Left hand hemisphere of the brain. Functions of the left hemisphere of the brain. Frontal lobe of the left hemisphere of the brain

The brain is the most important organ that controls the human body. Thanks to its functioning, people are able to see, hear, walk, experience emotions, communicate with each other, feel, analyze, think and love. The latter properties are unique to humans. Before answering the question of what the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for, you need to remember 9th grade anatomy: what the brain consists of.

The author noted that many right-brain skills, such as design wit, storytelling, synthesis ability, empathy, and pattern recognition, are difficult to outsource. Therefore, people with very strong skills such as these are strong candidates to fill the needs of the market.

Pink said that even professions that have traditionally used right-brain skills also require left-brain skills. Companies in need of engineers report that they need people with engineering skills who can innovate, communicate, and thrive in a multicultural environment. By the way, they should also do their work with passion. This type of cognitive skill is not developed through multiple choice tests. These are not ordinary actions.

Brain structure

The mass of the organ in an adult is approximately 1400 g. It is located in the cavity of the cranium, covered on top with membranes (soft, hard, arachnoid). We can distinguish 3 most significant parts: hemispheres, cerebellum, trunk. The hemispheres of the brain regulate higher nervous activity; they contain the departments responsible for vision, hearing, speech, and writing. ensures balance; the trunk contains centers for controlling breathing and heartbeat.

But there is still a gap between what is needed in the world of work and what is taught in schools. For example, in a study comparing the views of business school leaders and entrepreneurs, managers defined creativity as having to do with “problem solving,” while potential employers defined it as “problem identification.”

This is a lag,” said Pink. Think about the problems we find in schools. They are well defined, discipline specific, and have only one answer. Now think about a problem you had at work. Probably of a multidisciplinary nature, almost certainly it is hardly certain, there have been several answers and none of them have been perfect.

Interesting! The brain in men completes its growth by the age of 25, and in women by 15!

Between cerebral hemispheres there is a longitudinal slot, in the depth of which it is located. The latter connects both hemispheres and allows them to coordinate each other’s work. From anatomy lessons, many remember that each hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body. It follows from this that the left hemisphere is responsible for the right half of the body.

Schools may need to develop new criteria and measurement methodologies that bring the amount of learning to the right side of the brain into the classroom, Rose said. Professions that use the left side can also benefit from introducing more right brain capabilities.

The human brain is a structural and functional system designed to receive information integrated into a flexible and creative way of developing adaptive behavior. One of the main parts of the human body is the brain, in which it is divided into two very important parts: the left hemisphere and right hemisphere. One hemisphere theory divides thinkers into two fields.

The brain has 4 lobes (we will talk about them below). The lobes are divided by three main grooves: Sylvian, Rolandov and parieto-occipital. In addition to the grooves, the brain has many convolutions.

It is useful to know what it is: forms, possibilities.

One of the most significant differences in the left hemisphere is the function in which its driving part is able to recognize groups of letters that form words. It also has the necessary powers to convert a set of information into words. It controls the right side of the body and performs analysis over time. Think in terms of chain ideas, one thought following another, often arriving at a convergent conclusion. While the right hemisphere has the function of controlling the left side of the body, it processes sensations, sound, images and specializes in global perception, synthesizing all the information that comes in, trying to understand metaphors, dreaming and creating new combinations of ideas.

Why does a person need it: connection with parts of the brain, causes of the disorder.

The brain matter itself is divided into gray (cortex) and white. The gray is made up of neurons and lines the top of the brain. The thickness of the cortex is approximately 3 mm, and the number of neurons is about 18 billion. White matter- these are pathways (neurocyte fibers) that occupy the rest of the brain. It is the cortex that controls a person’s entire life from sleep to the manifestation of emotions.

It is more intuitive than logical and more connected to feelings. It is more efficient for visual and spatial tasks. The right hemisphere is responsible for creating the spark of creativity. If creative problems are not processed and organized by the left hemisphere, they will remain only as potential ideas.

For example: Musicians develop their senses more because they use both hands when playing the musical instruments, creating a hemisphere to become more creative and innovative people. To harness the true potential of the brain, we must destroy the so-called "mental patterns", which are also called "thought patterns", are memory traces in their brain tissues that function as complete units of thought and for this, if we want to face the situation tests, in which we have already included in our memory, then the patterns force us to choose the path that we already know, and in this case, to be able to break these patterns, to be able to make the most of our creativity, it is possible to test in order to obtain new ideas, which were not previously considered.

Functions of the left hemisphere of the brain

Large hemispheres are not separated from other components nervous system, they work together with subcortical structures. In addition, if one hemisphere is damaged, the other can partially take over the functions of the first, which indicates joint support for the functioning of movements, sensitivity, and higher nervous activity and sense organs.

Our answer would be basically any letter of the alphabet or a vowel, but if we manage to break our mental image. Creativity does not belong to geniuses, and yes, it is something that every person can awaken within themselves through training and encouragement. Moreover, creativity is limited by intelligence as the “most important ingredient”; rather, its ability to develop is limited in an interesting way with the ability and fluidity of different thinking that ultimately allows a person to develop, problem solve, diverge, propose, come out in an original, flexible, varied and creative manner.

The cortex is divided into zones responsible for certain functions (vision, hearing, etc.), but they do not function separately. To say something, a person must first think, analyze, calculate. During a conversation, people show emotions (sadness, joy, anxiety, laughter), gesture, that is, use their hands and facial muscles. All this is ensured by the coordinated work of several zones of the cortex, subcortical nuclei, cranial and spinal nerves. So, what are the different lobes of the brain responsible for?

Unfortunately, our educational centers, which insist on prioritizing convergent thinking, are increasingly atrophying the ability to create brains. IN recent years they were concerned that students were solving problems correctly rather than creatively. Stimulate the creative brain as a whole, as the two hemispheres are involved in all learning processes, allowing convergent thinking and divergent thinking in general to be present in the creation processes, combining the abilities of both hemispheres in a whirlwind of ideas, knowledge, skills, imagination and intuition.

Interesting! Less than half of the human brain has been studied!

Frontal lobe of the left hemisphere of the brain

Responsible for movement, the ability to speak, individuality, thinking. - This is the part of the brain responsible for emotions, behavior, and thinking.

The human brain is particularly complex and expansive. This property constitutes only 2% of body weight, but, nevertheless, receives approximately 25% of all the blood that is pumped by it. It is divided into two hemispheres: left and right. His appearance resembles the core of a walnut.

It is a distributed collection of billions of cells that extends over an area of ​​1 square meter, within which it can differentiate certain structures that correspond to so-called functional areas, each of which can constitute up to a tenth of the area.

Motor cortex

Responsible for the activity of the striated muscles of the right half of the body, coordination of precise movements, and orientation on the ground. This department receives impulses from internal organs. When it is damaged, ataxia, paresis of the limbs, and disturbances in the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and breathing occur. The picture below shows the topical affiliation of organs and body parts to the precentral gyrus.

The dominant hemisphere in 98% of people is the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical thinking skills and communication. Although the right hemisphere is responsible for symbolic thinking and creativity, despite recent surveys that contradict each other, demonstrating that there are parts of the right hemisphere for creativity and vice versa.

In Leva, the roles are reversed. Left hemisphere is considered dominant because it occurs in two specialized areas: Broca's area, the motor cortex that controls speech, and Wernicke's area, the cortex responsible for verbal comprehension.

Speech motor area

Ensures the work of facial muscles to pronounce complex words and phrases. In other words, it is responsible for the formation of speech. In all right-handed people, the speech motor area in the left hemisphere occupies a larger area than in the right.

When this zone is destroyed, the person loses the ability to speak, but can scream or sing without words. Reading to oneself and the formulation of thoughts are also lost, but the ability to understand speech does not suffer.

The body of the corpus callosum, located at the bottom of the interhemispheric fissure or sagittal fissure, is the structure responsible for communication between the two hemispheres of the brain. This structure, consisting of white nerve fibers, is responsible for the exchange of information between different areas of the cerebral cortex.

The motor cortex is responsible for the control and coordination of the voluntary motor. Injury to this area causes muscle weakness and even paralysis. The left hemisphere of the motor cortex controls the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere of the motor cortex controls the left side of the body. Each motor cortex contains a map of the body surface at the ear, an area that controls the muscles of the throat and tongue, derived after the area of ​​the fingers, hand and arm; the trunk area is the top, and the legs and feet are after, in the middle of the hemisphere line.

Parietal lobe

This is where the sensitivity zone of the skin, muscles, and joints is located. Impulses from the skin receptors of the arms, legs, and torso on the right go to the left hemisphere. If this area is damaged, sensitivity in some parts of the skin is impaired, and the ability to identify objects by touch occurs. The sense of touch is lost, the perception of temperature and pain in the right extremities, as well as the torso on the right, changes.

The premotor cortex is responsible for motor learning and movement precision. It is in the anterior part of the cortex, corresponding to the motor opening, that Broca's area is located, which is associated with the tongue. The premotor area is more active than the rest of the brain, considered movement, without running. If it is completed, the engine area is also active. The premotor area appears to be the area that largely controls the sequence of actions on both sides.

Practicing piano, tennis or golf involves fine-tuning the premotor region - especially the left one, which specializes mainly in sequential series. It depends on the cerebral cortex, so overall coordination of motor skills, maintaining balance and posture. The cerebellum makes up about 10% of the total brain weight and contains more neurons than the two hemispheres.

Temporal lobe

The auditory zone is responsible for hearing and vestibular sensitivity. When the zone on the left is destroyed, deafness occurs with right side, and the ability to hear in the left ear sharply decreases, movements become imprecise, and staggering occurs when walking (see). Nearby is the auditory speech center, thanks to which people understand the addressed speech and hear their own.

Cerebral cortex and cerebral lobes

The axis formed by the anterior pituitary gland and hypothalamus is responsible for the self-regulation of the internal functioning of the body. The homeostatic functions of the body are controlled automatically. In the brain, there is a noticeable difference between the so-called gray matter and the white matter, which is made up of fibers that connect neurons. The gray matter of the brain, the cerebral cortex, and the cell body is made up of two types of cells: glial cells, also called neuroglia, and neurons.

The human cerebral cortex is a thin material ranging from 1 to 4 mm in thickness and has a layered structure consisting of six layers of different types of nerve cell bodies. Perpendicular to the layers, there are large neurons called pyramidal neurons, which connect the different layers to each other and represent approximately 85% of the neurons in the cortex. Pyramidal neurons are interconnected through excitatory connections, and the network is thought to be the “skeleton” of cortical organization.

The area of ​​taste and smell works together with the stomach, intestines, kidneys, bladder, and reproductive system.

Occipital lobe – visual area

The visual fibers at the base of the brain also cross, as do the auditory fibers. Thus, impulses from both retinas of the eyes go to the visual part of the left hemisphere. Therefore, if this zone is damaged, complete blindness does not occur, but only half of the retina on the left is affected.

They can receive input from thousands of other neurons and can transmit signals on the order of centimeters and across multiple layers of the cerebral cortex. Research shows that each pyramidal cell has almost as many connections with other pyramidal cells as the number of its synapses; This means that a neuron is nothing more than a small number of synapses from any other neurons in the cortex.

The different parts of the cerebral cortex are divided into four regions called lobes, each of which has different and specialized functions. The lobes of the brain are designated by the names of the cranial bones in their surroundings and overlap them. The frontal lobe is located in the forehead area; occipital lobe in the neck area; parietal lobe, at the top of the head; and temporal lobes on the sides of the areas of the head, above the ears.

The occipital part of the brain is also responsible for the visual speech center, the ability to recognize written letters and words, so people can read text. The picture shows the parts of the brain responsible for behavior, memory, hearing, and touch.

The difference between the left hemisphere and the right

As has already become clear, both hemispheres have speech, visual, auditory and other zones. So what is the difference between them? Is it only in control over the opposite halves of the body? Of course not!

Features of the left hemisphere:

  1. Logic, analysis, thinking.
  2. Numbers, mathematics, calculation.
  3. Step-by-step solutions to complex problems.
  4. The ability to understand literally.
  5. Clear facts, arguments, without unnecessary information.
  6. Teaching foreign languages, the ability to control speech.

All about functions, disorders and their consequences.

It is useful to know what it is: its role in the human body, signs of dysfunction.

Everything about: from anatomy to diseases.

What is the right hemisphere of the brain responsible for?

  1. Intuition, imagination, emotions.
  2. Perception, musicality, artistry.
  3. Fantasy, bright colors, the ability to dream.
  4. Creating an image from a description, a passion for mysticism and riddles.

How to determine the dominant hemisphere?

They say that right-handers have a more developed left hemisphere, and left-handers have the opposite. This is not entirely true. A person can write with his left hand, but be a born mathematician, skeptic, logician and analyst, not at all interested in painting, music, and at the same time not believe in mysticism. In fact, it is difficult to say which hemisphere is dominant, since both of them work when required.

Cerebral hemispheres

The brain controls all activities of the central nervous system. Until now, it has been poorly studied and is fraught with many mysteries for scientists. Many of us know from our school biology course that our brain has two hemispheres, each of which performs its own functions. Next, we will look at what exactly they are responsible for, and will dwell in more detail on the right hemisphere of the brain.

Let's start by looking at what the left hemisphere is responsible for. The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for things related to logic. His activities are related to verbal communication, memory, handling numbers, facts, and abstract thinking. When processing experience, it analyzes, classifies, systematizes what happened and, on the basis of this, makes a general conclusion. The left side of the brain is a good helper where analytical thinking is required, you need to establish the cause of an event and its consequence. It allows you to engage in activities in stages, gradually moving from one point of the plan to another. Thanks to it, we perceive the meaning of what is said literally. People with a developed left hemisphere have good language abilities and usually know several foreign languages. The left hemisphere controls the right half of the body.

Functions of the right hemisphere

Below we will look at what the right hemisphere of our brain is responsible for.

  1. processing of nonverbal information. The right hemisphere of the brain processes signals that come to us in the form of symbols, images, gestures, signs, sounds, colors and other means. The definitions of objects in this case are fused with their essence, and do not simply designate them;
  2. aptitude for art. Musical and artistic abilities are also associated with the work of the right half. This also includes abilities in other areas. creative activity(dancing, modeling, etc.). Thanks to the right hemisphere, we can perceive and enjoy music, paintings, dance numbers and other works of art. Moreover, those people for whom it is well developed can not only react emotionally to the masterpieces of other people, but also create their own;
  3. orientation in space. The right hemisphere of the brain helps us determine our location relative to other objects, as well as the distance to these objects. All this helps us not to get lost in an unfamiliar city, to get to our destination;
  4. perception of metaphors. Due to the work of the right side of the brain, we are able to understand the allegorical meaning of words, which helps us in interacting with people around us. Thanks to her, we grasp the meaning of set expressions, proverbs and sayings. This also includes a sense of humor, the ability to laugh at a joke;
  5. imagination. The right side of the brain allows us to make up our own stories. We can create the most incredible plot twists and mental images that are far from our real experience. One example of such image generation is dreams. Another example: dreams and fantasies;
  6. emotions. Emotions are closely related to the right hemisphere. Thanks to its work, we can emotionally perceive current events and recognize emotional signals from other people. We can understand the hidden reasons for other people's actions, which helps in establishing contacts and protects us from possible dangers, because makes you feel deceived;
  7. simultaneous processing of multiple blocks of information. The right hemisphere works with a lot of information simultaneously. It perceives information as a whole. This comprehensive perception allows you to effectively solve problems. This can be compared to seeing the plan of the city as a whole, and not to moving from house to house. With this type of processing, solving a problem can look like an intuitive insight;
  8. face recognition. The work of the right side of the brain allows us to recognize faces, recognize our acquaintances;
  9. The left half of the body is subordinate to the right hemisphere.

The principle of how the hemispheres of the brain work is especially noticeable when observing a person who has had one of them removed. People who have had the right half of their brain removed have difficulty navigating even a small area and need help to get to their destination. Such a person takes everything said literally, because... cannot perceive the allegorical meaning of words. He does not react to other people's emotions and appears unemotional himself. He can't enjoy musical works. However, the regenerative abilities of our body are such that subsequently the remaining half takes on part of the functions of the removed one. This is especially true in cases where the operation was performed in childhood.

Which half is dominant?

Which of the two hemispheres is dominant? Previously, scientists believed that the left. However, it is now known that the left and right hemispheres of our brain work together, and the dominance of one of them is associated with the nature of a particular person. You're probably wondering which hemisphere is dominant for you. To determine this, you can take special tests. You can also analyze what types of activities you are better at and what you are capable of. In order for the hemispheres of the brain to work harmoniously, it is useful to perform special exercises that increase the potential of the weaker one.

During childhood, the right side of the brain is more active. We perceive the world through images. However, our entire education system and our lifestyle develop the functions of the left. Thus, the right hemisphere is often inactive, its functions do not receive proper development and it gradually loses its potential. This imbalance has a negative impact on our lives in the future.

The ability to achieve great success thanks to the harmonious work of the hemispheres is shown to us by examples of brilliant people. For example, Leonardo da Vinci was excellent with both hands. It is known that he was not only an excellent artist and sculptor, but also a scientist. The work of the hemispheres of his brain was harmonious. Their development was uniform, thanks to which he was able to create discoveries and inventions that change the life of not only a particular person, but also society as a whole.

What will the development of the right hemisphere give us?

Drawing a general conclusion, we note that the activity of the left side of the brain is associated with processing previous experience and generating decisions based on it. However, we all know that it is impossible to create something new, guided only by previous experience. The right half of the brain goes beyond experience, creates something that did not exist. It gives us a holistic perception of information, rather than getting bogged down in details. Taking a holistic view of a problem allows us to create a solution that would not be possible if we focused only on part of it.

Of course, thanks to the development of the right hemisphere, you will advance far in the field of communication, you will better understand the desires and motives of other people. This will improve your relationships at home and at work. You will be able to easily establish contacts with people and access a person’s inner world.

The activity of the right hemisphere allows you to effectively solve emerging problems in your personal and professional life, and find your place in a changing world.

Thanks to the coordinated activity of both hemispheres, life becomes harmonious.