Flour products: benefits and harms. Are flour baked goods harmful to the body: we look at the pros and cons



1. The main causes of hazards in the production field of a master baker


1.1 Research…………………………………………………………………………………………………………11

2. Possible options for the location of the working area and the area where the baker-master resides………………………………………………………………………………….14

3. Organization of the workplace taking into account the ergonomic principles of occupational safety………………………………………………………………………………………………..19

4.Analysis of professional risks………………………………………….30

5. The role of regulatory and legal documents in ensuring occupational safety…………………………………………………………………………………………...40

6. Assessing the severity and intensity of the labor process……………………43


List of references……………………………………………………………..51


"Workplace Safety"

The purpose of the work is to consider the safety issues of the baker-master workplace.

To successfully complete this work, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

    identify the main causes of hazards in the production environment of a master baker;

    show possible options location of the work area and the employee’s stay area;

    analyze the organization of the workplace taking into account the ergonomic principles of labor safety;

    analyze the professional risks of a master baker using methods methodological instructions“Identification and assessment of professional risks”

    indicate the role of regulatory and legal documents in ensuring occupational safety;

    assess the severity and intensity of the labor process based on indicators

P 2.2.2006 – 05 “Guide to the hygienic assessment of factors in the working environment and the labor process.” Indicate the transcript of the information entered in table 17; 18, provide a photograph of the workplace and based on the ETKS.

The work consists of an introduction, six chapters (including additional paragraphs), a conclusion and a list of references.


The profession of a baker is to bake bread and bakery products. He kneads the dough, determines its readiness, sends it to the oven, controlling the baking process, regulates the movement of oven conveyors, and determines the readiness of the product.

The profession requires physical endurance, a subtle sense of smell and taste, coordination of hand movements, a three-dimensional eye, observation and memory for images. You need good knowledge of organic chemistry, knowledge of the basics of microbiology and mathematics, devices and principles of operation of ovens, machines, cutting methods, baking dough , safety regulations and industrial sanitation.

It is not recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, impaired motor function, endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus), skin allergies, eczema of the hands, visual defects, chronic infectious diseases.

Historical correction. The profession of a baker, like its related profession of a cook, developed along with civilization.

The word "baker" appeared in 1300-1200 BC. This is evidenced by separate indications in written sources. And as a craft, baking becomes recognized and revered after 8-10 centuries.

Very often bakers were called “basmanniki”, from the word “basman” - bread for the king. The profession of a baker used to be considered very honorable. A special feature of Russian bread baking is the production of rye bread.

People have long known the technology of preparing dough and then baking bread. First yeast dough invented 4000 years ago.

Mention of the first baker who made money from this dates back to the 12th century BC, when the first buns appeared on sale in Egypt.

This ancient civilization, by the way, gave the world the most common and more convenient variety of wheat. As a profession, it only spread in the 20th century; before that, most people baked bread at home.

Social significance of the profession in society: It is difficult to overestimate the service of bakers to the people. Today, many factories and commercial bakeries hire specialists to bake baked goods. These professionals have a special merit to the citizens. Life in a city (especially a big one) goes at such a fast pace that no one would agree to bake bread at home. We are already accustomed to buying most of our products ready-made so as not to have to do the cooking.

Mass character and uniqueness of the profession : In bakeries, bakeries and

large restaurants, bakers are subject to approximately the same

requirements: neatness in work, keen sense of smell and taste, attentiveness and reliable memory. The baker should never forget how long it is and what exactly he has in the oven. Of course, a smart baker must have that very secret recipe with which he will surprise his customers.

1.The main causes of dangers in production sector master baker.

Bakery production is one of the most socially significant industries in which people are employed. a large number of workers, especially women. In this production, health risk factors include increased air temperature in the working area, monotonous heavy physical labor, and irrational working posture. The influence of high environmental temperature under industrial conditions causes a number of functional changes in humans in the central nervous system, cardiovascular, immune and other important life support systems of the body.

When performing work, the baker may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful factors: :


Moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts of trade and technological equipment, moving goods, raw materials, containers;

Voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;

Sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of tools, equipment, inventory, goods and containers;

Increased or decreased temperature of the surfaces of equipment, goods, raw materials and products;

Increased or decreased temperature, humidity and air mobility of the working area;

Thermal (infrared) radiation;

Increased noise level in the workplace;

General and local vibration;

Increased level of electromagnetic fields;

Lack or lack of natural light;

The profession of master baker belongs to work category IIa

Category IIa includes work with an energy intensity of 151-200 kcal/h (175-232 W), associated with constant walking, moving small (up to 1 kg) products or objects in a standing or sitting position and requiring a certain physical effort (a number of professions in mechanical assembly shops of machine-building enterprises, in spinning and weaving production, etc.).

Based on this, there are a number of restrictions on staying in the workplace, due to warnings against possible dangers:

Time spent at the workplace at air temperatures above permissible values

Air temperature in the workplace, C*

IIa - IIb

Time spent on the river (hours)

Permissible upper limit of air temperature in the workplace during thermal exposure of a worker


Hazard classes

1st - substances are extremely dangerous,

2nd - highly hazardous substances,

3rd - moderately hazardous substances,

4th - low-hazard substances.


A - substances that can cause allergic diseases in industrial conditions;

F - aerosols of predominantly fibrogenic action;

O - substances with a highly targeted mechanism of action that require automatic control over their content in the air

Technogenic sources of danger

These are, first of all, the dangers associated with the use of vehicles, the operation of lifting and transport equipment, and the use of flammable, flammable and explosive substances and materials.

In the bakery industry, a number of equipment is used that increases the likelihood of hazards. Let's consider the designs of some continuous dough mixing machines:

A continuous machine of the ShM - 1M brand with a stationary container and a horizontal axis of rotation of the kneading element is designed to produce plastic dough from flour and emulsion

The RZ-KhTI-3 machine is designed for intensive kneading of wheat dough with a variable kneading mode, which is ensured by using a three-speed electric motor. The advantages of the machine include intensive impact on the dough during kneading, which helps reduce dough fermentation, automatic control of the kneading process, and a device for mechanized unloading during periodic kneading.

1-bed;2-drive shafts;3-rotary supports;4-rotary axles;5-machine container;6-shaped levers;7-rod;8-fixed cover;9-drive electric motors;10-gear reducers;

Dough mixers

Rotary ovens

There is hardly any need to worry about flatbreads. However, such private

The shops must have a license and regular inspection by the sanitary and epidemiological station. There can be a danger if you buy samsa, since the meat or products that are put there may be of poor quality, overcooked. And it is also necessary to take into account that for meat (minced meat for samsa) not only sheep or veal meat, as usual, can be used, but the meat of other animals, for example, horse meat, pork, venison.
In this case, there may be other types of danger (especially if the samsa is fresh):
- horse meat can greatly increase blood pressure;
- pork in samsa can cause obesity;
- Venison can lead to dehydration.
Another danger may come from the seasoning that goes into the minced meat and onto the samsa itself.
Often, instead of zra, carrot seeds are used (which is cheaper than zra) - which can greatly influence potency.
Often in such places they also sell shish kebab - here again you have to be careful about the same meat and seasoning. But besides this, the kebab meat is additionally stewed. The process of stewing meat for barbecue can also be in violation of sanitary standards, in which case such food can cause various diseases.

The sanitary and epidemiological station will clearly answer this, if they do not check, beware of eating samsa.


Nowadays, the danger of buying low-quality products can lurk everywhere. And not only from small private traders, but even in large chain stores. Often, due to staff turnover, there is not always proper control over the availability of health certificates for employees. And it’s no secret that some sanitary books are fake.

In this case, even a simple tortilla can be dangerous if the baking was done without proper supervision and the employee is a carrier of E. coli or another infection. By the way, a health certificate, even a real one, is not always a guarantee that a person is not sick. After all, the incubation period of many diseases is different.

It is also worth noting that there are plenty of loopholes for unscrupulous owners of such enterprises, and you can’t have enough inspectors every day. So, what not to buy? Perhaps you just need to be more attentive yourself. See under what conditions the product is sold: packaging, sales deadlines, type of product and much more.

Although it is impossible to escape from everything, as the saying goes: “God protects those who are careful.”


A lady just posted on a related topic on the regional forum. We have one too, it turns out there’s a tandoor somewhere...

He notes that it is not very clean. It smells sour. (I would have already turned around and left here.) The flatbreads did not inspire confidence - they bought something for the child, with which the child... got hurt.

The conclusion is probably this: if the establishment does not inspire confidence from the threshold, no matter how many potential buyers there are, there is no need to rely on “maybe”. On the other hand, you can sometimes get sepsis in the operating room...

I was in Uzbekistan, I saw how tandoor flatbreads are baked, sold, stored, transported - this won’t tempt me even if I’m starving. Everything, in short, is individual.

Of course, they check them. Plus - everything is baked in front of you. Immediately after heat treatment it is sold.

But it always turns out that whatever we buy, we buy, essentially, blindly. No one is immune from anything, incl. and from food poisoning.


Is it dangerous to buy pastries and bread from private bakeries?

Evgenia. I will answer honestly. Buying groceries is generally dangerous. Anywhere. Well, why not live after this? Now capitalism, and the main point capitalism - making profit. If we started talking about bakery products. Do you naively assume that buying bread in a supermarket that is baked in bakeries is safe? It is not known what grain the flour is from, but what about fluffing agents, leavening agents and other chemicals? Moreover, the majority are of Chinese origin and it is not clear what they are made of? Not to mention the fact that rats and other living creatures get into the bread in factories. Sanitary and epidemiological station and other regulatory authorities. Yes, everything is rotten. Everything is on bribes and on the counter, starting from bakeries and ending with stalls with tandoors. There is only one way out. All by experience. I bought it and tried it, if everything is fine, buy it there, it’s at least some kind of guarantee

Through experience, you can only understand where to buy bread, what kind of bread and whose bakery, in which stalls you can buy flatbread, samsa, khachapuri, achma and it will be safe for health. No other way. Documents, the same certificates, are easily forged and bought. Also, purely visually, look at what the seller looks like in the stall, what kind of clothes he is wearing, what condition his hands are in, if possible, assess whether the inside of the room is clean and whether there is at least a refrigerator and a washstand. And one more way. Recommendations from people who shop at this stall. Popular rumor. But just listen to the advice of people you know and trust.

Bakery and confectionery products are always in demand; these products are regularly purchased by all segments of the population. If you draw up a competent business plan and organize your business correctly, a bakery, even in a mini-format, can become a highly profitable business.

Mini bakery at home

A bakery from scratch can be opened in several formats:

  • full cycle workshop;
  • specially equipped part of the kitchen.

The choice should depend on the expected production technology, scale and desired range. A mini-bakery at home can operate in a full cycle (includes all stages of bread production) or incomplete cycle (when products are baked from frozen semi-finished products). If the first option is chosen, you will need at least 80-90 m² of space. Bakeries of this format, as a rule, produce branded confectionery products and create a wide range of bakery products with a productivity of 120-150 kg/hour. Owners get the opportunity to control the production process and independently form an assortment.

If you open a bakery operating in a partial cycle format, you can easily create a wide range of products; they are characterized by waste-free, clean production. Even 35-40 m² will be enough for work. The capacity of such a small enterprise is enough to produce 0.2-5.0 tons of bread per day. Another advantage of this organization of work is that there is no need to purchase raw materials for preparing the dough. Using the equipment is simple and convenient; no additional complex technical devices are required. The influence of the human factor is also significantly reduced, the number finished products much easier to control.

Advice: There is no pronounced difference in taste between baked goods made from semi-finished products and fresh dough, because the products are prepared, as a rule, from natural ingredients, without flavor enhancers.

Mini-bakeries opened at home from scratch have many advantages:

  • do not require huge capital investments;
  • they can be opened even in the home kitchen;
  • allow you to work without dependence on intermediaries, which allows you to create favorable prices for customers and achieve high business profitability;
  • enter into direct contracts with suppliers of certain raw materials;
  • the owner gets more opportunities to attract potential buyers (promotions, organize demonstrations of the baking process for advertising purposes);
  • You can freely vary the assortment depending on the buyer’s interests and resources.

The owners, citing experience, emphasize that to ensure high profitability of the business, it is important to choose the right location of the outlet in advance (the foot traffic should be high). Even if not starting capital, you can organize, for example, dropshipping, writing custom texts, making gifts, decorative soap, confectionery(cakes, cupcakes) to order.

How to open a mini-bakery from scratch?

Before opening mini-bakeries from scratch at home, it is important to resolve the issue of marketing finished products and the prospects of countering competitors (and there will always be at least 2 of them - mass producers, for example, bakeries and retailers). It is also important to choose the right LLC. The best option The tax system of choice is UTII, the alternative is the simplified tax system of 6% or 15%.

You will also need a quality certificate and a permit for production activities, a conclusion on the compliance of the premises and equipment with fire safety requirements, and a permit from the environmental inspection. You will also need to submit baked goods samples to a laboratory for analysis. It is important to remember that every mini-bakery employee is required to have a medical book. will be carried out no more than once every 3 years. The inspection plan can be found on the website of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation or on the website of the Rospotrebnadzor Office.

An important issue is the formation of an assortment. It should be varied and interest buyers. To maintain their interest, you need to focus not only on quality and price, but also on the formation of new taste qualities, fillings, baking forms. The mass product of ordinary stores will never be able to compete on equal terms with the high-quality branded products of mini-bakeries.

Advice: According to bakers, it is possible to create new flavors by using natural baking mixtures. For example, a culinary additive made from rye flour and heat-treated malt gives baked goods dark color, special taste and aroma. The mixtures also extend shelf life, improve product quality and allow optimization of production technology (dry sourdough helps bread rise in 1 hour rather than 3). In addition, their consumption is very small.

How to open a personal mini-bakery? The algorithm of actions looks like this: registration of a mini-bakery, search and preparation of premises, selection and purchase of equipment, search for personnel, registration of permits, purchase of raw materials, start of work. You will also need it for permits and careful preparation of all stages. One of the most important aspects– choosing a place with good traffic, a convenient position of the room.

What advantages should mini-bakery owners have in the competition:

  1. Quality and freshness of products.
  2. Range.
  3. Better price.
  4. Quality of service.
  5. Design of the point of sale (this can be done with your own hands without large financial costs).

To open profitable business, worth paying Special attention for some common mistakes:

  • lack of a clear business development strategy, inconsistency in actions;
  • insufficient funding;
  • the sales market is not prepared at the initial stage;
  • lack of competitive offers for the buyer.

What equipment do you need for a bakery?

Opening a successful full-cycle bakery is possible only if you have high-quality equipment: pastry tables, trolleys, flour sifter, dough mixing machine, dough divider, molding machine for croissants and baguettes, proofer and oven (hearth, rotary), trays, stainless steel baking sheets steel, culinary tools (knives, brushes, scrapers, special utensils). You will also additionally need various units, for example, a lift with a bowl tipper, a seaming machine.

For part-time bakeries, less equipment will suffice. The main thing is to have a proofer for defrosting semi-finished products, an oven, and a refrigerator for storing preparations.

Equipment for mini-bakery - ready-made kits

Before opening a bakery, it is important to choose quality equipment for a mini-bakery from scratch. It is not necessary to buy it individually; ready-made kits are available for sale. Average price – 2800000-5666768 rubles. Turnkey mini-bakeries are produced on the basis of a gas, electric or diesel oven. They include the following equipment:

  • oven (rotary gas, electric or diesel);
  • proofing cabinet;
  • rack trolley;
  • sifter for bulk products;
  • dough mixing machine;
  • rolling bowl;
  • additional (hearth sheet, cassette of bread molds) and auxiliary - production table with table top, table scales, floor scales, tray cart, bread tray.

Indicative table of utility costs for bakeries operating on the basis of ready-made equipment sets:

Costs directly depend on the configuration of the equipment and its power.

How much does it cost to open a bakery?

On average, to open a full-service mini-bakery from scratch, you will need 1,500,000 rubles. with a production volume of 45,000 kg per month. To increase sales volumes, assistants may be needed (main workers - 4, specialists - 2, office workers - 2, auxiliary workers - 4), which makes the costs high. It is also important to navigate the prices of equipment; the average price is:

  • oven (900 thousand rubles);
  • dough mixing machine (RUB 380 thousand);
  • proofing cabinet (60 thousand rubles);
  • dough sheeter (30 thousand rubles);
  • baking trolley (15-19 thousand rubles);
  • table for cutting dough (60 thousand rubles);
  • flour sifter (14-15 thousand rubles).

Electricity costs average 75 thousand rubles. (18,000 kW) per month. Also monthly expenses include rental of premises - around 10-15 thousand and purchase of raw materials (with a volume of 1500 kg of products you will need about 500 thousand rubles). It is important to take into account the cost of auxiliary materials (packaging film, labels) - about 40 thousand. The net profit from such a project will be about 125 thousand rubles. and it will pay off on average in 12 months. The higher the traffic of a retail outlet, the greater the profit.

If you open a bakery in your home kitchen, the costs, of course, will be lower, purchases of raw materials are made in lower volumes, but productivity will also become lower and the payback period will increase.

The baking business is considered one of the most highly profitable. Experts say that with any forecast of market development, its profitability cannot fall below 25%. The largest segment of this market is occupied by mass products (bread, bagels, crackers, confectionery), in second place are non-traditional offerings (lavash), followed by dietary baked goods and 5% of the market belongs to elite products. It is in the latter segment that a mini-bakery can best express itself by offering the buyer a unique product and reasonably create a high markup. On average, investments can be repaid within a period of several months to 1.5-2 years, depending on the scale of production and its resources. Home bakeries, in which a minimum of capital is invested, will pay off a little longer.

Bakery as a business - reviews

The bakery has been operating for seven years now. And, despite the difficulties, I am satisfied. During the work we had to move production 3 times and change the location of the outlet. The majority of positions in the assortment are occupied by baked pies from butter dough With with different fillings, puff pastry products. I easily sell about 2,500 units through several dozen stores.

A few years ago I managed to open a mini-bakery at home, but it didn’t work out. I was disappointed and was already counting my losses. But on the advice of a friend, he closed for a while, together with specialists he drew up a business plan, corrected the mistakes and restarted production. I’ve been working for myself for a year now and I consider opening a mini-bakery a profitable business (if you approach it wisely and form a sales market in advance).

Our own mini-bakery at home has been operating for two years now, but remains actual problem sales It seems that she thought through and calculated everything, but this moment is still not completely resolved. Probably, we should have given it more attention at the start and worked according to the business plan, and not blindly. But I’m still happy with my earnings; there are many regular customers who even come to my home.

Baked goods usually mean fluffy, delicious buns, cheesecakes and pies with filling, used as a treat. Adults love them and children adore them. Is this food healthy? This is what we will discuss today.

The role of baking in the diet

Let's start with the fact that without carbohydrate foods, which include bakery products, the body cannot do without it. The main source of energy is glucose, obtained from the breakdown of carbohydrates. It nourishes the brain, serves as fuel for nervous system, during heavy work or disrupted diet, it allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger and restore strength.

In many cases, baked goods turn out to be a supplier of useful micro- and macroelements, especially when dried fruits, spices and berry jams are used for the filling. Traditional buns contain vitamins B1, B2, PP. The following substances are present in small quantities:

- sodium,

- calcium,

- magnesium,

- phosphorus,

- iron.

Finally, rich sweets improve emotional tone and improve mood. It’s so nice to feel their aroma and pamper your taste buds.

What delicious treats. But how harmful are they?

Video: What is the harm of sweets and how to stop craving sweets?

Negative features of baking

The coin also has a “shadow” side. And in this case it is much darker and more prominent than the light one. In excess quantities, flour products bring extra calories. And the body, as a thrifty host, deposits them on the waist, hips and sides in the form of fatty layers. For people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and fear for their figure, buns and loaves turn out to be a serious obstacle to slimness.

This is the overall picture. Now let's talk about the specifics, namely the ingredients. Modern factories and combines are guided in the production process not by current standards, but by independently developed recipes. They often bake products based on ready-made factory dry kits, which include a huge number of synthetic and dangerous additives. It may be harmful for the consumer, but it is convenient and beneficial for the seller.


Margarine is an emulsion mixture of natural and modified vegetable oils and animal fats. Its danger lies in the presence of trans fats, which are attributed to carcinogenic properties and are called the cause of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, allergic reactions, decreased immunity and deterioration of blood composition.

But there is a way out. This component will replace country butter, and in some types of dough (custard, yeast) - refined pomace from sunflower, corn, rapeseed, etc.

Baking powder

This component is necessary to give products looseness and fluffiness. But if it is made on the basis of phosphates, it poses a danger to the stomach (provokes ulcers and erosions), and causes a lack of phosphorus and calcium.


Sweet, tasty, but is it healthy?

Most flour desserts are high in sugar. After cooking, the resulting product has a high glycemic index, which sharply increases blood glucose levels. This is one of the reasons why baked goods lovers are at risk for developing:

- diabetes,

- thrush,

- obesity.

In addition, too sweet products are harmful to the teeth.


Baker's yeast is a type of biological dough leavening agent - a single-celled fungus without mycelium. The product is quite controversial. Some insist on its usefulness, others argue that it is harmful. The arguments of both sides seem convincing, but who is right remains unclear. The main “phobias” regarding these microorganisms are as follows:

1) Once in the human digestive system, yeast begins to “steal” carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for their vital functions from human food. The result is a deficiency of elements in the body.

2) Aggressive fungi multiply exponentially. They create a putrefactive environment and upset the balance of intestinal microflora towards “bad” bacteria, which leads to a weakening of protective functions. Food absorption also deteriorates. Dysbacteriosis and problems with the pancreas and liver appear.

3) Increases acidity, which contributes to chronic intake, the formation of ulcers and gastritis, gallstones. The body tries to normalize the acid-base ratio by pulling calcium (an alkaline element) from bone tissue. Therefore, baking, in theory, can become an indirect cause of bone fragility and osteoporosis.

4) As a result of alcoholic fermentation, toxic substances are formed: diacetyl, acetoin, butyraldehyde, isoamyl, etc. These compounds are responsible for the taste and smell of flour products. In small quantities they are not dangerous.

An alternative to factory-made yeast will be natural analogues made from hops and rye starters.


Vanillin is a synthetic additive with a characteristic pleasant aroma. In certain cases, it provokes allergic reactions and even skin irritations, including the development of contact dermatitis, pigmentation and eczema.

In the production of this powder, coumarin is often used, a carcinogen that has a destructive effect on liver cells. The person feels heartburn.

How to give up baking and what to replace it with?

Refusal white bread and rich - this is important step towards health. For some, such a decision is easy, but for others, they simply cannot get over themselves. Dramatically overcome the habit of eating sweet pastries hard. But treats can be gradually replaced from the diet by replacing them with healthier foods:

  • marshmallows based on pectin, egg whites and applesauce;
  • marmalade made from fruit and berry juices, with or agar-agar;
  • nuts;
  • black chocolate;
  • whole grain bars and crispbreads;
  • Turkish delight, prepared from fruit and berry purees, nuts, honey, seeds, starch;
  • dried fruits.

Sweet yeast rolls, crackers and puff pastries should be avoided. Instead, it is better to give preference to baked goods made from whole grain flour, products without confectionery glaze and biscuits.

Little tricks for the cook

It is known that the body absorbs calories most actively in the first half of the day. Therefore, for breakfast it is quite acceptable to eat a delicious cheesecake with tea, a croissant with coffee, a roll with cocoa, or even a piece of cake. But you shouldn’t overeat and try to cram into yourself daily norm, since everything is digested so well before lunch.

To make baking more healthy, when home cooking reduce the portion of sugar by 40-50 percent. Usually the proportion of this ingredient in recipes is indicated in excess. It is recommended to do the same with fat: the amount of butter can be safely reduced by a third, or even half. At the same time, the taste and quality of the dessert will not be affected, but the energy value will be significantly reduced.

When baking in the oven, do not grease the baking sheet or pans. It is better to line the bottom with non-stick coating. Pies or buns will remain just as tender and airy.

Finally, you can use fruit purees and slaked vinegar instead of chicken eggs.

Remember! Baking is not so harmful that you have to give it up altogether. Moderation and rationality are important for health. With this approach, you won’t have to deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating baked goods.

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It is rare to meet a person who is completely indifferent to sweets. Of course, some simply cannot imagine a day without sweets, and others do not feel a constant need for them. But, nevertheless, all kinds of desserts enjoy great love, and not only among representatives of the fair half of humanity. Men also often cannot deny themselves sweet pleasure.

It is almost impossible not to visit a confectionery shop in Lviv. And it’s also very difficult to pass by. Be that as it may, sweets contain many different substances that can have different effects on the human body - see.

Many scientists and nutritionists constantly prove and disprove the benefits and harms of this or that dessert. This all suggests that it is impossible to say for sure that sweets are really harmful. But at the same time, one also has to argue about its benefits. However, let's consider everything in order.

Oh, these harmful sweets!

The main enemy for humans is sugar. It is known that desserts contain a certain amount of sugar, which negatively affects the condition of teeth. When sugar accumulates on the teeth, various bacteria begin to appear, which destroy tooth enamel. In first place in in this case there are various toffees and toffees. They are followed by caramels, and in third place is chocolate. Therefore, you shouldn’t indulge yourself often with these sweets. Especially if you have problems with your teeth.

Also, sweets usually contain a large amount of carbohydrates, which can cause you to gain significant weight and ultimately become obese. The thing is that carbohydrates act on the human body in such a way that it is supposedly quickly saturated with the necessary energy, and the person feels full. But a large consumption of sweets can provoke hunger, which is why a person begins to eat more.

In addition, frequent consumption of sweets can cause diabetes mellitus. The bottom line is that sweets increase blood glucose levels, so the pancreas begins to produce more insulin, which causes the terrible disease.

Quite often, various flavors and dyes are added to sweets, which can cause acne to appear on the skin of the body, face, and so on. Over time, a person develops an allergic reaction from such substances.

Stop panicking! It’s not only possible to eat sweets, but also necessary!

But don't be discouraged. Sweets also have positive sides. First of all, it's all about the same carbohydrates. The body needs them because carbohydrates really saturate the body with energy and also satisfy hunger very quickly. In addition, they are quickly and easily absorbed by the human body.

Of course, sweets are the source Have a good mood! Several studies by eminent scientists have already shown that after eating desserts or regular chocolate, not only does your mood improve, but your brain function also improves. Many schoolchildren, students and people involved in mental activity They advise you to eat sweets.

Therefore, if you cannot deny yourself sweets, then you should not do it. You just need to monitor the amount you eat and treat yourself little by little. Then there will be absolutely no harm to your health. You can safely go to pastry shops in Lviv and buy yourself something delicious.