Reference material “Testing reading skills. How to complete test tasks. Testing the reader's ability to work with the text of a work of fiction

Target: examination reading skills work with text work of art

Block No. 1

Texts with questions to determine the level of knowledge of the content of the work and the pace of reading.

Text No. 1

Squirrel and wolf

The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell straight onto the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:

- Let me in.

Wolf said:

- Okay, I’ll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful. I’m always bored, but I look at you, you’re up there playing and jumping.

Belka said:

“Let me go up the tree first, and from there I’ll tell you, otherwise I’m afraid of you.”

The wolf let go, and the squirrel went up a tree and said from there:

“You’re bored because you’re angry.” Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind and do no harm to anyone.

(L.N. Tolstoy)

Questions and tasks

1. What animal did the squirrel fall on?

2. What did the wolf want to do with her?

3. Why are squirrels cheerful?

Text No. 2.


Elk was tired of wandering through the forest and wanted to rest. He lay down in the clearing and asked the Hare:

- Wake me up in half an hour!

The Hare began to fuss: after all, the Elk himself asked him.

- Sleep, sleep! I'll wake you up! - he promised.

The moose stretched and closed his eyes.

- Maybe I should spread some hay for you? - suggested the Hare.

He brought a haystack and let him shove it under Moose’s side.

- No, thanks! - Elk said through his sleep.

- Maybe I should bring you something to drink before going to bed? I'll run away immediately!

- No, don’t... I want to sleep...

- Sleep, sleep! Do you want me to tell you a fairy tale in your ear?

Elk jumped to his feet and, yawning, trudged away.

-Where are you going? – the Hare was surprised. - After all, not even twenty minutes have passed!

(S. Mikhalkov)

Questions and tasks

1. What did the Moose ask the Hare?

2. How did the Hare want to serve the Moose?

3. Why did the Elk trudge away, yawning?

Text No. 3.

Old dog.

A man had a faithful friend - a Dog. Years passed. The dog got old and began to see poorly. Once on a clear summer day he did not recognize his owner. He ran out of his booth and barked as if at a stranger. The owner was surprised. Asked:

“So you don’t recognize me anymore?”

The dog wagged his tail. He whined softly. He wanted to say:

- Forgive me for not recognizing you.

A few days later a man brought little puppy and said to the Puppy:

- Live here.

The Old Dog asked the man:

– Why do you need another dog?

“So that you don’t get bored alone,” the man said and affectionately patted the old Dog on the back.

(V. Sukhomlinsky)

Questions and tasks

1. Why did your faithful friend, the Dog, bark at his owner as if he were a stranger?

2. How did the person react to this?

3.What did you like about this work?

Text No. 4

Fox and goat

(Russian folk tale)

A fox ran, gaped at the crow - and fell into a well. There was not much water in the well: you couldn’t drown, and you couldn’t jump out either. The fox sits and grieves.

A goat is walking - a smart head; walks, shakes his beard, shakes his faces; I had nothing better to do and looked into the well, saw a fox there and asked:

- What are you doing there, little fox?

“I’m resting, my dear,” the fox answers, “it’s hot up there, that’s why I climbed up here.” It's so cool and nice here! Cold water - as much as you want.

But the goat has been thirsty for a long time.

– Is the water good? - asks the goat.

- Excellent! - the fox answers. - Clean, cold! Jump here if you want; There will be a place for both of us here.

The goat foolishly jumped, almost ran over the fox, she said to him:

- Eh, bearded fool! And he couldn’t jump - he splashed all over.

The fox jumped onto the goat's back, from the back onto the horns, and got out of the well.

A goat almost disappeared from hunger in a well; They found him by force and dragged him out by the horns.

Questions and tasks

1. Why did the fox fall into the well?

2. For what purpose did she lure the goat to her?

3. How can you title this tale differently?

Text No. 5

The Golden Key or The Adventure of Pinocchio


The dolls on stage played a funny comedy. Buratino laughed terribly. Suddenly the dolls saw him and shouted: “Look, this is a real live Pinocchio! Cheerful Pinocchio, come to us!”
Pinocchio jumped onto the stage. The dolls began to hug him, kiss him, pinch him, and bother him.
Then this guy poked his head out from behind the stage scary man that one could become numb with fear.
It was Karabas Barabas...

( A. Tolstoy)

Questions and tasks

1. Remember how Pinocchio ended up in the theater?

2. Who was the owner of this theater?

3. How did all the puppet people meet the cheerful Pinocchio?

4. How do you understand the words “numb with fear”?

5. What happened next?

Text No. 6

Morning rays

The red sun floated into the sky and began to scatter its golden rays - to awaken the earth.
The first ray flew and hit the lark. The lark sang his silver song.
The second beam hit the bunny. The bunny hopped merrily across the dewy meadow.
The third beam hit the chicken coop. The rooster crowed: "Ku-ku-re-ku!"
The fourth ray hit the hive. A bee flew off to collect honey from fragrant flowers.
The fifth ray hit the nursery, on the lazy man’s bed: it cuts him right in the eyes, and he turned on the other side and fell asleep again.

(According to K. Ushinsky)

2. Remember where the first, second, third, fourth and fifth rays hit? Make sure you don't make a mistake.

3. Which ray had the most difficult job?

Text No. 7

Once upon a time there lived a baby elephant


Once upon a time there lived a baby elephant.
It was a very good little elephant. The only problem was: he didn’t know what to do, who to be. So the baby elephant sat by the window, sniffling and thinking, thinking...
One day it started to rain outside.
- Ooh! - said the wet little fox, seeing a baby elephant in the window. - What a big-eared guy! Yes, with such ears, he could very well be an umbrella!
The baby elephant was happy and became a “big umbrella.” And foxes, and hares, and hedgehogs - everyone hid under his big ears from the rain...

(G. Tsyferov)

Assignments and question

1. Imagine that a small baby is sitting in front of you. Retell this text for him.

2. Find and underline the heroes of the work in the text. Who else could tell the baby elephant about his new profession? Be careful, don't make a mistake!

3. Come up with an ending to the fairy tale so that the baby elephant can be proud of his profession.

Block No. 2

Work on texts containing test tasks.

How to complete test tasks.

(Instructions for students)

    Read the entire text carefully.

    View all test tasks.

    Complete test tasks sequentially.

    When completing a task, you can make notes in the text with a pencil and use drafts.

    As a rule, there is only one correct answer

Text 1

Below the birds, above all sorts of flowers - umbelliferous, cruciferous, and the most invisible, such as plantain - fluffy bumblebees, bees and dragonflies flew. The bumblebees did not pay attention to Petya, but the dragonflies stopped in the air and, shooting their wings, looked at him with bulging eyes, as if they were thinking: should they hit him in the forehead with all their might, scare him from the shore, or should they not mess with such a little one? It was good in the water too. You look at it from the shore - and it’s tempting to dive in and see what’s there in deep deep, where the seaweed swings? And it seems that a crayfish the size of a grandmother’s trough is crawling along the bottom, with its claws outstretched, and the fish are backing away from it, waving their tails. Gradually, both animals and birds got used to Petya and used to listen in the morning: when will his horn sing behind the bushes? At first they got used to Petya, and then they fell in love with him because he did not misbehave: he did not knock down nests with sticks, did not tie dragonflies by the legs with thread, did not throw stones at beavers and did not poison fish with lime. The trees rustled quietly towards Petya - they remembered that he had never, like other boys, bent thin aspen trees to the very ground in order to admire how they, straightened up, trembled for a long time in pain and rustled - complaining with their leaves.

Test after reading the text

1. Who flew “lower than the birds” over all sorts of flowers?

a) bumblebees, bees and dragonflies

b) mosquitoes and midges

V) ladybugs

2. Who looked at Petya with bulging eyes?

a) ladybugs

b) dragonflies

3. What does Petya see at the bottom of the river?

a) that a cancer is crawling along the bottom

b) that a snake is crawling along the bottom

c) treasure

4. Why did the animals and birds love Petya?

a) because he sings

b) because he is a hooligan

c) because he doesn’t play pranks

5. What was making a quiet noise towards Petya?

c) trees

Text 2

We brought a box from the barn, filled it to the top with earth and transplanted a small birch tree into it. The box was placed in the brightest and warmest room by the window, and a day later the drooping branches of the birch rose up, she was all cheerful, and even her leaves were already rustling when a draft wind rushed into the room and slammed the door in anger. Autumn settled in the garden, but the leaves of our birch remained green and alive. The maples burned dark purple, the euonymus turned pink, and the wild grapes on the gazebo withered. Even here and there on the birch trees in the garden yellow strands appeared, like the first gray hair of a still young person. But the birch tree in the room seemed to be getting younger. We did not notice any signs of fading in her. One night the first frost came. He breathed cold air onto the windows in the house, and they fogged up, sprinkled grainy frost on the roofs, and crunched under his feet. Only the stars seemed to rejoice at the first frost and sparkled much brighter than on warm summer nights. That night I woke up from a drawn-out and pleasant sound - a shepherd's horn sang in the dark. Outside the windows the dawn was barely noticeable blue

Test after reading

1. What did they bring from the barn?

B) chest

2. In which room was the small birch tree placed?

A) in the closet

B) in the brightest room

B) in the kitchen

3. After how many days did the drooping birch branches rise?

A) in two days

B) in 7 days

B) every other day

4. What did I wake up from? main character on a frosty night?

A) from extreme cold

B) from bright light

B) from the sound of a shepherd's horn

5. What sparkled brighter on a frosty night than on a warm summer night?

A) dew on the leaves

B) stars

B) roofs of houses

Text 3

Sometimes at night, waking up, Tchaikovsky heard how, crackling, one or the other floorboard would sing, as if remembering his daytime music and snatching his favorite note from it. It was also reminiscent of an orchestra before an overture, when the orchestra members tune their instruments. Here and there - sometimes in the attic, sometimes in a small hall, sometimes in a glassed-in hallway - someone was touching the string. Tchaikovsky caught the melody in his sleep, but when he woke up in the morning, he forgot it. He strained his memory and sighed. What a pity that the nightly rattling of a wooden house cannot be played now! Play a simple song of a parched tree, window panes with fallen putty, the wind knocking a branch on the roof. Listening to the sounds of the night, he often thought that life was passing by, but nothing had really been done yet. Everything written is just a modest tribute to his people, friends, beloved poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. But never before has he been able to convey that slight delight that arises from the sight of a rainbow, from the sounds of peasant girls in the thicket, from the simplest phenomena of life around him. The simpler what he saw, the more difficult it was to put into music. How can I convey at least yesterday’s incident, when he took refuge from the pouring rain in the hut of the tracker Tikhon.

Test after reading

1. What did Tchaikovsky hear when he woke up at night?

A) how, crackling, first one floorboard, then the other, sings

B) how, crackling, first one bird, then another bird sings

C) how, crackling, first one titmouse, then another, sings

2. What did Tchaikovsky think about while listening to the sounds of the night?

A) that your whole life is ahead

B) that life goes by, but nothing has really been done yet

C) that I really want to sleep

3. Who is Tchaikovsky's favorite poet?

B) Pushkin

B) Lermontov

4. In whose hut did Tchaikovsky take refuge from the pouring rain?

A) peasant girl

B) in his

B) the patrolman Tikhon

5. What did Tchaikovsky forget when he woke up in the morning?

A) your life

B) melody

B) your dream

Text 4

Two owls, gray owls, settled in the hollow of a gnarled tree in the middle of a dense forest. In early spring, a female tawny owl laid four round white eggs directly onto the rotting bottom of the hollow. The owls flew out of the hollow only at night, when all the other birds were sleeping. Therefore, no one in the forest knew where these terrible night robbers lived. The tiny kings with fiery yellow caps on their heads did not know this either. For a long time they searched throughout the forest for a quiet place for their nest. In the end, they chose a tall spruce tree right next to the gnarled tree where the owls were hiding. At the beginning of summer, when the owlets hatched in the hollow, the kinglets also made a nest for themselves. High above the ground, at the very tip of the branch, they deftly wove flexible needles of pine needles. It seemed to the owls from below that small branches were tangled into a tangle on a wide spruce paw. It never occurred to them that in this ball there was a cozy round nest made of moss, grass stems and strong horsehair. The kings covered the top of the nest with spruce lichen, wove thin cobwebs into the walls, and lined the inside with feathers; on this soft bedding the female laid eight pink eggs with brown specks, the size of a pea. Less than two weeks had passed before naked babies began to flounder in the kings’ nest.

Test after reading

1. Where did the owls live?

A) in the nest

B) in the hollow of a gnarled tree

2. How many eggs did the tawny owl lay?

At four

3. When did the owls fly out of the hollow?

4. Which tree did the kinglets choose for their nest?

A) tall spruce

B) old oak

B) fig tree

5. How did the kings line the inside of the nest?

A) horsehair

B) spruce lichen

B) feathers

Text 5

I was driving home from hunting in the evening alone in a racing droshky. The house was still about eight miles away; my good trotting mare ran briskly along the dusty road, occasionally snoring and moving her ears; the tired dog, as if tied, did not lag behind the rear wheels a single step. A thunderstorm was approaching. Ahead, a huge purple cloud slowly rose from behind the forest; Long gray clouds were rushing above me and towards me; the willows moved and babbled anxiously. The stifling heat suddenly gave way to damp cold; the shadows quickly grew thicker. I hit the horse with the reins, went down into the ravine, crossed a dry stream, all overgrown with vines, climbed the mountain and entered the forest. The road wound in front of me between dense hazel bushes, already filled with darkness; I moved forward with difficulty. The droshky jumped along the hard roots of hundred-year-old oaks and lindens, constantly crossing deep longitudinal ruts - traces of cart wheels; my horse began to stumble. Strong wind suddenly buzzed in the heights, the trees began to storm, large drops of rain began to knock sharply, splashed on the leaves, lightning flashed, and a thunderstorm broke out.

Test after reading

1. Where was the main character coming from in the evening?

A) from the guests

B) from hunting

B) from work

2. Which cloud was slowly rising from behind the forest?

B) black

B) purple

3. What kind of horse did the main character have?

A) a good trotting mare

B) black stallion

B) dejected donkey

4. Who ran after the main character?

A) tired dog

B) stallion

IN) Gray wolf

5. What is the dry stream overgrown with?

A) cacti

B) with vines

B) mushrooms

Text 6

Wind and Sun

One day, the Sun and the angry North Wind started a dispute about which of them was stronger. They argued for a long time and finally decided to measure their strength with the traveler, who at that very time was riding on horseback along high road.

“Look,” said the Wind, “how I’ll fly at him: I’ll instantly tear off his cloak.”

He said - and began to blow as hard as he could. But the more the Wind tried, the tighter the traveler wrapped himself in his cloak: he grumbled about the bad weather, but rode further and further.

The wind became angry, fierce, and showered the poor traveler with rain and snow; Cursing the Wind, the traveler put his cloak into the sleeves and tied it with a belt. At this point the Wind himself became convinced that he could not pull off his cloak.

The sun, seeing the powerlessness of its rival, smiled, looked out from behind the clouds, warmed and dried the earth, and at the same time the poor half-frozen traveler.

Feeling the warmth of the sun's rays, he perked up, blessed the Sun, took off his cloak, rolled it up and tied it to the saddle.

“You see,” the meek Sun then said to the angry Wind, “you can do much more with affection and kindness than with anger.”

(K. D. Ushinsky)

Read the text “Wind and Sun” by K.D. Ushinsky. Complete the tasks. Mark the statements that correspond to the content of the text read.

1. Identify the characters in the work.

a) Sun, Wind, traveler;

b) Sun, Wind;

c) Sun, Wind, Horse.

2. Where, in what place do the events described in the text take place?

a) On a forest path;

b) in a mountain gorge;

c) on the big road.

3. What did the Sun and the Wind start arguing about?

a) Which of them is more needed;

b) which of them is stronger;

c) which of them is loved more.

4. Choose a phrase that is close in meaning to the meaning of the expression blow as hard as you can.

and from last bit of strength;

b) with all my might;

c) whenever possible.

5. Restore the sequence of actions of the traveler in response to the efforts of the Wind.

b) wrapped himself up tighter;

c) put his cloak on his sleeves;

d) grumbled about the bad weather;

d) tied himself with a belt.

6. Restore the sequence of actions of the Sun.

a) Looked out;

b) smiled;

c) drained;

d) warmed up.

Text 7


Grandfather became very decrepit. He saw poorly, heard poorly; his arms and legs were trembling from old age: he carries the spoon to his mouth and spills the soup.

The son and daughter-in-law did not like this: they stopped seating their father at the table with them, hid him behind the stove and began to feed him from a clay cup. The old man’s hands trembled, the cup fell and broke. The son and daughter-in-law became even more angry than before: they began to feed their father from an old wooden bowl.

The old man's son had his own little son. One day a boy sits on the floor and puts together something from wood chips.

-What are you doing, child? - asked the mother.

“A box,” the child answers. “When you and your little one grow old, I will feed you from a wooden box.”

Father and mother looked at each other and blushed. From then on, it was enough to hide the old man behind the stove and feed him from a wooden cup.

Get your grandfather started on the stove, and your grandchildren will get you started.

Respect an old man: you yourself will be old.

(K.D. Ushinsky)

Read the text “Grandfather” by K.D. Ushinsky. Complete the tasks. Mark the statements that correspond to the content of the text read.

1. Identify the characters in the fable.

A) Grandfather, son, daughter-in-law, grandson;

B) old man, daughter-in-law, grandson;

C) grandfather, son, grandson.

2. Choose the correct, in your opinion, meaning of the word decrepit in this text.

A) Unnecessary, used;

B) weak, infirm from old age;

B) bad, nasty.

3. Using numbers, reconstruct the sequence of the author’s description of the grandfather’s weakness.

A) He saw poorly;

B) his arms and legs trembled from old age;

B) hard of hearing.

4. Why did the son and daughter-in-law stop seating their father at the table with them?

A) They did not want to communicate with their father;

B) the father began to eat sloppily;

C) the father began to offend them.

5. Which ones are important? human qualities discussed in the work?

A) Love for children;

B) love for elderly parents;

C) the ability to respect old age.

6. Choose from the proverbs the one that helps you understand more than others main idea fables.

A) If you like to ride, you also like to carry sleds.

B) Having done something bad, don’t expect good.

C) Treat your parents the way you want your children to treat you.

Text 8


There lived an old man and he had three sons. The brothers often quarreled with each other.

The old man thinks: “As soon as I die, my sons will separate and go their separate ways, and it will be bad for everyone.”

The time has come for the old man to die. He called his sons and ordered them to bring a broom. The sons handed their father a broom.

The old man says:

- Break the broom.

The sons said:

- Is it possible to break a broom?

The old man untied the belt on the broom, and the rods fell apart.

- Break the bars! - said the old man.

The sons broke all the bars.

The old man says:

“The same thing will happen to you as with this broom.” If you live together in harmony, no trouble will overcome you. And when you disperse one by one, then you will all be lost.

(L.N. Tolstoy)

1. Identify the characters in the fable.

A) Old man, three sons;

B) old man, one son;

C) old man, two sons.

2. How did the brothers live among themselves?

A) They often quarreled;

B) lived together;

C) supported each other in everything.

3. What was their father concerned about? Restore the sequence of his thoughts.

A) It will be bad for everyone;

B) everyone will separate;

B) everyone will disperse.

4. What meaning, in your opinion, does the author give to the word bad?

A) Boring;

B) fun.

5. For what purpose did the old man ask his sons to bring him a broom?

A) Using the example of twigs in a broom, show the need for mutual support;

B) break the broom;

C) sweep the floor in the hut.

6. Think about which two expressions help better than others to understand the main idea of ​​the fable?

A) Whoever you hang out with, that’s how you’ll gain;

B) Where there is peace and harmony, there is no need for treasure;

C) Together - not burdensome, but apart - at least drop it;

D) A good example is worth a hundred words.


One day a badger and a marten were running along a forest path and saw a piece of meat. They ran up to their find.
- I found a piece of meat! - the badger screams.
- No, I found a piece of meat! - the marten shouts to the whole forest.
Badger his:
- I found this! There is no point in arguing in vain!
Marten own:
- I saw it first!
So they argued and argued and almost fell apart.
Then the badger said:
- Let's go to the judge. Let the judge judge us.
And the judge in this forest was a fox.
The fox listened to the badger and the marten and said:
- Give me your find here.
The debaters gave the judge a piece of meat. Lisa said:
– We need to divide this piece into two equal parts. Let the badger take one part, and the marten take the other.
With these words, the fox tore the piece into two parts.
“It’s not fair,” the badger whined. - The marten has a larger piece.
“We’ll fix this problem now,” said the cunning fox and bit off a fair portion of the meat from the marten’s share.
“Now the badger has a bigger piece,” cried the marten. - This is unfair!
- It’s okay, we’ll fix this problem too! I like everything to be fair.
Having said this, the fox again bit off a piece of meat, only this time from the badger’s share. Now it turned out that the marten had a larger piece left than the badger. But the fox was not confused and took a bite from the marten.
And so she leveled the piece until there was nothing left of the find.
Apparently they are telling the truth smart people: greedy and unyielding people are always at a loss.

Questions and tasks

1. Where, in what place do the events described in the text take place?

A) In the meadow; B) in the forest; B) in the field; D) in the village.

2. Identify the characters in the work.

A) Badger, marten, fox; B) badger, sable, fox; B) mink, marten, fox.

3. Why did the animals have a dispute?

A) They didn’t know how to divide the find; B) were afraid of depriving each other; C) found out who found the piece of meat.

4. Determine what meaning the author puts into the expressionalmost got torn apart ?

A) Almost torn to pieces; B) almost got into a big fight; C) almost made a hole.

5. Who held court in this forest?

A) Fox; B) bear; B) wolf.

6. What is the definition of fox in this text?

A) cunning; B) cheat; B) red-haired robber.

7. What human vice does the people condemn in this work?

A) Greed; B) cunning; B) cowardice.

8. Think: what is in the title?

A) Main idea; B) topic.

9. Is there a hero in this work whose behavior causes approval?


10. Write down the main idea of ​​this work.


11. Write down the title of another work, which also condemns greed.


12. Did you like this work and why?


13. Make a three-point text plan.


3rd grade 1st quarter. Option 1


Bee and fly

This is the parable Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets once told.
There were many flowers growing in the meadow. There were white fragrant lilies, hyacinths, and tall blue irises. And there was also a place for small flowers in the grass. The wind tilted them, merrily swayed the grass and leaves, and the aroma spread far, far away!
Bees were working over the clearing, over the flowers. They collected sweet nectar to feed the young in the hive and stock up on food for a long time. cold winter.
This is where the fly flew. She buzzed displeasedly and looked around.
One little bee, who was here for the first time, politely asked the fly:
- Do you know where the white lilies are?
The fly frowned:
– I didn’t see any lilies here!
- How? - exclaimed the bee. “But they told me that there should be lilies in this meadow!”
“I didn’t see any flowers here,” muttered the fly. - But not far away, behind the meadow, there is one ditch. The water there is deliciously dirty, and there are so many empty tin cans nearby!
Then an older bee flew up to them, holding the collected nectar in its paws. Having found out what was the matter, she said:
– True, I never noticed that there is a ditch behind the meadow, but I can tell you so much about the flowers here!
“You see,” said Father Paisiy. “The poor fly only thinks about dirty ditches, but the bee knows where the lily grows, where the iris grows, and where the hyacinth grows.”
And so do people. Some are like bees and like to find something good in everything, others are like flies and strive to see only bad in everything. Who do you want to be like? ( 235 words )( M. Aleshin )

1. At what time of year do the events described in the text take place? (There are two possible correct answers.)

a) Winter;b) spring;into the summer;d) autumn.

2. What kinds of flowers grew in the meadow?

a) Lilies, hyacinths, irises; b) lilies, hyacinths, irises, tulips;
c) lilies, hyacinths, irises, small flowers.

3. Identify the characters in the work._________________________________________________

4. What were the bees doing in the clearing?_______________________________________________________

5. What word does the author characterize the actions of bees?

a) Worked; b) flew merrily; c) basked in the sun.

6. Why didn’t the little bee know where the white lilies grow?

7. Why didn’t the fly see the lilies in the meadow? (Two answers are possible.)

a) She found herself in the meadow for the first time; b) she was not interested in lilies;
c) she was only interested in the dirty ditch.

8. Restore the deformed plan of the read work.

a) “Who do you want to be like?”
b) Fragrant meadow.
c) Dialogue between a little bee and a fly.
d) Nectar collection.
e) Everyone sees only what interests him.

9. Make a three-point text plan.




10. Describe the bees. (What are they?)__________________________________________________________

11. Describe the fly. (What is she like?)_______________________________________________


Testing the reader's ability to work with the text of a work of fiction

3rd grade 2nd quarter. Option 1



Vanya brought a collection of stamps to class.
- Nice collection! - Petya approved and immediately said: “You know what, you have a lot of identical brands here, give them to me.” I will ask my father for money, buy other brands and return it to you.
- Take it, of course! – Vanya agreed.
But his father did not give Petya money, but bought him a collection. Petya felt sorry for his stamps.
“I’ll give it to you later,” he said to Vanya.
- No need! I don't need these brands at all! Let's play with feathers instead!
They started playing. Petya was unlucky - he lost ten feathers. He frowned.
– I’m in your debt all around!
“What a duty,” says Vanya, “I was playing with you as a joke.”
Petya looked at his comrade from under his brows: Vanya had a thick nose, freckles were scattered across his face, his eyes were somehow round...
“Why am I friends with him? - thought Petya. “I’m just accumulating debts.” And he began running away from his friend, making friends with other boys, and he himself had some kind of resentment towards Vanya.
He goes to bed and dreams:
“I’ll save up more stamps and give him the whole collection, and I’ll give him the feathers, instead of ten feathers - fifteen...”
But Vanya doesn’t even think about Petya’s debts, he wonders: what happened to his friend?
Somehow he approaches him and asks:
- Why are you looking at me sideways, Petya?
Petya couldn't stand it. He blushed all over and said something rude to his friend:
– Do you think you’re the only honest one? And others are dishonest! Do you think I need your stamps? Or did I not see any feathers?
Vanya backed away from his comrade, he felt offended, he wanted to say something but could not.
Petya begged his mother for money, bought feathers, grabbed his collection and ran to Vanya.
– Get all your debts in full! – He’s happy, his eyes are sparkling. - Nothing was missing from me!
- No, it's gone! - says Vanya. – And you will never get back what is missing!

( 282 words E. Shim )

1. Identify the main characters of the work.

A) Vanya, Petya; B) Vanya, Petya, Petya’s father; C) Vanya, Petya, Petya’s father, Petya’s mother.

2. Where, in what place do the events described in the text begin?

A) In the yard; B) in the classroom; B) in the park.

3. What obligations did Petya undertake by taking the same stamps from Vanya? Restore the sequence of his promises.

A) “I’ll return it later”;______
B) “I’ll give you stamps from my collection in return”;_______
C) “I’ll buy other brands and return it to you.”________

4. Why didn’t Petya give Vanya the stamps his father bought for him?

A) I felt sorry for my brands; B) my father did not allow me to give away the collection;
B) didn’t want to offend my friend.

5. Who was the first boy to use the word?debt (in debt) ?______________________________

6. What meaning does Petya put into the word?duty ?

A) What is taken with the condition of return; B) something given with the condition of return;
C) a duty to someone.

7. What meaning does Vanya put into the word?squint?

A) Become oblique; B) look askance, from the side; B) be unfriendly.

8. Why couldn’t Vanya respond to Petit’s rudeness?

A) He felt offended; B) felt sorry for Petya; B) couldn’t find the right words.

9. Using numbers, reconstruct the deformed outline of the text you read.

A) Vanino is perplexed.___
B) Petya is gnawing at his conscience.___
C) Debts are growing.___
D) End of friendship.___
D) Stamps on loan.___

10. What kind of loss is Vanya talking about?__________________________________________

11. Write down the main idea of ​​the story.__________________________________________

12. What human qualities, in your opinion, help maintain friendship?


13. Which of the boys did you like and why?

Testing the reader's ability to work with the text of a work of fiction

3rd grade 2nd quarter. Option 2



Once upon a time there lived a small hot Fire. And he really wanted to become a boy, so that he would have two dexterous hands, two strong legs, two keen eyes - in a word, everything like boys.

The Fire Fairy made him a boy (he really asked her about this), but she said that the Fire would be different from all the guys in that if it fell into the water, it would go out, and there would be neither a boy nor a Light.

This is how the boy Ogonyok appeared in a large and cheerful house, where many children lived. He ran fast, jumped high, and when he did something, sparks flew around him.

He was close friends with the guys. They were always together, only Ogonyok and his comrades did not go to the river to swim.

Somehow it happened that Ogonyok was alone on the river bank.

He walked and smiled - just like that: the sun, the river, the trees, the grass.

And suddenly I saw: a boy was drowning, his head was barely visible above the water, waves were rolling over his face.

What to do?

Light remembered the words of the sorceress: “If you fall into the water, you will go out, and then there will be neither a boy nor a Light,” he remembered and... threw himself into the water. He swam up and supported the boy.

And then I felt that I was beginning to fade away, that my arms and legs were no longer listening, and my eyes were no longer able to see. With all his strength he swims. He pulled the boy ashore. I got out myself. Got out and went out.

Black coals lie on the sand - an extinguished boy-Ogonyok.

The Sun saw all this from the high sky. Clear, fair. It collected all its rays into one strong, living and hot beam, directed it at the extinguished boy-Light and lit it again.

And even though he did not become a boy, he no longer became a Light, but a big Fire with the same kind and courageous heart.

(271 words by E. Kiselyov)

1. At what time of year did the events described in the text take place?

1. in winter; 2 in spring; 3 in summer; 4 in autumn


3. Write down Ogonyok’s most important wish.


4. Mark the title of the work, where transformation into a person is also accompanied by a condition.

1. H.K. Andersen - "The Little Mermaid";

2. A.S. Pushkin - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and of the beautiful Swan Princess”;

3. ...

5. Restore the sequence of actions of the boy-Spark when rescuing the boy.

1. got out;___

2. rushed;___

3. supported;___

4. swam;___

5. pulled out;___

6. went out___

6. Color in red the words from the text that characterize the sun.

7. Why did the Sun direct its ray to the extinguished boy-Light?

1. restored justice;

2. rewarded a large and courageous heart;

3. didn’t want to see black coals

8. Restore the deformed outline of the text.

1. Intervention of the just Sun.____

2. The cherished wish of a little hot Fire.____

3. Difficult choice.___

4. Gift from the Fairy of Fire.___

5. Happy life boy-Spark in a big and cheerful house.___

9. Think about which expression better than others helps to understand the main idea of ​​the text?

1. Where there is courage, there is victory.

2. good friendship and you can’t cut it with an ax.

3. It is a great merit to help a friend out in trouble.

10. Determine the main idea of ​​the text.


3rd grade Option 1.


We waited for the starlings. We adjusted the old birdhouses and hung new ones.

Finally, on the evening of March 19th, someone shouted: “Look, starlings!”

Indeed, they were sitting high on the branches of poplars... We began to count them: one, two, five, ten, fifteen... That evening there was no noise or fuss among the starlings...

For two days the starlings seemed to be gaining strength and kept visiting and inspecting last year’s familiar places.

And then the eviction of sparrows from birdhouses began.

Starlings usually sit high above the birdhouses for two days and, apparently, chatter carelessly about something among themselves, while they themselves gaze downwards with one eye, sideways.

It's scary and difficult for the sparrow. No, no - he sticks his sharp, cunning nose out of the round hole - and back.

Finally, hunger, frivolity, and perhaps timidity make themselves felt. And as soon as he has time to fly away a fathom, like a starling downwards like a stone, he is already at home.

Now the sparrow's temporary economy has come to an end.

Starlings guard the nest in turns: one sits, the other flies on business.

The starling carries all sorts of construction nonsense there: moss, cotton wool, feathers, fluff, rags, straw, dry blades of grass. He makes the nest very deep, so that a cat does not crawl in with its paw or a raven sticks its long predatory beak through it. They cannot penetrate further: the entrance hole is quite small - no more than five centimeters.

And then soon the ground dried up and the fragrant birch buds blossomed. Fields are plowed, vegetable gardens are dug up and loosened. How many different worms, caterpillars, slugs, bugs and larvae crawl into the light of day! That's the starling's freedom!... His food is on the ground and in the ground.

And do you know how many insects harmful to the garden and vegetable garden the starling destroys during the summer, if you count it by weight? A thousand times its own weight!

If you sit quietly in the morning, every day, without sudden movements somewhere in the garden or vegetable garden, then the starlings will soon get used to you and will come very close...

The real starling song should be listened to only in the early morning, when the first pink light of dawn colors the trees...

The air warmed up a little, and the starlings had already scattered on high branches and began their concert. (Alexander Kuprin)

1. Who or what is this work about?

about the tricks of sparrows about the friendship of birds about starlings about sparrows about the coming of spring

2. Think about what is in the title?


    Main thought

3. How many days did the starlings gain strength after the flight?

five days one day several days two days a week

4. How does the eviction of sparrows from birdhouses take place?

The sparrows are driven out The sparrows are pecked The sparrows are guarded The sparrows are not fed The sparrows are not given water

5. What size should the entrance hole to the birdhouse be?

big; small medium; no more than five centimeters; narrow

6. Where does the starling find food?

in the air; in water; on the ground; in the ground; on the ground and in the ground

7. Explain the expression starling stone down. Write it down.


8. Restore the order of the events described.

Rest. ___

Life at home. ___

Construction of a nest. ___

Return of the starlings. __

Eviction of sparrows. ___

9. Determine the genre of this work.

Fairy tale

Fiction story


Historical story

Scientific educational story

10. How do you understand the expression all construction nonsense?

1. stones 2. sand 3. small pieces of various debris 4. cement 5. glass

11. What fact described in the text particularly surprised you? Write it down. Why?


Testing the reader's ability to work with the text of a work of fiction

3rd grade Option 2


At the very edge of the garden bed, near other flowers, sweet peas sprouted their first sprout. He was very happy about the warm, gentle sun, which awakened the most beautiful plants sleeping in the ground.
– What a wonderful world! - the little sweet pea admired, looking forward to the day when he could open the first flowers. Sweet pea didn’t even know what color they would be.
And the wheatgrass, its roots buried deep in the ground, threatened:
“Are you, poor little fellow, really going to outstrip me in height and even blossom?” This won't happen!
The wheatgrass quickly turned green. A little time passed, and it grew so much that the sweet peas could no longer see the sun - the tender leaves of the sweet peas were covered by the shadow of the wheatgrass.
- Well, you see! – the angry wheatgrass laughed. “You will wither away, and no one will even know that you lived in the world!”
- Horrible! – Sweet pea was in despair. - Will I never see the sweet sun again, will I really have to die without ever blooming?
Suddenly a quiet, polite voice was heard next to him:
- Don't worry, sweet pea! You will still bloom. Just lean against me. I will help you escape from the wheatgrass.
It was a sunflower. He, too, could not yet boast of height, but his leaves were already wide and large, and his stem was firmly in the ground.
Sweet pea obeyed and wrapped her slender arms around the slender sunflower. Every day the sunflower rose higher and higher, and the sweet peas grew with it. Soon they both outgrew all other flowers.
And then one day a sunflower opened a beautiful yellow flower. It was so big and bright that at first the sweet pea mistook it for the sun.
- How beautiful you are! - Sweet pea rejoiced.
“You are beautiful too,” said the sunflower.
Indeed, the sweet peas also began to bloom. Like little silken moths bloomed red on its branches. And what a sweet aroma they exuded!
Bees and butterflies came from everywhere to congratulate the sunflower. They all rejoiced at its beauty and also admired the little sweet pea, which now boldly rose towards the sun and blossomed magnificently.
And the wheatgrass almost burst with anger, crawling at the very feet of the sweet pea. But he was no longer able to do anything bad to him.
- How wonderful it is to live in the world if next to you good friend! - the happy sweet pea said to the bees and butterflies.

( 351 words )

( D. Rinkule-Zemzare. Translated from Latvian by A. Girshfeld )

1. During what seasons do the events described in the text take place?

in winter; in spring; in summer; in autumn

2. Identify the main characters of the work.

moths; wheatgrass; bees; sweet pea; butterflies; sunflower

3. Continue the series of phrases (2–3).

    Sweet pea,

    clear sunshine,

    ... .

4. Restore the sequence of sweet pea's mood changes throughout the story.

Admired; ____happy; _____was in despair; _____was happy

5. Write it down cherished wish sweet pea.


6. Color it yellow sentence characterizing sweet pea flowers.

7. Restore the deformed outline of the text.

The appearance of the first sweet pea sprout in the wonderful world.

The power of friendship.

Threat of wheatgrass.

Sunflower's neighborly proposal.

8. Determine the main idea of ​​the text.


9 . Think about what is in the title?

  1. subject;

    Main thought

10. Did you like this work and why?


Testing the reader's ability to work with the text of a work of fiction

3rd grade Option 1 4th quarter


At one Moscow school, a boy stopped going to classes. He hasn't been walking for a week or two...

Lyova did not have a phone, and his classmates, on the advice of the teacher, decided to go to his house.

Levi's mother opened the door. Her face was very sad. The guys greeted each other and timidly asked:

Why doesn't Leva go to school?

Mom answered sadly:

He will no longer study with you. He had surgery. Unsuccessful. Lyova is blind and cannot walk on his own...

The guys were silent, looked at each other, and then one of them suggested:

And we will take turns taking him to school.

And accompany you home.

“And we’ll help you do your homework,” classmates chirped, interrupting each other.

Tears welled up in my mother's eyes. She led her friends into the room. A little later, feeling the way with his hand, Lyova came out to them with a blindfold.

The guys froze. Only now did they truly understand what a misfortune had happened to their friend. Leva said with difficulty:

- Hello.

And then it rained down from all sides:

I'll pick you up tomorrow and take you to school.

And I'll tell you what we studied in algebra.

- And I'm in history.

Leva didn’t know who to listen to and just nodded his head in confusion. Tears rolled down my mother's face.

After leaving, the guys made a plan - who would come in, when, who would explain what subjects, who would walk with Lyova and take him to school.

At school, the boy who sat at the same desk with Lyova quietly told him during the lesson what the teacher was writing on the board.

And how the class froze when Lyova answered! How everyone rejoiced at his A’s, even more than their own!

Leva studied well. The whole class began to study better. In order to explain a lesson to a friend in trouble, you need to know it yourself. And the guys tried. Moreover, in the winter they began to take Lyova to the skating rink. The boy loved it very much classical music, and classmates went with him to symphony concerts...

Lev graduated from school with a gold medal, then entered college. And there were friends who became his eyes.

After college, Leva continued to study and eventually became a world-famous mathematician, academician Pontryagin.

There are countless people who have seen the light for good. Boris Ganago

Testing the reader's ability to work with the text of a work of fiction

3rd grade 4th quarter


1. In what city did the boy study?

a) in Moscow; b) in St. Petersburg; c) in Rostov.

2. Why did classmates decide to go to the boy’s house?

a) he didn’t have a phone;

b) he stopped going to classes;

c) the guys wanted to go visit.

3. How did Levin’s mother explain her son’s absence from school? Write out the words from the text.


4. When did the guys really understand what misfortune happened to their friend?

a) when they saw Leva;

b) when they saw Lyova with a blindfold;

c) when they saw Leva, blindfolded, feeling his way with his hand, coming out to them.

5. What decision did the guys make? ___________________________________

6. What did classmates do after visiting a friend?


a) started singing;

b) spoke at the same time;

c) argued among themselves.

8. Restore the sequence of mom’s mood changes.

a) Mom’s eyes welled up with tears. __

b) Her (mother’s) face was very sad. __

c) Mom answered sadly... . __

d) Tears rolled down my mother’s face. __

9. Do you think it’s possible to cry for joy?

a) yes; b) no.

10. Why were the guys more happy about Leva’s A’s than their own?


11. Why did your classmates begin to study better? What does the author of the work say about this? Write out the sentence from the text.



13. Recover using numbers correct order points of the plan.

a) World famous. __

b) The boy stopped going to school. __

c) The guys’ decision not to abandon their friend in trouble. __

d) Leva’s successful studies at school. __

e) Classmates at Leva’s house. __

f) New friends at the institute. __

14. Indicate the genre of this work

a) fable

b) story

c) fairy tale

d) poem

d) epic

15. Write down the theme of this work (what or who the work is about).



16. Write down the main idea of ​​this work.

If you can’t find it, formulate it yourself and write it down.



17. What kind of “epiphany” do you think is being discussed in the work?


Reading aloud skill test


Since childhood, Suvorov dreamed of becoming a military man. However, he was a weak and sickly boy. “Well, where should you be as a military man! – his father laughed at him. “You won’t even raise a gun!” His father's words upset Suvorov. He decided to toughen up. Sometimes the winter cold would come, everyone would dress in warm fur coats or not leave the house at all, but little Sasha would throw on a light jacket and spend the whole day outside. Spring will come. As soon as the rivers open up, no one even thinks about swimming, and Suvorov splashes into the cold water. He was no longer afraid of either heat or cold. The boy walked a lot and learned to ride a horse well. Suvorov got stronger. At the age of sixteen he entered the military service. Suvorov lived for seventy years. He spent fifty-four of them in the army. He began his service as a simple soldier. She ended with feld-mar-sha-lom and ge-ne-ra-lis-si-mu-som. Suvorov fought thirty-five big battles. He was the winner in all of them.

(137 words)

(S. Alekseev)

Questions and tasks

1. What did little Sasha dream about?

2. How did Alexander harden himself?

3. How many battles and battles did Suvorov win?


One day, a family of larks built their nest in the middle of a sown field. When summer passed, the baby larks grew up. Wheat also grew.

And then one day the owner went out into the field, looked at the wheat and said to his son: “I think it’s time to harvest the grain. Tomorrow I will ask the neighbors to come help me.”

The little larks heard these words and ran to their mother: “The owner wants to harvest tomorrow. We are afraid that he will destroy our nest. Let’s fly away from this field today!” “Today we are still out of danger,” said the lark mother. “We can stay here one more day.”

The next morning the owner and his son went out into the field. They waited for a long, long time, but not a single neighbor came to help them. Everyone was busy in their fields.

The next day the owner and his son went out into the field again. The owner looked at the wheat and said: “Indeed, it’s time to harvest it. Now I will ask my brothers and sisters to come help me.”

The little larks heard these words. They got scared and ran to their mother. "Mother! - they shouted. “The owner wants to harvest the bread tomorrow.” He's going to call his brothers and sisters for help."

“Don’t be scared,” said the lark mother. – There is no danger yet. We can safely stay here one more day.”

Indeed, the next day neither the owner’s brothers nor sisters came. They all said that, unfortunately, they were very busy in their own fields. On the third day, the owner got up early in the morning, went out into the field and began to work alone.

When the lark mother saw this, she said: “Now it’s time for us to fly away. Because things get done only when a person does it himself, and does not wait for others to do it for him.”


Testing the reader's ability to work with the text of a work of fiction

Read Aesop's fable "Clever Mother-Lark". Complete the tasks. Mark the statements that correspond to the content of the text read.

1. How do you understand the expression: The family of larks has built its nest?



I dug it up.

2. At what time of year do the events described in the text take place?

In winter;

In spring;

In summer;

In autumn.

3. What kind of grain was sown in the field?




4. Why did the little larks invite their mother to fly away from the field?

The time has come to fly to warmer lands;

They were afraid that their nest would be destroyed;

There is little food.

5. Why did the neighbors and relatives refuse to help the owner of the field?

They were busy in their own fields;

They were offended by the owner of the field;

It was believed that the harvest was not yet ripe.

6. Think about which expression better than others helps to understand the main idea of ​​the text?

A thing is done only when a person does it himself, and does not wait for others to do it for him.

He who gets up late does not have enough bread.

Winter will ask what is in store for autumn.

7. Restore the deformed outline of the text.

The beginning of harvesting is time for migration.

A house in the middle of a sown field.

Little larks warn their mother about danger.

Mom-lark is in no hurry to fly away.

8. Write down one or two names of Russian fabulists.

Testing the reader's ability to work with the text of a work of fiction, grade 2

Wind and Sun

One day, the Sun and the angry North Wind started a dispute about which of them was stronger. They argued for a long time and finally decided to measure their strength with the traveler, who at that very time was riding on horseback along the high road.
“Look,” said the Wind, “how I’ll fly at him: I’ll instantly tear off his cloak.”
He said - and began to blow as hard as he could. But the more the Wind tried, the tighter the traveler wrapped himself in his cloak: he grumbled about the bad weather, but rode further and further.
The wind became angry, fierce, and showered the poor traveler with rain and snow; Cursing the Wind, the traveler put his cloak into the sleeves and tied it with a belt. At this point the Wind himself became convinced that he could not pull off his cloak.
The sun, seeing the powerlessness of its rival, smiled, looked out from behind the clouds, warmed and dried the earth, and at the same time the poor half-frozen traveler.
Feeling the warmth of the sun's rays, he perked up, blessed the Sun, took off his cloak, rolled it up and tied it to the saddle.
“You see,” the meek Sun then said to the angry Wind, “you can do much more with affection and kindness than with anger.”

(164 words)
(K. D. Ushinsky)

Read the text “Wind and Sun” by K.D. Ushinsky. Complete the tasks. Mark the statements that correspond to the content of the text read.

1. Identify the characters in the work.

a) Sun, Wind, traveler;
b) Sun, Wind;
c) Sun, Wind, Horse.

2. Where, in what place do the events described in the text take place?

a) On a forest path;
b) in a mountain gorge;
c) on the big road.

3. What did the Sun and the Wind start arguing about?

a) Which of them is more needed;
b) which of them is stronger;
c) which of them is loved more.

4. Choose a phrase that is close in meaning to the meaning of the expression blow as hard as you can.

a) With all his might;
b) with all my might;
c) whenever possible.

5. Restore the sequence of actions of the traveler in response to the efforts of the Wind.

6. Restore the sequence of actions of the Sun.

a) Looked out;
b) smiled;
c) drained;
d) warmed up.

8. Give your description of the Sun.

9. Write out words from the text that help us understand what the main thing the author wanted to tell us.

10. Determine the genre of the work. Justify your answer.

Correct answers to tasks

Angry, northern

Affectionate, kind, powerful

Last 9 words

3rd grade

Bee and fly

This is the parable Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets once told.
There were many flowers growing in the meadow. There were white fragrant lilies, hyacinths, and tall blue irises. And there was also a place for small flowers in the grass. The wind tilted them, merrily swayed the grass and leaves, and the aroma spread far, far away!
Bees were working over the clearing, over the flowers. They collected sweet nectar to feed the young in the hive and stock up on food for the long, cold winter.
This is where the fly flew. She buzzed displeasedly and looked around.
One little bee, who was here for the first time, politely asked the fly:
- Do you know where the white lilies are?
The fly frowned:
- I didn’t see any lilies here!
- How? - exclaimed the bee. - But they told me that there should be lilies in this meadow!
“I didn’t see any flowers here,” muttered the fly. - But not far away, behind the meadow, there is one ditch. The water there is deliciously dirty, and there are so many empty tin cans nearby!
Then an older bee flew up to them, holding the collected nectar in its paws. Having found out what was the matter, she said:
- True, I never noticed that there is a ditch behind the meadow, but I can tell so much about the local flowers!
“You see,” said Father Paisiy. - The poor fly only thinks about dirty ditches, but the bee knows where the lily grows, where the iris grows, and where the hyacinth grows.
And so do people. Some are like bees and like to find something good in everything, others are like flies and strive to see only bad in everything. Who do you want to be like?

(235 words)
(M. Aleshin)

Read the text “The Bee and the Fly” by M. Aleshin. Complete the tasks. Mark the statements that correspond to the content of the text read.

1. At what time of year do the events described in the text take place? (There are two possible correct answers.)

a) Winter;
b) spring;
into the summer;
d) autumn.

2. What kinds of flowers grew in the meadow?

a) Lilies, hyacinths, irises;
b) lilies, hyacinths, irises, tulips;
c) lilies, hyacinths, irises, small flowers.

3. Identify the characters in the work.

4. What were the bees doing in the clearing?

5. What word does the author characterize the actions of bees?

a) Worked;
b) flew merrily;
c) basked in the sun.

6. Why didn’t the little bee know where the white lilies grow?

7. Why didn’t the fly see the lilies in the meadow? (Two answers are possible.)

a) She found herself in the meadow for the first time;
b) she was not interested in lilies;
c) she was only interested in the dirty ditch.

8. Restore the deformed plan of the read work.

a) “Who do you want to be like?”
b) Fragrant meadow.
c) Dialogue between a little bee and a fly.
d) Nectar collection.
e) Everyone sees only what interests him.

9. Make a three-point text plan.

10. Describe the bees. (What are they?)

11. Describe the fly. (What is she like?)

Correct answers to tasks

Bees, a fly, Father Paisiy

Collected sweet nectar

She found herself in the meadow for the first time

4th grade Dancer

Well, what a weather, so that it has no bottom, no tires!
Rain, slush, cold, just - brrrrr!.. In such weather, a good owner will not let the dog out of the house.
I decided not to release mine either. Let him sit at home and warm himself. And he took the binoculars, dressed warmly, pulled the hood over his forehead - and went! It’s still interesting to see what the animal does in such bad weather.
And as soon as I left the outskirts, I saw a fox! Mouses - hunts for mice. It prowls through the stubble: its back is arched, its head and tail are towards the ground - well, a pure rocker.
She lay down on her belly, her ears upright, and crawled: apparently she heard the voles. Now they crawl out of their holes every now and then to collect grain for the winter.
Suddenly the fox jumped up in front, then fell with its front paws and nose to the ground, jerked - a black lump flew up. The fox opened its toothy mouth and caught the mouse in flight. And she swallowed it without even chewing it.
And suddenly she started dancing! Jumps on all four, as if on springs. Then suddenly he jumps on his hind legs like a circus dog: up and down, up and down! She wags her tail and sticks out her pink tongue with zeal.
I’ve been lying there for a long time, watching her through binoculars. My ear is close to the ground - I hear her paws stomping. I was covered in mud myself. I don’t understand why she’s dancing!
In this weather, just sit at home, in a warm, dry hole! And what kind of tricks does she pull out with her feet?
I got tired of getting wet - I jumped up to my full height. The fox saw it and barked in fright. Maybe she even bit her tongue. Get into the bushes - I was the only one who saw her!
I walked around the stubble and, like a fox, kept looking at my feet. Nothing remarkable: rain-soaked soil, rusty stems. Then I lay down like a fox on my stomach: wouldn’t I see something? I see: a lot of mouse holes. I hear mice squeaking in their holes. Then I jumped to my feet and let’s dance the fox dance! I jump up on the spot and stamp my feet.
Just then the frightened field mice will jump out of the ground! They move from side to side, bump into each other, squeak piercingly... Eh, if I were a fox, then...
What can I say: I realized what a hunt I had ruined for the fox.
She danced - she didn’t spoil her, she drove mice out of their holes... She would have had a feast here for the whole world!
It turns out what animal tricks you can recognize in this weather: fox dancing! I would spit on the rain and the cold, I would go to observe other animals, but I would feel sorry for my dog. It’s a shame I didn’t take it with me. He's bored, I guess, in the warmth under the roof.

(383 words)
(N. Sladkov)

Read the text “Dancer” by N. Sladkov. Complete the tasks. Mark the statements that correspond to the content of the text read.

1. At what time of year do the events described in the text take place?

a) In winter;
b) in spring;
c) in summer;
d) in the fall.

2. Justify your answer with words from the text.

3. Write out a stable expression from the text that characterizes the weather.

4. Determine the correct meaning of the word stubble.

a) A field with ripened grain crops;
b) a field sown with flax;
c) an unplowed field with the remains of straw on the root, from which grain has been harvested.

5. Determine the meaning of the word outskirts in this text.

a) Fence around the village;
b) the outskirts of the village;
c) a roundabout, not direct road.

a) Hare, fox, field mice;
b) hare, field mice;
c) fox, field mice.

8. Restore the sequence of actions of the fox when mouseing.

a) She opened her mouth and caught the mouse in flight;
b) fell with her front paws and nose to the ground;
c) lay down on her belly and crawled;
d) jerked;
e) threw up her whole front;
f) swallowed without even chewing.

11. Write down the answer to the little fox’s dance.

12. Restore the sequence of points in the outline of the text you read.

13. Make a three-point text plan.

14. What new things have you learned from the life of nature?

Correct answers to tasks

Rain, slush, cold

Third sentence

Seventh sentence

Like on springs, like a circus dog, he performs tricks with his feet

I danced the fox dance myself

Sixth sentence from the end