Everything you need to know about Katya Chilly. Living legend: best performances, videos of Katya Chili and interesting biographical facts

10 years have passed since the release of Katya Chilly’s most famous and popular album “I am Young”. But they continue to love and remember her - even though Katya performs very rarely now. A lot has changed in her life: she became a mother, changed her last name, found her path... Read carefully. The author's style has been preserved.

Katya, how has your life changed in the 10 years since the release of the album “I am Young”?
Has changed a lot. During this time, I managed to die and be born inside several times. Now it feels like it was in a different reality. And not with me. Although my voice in songs reminds me of what’s happening to me. It was always from within... like dense breathing. But now I feel more like I’m awake.

Has motherhood changed your outlook on life? What are you teaching your son?
Changed. Motherhood is the entrance to Knowledge for Women... although not everyone enters this door, even after giving birth. If all women united in this Knowledge, which is not spoken about, in this partnership, it would be a merciful, merciful world based on compassion. A world not of competing females, but of mothers, daughters, sisters - and would open up to the path of becoming a Man. They would be more likely to care about a world that extends beyond humans. The system cultivates the idea that these doors do not exist, which is why orphanages are overcrowded. And neither the elderly, nor children, nor women, nor mothers, nor the men themselves are protected. People are not protected. Those with a capital letter. This is a world of achievements... not always mercy... let's not talk about those Earthlings who are also living beings: birds, fish, animals, plants, shellfish, minerals, water, earth... 60% of wild animals have disappeared in forty years - do you know? And there are fewer and fewer people...

I don't teach, I learn more from him (son) now. I try to be myself. In the quality for which it is worth... As far as I know how, I can, I see and it works out. Not “sleeping” sometimes is too much.

I am happy that He was born to me. My environment - I would like it to be his environment; my Knowledge - I would like it to be his instrument... But the only thing I can give, probably, in reality, is Love and the ability to simply Be. I want him to have me. Even when he doesn’t have me as a body. To have the feeling that everything is fine. That he is love and is loved. Probably, only in these qualities can you give love to others... Have the strength to do this. Be love.

What kind of music are you playing now? If we talk about roots - is it Slavic or Vedic? Previously, you could hear Tibetan bowls, now - bandura.
The instruments are not mutually exclusive - they are sensations, colors. It `s music. Everyone in the Katya Chilly Group is music... it’s just that at the moment of playing we merge into one.

The last information before you went into the shadows was the news that you are working on new songs that will not contain “a drop of electronics.” But judging by the latest tracks from the sci-trance project Zymosis, this is not the case?
We need exactly this paint, exactly this vibration, this frequency. So that the music sometimes acquires the necessary density and vibration. To turn on music at body level. At home I also listen to the Qur'an - perhaps it's time to create what I listen to myself. A cappella will also be at the concert, in the capacity in which I feel it makes sense... specifically for this venue.

I stopped thinking a long time ago when it comes to music. I feel. There is a flow. But there is a way to convey it. The instrument and skill of the one who plays is no less important to me than who exactly plays. There must be many Meetings on different levels before a song can be born through us all. And the trust with which this can happen. Sometimes these acquaintances last for years, and only then does the creative flow begin to flow. But sometimes there are dashed hopes, when something from above simply does not bring creation together. Sometimes it even happens that I really like the professionalism of someone, but I see an unkind attitude towards my son, and my creativity flow closes, and physically my legs turn in the other direction. It was also the other way around, when there was nothing in the plans, but the childish threshold of testing for compassion was passed and love was felt - then I go into the flow, and subsequently I am as happy as a child. And we just play around, and everyone is happy that it turns out, and it turns out cool.

Who is currently a member? Katya Chilly Group? Besides Zymosis, who else can you expect at the upcoming concert at the House of Actors?
Valentin Kornienko (double bass), Maxim Sidorenko (piano), Alex Fantaev (drums), Sergei Okhrimchuk (violin), Yaroslav Dzhus (bandura). Specially invited guests are Zymosis and Un Ryu (shakuhachi flutes). There will be Dima Mazurenko and Anna Kruzheniya.

These people are legends. Who understand very well what they are doing. They know how to be nameless gods. We agreed on this. The main thing is to understand the fundamental positions on music, so as not to destroy what is for the sake of it. And do not disturb with unnecessary interventions and questions. For example, I don't know if there will be bowls. Whether they will be, Alik decides now. But if they are not there, then something else is better for this hall. Or now he feels a more essential flow through something else. Whether it will be water or a drum set, he decides. I can only ask what is needed for this hall technically, so that nothing prevents it from opening up. And the mood is important. They trust me in the same way, I feel.

Katya, you have always been a mystery girl. Is this mystery a character trait, an element of image, or a desire to rise above the hustle and bustle?
I don't know. I have big question- Who am I. That's why I just sing sometimes so as not to think. I'm just there. Through the voice I find myself in Being. Through children - into love. I need to sing more... Life can also become a song... or not.

You recently performed at anniversary concert group "Tartak". What are your impressions? Don't you miss the big stage?
Impressions of meeting friends. I believe only in love, that's where I go. There she was. You need to be prepared for the big stage so as not to be a decoration there for one day and not be afraid to die :). This is sometimes life-threatening :). Both for yourself as a spiritual being, and for others :). But... perhaps we also have something to offer different scenes. Everything has its time. And everything always happens on time. Or it doesn't happen. But everything has its own meaning.

In your opinion, is it possible for a person to exist without music?
Without an external one, it’s probably possible. But without the internal one, probably not. Ideally, external music is a way to convey the music that you hear from within... ideally, when you are able to hear it... Then you don’t have to sing, but many will feel it. But if you sing, more people will hear it... or sometimes it's a way to get into it yourself. It's a journey that never ends. Music is the way. The voice is the way. The path can be seen through everything. This is a way of communication, and how a magical creature (he) transports you to the Far Far Away Kingdom and back. This is what transmits Knowledge not through understanding, but through sensation. Which is enough to remember later in order to build on it and move on.

Many people know Katya Chili in Ukraine, because her name was once widely known. Her songs were very often played on FM radio, on regular radio, and her performances could be seen on television. Katya has a special one, powerful voice. It's very strong for me, which is probably why I don't respond to her songs very well. Katya's songs for me are not songs for every day. Such a shrill voice is good for singing folk songs, and you can listen to such songs with pleasure during the holidays. Her recent performance on the Ukrainian show “Voice of the Country”, which is broadcast on the “1+1” TV channel: Katya came to the show and sang a song, of course she was left on the show. Mentors like her didn't recognize her when they listened blindly. But I would recognize her voice if I were them.

Katya's real name and surname are: Ekaterina Petrovna Kondratenko (Bogolyubova). Ekaterina was born in Ukraine, now the singer is neither more nor less than thirty-eight years old. Katya celebrates her birthday in the summer, July 12th. Katya is a native of Kiev. She has her own Music band, she is currently working on an album that will not contain elements electronic music. In general, the singer tried herself in different genres, but in my opinion, her voice somehow leveled the songs, and her songs were always recognizable precisely because of her powerful voice. Sometimes there was a feeling of surprise, where such a tiny girl had such power, such a strong voice. Katya has a three-year-old son, but almost nothing is known about her other half. It is not even clear whether she is married or not. But it is clear that the singer had a marriage or still exists. I think the singer left big stage precisely in order to take care of your personal life. After all, her child was born quite late. And now, having resolved her personal affairs, Katya Chili returned to the stage. I think now her voice can be enjoyed much more often. At least for now the show is on"The voice of the country". By the way, her songs are very suitable for the title of this TV show.

P.S. I will add to the answer, as I found out new details. Katya has a husband and he is a pianist in her group, Alexey Bogolyubov. There is no particular information about this anywhere, you just need to compare the composition of its team and the names of the participants. And look at her full surname Kondratenko (Bogolyubova).

Ukrainian singer Katya Chilly, whose real name is Ekaterina Petrovna Kondratenko, at 38 years old looks much younger than her age thanks to her fragile physique (the singer’s height is 152 cm, weight 41 kg) and her young voice.

A girl was born in Kyiv on July 12, 1978. WITH early childhood Katya began to show musical abilities. Already from the first grades of her tenth year, she entered a music school in two departments at once - string instruments and piano. In addition, the talented girl enrolled in a folk singing school, and then became a soloist in the Orelya choir.

Her versatile talents allowed Katya to loudly announce herself throughout the country at the age of 8. During the broadcast of the television concert “Children of Chernobyl”, which was broadcast on central television Soviet Union, Katya performed the song “33 Cows”. The little big-eyed girl was remembered by many viewers back then.

6 years later, the singer received her first award at the Fant-Loto Nadezhda competition. Then I noticed her famous composer Sergei Ivanovich Smetanin. He invited the girl to collaborate, the fruit of which was Ekaterina’s first album “Mermaids In Da House”, and she herself changed her name to the creative pseudonym Katya Chilly.

Despite her busy stage life, Kondratenko did not forget her studies. As a teenager, she became a student at the Lyceum at the National University, and then followed the path of a philologist and folklorist, entering a prestigious university. My thesis she devoted herself to the study of ancient civilization. Katya completed her graduate studies in two cities at once - Kyiv and Lyublino.


Folklore themes formed the basis of Katya's first album Chilly. Original style, unusual musical material impressed the listeners and made the singer popular. In 1997, Katya, at the invitation of MTV head Bill Rowdy, took part in filming programs for this channel.

Besides national competition"Chervona Ruta", where the singer becomes frequent guest, she travels abroad to participate in international projects, one of which was the Edinburgh Fringe festival. All events indicated that a new star had appeared on the stage's horizon, creative biography which she promised to become fruitful and happy.


During one of the tours, an unexpected event happened. During the performance, the singer was seriously injured, tripping and falling off the stage. The injuries were serious - spinal damage, concussion. Colleague Sashko Polozhinsky provided her with first aid, and he also helped during rehabilitation. During this period, the girl disappeared from the media space. The disease did not subside for a long time, her health deteriorated, and Katya began to despair.

Against the background of her experiences, she developed severe depression. It took time and support from family to overcome this condition. But, having pulled herself together, Katya Chilly creates her second album, “Dream,” with which she even managed to perform in forty cities in the UK. After the concert in London, which was broadcast on live The BBC, a world-famous company, offered to shoot Katya a video for one of her hits for a year-long show on the channel.


A new round in Katya Chilly’s work was her album “I am Young,” which was released in 2006. A year before this, the singer’s maxi-single “Pivni” was released, which was created with the participation of many famous DJs of that time: Tka4, Evgeniy Arsentiev, DJ Lemon, Professor Moriarti and LP. A video was also created for this song, made in 3D technology, new for that time.

The bonus of the disc was the hit “Ponad Khmarami”, which Katya Chilly sang in a duet with Sashko Polozhinsky. Will appear a little later a new version this song, but in a joint performance by Katya and the hip-hop group TNMK.

The album, consisting of 13 tracks, among which the most popular songs were “Bantik”, “Krashen Vecher”, “Zozulya”, impressed listeners and critics. In it, Katya Chilly combined the incompatible - folklore and electronics. The starting material was folk songs, as well as poetic lines of modern authors.

After the release of this disc, Katya Chilly rethinks the concept of her work and concentrates only on acoustic music. She completely changes the composition of the band and begins touring with live concerts, without a single hint of artificial sound. Now her group includes instruments such as piano, violin, double bass, drum book, and drums. The girl goes on stage barefoot, wearing simple dresses. She is invited as a headliner by many Ukrainian music festivals: “Spivochi Terasi”, “Golden Gate”, “Chervona Ruta”, “Antonich-fest”, “Rozhanytsya”.

Despite the fact that the singer’s discography is small (only 5 albums), all Katya Chilly’s concerts are sold out.

At the end of 2016, Katya Chilly participated in the “People. Hard Talk” program, where she talked about her plans for the future and the sources of her inspiration.

Katya Chilly today

On January 22, 2017, the seventh season of the show “Voice of the Country” began on the Ukrainian channel “1+1”. This year's lineup of judges has changed somewhat compared to previous Voice of the Country programs. It included two previous coaches and two new coaches and. During one of the first auditions, which took place on January 26, Katya Chilly appeared on stage. She performed the musical composition “Svetlitsa”. For her performance, the singer chose an ethnic style: she wore a linen scarf, a canvas dress, and a special sign was painted on her chest.

As a result of the blind selection, all four judges turned to her, who were indescribably delighted with the appearance of the talented singer as a participant in the competition. Many fans of the show “The Voice of Ukraine” are already predicting Katya Chilly’s victory in the finals of the competition, but time will tell how events will develop.

Now, in addition to being busy with a media project, Katya Chilly continues to give live concerts, the last of which took place on March 2.

Personal life

The singer’s personal life is behind the scenes: Katya does not advertise her relationships or marital status. But judging by the change of Kondratenko’s maiden name to Bogolyubova, the singer’s husband was pianist Alexey Bogolyubov, who works with her in the same group.

Three years ago, the first-born son Svyatozar appeared in the family of Ekaterina and Alexei, whom the artist already takes with her to many performances.


  • "Mermaids in da House" - (1998)
  • "Dream" - (2002)
  • “I am young” - (2006)
  • 3 Bereznya, 2017, 17:40
  • Rozsilka


  • The main facts of Katya Chilly's biography. How the once popular singer in Ukraine announced herself on the show “Voice of the Country”

    At one of the broadcasts of the popular TV show “The Voice of the Country,” the project’s trainers were impressed by the unusual Ukrainian throat singing of singer Katya Chilly, who left the big stage about 10 years ago. All four presenters turned their chairs to look at the owner of the magical voice.

    In the 90s, the singer released several successful albums and went on tours throughout Ukraine and abroad. But in a decade about talented singer they forgot - she did not release new albums, she practically did not perform anywhere.

    A performance on the “Voice of the Country” show gave Katya Chilly a new round of popularity. It turned out that the girl last years, although not often featured in the press, found a new style sound, recorded several songs and is ready to return to the stage.

    “Scotch” decided to talk about the most significant facts of the singer’s biography.

    Katya Chilly's performance on “Voice of the Country”

    How it all began

    The real name of the artist is Ekaterina Petrovna Kondratenko. Katya was born on July 12, 1978 in Kyiv.

    The singer's love for music began to manifest itself in childhood - in the summer of 1986 she first appeared on television channels of the Soviet Union. Her performance during the “Children of Chernobyl” concert in one of pioneer camps showed on television. This was the first serious performance where the eight-year-old singer performed the song “33 Cows.”

    Since childhood, Katya liked Ukrainian folk singing. While studying in third grade secondary school Katya attended a folklore club and sang in the Orelya children's folk choir.

    In addition, she studied at music school in piano and cello classes. Later, in the seventh grade, he joined the folklore department of the art school. Next came the turn of the National Humanitarian Lyceum at the National University. Taras Shevchenko.

    Tartak feat. Katya Chilly - “In the gloom”

    Even higher education Katya received it while studying at the Faculty of Philology of the National University. Taras Shevchenko (specialization - Folklore).

    The first shoots of success

    Since the spring of 1996, Katya has focused on a pop-avant-garde project (combining ancient ritual singing with the most modern music). This caused a real stir in the media and a storm of delight among fans. Katya has become a symbol of the new Ukrainian music, a new musical alternative.

    The ethnic material in the singer’s interpretation charmed even those who were far from folklore. Fans of Katya Chilly gathered under the flags of different people: representatives of generation X who were waiting for unconventional music, adult fans of Ukrainian folklore and admirers of the World Musik phenomenon.

    Popularity in Ukraine and abroad

    It took the talented girl less than a year to gain confident star status. Numerous interviews, participation in television programs, performances at the largest and most prestigious concert venues in the country, victories at festivals (including the Chervona Ruta festival).

    The singer’s work aroused keen interest from the Western community. For example, in 1997, MTV President Bill Rowdy invited the singer to participate in the programs of this channel.

    Katya Chilly’s creativity was celebrated at various international festivals. Among them is the Fringe festival, which took place in the Scottish city of Edinburgh.

    In 1998, Katya Chilly released her debut album “Mermaids in da House”, the appearance of which became a landmark event for the development of Ukrainian musical culture. Media representatives dubbed the singer’s performance style “the singing of a beautiful elf.”

    Injury and long recovery

    On the tour of the “Chervona Ruta” winners, something happened that she doesn’t talk about much: at one of the concerts, Katya fell off the stage, lost consciousness and severely injured her spine.

    The only one who helped her was Sashko Polozhinsky. He carried her in his arms to the ambulance and supported her afterwards.

    There was a long period of rehabilitation, the singer began to experience depression. She reconsidered her outlook on life, realized that there were very few real friends and loved ones, and because of what happened she began to have stage fright.

    I thought about stopping performing altogether, but then I quit. depressive state, recorded new album and went with him on a tour of England and Russia.

    Tours in England and collaboration with the BBC

    Since 2000, Katya has collaborated with composers, arrangers and instrumentalists Leonid Beley (“Mandry”) and Alexander Yurchenko (ex-Yarn, Blemish). The album “Dream”, recorded later, was never released, despite the fact that the program was successfully tested on venues in England and Russia.

    At this time, Katya received a higher education and continued her postgraduate studies at Kyiv and Lublin universities.

    In March 2001, Katya performed with concert program in London, where she gave more than 40 concerts. Katya's performance was broadcast live by the BBC. This company also shot a video clip (live) of the singer, which was broadcast on the channel for a year.

    "Above the gloom"

    In 2006, Katya Chilly’s next album, “I am Young,” was released; the album included 13 tracks. Among them are several that have long been known and loved by domestic listeners: the duet with Sashko Polozhinsky “Ponad Khmarami”, the composition “Pivni” released as a single in the fall of 2005, and the song “I am Young”, the video for which was aired on television in mid-February.

    New period

    After active creative life Katya disappears for 10 years from the radars of Ukrainian music lovers. No concerts, no new albums. But this period was not in vain for the singer - she rethought her work, discarded the electronic component and concentrated only on the Ukrainian authentic folk singing, gave birth to a son, Svyatozar.

    Today Katya Chilly is working on an acoustic program, which does not contain a drop of electro. And he is preparing a new revolutionary material that is unlike anything else.

Katya Chili - Ekaterina Petrovna Kondratenko (Bogolyubova), Ukrainian singer and a musician performing under the stage name Katya Chilly. During her career, she released 5 albums and won the love of the audience. The star, at 38 years old, looks much younger than her age thanks to her fragile physique (Katya Chili is 152 cm tall and weighs 41 kg) and her young voice.

We will talk about creativity further, but many are also interested in information about Katya Chili’s disease. It is known that during the tour of the “Chervona Ruta” winners, she fell from the stage, lost consciousness and severely injured her spine. Sashko Polozhinsky carried him to the ambulance in his arms and was very supportive afterwards. Since the artist doesn’t talk much about the incident, her health is of great concern to her fans.

Katya Chili: personal life

We also note that Katya Chili’s personal life is almost as popular as the artist’s work due to the fact that she does not reveal her personal life to strangers. But judging by the change of Kondratenko’s maiden name to Bogolyubova, the singer’s husband was pianist Alexey Bogolyubov, who works with her in the same group.

Three years ago, the family of Ekaterina and Alexey welcomed their first child, son Svyatozar, who supported his star mother during her performance on Golosi Krainy-7.

Katya Chili's performance on The Voice

Regarding the artist’s work, let’s start, perhaps, with Katya Chili’s performance on the Voice of the Country, with which she again attracted attention and which gave her new wave popularity. The extraordinary artist Katya Chili “Svetlitsa” sang the song on air, unfolding all the coach’s chairs. As a result, she ended up on the team. Watch the video of Katya Chili's performance at.

The next stage of the show again showed a stunning level of performance. Katya Chili and Narek Gevorkyan performed a song in two languages ​​in a duet, which literally captivated the audience. Katya Chili watch online on WANT.ua.

Katya Chili battle turned out to be impressive, but on the same vocal competition The voice of the country-7 is in the TOP discussion and the song Bantik Katya Chili. And now Katya Chili Bantik is a hit on the Internet due to the artist’s eccentric performance.

We are sure that the Voice of the Country 2017 gave Katya Chili a new breath, a new round of creativity. Her army of fans is growing from broadcast to broadcast. Katya Chili's videos are breaking viewing records and we are pleased to publish several more videos of the singer, which are very popular among viewers. For example, Katya Chili Ponad Khmarami, which the artist sang in a duet with the group “Tartak” (frontman Sashko Polozhinsky).

Katya Chili also blows up YouTube with the track “I am young.”

The real challenge was the song “Pivni” and the futuristic video for it.

I would like to note that Katya Chili graced her with her presence, and the project gave her a lot in terms of development. Loyal fans believe that this event will inspire the artist to create new musical masterpieces.