Sergey Krupnov atl. ATL (ATL) - Biography, personal life, photos, new album, who he is. Solo career ATL

Real name: Sergey Kruppov
Place of birth: Novocheboksarsk

ATL in the Aztecs group.

ATL spent his entire youth in the Volga region city of Novocheboksarsk. There he became acquainted with the work of Eminem, which prompted ATL to write the first tracks. In 2006, Sergei met 3 guys who, like him, were trying to record their tracks at that time. The guys decide to unite and create the group Aztecs. At first, the guys just gathered in the apartment, listened to Russian rap and freestyled, without recording new tracks at all. The first lineup of the group did not live long. In 2007, ATL and Vadya Bledny are left alone in the Aztecs. They invite two local rappers to join their group and gradually begin to prepare their first rap album.

At the end of 2007, the then-famous rapper St1m announced the acceptance of tracks for the Aggrobobruisk label for the collection “The World Belongs to You.” Aztecs decide not to miss the moment and send their track “MyWorldMyStyle”. Steam liked the guys' work and included the Aztecs in his collection. After this success, the group from Novocheboksarsk has its first listeners. Also in 2008, the Aztecs take part in hip-hop festival"Coffee grinder-9" and win. In 2009, Aztecs released their first album, Now or Never. After this, the group begins a creative lull. It took the guys three whole years to release their second album, “Music will be above us.” As it turned out, this was the last Aztec album. In 2012, the group ceased to exist.

Solo career ATL

After the collapse of Aztecs, ATL did not give up creativity and began recording solo tracks. The rapper's style is gradually changing, and trap compositions are starting to be released occasionally. The first solo work did not have to wait long; the “Thoughts Out Loud” EP was released a few months after the Aztecs disbanded. Then, at the end of 2012, the second EP, “Warmth,” was released.

At the end of 2013, ATL took part in the sensational "Versus Battle" and won a confrontation with Andy Cartwright. Thanks to this victory, the number of participants in the VK group ATL increases sharply.

ATL’s first truly serious solo work was released in 2014 - the full-length album “Bones”. Many people knew about the Cheboksary rapper before, but after the album was released Russian rap The community started talking about ATL more en masse. In conclusion creative year ATL releases, in addition to the first album, another one - “Cyclone Center”.
But most successful work ATL is rightfully considered the album “Marabou” published in November 2015. This album includes 10 compositions. No Russian rapper has ever had a sound like the one in the tracks from “Marabou”. Later, ATL released a fairly high-quality video for the track “Iskra” from this album:

In the spring of 2017, ATL released the album “Limb”, which, like its predecessor “Marabou”, was very successful.

1. The nickname ATL comes from the airport code in Atlanta, Georgia. At the beginning of his career, ATL was a fan of southern American rap. Later, ATL, being in the Aztecs group, wanted to change his nickname, but having learned that the Aztecs had such a god, Atl decided to leave the current pseudonym.
2. Many people attribute ATL, like all other Cheboksary rappers (in particular Lupercal, Rip, Matey, etc.) to the creative association “White Chuvashia”. But in fact, BC is just a made-up term by the Babangida troll from the hip-hop ru forum. And this term served to generalize this entire Cheboksary party.
3. Sergey himself openly states that ATL is a project not of one person, but of three: MC, beatmaker, manager.
4. ATL’s collection of works includes a very interesting mixtape “FCKSWG”, which was re-released 3 times.

Together with this artist, we look through biographies:

ATL (Sergey Kruppov) representative " new wave"Russian rap. He comes from Novocheboksarsk, a small town not far from the capital of Chuvashia. For some reason, Cheboksary became the musical capital of new Russian rap - Eecii McFly and the Dark Faders beatmakers came from there. This party, with light hand rapper Babangida was called “White Chuvashia,” but this is a very conditional association. Each of the “white Chuvash” has his own goals in creativity and his own special path.

Despite the fact that it is only a half hour drive from Novocheboksarsk to the regional capital, hip-hop in the satellite city was completely different. ATL and his group did not make the hardcore popular in Cheboksary, but southern “bounce”, about yachts and beaches. This fashionable trend of Western music of the early 2000s looked at least strange on the Volga beaches, and the “senior comrades” from the capital of the region treated the Novocheboksarsk fashionistas condescendingly.

Over time, ATL himself came to abandon the pursuit of fashion and recorded two breakthrough mixtapes “FCKSWG”.

The subsequent EP "Bones" was a revelation, ATL finally found its image - social, dark lyrics, black clothes and clips with interference, a feeling of hopelessness and rebellion against this hopelessness. Hot Topics, many references to books and ostentatious intellectuality of the texts - ATL perfectly entered the trend of the new Russian rap set by. In addition, ATL has an undoubted poetic talent and flair for modern problems: “Asian Moscow is raising the Russian banner, and now you can figure out which of them is visiting whom” (“Skull x Bones”).

The love for the “fashionable” sound, however, remains - ATL has several trap-cons, he does not shy away from collaborating with or (mixtape “Quarry”), but ATL himself always categorically objects to attempts to record himself in trap or “blackstar” - artists. He has his own way and his own music.

This is noticeable in his new album “Marabou”, which was released in early November 2015 and was instantly declared by fans as “a new bar for Russian hip-hop”, “a breakthrough in Russian rap”, etc. There is not a single feature on the album, which is very unusual for Russian rappers who like to gather in associations. All songs are ATL, beats by Dark Faders and Salad Killaz.

The album came out dark, full of references to Irvine Welsh, Lovecraft and Hunter Thompson, which had a devastating effect on listeners not spoiled by bookishness.

The tracks “”, “” and others are an example of the most interesting thing that is happening in Russian rap now.

The pseudonym ATL is a memory of his youth, when Sergei sang on the banks of the Volga about yachts and yellow beaches - the initial letters of the name of the “capital of the South,” Atlanta. However, it later turned out that it also has another meaning: Atl is the name of the Aztec god of water.

Who is ATL / ATL

Real name— Sergey Kruppov

Hometown— Novocheboksarsk

Nickname- ATL / ATL

Activity— Rap artist

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Sergey Kruppov, better known under the pseudonym ATL (ATL), is a Russian rap artist, one of the most promising rappers " new school».

Before he became famous

ATL has been involved in rap for quite a long time, although it gained wide popularity only recently. They first learned about him as part of Aztecs group, which he and three friends created in 2006. A little later, the composition of the team underwent changes; two guys left the group, replaced by new ones.

In 2008, the guys sent their track “MyWorldMyStyle” to the collection of the St1m label and, out of a number of more than one and a half thousand compositions, Steam noticed their track, which subsequently appeared on the collection. Thus, “Aztecs” was heard by a new audience of listeners. 2008 was also marked by the group’s victory at the then popular hip-hop festival “Kofemolka-9”

In 2009, the Aztecs group released their first studio album entitled “Now or Never”

In 2012, after a three-year lull, the guys released their last album entitled “Music will be above us” and ended their existence.

Solo career

Discography ATL

2012 was a turning point for the rapper ATL, because that year his group broke up and he started thinking about solo work. And not long later, the artist’s first studio solo album with the title “ Thinking out loud"which included only 5 tracks.

At the end of the same year, ATL stirs up interest in his person with the release of his second solo album entitled "Warm", which also included only 5 tracks.

ATL on Versus battle

In 2013, a big boost to my career came from participating in a popular battle platform. Versus Battle, where ATL won a landslide victory 2:1 over an opponent with a pseudonym Andy Cartwright.

2014 was marked by the release of two full-length solo albums by the artist, with the titles “ Bones" And " Cyclone Center“, with the help of which ATL acquired a new audience of listeners.

ATL - Marabou

In November 2015, an album was released, to which the performer is grateful for its popularity, entitled “ Marabou". The album instantly gained popularity on social networks, huge amount likes and reposts, overtaking the already “seasoned” performers at that time. Undoubtedly, the hit of the album was the composition of the same name “ Marabou«, large number people recognized ATL precisely from this track.

At the end of September 2016, ATL released a new mixtape in anticipation of the autumn concert tour, where he collected several new tracks, as well as solo verses from joint work with the title " Karma x Coma«.

In March 2017, the performer released another studio album called “Limb,” which brought the rapper new batch listeners. It is certainly worth noting the composition “ ATL - Dance“, which still does not lose popularity.

ATL - Distortion

In mid-November 2017, on the wave of hype, Atl released a new album called “ ATL - Distortion“, the album was received warmly by the artist’s audience and brought new listeners.

Many popular personalities, answering the question of a famous interviewer - “Name the 3 best rappers in Russia,” included ATL in their list

What does ATL mean?

Sergei Kruppov used to call himself Atlanta, after some time he was offered to shorten his name to ATL. Sergei already wanted to change his pseudonym completely, but when he found out that in Aztec mythology there was a god of water - Atl, and at that time Atl was part of the Aztecs (Aztecs) group, he considered this a sign and decided not to change his name.

Personal life

The ATL rapper carefully hides his personal life, so to answer the question: “ does ATL have a girlfriend?“- you can’t, you can only guess or hope for comments from the performer himself; Sergey also doesn’t give interviews on the topic of whether he has a wife.

On at the moment ATL is one of the most successful and productive rappers of our time; people like him and many others speak well of his work. Sergey also has official account on VK and Instagram.

Sergey Kruppov, aka rapper ATL, was born in the Chuvash Republic in the city of Novocheboksarsk on January 30, 1989. When he was young, he became interested in the work of rapper Eminem. He inspired him and made him realize that everyone has a chance to achieve great success in music.

After watching the film “8 Mile” with Eminem from director Curtis Hanson, Sergei began to think even more why not get creative. At that time he was 13 years old.


At the age of 15, he performed on stage for the first time during a city event. There he made connections with his comrades-in-arms and eventually the Aztecs team was formed. Initially, it included, in addition to ATL, SmitBeat, MC Fly and Cherokee. At first, the guys kept in touch via the Internet, exchanging new music. 2 years later they began working on their first album for the first time.

In 2009, the group took part in a festival called “Koffee Grinder”, where only rappers presented their talents. Aztecs were able to take first place. At that time, they released their first collection, “Now or Never.” In 2010, they were waiting for a tour. But after that nothing was heard about the guys. There was a lull for 2 years.

Only in 2012 they presented their second album “Music will be above us”, he also became the last in the activities of the Aztecs group. Despite the fact that the team ceased to exist forever, the guys have collaborated with each other more than once.

Sergei released several solo albums under the nickname ATL. These were the albums “Warmth” and “Thoughts Out Loud”. They have become incredibly in demand.

A year later, ATL took part in the Versus Battle, which was only gaining momentum. Krupov managed to defeat his opponent, Andy Cartwright. But then he realized that he no longer wanted to take part in such events.

Sergei plunged headlong into the world of solo creativity. ATL in 2014 presented a full-length first album called “Bones”, then a higher 3 mini-collection “Cyclone Center”. He also pleased us with videos for 2 songs: “Natural Born Killers” and “C4”.

In 2015, Sergei released a solo album called “Marabou”. He went on tour with him, giving concerts in the CIS countries. Against this background, videos for 3 songs were released. In 2016, he re-released the FCKSWG mixtape. In fact, he has always been willing to collaborate with other rappers. Among them are the Serpent, Scriptonite, ST, Pablo Stop, etc.

Interesting notes:

In 2017, Krupov presented an album called “Limb”, which became famous for a lot of hits. Also appeared in the web project “Profession: Rapper”. In November of the same year, he presented a new album, Distortion. He has a busy concert schedule.

On achievements achieved ATL does not stop, and therefore we can soon expect new songs and full-fledged worthy albums from him, which will certainly become hits.

Today his concerts are handled by SmithBit. Among those, Oksimiron invites him to cooperate together. Sergey continues to work with such labels as Gazgolder, BookingMachine.

Personal life

Sergei never speaks publicly about his personal life, believing that fans of his work should only be interested in career achievements. Sergei has his own clothing store in Cheboksary. He keeps it together with his longtime friend. The store was named “KARMA x KOMA”. They mainly sell clothes street style, certain attributes. Atl himself prefers to wear a blank style.

He has a personal account on Instagram with more than 151 thousand followers. Sergey regularly updates his videos and photos, all of them are mainly related to creative process and concerts.

ATL is the stage name of Sergei Kruppov, who is considered a popular rap artist. Has been described as a "new school" rapper with prominent creative prospects. Known to fans of this musical genre for almost 10 years.

Life path

Sergey Kruppov or ATL was born on January 30, 1989 in the city of Novocheboksarsk ( Chuvash Republic). For many years he lived in hometown. From the very early years he was into rap. He especially liked the work of the famous and popular Eminem. It was this musician who motivated ATL to start doing hip-hop. Now he admits that he likes almost everyone musical styles and directions, with the exception of chanson.

Over time, the artist realized that he wanted to seriously engage in rap. It was necessary to choose a bright pseudonym in the Western style. At this time, one could often hear the abbreviation ATL, which stood for short name airport, which is located in the USA, in the state of Atlanta. Later, Sergei wanted to change his stage name, but he came across information that Atl is the god of the element of water among the great Aztec tribe. He counted it a lucky sign, absolutely not random and decided to leave a pseudonym.

Creative path

According to Sergei, his debut performance took place on 01.12. 2005 at a city concert. It was at this event that he became acquainted with Mantana, who later became his colleague.

A year later, ATL and his friends decided to create their own group called “Aztecs”. Initially, young people were just going to freestyle and listen to modern rap artists. At first we didn’t create our own tracks. A year later, two members decided to leave the group. ATL and Vadya Bledny quickly found new rappers who wanted to be in the Aztecs group.

Next year, young performers decide to drop a track own composition"MyWorldMyStyle" famous rapper St1m. Since the latter was in search of material for compiling the collection “The World Belongs to You.” This was the very first collection, the purpose of which was to support promising and gifted talents. At that time, St1m was attentive to the track composition of a team of rappers from Novocheboksarsk. This event made them quite popular among those who truly appreciate rap culture. In addition, the year gave one more happy event young people, and they were able to win one of the famous competitions.

In 2009, the group released “Now or Never,” after which new compositions were not released for 3 years. It includes fourteen full tracks.

In 2012, the group decides to release the second and final album, which is called “Music will be above us.” After this, Aztecs finally disbanded. All participants began pursuing solo careers.

Solo project ATL

In 2012, Sergei began work on his solo work. The first mini-album was called “Thoughts Out Loud”, the second - “Warmth”. Each of the above albums included 5 tracks. This fueled his interest in his personality and creativity.

In 2013, ATL decided to participate in the Versus Battle, where he won a landslide victory over his opponent. It was this event that served as a serious impetus for the development of his career and popularity among rap listeners.

In 2014, Sergei wrote two whole albums, which are called “Cyclone Center” and “Bones”. This gained him a new audience. Fans noted that the sound became much better and more interesting.

In November 2015, the album “Marabou” was released. The album incredibly quickly gained popularity on various social networks, with many likes and reposts. The absolute hit of the record was the composition of the same name “Marabou”, by which the artist is recognized to this day. A very stylish video was shot for the track “Iskra”, which his fans liked. Distinctive feature This album is that he performed all 10 tracks independently, without the participation of other performers.

In September of the same year, several collaborations were released, which were combined under the title “Karma x Coma”. The end of the year is marked by the release interesting clip"Bees." Already in March, the artist released an album with the sparkling title “Limb”. This album brings the rapper a whole army of fans. Sergei dedicated one of the compositions, which is called “Back”, to his friend who gave up drugs. Of course, the fiery track is one of the best creations of ATL - “Dance”, which still remains very popular on the Internet.

To Sergei's early published work, which was recorded together with the most famous Russian rap artists. In addition, ATL is good friends with Oxxxymiron, who speaks highly of Sergei’s work. In his opinion, he is good performer and an excellent author of truly high-quality texts.

For a long time, ATL toured Russia and the CIS countries, so practically did not release new tracks. But, in October, Sergei pleased his fans with the “Sacred Rave” video, which was filmed in just one take.

A month later, a video was released for the track “Architect”, in which the performer compares people with simple ants. Fans noted the originality of the video.

In mid-November 2017, on a wave of hype, ATL released a new album called “ATL - Distortion,” which was highly appreciated by its audience and brought many new fans.

Personal life

Sergei hides his personal life very well, so there is no information about the performer’s girlfriend, wife or children.

ATL today

Today, ATL is one of the most popular artists in the rap industry. It is noteworthy that many of Yuri Dud’s guests, when asked about best rappers Russia was in most cases called ATL. Did you like the article? Share anywhere social network and get a 10% discount.