Search for material “Russian musical literature - Smirnova E. Buy the book Russian musical literature - Smirnova E.S. Panova Russian musical literature

The material presented in the textbook covers the period of development of Russian music from the 18th century to the work of Tchaikovsky. Following two essays on Russian musical culture of the 18th and 19th centuries, there are chapters devoted to six major classical composers. Each chapter consists of a brief biography and analysis of works, the study of which is provided for in the program.
Published as an appendix to the textbook “Anthology of Russian Musical Literature” (compiled by E. Smirnova and A. Samonov), it is designed to enable students to better understand musical material by playing independently at home individual works or excerpts from them. For this purpose, some of the most difficult works for students are given in a simplified arrangement for piano. Some examples from the opera "Boris Godunov" by Mussorgsky are given in Rimsky-Korsakov's edition.


Song and romance
A.A. Alyabyev
A.E. Varlamov
A.L. Gurilev

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka
Life path
"Ivan Susanin"
Works for orchestra
Romances and songs
Major works

Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky
Life path
Romances and songs
Major works


Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky
Life path
"Boris Godunov"
"Pictures at an Exhibition"
Major works

Alexander Porfirievich Borodin
Life path
"Prince Igor"
Romances and songs
Major works

Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov sheet music
Life path
"Snow Maiden"
Major works

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Life path
First Symphony "Winter Dreams"
"Eugene Onegin"
Major works

The work of classical composers Glinka, Dargomyzhsky, Borodin, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky is a true treasure of Russian culture of the 19th century. Their traditions found their implementation and development in the works of composers late XIX and the beginning of the 20th century - Taneyev and Glazunov, Lyadov and Arensky, Kalinnikov, Scriabin and Rachmaninov. All of them are worthy successors to their great predecessors.
Russian classical music developed in close connection with advanced Russian literature and art. Ideological and aesthetic principles classical composers of the last century were a kind of beacon that illuminated the path for Russian musicians of the 20th century.
All life Russian composers-classics - this is selfless service to art, to your people, to your homeland. And art for them is a means of communicating with people. Russian classics created their works not for a narrow circle of refined connoisseurs, but for the entire people.
The music of classical composers reflects the centuries-old history of our Motherland, liberation struggle of the Russian people against oppression and violence, the people with their spiritual beauty, grief and dreams of a bright future are sung.
The best traditions of classical composers found their development in the works of musicians of subsequent generations - Myaskovsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Khachaturian, Kabalevsky, Shebalin, Sviridov and many other composers.

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  1. For VI - VII classes children's musical schools Under...

    E. Smirnova. Russian musical. Literature.

    They often used Russian melodies in their works. And when composing their own melodies, they introduced into them intonations, singing patterns and melodic turns characteristic of Russian songs.
  2. Russian musical literature. Smirnova E.S.
  3. Russian musical literature. 6 -7 classes Children's Music School. Page 1-33

    Page 1-33, Smirnova E., Musical literature, notes for musical literature. Music library according to the curriculum of the Russian Federation, methodological literature. Pedagogical repertoire of children's music school and music. schools. Download sheet music for free.
  4. Russian musical literature. 6 -7 classes Children's Music School. Page 34-75

    Page 34-75, Smirnova E., Musical literature, notes for musical literature. Music library according to the curriculum of the Russian Federation, methodological literature. Pedagogical repertoire of children's music school and music. schools. Download sheet music for free.
  5. Russian musical literature For VI - VII class Children's Music School
  6. Russian musical literature| E. Smirnova

    Russian musical literature BOOKS; HUMANITIES Title: Russian musical literature Publisher: Muzyka Year of publication: 2001 Pages: 144 Format: DJVU Size: 1.48 MB The book introduces students to the life and work...
  7. Russian musical literature For VI - VII class Children's Music School

    This textbook is intended for students in grades VI and VII of a children's music school. The material presented in the textbook covers the period of development of Russian music from the 18th century to the work of Tchaikovsky. Following two essays on Russian...
  8. (Musical literature/ Textbook) Smirnova, E. - Russian...
  9. Reader on Russian musical literature Smirnova...

    Download textbooks for children's music schools. READING READING on Russian musical literature by E. Smirnova and A. Samonov for grades VI -VII of the children's music school "Music", 1986

    “Lullaby for Eremushka” “The garden is blooming over the Don” “With a doll” From the “Children’s” series.
  10. BookReader Russian musical literature(E. Smirnova)

    Russian musical literature (E. Smirnova).
  11. Smirnova E.S. Russian musical literature

    For VI - VII classes children's musical schools. - 11th ed. - Ed. Popova T.V. - M.: Music, 1989. - 144 p. The material presented in the textbook covers the period of development Russian music
  12. (Musical literature/ Textbook) Smirnova, E. - Russian...

    Smirnova, E. - Russian musical literature: for VI - VII grades Children's Music School: Textbook. - M., Music, 2002.

    Following two essays on Russian musical culture of the 18th and 19th centuries, there are chapters devoted to six major classical composers.
  13. Russian musical literature Smirnova Benefit for...

    Textbooks for children's music schools download This textbook is intended for students VI and VII

    Russian musical literature by E. Smirnova For children's music classes VI -VII

    Following two essays on Russian musical culture of the 18th and 19th centuries, chapters are placed...
  14. Russian musical literature For VI - VII class Children's Music School

    This textbook is intended for students in grades VI and VII of a children's music school. The material presented in the textbook covers the period of development of Russian music from the 18th century to the work of Tchaikovsky. Following two essays on Russian...

    2 E. Smirnova RUSSIAN MUSICAL LITERATURE For VI-VII grades of children's music school Edited by T. V. POPOVA

    Glinka is the founder of the Russian school vocal singing, his romances are an inexhaustible spring of beauty and perfection...
  16. (Musical literature/ Textbook) Smirnova, E. - Russian...

    Smirnova, E. - Russian musical literature: for VI - VII grades Children's Music School: Textbook. - M., Music, 2002.

    Following two essays on Russian musical culture of the 18th and 19th centuries, there are chapters devoted to six major classical composers.
  17. Russian musical literature: For VI - VII class Children's Music School

    This textbook is intended for students in grades VI and VII of a children's music school. The material presented in the textbook covers the period of development of Russian music from the 18th century to the work of Tchaikovsky. Following two essays on Russian...
  18. (Piano / Reader / Musical literature)...

    Reader on Russian musical literature (edited by T.V. Popova).

    Publisher: Muzyka Format: PDF Number of pages: 179 ISBN: none Quality: scanned pages Description: Reader on Russian musical literature for grades VI -VII...
  19. Smirnova E.S. Russian musical literature

    For VI - VII classes children's musical schools. - Ed. Popova T.V. - M.: Music, 2001. - 144 p. The material presented in the textbook covers the period of development Russian music from the 18th century to the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky.
  20. Musical literature(TUTORIALS). Library.

    Musical literature (TUTORIALS).

    N.P. Kozlova Russian musical literature.

    Musical literature for 3rd grade children's music school.
  21. Book E. Smirnova, Russian musical literature - Music...

    M.N. Gromov History of Russian philosophy.

    Home » History » Biographies, ZhZL » E. Smirnova, Russian musical literature - Music (2001) (DJVU) Russian, 5-7140-0142-7.
  22. Russian musical literature. Smirnova E.S.

    Russian musical literature. Smirnova E.S. For VI-VII grades of children's music school. M.: Music, 2001. - 141 p. The book introduces students to the life and work of Russian composers M. Glinka, A. Dargomyzhsky, M. Mussorgsky, A. Borodin...
  23. Russian musical literature (For 6 -7 classes children's...)

    The book introduces students to life and creativity Russians composers M. Glinka, A. Dargomyzhsky, M. Mussorgsky, A. Borodin, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, P. Tchaikovsky and For students children's musical schools.
  24. (Musical literature/ Textbook) Prokhorov... ::

    (Musical literature / Textbook) Prokhorova, I., Skudina, G. Musical literature of the Soviet period. For VII grade of children's music school (PDF). Pages: 1. Home » Books and magazines » Sheet music and Musical literature » Musical literature and Theory.
  25. Russian musical literature. Smirnova E.S.

    Russian musical literature. Smirnova E.S. For VI-VII grades of children's music school. M.: Music, 2001. - 141 p. The book introduces students to the life and work of Russian composers M. Glinka, A. Dargomyzhsky, M. Mussorgsky, A. Borodin, H...
  26. Russian musical literature. Smirnova E.S.

    Russian musical literature. Smirnova E.S. download books, textbooks, textbooks, textbooks, textbooks, atlases for free without registration.

    Smirnova E.S. For VI-VII grades of children's music school. M.: Music, 2001. - 141 p. The book introduces students to the life and work of Russians...
  27. - Author of the book: Smirnova. Name: Russian literature

    Smirnova, E.S. Russian musical literature. For VI-VII grades of children's music schools. Edited by T.V. Popova.

    It was compiled in accordance with the program for musical literature approved by the USSR Ministry of Culture in 1962.
  28. Russian musical literature For VI - VII class Children's Music School

In the family of world musical cultures, Russian music has one of the most significant and honorable places.
It arose over ten centuries ago from the song and instrumental art of the ancient Slavs and since then has come a long and glorious way, gradually establishing its global significance. The pinnacle of this centuries-long development was XIX century, which gave humanity Glinka and Dargomyzhsky, Borodin and Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky and Rimsky-Korsakov, Glazunov and Taneyev, and on turn of the 19th century and 20th centuries - Rachmaninov and Scriabin.

Growing out of folk musical practice, Russian musical art has retained an unbreakable connection with this life-giving source for all times. It thus reflected all the historical stages in the development of popular consciousness and at the same time preserved and creatively developed the most valuable musical traditions of deep antiquity. This is how its national identity developed over the centuries. Russian music also sensitively absorbed the achievements of the musical art of other countries and peoples and developed in close connection with other arts - Russian and foreign literature, poetry, theater, painting.
During the period of greatest flowering of Russian music national character combined with a deep and original refraction of the most important problems of the century, with the ability to capture great universal content in a bright, unique form. These features constantly attracted close attention leading figures of European musical art. Liszt and Berlioz were ardent admirers of Glinka. Even during the composer’s lifetime, Tchaikovsky’s work won love and admiration in many countries around the world. According to the recognition of a number of French musicians, led by Claude Debussy, the creative principles of Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, and Borodin contained the seeds of further fruitful development and renewal of European music.
The classical 19th century of Russian music was a preparation for new art, Soviet era, which opened with the Great October Revolution. The work of Soviet composers Myaskovsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich and many others, which in turn have already become classics, is strongly connected with the musical traditions of their great predecessors.

The best creations of Russian music are always characterized by deep humanity. In the minds of their authors, the concepts of “beauty” and “truth”, the principles of aesthetic and ethical, were inextricably linked. Highest goal For Russian composers, it was invariably the creation of a truthful image of a person, the expression of his complex thoughts and feelings. In works of various genres, as well as in folk art, were embodied not only by history and life of the people, his struggle for independence, an angry denunciation of social injustice, but also the passionate desire of the individual to emancipate his spiritual powers, the struggle for a person’s personal happiness. That is why Russian composers, like Russian writers, can rightfully be called, using the expression of A. Tolstoy, “masons of the invisible fortress, the fortress of the people’s soul.”

The feat of Russian musicians becomes even more obvious if we remember that they selflessly created under the most difficult conditions of the tsarist system, serfdom and during the period of rapid growth of developing capitalism, when artists were subjected to severe persecution for expressing freedom-loving thoughts, and all Russian art was disparagingly viewed by the ruling elite as something “inferior” in relation to the fashionable West. Maxim Gorky was right when he said: “In the field of art, in the creativity of the heart, the Russian people discovered amazing power, creating, under the most terrible conditions, beautiful literature, amazing painting and original music admired around the world. The people's lips were closed, the wings of the soul were tied, but their heart gave birth to dozens of great word artists, sounds, colors."
The Great October Revolution freed the “wings of the soul”, opening up unprecedented opportunities for development in history artistic creativity. After the Great October Revolution socialist revolution all forms of art, including music, entered into new stage of their existence, began new life. At the same time, interest in the historical past of our native art has increased in our time.

To understand and appreciate the present, you need to know the past well. Treasures created over the centuries by the genius of the people, passed on from generation to generation, are our heritage, our national pride and the true foundation of Soviet music.

  • Chapter I. Russian music before the 18th century
    • Music ancient Rus'
    • Musical culture Kievan Rus
    • Musical culture of Novgorod
    • Musical culture of Moscow Rus'
    • New phenomena of Russian musical culture in the 17th century
  • Chapter II. Russian musical culture XVIII century
  • Chapter III. Russian musical culture in the first half of the 19th century
  • Chapter IV. Russian composers - contemporaries of Glinka
    • A. A. Alyabyev
    • A. E. Varlamov
    • A. L. Gurilev
    • A. N. Verstovsky
  • Chapter V. M. I. Glinka
    • Vital and creative path
    • "Ivan Susanin"
    • "Ruslan and Lyudmila"
    • Symphonic works
    • Romances.
  • Chapter VI. A. S. Dargomyzhsky
    • Life and creative path
    • Romances
    • Opera creativity
  1. Russian musical literature For VI-VII classes children's...

    This textbook is intended for students in grades VI and VII of children's music schools. It was compiled in accordance with the program for musical literature approved by the USSR Ministry of Culture in 1962. The material presented in the textbook... Buy
  2. Book: " Russian musical literature: For 6 -7 classes..."

    For students of children's music schools. Illustrations for the book Esther Smirnova - Russian musical literature: For 6-7 grades children's music school: Textbook. There are no reviews yet. Buy
  3. Reader on Russian musical literature. For VI-VII...

    VI-VII grades of the children's music school is an addition to the textbook “Russian musical literature” (author E. Smirnova)

    works of Russian classics from memory, “by ear”, becoming familiar with them mainly in classes on this subject at school. Buy
  4. Book " Russian musical literature. For 6 -7 classes..."

    For grades 6-7 of a children's music school - characteristics, photos and reviews

    Russian musical literature. For VI-VII grades of children's music school. Buy
  5. Russian musical literature Buy
  6. Russian musical literature- buy in the online store...

    Russian musical literature - characteristics, photos and customer reviews. Delivery throughout Russia.

    This textbook is intended for students in grades 6 and 7 of children's music schools. It is compiled in accordance with the program for musical literature... Buy
  7. Russian musical literature- buy in the online store...

    Russian musical literature - characteristics, photos and customer reviews. Delivery throughout Russia.

    This textbook is intended for students in grades VI and VII of a children's music school. It is compiled in accordance with the music program... Buy
  8. Russian musical literature. Textbook - buy...

    This textbook is intended for students in grades VI and VII of a children's music school. It is compiled in accordance with the program for

    Published as a supplement to the textbook "Anthology of Russian Musical Literature" (compiled by E. Smirnova and A. Samonov)... Buy
  9. Russian musical literature. For 6 -7 classes Children's Music School....

    OZON offers favorable prices and great service. Russian musical literature. For 6-7 grades of children's music school. Textbook - characteristics, photos and customer reviews.

    For students of children's music schools. Preservation: Excellent. Buy
  10. Russian musical literature few ratings Smirnova E.S.

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    This textbook is intended for students in grades VI and VII of a children's music school. It is compiled in accordance with the music program... Buy
  11. Textbooks | Labyrinth

    Russian musical literature: For 6-7 grades Children's Music School: Textbook. Smirnova Esther. Music: Textbooks.

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  13. Literature For musical schools| Labyrinth - Books

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  14. Book: "Anthology for Piano: Medium classes Children's Music School..."

    The reader is intended for students in grades 4-5 of children's music schools. The plays that make up this anthology are diverse in genres and themes: polyphony, variations, plays, ensembles. Pop and jazz plays are included in a separate section. Buy
  15. Book: "Anthology for piano. Senior classes Children's Music School..."

    The reader is intended for students in grades 6-7 of children's music schools. The plays that make up this anthology are diverse in genres and themes - waltzes, preludes, etudes, program and variety plays. The works are aimed at developing emotional-imaginative thinking and... Buy
  16. Russian musical literature. For 6 And 7 classes.

    OZON offers competitive prices and excellent service. Russian musical literature. For 6th and 7th grades.

    This textbook is intended for students in grades 6 and 7 of a children's music school. The material presented in the textbook covers the period of development... Buy
  17. Series “Tutorials for Children's Music School» |

    The solfeggio workbook for first grade is part of a series of workbooks for

    The appearance of this teaching aid due to the fact that traditional program on musical literature for children's music schools was published in... Buy
  18. Book: "Textbook of solfege. For 6 -7 classes children's... | Labyrinth

    For grades 6-7 of children's music schools and children's art schools.

    Illustrations for the book Pavel Sladkov - Solfeggio Textbook. For grades 6-7 of children's music schools and

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  19. Musical literature|

    Musical literature of foreign countries. 5-6 grades Children's Music School and Children's Art School, 2019

    Musical Literature. First year of study. Textbook for children's music schools, 2019

    The third edition of the textbook for the course of Russian musical literature is dedicated to the creativity... Buy
  20. Tutorials for Children's Music School| Labyrinth

    Phoenix is ​​one of the largest publishing houses in Russia and is included in the ranking of the country's leading and steadily growing publishing houses. The history of Phoenix Publishing House dates back more than 30 years of successful and confident work in the book market. Buy
  21. Book: " Musical literature. Russian..." | Labyrinth

    688 rub. This manual is based on many years of experience in teaching the subject " Musical literature" V Children's Music School, set out in the author's programs and methodological recommendations E. Lisyanskaya, Y. Ageeva, A. Khotuntsov, M. Kuklinskaya, etc. Tutorial... Buy
  22. Readers, teaching aids |

    Reader for children's music school students. 1st grade.

    Russian musical classics. 3rd year of study.

    The appearance of this textbook is due to the fact that the traditional Music Literature Program for Children's Music Schools was published in 1956 and, not... Buy
  23. Reader for accordion. Issue VI. 6 -7 classes children's...

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  24. Book: " Russian musical literature: Tutorial for Children's Music School..."

    For students of children's music schools (6th grade) and art schools. Illustrations for the book Natalia Kozlova - Russian musical literature: Textbook for children's music schools: Third year of teaching the subject. Buy
  25. Russian musical literature. Music XI - early twentieth centuries.

    Textbook for secondary classes of children's music schools, colleges and lyceums.

    The new program has been successfully applied in practice for over ten years at the St. Petersburg Children's Music School named after. N.A

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  26. Polyphony for piano. For students VI-VII classes Children's Music School....

    Piano music is polyphonic in nature, therefore the systematic passage of works of this genre helps to expand the capabilities of students in terms of musical thinking, as well as acquiring polyphonic technique skills. Buy
  27. Book: "Anthology for piano. 7 Class Children's Music School...." | Labyrinth

    485 rub. Piano Reader for 7 th class children's musical schools. The book presents polyphonic pieces as Russian, and foreign composers.