The best oriental dance lessons. Oriental dancing for weight loss

From time immemorial, people have been attracted to oriental beauties and their charming ability to move. Nowadays anyone can learn this art of belly dancing, even at home. After all, there are a large variety of techniques that allow you to teach this, at first glance, seemingly difficult art.

At the same time, it is a symbol of femininity, sexuality and charm. Many admirers of oriental belly dancing say that it not only teaches beautiful and smooth movements, but also allows you to get rid of extra pounds. The important thing here is to learn how to perform all the movements correctly, and it will be much easier to achieve the desired result. Belly dancing to burn fat is an excellent alternative to diets and traditional physical activity (,). But there is nothing to be surprised here, because there are special techniques that can surpass many methods of body correction.

For those who don’t know how to learn oriental belly dancing at home, but really want to, it’s worth knowing that this is an opportunity not only to receive aesthetic pleasure. Spending this time brings many benefits. To rhythmic music, movements are performed in which all the muscles of the body work. If you practice belly dancing regularly, you may be surprised at the results, because this way you can get a slim and toned figure. In addition, during classes, self-esteem increases, the woman begins to love herself and her body.

For those who don’t know how to learn belly dancing at home, you need to know that classes have a lot of advantages, such as:

  • Receiving aesthetic pleasure
  • Feeling great
  • Development of a sense of rhythm
  • Increased body endurance
  • Active weight loss process
  • Femininity and sophistication
  • Self-confidence and love for your body.

If a girl wants to buy slim stomach and a wasp waist, then Eastern dance stomachs will become excellent helpers in this field. It is impossible not to note their benefits for those girls who are preparing to become mothers. During belly dancing, all muscles are involved, you need to move your body, neck, smile beautifully, and hone the mystery in your gaze. In order for all the subtleties of the process to become known, you need to do this regularly. To the advantage homeschooling It is worth considering the fact that you can practice at any convenient time.

Home belly dancing training is the best option for beginners. Famous choreographers record their videos where they teach how to master the basic elements. Such a tutorial will greatly help you feel much more confident in classes with a trainer.

Video lesson No. 1, belly dance from Vina and Nina Bidashi (basic movements)

Belly dancing as a way to lose weight

Dreams about thin waist persecute many representatives of the fairer sex. A wasp waist, toned and thin hips are the main culprits of these desires. Oriental belly dancing, contrary to popular belief, is not smooth and melodic. These are rhythmic and intense movements that involve all muscle groups, not just the abdominal area. While listening to pleasant music, you can move your body and work on your muscles, making them more elastic and toned.

Along with these movements, centimeters on the body begin to “melt away”. Oriental dances last so long that there is enough time for body changes. Blood flow in the body increases during belly dancing, and this in turn has a positive effect on the process of fat breakdown.

Belly dancing classes are useful not only for adults, but also for children. Many girls begin to dance oriental styles, this allows them to develop femininity and refinement of character.

Physical activity is the best option for weight loss, because during the day you need to spend more calories than they are consumed with food. It is belly dancing that can burn a sufficient amount of calories. This sports method easily replaces the standard ones.

Video lesson No. 2, belly dance from Vina and Nina Bidashi (arms and waist muscles)

Additional belly dance elements

So that while dancinglook harmonious, it is important to choose many elements, in particular:

  • Costume
  • Shoes
  • Costume jewelry
  • Makeup.

Even beginner level requires looking beautiful in belly dancing. Maintaining a dancer's sexy image is extremely important. In addition, the costume and additional elements allow you to completely immerse yourself in belly dancing.

Practical advice: It is better to buy a belly dance costume after some time has passed after classes; in any case, the figure will become more feminine and the waist will become more refined. Beginners will only need a short top and breeches.

Once the basic movements are learned, you can purchase a loincloth with coins. This element looks playful and sexy, and also creates a special mood. And now to talk about shoes. All Arabic dances are performed barefoot. Thus, a special connection between man and the Earth is noted. If you don’t want to dance barefoot, then socks, slippers or ballet shoes will do.

Basic belly dance moves

Belly dancing lessons for beginners may seem difficult, because at the same time you need to control every part of your body, move your arms beautifully, control your facial expressions, gaze, and smile. However, learning belly dancing can be started with simple videos.

By gradually performing the following dance movements, you can quickly and easily master this, at first glance, difficult direction:

  • The basic belly dance movement is rocking. It must be performed correctly while standing on tiptoes. The legs need to be placed together, they bend slightly at the knees. Mentally draw a vertical line through your navel. Move your hips along this line, but the navel should remain motionless.
  • Pendulum– the technique of the exercise is to lift the right thigh to the armpit, bring it into right side and lower it down again. We do the same with the left thigh.
  • Circular rotations of the hips. It is important that your back is level and straight during movements. You need to imagine a circle in front of you, use your buttocks to outline it, while bending your lower back as much as possible.
  • Circles. You need to describe a circle with your hips, while the pelvis needs to be pulled back, and the hip is thrown from top to bottom. The next laps must be non-stop. You can do circular rotations in the horizontal direction, vertical. They can be large, small, or medium. A new movement can result if movements are made in the frontal plane.
  • Wave. In this case, you only need to move your hips. The upper body remains motionless. You need to stand on high half-toes, half a turn. You need to move in a vertical plane and describe a circle through the hip bones. It is possible to move forward or to the side. You can do side or frontal wave rotations.

Such exercises are only First stage. There are many other techniques that need to be improved step by step to achieve good results. Oriental belly dancing is not only beautiful figure, but also graceful posture, femininity and sophistication.

Video lesson No. 3, belly dance from Vina and Nina Bidashi (hips and buttocks)

Physical activity benefits any body. But if men like strength exercises, then most women prefer dance programs. There are many of them, they are varied, as they say, for every taste. One of popular destinations- dancing for weight loss at home. Videos of such lessons have long taken their place among the arsenal of those losing weight at home. Dance programs for weight loss differ in many ways. When choosing yours, you need to consider physical fitness, load intensity, musical preferences and much more.

Among the popular modern dance styles are the following:

  • Eastern dance,
  • indian dances,
  • latina,
  • step dance,
  • strip dance,
  • hip-hop,
  • club dancing,
  • ballroom

You can increasingly find tango schools. It is not difficult to assume that hip-hop is more popular among young people, just like club dancing or strip dancing. The older generation gravitates towards tango, like any classic. But oriental dancing is in favor with ladies of any age.

Do you want to understand what is your dance program, what kind of dances do you need to lose weight? Video lessons for beginners will give an idea of ​​the intensity of the load, the plasticity of movements and direction musical accompaniment. Van needs more movement and fiery rhythms - choose Latin or hip-hop, you gravitate towards smooth steps and lyrical music is your element ballroom dancing. But if you like oriental melodies, bewitching, alluring and smooth movements, feel free to take up oriental dances.

Dancing for weight loss at home

Dancing tango at home or learning pole moves is somewhat unusual. But belly dancing is quite suitable for home practice. Moreover, oriental dance lessons for weight loss, videos of which are not difficult to find, are designed for any level of training. Even if you have never danced, you will master the initial skills quickly enough. From now on, everything will only go progressively. From lesson to lesson you will feel more confident, you will learn to enjoy not only physical activity, but also the fact that you will be able to do what seemed unattainable just yesterday.

Remember, no matter what your body is like this moment, it should not become a reason to give up dancing. The grace of a woman sometimes means much more than her volume!

What dances help you lose weight quickly?

Without a doubt, the fastest results come from the most intense dances. Breakdancing, fast ballroom dancing, such as quickstep, cha-cha-cha, and jive hold the palm. But, despite the fact that oriental dancing does not give such a quick effect, it is most beneficial for the female body. Yes, there is no such intense and forceful load, but flexibility and coordination develop, plasticity improves and the muscles that make a woman a woman are trained. There is an opinion that ancient oriental dances are not only a way to attract male attention, it is also a kind of medical procedure aimed at improving women's health.

Oriental dancing for weight loss at home

When choosing which dances to do to lose weight, pay attention to oriental dances. With regular exercise, even if not immediately, you will begin to lose weight. The load is distributed in such a way that the muscles in the most problematic areas are tightened. Hips and buttocks become more and more attractive from time to time, arms and shoulders become more expressive, waists become thinner and thinner.

You can dance at home for weight loss different dances. When practicing from a video, first watch everything carefully; do not try to immediately repeat complex movements. After all, if something doesn’t work out right away, it will be quite difficult psychologically to force yourself to repeat it. Remember Golden Rule: from simple to complex. Only after mastering the lesson well should you move on to a more complex level.

It’s not without reason that those who choose belly dancing for weight loss don’t start their reviews with how much their weight has decreased. Most of the fans of eastern movements say that their general condition is improving, and not only physical. The mood, perception of the world, awareness of one’s place in this world change as the woman begins not only to copy the teacher’s movements, but also to dance. After all, dance is creativity, you want, even philosophy. By dancing, we don’t just train our muscles, we improve spiritually, no matter how trite it may sound.

Video lessons for beginners: Oriental dancing for weight loss

To achieve the best effect, it is quite possible to combine oriental and fast dancing for weight loss. Even so, depending on the mood, today it’s a belly dance, and tomorrow it’s a fiery cha-cha-cha. More energetic dancing will give additional physical activity, and eastern ones will help develop flexibility and smooth movements.

It is important to note that, as in any other case, regularity of exercise is the basis. Even if you’re not in the mood, try, make an effort, but don’t skip training. Once, twice, three times, and now you don’t feel like it at all. Don’t look for excuses for yourself, don’t come up with excuses - just get up and dance, in a few minutes you will forget about your “I don’t want to.”

Belly dance for weight loss. The video will help you not only get your figure in order. Video lessons will teach you the basics, and as you progress, you will learn new movements. When the time comes, the teacher on the screen will become the source of your creativity. You will learn not only to repeat, but also to improvise or build your own dance line.

Trinity Dance School offers belly dance courses in Moscow: inexpensively, conveniently and in a comfortable environment, you can master the unsurpassed art of oriental dance step by step.

Flying movements of the arms, enticing “shudders” of the shoulders... A bewitching “gait”, soft “throwing” of the belly... Alluring vibration of the hips and buttocks... This is the dream of any real woman!

Features of oriental dance

Belly dancing is a special direction, it requires special sensuality. This is a separate culture, identity, you need to comprehend it gradually, movement by movement, step by step. This is a completely different approach than in club dancing or Latin.

Oriental dance, as we know it today, has brought together a mixture of a number of cultures, but to this day, it differs from other types of dance, primarily due to its unforgettable, relaxed and sensual rhythm.

Temperament, femininity and liberation are the basis of Arabic belly dancing. Some people call oriental dancing the measure of a woman’s seductiveness. And indeed, having mastered these magnetic dances, many girls said that they began to feel the power of their feminine charms.

It’s safe to say that the philosophy of this dance is mastery of body and soul, self-love and respect, and of course, self-expression. Bellydance is not just an amazing performance technique, it is also sensuality, it is artistry and musicality.

A dancer needs to be able to present bellydance as a game, as a kind of flirtation, and virtuosity and refined performance technique will help with this - we teach all this from the first lessons and try to improve every day.

Benefit for health

  • Health promotion;
  • Improving vitality;
  • An excellent remedy for depression;
  • A remedy for a number of gynecological diseases;
  • Almost all muscle groups work, and what is important, even those that are not used in everyday life;
  • And such an element as shaking perfectly helps to get rid of cellulite!

Many girls in childhood went to various clubs or sections, most of which chose dancing. Today we would like to introduce you to such a popular type of dance as “oriental dances”, this is a unique style distinguished by its charm and grace. Oriental dances are always fascinating and sensual movements that will help you reveal completely new facets of talent and feelings, feel new level control over your body, coordination and mind.

I would like to immediately note that oriental dances are more of a direction, there are many of them, they are divided into varieties, which are sometimes very different. A popular question among many interested is whether there is a difference between oriental dances and the well-known Belly Dance. The answer is simple, there is and there is no difference, Belly Dance is one of the directions of oriental dances. Everyone who is closely involved in Belly Dance can be said to be engaged in oriental dances, but those who practice oriental dances do not always have an idea of ​​​​what Belly Dance is.

Oriental dances are divided into many types, the most basic of which are as follows:

  • Belly Dance, which we talked about above. It's kind of classic style belly dance Performed by women, it is distinguished by grace and isolation of movements.
  • Tribal is a more extensive dance style that includes several styles in its technique, including folklore, ATS and the above-described Belly Dance. It is distinguished by a certain wildness and passion, reminiscent of folk dance. The movements during performance, although they seem somewhat improvisational, are still very polished. By the way, this type dances are performed not only by women, but also by men.
  • Folklore, which was mentioned above, is also a direction of oriental dances, which includes many styles, such as, for example, “Khalidi”, “Baladi”, “Dabka” or the Egyptian - “Saidi”.

We figured it out a little. Below you will find video lessons of oriental dances for beginners.

Video lesson 1: Oriental dances - Basic movements!

Video lesson 2: Oriental dances - Arms and abdominal muscles!

Video lesson 3: Oriental dances - Hips and buttocks!

Video lesson 4: Oriental dancing - Burning fat!

A selection of video lessons of oriental dances for beginners:

If one video clip is not enough for you, then below there is a whole selection step by step videos oriental dance lessons for beginners at home, which will undoubtedly teach you something necessary and useful. The video squares are small, click “full screen” for easy viewing.

It's never too late to start. This is the motto of someone who has never practiced, but wants to learn oriental dance. We know what kind of training classes or studio in Moscow you would like to find. Your expectations are comfort, a warm, trusting atmosphere and professionalism of teachers. Nice prices and convenient location. Well, we are glad to meet you! It doesn’t matter whether you went to rhythmics in early childhood or switched from another dance direction or this is your first gym in your life. According to our methodology, oriental dances for beginners are taught in such a way that within a short period of time you will see obvious progress and benefits.

This captivating dance is one of the most ancient, with countless types. He's so popular in modern world, that it is difficult to find someone who has never heard of him. It is described in books, shown in films and TV series, and attracts crowds of spectators in eastern establishments. East Dance - a symbol of sexuality, inaccessibility, modesty and elegance, strength and weakness. He helps to reveal a woman from all sides, presenting and revealing more and more secrets of character both to herself and to those around her.

Dance is self-expression, dance is therapy, dance is pleasure.

In addition to aesthetics and honing the beauty of movements, dancing has a positive effect on all aspects of women’s health:

  • Helps keep the body in good shape, adjust weight, develops flexibility, plasticity and stretching, improves posture and strengthens the spine
  • Regular dancing can help get rid of problems and diseases of the reproductive system, and even prevent them. Positive influence on the reproductive system relieves painful critical days, facilitates conception and childbirth
  • Dance increases self-esteem, reveals new features of your personality, helps you cope with depressive moods, improves communication with the opposite sex, as it develops the feminine principle and allows you to see yourself as more feminine and attractive

Starting to attend oriental dance courses today, you won’t notice how in a couple of months your body will move in a completely new way, you will learn to improvise to music, and the smile will never leave your face. Dancing gives everyone, without exception, a lot of positive emotions and new friends.