Does strength training help you lose weight? Strength training program for weight loss. Is strength training necessary when losing weight?

Any sports fanatic will come up with hundreds of reasons why everyone should play sports. If the main one for you is weight loss, it is worth considering a number of rules that will allow you to significantly bring your goal closer to reality. In the ELLE review – 15 practical advice, the implementation of which will ensure maximum result from training.

Add Cardio

The best friend of anyone who has set out to lose weight is any type of activity during which you can talk, but are not able to maintain a long dialogue. Most people can sustain aerobic exercise long enough to burn more calories than either resistance or anaerobic exercise. Therefore, if your goal is rapid decrease volumes, trainers advise devoting 60% of the training time to cardio, and 40% to other types of activity.

Train harder

From a scientific point of view, metabolism increases during high-intensity training. So, in pursuit of the lost pounds, you will have to make it a rule: if during a workout you can speed up or perform it with greater efficiency, it’s time to do so.

Alternate between different types of activity

Every time you change the type of training, the body has to adapt, which in our case is only a plus. The more complex a task you present to your body, the more calories it will take to solve it.

Don't be afraid of training with weights

It’s a well-known fact: not all weight training burns fat. However, giving them up while losing weight is a big mistake. Muscles developed through exercises with weights keep the body toned and will look more prominent when the fat hiding them finally goes away.

Do the exercises to your full potential

A burning sensation in your legs after a series of lunges means that you have reached your limit and have given 100% in training, that is, you have burned maximum amount calories. And this is our goal.

Alternate workouts for different muscle groups

Alternating exercises on different groups muscles allows you to maintain high intensity throughout the entire workout. This way, while you work on your abs, your legs can rest and get ready for a new round of exercises.

Warm up your muscles

Coaches and doctors never tire of repeating the importance of warming up before training. It’s hard to disagree with their arguments: a sudden start to activity is stress for the heart muscle, which can be avoided by devoting just 10 minutes to simple exercises, which will also increase the number of calories burned.

Don't try to increase your training time

It just seems that if you double the time you spend in the gym, the results will not be long in coming. In fact, the maximum recommended workout time is 1 hour and 15 minutes. If you exceed it, get ready for insomnia, overwork and injuries, which will only slow down the weight loss process.

Vary your workouts

If you perform the same set of exercises day after day, your body will get used to it and the effectiveness of your training will be reduced to zero. At a minimum, try to alternate the order of exercises, add new ones to them, and diversify the fitness arsenal you use.

Do high-intensity interval training once or twice a week

The effects of high-intensity interval training are impressive - they increase your metabolic rate for up to 8 days. It doesn’t make sense to do them every day - the body simply won’t have time to recover. The ideal frequency is once or twice a week.

Alternate workouts in the gym and outdoors

Changing environment During training, you confuse your body. This works in the same way as alternating different workouts - the body spends more calories to adapt to new conditions. Therefore, trainers recommend leaving the gym outside as often as the weather permits.

Experts still cannot come to a conclusion unanimous opinion, should you eat before training? On the one hand, the body, exposed to stress on an empty stomach, may feel weak. As a result, there is simply not enough strength to perform the entire set of exercises at full strength. On the other hand, you shouldn’t overeat before the gym either - there is a high chance of consuming more calories than will be burned on the exercise equipment. The ideal option is to listen to your body: if the body signals severe hunger,

Make a suitable playlist

The rhythm of the songs played in the headphones during training dictates the speed of the exercises. The ideal playlist for training is an alternation of songs with a faster and slower rhythm, which will force the body to adapt to the new tempo again and again.

Forget about constantly weighing yourself

When talking about weight loss, many people mean getting rid of excess fat deposits. It is impossible not to take into account that muscles weigh more than fat, so if after a series of grueling workouts the weight stays the same or even grows, this is not an indicator that all efforts are in vain. The best guide in the fight for perfect figure– change in body volume, so instead of scales, make friends with a measuring tape.

Most women seek to solve the current problem of losing excess weight with the help of low-calorie diets, developed in huge quantities. In parallel with the diet, aerobic exercises, or cardio training, are increasingly used: their popularity is constantly growing, and more and more different cardio equipment are appearing in sports stores - from cheap to very expensive.

Cardio exercises help us lose weight and become slimmer, but there are options that are noticeably more effective than them. This is strength training for weight loss with weights - it is worth saying that experts consider their reasonable combination with cardio training to be the best option for women.

What is weight loss? Scientifically speaking, this process is defined as a decrease in body weight of a living organism, intentional or spontaneous - we are interested in the first option. But body weight can decrease (if you do not take water into account) due to a reduction in the volume of different tissues - fat or muscle.

When following diets, body weight often decreases due to the “shrinking” of muscle tissue, which leads to weakness and loss of endurance, but does not improve the figure as a whole. The problem is aggravated by sagging skin on thinner areas of the body; In women, the breasts especially suffer - hardly anyone needs this result. This is where strength training for weight loss can help.

Dispelling misconceptions

However, many women consider this type of training to be masculine, or think that strength training is good for bodybuilders with huge muscles, although this is not the case at all. In addition, information disseminated through the media often fuels this misconception, and women do not even want to hear about strength training for weight loss.

The prospect of becoming “pumped up like a man” scares many seriously, but there is no need to be afraid. Nature has arranged everything wisely - so that a woman always remains “herself”: the level of estrogen in the female body is such that it will not allow muscles to grow and swell.

True, if you make muscle building a goal, it will work out: for this, a woman will have to work with heavy weights - much more than 15 kg, and use a special sports nutrition, including different kinds proteins.

If you eat normally - as with generally accepted “female” training, and do strength exercises, fat burns, and muscle mass increases gradually - at most 500 g per month. Many are also frightened by the fact that in the first months of training the weight increases - by 1-2 kg, but there is nothing to be afraid of here either: the body is unaccustomed to power load, and fluid accumulates in the muscles - you need to help it get rid of it. After training, take a warm bath with sea ​​salt and get a massage; in a few weeks, when the body begins to get used to it, everything will go “as it should.”

Another misconception that follows from the first: strength training is not for weight loss. This is also not true. When muscles are actively working, calories are consumed, fats are burned: the body takes from fats the energy necessary for muscles to withstand the load and become stronger. At the same time, the metabolic rate increases much more noticeably: compared to cardio, after strength training it is 15% and even 30% higher.

The fear of joint damage is also unfounded. Women's joints are not as strong as men's, but here we can repeat: only heavy weights are dangerous - no one forces you to work with them. Small and medium weights do not pose any danger for women if you do the exercises correctly and practice “without fanaticism.”

How do they affect weight loss?

A little more about increasing your metabolic rate. After strength training it remains elevated for many hours - calories are burned even during rest. This doesn't happen with aerobic exercise: fat is burned off while you're moving intensely, but after the workout is over, your metabolic rate quickly returns to "as usual."

The next positive point: muscle mass during strength training is strengthened, and not lost, as during diets or when doing cardio exercises. Often, trying to improve results, women try to exercise on cardio equipment for as long as possible, or run at higher speeds. long distances. If this is done for the sake of endurance, everything is fine, but the desire to “lose more weight” can lead to loss of muscle mass; In addition, low-calorie diets are followed at the same time, so that not only fat is lost. For example, you can be happy about losing 4-5 kg, but with high-intensity cardio training, almost 1/2 of this weight is usually muscle mass, which is then very difficult to regain; fats come back “one or two times.”

The results of special studies have shown that long-term aerobic exercise plus low calorie diet lead to a loss of muscle mass twice as large as the same exercises with a normal diet. True, in the latter case weight loss also happens twice as slow, but with minimal losses; in addition, in the first case, the metabolic rate decreases by almost 10% - you can get into a “vicious circle”.

By combining cardio and strength training for weight loss, you can: get rid of fat; preserve muscles and improve their condition; make your body stronger, more resilient, stronger and more beautiful. The diet you follow will not harm your muscles, but you can additionally take sports nutrition - for example, fat burners with L-carnitine, chromium, Omega-3 fatty acids, etc., or vitamin-mineral complexes for women with soy isoflavones.

A beneficial combination of strength training and cardio

Experienced trainers recommend doing both cardio and strength training for weight loss 2-3 times a week. They can be alternated by day, or they can be carried out in one day, and even in one workout. An excellent option for cardio instead of working out in the gym would be race walking or jogging, cycling or visiting the pool.

Strength training should be structured so that almost all muscle groups work - then the effect will be the best. You can exercise freely with weights or on machines, but it is important that the workout lasts no more than an hour and no less than 40 minutes. Standard sets of strength exercises are easy to find online, but for beginners it is better to work with a trainer - at least for the first few workouts.

Basic Rules

However, let's say a little about what to pay attention to for those who are just starting their weight loss with the help of strength training.

It’s worth working out without weights for a month, mastering correct technique.

Then you need to choose the right weight: it should be such that you can do 12-15 exercises per approach, gradually increasing their number to 25. Fatigue should be felt by the end of the approach - then the weight will definitely decrease.

At the beginning of training, while there is no fatigue, more complex exercises are performed; problem areas need to be worked out more thoroughly - then other muscles can be given a lighter load.

At the end of your workout, be sure to do stretching exercises to allow your muscles to recover.

You also need proper rest, normal sleep and proper nutrition: without these conditions, strength training will be ineffective for losing weight and even dangerous to health.

When it comes to fitness and weight loss, you will find many different opinions about which workouts are effective for weight loss, how and what to do.

But even so, most people will have one answer: cardio...lots of cardio, but it's not The best way.

You've most likely noticed that when a person wants to lose a couple of kilograms, he immediately starts running intensely.

But the funny thing is that this method of losing weight is actually not that effective.

And if you have been following my articles and posts for a long time, you may have noticed that I am more of a proponent of strength training.

Why and is it possible to lose weight from strength training? To answer this question, let's delve into both types of training to understand that exercises with additional weights are much more effective than various runs.

So, for beginners, you first need to explain how our metabolism generally works and how the process of burning subcutaneous and visceral fat in organism. In general, this is the topic that comes first in all books and manuals on weight loss.

I’m not going to delve too deeply into this topic and will try to explain as simply as possible how exercise actually affects weight loss.

You probably already know that your body burns calories throughout the day. Yes, many people perceive calories as something terrible, like little monsters that make a person gain fat, but in reality it’s not like that. Calories are fuel for your body, without which you simply cannot live and function normally.

Yes, yes, calories supply our entire body with energy and our body burns calories even when we sleep, sounds good, right?

But when you consume more calories than your body needs, it simply starts storing them for “emergency” situations and this is how people gain weight.

In other words, the process of losing weight occurs when we spend more calories than we consume.

Burn more calories!

And this immediately begs the question: which workouts burn fat better?

Actually exists great amount factors you should consider. It's your age, genetics, health, medications you take.

So, most of the calories your body consumes so that you can simply exist and this is called the basal metabolic rate. In other words, this is the amount of calories that we need to survive and you spend this amount even when you just sit and do nothing.

So, the main factor in your metabolic rate is your body weight. Now I’ll explain, muscles consume more calories than regular fat. For example, for every 500 grams of muscle there are somewhere between 5-10 calories, while fat burns only 2-4 calories for the same amount.

The number of calories you burn during exercise is actually not that significant, as it depends on a huge number of factors, such as: your physical fitness, type of workout, location and intensity of exercise.

Moreover, training only burns about 10-20% of calories, while the metabolic process requires about 70% of the total calories, the rest comes from processes such as digestion, etc.

So we'll discuss why this matters below.


The truth is, cardio burns tons of calories.

Exactly how many calories does one cardio workout burn? It depends on what exactly you are doing and at what intensity, but even on average, one cardio session shows some pretty nice numbers. So, for example, a 35-year-old man weighing 80 kg burns about 400 calories after a thirty-minute run of 9 km. Which at first glance is pretty good, right?

And this is probably why most people prefer cardio training.

But the problem is that such a run does not do anything for your metabolism, I would even say it does not do anything good.

If you are interested, here is a whole article about how much you can spend in one hour.

Remember earlier we discussed how muscles help burn calories. However, simply losing fat will not help you increase your metabolism.

Moreover, long-term cardio activities lead to the production of the hormone “cortisol” and when this hormone is present in the body for too long, our brain begins to think that the body is in danger and takes various protective measures.

For example, it switches to storage mode, and any thing you eat becomes even more high-calorie.

So, sometimes cardio can be detrimental to your weight loss journey.

Power training

So, when it comes to weight training, how many calories does it burn and can you lose weight from strength training?

Not as much as you expected to hear. The average person, 35 years old and weighing 180 pounds, burns about 240 calories during a thirty-minute intense workout with additional weights.

If you look at these numbers, you'll probably think that my above arguments for strength training simply don't make sense. And how can cardio with their performance be worse than strength training? The answer is quite simple.

It all comes down to the level of your metabolism again. As I said, it is he who is responsible for most of the calories burned by the body, while training accounts for a smaller part.

Thus, to achieve long-lasting results, you need to change your metabolism, and main role Muscle mass plays a role in this.

We said above that we lose it due to cardio, while strength exercises help build it up.

Even though strength training doesn't burn as many calories, it helps speed up your metabolism. Plus, the body continues to burn calories even after such a workout.

What is better Cardio or Strength training for weight loss?

So, we figured out that cardio exercise is not the best choice for weight loss, but if strength training is so effective, then the next question arises: “what physical exercise is it better to choose for weight loss?

It's no secret that cardio is quite simple to do; you just take a jump rope and jump until exhaustion. All training is over.

But with power ones everything is a little more complicated, because there are a huge number of different schemes. For example, training in the gym, on machines, with your own weight, with free weights, etc. And at first it’s even a little scary.

But here's the thing, your body doesn't care what equipment you use or whether you use it at all. Yes, I agree, each type of training has its pros and cons, but when it comes to weight loss, all of them are not so important.

All that matters is to constantly challenge your muscles, in other words, you shouldn't let them relax by adding intensity or maybe new exercises.

As already mentioned, it doesn't really matter what type of exercise you choose. Typically, exercises are divided into two types: exercises for one muscle group or several.

Exercises for all or several muscle groups include push-ups and squats, well, as you might have guessed, such exercises usually involve several groups at once.

While the second type focuses on only one muscle at a time. By the way, exercises for biceps.

So, it is not difficult to understand that for health and for weight loss, exercises designed for all muscle groups will be more effective.

Moreover, push-ups burn more calories than biceps-only exercises.

Long term weight loss

We are not interested in losing weight only for a certain period, so we need to stabilize our metabolism and build muscle mass.

Training for all muscle groups will greatly help us with this, since it is thanks to them that our body begins to use more calories.

Another question that may interest you is the intensity and duration of training.

In general, there is no reason to exercise more than three days a week. Each workout should last about 30 minutes on average. This is all.

But during this workout you must give your best, loading your muscles to the fullest. And this begs the next question: “What weight should I work with?”

As I said above, you can get a great workout with your own bodyweight. After all, the main goal is to challenge your muscles, in other words, they must be in good shape so that the body receives a signal that muscle mass should grow.

No matter what you choose, you should do no more than 10 reps per set. If you use only your own weight, then you can simply choose exercises of increased complexity.

Strength training and weight loss

If your goal is to lose weight, then it is better to give preference to strength training, focusing on all muscle groups.

After all, strength exercises will help you not only lose overweight, but they will also put your metabolism in order, moreover, your body will not have problems with hormones, and the level of cortisol in the blood will decrease.

And in the end, the result you get will pleasantly surprise you. If you still have questions about what is more effective, cardio or strength training for weight loss, ask your questions and share your opinion in the comments. In the near future, an article will appear on the site about combining these two types of loads in order to get the fastest possible results.

- to get rid of extra pounds, - to define muscles, says a common misconception regarding training for weight loss. In fact, these types of loads need to be combined. “Unlike aerobic training, strength training accelerates metabolism and forces the body to burn fat even after you leave the gym: energy is also spent during the recovery period after exercise,” explains Olga Kochetova, fitness manager of the personal training studio of the Planet Fitness club chain. Experts note: trained people with good muscle mass losing weight is much easier than for those who simply lose weight.

“If you set out to lose weight, then 2-3 times a week you need to do cardio training and the same amount of strength training,” says Tatiana Borzenkova, personal trainer and instructor of group programs at the personal training studio of the Planet Fitness club network. You can alternate between cardio and strength training daily or within one workout. An alternative to aerobic exercise in the gym is swimming in the pool or jogging, cycling, walking, fresh air. “Don’t forget about stretching after strength training. It helps restore muscles,” recalls Elena Khramova, personal trainer at the TERRASPORT Copernicus fitness club.

Organize strength training wisely for weight loss

When strength training for weight loss, it is important to use as many muscles as possible. To harmoniously work out the body, 8-10 standard exercises with weights acceptable to you are enough: on machines or with free weights - whichever you prefer. The main thing is that the lesson lasts at least 40 minutes and no more than an hour. Classic strength training: squats, lunges, deadlifts, horizontal and vertical rows, pull-ups (for girls - an option with leg support), push-ups, barbell or barbell bench press, dumbbell press, abdominal exercises. “Use a medium repetition mode - 6-12 repetitions in three sets,” advises Olga Kochetova. In order to get results and not harm yourself, it is better to conduct your first training sessions with a personal instructor.

Breathe correctly

“In strength exercises, tension is always done while exhaling, relaxation is always done while inhaling,” reminds Olga Kochetova. Do not hold your breath under any circumstances! This can lead to increased blood pressure, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness.

Choose a weight that suits you

Properly selected weight during strength training is the key to harmonious muscle development and weight loss. “You need to select it so that in each approach you can repeat the movement 12-15 times,” says Elena Khramova. The technology should not suffer in this case. “It is optimal to keep a training diary and note in it the number of approaches and repetitions, as well as the weight of the weight. And gradually increase your own norm,” advises Olga Kochetova.


The moment no less important than the training itself is recovery after it. “Lack of rest after exercise slows down progress and can lead to overtraining syndrome,” says Tatyana Borzenkova. Therefore, after strength training, be sure to stretch, rest and get enough sleep. “Losing weight is impossible without full recovery. This process in our body occurs at night during sleep, when the most important life hormones - somatropin and melatonin - are produced,” reminds Elena Khramova.

Eat right

Of course, it is connected with proper nutrition. Try to follow the basic rules of a diet for losing weight. First, don't exercise on an empty stomach. But don’t come to the gym with a full stomach. It is best to have a snack an hour and a half before class. After training, within 20-30 minutes you need to eat something protein-carbohydrate, for example, cottage cheese, a slice of banana or apple, and after two hours have a more serious meal. Olga Kochetova advises avoiding carbohydrates and giving preference to vegetables and protein dishes. “In general, you need to limit your intake of simple carbohydrates and fats, and shift complex carbohydrates to the first half of the day,” she reminds.

These six simple rules will help you make your strength training really effective for weight loss. Follow them, exercise with pleasure and lose weight!

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Without a trainer, exercising is many times more difficult and dangerous to your health. But many people think differently. This article is just for those who want to lose weight, but do not want to work out with a trainer.

What workouts will help you lose weight

First, let's figure out which workouts in the gym are most effective. Maybe cardio? Or is it still power loads?

If you choose long-term low-intensity cardio (slow long running, walking, riding an exercise bike), your body will get used to the load after just a few sessions. As a result, you only burn calories while running.

In the case of strength training, things are a little different. After it (with sufficient intensity), the metabolism at rest remains elevated for a long time - sometimes more than 20 hours. And all this time, your body burns calories faster.

Thus, even if the same amount of calories is spent during strength training and cardio training (I emphasize once again that we are talking about low-intensity cardio, and not heavy interval training or sprints), after strength training you still burn more. Read more about the effects of cardio, HIIT and strength training.

To speed up metabolism and pump up all the muscles of the body, we will combine circuit training with interval cardio.

Rules for creating a workout

To create an effective circuit training for the whole body, follow a few rules:

  1. Include exercises for different muscle groups. This will allow you to load your entire body evenly.
  2. Alternate exercises based on the “push” and “pull” principles. Push exercises are those in which you push off the ground (lunges, squats, push-ups) or push free weights away from you (dumbbell bench press, barbell bench press). When performing pulling exercises, you pull either yourself (pull-ups) or implements (deadlifts). Pulling and pushing exercises provide different loads. By alternating them, you will not overwork your muscles and will be able to do more.
  3. Finish your workout with high-intensity cardio.
  4. Start with a warm-up, end with stretching and rolling on a massage roller.

Now let's move on to the training itself.

The first workout option for weight loss

Our workout will include five weight-bearing exercises: two for the lower body, two for the upper body, one for the abs.

Each exercise is performed 10 times without a break. This is one circle. In total, you need to perform five circles, resting between circles until complete recovery (but no more than three minutes).

For beginners, it is better to perform the easy version; it will be indicated for each exercise in the “How to simplify” paragraph.

1. Lunges with weights

You perform 10 lunges on each leg for a total of 20 reps.

Target muscle group: gluteal muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings.

How to simplify: lunges without weights. If you find it difficult to perform lunges with weights, you will most likely not complete the complex or will reduce the number of lunges. Therefore, if you are just starting to train, lunges with your own body weight are enough.

What to replace:

  • Side lunges.
  • Back lunges with weights.
  • Walking lunges around the hall.

Features of the technology:

  • The angle between the knee and hip in a lunge should be 90 degrees.
  • In a lunge, the knee does not extend beyond the toe.
  • The knee is directed forward, looking at the toe, not turning inward.

2. Push-ups

Target muscle group: triceps, chest muscles, abs.

How to simplify: push-ups from a hill, push-ups on rubber fitness bands, push-ups from the knees.

What to replace: another variant .

Features of the technology:

  • Your elbows should be close to your body (unless you choose wide-arm push-ups).
  • Constantly keep your abs tense - this will help avoid arching in your back.

3. Deadlift

Target muscle group: hamstrings, gluteal muscles.

How to simplify: deadlift with an empty bar, with dumbbells.

What to replace: deadlift with a barbell or dumbbells.

Features of the technology:

  • Keep the barbell close to your body, almost sliding the bar along your legs.
  • Do not hunch your back, otherwise the load will be placed on the lumbar spine.
  • During the deadlift, the knees practically do not bend, which allows for a good stretch of the hamstrings.

4. Dumbbell row

Target muscle group: latissimus dorsi muscles.

How to simplify: take light dumbbells.

What to replace: pull of the lower block.

Features of the technology:

  • Keep your elbow close to your body and try to point it further behind your back.
  • Keep your back straight, don't round it.
  • Try to pull the dumbbells with your back muscles, not your arms.

5. Plank on balls

Target muscle group: core muscles.

How to simplify: classic plank on the floor, plank on the elbows.

Features of the technology: keep your abs in constant tension to prevent arching in your lower back.

The second workout option for weight loss

This workout is more difficult than the previous one, but it can also be made easier by using lighter weights or doing the exercises a little differently. The rules are the same - 10 repetitions, 5 circles, rest between circles - until complete recovery.

1. Barbell Squats

Target muscle group: quadriceps, gluteal muscles, hamstring muscles.

How to simplify: squat without weights, with a lighter weight.

What to replace: leg press.

Features of the technology:

  • Keep your back straight, don't slouch.
  • When squatting, move your pelvis back.
  • Spread your knees - they should not curl inward.

2. Dumbbell chest press

Target muscle group: pecs, triceps, deltoids.

How to simplify: take light weight.

What to replace: Barbell chest press.

Features of the technology:

  • Do not arch your lower back or lift your pelvis off the bench.
  • The dumbbells should move synchronously.
  • Try to lift the dumbbells by tensing your pectoral muscles.

3. Single leg deadlift with dumbbells

Target muscle group: gluteal muscles, back extensors, quadriceps and hamstrings, latissimus dorsi.

How to simplify: deadlift on two legs with a lighter weight.

What to replace: deadlift on two legs with dumbbells or barbell.

Features of the technology:

  • Keep your back straight, do not slouch or round your lumbar region.
  • The knee of the bending leg looks forward and does not turn inward.
  • Lower the dumbbells to mid-calf.
  • The back leg does not fall to the ground until the end of the approach - it is constantly in a hanging position.

4. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Target muscle group: latissimus dorsi, chest muscles, biceps brachii.

How to simplify: pull-ups on the horizontal bar using a rubber fitness band. The tape is thrown over the horizontal bar, you step on it with your feet and hang, stretching the tape. As you develop strength, you can change the tension of the band.

What to replace: pull of the upper block to the chest.

Features of the technology:

  • If you are a beginner, you should not help yourself by swinging. First you need to establish the correct pull-up technique and only then use inertia to pull yourself up several times more.
  • Try to keep your head in one position, do not point your chin up.
  • Keep your legs straight.

5. Pulling your legs to the horizontal bar

Target muscle group: core muscles.

How to simplify:

  • Raise your knees to your chest without straightening your legs at the top.
  • Limit the amplitude of the lift, for example, raise straight legs to an angle of 90 degrees.

What to replace: different plank options.

Features of the technology: if you have poor physical fitness or excess weight, it is worth replacing this exercise with a static plank. It perfectly pumps the rectus abdominis and other core muscles and does not overload the iliopsoas muscle.

You can watch the full workout with two variations in this video.

Interval cardio at the end of your workout

The workout ends with 15-20 minutes of interval cardio. You can use this scheme: 4 minutes of running at a speed of 8 km/h, a minute at a speed of 12 km/h.

If your treadmill has an interval running mode, choose a timed workout, set it to 20 minutes and set the level to 8-10 depending on your fitness.

Typically, the machines offer a variety of different interval workouts, alternating between slow and fast running, as well as different angles track inclination.

Workout and Diet

By alternating strength exercises, you can independently create effective complex for weight loss.

Of course, don't forget about nutrition. Even without a diet, exercise will strengthen your muscles and improve your fitness, but losing weight will happen much faster if you learn to count calories.

Here are some helpful articles on how to change your diet to get quick results.

This will help you lose weight by reducing your calorie intake, and you will find out how many calories you need for different types training. Here's another good one - calculate your norm using different formulas, taking into account physical activity.

For those who don't want to give up delicious food for... beautiful figure, here’s a bonus in the form of, with which your diet will be low-calorie, but no less tasty.

Enjoy your training and rapid progress!