00. If you were unable to have dinner before this time, drink a glass of low-fat yogurt without sugar. And you will have to give up eating fruits at night: they take a long time to digest.

How and what to cook?

To begin to correctly combine foods in dishes, you will need, firstly, to study the books of the famous Frenchman (“Eat and look younger”, “Montignac’s food recipes”, “Montignac’s nutritional secrets”), and secondly, spend more than one hour to develop a full menu.

Due to the fact that following the Montignac nutritional system still involves some dietary restrictions, be sure to take vitamin complexes for good health.

If the desire to radically change your nutrition system is too great, you can, without immersing yourself in theory. Later, when the basic principles are mastered, you can easily experiment with food combinations and invent unique healthy food recipes.

Be healthy and beautiful!

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Michel Montignac diet enjoys enormous popularity not only in the author’s homeland, France, but throughout the world. Or rather, it’s not even a diet, but a method of losing weight that you want to follow throughout your life. Without strict dietary restrictions, without boring calorie counting, and most importantly, without fasting, Montignac's nutritional principles have helped millions of people stay slim while enjoying food at the same time.

The main idea of ​​​​Michel Montignac's principles is not to strictly limit the amount of food or exclude a long list of foods from the diet. The nutritionist's method is healthy eating, which the author himself recommends teaching children from early childhood.

The idea of ​​​​developing a method arose from a young pharmacist when he himself gained excess weight in a short period of time, being carried away by irregular snacks and not understanding the quality of the food he consumed.

Michel Montignac was the first to conduct large-scale research to use the glycemic indices of foods for effective and, very importantly, harmless weight loss. During his work, Montignac consulted with leading doctors and nutritionists in France, and many aspects of his work were even supported by research from Harvard University. Today, the Montignac method of healthy eating is one of the few scientifically proven and accepted by the majority of doctors around the world. Doctor Michel Montignac himself today is a slender and fit man with glowing eyes and a huge amount of energy.

So, you have decided to try the principles of Michel Montignac on yourself. It is very easy to understand them if you master the table of glycemic indexes (GI) of foods. The glycemic index is a conditional coefficient that shows how quickly and high the level of glucose in the blood rises after eating a food. A glycemic index of 100 corresponds to pure glucose. The higher the GI of the product, the more insulin is released into the blood and the more sugar is processed into lipids (fats).

So, highest GI (from 70 to 100) contain products such as sugar, honey, white bread, polished rice, beer, canned fruit and many dried fruits, potatoes, corn, soda and flour sweets (all kinds of buns, donuts, and so on). It is best to exclude such foods from the diet or at least reduce them to a minimum.

Average GI (from 50 to 70) have products such as brown bread, durum wheat pasta, most fresh fruits (bananas, melon, orange and others), wild rice, wheat and oatmeal. You shouldn’t get too carried away with food with an average GI, but you can afford it within reasonable limits. After all, in addition to glucose, it contains a lot of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and other substances beneficial to the body.

Lowest GI (up to 50) products such as buckwheat and pearl barley, unsweetened yogurt, kefir, sugar-free juice, legumes, milk, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, mushrooms, citrus fruits, nuts, apples, peaches, dark (over 70%) chocolate, all vegetables and herbs. Such food should form the basis of the diet of a person who monitors his health and weight.

Naturally, you shouldn’t choose food only according to the glycemic index table. For example, honey and carrots have fairly high values ​​(90 and 85, respectively), but contain many vitamins and are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, especially children. And sausages have a GI of only 28, but, of course, you shouldn’t get carried away with such a product. The GI table of foods is only a basis for creating a healthy diet; you also need to take into account the nutritional value of food.

In addition, Michel Montignac, in his methodology, pays a lot of attention to the preparation of food and the correct combination of products. It is best to cook food by steaming or over low heat to preserve the nutritional value of the food as much as possible. It is better to avoid frying, and if frying, do it in olive oil (it can withstand heating to high temperatures).

For one meal, it is best to combine proteins only with fats(for example, boiled veal with vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil) and do not consume carbohydrates with such foods. That is, it is not recommended to season pasta or porridge with butter. And it is best to combine products consisting of to a greater extent from carbohydrates only among themselves, for example, add soy to spaghetti or tomato sauce, as a last resort, a little olive oil. For dessert you can eat fruit salad.

In his books, Michel Montignac offers two nutritional systems - for intensive weight loss(a stricter diet designed for a certain period of time) and to keep fit(it is recommended to follow throughout). So, if your main goal is to lose weight, exclude from the nutrition menu all foods with a GI of more than 50, and focus on foods with a GI of up to 15. Such foods do not cause a sharp jump in blood sugar, which, in turn, prevents fat deposition . In addition, you should especially carefully monitor the quality of the product, its nutritional value, and freshness. The length of time during which you should adhere to such a diet depends only on what result you want to achieve.

If you are happy with your weight and want to remain there, you can make some amendments to the diet described above. Continue to select foods based on their GI, but the range of this indicator can be expanded. If you stick to a healthy diet all the time, then sometimes you can allow yourself small deviations. For example, the author of the diet, Michel Montignac, like a true Frenchman, allows himself to drink a glass of dry red wine with dinner, and for breakfast he often treats himself to freshly baked croissants.

In any case, if you decide to strictly adhere to any diet, it would not hurt to consult your doctor first. He will conduct a study of your body and tell you how best to organize your diet.

It's not even a diet, but whole program nutrition. French nutritionist Michel Montignac divided all carbohydrate-containing products into two groups. The first group included foods with a low glycemic index. (The glycemic index shows the level of sugar in the blood after consuming a product.) If a lot of glucose comes in, it does not immediately dissolve in the blood, but is converted into fat. Therefore, foods with a high glycemic index are included in the second group and are not recommended for consumption.

The Montignac diet consists of two stages. At the first stage, you should consume foods exclusively from the first list. This stage lasts until your weight becomes optimal. The second stage allows the consumption of products from the second group, but in limited quantities, and lasts a lifetime. If the glycemic index is above 50, then this product is “bad”.

Menu, indexes, Michel Montignac diet recipes

Here is a list of glycemic indexes of the most commonly consumed foods:

  • Glucose - 100
  • Chips and white bread 95 each
  • Mashed potatoes and honey 90 each
  • Corn flakes and sugar 85 each
  • Milk chocolate, white rice, corn 70 each
  • Black bread and beets 65 each
  • Melon, bananas 60 each
  • Pasta 55

Now let's list useful products with a low index:

  • Wholemeal bread, peas, muesli, brown rice 50 each
  • Oatmeal, buckwheat, beans, fruit juice without sugar 40 each
  • Dairy products 35
  • Fruits 30
  • Dark chocolate 22
  • Fructose 20
  • Soy, lemons, mushrooms, vegetables 15 each

In addition, the Montignac diet includes elements of separate nutrition. You should exclude foods that contain both proteins and carbohydrates. If you eat protein or fat-containing foods, do not mix them with carbohydrates. At least 2-3 hours should pass between such meals.

At the first stage, you can eat: lean meat and fish, low-fat fermented milk products, vegetables, beans, beans, soy, lemons, mushrooms. When eating according to the Montignac system, you must control yourself. What is important here is an attitude and an honest approach to creating your own diet. This is quite difficult to do and, moreover, such a program is not suitable for everyone. Experts are still engaged in heated debates about the benefits and harms of separate nutrition. Therefore, if you decide to use the Montignac diet, consult your doctor. Of course, each of us understands that any nutrition plan cannot suit everyone without exception. AND the most effective diet - this is the one that was selected especially for you.

A nutritionist can create an individual diet for you directly on our website. Pass free unique tests, fill out the form and your personalized diet will instantly begin to bring amazing results. You will not only lose weight, but also improve your entire body. After all, if there was such a diet that suits everyone without exception, people would have used only it long ago.

Montignac diet download books for free

Pages: 78, 366, 43

Michel Montignac developed the principles of the original method for weight loss and became the first person who came up with the idea of ​​​​using the concept of the glycemic index to get rid of excess weight.

Michel first tried out the innovative principles on himself and lost more than 30 pounds in less than three months. So he proved that you can lose weight without depriving yourself of calories, just by making the right choices.

We offer you three best books Michel Montignac: “Eat and look younger”, “Montignac’s nutritional recipes”, “Montignac’s nutritional secrets”