Square meter conditions for participation. TV repair: what awaits you and how to get into the program

To be “taken on”, write a “school essay” and be prepared to fork out the cash.

TV repair: what awaits you and how to get into the program Panchenko Alex //smm.ollcdn.net/img/article/1609/17_main.jpg //smm.ollcdn.net/img/article/1609/17_tn.jpg 2009-05-22T07:30:11+03:00 Ukraine To “take on the program”, write “ school essay” and be prepared to shell out some cash.

Over the past five years, television has created huge amount construction programs promising the astonished viewer to renovate his apartment “for nothing.” “Today” decided to find out how they differ from each other and whether free cheese is not only in a mousetrap.

We have only two domestically produced construction gears. This is “Square Meter”, headed by Anton Sereda, and the deceased and again resurrected “Korysna Ploshcha” (will be aired again in June-September this year) with the host Taras Shpyra. All other projects: “Repair School” (the apartment is put in order in just 72 hours), “Save the Renovation!” (the program is taken only for those cases where people cannot complete repairs for years), “Housing Issue” (detailed emphasis on the repair mechanism) is Russian-made, purchased for showing by our channels. Therefore, you should not write tearful messages (the entire Internet is literally replete with them) to their address. No one will hear your cries for help - the transmissions carry out repairs only in Russia.

Repair is a delicate matter. You have to work hard for the results

The main feature of “Square Meter” (Inter TV channel) is that the characters in the program themselves approve the room renovation project. Moreover, everything is coordinated down to the smallest details. In addition, TV viewers can always call the program and get professional advice from designers. A room (for some reason many people believe that TV people finish finishing the entire apartment, but this is not so - they only do one room) is rented out "turnkey" in 3-4 weeks. According to Sereda, now the program is gradually moving away from the concept of a “repair program” and becoming “ family project", which includes space for anti-crisis advice, master classes from designers and educational visits to celebrities.

But the goal of "Korisna Square" ( New channel) is not to stun the viewer with the spectacular transformation of a murdered little room into almost a royal mansion, but to show in detail and thoroughly how exactly this metamorphosis occurs. “We don’t get hung up, like many construction programs, on any one specific stage of repair,” project author Anastasia Zagranichnaya told Segodnya. “We try to pay as much attention as possible to each process - from the creation of the project by the designer, the purchase of building materials, the technology of their use and ending with advice on choosing stylish accessories so that the viewer can then independently apply all this knowledge in practice.”


As it turned out, it is quite easy for a Ukrainian to get into a construction program if he approaches the matter with imagination. First you need to go to the corresponding websites: www.metr.tv ("Square Meter") and www.proremont.tv ("Korysna Ploshcha") and fill out the application forms there. In addition to the standard columns (full name, address, marital status, education, profession, family composition), there are also special ones (story about the family, readiness to leave the apartment, personal wishes and photos of the room) that deserve special attention.

"I will reveal to you little secret, which concerns not only our program,” said producer of “Korisna Square” Dmitry Turchinsky. - We are faced with the fact that people fill out questionnaires, like a declaration at customs - the answers are dry, limited only to the words “yes” or “no”. If you want to get on TV, you need to tell as many interesting things about yourself as possible, about your hobbies, bring interesting stories from your life. Write us an essay! This significantly increases your chances of appearing on our program as a participant."


Anton: almost strangled. Dmitry: there was one conflict

The creators of our repair programs talk about who pays for what and how they hide repairs from the owners.

Is the transfer of all repairs done at the expense of sponsor-manufacturers from the construction products industry, or do customers still have to pay for something out of their own pocket?

Anton Sereda (host of the "Square Meter" program): There are production costs that are included in the program budget in advance. There is a sponsorship package filled with almost everything - from faucets to curtains. Then everything is free for the heroes. Well, if someone wants gold toilets or quartz window sills, the heroes have to buy them themselves. All delights are at their expense, unless there is a sponsor for them.

Dmitry Turchinsky (producer of “Korisna Square”): I won’t lie, as if repairs are completely free for our participants. Of course, sponsors bear most of the costs. But, as a rule, initially the apartments of our participants present a deplorable sight: uneven walls, collapsed ceilings, the restoration of which requires a lot of money to be “killed.” Therefore, in order to put the premises in order, we inform the owners how much money will be needed for this. As a rule, this is up to 20% of the total cost of work and materials. However, we often do repairs completely free of charge.

- Do you often have to deal with the dissatisfaction of those for whom you have done repairs?

A.S.: Almost none. To begin with, we make a 3D model, so that participants can see everything: right down to the color of the wallpaper and baseboards. Where more problems It is not our heroes who deliver, but their neighbors. For example, one mentally ill guy, out of the blue, attacked me and tried to strangle me. The administrator and operator barely tore him away from my neck. However, most neighbors react well, because after 19.00 we finish all work.

D.T.: During the existence of the program, we encountered only one case of dissatisfaction. The designer “did not hear” the wishes of the owners and a conflict arose. Fortunately, we were able to part ways peacefully - without offense or lawsuits.

- How does the process of turning an apartment into a “dream” happen? How many people are involved?

A.S.: We have two film crews. We are filming eight construction sites at the same time! Each has two of our “slants”. Plus a creative team of seven people.

- Do the participants in the program really see only the final repair or is this just a beautiful legend?

A.S.: This is not a legend - it is a necessity. Man is designed in such a way that he always tries to take the initiative into his own hands. If a participant begins to give advice or tries to spy on how the renovation is progressing, we can simply refuse him further cooperation. We try to ensure that the owners move out of the apartment during the renovation. And if they live in another room, then at night we cover the room with a colored film that cannot be opened.


Spiderman fan. Seryozha lives now, almost like in a comic book

“When my Seryozhka was still very small, I didn’t see the point in doing anything in the children’s room,” world boxing champion Alina Shaternikova admitted to Segodnya. “My child is super active and emotional, so all sorts of floral wallpaper or curtains with frilly stuff is not for him. Only when he turned five, I decided that it was time to “upgrade” (that is, update. - Author) I contacted the guys from “Korisnaya Ploshcha”, they responded willingly. We consulted with the child, and he firmly said that he wanted a room in the style of Spider-Man (the comic book and films of the same name - Author), of which he is a devoted fan.

No sooner said than done. The whole family, with all our belongings, moved to live with my mother, leaving the apartment at the complete disposal of the builders for four weeks. Later they asked me if it was scary to trust your apartments to completely strangers with chisels and hammer drills at the ready. Not scary. I'm a born adventurer - I love to experiment. Besides, I didn’t have to control everything: look for building materials, a repair crew, quarrel with them and look for a new one. In general, everything suited me. And when I saw the end result... It was something! At first, Seryozhka simply fell into a daze of happiness. This whole web of ropes, frames with a Spiderman figurine, a closet-elevator rushing into the heights of a skyscraper - you can be stunned!

What is important is that any repair is always an inconvenience for the neighbors. But we did everything so as not to disturb them. I even hung up a notice in the entrance: “Sorry to bother you - we are undergoing major renovations.”


Mansions. It's hard to believe that there was a "killed" room here

“My apartment hasn’t been renovated for 22 years,” singer Elena Slobodyanik told Segodnya. “All my life I taught vocals in a bandura choir and, as you understand, I didn’t earn millions there. Roughly speaking, there was barely enough money to live on - only for the most necessary things. Therefore, when one of my students decided to give me a repair from the “Square Meter” program for my birthday, I didn’t think for a second whether to agree to it or not. I just took it and decided: “It’s still worse than it is. , it can’t be anymore.” And she agreed.

For almost two and a half months, my granddaughters and I sat in our second room without leaving. We didn’t even have the slightest idea how everything was progressing there and what was going on between the designer and the builders. But despite our ignorance, the guys from the construction brigade and I practically became close: of course, we drank so much tea together in the kitchen! And when I was finally invited into the room, at first I was simply speechless with delight - I simply couldn’t believe that this was my very room! And the first words that I was able to utter were: “My God, this is not a renovation - this is a work of art.” True, unfortunately, not all of my neighbors to whom I showed my new abode liked the result. Most, like me, were delighted, but there were also those who said: “Oh, what is this? Well, who does repairs like that?! Why all these candles in the niches?” Well, there is no arguing about tastes. Personally, I really like it - I spend all my time in this room, and I absolutely don’t want to leave it.”


Tastefully. This is what Vlad Yama's room looks like after the TV renovation

“I called the guys in the program myself and offered to do some repairs for me,” he confessed to us his entrepreneurial spirit. famous dancer Vlad Yama. - So to speak, I decided to make my fate easier. Moreover, I did not risk anything: the guys from “Korisna Square” in their creative impulse, even if they wanted to “harm”, they could not. And what harm is there - the condition of the apartment was, as they say, remotely suitable for living. In general, I ordered the design of a studio room, in which, if desired, you can work and relax. The only thing I asked the designers to do was to “dance” from the tiles that my girlfriend Liliana and I chose together, even when we thought that we would do the renovation ourselves. This mother-of-pearl tile really stuck with us, so we didn’t want to give it up. The program met us halfway in this regard. And I myself bought a plasma TV and furniture too (the program budget does not provide for the purchase of expensive furniture and equipment. - Author)

I also took part in the design of the wardrobe. I wanted everything in my studio to feel light, graceful and moving. That's why we decorated the doors with silhouettes of dancing couples. This is where my intervention in the repair ended. I had no idea how it would end up or if I would like what I saw.

For four weeks the TV experts were engaged in construction “alchemy”, and I was terribly worried, worried and terribly wanted to “spy” how everything was happening. But when I entered the studio, I realized: “It seems that I finally have my own home. Liliana and I were very pleased.”


Irina Muravyova’s husband: “We were just in shock”

Every coin has two sides. We also found those who were dissatisfied with cooperation with construction projects. Thus, singer Vitaly Kozlovsky told “Today” the following: “The show “Korysna Ploshcha” approached me with a proposal for renovation. I agreed. They began to discuss the design... and could not find agreement. They constantly offered me something terribly expensive. for example, stained glass windows, which I didn’t need at all. In general, this whole story lasted three months, and then they simply refused, citing the fact that they could not satisfy my “high” demands.”

In response to this, program designer Anastasia Zadorozhnaya said that Vitalik himself chose an expensive style, into which cheap things simply do not fit. “The customer purchases all the delights at his own expense, but Vitalik was not going to do this,” she told us. “And since he was also trying to “conduct” the whole process, the decision was made to refuse cooperation.”

Actress Irina Muravyova, who was disappointed by the Russian “Housing Issue,” was also unlucky with the renovation. “I wanted the program to make us a kitchen in the Russian style and with a fireplace,” says Irina Vadimovna. "We handed over the family heirloom - fireplace tiles made in Dutch ovens in 1902 to the designers of the transfer with ready-made sketch fireplace,” adds her husband Leonid. As a result, when the couple returned home after 5 weeks, they couldn’t believe their eyes: “Our kitchen was turned into a life-threatening closet. Instead of a fireplace, we got a dummy that blocked half of the kitchen. My priceless tiles were simply stuck on the walls mixed with four other types of tiles,” Leonid is indignant. Moreover, after the renovation, all the electrical wiring in the apartment burned out.

Read the most important and interesting news on our pages

  • how to become a participant in the program,
  • how much does it cost to participate and
  • how the NTV "Housing Question" team works.
  • there will be a little background
  • there will be a video
  • There will be a video about how our cat reacted to the renovation.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, at the end you will find out - What exactly inspired the designers for our interior!!!

I'll say right away that it was perfume...


NTV's "Housing Problem" is the same age as our apartment renovation.

In our apartment we did everything ourselves - we laid the floors, installed the doors and installed the kitchen, cut holes for the stove and sink. The electrics were connected and the balcony was insulated and everything else - I wouldn’t have sent an application then :) Then my old one new home raised TYK who cares.

But it was either laziness, or I don’t even know what. ...

When I read earlier in the comments to various programs - why the program does not make repairs for those in need, I wonder if those who need this program wrote. And did they try to create beauty around themselves? And this is possible even when there is nothing. I remember mine communal apartment, for 4 families. In the refrigerator in the freezer....nettle. They made meatballs from it in winter. The jars contain not cucumbers, but dandelion buds. Stewed quinoa and burdock petioles. And the cutlets... are from the dream. Instead of cabinets there are inverted army container boxes. Which I somehow tried to “decorate”....that was a long time ago. And it doesn’t seem true to me anymore.


1. Filled out an application on the website housing issue- detailed answers to everyone who lives in the apartment. Where they work, who they work for, where they study. Do they have academic degrees?

I attached a video to the application where I walk around and show our apartment.

I gave myself 2 tries. I decided that if the first application did not go through, I would send a second one.

2. An automatic response immediately came that the application had been received.

3. The next day they called me and invited everyone living in the apartment for an interview.

4. My husband and I arrived together. The daughter said that she didn’t really want to act. And for about 45 minutes they told the camera why we decided to do the renovation, how we see this renovation. And they answered questions about where we met and just about family. We didn't pay attention to the camera and told it like it was.

I decided that there was no point in inventing anything. We are not artists. And if we make it up, then, in principle, it will be understandable. This is not the first year they have been communicating with people.

5. We were told that they would call us after approval.

6. We called to find out if our parents would be able to come to the shooting. In our family history, we have a lot of communication with our parents. They were surprised that we help parents learn something new. For example, my mother started skiing at the age of 73 - it was her dream. And my husband said, if mom wants it, we don’t owe her help in realizing her dream. And he helped - he taught her and she moved down the mountain herself, but from the other half they moved down together. Still the Alps. I took my husband’s mother by the hand to driving school when she retired and fell into depression. In general, there are many such examples and probably the producers decided to put an emphasis on this - to bring the whole family together.

We wanted to renovate the kitchen. But I thought it would be difficult for my parents to come, so I said that we could only communicate with them via Skype.

7. And this was a strategic mistake :) Because NTV’s Housing Issue decided that in this case it would be better for us to make a bedroom.

Our bedroom was like a bedroom. Normal. Okay, bedroom, then bedroom.

8. A month later they called us and said that we had been approved and that they had set up a meeting with the designers.

9. The designers and producer arrived at the apartment without a camera. For the first time, designers participated in the NTV Housing Issue program. They were worried. And we tried to figure out how we see the interior of the bedroom. Since we didn’t plan to renovate the bedroom at all. Therefore, it was difficult for me to explain what I would like. Except that I wanted a white bedroom.

10. The designers went to do the project

11. After 3 weeks they called us and said that our designers’ project had been approved and that filming was about to begin.

12. Everyone was polite and attentive, as everyone was interested.

14. We were asked to send photos from the family album and, most importantly, write 7 activities that EACH family member usually does. Well, of course, it’s not the husband lying on the sofa, the wife washing the dishes. It should be ordinary and interesting. I realized that at first glance I wasn’t doing anything at all, although my friends say that we are constantly busy. I just didn’t notice how things were going. This is life in general :)

For some reason, the producers especially liked my passion for medicinal herbs.

15. The shooting day is set.

A film crew of 3 people arrived and a journalist asked questions.

We withdrew our cases. It took a day.

16. The main shooting day is scheduled in a week. With the presenter.

Then we left the apartment for 4 hours. And at this time the designers were filmed, they talked about their projects. In the evening we returned to our apartment.

17. We received a call from a girl who is busy packing the apartment, so to speak - she told us that we must remove all their bedrooms, closets and hall, that is, the hallway. We had a work office there. There were a lot of things. And we must cover the rest of the apartment with film. EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING: floors, doors, furniture. And also remove everything from the walls. I’ll probably post a video on the Internet of what the apartment was like... I was scared :)

18. On the day of departure, we loaded everything into the ordered gazelle and left for the dacha for 3 months.

19. The next time we arrived at our apartment on the day of the final shooting.

20. 2 months after our expulsion - this is the term they call the waiting period :) we were invited to a master class on painting one of the items of our future interior.

21. FINAL day of shooting.

Until that day, I didn’t think about the apartment at all. Our family and friends - they remembered her more :)

The designers were filmed first. We arrived only in the evening. This day was very tiring according to expectations.

And so we entered our room.

Let me tell you that throughout the entire filming, no one told us that we had to express anything in any way. They said - express what you think, what is being expressed.

IMPORTANT! Nuances you need to know about

1. The repair may not at all meet your expectations. You need to understand this and be prepared for it. If you are not ready, do not fill out the application, do not see the fact that the main thing is a freebie. No, because you will pay for it with your emotions. And this is expensive. We understood this immediately.

1. There was no transfer of the apartment - that is, they just rented it and ran away. And where is the wiring, where are other communications? I actually want to know where not to hammer a nail. I sent a request and called many times. We were very surprised that no one had ever asked this. And they never sent it. We just found the telephone number of the foreman who was responsible for this along the chain and he told us.

2. When the heating was turned on, our battery leaked. My husband immediately said that it would leak - that’s why we kept an eye on it - we came and did it. But after our numerous calls.

We filmed our friends' reactions to our renovation. It was fun!

By the way, NTV really liked this idea; in their next releases, they included filming of the guests of the program’s heroes in the release itself. Eh, I had to make money on the idea :))).

And here’s how our cat reacted to the repairs:) I tried to enter three times

Watch the video:

Thank you for reading the review :) I hope it will be useful if you decide to take part in the Housing Question program on NTV, you will know what is there and how.

Oh, I didn’t answer one question :) Repairs are done free of charge. That is, the participant does not pay anything. Just buys film to wrap an apartment, which costs about 5 thousand rubles. Well, the usual hospitality is to prepare a snack for the film crew.

When the designers asked me what our bedroom should be like, I handed them a bottle of my favorite perfume... . And it was this scent, as the producers say, that greatly inspired the designers to create an interior for us.

People often encounter repair work, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly and efficiently.

Do the exterior and interior decoration of the house, change the design of the apartment and its layout - all this can be done with your own hands. TV conversion, the official website will definitely help with this.

What is a TV conversion site?

The official website of peredelka tv is an excellent repair assistant for people who wish to carry out repair work in their home themselves.

The site presents not only master classes by professionals in various fields, but also episodes of two well-known television programs: transfer of housing issueand a dacha answer.

Thanks to the work of the masters, the homes and cottages of the show participants are transformed into real works of art.

Anyone can familiarize themselves with useful tips in the field of the following types of repair work: roof repair, facade repair, thermal insulation, waterproofing and foundation laying. Each tip is accompanied by sequential instructions and a photo report. This will allow a person to better understand important issues masters

What TV programs is the TV remake website based on?

The bulk of the tips and videos posted on the site are the works of directors of two television projects:

  • housing problem - a TV show about renovations, showing the viewer how you can transform an apartment or house beyond recognition with your own hands;
  • dacha answer - a program showing how famous masters transform the dachas of the show participants.

Each of the programs has high ratings on television. But people don't have much free time and often have to skip them.

You can now view this or that episode, missed for various reasons, by going to the page peredelaka ru official website. All episodes of the TV shows Dacha Answer and Housing Question will be posted on this page.

Viewers of the show can watch their favorite episodes several times. The site also features an online store where people can purchase various decorative items used in each episode of the show.

What TV channels show these programs?

TV projects dacha answer andhousing issue on NTVchannel airs on weekends. The first one can be seen on Saturday, and the second one on Sunday. Every week, talented architects and designers work on the homes of the project participants. They transform their houses, apartments and dachas beyond recognition. These shows are very popular on Russian television. Latest issue The housing issue project is posted on the website.

Similar projects of the first channel, created with the support of the site, were “School of Repair”, “Fazenda” and “Ideal Repair”. Every viewer who wants to start making repairs in their apartment can watch the housing issue on NTV and gain some skills in this matter.

TV project “Housing Issue”

The “Housing Issue” program is published weekly and shows viewers new ideas from professional builders, architects and designers. The Housing Issue is a unique project that makes people’s dreams come true and turns their homes into cozy and stylish spaces. Each issue is dedicated to the renovation of one of the rooms of the project participants.

The main goal of the program is to show the viewer how to quickly and efficiently make repairs with your own hands. In a housing project, the kitchen, living room, bedroom or other room can be remodeled.

Many people cannot remodel their apartment on their own. comfortable room. For this reason they turn to this show . It’s easy to become a participant in the program - you just need to go toofficial websitetransfershousing issue on NTVand apply for participation. Those wishing to apply must first fill out a form and add a few photographs of the room in need of renovation.

Important! In addition, the application can be sent to: [email protected].

TV show “Dachny answer”

Every Sunday, the NTV channel delights the viewer with a demonstration of a unique and useful show “Dachny Answer”.

Various people turn to the project for help who want to change their dacha, but do not know how, or cannot due to lack of material resources. Anyone can apply to participate in the project.

To do this, you need to go to the official website of the dacha answer project in the application for participation tab. Having filled out the proposed questionnaire, as well as attaching a photo of the dacha, casting participants can send an application and expect results. You can also send your application to the project mailbox.

Cost of participation in projects

People become participants in projects completely free of charge. The organizers of the program themselves choose the people who become them. In order to become one of these lucky ones, you need to fill out a form on the official TV conversion website. Restrictions for participants are:

  • the apartment or house should be located no further than 50 km. from MKAD;
  • all communications must be connected in the house;
  • show participants will have to leave their homes for 2 - 2.5 months.

Housing Issues in Contact daily posts new advice from experts and video TV programs. The dacha answer and the housing question on VK allow a person to constantly stay up to date with all the news from the TV show. The most interesting design solutions are published on this page.

Useful video: release of the housing issue

Programs about apartment renovation on TV are a unique opportunity for people not only to get important tips on repairs, but also the opportunity to become participants in a TV show and the owner of high-quality repairs.

What Russian doesn't like free repairs! Especially if it gives you the opportunity to show yourself on TV. To do this, you need to come to the “Dachny Answer” program. How to become a participant, how much it costs - everyone who wants to find a cozy house in the village should know all these nuances.

Brief information about the show

Several years of convincing success of the “Housing Question” program pushed the management of NTV to the idea of ​​​​creating a similar project dedicated to country estates Muscovites. The program was called “Dachny Answer” and was released at the end of 2008.

Today it is a popular Sunday hour-long show, which consists of the following parts:

  • First, the film crew introduces the audience to the main characters - the dacha and its inhabitants. This is a backstory that shows the condition of the house before renovations were carried out according to the original design project;
  • Now comes the time for the actual reconstruction. Modern materials and technologies that will be the highlight of the estate are described in detail. Every stage of repair is covered;
  • Attention is turned back to the home owner's family. The presenters inquire about the wishes of the builders and the designer;
  • Shows the final finish. The designer decorates a certain piece of furniture with his own hands. It is assumed that viewers can replicate his actions at home;
  • The owners are invited to the rebuilt dacha and given souvenirs from the NTV company.

How to get to “Dachny Otvet” on NTV?

Competition for participation in the program very tall: According to representatives of the TV channel, several hundred applications are received per day. However, most of them have to be eliminated because The selection criteria are very strict:

  • Only people can count on free home redesign owners of estates near Moscow . The transfer team will not come to the deep provinces;
  • It is necessary to have an interesting family history, worthy of occupying several tens of minutes of airtime. The presence of photographs, medals and other evidence will be additional arguments in favor of the contestants;
  • Family members must look good on screen. The selection is not only based on appearance, but also on the ability to move correctly;
  • Ability to communicate with people, resistance to stress and a sense of humor. The presence of all these qualities is checked during a personal conversation with candidates;
  • Provision of all necessary communications, such as sewerage, heating, electricity. The latter has special requirements: the network must withstand 5 kW of power;
  • Availability of free housing for temporary residence: to carry out major reconstruction, you will need to leave the dacha for 60-70 days.

Legal side of the issue

All transformations that will occur with the estate in the event of participation in the transfer fall under Chapter 4 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “Rearrangement and redevelopment of residential premises.”

To carry out reconstruction or redevelopment the owner will need to present such documents:

  • Application for work;
  • Papers confirming ownership of real estate;
  • Technical passport;
  • Written consent of all persons permanently residing with the owners, as well as the tenant of the residential premises (if there is one) and members of his family;
  • A document confirming the positive decision of the body for the protection of architectural heritage (if required).

For consideration of the application government agencies 45 days are allotted. Once a decision has been made, it will be communicated to the applicant within three working days.

In case of refusal, the authorities are obliged to indicate the reason for such a decision (most often it is failure to provide the necessary papers or lack of grounds for reorganization).

Service cost

For carrying out redevelopment to the owners of the dacha you won't have to pay a penny. However, we cannot exclude the possibility of other expenses and risks:

  • If housing is the only one, then it is necessary to take into account the cost of living in rented housing. Two months of repairs will cost the family 80-100 thousand rubles (subject to renting a two-room Moscow apartment);
  • The vision of an invited designer may seem too bold to the home owner. Remodeling the entire room or its individual elements can cost from several tens to hundreds of thousands of rubles;
  • A risk that is rather theoretical. A television company may mistakenly carry out work that violates someone's property rights or current legislation. The burden of returning the premises to its original condition will be placed on the homeowners. Subsequently, expenses can be judicial procedure recover from the culprits, but this is time, and time is money.

In all other respects, there is no need to worry: participation in the program promises continuous advantages. Free repairs can increase the value of a property by 20%. The resulting value can be obtained by selling the dacha.

"Dacha Answer": take part

Candidates for participation in the show will have to tell the following details about themselves and their home:

  1. Personal data (full name, age, etc.) of the applicant;
  2. Method of use of residential premises (for seasonal or permanent residence);
  3. Owner real estate(in whose name the state registration certificate is issued);
  4. Availability of legal encumbrances (lease, mortgage, shared ownership);
  5. Persons permanently residing in the house;
  6. Temporary residents;
  7. Description of the location of the house (distance from the Moscow Ring Road, nature of the road surface, availability of an access road);
  8. Date of construction of housing;
  9. Technical characteristics: total living area, ceiling height, availability of auxiliary premises;
  10. Level of physical wear and tear (can be found in technical passport for real estate), the nature of the decoration, the level of furnishings;
  11. Provision of public services;
  12. It is also worth indicating exactly which rooms are allowed to be converted (total footage up to 35 m2).

NTV company gives a “Dachny answer” to every housing question. How to become a member, how much it costs and other questions can be found on the website. There is no fee to participate in the program, but to get into it, you must meet strict criteria. Only ideal families With beautiful story living in the near Moscow region have real chance get on TV.

That I submitted an application and received an automatic response “application under consideration.” And two weeks ago, when my children and I were walking on the set in pitch darkness at 5 p.m., I received a letter inviting me to a casting in a week.

To say that I was happy is to say nothing, because no one from my family believed that this was possible and they slowly began to convince me that it doesn’t happen that you send an application for participation in a program where repairs cost an average of 1. 5 million, and you are chosen. We haven't been chosen yet, but there's a chance! All week we completed the task from the invitation letter. We scrubbed the apartment and photographed all the corners, while at the same time rehearsing in the evenings at family dinners what we would tell about ourselves (this is a mandatory item - a story from all family members for 15 minutes). Dashulya and I repeated several songs on English, if I need to sing, I remembered how the “Live Interviews” project was born, how I actively volunteered at the Mother’s Right Foundation, cooked Bouf Boguignon in the kitchen, and Tolya planned to tell the story of our acquaintance, and then about the wedding and his hobby ( music), gradually developing into something more - now he is often invited to film sets.

The invitation said that photographs of ALL rooms, baths, and corridors were needed. Tolya doubted it and suggested that I take a photo of the kitchen, just in case. Here a stupid argument arose, the result of which was my letter to the casting editor: “My husband and I had a question: is a photograph of the kitchen necessary? (It is not indicated in your instructions, but my husband is worried that maybe it is needed...)” To which the answer was: “Maria, the invitation says “photos of ALL rooms”)”

Hmm... the first bell that we tried hard to ignore. She asked Tolya: “Why do I have such an unpleasant aftertaste from her letter?” - "Because she didn't answer your question..."

I decided not to bother, otherwise they wouldn’t accept us for the program! I googled about this editor and found that the sweet Taram-param girl supports everyone, the heroes are happy. I found her accounts on FB and VK - not my person, it’s immediately obvious, but I’m not friends with her, so it doesn’t matter.

Last Wednesday the whole family went. Let me remind you: we have a 4-year-old daughter and a 4-month-old son. The invitation asked not to arrive in advance; our appointment was at 14:00. We arrived at 13:45 and started calling the editor - silence, then they hung up. It’s winter outside and we have a baby. We went inside, the security guard also called her, but she didn’t answer. The time is already 13:55. Some employee from "KV" comes out and the guard asks to pick us up, to which he says, "Let them through, they'll get up on their own." We went up to the 2nd floor. We went into the casting room ourselves. A disheveled young lady editor flies in. “Oh, how did they let you through?!” Yes, we are like that:) everyone always lets us pass everywhere:))) “Oh, and you also came with a prohibited train?!... And you arrived so early! Well, okay, will 10 minutes be enough for you to undress? I’ll come over Later "

When I heard “prohibited ingredients,” as a nursing mother, my eyes immediately became bloodshot and my fists clenched :))) Moreover, the invitation did not say that it was absolutely forbidden to bring children! Here it is verbatim: “It is important that ALL family members living in the house come, except for children under 6 years old (if the children are small, just take their photo with you). If someone is not there, the casting will not take place!”

That is, for me “it is important that everything... except...” does not mean a prohibition, but only a wish, and this idea is confirmed by the tone of the letter - if something is not allowed, the letter says “categorical requirement” and further, what is necessary/not allowed... Well, okay, I again attribute this to my love for children - I interpreted it in my favor, although honestly, I didn’t even think that I needed to come without them. It didn't occur to me! Nowadays children are allowed everywhere :)))

They left us two pieces of paper on the table with the conditions for participation. But if we were ready for the first requirement (it was stated twice in the invitation) - move out of apartment for 2 months, then the second one slightly shocked us - provide two rooms for equipment and overnight stay for 2 workers(“Oh, well, it’s not at all necessary that they will spend the night with you!” the editor babbled. “But you know, it’s even better if they do, otherwise we have a strange story here - the heroes left for Italy, the workers spent the night they leave, and come back in the morning - someone has thrown out the garbage and the kettle is hot!") Okay, we agreed...

Then she began to clarify, based on our application, what “brother’s room” and “grandmother’s room” meant. Well, some people still live under the illusion that in Moscow everyone must have a bedroom, a living room and a nursery, and not that the whole family lives in one room :)))

What a pity that we didn't know this before, would save time on the trip :)

Then I say, well, you can, as stated in the application - a room for a family. “We already have a similar application, it’s been hanging for about a year, not a single designer will take on this. You know, designers don’t like it when even in the living room they ask to make one sleeping place, but here is an incomprehensible room...” I sit and think “why have we been called?" The largest room (which is ours) is divided into two rooms by a plasterboard wall - we did this 4 years ago during renovations, when we were waiting for Dashulya. They thought "what cool idea! There will be both a bedroom and a nursery in one room!" Then we lived in this apartment in a huge crowd. But with the birth of Lenya, it became clear that we couldn’t fit in that room (including because of the wall). In general, our bedroom is there is not needed, because then there will be nowhere to place the children.

The editor suggested remodeling my brother's room, because... they only remodel rooms from 15 sq.m. At this point we became completely sad and said that we would think about it, although it was already clear that it was not suitable for us. For another five minutes they convinced us that we would grow up and the project would begin, and that’s good! After all after before we get filmed for casting, it may take 3 months before we are approved- so many families, SO many families they have! And no one cares what they do with their apartment, as long as KV comes and rents them. Regional State Administration. So we believed))) As in that saying - you told me and I believed, you repeated - I doubted, you began to insist - I realized that you were lying. They just told us about crowds of families 5 times, but that Wednesday we were alone, and it’s not the first day that we communicate with people to understand what’s what :)

Another important point that would be good to include in the invitation is room from the furniture you free yourself, and it (this furniture) needs to be taken somewhere. What I mean is that if you can stay with friends/relatives for 2 months, then the furniture would be better for the dacha, if you have one.

For another 10 minutes they transparently hinted to us that we were not incendiary, and so we should come on the next Wednesday without children, gather our courage and squeeze out all the fun out of ourselves for 15 minutes in front of the camera to satisfy the eyes and ears of the producer))) After all of the new information that fell upon us, the reproach that with the children, that it’s not really possible to choose a rework - to find out that you are also sad, ahem..... well, you know :))))))) who are we has known my husband and I for a long time, and will confirm that we are energetic, cheerful and sociable people! :) We are very creative people and we attract the same people to ourselves) Well, oh well...

We went home. I say: “This conversation gives me some kind of unpleasant aftertaste...” Tolya: “Yes... Well, that’s okay! We’ll do some cool renovations for ourselves!” And we smiled at each other :)

I'll write about the advantages this epic.

1. We washed the entire apartment until it was perfectly clean and threw out a bunch of junk.

2. We ordered a new window for the kitchen (even before the casting) and decided to renovate it (4 years ago we renovated everything except the kitchen and toilet).

3. We magically figured out how we can separate from my brother!!!