How to draw lips from different angles. How to draw lips, learn to draw lips

Good day, our dear readers, today we, i.e. YOU learn how to draw a person's lips using a pencil. In general, my sister and I discussed for a very long time about what lesson to publish today. I suggested she draw an owl, but she insisted on her own and offered to do another one on drawing anime! As a result, after thinking a little, remembering your positive feedback about our lesson on drawing eyes, we came to common denominator and drew a lesson about lips :) And I think that we did the right thing, because we have plenty of different animals and birds on our site, and it would probably be wrong to post 2 posts in a row about anime.

And *we tell you this by big secret* initially we wanted to give this lesson a slightly different name “HOW TO DRAW... Dumplings”!!! instead of normal and adequate "How to draw a person's lips"

But again, common sense won over our madness and we left the lesson with a normal name! Moreover, it’s better not to draw dumplings, but to sculpt them or, even better, eat them!!! Although no one can answer this question better than you, our readers, maybe it should still be renamed? We will be glad to hear your opinion in the comments to this post :)

Well, that’s it, you need to stop talking and start taking action. We hope you are ready for them! You have a pencil, an eraser, Blank sheet paper and a little desire. Get started, you will succeed, How to draw a person's lips.

and don't forget to click on the picture :)

In the drawing of lips, as well as in the drawing of the nose or eyes, you should not draw contours. The shape of the lips is voluminous. It's not just an outline. Therefore, for those who want to learn how to draw a portrait, the diagram below will be useful. In it, lips are depicted in a simplified form, in the form geometric shapes. Such a schematic image helps to see the structure and plasticity. For example, the lower lip consists of two ovals. And the top one is divided in the middle by a tubercle.

In this drawing, it is also important to see how the shape of the lips smoothly transitions into the chin, cheeks, and nose. All these shapes bend and are illuminated by light. Some are in the shade, some are in partial shade, and some are in the light. The upper lip, hanging over the lower, most often ends up in the shadow. And the lower lip, when protruding, is usually facing the light. Between the lower lip and chin there is a depression, which is most often immersed in shadow. What will be in the light and what will be in the shadow depends on the location of the light source. For example, if the light is directed not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top, then the picture will be exactly the opposite.

In addition to the above, you also need to understand that the lip line is not straight. It follows the circumference of the head. For clarity, I drew two options: one is correct and the other is incorrect. It follows that the entire shape of the lips will be subject to this rule.

Next, I performed a step-by-step classic lip drawing. At the first stage, a light linear drawing is laid out, revealing the main planes and edges. At the second stage, the shadow sides are worked out with light shading. At the final third stage, all the details are honed and all the halftones are worked out in more detail. In the tone pattern of the lips, it is important to convey lighting and volume. As in the drawing of a plaster ball in the drawing of the lips, it is also necessary to convey light, penumbra, shadow, reflex, and falling shadow.

If you decide to depict a person, then you probably have a question: “How to draw lips?” For a professional this will not be difficult. He had to draw lips so many times different shapes and the size that he is able to do it almost with his eyes closed. If you are just learning to embody your images on paper, then this article is for you. More specifically, how to draw lips with a pencil step by step for beginners. Similar lessons often appear on our resource. If you don't want to miss them, subscribe.

How to draw lips with a pencil

There are many techniques that allow you to depict this part of the body, both on paper and on the monitor screen. However, we still recommend starting with a simple pencil. This will allow you to hone your skills and understand the basic principles of imagery. Moreover, it is much easier to get used to than a graphics tablet.

It is also worth saying that all the lessons that you can find are only recommendations. Their task is to show the basic principles of depicting lips on paper. No one and nothing stops you from creating your own and unique style. Perhaps it will someday be used as a basis for drawing textbooks. However, before that you will have to work hard and fruitfully.

For the lesson you will need:

  • blank album sheet;
  • one or more simple pencils different hardness;
  • eraser;
  • patience.

Geometry in nature

If you look closely, absolutely everything consists of geometric shapes. This is also true for human lips. To draw them with a pencil, we will use a triangle. Draw an isosceles triangle. The higher it gets, the larger size lips you will succeed. In the top corner, draw a convex line, as if you needed to draw the corner of a figure. Draw a line approximately in the middle of the triangle. The wider it is, the wider the lips; the narrower it is, the plumper it is. IN in this case we will draw women's lips. Therefore the line will be shorter.

To draw the top outline of the lips with a pencil, draw down two lines from either end of the raised line at the top of the triangle. The ends of the contours should touch the transverse line drawn earlier. Bend the ends of the contours slightly upward. The result should be a figure that looks a little like a medieval bow.

In addition, I would like to give you a few more tips regarding the image of lips:

  1. Improve yourself. Draw every day. You shouldn’t stop only at our materials. Try drawing lips over and over again until this skill is brought to automaticity. Also try to depict them from different angles.
  2. Depict dynamics. The more dynamic and lively the drawing, the more interesting it is. A static, closed mouth will attract much less attention than lips distorted with joy or anger. If you don't know how to portray a particular emotion, stand in front of a mirror and look at your reflection. By the way, this is exactly what many of the company’s illustrators did.
  3. No axioms. We have already mentioned it in the material, but we will say it again. There are no unyielding truths. There are only general recommendations. If you think that for the best effect you need to neglect this or that rule, feel free to do so.
  4. Don't be afraid of criticism. The best way learn something, listen to criticism. Register on various thematic resources. Post your work in the public domain with the ability to comment.
  5. Learn from other people's mistakes. Yes, you need to post your work. But it wouldn’t hurt to study the works of other authors. Look at what mistakes they made and try not to do the same. It is always better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own.
  6. Don't look right paths. There is no need to waste time thinking about the correctness of the chosen path. Better try three wrong ones. But in the future you will definitely know that you shouldn’t pay attention to them.

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Let's get down to the finer details. Let it be the mouth. Therefore, at this point you should ask: But how do you draw lips? And I, with the very smart air of a sage, will answer: take your time, because there are two ways to depict a mouth on paper. But, since I am not very aware of your successes (namely, I don’t know which one will be more convenient for you), then we will now look at both.

  1. Orbicularis labii muscle;
  2. Trigger, responsible for the movements of the lower lip;
  3. A trigger responsible for movements of the corners of the lips;
  4. Quadratus lower lip muscle;
  5. Tubercle of the upper lip;
  6. Filter or otherwise called groove;
  7. Corners of lips;
  8. Elevator, responsible for the movements of the upper lip;
  9. Large muscle of the cheekbone;
  10. The so-called laughter muscles.

Let's start drawing

We've sorted out the muscles, now I'll present you with the first method. It consists in draw lips using planes:

As we draw lips this way, we can also hone our ability to distribute light and shade and observe proportional relationships.

And now take two - the second method in which we work with constructive lines. First, lightly mark the place for the lips with a pencil, taking into account any contractions. You can outline the lips as a kind of oval, and only then give them certain features. After finally finding the line of the mouth itself, you need to look for a line of symmetry on them. And about important little things: do not forget that the shape of the lips certainly depends on the bite of the teeth. Well, for example, the shape of lips with a normal bite will look something like this:

The upper lip protrudes slightly in comparison with the lower lip, and its tubercle is slightly inclined downwards, towards the oral fissure, and, as if superimposed with its middle on the lower lip, goes deep into the fissure. Middle of lips (mouth gap) is located on the center center line.

When drawing lips in a three-quarter turn, it is important to remember that half of the lips that is located in the distance, in reduced perspective.

As for drawing the lower lip, this also has its own peculiarity. Since there are some sort of quadratic paired muscles there, you need to start building your lips taking them into account. They are usually outlined as ovals, and you also need to remember about perspective. These ovals should be symmetrical to each other.

Step by step drawing

Remember also about the plastic shape of the corners of the lips, because as the lips approach them, they slowly become deeper.

Again, advice: if for some reason you cannot draw lips in three quarters or for some reason it doesn’t work out for you, then try practicing with these drawings first:

Their essence is simple, just choose the angle of view and look for the shape using vanishing points.


Click to enlarge

In today's drawing tutorial I will tell you how to draw lips. We will draw lips, as always, in Photoshop using a graphics tablet. I will try to break down the lesson into the stages of sketch, color, shadow, light, highlights.

In the long past, a lesson was published on the site on one of my works, in which I told general principle, but in it I did not focus on building body parts; the lesson was more about coloring and light and shade. And many, as it turns out, are interested in building and acquiring drawing skills individual parts bodies, faces. Therefore, we will correct this shortcoming, I will gradually write a series of lessons on building and drawing parts of the face.

So, let's start drawing, open Photoshop, create a canvas of the size we need, now we choose the size based on convenience. Let's fill the background with some color; I personally find it awkward to draw on white.

I use standard brushes, round hard and round soft, only changing the opacity from time to time. Yes, and I include the influence of opacity from the pressure of the pen on the tablet and the airbrush. Read more about the brush tool so as not to explain 100 times what is what.

The first stage, drawing a sketch of the lips

This is the very first and one of the main stages in drawing lips; in it we draw a sketch (sketch) of our lips. Let's create a new layer for the sketch. And we’ll start building with two arcs, one from above and the other from below, depending on the concavity of these arcs, our lips will be either plump or narrow. Let's draw a line that separates the lips with a slight upward curve, as shown in mine. Let's add a straight line in the middle, we need it for the correct construction of the lips.

We draw the tubercle of the upper lip, which in drawings usually looks like a dimple. It can be either semicircular or triangular, it all depends on the shape of the lips. Let's draw two identical ovals on the lower lip with their point of contact in the center on the dividing line. Next, we’ll add a small arched line that touches the ovals and draws the shape of our upper lip. Well, based on the construction, the shape of our lips is already more or less visible.

Now you can create a new layer on top of the construction and draw lips along the main lines. It should turn out like mine.

Second stage, paint the lips with the main color

At the previous stage we drew the lips, now we will paint them, first we will paint them with one color. Let's set the main color, so to speak, for me it's #c67a94. Let's carefully draw everything along the contour, maybe we'll finish it somewhere.

The third stage, apply shadows to the lips

Now let's start applying shadows on the lips. Let's reduce the opacity of the sketch layer to make drawing easier. Let's create a new layer (I always try to separate actions and draw each new one on a new layer, so that if you don't like it, you can correct it) and apply the main shadows, this is the place where the lips touch, the corners of the mouth, the bottom of the lower and upper lips.

The fourth stage, draw light areas on the lips

Let's now add light to give volume to the lips, in those places where the lips are more voluminous and the light falls on them. This is mainly the central part of the lips. And let's add a small reflex, this is a light stripe along the edges of the lower part of the lower lip. See the screenshot below of how I did it.

Fifth stage, shading of lips

At this stage we will add strokes to the lips, they come from the line between the upper and lower lip. We make the strokes in dark and light shades, with a 1-2 pixel brush, we try to draw them a little arched, which will add volume to our lips and make the lips more detailed.

Sixth stage, add highlights to the lips and finalize

Let's start adding highlights and detailing. Using a hard brush, paint hard highlights along the contour of the upper lip and in the center of the lower lip.

Let's add a little glow to the highlight of the lower lip, take a soft brush and apply white strokes on the right and left sides.

Let's add another highlight on the bottom lip.

Well, for the final touches, add a hard, slightly transparent highlight to the upper lip and small highlights to both lips. And we admire the result.

Our lips are ready, today I told you how to draw lips in Photoshop on graphics tablet. Of course, I ended up with slightly glamorous lips, more feminine. Therefore, look for yourself if necessary, reduce the amount of glare. Experiment with lip volume, shape, and everything will work out for you, but that’s all for me until new drawing lessons.