Summary of a mathematics lesson in the middle group “Geometric figures. Summary of a lesson in the middle group on the topic "geometric shapes"

Derendyaeva Irina Vyacheslavovna
GKKP teacher kindergarten No. 3 “Ivan - Tsarevich” at the education department of the city of Stepnogorsk, Akmola region

Goal: Formation of elementary mathematical concepts of children in middle age.

*Improve knowledge about geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, the shape of objects, search for geometric shapes in space, orientation in space, consolidate knowledge of colors, learn to build three-dimensional shapes.

*Develop verbal – logical thinking, memory, attention, perception.

*Cultivate interest in the activity, responsiveness, desire to help others, and the ability to work in a team.


– Box with geometric shapes (red circle, green triangle, yellow square)

– Magnetic board and pictures showing which piece is missing

– Cut-out picture puzzles “Geometric shapes”.

Polylingual component: shenber - circle - circle, ushburysh - triangle - triangle, square - square.

Move: Surprise moment: knock on the door

Educator, Guys, a bear cub came to visit us today. Let's all say hello to him together.

- Guys, the little bear brought us a magic box. Do you want to know what's inside? And there's a lock on it! Let's play a game: “Is there a lock on the door?” And maybe it will open?

Finger gymnastics:

There's a lock on the door

Who could open it?



They knocked and opened it.

Educator: Well done, our box has opened, are you interested in what is in the boxes?

Guess the riddles:

1.No corner, no side,
And my relatives are nothing but pancakes... Circle

– What color is the circle? Let's draw a circle in the air with our finger.

Game "What is round"?

2. Four corners and four sides,
They look exactly like sisters.
You can't roll it into the goal like a ball,
And he won’t start galloping after you.
The figure is familiar to many guys.
Did you recognize him? After all, this is... Square.

– Why is this figure called that? (Because a square has 4 corners)

- Let's count the corners of 1234. What color is the square? Let's draw a square in the air with our finger?

Game "What is square"?

3. Three corners, three sides.
Can be of different lengths.
If you hit the corners,
Then you’ll quickly jump up yourself! … Triangle.

– Why is this figure called that? (Because a triangle has 3 angles)

- Let's count the corners 123. What color is the triangle? Let's draw a triangle in the air with our finger.

Game "What is triangular"?

Educator: Well done guys! Little bear, why are you sad? Do you want to go home and can’t find the path?

Physical exercise.

The bear crawled out of the den,
I looked around on the threshold. (Turns left and right.)
To quickly gain strength,
The bear's head was twisting. (Rotate your head)
Leaned back, forward (Torso bends)
Here he is walking through the forest (Walking)
Teddy bear counts to five
Teddy bear lifts weights (simulating the “lifting weights” exercise)

Game “Continue the path” (….).

Game "Fix the rug."

RESULT Guys, what geometric figures there are (triangle, circle, square) You helped the little bear remember geometric shapes! Thank you!

Irina Lukyanchuk
Summary of mathematics lesson “Geometric figures” (middle group)

Math lesson in middle group

Location: GBDOU - kindergarten No. 80, Frunzensky district, St. Petersburg


Target: consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes.


continue to teach children to distinguish and name geometric figures(circle,

square, triangle);

see geometric figures in surrounding objects, distinguish and name primary colors

determine the position of objects relative to oneself using words "up", "at the bottom", "in the middle"

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to go to not a simple country, but a magical one - geometric and in this country everything consists of figures. The entrance to this country is enchanted. In order to disenchant the entrance to the magical country, you need to get a key.

IN: I invite all children

He'll hit the road soon

Tests await you

Difficult tasks.

Our path will be long with obstacles. Are you guys ready to go on this journey?

D: Yes, ready.

IN:. The teacher and the children come to the table. They are on the table geometric figures.

IN: Our first exercise: There are different ones on the table figures you need to take one at a time shape and call them.

D: Everyone takes turns taking figure from the table and clearly names that the figure he took.

IN: Well done guys, you all answered correctly. We completed the task correctly and received the key.

IN magical land everyone has a home, let's help figures find their homes.

Didactic game "Find your house".

Progress of the game. The teacher lays out hoops and large geometric figures in them in different places groups. Each player is given small geometric figures(circle, square, triangle.)

After this, children are asked "take a walk" By group. At the teacher’s signal, the children find the house, comparing their figure with that, which is in the house. The game is repeated several times, with the teacher changing figures in houses.

Didactic game "Be attentive» .

Progress of the game. The teacher gives out to the players geometric figures. Children are asked to show as many squares (circles, triangles, etc.) as the teacher hits the drum.


And now attention - a secret mission. We divide into three teams, each team receives envelope:

Assemble the pattern according to the sample.

Now let's create pictures from geometric shapes. (sheets of paper and colored pencils are handed out)

Tasks: Draw a yellow circle at the top of the sheet, a blue square at the bottom, and a green triangle on the right. Complete the drawing figures like this to make a picture. (from a circle - the sun, from a square - a house, from a triangle - a herringbone).

After finishing the task, the teacher and the children make an exhibition of drawings.

Publications on the topic:

Final lesson in mathematics (middle group) Purpose: 1. Clarification of the acquired knowledge, ideas, skills that they received in mathematics classes. A. Strengthen your ability to navigate.

Notes of GCD in mathematics “Let's help Cinderella find her shoe” middle group IN preschool age the foundations of knowledge are laid, necessary for the child At school. Mathematics is a complex science, and also not.

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Oksana Popova
Abstract of GCD for FEMP “Geometric Figures”

Abstract of GCD for FEMP on the topic “Geometric shapes”

Goal: Reinforce the names of geometric shapes


Educational: Reinforce the names of geometric shapes.

Practice counting within 10.


Develop thinking, graphic skills, fine motor skills

Develop an understanding of the days of the week, times and months of the year.


Cultivate interest in mathematics.

Foster partnerships between children.

Methods and techniques: Playful, visual, practical activities

1. Organizational moment.

Hello right hand- we stretch forward,

Hello left hand- we stretch forward,

Hello friend - let's join hands with our neighbor,

Hello friend - let's take it with the other hand,

Hello, hello friendly circle - shake your hands.

We stand hand in hand, together we are a big ribbon,

We can be small - we squat,

Can we be big - let's get up,

But no one will be alone

2. Main stage

Today, I'm canceling math class! And I invite you to the quest! Quest is English word and means a hike, a search, a task. We will look for a mathematical treasure. I have a chest in my hands. All the treasures from the chest were gone. But there are envelopes. in which tasks. After completing the task correctly, you will receive part of the map. Having collected all the parts of the map, we will find the treasure. But a quest is also a journey, and what do people travel on (children’s answers)

Task No. 1 There are mathematical sets on your tables; you need to make a vehicle from geometric shapes for travel that is not similar to each other.

Educator: Well done! Both the sea and land ones, and even the air ones, turned out to be interesting. So we found the first part of the map, it is located in the part of the group where there is transport. (in the game center, in a plastic boat)

Educator: The next task is in an envelope, and the envelope from the chest will be chosen by the one who puts the numbers in order - a number series from 1 to 10 (numbers in a math set) The envelope is chosen by the child who collected the number series faster

Task 2 D/I “Name the missing word”

The teacher throws the ball to one of the players:

The sun shines during the day, and the moon...

In the morning I came to kindergarten, and returned home...

If yesterday was Friday, then today...

If after Monday there was Tuesday, then after Thursday...

Winter will come...

Autumn months - September.

Summer will give way...

It snows...

The last month of spring is...

Educator: Well done, the next part of the map is where the summer sun and snow are together? Right at the stand of a corner of nature.

3. Physical exercise

Educator: To travel and search you need to be strong and dexterous, let's do some physical exercise

Friends in our group

girls and boys

We'll make friends with you

small fingers.

One two three four five -

Five, four, three, two, one -

we are sitting again.

To begin with, you and I

We only turn our heads.

(Rotate your head).

We also rotate the body.

Of course we can do this.

(Turns right and left).

And now we squat.

We understand perfectly well -

(We squat).

One two three four five.

Finally reached out

Up and to the sides. We caved in.

(Stretching up and to the sides).

Flushed from warming up

And they sat down again.

Educator: The next envelope will be drawn by the one who guesses the most riddles:

My little brother, Seryozha,

Mathematician and draftsman -

There are all sorts of drawings on Baba Shura’s table. (shapes)

He's been my friend for a long time,

Every angle in it is right,

All four sides are the same length

I’m glad to introduce myself to you, but my name is... (square)

We stretched the square

And presented at a glance,

Who did he look like?

Or something very similar?

Not a brick, not a triangle -

It became a square... (rectangle).

Three peaks are visible here,

Three corners, three sides, -

Well, perhaps that’s enough! -

What do you see? -. (triangle)

A watermelon slice is a semicircle,

Half a circle, part of it, a piece.

Knowing about forms is very important, friend.

No wonder it is among these lines!

If I took a circle,

I squeezed it a little on both sides,

Answer children together -

It would work. (oval)

The triangle has been filed

And we got the figure:

Two obtuse angles inside

And two spicy ones - look.

Not a square, not a triangle,

And it looks like a polygon (trapezoid).

Slightly flattened square

Invites you to identify:

Acute and obtuse angles

Eternally bound by fate.

Have you guessed what it's all about?

What should we call the figure? (rhombus).

Six obtuse angles inside

Look at the figure

And imagine that from a square

We got his brother.

There are too many angles here

Are you ready to name him? (hexagon)

We're getting down to business again

Let's study the body again:

Maybe he'll become a ball

And fly a little.

Very round, not oval.

Did you guess it? This is... (ball).

How can we not turn him around?

There are exactly six equal faces.

We can play lotto with him,

Let's just be careful:

He is neither affectionate nor rude

Because it's... (cube)

Cover on top, bottom on bottom.

Two circles connected

And we got the figure.

What should we call the body?

We need to guess quickly (cylinder)

Task No. 3 The child takes out an envelope, in the envelope there are cards for each child

Educator: children, look at the cards, what do you see? (children's answers). That's right, dots. Try to connect them and get a geometric shape. Children complete the task. What geometric figure did you get? (children's answers: circle, oval, square, triangle, rectangle).

Educator: Guess where the next part of the map is

It can be very spicy

And he draws brightly and colorfully.

Slate from all sides

Surrounded by wood.

This is your reliable friend

And the artist -. (pencil)

the next part of the map is in the corner of the ISO

Task No. 4 “Make an example”

The teacher takes out the last envelope and gives it to the children. (in the envelope are cards with numbers written in wax.) Children, with the teacher’s hint, guess that they need to paint over the cards with gouache. The guys paint over the cards. Numbers and signs appear)

Educator: what should we do with these cards?

Children: We need to make an example. Because there are signs: equal, plus. Make up an example and solve: 4+2=6

Educator: The last part of the map is in booth number 6

Pupils put together all the parts of the map and find them in the sports corner new game"Arithmetic"

4. Summary of the lesson

You guys worked hard, completed all the tasks, and which task did you like best? Which was the easiest? What's difficult? Well done boys.

Abstract of continuous educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the middle group.
Topic: Counting to 5. Geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.

Prepared by teacher of GBDOU d/s No. 47 Kuzmenkova Violeta Nikolaevna

Target: to form children’s knowledge about geometric shapes, to consolidate knowledge in counting to 5.


1. Handouts: geometric shapes, counting sticks.

2. Visual material: geometric shapes, pictures of numbers from 1 to 5, pictures of geometric shapes.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: How many fingers are on the hand, And pennies in the snout, The starfish has rays, The beaks of five rooks, The blades of the maple leaves, And the corners of the bastion, Tell me about all this. The number will help us... (five).

Educator: Guys, today we will consolidate our knowledge in counting to 5. And we will repeat with you the name of geometric figures.

Educator: Look at the board, everyone. (Pictures depicting numbers from 1 to 5)

(Children count out loud together with the teacher. Repeat 3 times)

Educator: now let’s learn to count backwards.

(Children count together with the teacher in reverse order. Repeat 3 times.) What a great fellow you are!

Oh, be quiet, it seems that someone has come to us. (I take out a toy: a doll)

Educator: Our guest is the doll Masha, let's say hello to her. Masha told me that today, on the way to school, she mixed up the numbers in the envelope and now cannot put them in order. Let's help her?

(I choose a willing child who puts the numbers in order on the board)

Educator: Well done Danya, he helped Masha, but that’s not all. Today Masha will be present at our lesson and see which of the guys is the most diligent and smart.

(I distribute geometric shapes to each child, 5 pieces)

Educator: let's have a little rest.

Physical education minute:

One two three four five,

Let's repeat together

One and four will be five,

Two, yes three, also five,

We studied all five,

And now we will rest,

Educator: you rested a little, now take geometric shapes and count how many of them are on your table.

(Children count the figures. Children's answers)

Educator: correctly, there are only 5 of them. And what figures are present in our lesson?

(Children's answers)

Educator: Now guys, the task is more difficult. I will give you counting sticks, and you will try to make the geometric shapes that I gave you out of them. But Masha gives you a hint that you will not be able to make all the figures from sticks.

(Children make geometric shapes from counting sticks, the teacher corrects mistakes, helps each child do the work).

Educator: what a great fellow you are, you got different geometric shapes, but some shape is missing and you couldn’t make it using counting sticks, what do you think?

(Children's answers)

Educator: That’s right, we didn’t get two figures - a circle and an oval. After all, it is impossible to build these figures from counting sticks.

(I show a picture depicting 5 geometric shapes).

Educator: guys, let's repeat the names of the shapes: square, circle, triangle, rectangle, oval. (I repeat with the children).

Educator: Masha really liked the way you all answered today, you are such smart and talented kids! She won’t leave now, but will stay with you in the group and each of you will be able to play with her.

Educator: guys, let's remember what we did in class today? (Children’s answers. The teacher prompts the children if they find it difficult to answer)

Educator: You were all great today, the lesson is over.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Kryukova Svetlana Yurievna

Teacher, MBDOU CRR kindergarten No. 4 "Golden Key", Konstantinovsk, Rostov region

Kryukova S.Yu. Geometric figures. Consolidation: lesson on FEMP in the middle group // Sovushka. 2018. N2(12)..02.2019).

Order No. 86467

  1. Learn to name and recognize geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, oval, triangle);
  2. Practice counting within 5;
  3. Develop imagination, memory, thinking.
  4. Develop fine motor skills.


Geometric shapes, soft modules, ball

Handouts: counting sticks, beads made of geometric shapes

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today a letter arrived at our kindergarten. Let's read and find out who sent it.

"Dear Guys! He flew into our country of geometric shapes strong hurricane. Many figures were lost, some crumbled. Please help us.

Circle, Oval.

Guys, can we help the figures?

But how do we get to the land of Geometric Shapes?

Look, there are tickets, and here is the train. Take your seats in the carriages, but be careful, your ticket must match the figure on the seat in the carriage.

Look, I have a red rectangle, and here is my place.

(Children each tell about their figure.) Everyone took their seats, fasten your seat belts, let's hit the road.

Here we are. Guys, look, there is a river. How can we get across it?

That's right, build a bridge. And here is the diagram of the bridge. And building materials.

You need to speak out your actions. I'm putting a blue rectangle...

Well done boys! Now we can cross the river and help the figures.

Guys, another letter. “The wind has broken our friends, help us collect them.”

And some cards. Guys, what is this? (square, rectangle, triangle) let's assemble these stick figures. Go to the tables. How many figures did we get? How many angles does each figure have?

Well done! Everyone did it!

Now we will play the game “What object does the figure resemble?”

I throw you a ball, name a figure, and you say an object that is similar to this figure and return the ball to me.

Square (window, picture, pillow, chair, box)

Circle (wheel, sun, clock, donut)

Rectangle (carpet, door, table, book)

Triangle (roof, scarf, cheese, flag)

Oval (egg, cucumber, ring)

Well done guys, you did a great job.

Oh guys, another letter.

“Guys, we lived very friendly, but the wind scattered us. Please gather us together. Beads." can we help you guys? And here is the diagram of the beads.

Go to the tables. Let's collect beads so that they can continue to live together.

What are these beads made of? Look carefully at the diagram and assemble the beads correctly.

Well, now we’ve helped the figures, we can go back. Take your tickets and find your seat in the carriage. We took our seats, buckled up and were on our way.

Here we are in the group.

Where did the guys go today? What they were doing? And geometric figures sent you stickers with their image as a gift so that you