Essay on the topic “Beauty will save the world.” What to write - Unified State Exam school essay Will beauty save the world? SC on the topic beauty will save the world

“...what is beauty and why do people deify it? Is she a vessel in which there is emptiness, or a fire flickering in the vessel? This is what the poet N. Zabolotsky wrote in his poem “Beauty will save the world.” A catchphrase, included in the title, is known to almost every person. She probably touched her ears more than once beautiful women and girls, flying from the lips of men enchanted by their beauty.

This wonderful expression belongs to the famous Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky. In his novel “The Idiot,” the writer gives thoughts and thoughts about beauty and its essence to his hero, Prince Myshkin. The work does not indicate how Myshkin himself says that beauty will save the world. These words belong to him, but they sound indirectly: “Is it true, prince,” Ippolit asks Myshkin, “that the world will be saved by “beauty”? “Gentlemen,” he shouted loudly to everyone, “the prince says that the world will be saved by beauty!” Elsewhere in the novel, during the prince’s meeting with Aglaya, she tells him, as if warning: “Listen, once for all, if you talk about something like death penalty, or about economic condition Russia, or that “the world will be saved by beauty”, then... I, of course, will rejoice and laugh very much, but... I warn you in advance: don’t show yourself to me later! Listen: I'm serious! This time I’m really serious!”

How to understand the famous saying about beauty?

"Beauty will save the world." How's the statement? This question can be asked by a student of any age, regardless of the class in which he studies. And each parent will answer this question in a completely different way, absolutely individually. Because beauty is perceived and seen differently for everyone.

Everyone probably knows the saying that you can look at objects together, but see them completely differently. After reading Dostoevsky's novel, a feeling of some uncertainty about what beauty is is formed inside. “Beauty will save the world,” Dostoevsky pronounced these words on behalf of the hero as his own understanding of the way to save the fussy and mortal world. However, the author gives each reader the opportunity to answer this question independently. “Beauty” in the novel is presented as an unsolved mystery created by nature, and as a force that can drive you crazy. Prince Myshkin also sees the simplicity of beauty and its refined splendor; he says that in the world there are many things at every step so beautiful that even the most lost person can see their splendor. He asks you to look at the child, at the dawn, at the grass, into the loving eyes looking at you.... Indeed, it is difficult to imagine our modern world without mysterious and sudden natural phenomena, without the magnet-attracting gaze of a loved one, without the love of parents for children and children for parents.

What then is worth living and where to draw your strength?

How to imagine a world without this enchanting beauty of every moment of life? This is simply impossible. The existence of humanity is unthinkable without this. Almost every person, engaged in everyday work or any other burdensome task, has thought more than once that in the usual bustle of life, as if carelessly, almost without noticing, he missed something very important, did not have time to notice the beauty of the moments. Yet beauty has a certain divine origin; it expresses the true essence of the Creator, giving everyone the opportunity to join Him and be like Him.

Believers comprehend beauty through communication through prayer with the Lord, through contemplation of the world He created and through the improvement of their human essence. Of course, a Christian’s understanding and vision of beauty will differ from the usual ideas of people professing another religion. But somewhere between these ideological contradictions there is still that thin thread that connects everyone into one whole. In such divine unity there also lies the silent beauty of harmony.

Tolstoy about beauty

Beauty will save the world... Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy expressed his opinion on this matter in his work “War and Peace”. The writer mentally divides all phenomena and objects present in the world around us into two main categories: content or form. The division occurs depending on the greater predominance of these elements in the nature of objects and phenomena.

The writer does not give preference to phenomena and people with the presence of the main thing in them in the form of form. Therefore, in his novel he so clearly demonstrates his dislike for high society with its forever established norms and rules of life and his lack of sympathy for Helen Bezukhova, who, according to the text of the work, everyone considered to be unusually beautiful.

Society and public opinion do not have any influence on his personal attitude towards people and life. The writer looks at the content. This is important to his perception, and this is what awakens interest in his heart. He does not recognize the lack of movement and life in a shell of luxury, but he endlessly admires the imperfection of Natasha Rostova and the ugliness of Maria Bolkonskaya. Based on the opinion of the great writer, can we say that the world will be saved by beauty?

Lord Byron on the splendor of beauty

For another famous, however, Lord Byron, beauty is seen as a pernicious gift. He views her as capable of seducing, intoxicating and committing atrocities with a person. But this is not entirely true; beauty has a dual nature. And it is better for us, people, to notice not its destructiveness and deceit, but the life-giving force that can heal our heart, mind and body. Indeed, in many ways, our health and correct perception of the picture of the world develops as a result of our direct mental attitude to things.

And yet, will beauty save the world?

Our modern world, in which there are so many social contradictions and heterogeneity... A world in which there are rich and poor, healthy and sick, happy and unhappy, free and dependent... And that, despite all adversity, beauty will save the world? Maybe you are right. But beauty must be understood not literally, not as an external expression of bright natural individuality or grooming, but as an opportunity to make beautiful noble deeds, helping these other people, and how to look not at a person, but at his beautiful and rich in content inner world. Very often in our lives we pronounce the familiar words “beauty”, “beautiful”, or simply “beautiful”.

Beauty as an evaluative material for the surrounding world. How to understand: “Beauty will save the world” - what is the meaning of the statement?

All interpretations of the word "beauty", which is the original source for other words derived from it, endow the speaker unusual ability practically in the simplest way to evaluate the phenomena of the world around us, the ability to admire works of literature, art, music; desire to compliment another person. So many pleasant moments hidden in just one seven-letter word!

Everyone has their own concept of beauty

Of course, beauty is understood by each individual in its own way, and each generation has its own criteria for beauty. There is nothing wrong. Everyone has long known that thanks to contradictions and disputes between people, generations and nations, only truth can be born. People by their nature are completely different in terms of their worldview and worldview. For one it is good and beautiful when he is simply neatly and fashionably dressed, for another it is bad to focus only on appearance; he prefers to develop his own and increase his intellectual level. Everything that somehow relates to the understanding of beauty comes from the lips of everyone, based on his personal perception surrounding reality. Romantic and sensual natures most often admire phenomena and objects created by nature. Fresh air after rain, autumn leaf, fallen from the branches, the fire of a fire and a clear mountain stream - all this is a beauty that should be constantly enjoyed. For more practical natures, based on objects and phenomena of the material world, beauty can be the result, for example, of an important deal concluded or the completion of a certain series construction work. A child will be incredibly pleased with beautiful and bright toys, a woman will be delighted with the beautiful jewelry, and the man will see the beauty in the new alloy wheels on his car. It seems like one word, but how many concepts, how many different perceptions!

The depth of the simple word “beauty”

Beauty can also be viewed from a deeper point of view. “Beauty will save the world” - an essay on this topic can be written by everyone in completely different ways. And there will be a lot of opinions about the beauty of life.

Some people really believe that the world rests on beauty, while others will say: “Beauty will save the world? Who told you such nonsense? You will answer: “Like who? Russian great writer Dostoevsky in his famous literary work"Idiot"!" And the answer to you: “So what, maybe then beauty saved the world, but now the main thing is different!” And perhaps they will even name what is most important to them. And that’s all - there is no point in proving your idea of ​​beauty. Because you can, you see it, and your interlocutor, due to his education, social status, age, gender or other racial affiliation, I have never noticed or thought about the presence of beauty in this or that object or phenomenon.


Beauty will save the world, and we, in turn, must be able to save it. The main thing is not to destroy, but to preserve the beauty of the world, its objects and phenomena given by the Creator. Enjoy every moment and the opportunity to see and feel beauty as if it were your last moment in life. And then you won’t even have a question: “Why will beauty save the world?” The answer will be clear as a matter of course.

The greatest psychologist and subtle expert on human souls of the last century, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, said long ago that beauty will save the world. There are many imperfections in life, which can lead to family discord, wars, and environmental disasters. Of course, the author was right, she can save the whole world, but what kind of beauty were we talking about then? I think it’s not about bright painted faces beautiful girls on glossy magazine covers. He most likely meant and implied harmony in human relationships and the human soul.
beauty true love was sung by Shakespeare, he wrote approximately the same words as more people gives, the more he has left. In his works, he described the beauty of people who sacrificed their lives for the happiness and salvation of others.

In the most best legends throughout the world, the image of extraordinary personalities, heroes and daredevils has always been described as very beautiful people in appearance. We all, looking at Raphael’s painting “Madonna and Child,” always freeze in delight. No heart can remain indifferent at the sight of this beauty of motherhood. She was ready to go to any hellish torment for the sake of her baby. Included in the anthology of Russian literature, the words of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov that everything in a person should be beautiful... were relevant both then and in our time. It is we who must always be beautiful, not only in the eyes of strangers, but constantly. It is possible that only then will a person not be afraid of war, disasters, or famine.

Everything in the Universe has an interconnection: both negative phenomena and human beauty. If we achieve harmony, then beauty, of course, will win and save our world.
Very often we hear the expression about how beautiful a person is. What could this mean? This is a rather comprehensive concept in my understanding. It seems to me that a person can be called beautiful not by his external data, but by his spiritual and internal content. When he selflessly engages in his favorite work, lives in complete harmony with his environment and himself, then he can handle anything. Self-sufficient people are always confident in themselves. They joyfully do good not only for their family and themselves, but also for others, and get real pleasure from this. There is no need to envy such people, you can only support them and take an example from them. They are always comfortable and very interesting.

Very often we love people even if they don't have perfect appearance. They are sincere, responsive and ready to help at any moment. It is the inner beauty of a person that can save our world.

Will beauty save the world? This probably worries people as much as others important questions. Each of us understands the concept of “beauty” differently. For some beauty is more important external, others are looking for the internal, spiritual.

The expression: “Beauty will save the world” belongs to F. Dostoevsky, who believed that beauty exists in each of us, we just need to understand it and find it. And then, when people are guided by the best that is in their souls and do good, they will be truly happy. And the world will be saved, and it is precisely such beauty that will save it. I share the opinion of the great writer, because in reality spiritual world of a person, his inner beauty is much more important than his beautiful appearance. Even communicating with a person who is beautiful on the outside but nasty on the inside is unpleasant; such communication cannot last long - only until her essence is revealed. This is not just my own opinion. Many people thought so eminent persons For example, Hugo said: “No external fitness can be complete unless it is enlivened by internal beauty.” That’s right, the beauty of the soul is an invaluable treasure that not every one of us is endowed with, and it is not so easy to obtain. No wonder he says folk wisdom: “Don’t look into your face, look into your heart”, “Don’t look at your forelock, look at your soul”, “Don’t run after beauty, reach for your mind”, “Don’t drink water from your face”...

How smart our ancestors were, it’s worth listening to them, because they had life experience. But today people often pay attention precisely to appearance, and then to inner beauty. Of course, I agree that everything in a person should be beautiful, but the “wrapper” is not the main thing. To understand a person, to know her, you need to look into her eyes, because the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and it is in them that you can read how this person lives and what she dreams about.

But speaking about beauty, we must not forget that beauty is a concept that concerns not only human appearance. The beauty of the surrounding world, the nature around us, works of art - this is also a very important component of our life. And if we appreciate and protect it, then our life will become more meaningful and rich. After all, today people pay very little attention to what surrounds them. Who looks at the sky when they go outside? And it is above us - blue, tall, extremely beautiful and majestic...

Therefore, beauty is an ambiguous concept; it is not something specific. Beauty is everywhere. In the depths of the blue sky, in the first spring flower, in a child’s smile... You just have to be able to see it, feel it and understand it. Therefore, indeed, beauty can save the world, and it is in each of us, it is all around - let’s look around...

Many people say that beauty will save the world. But, each person understands this expression in his own way.

I think that the world can be saved not only beautiful people, such as modern models or movie actresses. They are, of course, very attractive. But they will not be able to make all the people on our planet happy. We watch movies and we become happier and more fun. And, in countries where there is not even electricity, such simple entertainment is not available.

Beauty surrounds modern man everywhere, but he doesn't notice her. Adults are always in a hurry to work or to do other things. important matters. They have no time to turn around and look at the beautiful blue sky. People pay attention to nature only when it starts to rain or strong wind. But then they don’t consider her beautiful, but quite the opposite.

Young people and children think that real beauty is the new super fashionable mobile phone. They always look only at beautiful images on the screen, and don’t want to see what’s happening at all real world. The guys can admire beautiful photos kittens and dogs on the Internet, but indifferently walk past a hungry homeless animal. If people wanted not only to see, but also to create beauty themselves, the world would become kinder.

Why are there wars all over the world now? Because people don’t see the beauty of the world around them and don’t take care of it at all. Unimpressed by the majestic natural scenery, they mercilessly drop bombs on it. Soldiers are not touched by the smile of a small child, do not respect the wrinkles of old people, and shoot at them without the slightest regret.

Evil has settled in the hearts of people, which does not allow beauty to penetrate inside a person. Fewer and fewer adults and children go to museums to enjoy beautiful paintings and other works of art.

At night, little children are less and less often read fairy tales about beauty and goodness; they are increasingly shown cartoons with ugly characters who do not teach anything good. What kind of parent would such a child grow up to be? Will he teach him to appreciate the beauty of his child?

But what to do in such a difficult situation?

If every person on the planet stops for a moment and tries to see at least something beautiful around him, he will not be able to harm either another person or living nature.

I am sure that beauty will save the world, but only if people are willing to put in the effort.

Essay argumentation Beauty will save the world
Beauty as a weapon can be used for different purposes. I think that Dostoevsky spoke about the kind of beauty that elevates and makes a person better. He saw, was amazed and repented of all his sins. I immediately began to speak and act better... It can be the beauty of nature that even makes you cry. This could be the beauty of a work of art, the same book, a play or a statue... But also the beauty of a woman, a person in general. Cases are described when a bandit sees a child or girl and stops the massacre. He begins to help them, shows his best qualities. Beauty can elevate, that in itself is beautiful.

But beauty can also destroy. If the beauty of some thing prompted the desire to steal, do something bad. Such beauty can be confusing. Was normal person, and then I fell in love and began to show myself as “cool.” Or even stole something to hit. And people can consciously use their beauty to confuse others, to use them for their own bad purposes. Or they make beautiful packaging for sweets, but they are immediately terribly harmful. Or the product is simply beautiful, but the dyes are inedible.

In general, beauty will, of course, save the world, but for this it must be like this... Such as to amaze and elevate. This is not just a fashionable thing. Not just something cute or even base, but something with inner light. If we talk about beautiful people, then they must have a beautiful soul, first of all. If it’s about works of art, then the creator’s idea must be good. And nature is always sublime.

And then, with beautiful content, you also need a harmonious shell. It’s not that he’s so holy, but he’s so dirty and nasty. It’s not that the idea is good, but the picture is painted sloppily... Everything must be in harmony, then beauty will save you.



Beauty will save the world if it is good...
F. Dostoevsky
Especially now, in our time, the question of the moral and moral assessment of society and each person is acute. Because in Russia, and, probably, throughout the world, there is a spiritual decline. This is happening, in my opinion, due to the very poor financial situation of the country. People are losing moral values and moral concepts. For example, how much theft there is in Russia. The first ones steal, the second ones look at the first ones and also begin to steal. Of course, there are people who took the criminal path not because of these problems. There are many examples where children whose parents are unable to raise them according to various reasons, are left to themselves and to the “street”. The child quickly begins to degrade, and in the end he turns out to be a defective person. And then he becomes a criminal. AND...

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Beauty will save the world From the novel “The Idiot” (1868) by F. M. Dostoevsky (1821 - 1881). As a rule, it is taken literally: contrary to the author’s interpretation of the concept of “beauty.” In the novel (Part 3, Chapter V), these words are spoken by the 18-year-old youth Ippolit Terentyev, referring to the words of Prince Myshkin conveyed to him by Nikolai Ivolgin and ironizing the latter: “It’s true, Prince, that you once said that the world will be saved by “beauty "? “Gentlemen,” he shouted loudly to everyone, “the prince claims that the world will be saved by beauty!” And I claim that the reason he has such playful thoughts is that he is now in love. Gentlemen, the prince is in love; Just now, as soon as he came in, I was convinced of this. Don’t blush, prince, I’ll feel sorry for you. What beauty will save the world. Kolya told this to me... Are you a zealous Christian? Kolya says that you call yourself a Christian. The prince looked at him carefully and did not answer him.” F. M. Dostoevsky was far from strictly aesthetic judgments - he wrote about spiritual beauty, about the beauty of the soul. This answers the Main...

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Beauty is inherent in the living and in general everything living, from the atom to the universe, and we cannot resist what is deeply embedded in us by the endless history of the world, because we are part of it.

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The beauty of a man who sacrifices his life for the salvation and happiness of people. Everything in the Universe has an interconnection: both negative phenomena and human beauty. The Greatest Psychologist, subtle connoisseur human soul Dostoevsky was right. Beauty will save the world. In our life, not everything is perfect. Very often we hear the expression about how beautiful a person is. Beauty can be reflected not only in love for people, but also for the world around us. Daisies...

Or a fire flickering in a vessel? External beauty is what we see with our eyes, what attracts us with its appearance. Inner beauty is something that cannot be seen, it can only be felt. For example, a person who is beautiful on the outside may turn out to be very mean and evil inside. And a person who does not have natural beauty can be kind and honest.

I know a lot of people who are not particularly beautiful, but they are so kind, decent, you can always talk to them about intimate topics, because these people will listen to me and understand...

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Beauty will save the world

...And if this is so, then what is beauty?

And why do people deify her?

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,

Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

N. A. Zabolotsky

("Ugly Girl")

that is, beauty? I think everyone has thought about this at some point. And, for sure, this concept has different meanings. I believe that it can be different: external and internal. External beauty is what we see with our eyes, what attracts us with its appearance. Inner beauty is something that cannot be seen, it can only be felt. Unfortunately, both of these concepts do not always coexist together. For example,...

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Essay on the topic: “What is beauty?”

...what is beauty

and why do people deify her?

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,

or fire flickering in a vessel?

N. Zabolotsky

In one of the chapters of the epic novel “War and Peace,” L. N. Tolstoy expressed the idea that all objects and phenomena of the surrounding life can be divided into two categories, depending on what predominates in them: form or content. The writer did not like people and phenomena in which the main thing is form. He didn't like elite with his rules and norms of life established once and for all, he did not like the “generally recognized beauty” Helen Bezukhova. They were of no interest to him, because in their luxurious shell there was no life, there was no movement. In the writer’s favorite heroes, on the contrary, content always prevailed over form. Emphasizing the imperfection of Natasha Rostova and the external ugliness of Marya Bolkonskaya, Tolstoy admired them and forced...

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Reading between the lines

This catchphrase of M. F. Dostoevsky in our time has acquired rather primitive tones and has become a slogan various competitions beauty, where it is taken literally. However, the author himself put a completely different meaning into this expression.

Beauty will save the world if it is good. But is she kind?

This is exactly what it sounds like. I think that the great Russian writer did not mean the external data of a person, but his inner beauty. The one who is beautiful in his thoughts, soul, and deeds can save our world.

What's the point

With the development of civilization, more and more attention is paid to appearance people (height, weight, figure, clothes, etc.). Pop or movie stars, TV presenters and other representatives of the entertainment sector have an enviable position and fame. It doesn't matter how many books they read or how many people they help.

Everyone craves money, fame, power. Those who achieve this become the so-called elite of society. Such a decline in morals and morals is...

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“Beauty will save the world,” said Dostoevsky and asked a riddle. But there is no axiom for which we would not like to find proof. Why, exactly, beauty? I'll try to give an answer. Beauty is inherent in the living and in general everything living, from the atom to the universe, and we cannot resist what is deeply embedded in us by the endless history of the world, because we are part of it.

With the increasing power of civilization, the desire of the highest world hierarchies for development, but also for chaos, intensifies. How many people have destroyed, how many people have created!

And that which can and does tip the scales, on one side of which there is a craving for development, on the other - chaos - beauty. She will save the world! Because in the chaos of destroyed nature, in a one-sided, soulless mechanical civilization, there is no beauty. Without beauty there is no life. And, perhaps, no development at all is possible outside of beauty, including inanimate matter.

What is ugly is not vital, does not give its continuation; everything that is ugly is...

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Lesson topic: Preparation for an essay-reasoning taking into account the requirements for a detailed answer to the Unified State Exam in the Russian language based on the text by L. Migdal “What is beauty?” in 11th grade Objectives: task with Educational: - be able to understand and interpret the content of the source text. Communicative: - be able to consistently express one’s own opinion; - be able to use a variety of grammatical structures and lexical richness of the language in your own speech; - be able to create a coherent statement, expressing your own opinion about what you read. Developmental: - be able to formulate speech in accordance with spelling, grammatical and punctuation standards literary language. Educational: - cultivate the ability to see beauty... Technical teaching aids: interactive whiteboard Visual materials: (for each desk) criteria for checking and assessing the completion of the task with a detailed answer, memos for the essay requirements (attached), S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary, the author’s text, blank table forms for each...

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One of the most popular types works that are written in schools on the subject of Russian language or literature is an essay on the topic “What is beauty?” It is good because it allows the student to think about this definition, understand it and give him his own explanation. In general, this is first and foremost creative work, and this is the key feature of such an essay.

Features of the genre

It is best to write not an essay on the topic “What is beauty?”, but an essay. It allows the author to freely express his thoughts without restricting them. But here you need to be able to express your personal judgment on this topic.

The main feature of an essay is that it is written in the form of a clearly reasoned and well-founded argument. Also in this work it should be clearly visible author's position in relation to a given topic. The difference between an essay and an essay is that it can be written in the form of a reasoning, a narrative, a description, or a simple literary text. This kind of work...

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"Beauty will save the world"

Night flowers sleep all day long,

The leaves are quietly opening,

And I hear my heart bloom.

Beauty for...

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(based on the novel “Smile” by Ray Bradbury)

Real name American writer Ray Bradbury - Monde Douglas. Bradbury published his first story immediately after graduating from school (1941).

The writer is distinguished by great originality in real life For example, he doesn't like cars and planes. His works are " Martian Chronicle"(1950), "451 degrees beyond Fahrenheit" (1953) - are also quite unusual and original.

Bradbury's work is a combination of reality and fantasy, modernity and the past, terrible mysticism and fabulousness. The writer addresses the problem of meaning human life, to the question of the purpose of man on earth.

It is common knowledge that there are timeless masterpieces visual arts, over which time has no power, the vanity of politicians, when “the famous and loud has passed.” Such works include the unsurpassed “La Gioconda” by Leonardo da Vinci, an incomparable embodiment of the humanistic ideal of female beauty.

Gioconda's smile became a "hero"...

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help me write a mini-essay “beauty will save the world”

They say that “beauty will save the world.” Everyone talks about it, but who will say what beauty is? Why is it needed in life?
It seems to me that beauty surrounds a person all the time, but you need to learn to see it. First of all, you need to look closely at nature. Beautiful high mountains and blue seas, beautiful forests and meadows. But what makes up their beauty? Every single tree, every branch, leaf, blade of grass and flower underneath it is beautiful and unique. Both the tiger and the king of beasts, the lion, are beautiful in their own way, but all other creatures of nature are also beautiful. You need to be able to see the beauty of the world with your heart and soul, you need to be able to be surprised. Beautiful thoughts and feelings will be born in the soul of such a person, and he will not be able to raise a hand against another person, offend an animal, or destroy a tree.
Beauty is inherent in living things and in general in everything living, from the atom to the universe, and we cannot resist what is deeply embedded in...

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A lot has been written about beauty; it has been admired at all times. What is beauty? And how to feel beauty? This is a volatile, fragile, unclear, but understandable to everyone state of mind. Or maybe this is not a state of mind, but a state of the surrounding world? Let's try to figure this out based on the experience of great Russian literature.

First of all, Russian poets saw beauty in nature. For example, A. A. Fet saw in nature a source of mysterious and deep life, which can be accessible to a person only in moments of the highest spiritual uplift:

Night flowers sleep all day long,

But as soon as the sun sets behind the grove,

The leaves are quietly opening,

And I hear my heart bloom.

A. A. Fet’s beauty is an intoxication with the joy of life, a celebration and at the same time a mystery.

For F.I. Tyutchev, nature is also an animated, intelligent being:

She has a soul, she has freedom,

It has love, it has language.

Beauty for him is in endless movement, in inner...

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When the ideal of beauty and the need for it are preserved among the people, it means that there is also a need for health, norms, and consequently, the highest development of this people is thereby guaranteed.
F. Dostoevsky.

Dostoevsky's world is permeated with his ideology, so it is impossible to separate one from the other without killing the whole. But Dostoevsky’s idea is not only and not so much to “illuminate at least part of this chaos...”. Yes, he believed, “we undoubtedly have a life that is decaying... But there is, of course, a life that is taking shape again...”.
Beauty like the last word about the world shines through all the contradictions, through all the chaos and disharmony, as an ideal, as a prospect, possibility and necessity. Like a goal.
The goal is not the struggle of opposites; this struggle is a necessary condition for the development of the idea of ​​peace. The goal is beauty, harmony, existing as an ideal and as the meaning of world-historical struggles and reflected in the heart, in the consciousness of Dostoevsky’s heroes: “...Christ himself preached his teaching only as...

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