Tarja Turunen biography. Biography. Important Career Steps

Less than a month is left before the arrival of one of the most famous rock divas, ex-soloist of the band Nightwish Tarja Turunen. The only performance of the vocal Finn will take place on December 21 at the October Palace. On the eve of our arrival, we have prepared a selection of little-known facts about this mysterious performer.

What do you know about one of the most powerful voices of our time? Here are 10 stories from Tarja’s biography that will surprise even her fans!

Voice of Tarja Turunen

For many years, Tarja Turunen has been among the top five academic vocalists in the world.

The British magazine The Sun, along with Madonna, named Turunen one of the 50 women who became immortal during their lifetime due to their contribution to music.

World fame

Turunen was the first foreign singer to sell more than 20,000 copies of her album in the CIS countries.

Her album “My winter storm” brought her platinum and raised her to 11th place in Billboard’s Top 100 European Albums, and Tarja herself was nominated for the Echo Awards and Emma Awards.

In total, Tarja's solo discs and more than 3 million copies of albums recorded as part of Nightwish have been sold.

In her native Finland, Tarja was dubbed the “Finnish nightingale.”

In December 2003, Finnish President Tarja Halonen invited Tarja and her husband to the presidential palace in Helsinki to celebrate Independence Day. A columnist for one Finnish TV channel called the artist the most impressively dressed lady at the event.

Tarja Turunen in Nightwish

Since 1996, Tarja became the vocalist of the band Nightwish. As part of the team, Turunen traveled all over the world, recorded 6 albums and received worldwide recognition. The artist left the group in 2005, going on a “solo voyage”.

Important Career Steps

As part of the group Nightwish, Tarja took part in the Eurovision qualifying round with the song “Sleepwalker”.

Turunen was one of the mentors in the 3rd season of the Voice of Finland project. Her ward Miya Kosunen won this competition.

Tarja Turunen recorded a duet with the group Scorpions. The composition “The good die young” graced the latest album of the legendary band – “Sting in the tale”. Turunen later recalled that it was an unforgettable moment when Klaus Meine himself called her and proposed a duet.

Tarja "Innocence"

A little about personal

Tarja Turunen was born in the small village of Puhos, Finland, into the family of a carpenter. Already at the age of 3, the girl’s strong vocals were noticed, and the little girl began studying music in a local church choir. At the age of 6, Tarja began playing the piano.

Turunen has two higher education, she speaks five languages: Finnish, Swedish, German, Spanish and English, drives a car, loves running and diving.

More than anything in the world, the most famous rock diva is afraid of two things: spiders and losing her voice.

  • Translated from Finnish, Tarja means Daria.
  • The artist's height is like greek goddess beauty and love of Aphrodite - 164 cm, and shoe size - 35.5-36.
  • Despite the fact that Tarja has such a voice, she practically does not limit herself in any way in nutrition. She loves a well-peppered steak, and prefers potatoes in garlic sauce as a side dish. Tarja practically does not watch TV, with the exception of the news and the best films on weekends.

A few details about Tarja Turunen:

  • The singer's correct name is Tarja Turunen, sometimes fans incorrectly call her Tyra Turunen, Tara Turunen, Taria Turunen, Taria Turunen, Taya Turunen, etc.
  • Singing voice Finnish nightingale - soprano. Over the years of working on vocals, Tarja has developed a range of 3 octaves and can sing works for mezzo-soprano, contralto and coloratura soprano.

Childhood and youth of the Finnish nightingale – Tarja Turunen

Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen Cabuli was born on August 17, 1977 in the small village of Puhos, near the already well-known Kitee. The girl grew up with two brothers - the older Timo and the younger Tony. The father of the future Finnish nightingale, Teuvo Turunen, worked as a carpenter, and his mother, Maryatta, worked in the city administration. From the cradle, the girl heard singing in the house - the family was quite musical and very often everyone got together and sang. For her family, the girl has always been a princess.

The parishioners of the local church were the first who were able to listen to Tarja Turunen - at the age of three she first performed in front of an audience as part of a church choir. Then, the little girl demonstrated not only her vocal abilities by performing Enkeli taivaan (a 16th century Protestant hymn), but also lack of stage fright - having forgotten the words, the girl came up with them herself and finished the performance.

Already with early years Tarja Turunen differed from her peers in that she always strived to be in the center of attention, and she was drawn to sing on stage. At the local children's center, she was one of the brightest participants in creative activities - she sang and staged performances in the puppet theater.

When the girl was 6 years old, her parents took her to an open college for piano lessons. Tarja Turunen's first music teacher was Tuomas Holopainen's mother, Kirsti. At the same time, the girl began to learn the basics music theory and develop hearing. The first teacher of the Finnish nightingale always noted that the girl was a very diligent and extremely talented student. A few years later, the girl, like all the other members of the first Nightwish lineup, became a student of Plamen Dimov. Under his guidance, she mastered the flute.

“We got to perform a lot outside of school. But Tarja, unlike the other students, including Tuomas, was already famous, despite her very young age. Turunen was a real singer“, she really wanted to perform and she needed the attention of the audience,” recalls her talented student Plamen Dimov.

Like any schoolboy who stands out from the crowd, Tarja’s relationships with her classmates did not work out. If Tuomas was simply considered strange and tried not to communicate with him, then the girl, on the contrary, was bullied and envied her in every possible way. This led to the fact that from an early age she got used to being more in the company of guys who were more loyal to her. Despite the fact that Turunen in the photo in his youth does not look like a sex bomb.

Tarja and Tuomas first met when the future singer was about 12 years old. Then she made an indelible impression on him, as she did on all the school boys.

“From the very beginning, Tarja was very charismatic. There was something special about her: she radiated charisma and probably all the boys at Kitee High School had a crush on her in some way. How can I describe this? Radiance,” recalled Tuomas almost 15 years later.

At the age of 15, the heroine of the story finally decided that she wanted to devote herself to singing. This was the beginning of her attending classical vocal classes at Kitee Open College as a free student. At this time, there was a change in idols - if earlier the girl considered Whitney Houston the best singer, then after meeting the Phantom of the Opera, Tarja Turunen began to consider Sarah Brightman as her idol. The future Finnish nightingale realized that in order to sing concerts like this, she would need a lot of preparation, which she could not get in Plamen’s lessons.

The desire to improve led the girl to study at the Lyceum of Arts and Music in Savonlinna. Anyone who came to the group's performances as a student could listen to Tarja Turunen in countless pop groups. However, despite the fact that performing with pop groups gave her a lot of experience, the future Finnish nightingale quickly realized that this style of singing did not suit her. Therefore, after passing the singing exams with the highest scores in the history of the lyceum, Tarja spread her wings and, at the age of 18, went to enroll in the Sibelius Academy in Kuopio. She chose a vocal specialization with an emphasis on church singing and seriously began studying piano.

Nightwish and Tarja Turunen – the Finnish nightingale spreads its wings

The Christmas holidays that Tarja spent in Kitee in 1996 changed her whole life - then she received an offer from Emppu to try to join new group Tuomas as vocalist. The collaboration between Nightwish and Tarja Turunen led to the fact that, as Plamen later noted, she began to develop as a singer, since before that she had only sung what was required of her in class. But intense work with Nightwish forced the singer to interrupt her studies.

For very a short time photo of Tarja Turunen became associated with the face and voice of Nightwish. For few people, the name of the group was primarily associated with the name of its creator, Tuomas. For everyone, Nightwish was associated with the name of the Finnish nightingale.

However, despite the fact that in Nightwish Tarja Turunen became the idol of many thousands of people and the world learned about her as the face of a metal band, the Finnish nightingale did not think of giving up classical music. After recording her first album Angels Fall First, she became a member of the Savonlinna Opera Festival Choir, in which she performed the music of Wagner and Verdi. This was her timid first step in creating her solo career.

Even after in 1999 it became clear that the flight to the heights of glory of Nightwish and Tarja Turunen could no longer be stopped, the singer became one of the soloists of the metal symphony Evangelicum, a project of Waltari frontman Kari Hatakka in which the director of the Finnish National Ballet acted as a choreographer Jorma Uotinen. All 12 performances in Helsinki were sold out. The result of this work was that the Helsingin Sanomat publication used the words “opera singer Tarja Turunen” for the first time in its materials.

The foundation for a solo career had been laid, but there was still not enough building material. Performance at the Eurovision selection, platinum awards for Wishmaster - all this could not help build a solo career. But when Nightwish and Tarja Turnen were on tour in South America, she met Marcelo Cabuli.

Tarja Turunen met her future husband in the city of Chile, where Nightwish arrived as part of their South American tour. Marcelo Cabuli was responsible for publishing the group's albums in South America. From the very beginning the relationship between Marcelo and the group was very friendly. In the hot atmosphere of concerts, raging fans and the scorching sun, a romance began to develop between the lead singer of Nightwish Tarja and the Argentinean, who managed to impress the woman almost immediately.

“At first we didn’t really know anything about each other, but when we had the opportunity to spend more time together, our feelings awakened. He just didn't take his eyes off me." “The woman later recalled meeting her future husband.

After the release of Over the Hills And Far Away, Tarja Turunen was not content with only the Sibelius Academy and entered the German High school music of Karlsruhe, believing that she would have enough time to study, given that Nightwish had its first crisis and at some point the group's prospects became completely dim. Here she attracted the attention of the famous professor Mitsuko Shirai, who strongly recommended that the Finnish nightingale concentrate her attention on the vocals of an independent soloist.

However, Turunen soon had to combine study and music. Not without Marcelo Cabuli's encouragement, she began collaborating with the project of Argentine bassist Beto Vasquez to create the album Infinity (very often this album is included in the Nightwish discography, however, it is connected with the group only in that in three songs you can hear the vocals of the group's lead singer). The album Infinity, against all expectations, found wild success and easily reached the top of the charts.

After working with Beto Vasquez, Finnish Nightingale recorded the song Tuulikello for composer Anssi Tikanmäki's album Perinteinen pop-levy. This idea was again Marcelo's. This was followed by another project, the foundation of which was again laid by future husband Tarji Turunen – present to South American audiences classical works Scandinavian musicians - Jean Sibelius, Hugo Wolf, Richard Strauss, Gustav Machler, Johannes Brahms, Felix Mendelssohn and many others. The project was called Noche Escandinava and was hosted by major classical music venues in Argentina and Chile. The project was sponsored by Finland, Norway, Germany, Japan and the City Hall of Buenos Aires. In addition to our heroine, Maryut Paavilainen, Invild Storch, Juha Koskela, and Izumi Kawakatsu took part in the project. Noche Escandinava is still a success.

All these events and projects while Nightwish took a forced break made it clear - now it has become possible to listen to Tarja Turunen as a solo singer. Her career started successfully. A logical continuation was the signing of a contract between the Finnish nightingale and Marcelo’s company - now he began to manage the singer’s affairs, including Nightwish.

In the process of working on the album Century Child, Tarja Turunen, who already had support in the form of a solo career under her feet and a solid shoulder of Marcelo, told the Nightwish musicians that she considered herself as a solo classical singer and this album could be her last as part of the group. However, as we know, the musicians managed to work successfully in a tense atmosphere. After the successful completion of the tour in support of the album, everyone went on vacation, and the Finnish nightingale continued her studies in Karlsruhe.

“I was not born as the lead singer of Nightwish, I was born as the Finnish singer Tarja Turunen. I have clear plans about what I want to do as a singer Tarja. “I will definitely implement them,” she will say one day in an interview.

The summer of 2003 saw the marriage of Marcelo Kabuli and the Finnish nightingale. This event was quite expected in light of the relationship that connected them, however, the Nightwish musicians learned about this much later. Marriage did not affect Tarja Turunen's career in Nightwish, the group continued to soar to the Olympus of fame, and the Turunen-Kabuli couple were awarded an invitation from the President of Finland Tarja Halonen to a reception on the occasion of Independence Day celebrations. Newspapers and magazines published the next day unanimously recognized the singer as the main woman of the evening, after the President, of course.

At the end of 2003, the singer, continuing to move up the ladder of her solo career, resumed the tradition of giving Christmas concerts. On December 19, 2003, a new one-hour Christmas concert was presented in the church in the town of Valkeala. Listen to Ave Maria Tarja Turunen perform, where 600 people were invited.

After recording vocals for the new album Once, Tarja Turunen organized a small vocal teaching course in Argentina, where she acted as a teacher. Three months before the release of Nightwish's new album, the Finnish nightingale embarked on a second tour with Noche Escandinava, this time including Brazil and Romania in addition to Chile and Argentina.

Despite being busy touring with Nightwish, Tarja Turunen found time to work on a solo project for Christmas. This is how the EP Yhden Enkelin Unelma appears. Shortly before this, Marcelo received countless offers from labels who are eager to be the first to release an independent album by the Nightwish vocalist. The EP became a harbinger of the album, the release date of which was not announced at that time, since the singer was too busy. Sales of Yhden Enkelin Unelma, which secured the first line of the Finnish chart, were able to bring the singer a gold disc in Finland.

During breaks from working with Nightwish, the Finnish nightingale managed to respond to the proposal of the winner of the German competition Looking for a Star. Thus was born the collaboration between Tarja Turunen and Martin Kesici in the song Leaving You For Me. The recording took place in 2005. Following the release of the song, a beautiful video was shot, which became Tarja Turunen’s first video outside of her work in Nightwish.

Another high-profile collaboration of the Nightwish soloist was the work with the world-famous electronic project Shiller, for which Christopher von Dylen invited Tarja Turunen to sing the song Tired Of Being Alone, in addition, the singer acted as a co-author of the music.

October 22, 2005 was a turning point in the life of the Finnish nightingale. On this day, after the famous concert, which was included in Nightwish’s discography as End Of An Era, the singer received the famous open letter. What was then known to every Nightwish fan was that Tarja Turunen held a press conference.

This was followed by an answer on the singer’s website and many more answers to fans’ questions from Marcelo, among which was the most scandalous and expected at that time, revealing the naked truth about Tarja Turunen and Tuomas:

“Despite the fact that Tarja and Tuomas had known each other for a very long time, he still could not achieve his goal. One day I made it clear to Tuomas that he had no chance of her love. I had to tell him this so that since I married her he would stop trying. Usually he didn’t talk about it, but this time he told me that nothing could destroy his love for her,” Marcelo wrote in response to a fan’s question.

One might have expected that the woman would now not appear in public for a long time and would be preparing her first steps in a new life, but these expectations turned out to be deceptive. The career of the Finnish singer Tarja Turunen, led by the hands of her husband, was continued in the shortest possible time.

“Nightwish songs are a big and important part of my musical life. It was Nightwish that brought me to success and made me who I am now. Their songs will always hold a special place in my heart,” say the singer 10 years later.

Tarja Turunen – flight from the cage

Building on the success of the previous Christmas single, already in December 2005, Tarja Turunen toured Finland, Germany, Spain and Romania with Rozhdestvensky in concerts. Then, in February 2013, she took part in the third episode of the comedy series Studio impossible, and in the spring she appeared as a guest in the musical Spin, the Svenska Teatern.

At the same time, news appears that Tarja Turunen’s discography will soon be replenished with two items at once - a new Christmas album and the first solo rock album. Of course, Nightwish fans were incredibly happy about the second news.

In addition, in 2006, the Finnish nightingale took part in the recording of the debut album of her brother Timo Turunen. Previously, Timo's help with his album caused disagreements in Nightwish, which was already described in the story of those responsible for creating the site.

The first serious performance for the general public in the biography of Tarja Turunen was the appearance of the singer at the Savonlinna Opera Festival in July 2006, where she sang with the Finnish tenor Raimo Sirkia with the support of the Kupio Symphony Orchestra. The performance featured classic works by Verdi, Puccini and some songs by Andrew Lloyd-Webber.

In August it was announced that the first rock album would be released in 2007. On November 6, 2006, Tarja Turunen’s discography was replenished with the album Henkäys Ikuisuudesta, consisting of a program of Christmas concerts. The album easily achieved platinum status and finished second among Finnish albums in 2006. All tracks on the album, with the exception of Kuin Henkäys Ikuisuutta, are covers.

“It would be a mistake to consider this album my first solo album,” Tarja said in an interview, “I don’t consider it as such. These are covers and nothing more."

In the same November, the singer performed a charity concert with Tomorrow's Child and the Tapiola Choir in support of the UNICEF Children's Fund. At the end of the year, the singer was nominated for the Finnish Emma Award in the category Best Singer 2006.

The harbinger of the release of the most anticipated musical event of the year for Nightwish fans was the release of Tarja Turunen's single I Walk Alone. However, the single did not shoot as well as Nightwish's singles - it could only rise to 6th place in the national chart. The title song of the single immediately gave rise to rumors among the singer's fans that it was a response to Nightwish's Bye, Bye Beautiful.

In support of the title song of the single, a video was shot for Tarja Turunen I Walk Alone, in which the singer appears in several images at once, one of which, a dead boy, was clearly borrowed from Tuomas Holopainen.

It is noteworthy that the image of the Snow Queen from the video will later be used for the design of My Winter Storm. A photo of Tarja Turunen as the Snow Queen was placed on the album cover.

On November 19, 2007, the first solo album in Tarja Turunen’s discography, My Winter Storm, was released on the Universal Music label in the usual style - it used elements of symphonic metal and operatic vocals.

The original release of the Tarja My Winter Storm album consisted of the following track listing:

  • Ite, missa est (0:27)
  • I Walk Alone (4:03)
  • Lost Northern Star (4:22)
  • Seeking for the Reign (0:58)
  • The Reign (4:07)
  • The Escape of the Doll (0:32)
  • My Little Phoenix (4:02)
  • Boy and the Ghost (4:36)
  • Sing for Me (4:16)
  • Oasis (5:10)
  • Poison (4:01)
  • Our Great Divide (5:05)
  • Sunset (0:36)
  • Damned and Divine (4:29)
  • Die Alive (4:04)
  • Minor Heaven (4:00)
  • Ciaran's Well (3:37)
  • Calling Grace (3:06)

The track list is notable for the fact that Tarja Turunen's Poison is a cover of Elias Cooper's song, in which you can hear the singer's duet with her brother Tony. This duet would later lead to collaboration between the singer and the legendary Cooper. But in the opinion of many fans of the singer, this cover is one of the most unsuccessful in her discography.

Tarja Turunen's songs such as Lost Northern Star, Damned and Divine became very widely known, despite the fact that they did not receive special support.

In 2009, Tarja Turunen's album My Winter Storm was re-released and its track list expanded. In addition to the first, unchanged track list on the first disc, the second disc of the edition included a track list for connoisseurs and collectors, which opened with the song Enough.

Tarja Turunen's album My Winter Storm became one of the brightest musical events of the year, easily conquering the charts in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. In Finland, it brought the singer platinum, and in Russia it became twice platinum. It received gold status in the Czech Republic. By the end of 2007, Billboard magazine included it in the Top 100 European Albums at number 11, as an album that sold more than 500,000 copies.

Various musicians took part in the creation of the album: Doug Wimbish (Living Colour), Kiko Loureiro and Peter Tartgren (PAIN), Torsten Stenzel, the Czech Film Orchestra was involved. The issue with the material for the Tarja Turunen album was resolved by involving several composers at once, among which one could find the famous creative duo Matthias Linblom and Anders Wallbeck (known as the group Vacuum) and Michelle Leonard.

But the singer did not stay away from the creative process. Even earlier, she tried to compose her own songs, but never brought them to the attention of listeners. This time an exception was made - the composition Oasis by Tarja Turunen was included in the album. In addition, many of the songs on the album were co-written by her.

On November 25, 2007, the Storm World Tour began in support of the album. Before its end on October 19, 2009, 95 concerts were given in Europe and the Americas. Clubs, large concert halls and summer rock festivals. The Finnish nightingale has become very popular in Latin America, which was facilitated by the efforts of Tarja's husband Marcelo Kabuli and his company.

While the singer was on tour in support of the album, two more singles were released. Tarja Turunen's second single Die Alive received support in the form of a video. The third single was Enough. Both singles did not bring sky-high success.

Continuing the album's concept, The Seer Tarja Turunen released an EP, available only to fans in the United Kingdom, which featured Finnish nightingale collaborating with Doro Pesch.

The end of 2009 brought Tarja Turunen collaboration in recording an album with Finnish Christmas songs Maailman kauneimmat joululaulut (the singer performed three songs on it), released on November 18, 2009. Then the Finnish nightingale received an offer that many stars could only dream of - she was to work together with the legendary Scorpions.

The collaboration between Scorpions and Tarja Turunen graced the latest album of the legendary group - Sting In The Tale. The joint song was called The Good Die Young.

“It was an unforgettable moment when Klaus Meine himself called me. This is a great honor for me. The Scorpions gave me two songs to choose from, so I could choose which one to sing. It was only after the vocals were recorded that I learned that this album would be their last." – Tarja Turunen shared her thoughts about working with Scorpions.

On Youtube video Scorpions and Tarja Turunen received a huge number of views and fans of these musicians really liked it, despite the fact that the vocals of the Finnish nightingale in the song are not as bright as they usually are.

Discography of Tarja Turunen without a shadow Nightwish

A short period of time later, there was an announcement about work on Tarja Turunen’s new studio album, What Lies Beneath. Like its predecessor, it became an example of mixing heavy music and operatic vocals; a team of attracted professionals still worked on its content, but this time a singer appeared as a co-author in each song. In addition to experts in writing lyrics and music, the following musicians were invited to work on the album: drummer Mike Terrana, bass guitarist Doug Wimbish, cellist Max Lilja, vocalist Phil Labonte (All That Remains), Van Canto, Will Kalun (Living Colour) and guitar virtuoso himself, Joe Satriani.

The release of the album was preceded by the release of the single Tarja Turunen Falling Awake. Despite the fact that the single became the first from the singer’s second rock album, it was unable to break into significant places on the world charts.

Just a couple of days before the album's release, Tarja Turunen's second single I Feel Immortal was released. This single has already received great support - a video was shot for the song. The I Feel Immortal video received great approval among fans of the singer's work, not last role This was due to the stunningly beautiful landscapes that were chosen for his filming.

The release of the Tarja Turunen album What Lies Beneath, after several postponements, took place on September 1, 2010. The album immediately gained a foothold in the Finnish national chart in 6th place, and then in the charts in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and Greece. By the end of 2010, it ranked 13th in Billboard's Top 100 best-selling albums in Europe. However, it failed to bring the singer platinum and gold awards.

The album's track listing consisted of the following songs:

  • Anteroom of Death (4:41)
  • Until My Last Breath (4:24)
  • I Feel Immortal (4:35)
  • In for a Kill (4:35)
  • Underneath (5:27)
  • Little Lies (4:37)
  • Rivers of Lust (4:24)
  • Dark Star (4:33)
  • Falling Awake (featuring Joe Satriani) (5:14)
  • The Archive of Lost Dreams (4:49)
  • Crimson Deep (7:35)

Various editions of the album were supplemented with bonus tracks, among which you can find the result of collaboration between Scorpions and Tarja Turunen - the song The Good Die Young and the amazingly beautiful ballad Naiad.

In support of the album, the What Lies Beneath World Tour launched on June 12, 2010. From the very beginning, Tarja Turunen's concerts took place at major summer rock festivals - Wacken Open Air, Graspop Metal Meeting, Miskolc Opera Festival and Masters of Rock, where she performed with a symphony orchestra. And on July 17, the singer again took part in the Savonlinna Opera Festival with tenor José Cura to the accompaniment Symphony Orchestra city ​​of Kupio.

After the start of the tour, two more singles by Tarja Turunen were released, Until My Last Breath and Underneath, but like the first, they did not make it to the significant charts. Two videos were shot for the song Until My Last Breath. For the first time in Tarja Turunen's entire solo career, a video for the same song was filmed twice. At first it was filming in the same area as for the first video, and then a second clip was shot, which caused slight misunderstanding on the part of the singer’s listeners - according to the plot of the clip, a Finnish nightingale was lying on a bed that somewhat resembled a coffin.

During 2010, the Finnish nightingale became a guest at Alice Cooper's German shows, which he held as part of his Theater of Death Tour. The tour ended on April 8, 2012 in Rio de Janeiro with a large-scale concert as part of the Rock in Rio festival, an event of such scale was the first time in Tarja Turunen’s creative biography.

On November 26, 2010, the reissued album Henkäys ikuisuudesta was released - the track list of Christmas songs and the design were changed. Nuclear Blast began promoting it. Then, according to established tradition, Christmas concerts by Tarja Turunen followed with famous Finnish musicians Kalevi Kiviniemi, Marcy Newman and Markku Kron.

In the summer of 2011, Russian fans of the Finnish nightingale were seriously excited - all Russian music publications trumpeted that Valery Kipelov and Tarja Turunen would perform together at the Rock over the Volga festival. This news was a pleasant bonus because both musicians presented their solo programs at the festival.

“I'm here” was chosen as a duet song between Kipelova and Tarja Turunen. The premiere of the duet took place as part of the performance of the famous ex-Aryan. The event was a great success and became the fulfillment of the dreams of many fans and the collaboration of two of the most dear Russian rock vocalists.

Unfortunately, a studio recording of the duet was never carried out. But the performance on video by Tarja Turunen and Kipelov still remained - the organizers were professionally filming the concert.

“It was very difficult for me to sing in Russian. I was very nervous before the performance, but Kipelov helped me a lot with mastering the Russian language. I was even able to learn all my words to the song and didn’t have to look at the sheet of paper,” Tarja shared her memories of the duet.

Without interrupting the tour in support of her second studio album, the singer announced work on a DVD - which, contrary to fans' expectations, is not Tarja Turunen's rock concert, but her classical performance, which took place at Sibelius Hall. Earlier it became known that the singer began work on the Harus project (it was the concert with its composition that was released on DVD).

“There is a tradition in Finland not to give a child a name before baptism. Only after the ceremony is he introduced to family members. In 2006, a new project was born - now it’s time to “baptize” it and give it a name. We chose Harus. Harus is a Finnish term for four fastenings. On stage, it’s four musicians who combine their experience in refined classical music with a touch of experimentalism and modernity.” – Tarja Turunen wrote on her page.

Harus consists of Tarja Turunen (vocals), Kalevi Kiviniemi (organ), Marzi Nyman (guitar), Markku Kroch (percussion). The fruit of the collaboration between the singer and musicians was the release of CD\DVD In Concert on November 25. Live at Sibelius Hall. The album's single was the famous Walking In The Air, reworked by the musicians of the new project.

The year 2011 ended with the traditional Christmas tour. Having visited about 15 cities in Finland, Tarja, with the support of her musicians and brothers Timo and Tony, who took part in one of the shows, once again showed that she is a multifaceted singer and would truly be called a classical opera singer.

After the Christmas concerts, the tour in support of the What Lies Beneath album continued. On February 27, 2012, Tarja Turunen made a statement at a concert in Brussels that work on the third studio album had already begun. During the concert, the singer presented 2 new songs to the public at once. For the first time in the history of her career, in the spring, the singer went on a mini-tour around Russia and nearby countries, giving a total of 8 concerts.

March 30 and 31, 2012 in Argentira, in opera house In the city of Rosario, two large-scale concerts of the singer took place, during which material was filmed for the first rock DVD. The concert featured a selection of the best songs from two already released albums and new material from the upcoming third album. The hit of the Nightwish era also remained unforgotten. The footage was named in Tarja Turunen's discography Act 1. The DVD release was preceded by the single Into the Sun, available only in digital form.

On July 27, 2012, Tarja Turunen's daughter, Naomi Erika Alexia, was born. Only 4 months after her birth it became known that the singer and Marcelo had become parents. A photo of the singer and her daughter was published on the Finnish Nightingale's Facebook page. The photo was followed by a statement from Tarja's press officer.

The year again ended for the singer with Christmas concerts in Finland. The program, which visited 14 cities in Tarja Turunen’s homeland, was called Christmas in The Heart – Tour 2012.

In the spring of 2013, another world tour took place, but this time Tarja Turunen and Mike Terrana created a show in which they were the center. The tour of the singer and virtuoso drummer was called Beauty and The Beat World Tour-2013. One of the shows was released as CD Beauty and The Beat.

In May, a statement was made that Tarja's new album Colors in the Dark will be released on August 30th. This album became the third rock album in the singer’s discography. The album's release was preceded by a video. The release of the Tarja Turunen Never Enough video took place on May 31. Previously, the song was performed at the Act 1 DVD concerts.

A month and a half before the release of the album, the single Tarja Turunen Victim of Ritual was released, which was accompanied by a video of the same name. The single, like most of its predecessors, could not bring the Finnish nightingale significant places in the charts.

A month before its release, Tarja's album Colors in the Dark was leaked onto the Internet. Even some official resources that provide the opportunity to listen to music to their users initially posted it, but a day later the album was deleted.

As with previous albums, a team of authors already tested by Tarja worked on this one. The singer again became a co-author of all songs. However, the results of this album were not as high as those of the previous ones. He was able to break into the top 10 of national charts in the Czech Republic, Germany, Russia, and the United Kingdom. In Finland, the album only ranked 5th on the national album chart. It came in at number 13 on the Billboard Top Heatseekers, but only at number 25 on the Billboard Rock Albums chart.

"It is her best album. She was able to find her own style,” Anette Olzon once said.

The track listing for the standard edition was as follows:

  • Victim of Ritual (5:54)
  • 500 Letters (4:22)
  • Lucid Dreamer (7:28)
  • Never Enough (5:20)
  • Mystique Voyage (7:14)
  • Darkness (5:38)
  • Deliverance (7:27)
  • Neverlight (4:33)
  • Until Silence (5:03)
  • Medusa (feat. Justin Furstenfeld) (8:12).

The track list is noteworthy in that the song Darkness is a cover of a song by Peter Gabriel, and Tarja Turunen is related to Mystique Voyage as the sole author.

In support of the album, the Colors In The Road World Tour started, during which, according to established tradition, another single Tarja Turunen 500 Letters was released, for which a video was also shot.

In October 2013, the Finnish nightingale received a small greeting from the past - at the Metal Female Voices Fest 2013 she sang the song Over The Hills And Far Away in a duet with new soloist Nightwish. The duet of Tarja Turunen and Floor Jansen gave rise to fierce debates in the camps of fans of the singers' work, but, one way or another, their joint work showed in the best possible way that Nightwish is now in the capable hands of the Valkyrie.

Despite her rapidly developing career, the Finnish nightingale did not refuse to collaborate with other musicians. Thus, the song Within Temptation feat Tarja Turunen appeared. The new album of the famous team from the Netherlands was decorated with the duet Sharon den Adel and Tarja Turunen. The song, which united some of the brightest and most professional metal vocalists, was called Paradise. It also became the single of the Hydra album and a video was shot for it.

In the second half of December 2013, traditional Christmas concerts began, which this time were accompanied by musicians from the Harus project. A total of 8 performances took place in the singer’s homeland.

In January 2014, the singer announced that she would soon return to the studio to work on her Outlanders project. At the beginning of February, the DVD Beauty and the Beat was released by Tarja Turunen and Mike Terrana, and on February 20 it was announced that the Left in the Dark disc, which had until then only been available in a limited edition in some countries, containing other versions of songs from the previous album, as well as concert recordings will be available to the whole world. On July 4, 2014, the album was released.

On July 29, it was announced that the Finnish nightingale will take part in the show “The Voice” on Finnish television as a mentor to one of the teams. On November 20, the large-scale Colors In The Road World Tour ended; one of the memorable concerts was Tarja Turunen’s concert in Minsk 2014, which widely supported the Belarusian fan club of the singer WinterStorm, which was developing by leaps and bounds. Among the huge number of CIS countries, only two could stand out in terms of support for the Finnish nightingale - Russia and Belarus, which created the strongest fan clubs.

2014 ended for the Finnish singer with another Christmas tour with the support of the Harus project.

A Russian tour by Tarja Turunen and Mike Terrana is planned for May 2015, during which they will visit almost 10 cities. The release of Luna Park Ride is scheduled for May 29, containing fragments of the singer’s performances from various festivals Masters Of Rock, Summerbreeze Festival, Wacken Open Air and others. Tarja's Russian concerts did not go unnoticed.

In addition, in the spring of 2015, Tarja Turunen took part in the recording of the soundtrack n Empty Dream for the Argentine series Corozon Muerto (Dead Heart), which will soon be released in Latin America. On March 26, the singer announced that full swing Work is underway on the fourth rock album and vocals have already been recorded for three songs.

Now, when 10 years have passed since the dismissal of the Finnish nightingale from Nightwish, it becomes completely clear that her wings have opened with extraordinary force, and her voice still sounds as confident and enchanting as it has for many years. Her career, unlike Anette Olzon's, is somewhere in the middle of its prime.

The Russian fan club of Tarja Turunen is located.

In which she successfully performed as a soloist for many years. The group's music is classified as different styles, but the guys believe that they play in the style

However, on October 21, 2005, due to disagreements over the vocalist’s marriage, the band refused to cooperate with Tarja. Actually, the point was that Turunen was torn between Argentina and Finland, so she physically could not keep up the creative rhythm set by the group. But the outstanding star of the rock scene did not decline, but continued to shine for her fans. Many Nightwish fans lost interest in the group after her departure. Well, this is not surprising, because her well-trained operatic voice made them sound special. The article will talk about the singer’s personal life and her work, and will also provide best photos Tarji Turunen.


Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen Kabuli came into this world on August 17, 1977. Her birthplace was the Finnish village of Puhos, located near Kitee. Mom Maryata was a member of the city administration, and dad, Teuvo Turunen, was a carpenter. The family was large, Tarja had two brothers - the elder Timo and the younger Tony.

The girl’s talent was noticed very early when, as a three-year-old baby, she diligently pulled out the song Enkeli taivaan under the arches of the temple in Kitee. Tarja Turunen was invited to sing in a church choir, where she received her first vocal lessons, and at the age of six she was already mastering the piano with all her might.

From the memoirs of an old music teacher, Plamen Dimov, it becomes clear that he really appreciated the future rock star and saw that the girl had great creative potential. This was manifested in the fact that Tarja Turunen literally grasped everything on the fly, while the rest of the students had to rehearse the material repeatedly to get the perfect performance.

Vocal experience

For quite a long time Tarja was looking for her place in music, performing songs by Whitney Houston and various representatives soul genre, however, after listening to the famous theme from The Phantom of The Opera performed by Sarah Brightman, the girl firmly decided to join the opera. And after graduating from school, Turunen went to Kuopia and entered the Sibelius Conservatory.

Working with Nightwish

It so happened that Tarja Turunen’s creatively gifted classmate Tuomas Hoopainen decided to form his own rock band, and one the world had never seen before. The musicians were selected, but the vocalist's position was still vacant.

And then it was as if lightning struck Tuomas in the head: “What if heavy music is combined with opera singing?” He was delighted with this idea, so he called his old friend Tarja.

At that time, the girl was just receiving an education in academic vocals, so without thinking twice she agreed. The unusual group quickly won the world's love, since each of the musicians turned out to be unique in their own way.

Everything went like clockwork, but in 2003 Tarja decided that it was time to start a family, and gave her heart and hand to Argentine businessman Marcelo Cabuli. In May of the same year, she told her colleagues about serious changes in her life.

This was followed by two years of intense creative life, during which Tarja (due to family circumstances) missed important rehearsals and canceled more than one concert. Despite the fact that the group filmed several videos and recorded the album Once, the guys’ patience ran out. Therefore, at the end of the world tour in honor of the release of the new disc, Tarja Turunen received an official letter from her colleagues, which stated that she was fired.

Solo career

The girl was not particularly upset at losing the opportunity to sing in everyone’s favorite group. After all, there was a caring husband nearby, and there was also the opportunity to create on my own, at my own discretion. Therefore, after leaving Nightwish, she moved to sunny Argentina.

In November 2005, the singer gave an official interview in which she spoke about her creative life over the past year and the reasons that led to her dismissal. The publication exists in Russian in the Rockcor newspaper for January - February 2006. Since then, Tarja Turunen has been involved in many projects and creates her own compositions to this day. Meanwhile, her “replacements” in Nightwish do not stay long, since none of them can replace the former vocalist, who was loved by the fans.


Tarja Turunen does not sit idly by and continues to work actively. Here are the results of her labors:

  1. Henkäys ikuisuudesta (Christmas album) - 2006;
  2. My Winter Storm - 2007;
  3. The Seer - 2008;
  4. What Lies Beneath - 2010;
  5. Colors in the Dark - 2013;
  6. Left in the Dark - 2014;
  7. Ave Maria - En Plein Air (classical album) - 2015;
  8. The Shadow Self - 2016;
  9. Brightest Void - 2016.

In August 2012, Tarja Turunen and Marcelo Kabuli became happy parents, which the singer officially announced in December of the same year. The girl was given a beautiful long name Naomi Erica Alexia Kabuli Turunen. Now Tarja is not only a well-known rock singer, but also just a happy mother.

  1. Tarja's full name is Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen Kabuli.
  2. Her musical talent was first noticed when she sang the song Enkeli taivaan (a Finnish version of Martin Luther's chant Von Himmel hoch, da komm ich her) in her church hall. hometown Kitee at the age of three.
  3. Shortly after recording the Oceanborn album, despite the group's growing success and busy schedule, Tarja performed solo roles in the rock ballet Evankeliumi (Evangelicum) with the group Waltari at the Finnish National Opera.
  4. Tarja Turunen, even before Nightwish's participation in the Eurovision qualifying round, repeatedly appeared on Finnish television in such television programs as Lista Yle TV, Kokkisota MTV3, Hotelli Sointu TV1, Vaarallinen risteys MTV3, Huomenta Suomi MTV3 and Jyrki MTV3.
  5. In May 2003, it became known that Tarja had married an Argentine businessman, owner of the record company NEMS Enterprises, producer and manager of Nightwish in South America, Marcelo Cabuli, several months earlier.
  6. Finnish President Tarja Halonen invited Tarja and her husband to the presidential palace in Helsinki in December 2003 for Independence Day celebrations, where observers on the Finnish television channel YLE named her the most impressively dressed lady.
  7. On October 21, 2005, after the successful completion of the world tour in support of the album Once, the members of Nightwish informed Tarja in an open letter that she was no longer the vocalist of the group. Tuomas Holopainen and the rest of the Nightwish musicians accused her of changing priorities and increased commercial interests, ignoring fans and disrupting concerts. Tarja responded to this by publishing a response letter in which she called the incident unjustifiably cruel. “I was amazed by the way they expressed their position,” Tarja said at a press conference that took place shortly after. “I understand very well that we approached this situation through many problems, but the way they presented it was and remains shocking and a big blow for me."
  8. After the success of the Christmas single Yhden enkelin unelma in Finland, Tarja decided to organize a Christmas tour in December 2005. From the first to the fifteenth of December Tarja gave six Christmas concerts. She performed in churches and churches, performing classical compositions by such composers as Jean Sibelius, Johannes Brahms, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and others.
  9. The last album was released on February 15, 2010 Scorpions called Sting in the Tail. In it, Tarja Turunen recorded vocals for the song The Good Die Young, which became the album's lead single.
  10. The song Anteroom of Death from Tarja's second solo album What Lies Beneath (2010) featured German a cappella rock band Van Canto, resulting in a very avant-garde combination of neoclassical, thrash, heavy metal, opera and a cappella.
  11. In the summer of 2011, Tarya performed in Samara at the Rock over the Volga festival, including singing a duet with Valery Kipelov.
  12. On July 27, 2012, Tarja Turunen gave birth to a daughter, who was named Naomi Erika Alexia Kabuli Turunen.

Tarja Turunen was born in the small Finnish village of Puhos on August 17, 1977. The girl's talent was discovered in early age, when the three-year-old sang the song "Enkeli Taivaan". This incident opened the way for Tarja to join the church choir, and at the age of six she began taking piano lessons. The girl carried her love for music through school years, and teachers in this subject were delighted with how Turunen grasped everything on the fly, head and shoulders ahead of her classmates. Tarja’s first major performance took place at the age of 15 – then she was a soloist in a church choir, and that Christmas concert was watched by more than a thousand people. However, the girl was not only interested in religious music - she loved the music of Whitney Houston and Aretha Franklin, and after meeting the work of Sarah Brightman, she developed a love for classical singing.

In the mid-90s, Turunen entered the music academy in Savolinna, and then continued her studies at a similar institution in Kuopio. It was there that she was picked up by classmate Tuomas Holopainen, who invited Tarja to participate in a freshly launched project called “Nightwish”. At first, the young people played acoustic things, but quickly switched to metal, the highlight of which was the operatic soprano Turunen.

Step by step, the group confidently walked towards fame, and although work in "Nightwish" took up the lion's share of time, the singer also had other things to do. So, in 1997, Tarja performed at the Savonlinna Opera Festival with a program from Wagner and Verdi, in 1999 she took part in the creation of the ballet Evangelicum, which was performed by the guys from Waltari, and in 2001 she gave her voice to album "Beto Vazquez Infinity". In 2002, Turunen’s personal life also settled down – she married Argentine businessman Marcelo Cabuli, who became her manager. The same year turned out to be busy for her in terms of touring - because in addition to the tour in support of "Century Child", Tarja conducted a solo classical tour of South America. The singer used the post-concert respite to complete her education, and at Christmas 2004 her first solo record was released - the single "Yhden Enkelin Unelma".

In Finland, the minion went gold, but its appearance complicated the already difficult relations within the group. Tarja Holopainen and his associates qualified the solo aspirations as a betrayal, and in 2005 they decided to take a serious step, handing the vocalist an open letter informing her of her dismissal. Fans of "Nightwish" were shocked by this statement, and Turunen herself, in search of escape from stress, went to her husband in Argentina.

Having come to her senses a little, Tarja took up a solo career and began it with a Christmas tour and recording of the winter album "Henkays Ikuisuudesta". Almost all the songs on the record were reworkings of well-known melodies, with the exception of the opener "Kuin Henkays Ikuisuutta" (Turunen herself had a hand in it). But a year later, a full-fledged studio album with original material appeared. "My Winter Storm" combined elements of opera, rock and symphonic metal, and was generally softer than the "Nightwish" opuses. The album entered many European charts, and in its homeland it received an honorable first place. In 2008, Turunen hosted the famous metal singer Doro Pesch as a guest on her EP “The Seer”, and a couple of years later she went to visit the “Scorpions” on the album “Sting In The Tail”. In addition, it was worth noting the touring collaboration with Alice Cooper, whose cover of “Poison” was heard on “My Winter Storm”.

In September 2010, the album “What Lies Beneath” was released, significant in that the singer performed piano parts for the first time on it, and also acted as a producer herself. And although Turunen received fewer laurels for this work than last time (in Finland she took only seventh place), the majority European countries marked it in their charts.

Last update 02/25/12