How to remove a tenant from a region in Minecraft. How to Remove a Person from a Region in Minecraft: Best Methods

In the computer game Minecraft, each user can build his own house and fence it with a small territory. To make it easier for you and your friend to visit each other and help out your comrades, the game provides for the disclosure of a private territory for a small circle of people. So, you can open each other’s doors, chests, break objects in the garden and house, place new blocks and much more. As you can see, you only need to open your private account to trusted people whom you trust. If they have violated your trust, then you should immediately remove them from private.

What do you need to remove a friend from private?

To remove your friend from the list of those allowed in your territory, you will need the following data:

  • The name of your region, which you yourself created earlier. When you first set up private, you had to enter this name into the command;
  • The name of your friend, who has already entered into private and should be excluded from it;
  • Of course, you need to first log into the server.

Algorithm for excluding players from private in Minecraft

To begin, you need to collect all the information indicated above. If you can't remember your friend's nickname, just press the Tab key. A list of all users who are currently online and on the server will pop up in the middle of the screen.

Now press the “T” key. Enter the following command into the line:

  • /rg removemember player name area name.

Do not put any signs and enter words separated by spaces. Do not forget that the names must be transferred accurately, and you must be the owner of your private.

After a few moments in the chat below you will see the result of the command. If any error occurs, you will immediately know about it, try to correct it. If the operation is successful, you will see the message “Member member has been excluded from the palace region.”

How to find out the name of a private region?

It may also happen that you simply forget the name of your region. Then you just need to ask another player to break any block on your territory. He will not be able to break this block, but he will immediately see the name of the region in the lower left corner.

If you don’t understand the text, then at the very bottom there is a video instruction with comments. For the command to remove a friend from a region, see below.

How to remove residents from a region

The private plugin, installed on most servers, allows you not only to private territories, but also to manage them. One of the functions is to remove residents.

This is done using the command:

/region removemember [Region name] [Player name]

(entered into chat without quotes, you can also use /rg)

After using this command, the previously added player will no longer be able to take part in the life of your region: build, break, take items from their chests, and also open doors (however, on some servers, due to unstable hardware, wooden doors can still be opened, without being added to private).

When playing Minecraft on servers, you can often come across territories occupied by players or, as they say, occupied. You can privatize a territory using a special plugin that is installed by the administrator on the server. Usually the so-called private is available on all servers.

The size of the region is determined by the server admins: in some places the territory available for private is 100 cubic meters, and in others it is unlimited. Experienced players advise privatizing the region before you start building something. You can read more about the privatization of territories in our article “”.

Now let's figure out how to manage your region. The most important action available to the owner of the region is adding and removing inhabitants of the region, that is, people who can break and build, open chests and furnaces on your territory. Let's assume that while playing on a server, you become friends with another player. He seemed like a nice guy to you, and you decided to let him live with you. However, at one point he began to take things from your chests without asking, destroy buildings or build ugly figures. This raises the question of how to remove a friend from a private account in Minecraft.

How to remove a friend from private in Minecraft video

Thus, we found out what to do if your friend turns out to be a griefer, as well as how to remove him from the list of residents of the invaded territory.

World Minecraft is very popular and attracts thousands of players around the globe. Therefore, there are many questions associated with the gameplay. Some of the most popular questions are related to private, its deletion and the removal of friends from the game. Detailed answers to them will be given in this article.

How to delete a private in Minecraft

Every game user who respects himself and other players must to loosen one's territories, which he is going to throw. After all, there are other Gemeirs who may wish to occupy this territory, and since the owner does not need it, then why prevent this?

In order to remove privacy from an area, you must execute the following types of commands:

  • First you need to open the chat by pressing T.
  • Then you need to enter the directive: /rg remove(the name of your site, which is entered without brackets or quotes).
  • A similar command that performs the same action looks like this: /region remove(the name of your territory, which is written without brackets).
  • There is another command that can help achieve the same goal: /region delete(the name of your private, which should be without parentheses).

In case it is impossible to deprivate the region, there may be several reasons for this: the name of the territory was entered incorrectly, all friends from this area were not deleted, the command was entered incorrectly. The name of the territory can be viewed by entering the following command into the chat: /rg list.

How to remove a friend from private

There are two commands that help solve the problem, how to remove from private a certain character.

  • To begin with, in order not to get into trouble, you need to find out the number and nicknames of all friends who have ever been added to the territory. For this you can use the directive /region info(the name of your site, which is entered without parentheses). The command must be entered into the chat (the chat opens with the key T).
  • Next, we write the following directive: /region removemember <название вашего привата без скобок> <имя друга без скобочек> . Using this command, a friend can be removed from the controlled area with the possibility of subsequent restoration.
  • If you want to remove a friend from your land without the possibility of restoration in the future, then you need to use another directive: /region removeowner <название приватной территории без скобок> @<никнейм друга без скобок> .

Private in Minecraft, what is it? Like real world, Minecraft has its own zones - the so-called “regions”. Everyone is free to manage their zone at their own discretion: keep strangers out, invite friends to work together, in general, act according to the proverb - “My world - my rules.”

If earlier it only made sense to increase the player’s sense of self-worth (everyone sometimes wants to feel like a god), now private has more practical use. It has become fashionable to be not a creating player, but griefer. These are a kind of “bandits” from the game, their goal is the destruction of various buildings and structures that the player erected with great difficulty. There are also some kind of freeloaders in the game. They are not interested in spending in-game time collecting resources. Their principle: “It’s easier to steal than to earn.” It turns out just like in life: an honest player digs and crafts, and a freeloader enjoys the fruits of his labor. A gloomy picture emerged: not a game, but a test for the nerves - there are bandits and freeloaders all around - complete crime. IN real life a person protects himself from crime: he puts up a fence and hangs locks, gets a dog and carefully chooses his social circle. In the game, the user creates a private.

How to create a region

It's easy to do. First enter the command /region, after - claim and region name. How exactly to name your region depends on the player’s imagination. It is also necessary to stake out a plot for personal use, in game parlance - to secure the region. The region will be privately three-dimensional, in the shape of a cube. To create it, a couple of points are outlined. A diagonal will go through them, the ends of which will become the vertices of the cube. If a person playing Minecraft studied geometry at school, then he will be able to determine the boundaries of a private space without much difficulty.

Many people criticize the Internet - there is a lot of nasty stuff out there! However, the Internet is just a mirror of our real life. Also computer games, in particular, Minecraft. Relationships with people there are the same as in ordinary world. Some people want to constantly communicate with and do creative work together, while others are not attractive. As in life, friends often move from one category to another. As in life, anyone can make a mistake about a person. If a friend suddenly turns out to be inadequate, selfish, or simply his gaming tactics do not correspond to your ideas about friendship, there is only one way out: interrupt virtual communication with such a person. In gaming parlance, remove him from private.

If the person is from the user's region, how to delete?

The player wants to take a break from the relationship and decide whether to communicate with the person? Or has he already made up his mind and wants to end the relationship? So, the answer to the question “How to remove a person from a private account in Minecraft?” It just takes a couple of minutes and the following steps:

1.Go to the chat.

2. Enter /region removemember, the name of the desired region, the nickname of the person who needs to be deleted. The process is complete. To remove a person from friends if he has full rights to the player's area, you just need to /region removemember drive in removeowner. Next, enter the region and nickname of the person being deleted. It should be taken into account: deletion from friends does not cause significant damage to the removed person: this is not a ban or a blacklist. The player retains the same rights in the game. He is simply deprived of additional privileges on the user’s territory. If a player is in doubt about whether to remove a player from friends, let him remember that this process is reversible. If the deletion was due to misunderstanding or misunderstanding, the friend can easily be returned back to private, restoring all his privileges. This will take a couple of minutes.

Is it possible to remove privacy in Minecraft?

Sometimes a player may want to delete the entire problematic region. This can be done simply using the console. Before entering the command, you must add a slash and rg. Eg, /rg “Team name”. If a player has forgotten any information in private, you should not despair and not scold yourself for bad memory, but simply use the commands List And Info. There is no need to create a tragedy if the names of regions, characters and their rights disappeared into memory lapses. It is advisable to exercise extreme care when initially entering this data. An accidental typo in these parameters can cause difficulties if you need to delete something. According to statistics, only one out of ten attempts to delete a private message that end in failure is not related to the user’s initial inattention. After detecting and checking all the data, you need to enter a deletion command. There are two commands for this purpose. Both of them are in English, so those who are familiar with this language will not have any problems. These are Remove and Delete. The commands are identical, so you can enter any one to achieve the result. This is especially convenient if one of the commands fails when entered. You need to not get lost, but introduce another one. In most cases this will work.

Problems sometimes arise if players try to shorten the word region by its first two letters. If the private is not deleted in a shortened version of the entered command, you should not be lazy, but enter this command in its entirety, and then the deletion action will be effective.

If all of the above operations did not help, you can try to reinstall the game or contact its administration. However, these actions do not provide a 100% guarantee. The game may still produce similar errors even after it is reinstalled, and the admins may not be sympathetic to the player’s problems, citing more important matters.

If the situation is really bad, you can simply abandon the region, but this is the most extreme step.

To quickly move between regions, teleportation by coordinates can be useful, if of course you know the coordinates of other regions.

Why do you need to remove the private from the region?

What is the point of deleting a region in a game? There is a lot of interesting things in Minecraft, and sitting in one place after several days of playing is simply boring. No one forces the player to do this. At any time, you can change both the terrain and the server if you wish. After the player leaves, the private is preserved, and other players still cannot do anything in this region. Many players do this, turning reserve regions into warehouses or, getting bored, returning to their region. Sometimes they simply give the region to others to play in.

However, if the user has lost interest in the region or the game in general, it may not be worthwhile to behave like a dog in the manger. If the player himself does not play, it is necessary to provide this opportunity to others. This behavior is not only unfair, but also not advisable, since by creating many unused regions, the user only litters the game server. Let's imagine this picture on the scale of the entire game. A lot of players who left and took over the space. The game turns into a city dump. Everywhere other players will stumble upon this rubbish, unable to do anything useful with it, since it is someone else’s. Constantly coming across abandoned projects is unlikely to make the game more interesting and creative. In general, we need to protect the nerves of other players and the game ecology! There is no need to be boors who litter on playgrounds.

In some cases, banning PvP in a Minecraft region will also be useful.

All commands needed for removal and help.

The above outlines everything a player needs to know in order to remove an unwanted person from a private account. In order not to search for the necessary commands in the text of the article, they are collected for convenience in one place.

  1. /region removeowner “region name” “character nickname”- remove a person from friends and deprive rights to the region
  2. /region delete “region name”- delete region
  3. /region info- information about the region
  4. /region removemember “region name” “character nickname”- remove a character from a region
  5. /region remove "region name"- delete region
  6. /region list- list of regions

If a person has not been playing the game for long, it is best to write these commands on a piece of paper and keep it handy during the game (you can simply stick it on it). It will be needed until the player learns all the commands. It will be very inconvenient to look for information on how to stop a griefer when buildings are in real danger of destruction. In such a situation, a hint will be simply necessary.

Private in Minecraft is a personal gaming area that belongs to one of the players, and only the owner and specially invited players have access to it. Such a territory is protected from any breakdowns, fires and attacks by monsters (for example, creepers) that can destroy the player’s property, but if desired, this can be adjusted by the creator of the region.

How to delete a private/region?

There are times when a player no longer wants to engage in this private activity and therefore needs to remove it. In this case, use the command to remove a region in minecraft, which looks like this: “/region remove<имя_региона>, after which the specified region will be deleted. Sometimes this method does not work for some reason, then you should use the alternative option “region delete”<имя привата>"or the shortened version "/rg del<название>».

IMPORTANT. Before deleting a region in Minecraft, it must have only one owner, and the name of the region must be written in the same way as when created, with capital letters and symbols, if any.

How to remove a friend from a region?

Sometimes, it is not necessary to delete the entire private, but only one of the friends invited to it. The reasons can be very different, because in order to do this, no specific conditions are required. To do this, you will also need to enter the text command “/region removemember<название><ник игрока>”, which will immediately remove the player or the second owner of the region who is disliked by the owner.

Problems when deleting a private territory in Minecraft

Removing private messages does not seem to be such a difficult task, but sometimes their owners face some difficulties. It often happens that a player forgets the name of his territory and all attempts to remove it are in vain. In this case, use the “/rg list” command, which will give the owner of the private its exact full name. You also MUST enter your nickname correctly when logging in, using capital letters and symbols, if any. For example, if the owner’s nickname is CaT, and he logged in under the nickname cat, the register will not recognize him as the owner and will not allow him to delete the private.

Also, before deleting a private, you should make sure that no one other than the owner is no longer on the list of private participants. To check everyone who is in it, you need to use the text command “/region info<название региона>" This action will display a list of everyone who is listed in the private, and then using the command “/region removeowner<название привата> <ник игрока>", the owner can one by one clear the region on the server from friends, and then delete it.

IMPORTANT. Before deleting a region, you need to think carefully, because when it is deleted, everything that was built during the game in private will be deleted. Perhaps it will come in handy someday or you will want to play again with friends where houses, establishments, parks, etc. have already been built. It is important to remember this, since the territory is not subject to further restoration.