Long names for girls are foreign. Beautiful female names

Abkhazia has been influenced by various cultures since ancient times. Representatives of many nationalities lived on its territory. This influenced the formation of Abkhaz names. And yet, Abkhazians remain faithful to their national names to this day.

In the history of the Albanian people there are still many controversial issues, even the meaning of a certain part of the ancient names remains unknown. However, Albanians remain true to their names, receiving a powerful charge of positive energy from them.

How are American names different from names in other English-speaking countries? Why is it so difficult for a foreigner to understand who, a man or a woman, we are talking about? How can we explain so many female names associated with flowers? What else do the names of America say?

Thanks to the widespread use of the English language throughout the world and the richness of English literature, English names are quite familiar to our ears. Moreover, there is some similarity between them and Russian names - the melody of pronunciation and the formation of diminutive forms. As in many other languages, the history of the origin of English names became a reflection of historical processes that took place in England.

Traditional Arabic names are very complex. Each element of such a name has a strictly designated purpose. A classic Arabic name can tell a lot of interesting things about its bearer. What is the meaning of modern Arabic names?

National Armenian names, of course, are the symbol that allows representatives of this ancient people maintain their national unity.

Ancient Armenian names.

Some ancient Armenian names that have survived to this day appeared in the pre-Christian era. These are the names of pagan gods (Haik, Anahit, Vahagn), the names of Armenian kings and military leaders (Tigran, Ashot, Gevorg). Many names, both male and female, were formed from the names of various objects, abstract concepts, plants and animals. They call positive emotions– Arevik (sun), Vard (rose), Gohar (diamond), Mkhitar (consolation), Makrui (clean). A special group of names is associated with religion - Arakel (apostle), Sbrui (saint), Mktich (baptist).

Borrowed names.

Among the foreign names in the Armenian name book, the most are Persian and biblical borrowings - Suren, Gurgen, Movses (Moses), Soghomon (Solomon). During the Soviet period, Armenians willingly called children Russian names, reinterpreting them in their own way - Valod, Volodik (Vladimir), Serozh, Serzhik (Sergei). This is how they are written in official documents. In the last century, Armenians became fashionable for Western European names. Henry, Edward, Hamlet and Juliet can still be found among Armenians today.

Talking briefly about African names is not an easy task. After all, Africa is a huge continent inhabited different peoples. Nowadays, there are more than three thousand tribal and clan groups that have different traditions, religions, languages, morals, and customs.

African Americans, descendants of slaves taken from Africa several centuries ago, for a long time did not have the opportunity to choose a name for a child “by the call of blood.” They were called by biblical names from the Old Testament. Now they are returning their native national names.

The Aztec culture lasted only 300 years and was swept away by the Spanish conquerors. But thanks to her bright personality and tragic story, she still excites the imagination. The mysterious names of the Aztecs contribute to this to a large extent.

The Bible is the most read and most quoted book in the world. Therefore, each of us is familiar with the names mentioned in it. But few people thought about the meaning of these ancient names. But all the biblical male and female names have a deep meaning and contain a fairly complete description of their first bearers. First of all, this concerns Hebrew names. In classical Hebrew, words have hidden content and are associated with the essence of objects and phenomena. The similarity between the essence of a person and the name he bears distinguishes many biblical names.

Perhaps no Slavic people has preserved as many ancient names as in Bulgaria. The history of the origin of most Bulgarian names has Slavic roots - Zhivko (living), Iveylo (wolf), Lyuben (love), Iskra, Rositsa (dew), Snezhana (snow woman). Two-part names are still very popular - Krasimir, Lyubomir, Vladimir, Borislava, Desislava. Favorite national names are found in a variety of variants; many new names are formed from the same root. For example, “zora” (zorya, star) – Zoran, Zorana, Zorina, Zorka, Zoritsa. And how many “joyful” names are there - Radan, Radana, Radko, Radka, Radoy, Radoil, Radostin and simply Radost.

When we talk about Holland, we invariably remember tulips, mills, cheese and, of course, Dutch surnames, which are easily recognizable all over the world by the prefixes -van, -van der, -de. And few people know that names in the Netherlands not only appeared much earlier than surnames, but are still more important for the Dutch.

Irina, Alexey, Tamara, Kirill, Alexander, Polina and many other names have become so familiar, “ours”, that it’s hard to believe in their “overseas” origin. Meanwhile, these are names born before our era and imbued with the spirit of ancient Hellas. We can say with complete confidence that Greek names are the soul of the people. For example, many male Greek names reflect the idea of ​​the inevitability of fate, and their male bearers in our time not only see the “hand of providence” in all events, but are also ready to fight circumstances and are not afraid of the intensity of passions.

Why are Greek names popular?

The mystical power and enormous popularity of Greek names lies in their origin story. Some of them originate from ancient mythology– Aphrodite, Odysseas, Pinelopi. Others are associated with Christian values ​​- Georgios, Vasilios. Hebrew and Latin names easily adapted to Greek pronunciation - Ioannis, Konstantinos. Most male and female ancient Greek names had an analogue of the opposite sex, some forms have survived to this day - Eugene-Eugene, Vasily-Vasilisa.
Greek names are surprisingly melodic and characterized by positive energy - Eleni (bright), Partheonis (chaste), Chryseis (golden). In the rich nomenclature of the Greeks, there was also a place for foreign borrowings, which had to slightly change their sound, for example, Robertos. And each official name has a colloquial form (Ioannis-Yannis, Emmanuel-Manolis).

The meaning of a large group of ancient Georgian names is associated with the languages ​​of numerous ethnographic groups of Georgians - Khevsurs, Pshavs, Imeretians, Mingrelians, Svans, Gurians. Folk names formed from various concepts and common nouns.

Dagestan is a country of mountains. This small territory is inhabited by Avars, Dargins, Kumyks, Lezgins, Chechens and other mountain peoples who speak more than thirty languages. But, despite such a number of languages, the system of names of all Dagestan peoples is largely the same.

In Jewish names special story, and it is connected with difficult fate of this ancient people.
Most of the ancient Jewish names have survived to this day thanks to their mention in the Old Testament. There are more than two thousand of them in the Bible. Many male names were formed from various names of God - Michael, Tsurishaddai, Yohanan. Sometimes theophoric names mean entire concepts - Israel (God-fighter), Elnatan (God gave).
Not all biblical names have religious connotations. Like many other peoples, a separate group of Jewish names highlights some attribute of a person - Yedida (sweet), Barzilai (hard as iron) or correlates with plants and animals - Rachel (sheep), Tamar (palm tree), Deborah (bee) ).

How did Jews “exchange” names with other peoples?

Even in Old Testament times, Jews had names borrowed from the languages ​​of neighboring peoples. The Chaldeans “gave” Bebai and Atlay to the Jews, and the Babylonians - Mordechai. In Jewish families one could find Greek and Roman names - Antigonus, Julius. And Alexander, popular in many countries, became Sender among the Jews.
As Jews became scattered throughout the world, some Hebrew names were forced to adapt to the indigenous languages. In Arab countries, Abraham turned into Ibrahim, David into Daud. In Georgia, Yosef became Joseph, in Western Europe, Moshe became Moises. In Russia, many Jews used Russian names, which were close in pronunciation to traditional Jewish names - Boris-Berl, Grigory-Gersh, Lev-Leib. And such ancient Jewish names as Sarah, Dina, Solomon, Anna, Tamara, Elizabeth, Zakhar have long become international.

Many Indians name their children with names or epithets of gods. This is how they invoke divine mercy on their child. But in addition to the personal name, there is also a collective name. How can one determine the caste affiliation of a resident of India using this name?

At the end of the last century, Spanish names literally poured into our lives from television screens. The craze for Mexican and Brazilian TV series has led to Russia having its own Luis Alberto, Dolores and, of course, “just Maria.” It’s no wonder that some Russian parents liked the exotic names, as if filled with the hot sun. Another question is how such a Luis Alberto lives among the Pets and Fedorovs.

It remains a mystery whether it is the life-loving Italians who make their names so attractive, or whether the Italian name imparts positive energy to its bearers. One way or another, Italian names have a special charm and warmth. Perhaps the secret is that almost all Italian names end with a vowel. This gives them melodiousness and melody.

Meaning of Latin names.

Most Italian names have ancient origin. Latin names were a distinctive sign of a person - Flavio (blond), Luca (who came from Lucania). Commoners received names derived from the titles of their owners - Tessa (countess), Regina (queen). Names such as Elena and Ippolito were borrowed from the myths of Ancient Greece, and Western European peoples enriched the Italian naming book with their names, rearranged in the Italian way - Arduino, Theobaldo.

Traditions of Italian naming.

Christianity not only brought some Hebrew and Arabic names to the Italians, but also forbade calling children “barbarian” names. The name for the newborn could only be chosen from the Catholic calendar, and the same names in the same family were repeated from generation to generation. This was due to the fact that children were traditionally named after their maternal and paternal ancestors. This custom has survived to this day. It led to the appearance of many derivative names in the Italian nomenclature. For example, Antonio - Antonello, Antonino, Giovanna - Giovanella, Ianella, Janella.

In any Kazakh family, the birth of a child is a big holiday. Therefore, the choice of a name for a newborn has always been treated with responsibility. Traditionally, the name was chosen by the grandfather or a respected person so that the baby would grow up to be a worthy person.

Modern Azerbaijani names are diverse in their origin and meaning. In religious families, children are most often called by Muslim names. According to folk tradition, children are given the names of respected people, prominent figures, and literary heroes.

Chinese names name a person’s personal characteristics and distinguish him from the numerous members of the collective name. Traditionally masculine Chinese names They celebrate courageous character traits, military prowess and intelligence. What do women's names emphasize?

Classic male Roman names were a reflection of the way of life and traditions of Ancient Rome. All of them consisted of at least two parts - a personal and family name. Sometimes personal nicknames or names of branches of the main genus were added to them.

The name for Lithuanians at all times was keyword to determine a person's identity. In ancient times, each of the Lithuanian names had its own individual meaning. If the name given at birth did not fit with the character or behavior of its bearer, then a nickname was chosen for him, reflecting internal and external qualities - Juodgalvis (black-headed), Majulis (small), Kupryus (humpbacked), Vilkas (wolf), Jaunutis (young).

Muslim names are a special layer of names that are permitted by Sharia law. Most of them are of Arabic origin, but there are names with Turkic and Persian roots.

Male Muslim names.

In Muslim countries, there are certain rules that are strictly observed when choosing a name for a child. Allah has 99 names, but man cannot bear the name of God. Therefore, the prefix “abd” (slave) is added to names - Abdullah (slave of Allah). The names of prophets and their companions are traditionally popular among Muslims - Muhammad, Isa, Musa. At the same time, Shiites do not recognize the names of the caliphs who came to power after the Prophet Muhammad (Umar), and Sunnis do not name children after the names of Shiite imams (Jawad, Kazim). Naturally, everything said concerns male Muslim names.

Female Muslim names.

Women's Muslim names captivate with their melody. According to custom, names for girls should delight the ear with a harmonious sound and emphasize the beauty and virtues of the fair sex. Women are compared to flowers (Yasmine-jasmine), the moon (Ayla-lunar-like), and their external attractiveness is highlighted (Alsu-beautiful). But the most popular Muslim female names remain the names of the mother of the Prophet Isa - Maryam, the wives and daughters of the Prophet Muhammad - Aisha, Fatima, Zeinab.

In German families, when choosing a name for a newborn, they strictly observe simple rules. The name must indicate gender and cannot be fictitious. Indeed, why invent non-existent names when there is already a large selection. Moreover, the law does not limit the number of registered names, and some parents give up to ten of them to their beloved child. Moreover, short forms of the name, for example, Katya, can be considered official.

Ancient German names.

The oldest German names appeared before our era. As in other languages, they described virtues and character traits people - Adolf (noble wolf), Karl (brave), Ludwig (famous in battle). There are only a few such names left in modern German, about two hundred. From the second half of the 8th century, Christian names gradually began to gain more and more popularity. Children are increasingly called by biblical names of Hebrew, Greek or Roman origin. At the same time, proper German names associated with religion appeared - Gotthold (power of God).


The close ties of the Germans with other peoples brought German culture borrowings from languages Western Europe and even the Russian language. German parents give their children names famous actors and show business stars. Nowadays original ones are often becoming popular in Germany. foreign names, which do not always comply with the laws of German spelling. So, Gertrude is next to Natasha, and Hans is next to Lucas. But traditional German names have always “won” over extravagant inclusions.

The history of the origin of Polish names, like that of other Slavic peoples, goes back to the pre-Christian era. Early Polish names arose from common nouns, which were essentially nicknames for people - Wilk (wolf), Kowal (blacksmith), Goly (naked). A child was often named in honor of a deceased relative, so some names were passed down from generation to generation and became entrenched in the popular name book. The division of society into classes singled out the nobility. In this environment popular names, formed from two components (Vladislav, Casimir), which are still found in our time.

IN Ancient Rome the attitude towards names was more than serious. There was even a saying: “Names are not to be made public.” Therefore, the Roman priests avoided pronouncing the names of the patron gods of Rome - enemies would recognize these names and lure the gods to themselves. And slaves did not have the right to tell the name of their master to a stranger.

The vast majority of Russian names, so familiar to our ears, actually do not have Slavic roots. They appeared in Russian names during the period of the establishment of Christianity in Rus'. And, oddly enough, the original Slavic names were almost completely forced out of use. What did our distant ancestors call each other?

Ancient pagan names.

The pagan Slavs lived in harmony with nature, believed in the existence of souls in plants and animals, and endowed mystical power natural phenomena. The name served not only to distinguish people. It was both a personal amulet and a characteristic of a person. To ward off “evil spirits,” the child was often given an unsightly name - Crooked, Zloba. The affectionate name that the parents called the child was kept secret so that no one could use it to spoil the baby. The teenager, when some of his personal qualities were already manifested, was given a new name. Children were called names from the plant and animal world (Wolf, Nut). In large families, the name indicated the order of birth - Pervak, Nine. The names assessed the personality and appearance of their bearers - Durak, Krasava, Malusha. Old Slavonic names and nicknames have long disappeared from use, but at one time they became the basis for the formation of surnames - Volkov, Durakov, Karasin.

Russian names with Slavic roots.

Ancient names, consisting of two bases, which were originally the privilege of princely families, continue to live in the modern world - Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, Miroslava. Already in Christian Rus', the female names Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov, popular at all times, were born. This is a direct translation of the Greek words pistis, elpis and agape (faith, hope, love). The Slavic names Olga, Oleg, Igor were included in the calendar, their use was legalized by the church.

Serbs are a South Slavic people who, despite the centuries-old domination of the Ottoman Empire, were able to preserve their national culture and language. Serbian names testify to this. The history of the origin of most Serbian names has Slavic roots.

The warlike nature of the numerous tribes that inhabited the lands of Scandinavia in ancient times left its mark on the origin and meaning of most Scandinavian names. Even the custom of naming itself was quite harsh - the father had every right to recognize the newborn as a member of the family and give him a name in honor of his ancestors or abandon the baby.
Many ancient Scandinavian names are derived from common nouns that name distinctive features of a person, names of animals, objects, or abstract concepts. Such nicknames could change as a new individual characteristic appeared.

Scandinavian loyalty to national names.

The rich mythology of the Scandinavians also could not remain aloof from the peculiar “fashion” for names - children were willingly named after mythical heroes. Even women's names often had a menacing connotation - Hilda (battle), Ragnhild (battle of the defenders). Most of these names have two stems, which makes them similar to the ancient Slavic names - Vigmarr (glorious war), Alfhild (battle of the elves).
The commitment of the Scandinavian peoples to their national names, which came from time immemorial, is worthy of respect. Even the spread of Christianity and the power of the church could not supplant patriarchal names. In the Middle Ages, a child could generally be baptized under any pagan name. Even later, the baptismal name remained secret, and in everyday life people used familiar old names. And representatives of the military elite even called only illegitimate children by Christian names.

Soviet names, the fashion for which swept the inhabitants of the Soviet Union in the first half of the twentieth century, amaze with their “originality”. It is impossible to imagine that now anyone would want to name their son Uryuvkos or Jarek. What do these names mean?

It so happened that the Tatar people “responded” to almost every historical event by forming or borrowing new names.
Pagan names had common roots with all Turkic peoples. Usually they indicated belonging to one or another clan and the social position of a person - Ilbuga (homeland of the bull), Arslan (lion), Altynbike (golden princess).

Arabic and Persian roots of Tatar names.

In the 10th century, Islam began to spread among the ancestors of today’s Tatars, and Arabic and Persian names became stronger in the Tatar name book. Some of them undergo changes, adapting to the Tatar language - Gabdulla, Gali. Women's ones are still especially popular today. Tatar names Arabic origin. They are filled with positive energy and have a melodic sound - Latifa (beautiful), Valiya (saint).
In Soviet times, there was no longer a need to name children only with Muslim names; ancient names of Turkic-Bulgar origin - Aidar, Chulpan, Bulat - reappeared in everyday life. And outdated names (Chanysh, Bikmulla) were replaced by new ones - Leysan, Azat. In many Tatar families, children began to be called by European and Slavic names - Svetlana, Marat, Rosa, Eduard.

Variety of Tatar names.

Tatar names great amount. Their diversity is associated not only with extensive borrowing, but with the creative imagination of the Tatar people. This manifested itself in the formation of new names with components from different languages– Zhantimer (Persian-Turkic-Tatar), Shahnazar (Arabic-Persian). Female analogues of male names appeared - Ilhamiya, Farida. Despite the fact that the meanings of many Tatar names are difficult to determine, they are remembered for their beauty and originality.

In the Turkish naming book, names of various origins and meanings occupy a worthy place. In Muslim families, they try to name their children by the names mentioned in the Koran. Folk names have beautiful sound and interesting meaning.

Turkic names are an ancient mirror that reflects the Turkic ideas about the world, their way of life, and relationships in society. Names tell about the warlike character of their bearers, who the Turks worshiped, and what character traits they valued.

Uzbek names amaze with their diversity, bizarre construction patterns and multifaceted meanings. To some, these names may seem exotic and unusual. Their true meaning becomes clear if we consider the history of the origin of Uzbek names as a reflection of the way of life, traditions and customs of the people.

Ukrainian names differ little from Russian and Belarusian names and have a similar history of origin. This is explained by the historical community of the East Slavic peoples, close traditions and a common faith.

The history of the origin of ancient Finnish names is closely connected with the Finns’ subtle perception of nature. In the old days, names were formed from the names of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world - Ilma (air), Kuura (frost), Villa (grain), Suvi (summer). Until the 16th century, the Finns did not have their own written language, and the Finnish language was considered the language of the common people until the middle of the 19th century. Folk names were passed on from mouth to mouth, forgotten over time, and were replaced by new names borrowed from other peoples.

Ah, these luxurious French names! How mesmerizing they were Russian society in the 19th century. All you had to do was change the name a little and put the emphasis on the last syllable, and the rustic Masha turned into the sophisticated Marie, and the bumpkin Vasya into the aristocrat Basil. At the same time, few people knew that French names, in fact, are “foreigners” in their homeland. Their origin is related to historical events, which led to numerous borrowings from the name books of various ancient tribes and peoples.

Historical borrowings of French names.

Since ancient times, on the territory of France, the population has used Celtic (Bridget, Alain-Alain), Greek and Hebrew names (Dion, Eva). The Romans left their family names (Marc, Valerie) as a “legacy” to the French. And after the German invasion, German names appeared in the name book (Alphonse, Gilbert). In the 18th century, the Catholic Church prohibited naming children with names not included in the Catholic naming calendar. The choice of names for French newborns has become limited, and borrowing has ceased.
In modern France, these restrictions have been lifted, and parents are free to choose any name they like for their child. Foreign names have become popular again - Tom, Lucas, Sarah. The French are quite warm towards Russian names, using them in a short form. Calling a little French girl Tanya or Sonya is especially chic. How to pronounce a Russian name with a “French pronunciation” in Russia.

Gypsies living in different countries, not only preserve their traditions, but are also forced to adapt to different cultures and languages. This determines the complex system of gypsy names and the history of their origin. In the modern world, every Roma has an official first and last name, registered in their passport in full accordance with the laws and customs of the country of residence. But along with the official name, it is customary for Gypsies to have their own, Gypsy, “internal” or “secular” name. “Secular” names can be divided into proper Gypsy names, foreign names adapted to Gypsy culture, and directly borrowed names from other languages.

Nowadays, the vast majority of Chechens try to adhere to established traditions when choosing a name for a child. 90% of modern Chechen names are of Arabic origin. At the same time, borrowed Russian and Western names, mostly female, sometimes “penetrate” the Chechen name book. Some of them are even short form names - Lisa, Sasha, Zhenya, Raisa, Tamara, Rosa, Louise, Zhanna.

The history of the origin of Scottish names is like a mosaic. Each period of the difficult, eventful life of the Scottish people left its mark on the names. The most ancient population of Scotland - the legendary Picts, representatives of the Celtic tribes (Scotts and Gaels), Roman conquerors - all of them influenced the composition and meaning of Scottish names.

The Yakuts have always been very responsible when choosing a name for a child. Their names became the parents' wish to see their children strong, healthy and happy. If the name did not match the character or appearance, the person received a new name.

The choice of names for newborns is unlimited. Parents can create any name for their child. The main thing is that you can only use permitted hieroglyphs, of which there are about two thousand. How did the ancient samurai clan influence the formation of new names?

A well-known proverb says: “Whatever you name a ship, that’s how it will sail.” The same thing happens in human life, since a name can not only endow a child with certain character traits, but also influence his fate. Modern parents pay attention to everything foreign, so they prefer to name their children in accordance with foreign trends.

How can a name affect one's destiny?

What to name a child is a question that worries parents from the first days of a mother’s pregnancy. It has been proven that a name directly affects a person’s destiny. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the translation and consonance with the surname and patronymic. Many modern parents like beautiful foreign women. If your daughter becomes Angelina, Sandra, Zemfira, Lilian or Teresa, she will always stand out in the crowd and will be able to make a career for herself as an actress or singer.

5 beautiful international names for girls

Sarah. This name is found in almost any nation, since when translated it means “lady”, “princess”, “noble”. What parent wouldn't agree to predestine his daughter? good fortune and a secure future?

Alina. When named like this, they give a new name “Alla”. Translated, it means, according to the first version - “noble”, according to the second - “other”.

Angelina. By naming your daughter this way, you will give her an angelic character, since the word “angel” is at the core. Angelina Jolie, the most famous owner of this name, fully lives up to it.

Eve. The name of the first woman will have a positive effect on the fate of your daughter, if you want to call her that. Translated, Eve means “life giver.”

Rose. There are often beautiful foreign names for girls in the world - modern and outdated, which are somehow related to flowers. By naming your daughter Rose, you will convey to your daughter the fragility and confidence of this plant.

The most beautiful female foreign names for all letters of the alphabet

Sometimes mothers and fathers strive to name their child, taking into account the consonance with the surname and patronymic. A certain combination of sounds can affect not only the character, but also the fate of the child. The list contains beautiful names for girls (foreign) and their meaning for all letters of the alphabet.

A. Aelita (“airy”).

B. Bella (“beautiful”).

V. Vivien (“alive”).

G. Gloria (“glory”).

D. Dominica (“belonging to the Lord”).

E. Eve (“life”).

J. Jasmine (“gift of the gods”).

Z. Zemfira (“air”).

I. Irene (“peace”).

K. Kayla (“fair”).

L. Lilian (“lily”).

M. Melanie (“dark”).

N. Nicole (“victor of nations”).

O. Olivia (“olive”).

P. Penelope (“faithful wife”).

R. Regina (“queen”).

S. Sandra (“protector of people”).

T. Teresa (“protector”).

W. Ursula (“bear”).

F. Phillipina (“who loves horses”).

H. Chloe (“young escape”).

C. Cecilia (“blind”).

Ch. Chulpan (“morning star”).

S. Charlotte (“man”).

E. Emma (“precious”).

Yu. Justina (“fair”).

Ya. Yasmina (“jasmine”).

The most beautiful foreign names for girls (list with translation)

Britney. This is what Americans call their babies in honor of their favorite pop singer Britney Spears. Translated, the name means “little Britain.”

Kimberly. Girls named this way are called upon to win always and everywhere, since the name means “leader” when translated.

Jessica.“Stronger, higher, faster” is the motto of all the girls named after herself beautiful actress in the world. Jessica Alba has not only exceptional appearance, but also positive personal qualities such as sincerity, kindness, and reliability.

Pamela.“Sweet as honey” - this is the meaning behind this name. You can see this by looking at the magnificent actress and fashion model Pamela Anderson.

Tiffany. Not the most popular, but very beautiful female name, which means “manifestation of God.” After the release of the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's" in 1961 with Audrey Hepburn in leading role it has become widespread in Europe and America.

Charlotte. This name has been given to the greatest women in history; according to statistics, it ranks 10th on the list of “the most beautiful foreign names for American girls.”

Marilyn. After the popularity of the famous blonde blossomed in the world, girls began to be called this name very often. Marilyn Monroe was talented, but closed, so you should think a thousand times whether you should pass on these character traits to your daughter.

The most beautiful Russian ones for girls (list with translation)

Zhanna. The baby will be a real gift for parents, since the name means “mercy of God.” This is what fans of Zhanna Friske’s work might call their daughter.

Angelina. Translated from means “messenger,” but the obvious root “angel” will be reflected in the daughter’s character, which will truly be angelic.

Victoria. This is what girls are called in the West and in Russia. Translated, this royal name means “victory.”

Evelina. The name is believed to be a form of the name Eve. Based on the translation from Hebrew - “ life force"- we can conclude that a girl named like this will grow up active and healthy.

Snezhana. Let the root “snow” in this name not scare young parents: despite the translation - “snowy” - a girl named so will grow up active, but balanced.

Pauline. Translated, the name means “solar” and “sent to Apollo.” Usually girls named this way are distinguished by activity and determination from childhood.

Names for girls in the language of love

If you are expecting a daughter, imagine for a moment what kind of character and behavior you want to give her. When considering the most beautiful names for girls (foreign), pay attention to French, since the language itself is beautiful, melodious and romantic. You can name your daughter Aurora, Beatrice, Vivian, Gabriella, Julian, Jacqueline, Ines, Claudina, Lucinda, Melissa, Nicole, Odile, Penelope, Roberta, Suzanne, Florence, Chloe, Charlotte or Edith. By the way, according to sociological surveys, French names are considered the most beautiful and melodic.

Star pick

Gwyneth Paltrow and her husband knew that they were going to have a girl, so they made their choice right away. The parents are familiar with the biblical story, so they named the girl after the fatal fruit - Apple (English - “apple”).

Julia Roberts also gave her daughter the delicious name Hazel (English - “nut”).

Jessica Alba, the most charming actress and caring mother, named her daughter Marie Honor. By the way, the second part translated from English means “honor”.

The director decided to continue family tradition Call children names starting with the letter “R”. So, he named his four sons and daughters Rocket, Racer, Rabel and Rogue. As you can see, the choice of Hollywood stars is very original, and ordinary citizens rarely decide to follow their example. However, there are beautiful foreign names for girls and boys that are more popular.

Steven Spielberg's daughter is named Sasha, Jennifer Lopez's twins are Max and Emma; Lionel Richie called his favorite Sofia, John Travolta named Ella, Dustin Hoffman called Alexandra, Jeff Gordon called Ella Sofia. Zoya - Leni Kravitz, Natalya - Kobe Bryant. All these “Western” names are also popular in Russia, so many people wonder about their origin.

What can the time of year say?

The tendency to name a child according to the month in which he was born comes from ancient times. Beautiful foreign names for girls, chosen in honor of the season in which they were born, will allow you to fully reveal your character and influence your destiny.

“Julius” and “Julia” have etymological similarities with the second summer month - July. August (Augustine) and Augusta (Augustina) are less common names used to call children mainly in Russia. The revolution in 1917 brought about fundamental changes in people's lives. The fashion of naming children October and Oktyabrina appeared almost a hundred years ago and is connected precisely with this event. Noyabrina and Dekabrina are the names of girls born in these months.

Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt named her daughter Autumn - this is how “autumn” sounds in English. The choice of the star mother is not accidental, because the baby was born on September 28. Martha and April, beautiful for girls, are very common in Europe and America. Apparently the name Maya also comes from the month of spring.

A resident of Arkhangelsk distinguished himself with originality, who has difficulty changing his passport. Andrei Valentinovich Khristoforov changes his name 12 times a year and chooses a name in honor of the corresponding month, and a middle name in honor of the season. So, he was October Osenievich, December Zimnievich. The man admits that he would like to name himself after the day of the week and change his name every day, but the registry office employees would hardly make a concession to him.

A name is an important part of a person’s life and destiny. It determines not only his character, but also how society perceives a person. There are a huge number of interesting and beautiful female names all over the world, some of them are listed in this article.

Every parent strives to name their child the most beautiful and kind name, which will bring him a happy life and only good things. A person’s name always hides a special meaning, since it was created and invented only under the influence of certain factors:

  • religious beliefs
  • impressions of past events
  • love for beautiful nature
  • observation of the child’s external features and behavior
  • wishing the child a happy fate

Each name has its own deep roots, which go far, far into ancient customs and traditions, ancient languages ​​and names of the Gods. It is believed that the name given to a child influences the formation of his character and traits that will be present in him for the rest of his life.

Women's names are considered especially beautiful, as they are often a translation of fragrant flowers, natural phenomena, heavenly bodies and feelings. A woman's name should be the embodiment of femininity and tenderness. The name must be sonorous and soft in order to please male servants and interest them.

The most beautiful foreign names, Top 10 beautiful foreign female names:

  • 10th place: Penelope - the name has deep Greek roots. It is believed that Penelope was the name of Odysseus's wife, so it refers to the divine. The name promises its owner self-confidence and determination.
  • 9th place: Angelina (variation from Angelina) - it is also a name with a religious and divine note, as it originates from the word “angel” - “angel”. The name promises a woman a gentle character and beauty of soul
  • 8th place:Marianne- comes from the ancient Spanish name "Maria". It has a soft sound and promises its owner a kind character and a pure heart that wants to help others
  • 7th place: Patricia - the name comes from the ancient Latin language. The name has a rather aristocratic character, because it literally translates as “noble” or “royal”
  • 6th place: Gloria - another ancient Latin name. It is very strong in its sound and character, since it is designed to “glorify” man and “glorify God”
  • 5th place: Dominica - another “royal” name because, firstly, it was invented and taken from the Latin language, and secondly, it is literally translated as “lady”
  • 4th place: Adriana - If we translate this name literally, then it can be deciphered as “resident of Adria.” But nevertheless, it is very strong in its energy and promises its owner a strong life position
  • 3rd place:Suzanne is a beautiful name of Jewish origin, which in its translation means an open and fragrant “lily”
  • 2nd place: Sofia - the name has deep Greek roots. This name is very strong, not only because it is literally translated as “wisdom,” but also because it promises its owner self-confidence and strength
  • 1 place:Daniella - the name is also of Jewish origin, which is sure to bring happiness and peace to its owner. It can literally be translated as: “God is my judge.”
beautiful names for girls, the most beautiful foreign female names

Arabic beautiful names for girls

There are several Arab countries in the world. Regardless of what kind of structure they have and how successful a separate state is, Arab men have always valued and will value their women. The very first thing every father gives to his daughter is a beautiful and unique name that can bring happiness and fame to the child.

Arabic names are particularly sonorous. Most often they are invented based on the beauty of the surrounding nature. That is why words are hidden in names that are translated as: rose, flowers, moon, sky, stars, sea. Some names are religious in nature, while others are based on personal feelings and experiences.

One way or another, Arabic female names always hide a fairy tale and sacraments. Arabian nights, the smell of flowers and sweets and passionate feelings.

The most beautiful female Arabic names:

  • Adara
  • Bahira
  • Galia
  • Dalia
  • Itidal
  • Fadriya
  • Farina
  • Halima

beautiful Arabic names for girls

Beautiful oriental names for girls

Like the Arab ones, all eastern names carry a special touch of romance and mystery. As a rule, eastern names include observations of nature: the rising and setting of the moon, sun, and roses blooming. Every parent who gives their daughter a name must choose in advance the one that her future husband should like.

The most beautiful oriental names:

  • Azizi
  • Gulnara
  • Jannat
  • Zulfiya
  • Ilham
  • Mariam
  • Nabila
  • Nadiya

Beautiful modern Turkish names for girls

Turkey is one of the modern Muslim countries that has managed to preserve all its ancient traditions and customs, but is invariably moving towards a more favorable European way of life. Turkish men, like most Muslims, are very fond of beautiful women. Beauty for them is not only appearance, but also a woman’s ability to present herself, cook well, speak well, and also have a cute, sonorous name, similar to music.

The most beautiful Turkish names for girls:

  • Aksan
  • Birsen
  • Damla
  • Essen
  • Cecil
  • Senai
  • Yaldis

Armenian names for girls are rare and beautiful

Armenians value their family very much. They love mothers, sisters and daughters. Every man invariably protects all women in his family until the end of his days, not allowing them to be insulted or harmed. A mother or father tries to give their daughter the most beautiful name that will shape her destiny the best way: will give happiness, a rich husband and many children.

The most beautiful Armenian names for girls:

  • Azatuhi
  • Arfenia
  • Gayane
  • Zarina
  • Yvette
  • Margarid
  • Narine
  • Siranush
  • Shagan

the most beautiful Armenian names for girls

Beautiful English names for girls

English names are not as rich in deep meanings and wishes for your child as, for example, oriental names. However, they have a fairly soft sound that is pleasing to the ear. It is believed that having an English name is very noble, because this is one of the few royal states in the world. English names are very popular all over the world and can often be found in all continents of the planet, regardless of religious faith and age.

The most beautiful English names for girls:

  • Alexa
  • Brianna
  • Wilma
  • Gabby
  • Madonna
  • Meidlin
  • Merrelin
  • Scarlet
  • Celeste

Beautiful French names for girls

It seems that there is nothing more pleasant to the ear than tender French. If you hear it in the original and without an accent, you can understand how affectionate and “purring” it is. Likewise, women's names are distinguished by their special charm, style and tremulous rustling of harmonies. It is believed that the originally French name gives its owner a sense of taste, sophistication and tenderness, which is not characteristic of every woman.

The most beautiful French names for girls:

  • Charlotte
  • Ajelica
  • Julienne
  • Penelope
  • Rosell
  • Cecil
  • Celeste
  • Louise
  • Violet
  • Phylissy

beautiful French names for girls

Beautiful American names for girls

American names are particularly meek and quick sounding. They rarely have any deep meaning or experiences within them. They often sound harsh, but nonetheless beautiful. It has become extremely fashionable to have an American foreign name. Thus, it speaks of its owner as a person “moving forward,” “modern,” and “positive.”

The most beautiful female American names:

  • Britney
  • Kimberly
  • Shannon
  • Tracey
  • Glory
  • Marilyn
  • Jessica
  • Jennifer
  • Holly
  • Megan
  • Tiffany

Beautiful European names for girls

Of all parts of the world and continents, Europe has always been different and will continue to be different exquisite taste in everything: in eating habits, clothing, manner of speaking and education. Having a European name means already taking the “first step into Europe.” This way you can be absolutely sure that no matter what part of the world you are from, you will always be accepted and understood. European names are often based on Greek names and Latin words.

Beautiful European names for girls:

  • Julie
  • Daniella
  • Lolita
  • Maria
  • Lucia
  • Paula
  • Sofia

Beautiful Japanese names for girls

The peculiarity of Japanese names is that they are all necessarily based on the beauties of nature. The Japanese love to give children names for life, which embody the blossoming of trees, the rising of the moon, or secret meanings that are understandable only to a narrow circle of people (relatives). Japanese names are quite short and contain many vowels, but it is worth noting that for an ear accustomed to Slavic dialect, they sound quite harsh.

Most beautiful Japanese names:

  • Sakura
  • Amaya
  • Yoshiko
  • Keiko
  • Kumiko
  • Katsumi
  • Midori
  • Mezumi
  • Tomiko

beautiful Japanese names for girls

Beautiful Tajik names for girls

Tajikistan is one of the hot eastern countries. It is distinguished by the same way of life as that of most Muslim states: there is a cult of the family, in which a woman is valued as the keeper of the hearth. Parents try to give their daughter the most beautiful name, the sound of which will remind them of the beauty of nature and warm feelings. Some names have religious connotations.

The most beautiful Tajik names for girls:

  • Anzurat
  • Afshona
  • Barfina
  • Laylo
  • Suman
  • Firdeus
  • Shahnoza

Beautiful German names for girls

Like most European names, German names do not have much meaning in themselves and are often variations of ancient Greek and Latin names. Some may find German names too harsh or harsh to hear, but nevertheless, they are popular all over the world. It is believed that a German name will give a girl only the best character traits: self-confidence, determination, cheerfulness and movement towards a goal.

The most beautiful German names for girls:

  • Agnet
  • Adalind
  • Amalia
  • Benedicta
  • Wigberg
  • Wilda
  • Volda
  • Gertraud
  • Greta
  • Ditricha
  • Catherine
  • Leonor
  • Odelia
  • Raffaella

Beautiful Azerbaijani names for girls

There are many beautiful oriental names and Azerbaijani ones are no exception. In such names, among the notes of religion, there are a lot of comparisons with the beauty of nature and the female body.

The most beautiful Azerbaijani names for girls:

  • Adilya
  • Aigul
  • Valida
  • Gezal
  • Gulnar
  • Denise
  • Zarif
  • Inara
  • Leili
  • Naira
  • Ravana
  • Saadat
  • Sudaba
  • Farida

the most beautiful Azerbaijani names for girls

Beautiful names for girls Kazakh

IN Kazakh people there are quite a lot of different names. Many of them are truly Kazakh, but still most are borrowed from nearby peoples and are mainly taken from Arabic. Like all oriental names, Kazakh names reveal the extraordinary beauty of female nature, comparing it with flowers and other phenomena: sunrise, moon, sky, sea, rustling leaves and the music of birds.

The most beautiful Kazakh names for girls:

  • Aguila
  • Aysel
  • ibibi
  • Venus
  • Dfiana
  • Dameli
  • Take away
  • Cadia
  • Nabiya
  • Onege
  • Wasama
  • Shaygul

Beautiful Georgian names for girls

About ardor of character Georgian people everyone knows. So in names, the traditions and character of Georgia are embodied in each female name and endowed its owner with an ardent character, beauty of soul and only a kind heart. Georgian names They have very strong energy and therefore are not suitable for every girl. But such a name always brings happiness and raises its owner to a level above all other women.

The most beautiful Georgian female names:

  • Aliko
  • Daria
  • Jamalia
  • Lamara
  • Maryam
  • Mariko
  • Manana
  • Nellie
  • Suliko
  • Tatia
  • Eliso

Beautiful Polish names for girls

Poland is one of the popular European countries and therefore you can often find common European names in it. Along with them, a significant part is still occupied by true Polish names, which were based on Slavic languages. Polish names are easy to pronounce and very light in energy.

The most beautiful Polish names for girls:

  • Agnieszka
  • Bertha
  • Bozena
  • Wislawa
  • Grasya
  • Danois
  • Zhulita
  • Irenka
  • Kasia
  • Nastusya
  • Roxana
  • Solomeya
  • Stephia
  • Cheslava
  • Justina

Beautiful Jewish names for girls

Most Hebrew names are of a religious nature or they belonged to the wives, mothers and daughters of Great Prophets. Only some of the names can be based on some natural beauties: flowers, heavenly bodies, nature. Hebrew names are very common throughout the world and are the origin of other names formed by other countries.

The most beautiful Jewish names for girls:

  • Avital
  • Sharon
  • Naomi
  • Daniella
  • Camel
  • Ariella
  • And bath
  • Josephine
  • Simone
  • Edita

beautiful names for girls of Jewish origin

Beautiful Uzbek names for girls

There are many beautiful Uzbek names for girls:

  • Gulnara
  • Asmira
  • Dinora
  • Ziolla
  • Nigora
  • Zukhra
  • Dilbar
  • Nigora
  • Farkhunda

Beautiful Moldovan names for girls

Moldovan female names are often borrowed from nearby Slavic peoples: Russian, Romanian, Ukrainian. However, there are a number of beautiful names that are worth paying attention to:

  • Adella
  • Agatha
  • Aurika
  • Adrianna
  • Barbara
  • Bianca
  • Carmen
  • Claudia
  • Doina
  • Dorothea
  • Eliza
  • Fabiana

Greek names for girls are rare and beautiful

Greek names have a special nobility, because it is believed that they were worn by the Ancient Gods. The basis for the creation of these names was the Latin language. Such names always hide a special and secret meaning: faith in God and love for the surrounding nature. Greek names have the strongest noble energy, giving their owner success and happiness.

Beautiful and rare Greek names for girls:

  • Adonia
  • Ariadne
  • Monica
  • Odette
  • Sabina
  • Theresa
  • Felitsa
  • Lucia

Tibetan beautiful names for girls

It is interesting that most Tibetan names do not have a clear gender distinction. This suggests that one name can be given to both a newborn boy and a girl. Each name in Tibet is, of course, based on a religious faith - Buddhism, but still includes human observations of nature and the beauty of the surrounding world. Some names are translations of the day of the week or month in which the child was born.

Beautiful female Tibetan names:

  • Ardana
  • Balma
  • Jolma
  • Lhatse
  • Putskhi
  • Sanmu
  • Yangjian

Beautiful Indian names for girls

Indian names are distinguished by the fact that they contain a certain parting word for the child. So, for example, some can be translated as “brave”, “confident” or “happy”.

Indian names for girls are quite unusual for the Slavic ear, but nevertheless, they are distinguished by their special sonority and beauty:

  • Amala
  • Bharat
  • Vasanda
  • Devika
  • Jita
  • Kanti
  • Lalit
  • Madhavi
  • Malati
  • Neelam
  • First
  • Radha
  • Rajni
  • Trishna
  • Harsha
  • Shanti

Beautiful Italian names for girls

Italian names are very sonorous to the ear. They contain a lot of vowels and a beautiful ending. This name is fraught with a soft, but quite hot-tempered character for its owners. In addition, such a name will give the girl a sense of nature and beauty and will make the child a creative person.

Beautiful Italian names for girls:

  • Alexandra
  • Giovanna
  • Isabel
  • Bella
  • Carlotta
  • Laura
  • Lisabetta
  • Nicoletta
  • Olivia
  • Enrica

beautiful Italian names for girls

Beautiful Asian names for girls

Persian female names are fraught with the mystery and secrets of the east, shrouded in sweet fragrances, passionate feelings and precious stones.

Beautiful Persian names for girls:

  • Abhayat
  • Adiba
  • Daria
  • Tabanda

Beautiful Spanish names for girls

Spanish names are very similar to the usual European ones, but nevertheless they are somehow different. They contain a small religious note and a person’s desire to “instill: name favorable wishes happy life to your child.

Beautiful Spanish names for girls:

  • Maria
  • Lucia
  • Letitia
  • Milagros
  • Mercedes
  • Manuella
  • Veronica
  • Dolores
  • Carmen

Beautiful foreign names for twin girls

Often parents want their twin girls' names to be similar. The following options may help you choose a name:

  • Zhanna and Snezhana
  • Polina and Christina
  • Anya and Tanya
  • Christina and Karina
  • Anna and Svetlana
  • Anna and Alla
  • Masha and Dasha
  • Marina and Darina
  • Alina and Polina
  • Ksenia and Evgenia
  • Olya and Yulia

Video: “Beautiful female names”

In the variety of English names you can find an option for every taste. In this article, we will look at the main English girl names and their meanings, and you can safely choose your favorite.

The choice of a name has long been taken seriously. It was believed that the meaning of a name could largely determine a person’s fate and the qualities of his character. But even today, great attention is paid to the meaning of the name and its origin.

Meaning of the name

Before choosing a name for a child, many people want to know what the origin of the names are and what they meant in their original form.

Let's analyze popular female English names with translation. There may be different versions about their origin and meaning, and it is not always possible to unambiguously establish the translation - we will give the most established meanings.

  • Melanie: comes from Greek and means “dark”
  • Florence: Latin for “blooming”
  • Agatha: Greek for "good"
  • Zoe: Greek for "life"
  • Rebecca (Rebecca): originates in Hebrew and means “to bind, to fasten”
  • Ruth (Ruth): translated from Hebrew as “friend”
  • Barbara (Barbara): from Greek - “stranger”
  • Amanda (Amanda): derived from the Latin amandus - “worthy of love”
  • Victoria (Victoria): translated from Latin as “victory”
  • Irene (Irene): in Greek- “peace, tranquility”
  • Miranda: from the Latin word mirandus (“wonderful”)
  • Bridget: an Irish name that was originally Brighid, meaning "exalted, enthusiastic"
  • Sophia (Sophia): translated from Greek as “wisdom”
  • Margaret: from the Greek word for "pearl"
  • Katherine (Catherine): Greek name, the most common version of the meaning is "pure"
  • Deborah (Deborah): translated from Hebrew as “bee”
  • Vivian: Derived from Latin vivus "living"
  • Emma (Emma): from Germanic names meaning “whole”

Some girls' names in English have transparent origins. Ruby is similar to the word ruby ​​and is of Latin origin meaning “red”. And the name Harper, which was borne by the famous American writer Harper Lee, originally served as a surname and referred to harpists (harp - harp).

It's even easier to guess the meaning of names like Daisy and April. The first repeats the word daisy (daisy), and the second - April, which, in turn, is related to the Latin verb aperire "to open." Both of these names did not come into active use in English until the 19th century.

Choosing names for girls English language, we pay attention to the meaning; it is not always possible to recognize it. And it’s not just that it’s difficult to establish the history of a word: the meaning may simply be missing. like this interesting story has a female name Vanessa (Vanessa). It was invented by Jonathan Swift for the poem "Cadenus and Vanessa", combining the first letters of his friend's name.

Royal names

If we are talking about Great Britain, then for many the first association with it is the royal family. Although politics has historically been a man's business, women have also had their influence. What beautiful female names in English do we find at the royal court?

Perhaps one of the main women in British history and the most famous queen is Queen Victoria. She ruled the country for more than 60 years until 1901. Victoria is her first name. At birth she was also given the middle name Alexandrina. But the main one was Victoria, and it was this that was entrenched in history: the era of her reign is called Victorian. Many geographic areas are named after the queen, such as a city in Canada and a state in Australia. The name Victoria remains popular today.

The current Queen of Great Britain is Elizabeth II. Her full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. Every element in it is a tribute to other members of the royal family. She received the name Elizabeth in honor of her mother, Alexandra in honor of her great-grandmother, and Mary in honor of her grandmother. Elizabeth II ascended the throne in 1952 and has already surpassed her famous predecessor Queen Victoria in terms of the length of her reign.

The name Diana is very popular in England. In the royal family, it was worn by Princess Diana, the first wife of Prince Charles. Often her name was shortened and called simply Lady Di.

In politics, influential English women are not just the royal family. One of the most significant politicians was Margaret Thatcher. She became the first woman in Europe to hold the post of prime minister.

Name options

We must not forget that English names often have abbreviated versions, which are very popular. As the example of Lady Di shows, abbreviations are used even in relation to government officials.

It often happens that abbreviated versions become fixed in the language and become independent names. For example:

  • Sandra (Sandra): shortened version of Alexandra (Alexandra)
  • Stacy: short for Anastasia

In this case, the original version may be completely lost. For example, the form Alice (Alice / Alice) is derived from Adelaide (Adelaide), and in its original form the name sounded like Adalheidis.

Some names have different variants writing. This is probably best seen in the forms Katherine / Catharine / Catherine / Catherina / Katharine / Katherina. Added to this variety are abbreviations that can be used as a full name: Cat / Cathy / Kat / Kate / Kathie / Kathy / Katie / Kitty / Cate.


In the English language, it is quite common to find names that can refer to both women and men, without differing in any way in form.

  • Ash
  • Cameron
  • Kerry (Kerry)
  • Kim (Kim)
  • Morgan (Morgan)
  • Parker

This situation is often typical for abbreviated versions. Therefore, beautiful English female names can also be obtained from shortening the male form.

  • Alex (Alex): short for the male name Alexander (Alexander) and the female name Alexandra (Alexandra)
  • Billie: short for Bill and the feminine form of William - Wilhelmina
  • Chris: can be derived from Christopher, Christian or Christine
  • Frankie (Frankie): from the male Frank (Frank) or the female Frances (Francis)
  • Jackie (Jackie): from Jack (Jack) or Jacqueline (Jacqueline)
  • Nat (Nat): variant of the forms Nathan (Nathan), Nathaniel (Nathaniel), Natalie (Natalie)
  • Robbie: abbreviation for the masculine Robert or feminine Roberta
  • Ronnie (Ronnie): can be derived from Ronald (Ronald) or Veronica (Veronica)
  • Sam: abbreviation of male Samuel, Samson or female Samantha.
  • Steph (Steph): a variant of the forms Stephen (Stephen) or Stephanie (Stephanie)
  • Terry (Terry): derived from the male Terence (Terence) or the female Theresa / Teresa (Teresa)

English names in Russian

Already in the given examples of English female names you can find ones for which it is easy to find Russian analogues. They have a single source of origin (for example, Greek or Biblical) and have long been entrenched in the Russian language.

  • Anna - Anna
  • Maria / Mary - Maria
  • Sophia - Sofia
  • Katherine / Catherine - Catherine
  • Victoria - Victoria
  • Alexandra - Alexandra
  • Eva - Eva
  • Diana - Diana
  • Anastasia - Anastasia
  • Veronica - Veronica

Other names, although not typical for Russian-speaking people, are borrowed into Russian. Therefore, if you want to find beautiful English female names that sound unusual, but at the same time do not hurt the ears in our society, pay attention to these options:

  • Emma - Emma
  • Sabrina - Sabrina
  • Camilla - Camilla
  • Laura - Laura / Laura
  • Irene - Irene

Beautiful female names necessarily contain a certain mystery and mystery. They fill their owners with femininity, tenderness and wisdom.

Beautiful Russian names have different origins - Greek, Scandinavian, Slavic. This list can also include catholic names, in which Russian parents also show interest. And although most of these names have an Orthodox analogue, focused on the sound in Russian, this does not interfere European names appear on the lists of beautiful female names among young Russian women.

Most Russian female names, which are considered beautiful, are also the most popular. In modern times, rare and foreign names are added to this list, some of which were initially given only to “our own” (Muslim women, for example, or Jewish women). By origin they cannot be called Russian, but in Lately Russian girls are also called these names (Maryam, Eileen, Nicole). New trends make some adjustments to the list of favorite names for girls, but in general it remains unchanged for several years.

In Islam, the birth of a child is a sacred event, and Muslims are very responsible in choosing a name. Women's names among Muslims are designed to determine the main feature of a person. For example, Jamila means "beautiful" and Asiya means "naughty".

A large number of names for Jewish women are related to the Bible. And to this day these names are in common use among them. Names that come from the Yiddish language are considered to be the most beautiful Jewish names. An example is the fairly widespread Reise (meaning “rose”) and Liebe (translated as “beloved”).

Recently, Israelis and other Jews have also been choosing simply beautiful-sounding combinations for their girls. For this reason, they appear completely unusual names, not related to Jewish traditions. This is where a shortened name can gain independence: Esti can be a full name among Jews, while in Europe it is a common affectionate term for Esther.

Modern beautiful female names

Modern names have great variety. These are not only traditional (most often religious), but also completely new, sometimes invented, sometimes well-forgotten old names. At the same time, it cannot be said that the preferences of Europeans will be identical to the tastes of Russians or Asians. There are many peoples of different cultures, religious denominations and historical roots living in Russia, respectively, and there will be no consensus on what names for girls will be considered modern and beautiful at the same time.

A similar picture exists in Europe and the USA, where various people live over a vast territory. And the list of beautiful female names for English women will be strikingly different from the melodic Bulgarians or Swedes.

The most recognizable in the world are Italian female names ending with the endings “-a” and “-e”. In modern Italy, the names Violetta and Lucrezia are very common.

In Spain, officially female names can consist of two first and last names, but in fact girls are given as many names as their parents want. The most popular in this country today are Maria, Carmen and Camilla. Most Spanish names are associated with religion, just like the Germans, by the way.

Today in Germany the popularity of diminutives and shortened double names is growing. For example, Kate or Anna-Marie. One of the modern beautiful German names is the name Mia, which appeared as an abbreviation for Maria, and began to be actively used in last decades XX century. Since 2007, an increasing number of newborn German women have been given this name; it is considered beautiful and sonorous. A modern competitor in beauty, Hannah (similar to the name Anna), is also competing for the love of German parents and is considered one of the most beautiful modern names in the world.

Beautiful Russian female names

Russian names enjoy a certain interest outside their country. Many short and affectionate names in their homeland have become full-fledged names abroad. Very “Russian”, according to foreigners, the names Natasha, Tanya and Sasha are now heard quite often with an American or Brazilian accent.

But in Russia itself, they currently prefer to adhere to centuries-old traditions - they take Christian or Slavic names, although there are fashion trends here too. Modern Russian female names include not only Orthodox, but also others - Catholic, Slavic, Roman. Although before the baptism of Rus' the people did not have full names, everyone got by with nicknames.

Ancient Russian names most often represented a description of the most striking feature of its owner, and they were given to the girl when she became a teenager, or rather, for that time, suitable for future marriage. And they did not always become a girl’s adornment; sometimes it only emphasized her shortcomings or birth order. Now, of course, such names are not used at all, and preference is given to sonorous, beautiful Slavic names - Lyubava, Lada, Bogdana, Milena.

Modern beautiful Russian female names. Orthodox names are currently becoming most widespread among Russian female names. They occupy the first lines of the popularity rating among Russian names, as well as the first lines of the rating of beautiful female names. Anastasia, Ekaterina, Maria and Sophia firmly hold the top positions, but less common, and sometimes even forgotten over the last 50 years, names are also appearing - Angelina, Veronica, Varvara and others.

The greatest variety of beautiful Russian female names can be found in cities with a population of over a million, where different cultures come into contact. It is here that the difference between ultra-modern and very old name: everything seems so new that sometimes you don’t understand whether it’s a tribute to fashion or an already established trend of returning to antiquity.

It is in big cities that a real foreign name can sound like “Russian”. The name Christina was used in Catholic Europe, but its Orthodox analogue (Christina) is considered in Russia a relic of past centuries and is found almost nowhere. Now he has a chance - the European analogue, Christina, has begun to win Russian hearts. The name Alice is of German origin, and now it is already in the top 10 most popular and, apparently, most beautiful names - after all, modern parents will not give their daughters an ugly and intimidating name!

Russian names

The most beautiful female names

According to world statistics, Anna firmly holds the leading position in the number of girls, girls and women bearing this name. IN last years the no less famous name Maria is stepping on his heels, but so far cannot move him from the pedestal. Based on this, two names - Anna and Maria - can be considered the most beautiful modern female names on the entire planet.

But don’t think that now every second girl will be called that way. Various countries around the world have their own list of the most beautiful female names, most of which are very popular in their own country, although not always of “native” origin. Thus, English female names have become very popular among Russians. The list of the most popular British names includes the names Elizabeth, Ani, Louise. Slavic names in the last century were quite popular in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and since the late 80s of the last century they have gained popularity in Russia.

In Greece, women's names were chosen with the aim of protecting their owner from troubles and troubles. The Greeks invented more and more new female names. Such names as Aphrodite, Aurora, and Barbara came to our country from Greece.

The French give girls several names. But this combination is used in full only in official documents, and in life, French women use only one of them. According to tradition, French girls are given names in honor of their maternal and paternal grandmothers (for the first daughter), the second child is already named after their mothers. Currently, this tradition is not often followed - in France, “non-French” names are in fashion (usually English, American). Short ones, formed from full ones - Theo, Loïc, Sasha, Natasha, are also very popular and loved among the French. The spelling of French female names has changed - the ending “-a” has been added (Eva instead of Eve, Celia instead of Celie), but no changes have appeared in the Russian pronunciation. These are the names that are currently considered the most beautiful in France.

In France now you can often find beautiful female Muslim names, but still more among Arabic-speaking residents. Borrowed foreign names are extremely popular in this country, but they are still perceived by the French as “foreign” - Karla, Axel, Lea, Lola.

It is quite difficult to trace the popularity trend in American names. They are very diverse in the USA. There are even girls named after some event or area where they were born. American names also mostly have biblical origins. Americans have very independent tastes depending on the state, but several of the names listed in the table below are considered attractive girl names by American women in almost every state.

Among the beautiful Japanese female names, new ones began to appear, which sound similar to European ones, but which are written in hieroglyphs and do not depart from Japanese traditions. They began to be considered beautiful not only from the point of view of Europeans, but also from the point of view of the Japanese. Favorite names for Japanese girls are not identical to Chinese ones, and are completely far from the preferences of American or English girls.

Beautiful female Russian and foreign names

AustraliaAmelia, Charlotte, Olivia, Sofia, Ava, Chloe, Emily, Mia, Ruby, Grace
AzerbaijanAmina, Deniz, Gulnar, Maryam, Khumar, Safura, Medina, Irada, Emina, Nargiz, Syada, Ferdi, Elnara
EnglandAmelia, Olivia, Lily, Ava, Isabella, Emily, Jessica, Sophie, Eva, Ella, Mia, Caroline, Charlotte, Ruby, Grace, Elizabeth
ArmeniaArmine, Astrik, Ermina, Garunik, Gayane, Sate, Leila, Karine, Naira, Ruzanna, Sophie, Shushan, Eteri
BelarusKsenia, Sofia, Anna, Victoria, Milana, Ulyana, Kira, Maria, Anastasia, Daria, Arina, Alisa
BulgariaBozhana, Darina, Siyana, Iskra, Angela, Bozhidara, Yuna, Militsa, Leya, Elena, Wanda, Alexandra, Raya
BrazilLeticia, Amanda, Maria, Gabriela, Bianca, Luana, Ana, Vitoria, Isabella, Marianna, Larissa, Beatriz
GermanyHannah, Mia, Lea, Lina, Emily, Louise, Amelie, Johanna, Lara, Maya, Sarah, Clara
GeorgiaAliko, Nelli, Sopho, Mariko, Nina, Daria, Jamalia, Suliko, Maryam, Irma, Lamara, Nana, Lala, Tamara, Eteri
IsraelAviva, Iris, Ada, Solomeya, Sosanna, Liora, Mariam, Golda, Shaina, Ofira
IndiaAriana, Sita, Tara, Rita, Rani, Jita, Rajni, Aishwarya, Malati, Indira, Perva, Shanti, Amala
SpainMaria, Carmen, Lucia, Dolores, Isabel, Ana, Antonia, Teresa, Paula, Carla
ItalyAlessia, Sofia, Julia, Chiara, Francesca, Silvia, Federica, Elisa, Angela, Felicita, Viva, Carlotta, Enrica
KazakhstanAizere, Amina, Ryan, Aisha, Ayaru, Ayim, Ayana, Medina, Ayala, Dilnaz, Kamila
CanadaAlice, Chloe, Camilla, Grace, Hannah, Isabella, Mia, Samantha, Taylor, Emma, ​​Abigail
KenyaAsha, Niya, Firun, Lydia, Rudo, Esther, Edna, Monica, Abig
KyrgyzstanAinura, Nargiza, Tatyana, Dinara, Aida, Natalya, Nazira, Elena, Mariem, Asel
ChinaAi, Ji, Meili, Lihua, Peizhi, Xiu, Kiang, Nuo, Lan, Ruolan, Huang, Yui
LatviaIveta, Anita, Eva, Ilze, Inga, Liga, Laima, Dace, Daina, Ramona, Una, Inese, Kristine
LithuaniaJurate, Roger, Saule, Laima, Agne, Vitaly, Gedra, Emilia, Daina, Egle, Kamile, Ieva, Edita
MoldovaAda, Adina, Aura, Cesara, Carolina, Dana, Delia, Christina, Ilinka, Lorena, Rodica, Viorica, Zoica
PolandAnka, Boguslava, Krisiya, Danuta, Galina, Veronica, Aniela, Violetta, Zlata, Irena, Miroslava, Lydia, Nadezhda, Ela
RussiaAnastasia, Ekaterina, Sofia, Varvara, Elizaveta, Daria, Elena, Natalya, Tatyana, Yaroslava, Karina, Pelageya, Anna, Vera
USAAmanda, Victoria, Emma, ​​Ava, Olivia, Zoe, Ada, Eileen, Ethel, Jennifer, Lara, Lilian, Mia, Chloe, Melanie, Sandra, Scarlett
TajikistanAnzurat, Esmin, Zulmat, Ruzi, Shakhnoza, Dilyaram, Mavlyuda, Anora, Nargiz, Bakhora, Firdeus
TürkiyeRoksolana, Ferida, Aishe, Gülenay, Nesrin, Deniz, Fatima, Khadija, Aylin, Gizem, Meriem, Melek
UzbekistanDilnaz, Nodira, Nailya, Alfiya, Guzal, Aliya, Zainab, Habiba, Malika, Saida, Nargiza, Aigul
UkraineAnastasia, Sofia, Anna, Victoria, Maria, Polina, Darina, Zlata, Solomiya, Katerina, Alexandra, Angelina
FranceEmma, ​​Ines, Lea, Manon, Louise, Cloe, Clara, Natalie, Valerie, Nicole, Zoya, Lena, Lina, Lola, Jade, Lilu, Luna, Adele
EstoniaMaria, Laura, Linda, Hilda, Salme, Emma, ​​Annika, Kaya, Katrin, Monica, Greta, Marta, Helga
JapanMika, Yuna, Naomi, Yumiko, Miya, Aki, Aiko, Rini, Yuki, Sakura, Kiku, Amaya, Midori, Hana, Yuri

Beautiful rare female names

Many parents today strive to give a rare name to their daughter, because this is one of the modern trends and the opportunity to stand out from the crowd. This is how single names appear that, perhaps, you will not hear anywhere else. Often rare names are borrowed from the cultures of other peoples or ancient ones that are no longer in use are taken. In an effort to name their child something unusual, parents are increasingly choosing foreign names.

The name Emma, ​​common and native to the English, will be considered rare in Russia. Sasha - a favorite among the short Russian names Alexander and Alexandra - in the United States will be perceived exclusively as a female full name.

Zoya is quite rare in Russia, but in France it is a fairly common name, ten years ago it took 6th place in the country’s ranking. The name Laura cannot be found in Russia; in Spain, every tenth girl is given this name. The beautiful name Daria currently does not leave the top five most common in Russia, but in Europe and the Americas it is found only as a foreign, rare name.

Beautiful unusual female names. In Russia, foreign names are often called unusual. This group includes names of European origin - Ophelia, Serena, Francesca, Paola, Iris. But Russians will also be rare for Russians, more often the almost forgotten Zinaida, Claudia, Fedora, Domna.

Invented names can also be classified as unusual. They are very, very rare and rarely become publicly known. Somewhat more often, invented names can be found in the USA - Dakota, Chelsea, although in Russia you can also find several such examples - Astra, Stella, and they are not necessarily of Russian origin. During Soviet times, many unusual names were invented, but most of them did not catch on.

The table below shows names that are rare and unusual for a given nation, but at the same time they may be quite widespread among other nations and not be considered rare there.