Biography and marital status of Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Brief biography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Titles and awards

Today, November 22, 2017, the famous man passed away at the age of 56. His wife and four children are grieving the death of their loved one. All fans of the great artist are in deep sorrow, because such singers are rarely born.

A brain tumor was the cause early death famous baritone. Surprisingly, during the period of illness he was cheerful and fit; the paparazzi were never able to get a photo of Dmitry looking “crushed” from the illness. The singer fought as hard as he could until the end.

We will tell you more about his personal life and achievements.

The personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky has always interested his fans; they searched the Internet for information about his wife and photos of his children.

The singer never experienced a shortage of attention from the female sex, since he had an outstanding appearance and in a rare voice. The gray hair that appeared early did not spoil Dmitry’s beauty at all; he never tried to paint it over; on the contrary, he was proud of it. He himself said that this is a manifestation of genetic inheritance.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky with his first wife Svetlana and her daughter from her first marriage

He met his first wife Svetlana Ivanova, a corps de ballet dancer, back in 1986. The young people began dating, and in 1991 they legalized their relationship. They settled permanently in London. The singer adopted a girl from Svetlana’s first marriage.

But the personal life of the newlyweds did not work out, despite the fact that in 1996 they had two children at once, twins (a girl and a boy). The couple often quarreled, and one day Dmitry found his wife with her lover.

When Dmitry met the Italian singer Florence Illy, he was still actually married, but this was only formally. A romance broke out between Dmitry and Florence, but he did not want to ruin the family. In 2001, Dmitry Hvorostovsky divorced his first wife, who requested a huge amount of alimony, and married Florence.

How old is Hvorostovsky's wife

Personal life with new wife It was a success and the marriage produced two children. When they first met in 1999, Florence was 29 years old. The photo shows that the son looks like his father, and the daughter looks like her mother.

Children of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

In 2015, Hvorostovsky’s first wife died tragically. Two children from his first marriage followed in their father’s footsteps and became musicians.

Artist's childhood

People's Artist Dmitry Aleksandrovich Hvorostovsky was born in Krasnoyarsk in 1962 into an intelligent family. His parents did not have a professional relationship with art, but they had a passion for music.

Dad worked as an engineer, but he loved to sing and had good vocal abilities. He has amassed a large music collection of recordings famous singers. Most likely, his love of music and opera singing was passed on to his children.

Alexander Stepanovich’s wife worked as a gynecologist, but also loved music - in her spare time the whole family attended concerts and theaters.

From the very beginning of his life, Dima was immersed in the world of wonderful sounds; he fell in love with music early on. The boy started singing at the age of two!

His beloved grandmother helped him in this - she had beautiful voice, and taught her grandson to sing correctly.

They often sang in duet famous fragments from operas and simply folk songs. The lessons served good lesson for the future singer.

Of course, Dima was sent to study at a music school, where he showed great success. After graduating from it, as well as after receiving incomplete secondary education, Dmitry did not hesitate for long in choosing future profession. He immediately entered the pedagogical school in the music department.

Start of a career

After finishing secondary educational institution, Dmitry entered the Institute of Arts, which is located in Krasnoyarsk. There he studied vocals with teacher Ekaterina Iofel - she taught the future singer openness, spontaneity, and correctly expressing his emotions. If at first Dmitry thought only about the technically correct performance of the work, then she taught him to think about the expressive side.

Starting from his second year, Hvorostovsky began performing on the stage of the opera house as a trainee. And later he was taken into plays as a young actor. Of course, everyone immediately noticed his rare velvety baritone, extraordinary timbre and large range of voice. The aspiring artist began to be trusted with serious roles in operas.

After classes with Iofel, Hvorostovsky no longer needed other mentors, since she taught him the most important thing - independent control over himself, over his feelings, his voice.

By the end of his studies at the university, Hvorostovsky was already an independent and outstanding opera personality. He worked at the Krasnoyarsk Opera House until 1990.

First popularity

In 1989, the young singer announced himself as a talented person throughout the world. At the age of 26 he won the International Opera Competition in Cardiff. After such a resounding victory, Dmitry went abroad and began performing in such famous theaters abroad, like:

Dmitry Hvorostovsky on stage with Dinara Aliyeva

  • Bavarian Opera;
  • Theater Royal in London;
  • La Scala Theater in Milan;
  • Berlin Opera;
  • Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires;
  • Vienna Opera;
  • Metropolitan Opera in New York;
  • Lyric Opera of Chicago;
  • Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg;
  • Theater " New opera"in Moscow, etc.

Since 1994, Dmitry Hvorostovsky lived in London, but the young singer also did not forget Russia. He often came to Moscow and St. Petersburg and performed on various stages. Together with the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra, he recorded works by Mussorgsky and Rimsky-Korsakov.

The popular singer performed not only classical works. In 2009, Hvorostovsky performed at the Kremlin Palace, where he performed songs by Igor Krutoy based on poems by L. Vinogradova. It was a presentation of a new joint album between Hvorostovsky and Krutoy.

In 1990, Hvorostovsky became an Honored Artist of Russia, and five years later a People's Artist. He is the winner of many awards, was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th degree, and the Order of Alexander Nevsky. One of the asteroids is named after the singer.

Illness and death of the singer

In the summer of 2015, a statement about the singer’s cancer appeared in the press for the first time. For this reason, his concerts in England and other countries were cancelled.

Dmitry was found to have a brain tumor, for this reason he went to an oncology clinic in London for examination and treatment.

However, the singer was not at all going to give up and lose heart. Already in September, he again appeared on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera, where he sang with Anna Netrebko. Then Dmitry went to Russia, where he gave several concerts. In his interview, the singer stated that he does not believe in God and the afterlife.

In 2016, Hvorostovsky underwent chemotherapy; because of this, his performances, including on stage, were cancelled. Vienna Opera. After treatment, the singer performed on stage in Germany. However, a trip to Moscow and performances in Bolshoi Theater doctors forbade it.

At the end of 2016, a message appeared that Dmitry was in the hospital due to acute pneumonia. But the singer did not give up; in May 2017, he performed in St. Petersburg. Then, despite a shoulder injury, Hvorostovsky performed in Krasnoyarsk. At one of the concerts he was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of his hometown.

Dmitry Malikov announced the death of the legendary opera baritone on his social networks.

Composer Dmitry Malikov was the first to report the death of the opera baritone; their mutual friend, poetess L. Vinogradova, told him about it.

Already in October of this year, false information about the singer’s death appeared, so not everyone immediately believed that Hvorostovsky was gone. However, singer Joseph Kobzon also confirmed the fact of death. Later a message appeared on television.

People's Artist of Russia, opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died in London. long time suffering from cancer. The death of the singer was reported by Dmitry Malikov and Joseph Kobzon.

A terrible diagnosis - a brain tumor - was made to Dmitry Hvorostovsky, who lived in London for many years, in June 2015. When the illness became known, the artist canceled his performances for two months and underwent several courses of chemotherapy at one of the cancer centers in London.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's return to the stage after a course of treatment took place on August 25, 2015 in New York on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera. However, in December 2016, the singer's health deteriorated and he again canceled all opera performances.

Date and place of funeral

A capsule containing part of the ashes of People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Hvorostovsky will be buried in Krasnoyarsk, the Ministry of Culture of the region told RIA Novosti.

Hvorostovsky was born in Krasnoyarsk and is an honorary citizen of the region. He died on Wednesday morning in London after a long illness. At the end of June 2015, he announced that he was suffering from a brain tumor.

The department said that after farewell to Hvorostovsky, a cremation procedure will take place in Moscow. One capsule with ashes will be buried at Novodevichy Cemetery, and the other in Krasnoyarsk. Date of funeral in hometown The artist is still unknown.

Earlier it became known that farewell to will be an artist V Great hall Conservatory on Monday, November 27th.

First marriage

The owner of such a voice was famous for being a passionate and gentle man. His first love arose on the stage of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater. The first lover was the ballerina Svetlana Ivanova. But this connection was not approved by others. Svetlana was already married before, but the reason for the breakup was her uncontrollable passion for men. But Dmitry was fascinated by the dark-eyed beauty and did not listen to anyone’s advice.

Dmitry's mentor Ekaterina Iofel made every effort to destroy this union. She tried to influence Hvorostovsky by refusing to communicate with him. But nothing helped. The relationship with the ballerina lasted two years, after which Dmitry moved her and her little daughter to his small room in a communal apartment. A year later, Svetlana and Dmitry got married.

The blow did not take long to arrive. One day Dmitry decided to surprise his wife and returned early from a tour. He bought huge bouquet flowers, came home and saw Svetlana in his marital bed with his close friend. The friends got into a big fight. Those around them believed that the relationship of the unsuccessful couple would end there. But Dmitry forgave his wife. In the early 90s, he was invited to work in the UK, and he moved his family to London.

Dmitry dreamed that Svetlana would be his support and support in everything. He wanted to appoint her as his director. But Svetlana did not want to take any part in her husband’s fate. She only wanted to devote all her time to herself and enjoy social life London. At first Dmitry took it calmly. He believed that there was nothing wrong with his wife going out into the world. In 1996, Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s personal life went uphill, his wife gave birth to two children. The singer was very happy with his wife and children. He gave birth to twins: a boy Danya and a girl Sasha. Dmitry was sure that he did the right thing by not listening to gossip about his wife.

But everything turned out to be the opposite. Svetlana did not settle down and did not calm down after the birth of her children. She became nervous and scandalous. In the house between spouses, problems began to arise frequently. major quarrels. As a result, the singer developed an ulcer due to nervousness. To relieve the pain, he began to drink.

Hvorostovsky also became addicted to alcohol because he was very worried about the current family situation. He would later talk about that time that he actually drank so much that he could even lose his job.


But for now it concert activity didn't stop. Hvorostovsky went to Geneva for one of his performances. There he had to perform the part of Don Giovanni with the charming 29-year-old Florence Illy. She discovered that the famous Russian baritone was also a real handsome man and went on the attack. They had a real kiss on stage. That's where she started. The sensuality of the singer of Italian-Swiss origin did not hide from Dmitry. "I am married!" - he immediately declared. "So what?" - Flo answered completely sincerely.

This woman seems to have returned her real self to Dmitry Alexandrovich.

He again understood what tenderness and romance are, what love and care are, what quiet happiness and enjoyment of each other is - without quarrels and scandals.

Returning to London, the singer raised the question of divorce. Svetlana couldn’t believe it: her Dimochka, who forgave everything, put up with her for so long, gave her two beautiful kids, suddenly started talking about divorce?! She was offended and disappointed and never expected that this could happen. But being the wife of a genius is difficult - you need to correspond to him on the one hand and develop with him on the other. Sveta, it seems, did not cope with this task.

In a fit of rage, the woman sued him for everything he had at that time: real estate, cars, as well as huge alimony for children and her own maintenance (more than 8 million a year, if counted in rubles). But Hvorostovsky was no longer with her, and Florence was able to survive all this.

Second marriage - a new meaning in life

With the appearance of Florence in Hvorostovsky's life, life took on a new meaning. He stopped drinking and his popularity grew. He became even more famous opera singer. Florence became a talisman for him. She followed her husband everywhere and constantly supported him in everything.

In 2003, the couple had a son, he was named Maxim, and four years later a daughter was born. Personal life, wife and children became the most important for Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

Florence completely immersed herself in Russian life. In the first year of their life together with Dmitry, she learned Russian at a conversational level. They went on all the tours around the world only together. Sometimes they performed in concerts together.

As soon as the singer’s personal life improved, old relationships resurfaced. His wife Svetlana appeared and demanded that her alimony amount be doubled. The court approved her demands. Until the end of her days, she never worked anywhere, but lived only off these alimony payments.

After Svetlana learned about Dmitry’s diagnosis, she called him for the first time in 15 years. This was their last conversation. Svetlana died before Hvorostovsky. The cause of her death was complications from meningitis. After Svetlana's death, Dmitry learned that she was a very religious person. She often helped churches in London. She was greatly respected by her parishioners for this.

Dmitry did not abandon Svetlana’s children after her death. He continued to help them. His daughter from his first marriage became an artist, and his son became interested in music.

In 2015, misfortune came to the family. Dmitry became seriously ill. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Regular chemotherapy brought relief for a short time. The singer was forced to suspend his tours, and many concerts had to be abandoned. His performances were supposed to take place this summer, but his health did not allow his plans to be realized.


A happy father with children (from left to right): Maria (the daughter of the singer’s first wife, whom he adopted), 21-year-old Danila and 21-year-old Alexandra (children from his first marriage with ballerina Svetlana Ivanova), 10-year-old Nina, in the second row - 15-year-old Maxim.

All four of the singer’s children live in London, they maintain friendly relations with each other. Since the divorce from his first wife was scandalous and painful, Hvorostovsky rarely sees the twins from his first marriage. They still live in the British capital with Svetlana and occasionally attend the singer’s rehearsals.

In the interview, the singer avoids the topic of communicating with children from his first marriage, calling it very painful. But the singer’s wife Florence and the singer’s children support him with all their might. They not only attend concerts and rehearsals, but also often accompany Dmitry on tour. The singer is proud that Maxim and Nina already speak three languages!

He tries to raise his children with love and does not even raise his voice at them. As the singer admitted in an interview, he now strives to get home as quickly as possible so that the whole family can be together. Next to children, an expressive and irritable man with a complex character becomes gentle and sentimental. And once Dmitry even cried when he heard his daughter Ninochka sing. The singer calls his children very talented and artistic. Who knows, maybe they will follow in the footsteps of their famous father!

Dmitry Hvorostovsky is one of the most famous opera singers modernity. His dramatic baritone is intoxicating and mesmerizing, the intonations of his vocal parts are chilling. The singer's track record includes huge amount awards and titles: People's Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Glinka Honorary Prize, winner of the Opera News Award - an international prize awarded for contribution to the art of opera.

Childhood and family

Born into an intelligent family from Krasnoyarsk, Dmitry Hvorostovsky received his first music lessons back in early childhood. His father, a chemical engineer, always cherished a love of singing in his soul. As Dmitry himself recalled, Hvorostovsky Sr. had a beautiful, deep baritone. In addition, the boy’s father knew how to play the piano very well, and therefore there was always music in the Hvorostovsky family’s house. In the personal collection of Alexander Stepanovich (that was the name of the father of the future singer) there were many rare records. Among them were albums by Tito Gobbi, Enrico Caruso, Maria Callas, Ettore Bastianini, Fyodor Chaliapin, Mario Lanza... It is not surprising that Dmitry fell in love with the classics at a young age.

As Hvorostovsky’s relatives noted, he first decided to sing at the age of four. Soon, little Dima, together with his father, began to master the piano and entered music school without any problems. It is quite remarkable that the first teachers saw in the boy a future great pianist, and not an opera singer at all. Regarding secondary school, here everything was not so rosy. IN graduating class Dmitry was given such a devastating review that he chose to forget school years like a bad dream.

Many advised him to enter the Krasnoyarsk School of Arts, where they have been cutting musical talents since the beginning of the 20th century. However, unexpectedly for everyone, Dmitry chose the local pedagogical school. Gorky, which was considered less prestigious, and was located much further from his home. Here the future singer received a specialty as a music teacher. At the same time, he began to get involved in newfangled musical trends, including hard rock.

For some time, Dmitry Hvorostovsky performed with a semi-amateur music group, and then decided to submit documents to the Krasnoyarsk School of Arts, which at that time acquired the status of an institute and became known as the Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts. The young man sought to get into the class of Ekaterina Iofel, a world-famous teacher who raised more than one future genius opera singing. Under the guidance of this sensitive woman, Dmitry studied the characteristics of operatic vocals for several years. As the musician himself admitted, he carried the advice and instructions of the institute teacher throughout his life.

Professional career

Dmitry Hvorostovsky began his career as an opera singer on the stage of his native Krasnoyarsk, at the local opera and ballet theater, where he performed from 1985 (he began in his third year at the institute) to 1990. He soon became a recognized star of the Krasnoyarsk stage and appeared in almost all major productions of the State Opera and Ballet Theater: “The Queen of Spades”, “Iolanta”, “La Traviata” by Giuseppe Verdi, “Eugene Onegin”, “Faust”, “Pagliacci”.

Soon, Hvorostovsky’s talent was noted outside his native Krasnoyarsk. In 1987 he became the winner All-Russian competition vocalists, and a few months later - the All-Union Vocal Competition named after. M. Glinka, which took place in Baku.

Soon Hvorostovsky began touring a lot around Russia and other republics Soviet Union. The debut took place in 1988 young singer and on the European stage - Dmitry Hvorostovsky performed the role of Yeletsky from the production of “The Queen of Spades” on the stage of the Nice Opera House. In the same year, the jury of the international competition in Toulouse gave the Russian performer the main prize.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky – Il guerriero buono

But this was just the beginning. In 1989, Dmitry Hvorostovsky received the Grand Prix of the international competition “Cardiff Voices”. From that moment on, all of Europe started talking about the young opera singer. Hvorostovsky destroyed stereotypes about what an opera singer should look like: an athletic body in a neat tuxedo and an ashy mane of hair even earned him a place in the ranking of the most beautiful people world according to People. By the way, Dmitry’s hair turned gray very early - that’s how his genes “fell out”.

In the future Russian performer received engagements in world-famous opera houses. His voice sounded from the stage of the Berlin and Bavarian State Opera, London's Royal Covent Garden Theater, Milan's La Scala Opera, and New York's Metropolitan Opera. At home, the venue for the performer’s concerts was the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater, the Moscow New Opera Theater and the State Kremlin Palace.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky: songs of the war years

Dmitry Hvorostovsky became the first opera singer to give solo concert on Red Square. This performance, which marked the beginning of a large tour of Russian cities, was broadcast on live 25 countries of the world. Dmitry was accompanied by the State Academic Chamber Orchestra of Russia under the conductor Konstantin Orbelyan.

Personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

In the life of a famous opera performer there were two main women. Dmitry's first wife, Svetlana Ivanova, was a ballerina of the Krasnoyarsk Theater. They met in 1986, and three years later the couple legalized their relationship, although Hvorostovsky’s teacher convinced him not to do this. The singer even adopted Svetlana’s child from his first marriage. And in 1996, the couple became parents twice - the “royal couple” was born, twins Alexandra and Danila.

Outwardly, the marriage seemed calm, but in 2001, after 15 years living together broke up due to Svetlana's betrayal. According to some sources, Hvorostovsky almost ended up on trial because of a fight with his first wife’s lover. According to the divorce terms, the woman was entitled to annual payments of $190 thousand, as well as a luxurious house in London. In 2009 ex-wife the singer sued to increase the amount of alimony and won the case - from now on Dmitry had to pay his ex-wife 195 thousand pounds a year. On December 31, 2015, Svetlana died from meningitis and acute sepsis.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky in the program “Once Upon a Time” (2016)

The second wife of Dmitry Hvorostovsky was the singer Florence Illy (now Hvorostovskaya), half Italian, half French.

She brought new colors to Dmitry's life, pulling him out of the hopeless abyss of sadness after breaking up with Svetlana. For the sake of her lover, the girl learned Russian. The singer's family accepted her as their own. In 2003, their common son Maxim was born, and four years later the lovers had a daughter, named Nina.

Death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Terrible news overtook Dmitry Hvorostovsky in the spring of 2015. Even the most devoted fans did not notice any changes in the voice and appearance singer, but Dmitry understood that something was happening to him: sudden attacks of dizziness, problems with coordination, hearing and vision - all signaled a terrible illness. Doctors confirmed his fears by diagnosing him with a hypothalamic tumor.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky courageously continued the fight against the plague of the 21st century - oncology. In 2016 he performed at the festival New wave"together with Anna Netrebko, Lara Fabian and other stars of the world stage.

In October he went on a major tour of Germany with a repertoire of works by Mussorgsky, Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Borodin and Verdi, but leading role in the opera “Simon Boccanegra” (Vienna) he refused due to another course of chemistry.

In October 2017, the media reported the death of Hvorostovsky, but the information turned out to be a hoax. After publishing the note in " Komsomolskaya Pravda"The message about the singer's death spread throughout social networks, and saddened fans had already begun to offer their condolences when Dmitry’s angry wife wrote on her Facebook: “My husband is alive and now sleeping next to me!” The newspaper that launched the disinformation promised to apologize to Hvorostovsky.

Therefore, when a month later the news was again full of reports of Dmitry’s death, people did not believe it, hoping to the last that this was another newspaper duck of unscrupulous journalists speculating on the feelings of fans. Alas, the information was confirmed by the artist’s relatives, Joseph Kobzon and Dmitry Malikov. Dmitry Hvorostovsky passed away on November 22, 2017. He was 55 years old.

In his will, Dmitry asked to be cremated and his ashes to be buried in two cities important in his biography: Moscow and Krasnoyarsk. The poetess Lilia Vinogradova, close to Hvorostovsky, said that farewell to the “golden baritone” will take place in Moscow, despite the fact that recent years Hvorostovsky lived in London.

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Dmitry Hvorostovsky - listen online for free

He was still a child, and he was already predicted to become famous. But in the distant past, no one suspected that he would conquer the whole world. Today he is famous and has many fans. How did his life turn out? Why did he decide to develop his vocal talent?

Family of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

This one was born great man in Krasnoyarsk in 1962, October 16. His parents worked at prestigious Soviet era positions. My father was a chemist, and my mother worked as a doctor in the gynecological department of a local hospital. From childhood it became clear that Dmitry Hvorostovsky would not follow in the footsteps of his parents. His biography is very interesting and full of wonderful facts. Even as a child, he began to show interest in music and loved listening to his father’s records. The boy's singing talent was discovered at the age of 4. He sang old songs and romances with pleasure. Dmitry inherited a wonderful voice from his father. In the evenings, the family organized home concerts. Dad sang and played the piano with his mother, and the son often took part in this.

School years

Dmitry studied at a regular school. She was near the house. The parents decided to send their child to study at the same time music school in piano class. There was no way he could play it musical instrument. The grades were bad. And Hvorostovsky left school with an unflattering description. The biography says that he was neither an excellent student nor an exemplary student. The singer does not like to remember and talk about this period of his life.

Getting an education

After school, he went to enroll in a pedagogical school in the music department. At that time he became interested in rock - new for Soviet youth musical style. Unexpectedly, he ended up as a keyboard player and soloist in the group “Rainbow”. The group performed in restaurants and local clubs.

Dmitry really wanted to be like a real rocker, not only externally, but also internally. He constantly got into fights, was rowdy and hooligan, skipped college, going on sprees with his hobby friends. Sometimes he had a desire to quit studying and live for his own pleasure, but something held him back. Dmitry somehow graduated from college and became a music teacher.

In 1982 he entered the vocal department of Hvorostovsky. The biography says that it was no accident that the guy took a course with the best teacher. His future teacher, Katerina Iofel, already had a group recruited. But thanks to the connections and acquaintances of Dmitry’s parents, they were accepted into the group.

At first, studying was difficult. The first two courses were devoted to retraining the student to be not a choirmaster, but a soloist. He was constantly irritated and impatient. After two years, he liked studying. After all, Hvorostovsky now understood his teacher perfectly. The biography tells of the fact that the hot-tempered and restless student never missed the classes taught by E. Iofel. And in 1988 he graduated from the institute and received his honors diploma of higher education.

First steps to glory

Student Dmitry in 1985 received an invitation to work at the Opera and Ballet Theater in his native Krasnoyarsk. He was offered to perform minor roles. But very soon Dmitry was promoted and began to sing in the first voice. He performed Verdi and Tchaikovsky, Leoncavallo and Gounod. After a year of performing on the theater stage, the young singer becomes a laureate of first the All-Russian Vocal Competition, and a few months later - the All-Union Vocal Competition.

World star

After graduating from college, the singer decided that he needed to build a career in Europe. He began to take part in various vocal competitions international class. First European international competition, in which he decided to show his talent, was held in France. There he won the Grand Prix.

The next competition that interested Dmitry was organized by the Air Force. It was held in Wales. It should be noted that for the first time among the participants of this festival, Verdi performed his favorite operas by Tchaikovsky, and Hvorostovsky captivated the audience. The biography says that one of the jury members even compared him to Pavarotti himself. Participation in the festival and victory brought him recognition, and the whole world started talking about the Russian opera singer.

By 1990, Hvorostovsky had become one of the world's most legendary opera singers. He was invited to participate in the production of " Queen of Spades"by Tchaikovsky to the New York theater. Representatives of the Philips Classics recording company really liked his voice. Dmitry was offered to sign a contract, he agreed. Hvorostovsky recorded more than 20 albums at the studio. The album “Black Eyes,” which consisted of romances and folk songs, became especially popular in the USA (and in Europe too).

In 1994, the opera singer moved to London. Here he first buys a huge mansion with 5 floors, and later receives a document as a British citizen.

The singer constantly tours the world and takes part in concerts, festivals, and performs solo with his program. He's a star. The best opera houses invite him to perform on their stages. Hvorostovsky does not forget home country. In 2004, he performed on the main Moscow square and sang to symphony orchestra. He was awarded the title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation".

Meeting with your future wife

His first wife was ballerina Svetlana Ivanova. The singer met her back in Krasnoyarsk, while working at the local theater. Dmitry immediately fell in love with the woman and decided to win her heart. The young man was not embarrassed that Sveta had already been married in the past and was raising a child alone. Their romance lasted two years, and after that the guy moved his beloved to his communal apartment. Soon they got married.

Years later, the family moved to London. Here in 1996, Hvorostovsky’s wife gave birth to twins: Sasha and Daniel. Almost immediately their relationship deteriorated. Sveta didn’t want to teach foreign language, and she devoted little time to her husband and did not seek to help with her career. Every day they moved away, feelings faded away. Hvorostovsky began to seek solace in alcoholic drinks.

In 1999, the singer met Italian Florence Illy at a rehearsal. She was a singer. The girl fell in love with Dmitry at first sight. But he did not return the feelings. After all, he was married and had not yet thought about divorce, dreaming that his relationship with his wife would improve.

In 2001, he filed for divorce. Hvorostovsky's wife sued almost all the property from the singer, and also achieved 170 thousand pounds of annual maintenance for the children and herself. The singer was very worried about the divorce, and Hvorostovsky drowned his broken personal life in alcohol. he was getting worse every day. But the singer seemed not to notice this. Soon, due to worries and constant drinking of alcohol, he developed an ulcer. And only Florence was nearby. It was she who brought the singer back to life and supported his desire to cope with alcohol addiction. The woman helped improve Hvorostovsky’s health and forced him to start a new life.

New love

At some point, Dmitry realized how dear Florence was to him. Soon the lovers began to live together and later legalized their relationship. In 2003, they had a son, who was named Maxim. After 4 years, Dmitry becomes a father again. Florence gave him a daughter, Nina.

This woman became the opera singer's faithful companion. She traveled with him around the world, sometimes performing at his concerts.

Terrible diagnosis

In the early summer of 2015, it became known that Hvorostovsky's poor health was the reason for the cancellation of all his concerts until the end of August. Fans were worried. What could happen to their idol?

A week before the cancellation of the concert in Vienna, the singer did not feel very well. I contacted the doctors. After the examination, Dmitry Hvorostovsky learned his terrible diagnosis: a brain tumor requiring immediate treatment. The disease progressed. The singer’s voice has not yet changed, but he has serious problems with his sense of balance.

Fighting the disease

Dmitry - very strong man. Relatives and friends are confident that Hvorostovsky will be able to overcome the tumor. His friend told one story that gave hope for the legendary opera singer’s speedy recovery. Once in the past, Dmitry was told that he would have two wives and many children, and they predicted world fame and applause from satisfied listeners. The fortune teller mentioned a terrible illness and that he would cope with it.

As it turned out after the examination, Hvorostovsky did not suddenly fall ill. The tumor appeared a long time ago, but for a long period of time it did not develop and did not manifest itself in any way. Dmitry, gathering all his will into a fist, determined to cope with the disease at all costs.

Hvorostovsky's treatment was carried out in London. He visited the doctor every day and followed all the appointments accurately. And the disease began to recede.

The opera singer returns to the stage. He plans to hold his concert at the Tchaikovsky Theater on Triumphal Square.

The future opera singer was born in Krasnoyarsk. His father was a chemical engineer, and his mother worked as a gynecologist at a local hospital. However, my dad's main hobby was music. It was to her that he gave his all free time. He played the piano wonderfully, had a deep, magical baritone and collected records with recordings that were rare for that time. The Hvorostovskys' music library included Ettore Bastianini, Tito Gobbi, Fyodor Chaliapin, Maria Callas. Among his father's favorites, Dima quickly found his idols.

Noticing that the child happily supported his father’s hobby, his parents, along with a regular high school, sent him to a music school. I must say that the latter was much easier for him. The teachers saw the boy as a future pianist, and he surprised them at all when, after graduating from high school and receiving a disgusting reference, he applied to the wrong university. music school, and in pedagogical.

Dmitry Alexandrovich graduated from the choir department with honors, becoming a music teacher. And only after that he decided to get music education, especially since the Krasnoyarsk School of Arts during this time acquired the status of an institute.

Teachers of the new educational institution for Hvorostov characterize him as temperamental and restless young man, who was difficult to retrain from choirmaster to soloist. “It turns out I can’t do anything?!” - the future singer seethed. Only in his third year did Dmitry begin to make the amazing progress that was expected from such a gifted musician from the very beginning.

Opera and ballet

In parallel with his studies at the institute, he began to earn a living in Krasnoyarsk State Theater opera and ballet. There to a young artist At first they gave only minor parts, but after considering the talent, they quickly promoted him to soloist. Within a year of work, he became the main voice of the theater. Everyone understood that an outstanding performer was bored in the provinces, so no one was surprised when Hvorostovsky began to take awards one after another, first from the All-Russian, then the All-Union competition, and after college he entered the international level, conquering France and Wales.

But the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater was not only a launching pad for professional activity future star. He also gave Hvorostovsky his true first love.

No one approved of this connection. His teacher, the talented Ekaterina Konstantinovna Iofel, more than once spoke about the corps de ballet dancer Svetlana Ivanova, using the most unflattering epithets. Beautiful, able to truly conquer talent, the girl instantly won over the still inexperienced Hvorostovsky, who was engaged in art and was not at all involved in his personal life.

He was warned: Svetlana’s first marriage did not work out because of her passions, which a woman does not know how to keep inside. Both men and women ended up in bed with Dmitry’s beloved, despite the fact that she still lived in the same apartment with her ex-husband and little daughter. But Hvorostovsky could not be stopped: his heart was on fire, in the light, dark-eyed ballerina with a defenseless look, he saw a real muse.


Having learned that Dmitry Alexandrovich had serious plans for this lady, his teacher Ekaterina Iofel even made an attempt to refuse him the house. The man was offended at first and left, proudly raising his chin, but soon returned, fell at the feet of his mentor and asked for permission to marry Svetlana, at least after studying. But who is Ekaterina Konstantinovna to interfere? “We’ll live until Monday,” answered the wise woman, believing that, having matured, Dima would cool down. But how wrong she was!

After two years of a passionate relationship with the slutty ballerina, Hvorostovsky moved her to his tiny room in a communal apartment, and also took her daughter from her first marriage, Masha.

A year later the couple got married. One day, wanting to please his beloved, Dmitry returned from tour a few days early. I bought a huge bouquet and decided that Sveta would be delighted to see it. But instead he found his wife in bed with his own friend. A cloud of darkness came over the enraged opera singer.

A fight broke out.

Everyone in their circle was whispering: this is the end. But that was not the case. The young people found the strength to forgive each other, and in the early 90s, Dmitry received an invitation to work in the UK, took his family and left for London.


Photo by Grigory Kalachyan /ITAR-TASS/

His plans included making his wife his director, but she resolutely refused to learn the language and help her husband. She did not support his desire to develop and only wanted to enjoy social life in the strict and solemn capital of Great Britain.

Dmitry initially accepted these rules of the game: let the wife keep the hearth and go out into the world, what’s wrong with that? In 1996, the Hvorostovsky family expanded: Svetlana gave birth to twins - a boy Danya and a girl Alexandra. The singer was happy and thought that it was not in vain that he did not listen to gossip and did it his way.

However, it soon became clear that Svetlana did not become calmer after the birth of her children. There were constant scandals in the family that exhausted the artist. Due to nervousness, he developed an ulcer. To suppress physical pain and mental suffering, Dmitry became addicted to alcohol. He openly states that he really abused him in that marriage, so much so that he could have lost his job at any moment.


But so far his concert activity has not stopped. Hvorostovsky flew to Geneva for one of his performances. There he had to perform the part of Don Giovanni with the charming 29-year-old Florence Illy. She discovered that the famous Russian baritone was also a real handsome man and went on the attack. They had a real kiss on stage. That's where she started. The sensuality of the singer of Italian-Swiss origin did not hide from Dmitry. "I am married!" - he immediately declared. "So what?" - Flo answered completely sincerely.

This woman seems to have returned her real self to Dmitry Alexandrovich. He again understood what tenderness and romance are, what love and care are, what quiet happiness and enjoyment of each other is - without quarrels and scandals.

Returning to London, the singer raised the question of divorce. Svetlana couldn’t believe it: her Dimochka, who forgave everything, put up with her for so long, gave her two beautiful kids, suddenly started talking about divorce?! She was offended and disappointed and never expected that this could happen. But it is difficult to be the wife of a genius - you need to correspond to him on the one hand and develop with him on the other. Sveta, it seems, did not cope with this task.

In a fit of rage, the woman sued him for everything he had at that time: real estate, cars, as well as huge alimony for children and her own maintenance (more than 8 million a year, if counted in rubles). But Hvorostovsky was no longer with her, and Florence was able to survive all this.


With the advent of Flosha, as Dmitry calls her, his life began to improve. He was able to give up alcohol and become an even more famous and invited opera singer. New wife followed him everywhere, helping, inspiring, caring. In 2003, the couple had a son, Maxim, and four years later, daughter Nina.

Florence quickly became involved in the life of the Russian singer and became his indispensable companion. In the first year of living together with Hvorostovsky, Flosha learned spoken Russian, now she travels with him around the world, and sometimes they perform together.

When Hvorostovsky’s life improved, Svetlana entered the arena again and through the court demanded that the amount of alimony be doubled. Until the end of her days, she lived off these alimony payments. In 2015, upon learning that ex-husband was diagnosed with cancer, Svetlana called him for the first time in 15 years. But this conversation turned out to be the last: a few months later, Svetlana Hvorostovskaya died from complications after meningitis.

It turned out that the genius’s first wife was a believer and helped a lot Orthodox church in London and her departure turned out to be sensitive for the parishioners of this temple. Dmitry did not abandon Svetlana’s children, and was involved in raising her eldest daughter Masha, as well as their common children - Sasha, who became an artist, and Dani, who plays music.