How old is Natalia Oreiro? Filmography: films starring Natalia Oreiro. The real husband of Natalia Oreiro: biography before the fateful meeting

All famous people show business people tirelessly monitor their figure in order to appear before their fans in all their glory and simply amaze them with their forms. Some of them put a lot of effort into achieving what they want. Others, on the contrary, are naturally endowed with slimness, and they do not need to exhaust themselves in order to always look perfect, and Oreiro can be considered one of them.

This famous Uruguayan singer and actress is distinguished by her slender forms and chiseled figure. How old is Natalia Oreiro? She is very young, having been born in Montevideo in 1977. This beautiful girl she is well known in Russia, as she fell in love with our TV viewers from the series “Wild Angel”, where she played the main role.

The figure of this girl is simply a real dream for many representatives of the fair sex. Moreover, Natalya did not follow the fashion for universal thinness, but retained her feminine forms while slim body. At the same time, the actress cannot be called a full lady, because her weight fluctuates between only 50-55 kg. Considering that her height is 174 cm, then this is less than her ideal weight with the volume of the chest - waist - hips - 92-60-94! Wonderful options!

What does this slender lady eat that manages to maintain her attractiveness?

I must say that this is not just about diet. Natalya has been a fan of fitness for a long time. She works out with her personal trainer almost every day, and also goes for morning runs.

And the girl simply loves to dance, and in general leads an active lifestyle, not allowing herself to sit on the couch. Natalia Oreiro’s diet is not like any sophisticated, rigid methods; everything is quite adequate and acceptable.

It is worth saying that the girl has been following a vegetarian diet since 2005. And the audience in our country remembers her from the time when she was an omnivore. However, her most famous weight loss technique is devoid of meat products.

Natalia Oreiro's diet consists of two options, I will consider them in more detail so that you can decide what suits you best:

First option

This diet option completely excludes dairy products and eggs. This diet, to some extent, cleanses the body. The consumption of even weak alcohol and strong coffee is excluded.

Breakfast: drink herbal tea or weak coffee, eat bran bread, which should be prepared without adding milk and eggs, or eat special diet bread, which is easy to find in any supermarket.
Lunch: Prepare a large portion of pasta or rice, and you can also eat a portion of vegetable salad with olive oil, and a small dish of fresh chopped fruit dressed with mashed bananas.
Dinner: cook vegetable soup, stew any vegetables of your choice, you can add nuts to the dish. For dessert, prepare apples, which you bake with honey and a little cinnamon.

It is allowed to put a teaspoon of sugar in drinks, or sprinkle it on sour fruits. It is still not forbidden to eat up to fifty grams of fruit marmalade every day.

You can drink various herbal teas or natural espresso; you need to drink two liters of liquid daily. The diet is designed for a fairly active lifestyle, and the energy value of the diet is approximately 2000 kcal.

Second option

This diet option also does not involve the consumption of dairy products and eggs. But it is allowed to add additional foods to the diet and increase the daily energy value to 2400 kilocalories.

Breakfast: to the main menu of the first option, you can add a small amount of unsweetened jelly, for example, from viburnum.
Lunch: additionally you are allowed to eat up to eighty grams of bread.
Dinner: you can cook not the usual vegetable soup, but prepare aromatic lentil stew. This cereal is very rich in protein and is considered an indispensable source of protein for vegetarians. Eat it vegetable stew and a light fruit salad for dessert.

Natalia Oreiro’s weight loss method is very different from other “star” diets. As you have already noticed, the diet has decent energy value. Therefore, if your lifestyle is not particularly active, you should reduce your caloric intake.

Before using this diet, evaluate your daily activity. A woman with a body weight of seventy kilograms, who is primarily engaged in sedentary work, spends about 1800 kilocalories per day, therefore, if you follow the second version of the method, you will gain weight rather than lose weight.

By and large, the proposed menu is ideal for girls who are physically active. But there is one caveat. For example, if you start using this diet, and at the same time you actively work out in the gym, then instead of the desired sculpted muscles you will get a weight loss effect.

This is explained by the fact that the diet contains little protein, and, as you know, it is protein that is considered building material for the cells of our body. Most people who follow a vegetarian lifestyle take additional amino acids or consume soy protein.

As it turned out, the diet of the wonderful actress Oreiro is completely unbalanced in proteins, and therefore is suitable only for those who do yoga or are interested in dancing, but not for those who regularly attend Gym in order to pump up your muscles and make your body more prominent.


To make Natalia’s method more balanced in proteins, you just need to add tofu or a little soy protein to the menu, in which case your diet will become healthier. It is advisable to consult your doctor before starting this diet.

Uruguayan actress, singer, designer. She became popular in Russia after the screening of the series “Wild Angel”.

Natalia Marisa Oreiro Iglesias/ Natalia Marisa Oreiro Iglesias was born on May 19, 1977 in the capital of Uruguay, Montevideo, into the family of manager Carlos Florencio Oreiro Poggio and hairdresser Mabel Cristina Iglesias Bourié. Natalia's ancestors were from Galicia, Spain, and she made her career in Argentina.

Natalia dreamed of being on stage since childhood. At the age of eight she began taking lessons acting, and at the age of 12 she began going to auditions and getting roles in commercials. When she turned 16, Natalia Oreiro moved to neighboring Argentina. There she made her way onto television, getting a job as a presenter on the channel MTV and first roles in TV series. In 1995, she played a prominent role in the telenovela " Tender Anna" She managed to attract attention and was invited to the hit TV series “ Models 90-60-90" And "Rich and Famous".

In 1998 Natalia Oreiro made her film debut playing in " Argentine in New York" After the release of the film, it started music career Natalia: she presented her first album to the public Natalia Oreiro . A song from this CD called Cambio dolor became main theme series "Wild Angel", in which Natalia Oreiro played the main role.

The series aired in 1998-1999, was bought by television channels in 63 countries and brought Oreiro worldwide fame. This role also brought Natalia two nominations for the prestigious Argentine Martín Fierro Award. After “Wild Angel” the actress became so popular in Russia that in 2006 she was invited to star in a Russian TV series "In the rhythm of tango".

In 2000, Natalia released her second album Tu Veneno and gave concerts in Spain, the USA and Latin America. The disc was nominated for a Latin Grammy Award in the category “Best Female Pop Vocal Album”.

In June 2002, Natalia Oreiro's third album was released Turmalina. Natalia herself wrote the songs Alas de libertad, Mar, and also co-wrote the lyrics of Cayendo. The song Cuesta arriba, cuesta abajo became the main theme of the series " Cachorra", in which Natalia Oreiro played the main role.

In 2003, she went on a tour of the countries of Eastern Europe and Latin America.

In the same Natalia Oreiro starred in the film " Cleopatra"a joint Spanish-Argentine production, and in 2004 - in the series " Wish».

In 2006, she played a boxer girl in the telenovela “You are my life”. Her partner again, as in “Wild Angel,” was the popular Argentine actor Facundo Arana. The series received four Martin Fierro Awards.

In 2008 Natalia Oreiro became a star Amanda O" - the first Argentine series filmed specifically for the Internet. After this, the actress switched to film roles and starred in films "Music Waiting" And "France". In 2010, Natalia Oreiro played a double role in " Miss Tacuarembo" In 2011, the romantic comedy " My first wedding» with Natalia Oreiro in leading role became the third highest-grossing film at the Argentine box office.

Personal life of Natalia Oreiro / Natalia Oreiro

Esquire magazine included her in its list of "Sexiest Women Alive."

Despite her popularity, Natalia tries to hide her personal life from the eyes of strangers. On December 31, 2001, she secretly married the leader of a popular Argentine rock band Divididos Ricardo Mollo/ Ricardo Mollo, who is almost 20 years older than her. From his first marriage, Ricardo has two daughters, with whom Natalia managed to establish a good relationship. At the end of January 2012, the couple are expecting the birth of a son. Natalia gave her firstborn a name Merlin Atahualpa/ Merlin Atahualpa.

Interesting facts about Natalia Oreiro / Natalia Oreiro

With my older sister Adriana/ Adriana Natalia created a clothing brand Los Oreiro. Their family business is a success in Argentina.

Natalia Oreiro about Los Oreiro: “When we were little, we studied cutting and sewing and always said that we would have a joint clothing brand. Then life took me on a different path, and Adriana studied to be a designer. At some point, I invited her to make our old dream come true. It helped restore the connection between us that had weakened while she was living in Mexico.”

Since 2005, Natalia has been a vegetarian. She is a member of Greenpeace and is active in charity work. In September 2011, UNICEF named her an Ambassador good will in Rio de la Plata. Thus, she became the first Goodwill Ambassador representing both Argentina and Uruguay.

Natalia Oreiro is the face of cosmetics giant L'Oreal in Argentina.

“Wild Angel” brought Natalia Oreiro prizes as best actress in Israel, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary. Her role in the film Waiting for Music received a nomination for an Argentine Film Academy Award. In 2001, Natalia Oreiro was nominated for a Latin Grammy and received the “Stopudovy Hit” prize as best singer. She was also nominated for an MTV Award for best clip Tu veneno.

Filmography of Natalia Oreiro / Natalia Oreiro

  • Freedom for Joe (2014), role: Rachel
  • The Blue Mauritius (2014), role: Maria
  • Angel / El angel (2014)
  • Red pepper / Pimienta Roja (2014), role: Juana
  • Wakolda (2013), role: Eva
  • Only you / Solamente vos (2013), role: Aurora
  • Message from the Coffin / Lynch (2012), role: Isabel de Lynch
  • Wakolda (2012)
  • Freedom for Joe / Freedom for Joe (2012), role: Raquel de los Rios
  • Underground childhood / Infancia clandestina (2011), role: Charo
  • My first wedding / Mi primera boda (2011), role: Leonora Bellamy
  • Miss Tacuarembó (2010), role: Natalia / Candida
  • France / Francia (2009), role: Cristina Marcela
  • Music in anticipation / Música en espera (2009), role: Paula
  • Amanda O / Amanda O (2008-2009), role: Amanda
  • Possible Lives / Las vidas posibles (2007), role: Marcia
  • Film / La peli (2007), role: Lola
  • In the rhythm of tango (2006), role: Natalia Solanos
  • You are my life / Sos mi vida (2006-2007), role: La Monita
  • Trophies / Botines (2005), role: Rene
  • Desire / El Deseo (2004), role: Carmen
  • Cleopatra (2003), role: Milagros
  • Kachorra / Kachorra (2002), role: Kachorra
  • Casablanca / Ojitos verdes (1998), role: Rose
  • Wild Angel / Muñeca brava (1998-1999), role: Carlitos
  • An Argentino in New York / Un argentino en New York (1998), role: Veronica
  • Rich and famous / Ricos y famosos (1997-1998), role: Valeria
  • Models 90-60-90 / 90-60-90 modelos (1996-1997), role: Lucia
  • Tender Ana / Dulce Ana (1995), role: Veronica
  • High comedy/ Alta comedy (1991-1998)
  • Discography of Natalia Oreiro
  • Turmalina (2002)
  • Tu Veneno (2000)
  • Natalia Oreiro (1998)

Natalia Oreiro is the idol of many people not only in her homeland, in Latin America, but also in Russia and Ukraine. This beautiful, talented girl with a charming smile won the hearts of millions back in the late 90s, playing the main role in the television series “Wild Angel”. Of course, fans are very interested in the details of the biography and personal life of Natalia Oreiro.

Childhood actress

The future actress and singer was born on May 19, 1977 in the capital of Uruguay. The girl's family was not rich. Her dad was an ordinary salesman, and her mother made her living as a hairdresser.

It must be said that in hometown Natalya lived only the first few years of her life, and after that, together with her sister and parents, she often moved from place to place. On this moment, the girl has been living in Argentina for many years, where she moved at the age of 16.

Future child star

Since childhood, Nati (as her many fans call her) has been very artistic. She loved to sing. At that time, her mother’s ordinary comb served as a microphone for the girl. Natasha walked around the house with her and performed in front of her friends.

Model career

When Natalya started acting, beautiful girl not only was it loved by the audience, but also noticed by representatives of the modeling business. Therefore, a few years later the girl decided to start a modeling career. She had all the data for this - an excellent figure and a beautiful face.

Fatal beauty Natalia Oreiro

When Oreiro was only 14, she was chosen to accompany the then famous TV star Shushi on tour. Nati often appeared on television programs and managed to win the hearts of her first fans.

In addition, the girl was offered a job by the cult television channel MTV. Ambitious Natalya did not take advantage of this opportunity - she wanted to completely devote her life to cinema. She started by often flying to castings in the capital of Argentina. And soon, luck smiled on her.

Natalia Oreiro: photo


Natalia's debut took place in the film “The Unruly Heart”. She was only 16 then. Another cameo role soon followed in her career - she played in the TV series “Tender Anna”. And in the television series “Models 90-60-90” she got a key role, thanks to which the young actress became recognizable.

A talented girl with a bright appearance could not go unnoticed. She began to receive profitable offer from the directors one after another. In 1997, she played the main role in the touching melodrama “Rich and Famous”, in a duet with Diego Ramos.

Still from the movie "Rich and Famous"

Even greater success followed. She got the role of the orphan Milagros in the TV series “Wild Angel”. Natalya recorded soundtracks for him and participated in writing the script. This project has gained incredible popularity. It was shown in the most different corners globe.

Oreiro became famous far beyond the borders of its country. The young girl's dreams of popularity and fame came true.

Natalia Oreiro and Facundo Arana in the series “Wild Angel”

In addition, in 1998, the girl played the main role in the film “An Argentine in New York.” This film was a great success. In its first week of release, approximately two million people watched it.

In 2005, Oreiro played in a joint project between Argentina and Russia - the television series “In the Rhythm of Tango.”

Still from the film “In the Rhythm of Tango”

In 2006, Oreiro met on the set with Facundo Arana, her partner in “ To the wild angel" They again played lovers in the series “You are my life.”

From 2008 to 2009, Natalya was involved in the television series “Amanda O,” where she played the role of an arrogant superstar, whose life unexpectedly changes in a different direction. Also in 2009, the films “Music in Waiting” and “France” were released.

Still from the series “You are my life”

In 2011, the girl played in the films “My First Wedding”, “Underground Childhood”, “Miss Tacuarembo” and “Bad”.

Other interesting projects Oreiro - TV series “Lynch”, “Among the Cannibals”. The films “Angel”, “Gilda” and the drama “Vakolda”.

Natalia Oreiro in the “Evening Urgant” program

Music career

Natalia Oreiro is no less popular as a singer. She has an excellent voice and moves well to the music. The girl's first producer was Gustavo Yankelevich. In 1999, he helped her release her debut album, Natalia Oreiro.

The following year, 2000, the singer’s second disc, Tu Veneno, was released, which was very much in demand by the audience. And already in the winter of 2001, the girl began to tour the world. She then came to Russia, where many already loved her dearly.

Famous Argentine singer on the set of a video

Oreiro's third album, Tourmaline, was released in 2002. This was followed by a long break in his singing career. The girl devoted more time to filming TV series and movies. Occasionally she released singles.

At the end of 2014, the singer performed concerts in many cities of Russia. She also appeared on Channel One, where she gave an interview to Ivan Urgant. In addition, the girl sang her popular song “Me Muero De Amor” in Russian and even starred in the video with Facundo Arana.

Personal life

In 1994, young Natalia fell in love with handsome Pablo Echarri after seeing him on TV. She was able to meet the guy and become his lover. She was only sixteen then.

Journalists closely followed the relationship between Pablo and Natalia. Soon the girl moved to live in Argentina, with her beloved. But still, after six years, this relationship has exhausted itself. The actor was jealous of his lover’s success and jealous of his partners on the set.

With first husband Pablo Echarri

It so happened that by the time “Wild Angel” was released, the couple had broken up. One of the reasons for the breakup was that the actress was not ready at that time to start a family and give birth to a child. In addition, photos of Natalia Oreiro, whose biography and personal life we ​​are discussing today, appeared in the men's magazine Play boy. Pablo did not like this, and the relationship was put to an end.

After breaking up with her loved one, Oreiro could not come to her senses for a long time. Despite the fact that the press attributed her to having affairs with her partners on the set, the actress did not confirm this information.

With second husband Ricardo Mollo and son

Changes for the better in the personal life of the “star” occurred in the fall of 2001. Then fate brought her together with rock musician Ricardo Mollo. Natalia and Ricardo played a modest wedding on a ship, in the presence of only their closest people. Star tattoos became a symbol of their love.

In 2009, information appeared in the press that the actress had a crisis in her relationship with her husband and that the girl was having an affair with Facundo Arana. Natalya denied the information, saying that she was happily married.

Natalia at the Cannes Film Festival

Fans who are interested in the personal life of Natalia Oreiro know that she has children. After 11 years of marriage, the long-awaited son of Natalia and Ricardo-Merlin Atahulpa was born. After the birth of her child, Natalia soon returned to her working rhythm. It was hard for the girl - she could not personally congratulate her son on his first birthday and it was not always possible to be there when the boy was sick. The actress often cried on the set because of this.

Now Natalya admits that she managed to organize her time in such a way as to devote more time to her family. The girl even took little son with you on tour so as not to be separated.

Natalia is still popular in Argentina and abroad

Oreiro continues to act in films and TV series, tours the world with concerts, and actively appears in commercials. Her popularity has not faded at all. Photos of Natalia Oreiro, whose biography and personal life are so interesting to fans, as well as her children, can be seen on the Internet. Fans still love her, and the “star” reciprocates their love.

The star of many melodramas and television series, as well as the singer Natalia Oreiro, thanks to her beauty and talent, managed to win the love of millions of television viewers. Despite the fact that the girl was born in ordinary family, she achieved everything herself, so many fans consider her an ideal and role model. In this article we will look at interesting points in the biography and personal life of the beautiful actress and singer Natalia Oreiro.

Natalia Oreiro was born on May 19, 1977 in Montevideo, Uruguay. At that time, her parents were raising her older sister Adriana. Parents were ordinary people: Father worked as a salesman in a local store, and then started working entrepreneurial activity; Mom worked in a beauty salon.

She did not live long in her hometown, as the family moved frequently. For some time Natalya lived in the city of El Cero, Spain.

Often the mother noticed that her daughter used her professional comb as a microphone. It soon became clear that the girl dreams of becoming a singer. Natalia performed new numbers every day and organized fun concerts for all household members. Her parents immediately noticed that Natalya was a very artistic child, so from the age of 8 she was enrolled in theater Club. The girl really loved attending classes.

Oreiro first appeared on television at the age of twelve. Despite the fact that it was just a commercial, in just two years she became an “advertising star”, including large manufacturers Pepsi, Coca-Cola and Johnson & Johnson.

As a teenager, the girl began to stand out from her peers. Those around her tirelessly insisted that she needed to get into modeling. And, indeed, her height was 174 cm and her weight was 54 kg.

In 1991, Natalya passed a casting, as a result of which she was supposed to accompany the Brazilian singer Xuxa, visiting many cities. After this, the young artist gained even greater fame.

But all this time she was striving for new heights, so every time she made a profit, she went to Buenos Aires for new castings. Now she had new goal- become a famous actress.

Film career

In 1993, Natalia Oreiro starred in the Argentine television series Alta comedia. Unfortunately, this project was never released due to lack of funding. In addition, at the same time her contract with the star Xuxa was ending. But her plans included only a great desire to develop her acting potential. And as a result, her dreams began to come true.

Still from the TV series “Rich and Famous”

Real creative biography actress Natalia Oreiro begins with filming in the film “The Unruly Heart”. Then she played in the TV series “Dulce Ana”. After finishing work on this project, the actress received an offer to play the main role in the television series “90-60-90 modelos”. After the film first appeared in theaters, many television viewers began to recognize the girl, but she did not fully understand that she had become a celebrity.

The long-awaited success came to the artist after the release of the series “Rich and Famous”. She played with famous actor Diego Ramos. Now her popularity is growing every day: she is regularly invited to shoot by famous producers and directors. The actress’s next work is the main role in the film “An Argentine in New York.”

Actress on the set of the film “You Are My Love”

But the actress received real recognition from television viewers after the release of the melodrama “Wild Angel” in 1998. She worked hard on the image of a charming hooligan - Milagros. The actress put all her strength into this project for a long time and only thanks to this she gained worldwide fame. The series won the Viva 2000 competition.

In addition, several more should be noted famous works actresses:

  • "Only you";
  • "Among the Cannibals";
  • "Red pepper".

Natalia Oreiro plays the role of Carlitos in the series “Wild Angel”

Musical activities

Thanks to great support famous director Gustavo Yankilevich, Natalia Oreiro released her first music album. In a short period of time, its sales amounted to about 750 thousand copies. And in some countries of Europe and Latin America they sold almost 1 million discs.

At the beginning of the 2000s, the singer released her second album “Tu veneno”. In a short period of time, the singer's fans bought more than 2 million discs.

A year later, the talented artist went on her first tour. Her concerts took place in different cities of the USA, Russia, and Spain. By the way, in Moscow the singer performed at the Grand Kremlin Palace, gathering a huge number of fans.

In 2002, Natalya released her third solo album"Turmalina". After a short period of time, it brings her another outbreak of popularity, and its sales reach 1.5 million copies.

A year later, Oreiro again goes on a concert tour and visits 14 countries, including Russia. All her concerts were an incredible success.

It's no secret that the actress has been interested in football for a long time. Since childhood, she has been rooting for football team"Rampla Juniors" from Montevideo and the Argentina national team. At the 2012 FIFA World Cup, the actress was given the honorary title of “godmother” of the Uruguay national team.

Personal life

Natalia Oreiro's personal life has always been full of vibrant relationships and interesting events. Her first serious relationship began during the filming of the TV series “The Unruly Heart”. It was there that she met Pablo Echarri. Their relationship lasted for 6 years. In 2000, the actress broke up with her boyfriend, and the only thing that helped her get through it was work.

With Pablo Echarri

A year later, at one of the parties, the actress met a participant popular rock band"Divididos" by Ricardo Mollo. At that time he was 44 years old. She later admitted: “Probably the first thing that captivated me about his appearance was his smile.” Their relationship developed very rapidly. A year later the couple decided to get married. The solemn event was held quite modestly, in the circle of closest friends.

As a sign of their fidelity, the newlyweds got a ring tattoo on their ring fingers. It should be noted that this is quite bold, but crazy romantic act. Such a tattoo indicates that the singer has a difficult character. But, despite everything, she will be able to forgive her loved one a lot.

In 2009, not only the creative biography, but also the personal life of Natalia Oreiro became the main topic of discussion for many well-known publications. The reason for this interest was rumors about a crisis in the relationship between the spouses. The option of separation of the star couple was also considered.

But contrary to all expectations, the couple managed to maintain a strong and reverent relationship. For an actress, family is an unbreakable fortress and a reliable rear. She walked towards her happiness for a very long time, and finally achieved everything she needed. They understand each other well. According to Natalya, her husband has already learned to cope with her hot temper and he is really the person who can make her happy.

Wonderful changes in Natalia Oreiro's personal life occurred on January 26, 2012. It was then that she gave birth to her first child, her son Merlin. Ricardo actively takes part in raising his son, despite the fact that he still has children from his first marriage (see their photo together in the article).

Actress today

In 2017, Natalia Oreiro starred in the film “I Am Gilda”. This film is based on the biography famous singer, who died at the very height of her fame. In her opinion, this role was able to reveal completely different facets in her that she had not known in her entire life. acting career. In addition, she was directly involved in regulating the filming process, as she also acted as a producer. This summer, an international film festival took place, where the actress received the Silver Condor Award for her leading role in this film.

And, despite the fact that she celebrated her 40th birthday this year, she looks as beautiful as she did in her youth.

In 2017 her social network was replenished with several photographs in which Natalya without makeup. Many of her fans noted that the actress is in good shape. In addition, she recently starred in an explicit television advertisement, which was not aired due to too explicit scenes.

For a long time now, domestic high-quality TV series have supplanted foreign ones. But even today, at the mere mention of Latin America, an association arises with the unrestrained and beautiful “wild angel”. Of course, this is the energetic and fiery Natalia Oreiro, whose biography began in Uruguay, far from cinema, in the city of Montevideo.

Childhood of a little tomboy

An ordinary family - dad, mom and two wonderful daughters - Adriana and Natalya. My parents did not have high incomes, they moved often, and lived in Spain for some time. This undoubtedly influenced Natalya, who spends most of her time traveling today. My father was engaged in trade, my mother was in hairdressing, and future star sang in front of the mirror with a comb or a bottle of nail polish.

The smiling girl grew up watching Marilyn Monroe films and, as a favorite actress, also became the idol of millions. Natalia's artistic talents showed up as early as early age, and with the permission of her parents (the condition was diligent study at school), she began to attend theater studios.

By the age of twelve, the girl had become an advertising star not only thanks to her doll-like appearance and charming smile, but also to her hard work.

Argentine tango

Natalia Oreiro, whose biography resembles the life of a soaring bright butterfly, was burned more than once. She visited hundreds of casting agencies. One day luck smiled at her: while still a teenager, she began to travel around the world with famous TV presenter Shushi.

Imagining her programs, I dreamed of my own finest hour Natalia Oreiro. The biography and personal life of the future actress are closely connected with Buenos Aires, the center of Latin American film production. In the hot capital, being completely alone and without funds, she did not stop on the path to success and recognition.

The beginning of her serial career was the film “High Comedy”, where the sixteen-year-old Uruguayan made her debut in cameo role. But this picture was not destined to ignite new star due to financial problems. Victoria’s significant role was in “The Unruly Heart” in 1994.

First love

Natalia Oreiro, a biography whose personal life is quite vivid, fell in love with the impressive Pablo Echarri. In addition to their stunning appearance and acting talent, this couple was united by professional ambitions. Both were just starting their careers. They found common ground not only in seething passion, but also in the desire to reach heights on stage.

Running up the career ladder

The following years became eventful for Natalia Oreiro. “Dear Anna” and “Models 90-60-90” came out one after another. Developed in parallel whirlwind romance, filled with both love and jealousy.

Her embodiment of Valeria from “The Rich and Famous” was recognized as a real breakthrough. Natalia’s partner was Diego Ramos, already popular at that time, whose presence ensured the film’s stunning success.

In 1998, director Gustavo Yankelevich invited the actress to his new project- "An Argentine in New York." It was a full-length work - an unknown field for Natalia. The actress involved in Casablanca initially refused the offer from Te Le Fe. But filming on the series stopped, and Natalya did not like to rest. She agreed to participate in the film. Veronica de Ricci, performed by Oreiro, revealed her wonderful vocal abilities to the world. The on-screen character repeats the fate of Natalya, who also left to realize her talent in the big city.

Sweet-voiced Uruguayan

Natalia Oreiro, whose biography has become of interest to many thanks to her acting talent, has and vocal abilities. In the wake of the success of the film, the newly minted singer releases (with the support of Gustavo Yankelevich) her first album. It goes double platinum, and the army of fans grows exponentially.

The year 1999 was a landmark year with the filming of “Wild Angel,” which brought worldwide fame and recognition. Milagros was loved by everyone, regardless of age and gender. Natalia Oreiro cemented the sensation by performing all the soundtracks for the series. History contains only a few Latin American actresses who were able to conquer Europe, Russia and Israel. And the leader among them, of course, is Natalia Oreiro.

You have to pay for everything

A dizzying career destroyed the relationship with Pablo Echarri. Many reasons became the basis for the separation, for example, Natalia’s demand and actor’s envy. Rumors about her affair with Facundo Arana added fuel to the fire. Viewers could not believe that such a passionate relationship was connected only by the heroes of the series. Natalya could not quit her favorite job, music, to become an ordinary housewife. She already regretted that at one time, for the sake of Pablo, she refused the tempting offer of MTV.

Although Natalia Oreiro took the breakup calmly, her biography was filled with another tragic page. Prolonged depression became the reason for the expression of internal state through external changes. It's not sweet anymore cheerful girl, and an uninhibited sexy brunette in revealing outfits, looking at her fans from the pages men's magazines. In the difficult year 2000 for the Uruguayan star, the second album with the iconic title “Your Poison” was released. He repeated the success of the previous musical brainchild and again conquered the world.

Millennium - new life

At the beginning of the 2000s, popularity was mixed with loneliness for an actress named Natalia Oreiro. Biography, husband, children - all this was of interest to millions of fans.

One day, at a party with friends, Oreiro met Ricardo Mollo - successful musician. He managed to warm the actress’s heart and make her happy. Knowing the price of popularity and fame, having experience of marriage behind us, future husband He was calm about the star’s numerous filming and tours. The musician also remained on excellent terms with ex-wife and participates in raising children.

The onslaught of paparazzi that accompanied any appearance of Natalia and Ricardo together did not break the couple either. The decision to get married came in 2001. At a secret ceremony in Brazil, a union was formed between the two loving hearts. On life path actress named Natalia Oreiro biography, husband and career united in harmony. The actress once again radiated light and energy.

In 2002, producers resumed filming the sequel to “Wild Angel,” where the impressive Pablo Rago became Oreiro’s partner. At the same time, another music album, “Tourmalina,” was released. His material is close to rock - the influence of his beloved Ricardo affected.

In what direction did the biography of an actress named Natalia Oreiro turn next? Children - that's what she dreamed of. In 2012, a wonderful boy was born, named Merlin. Mom and dad have already started preparing the baby for the stage, he actively takes part in his mother’s concerts. Due to the birth of her child, Natalya stopped active work for a while. But her tour soon resumed, where the singer was met with undying love from fans.

Despite constant rumors about affairs with Ivan Noble and Facundo Arana, Ricardo Mollo and Natalia Oreiro continue to remain happy. Now the actress’s biography is filled with new serious film works. First of all, these are the films “Vakolda” and “Underground Childhood”. But the actress and singer considers her beautiful family to be her most important achievement. At home, Natalia is always waiting for the two most important men in her life - Merlin and Ricardo.