Where is Dima Dmitrienko from house 2. Dmitry Dmitrenko biography. New stage in life

A young man, 28 years old, whose place of birth and residence, before he came to the project, was the city of Vladivostok. Very little is known about his childhood, as well as about his education. In his own words, he is a successful theater and film actor, however, nothing is known for certain about the works with his participation. But there is information about his work in one of the karaoke clubs in hometown. Surprisingly, there is no information about Dmitrenko’s “dark past” - ex-wives, abandoned children, divorces, alimony and other scandalous details - after all, all this is inherent in almost half of the male half of the television set.

Dmitry owes his arrival to the television project to his current companion in the person of the notorious Olga Rapunzel. He considered meeting her a wonderful opportunity to expand his own horizons, become more famous as a participant in “DOM-2” and use this to further build his career. At first glance, the young man makes a very favorable impression - good-looking appearance, lack of inclination to various kinds of conflicts, and even to some extent submissiveness. However, many are inclined to believe that in this way he is only playing his role in order to gain recognition from the audience and the sympathy of other participants, which will increase his ratings.

Dmitrenko’s “bright” image, as it turned out, was destroyed very suddenly, and all because he chose a companion for himself, to put it mildly, not an easy one. Olga Rapunzel continually manipulated the man in order to get as many resources as possible from him: money and gifts. This led to scandals and quarrels due to Dmitry’s reluctance to bend to women’s wishes and whims. However, the desire to become famous over and over again prevailed, and Dima backed down, apologizing and showering Rapunzel with gifts and compliments. However, sometimes he came out of the image of a henpecked man and put his partner in her place, not being stingy in using force against her.

Without any doubt, until now Dmitry Dmitrenko - “ a dark horse» project. How his relationship with Olga will develop, and who in their couple is actually manipulating whom, is still unclear even to the other participants. While the quarrels of the two young people continue, arising both for a specific reason and at the whim of Rapunzel, when she Bad mood. Anyone who follows the couple online via social media, they predict an imminent breakup, but Dima and Olya are still considered a couple, and each of their quarrels ends in reconciliation.

Age: 31 years old

Vladivostok city

Height: 183 cm Weight: 70 kg

582 days on project

Dmitry Dmitrenko, Vladivostok city. Dima is an actor by training. In 2009, he graduated from the Far Eastern Academy of Arts, and after receiving his diploma, he starred in the low-budget film “GroZa”. The ambitious guy hoped that filming this project would be the starting point in his brilliant film career, but it didn’t work out.

Realizing that no one had noticed his acting talent, the young man got a job at the regional philharmonic as an assistant sound engineer, where he worked during the day. In the evenings, Dmitrenko went to a local karaoke bar, where he worked as a host for a short time.

The young man was brought to the House 2 project from vacation, who by the time of their first meeting had already acquired a bad reputation on the show. It is worth noting that the young man did not undergo preliminary castings. The guy entered the gates of the TV set arm in arm with Olga Rapunzel, who was on frontal place told presenter Olga Buzova that Dima is her new boyfriend. It is known that at the time Dmitrenko appeared on the project, he and Olya had known each other for only two weeks, so it is not surprising that the team did not believe in the sincerity of the new couple. It turned out that the guy knew about all the sins of his beloved and accepted the young lady with her dark past.

In the project relationship, Rapunzel assigned Dmitry the role of henpecked. The actor got used to the character quickly and organically. Olga was undoubtedly lucky with her partner on the set. For the time being, Dmitry endured the young lady’s hysterics and even endured her beatings.

It is worth noting that not only Rapunzel allowed herself to raise her hand against Dmitrenko. It is known that a couple of times he suffered seriously from the house boys, who, sensing the weakness of Rapunzel’s boyfriend, humiliated him both morally and physically. During his time on the project, the guy managed to fight with, and with, and with, and even with a freak.

At the end of January 2016, Olga Rapunzel left for the Seychelles, and Dmitry remained in Polyana, as he had difficulties with paperwork. While on the island of love, the long-haired brunette gave her chosen one a test and began to communicate closely with the guy who came to her for the project - Konstantin Ivanov.

The next brawl ended more disastrously for Rapunzel's boyfriend. Dmitrenko's jaw was broken, after which the guy was taken to the hospital, where he underwent surgery. Dmitry's offender, Sirge Lavindami, was kicked out of the gate, and Dima, having regained his health, went to Olga in the Seychelles. True, the chosen one met a guy with cuffs. Rapunzel hit Dmitrenko in the recently operated jaw because photos of Dima with an unknown young blonde appeared on the Internet.

Despite the difficulties in amorous communication, Dmitrenko and Rapunzel periodically started talking about marriage. Olga wanted to get married quickly, but Dmitry was in no hurry to propose marriage to his friend, because his mother did not want to see such a daughter-in-law with her beloved son.

As a result, after five months of relationship, the couple broke up, and Dmitrenko flew to Polyana to Olga Raiskaya. For a couple of weeks, the guy courted the girl, after which sex occurred between them. Olya, having learned about the betrayal, hastily returned to Moscow to return Dima. In order for her former boyfriend to return to her arms again, the brunette collected conspiracies against her rival, repeatedly talked to her one-on-one and even threatened the homewrecker with expulsion from the project. Seeing Olya’s emotions, Dima realized that she had strong feelings for him, and decided to give the young lady a second chance.

In June 2017, Olga and Dmitry got married, and in July of the same year, the couple, tired of ridicule and provocations, left the project.

In September 2017, a rumor appeared on the Internet that Rapunzel and Dmitrenko, despite the fact that Olya was expecting a child, were getting a divorce. IN live, which the girl spent on her Instagram account, Olya shared with fans the news that she and her husband had a serious conflict, because of which she even had to move to a hotel.

The fact is that Olya, having found intimate correspondence with other young ladies in Dima’s phone, caused a scandal for her husband. The same one, in his justification, stated that for two years she had exposed him in an unsightly light, and now it was his turn to repay her in kind. In conversations with media representatives, the brunette said that Dima threatened her with physical harm and even broke the lip of his mother-in-law, who, after Olya’s call, came to her daughter’s aid. Dmitrenko denied everything, claiming that Olya inflated the situation with the correspondence to incredible proportions only in order to return to House 2, where she was well paid for constant provocations, which soon happened.

First, Olya and her mother returned to the show, who shouted at every step that Dima was a despot and a traitor, and later, through the “Bring back the old participant” vote, Dmitrenko also returned. Soon, as the audience expected, the Dmitrenko spouses made peace. But new battles unfolded on the project - Dima Dmitrenko against his mother-in-law, Dmitrenko and Savchenko against Olga Rapunzel, and later Dima Dmitrenko and Olya Rapunzel against relations with Ilya Yabbarov.

On April 1, 2018, Olga Rapunzel became a mother for the first time. She gave her husband Dmitry Dmitrenko a daughter, whom the couple named Vasilisa. The birth took place in one of the best Moscow clinics, and Olga gave birth live.

Dmitry Dmitrenko's VKontakte page.

Our today's hero is a handsome and educated guy, Dmitry Dmitrienko. His biography interests many fans of “House-2”. Where was Dima born? What is his education? The answers to these and other questions are presented in the article.

Dmitry Dmitrienko (“House-2”): biography, parents and childhood

He was born on June 17, 1988 in Vladivostok. What kind of family did Dima grow up in? Nothing is known about Dmitrienko's father. It looks like the guy never saw him or knew him. But his mother died when he was not even 10 years old. All responsibilities for raising and caring for the boy were taken over by his own aunt. It is her that Dmitry still calls mother. Dmitrienko has a stepfather, as well as a sister and brother (children of his aunt).

Our hero grew up as a modest and obedient child. He was never rude to elders or offended younger ones. WITH early years Dima showed artistry and love for the stage. He liked to stage performances at home.

Student life and adult life

For 5 years Dmitry studied at the Far Eastern Academy of Arts. After receiving his diploma, he was able to call himself a professional actor. Before appearing in Dom-2, the guy managed to work at the Primorsky Regional Philharmonic and a local karaoke club. Our hero has long wanted to go to Moscow - a city of great opportunities.

Participation in "House-2"

When did Dmitry Dmitrienko appear on the famous television project? The biography indicates that this happened on December 30, 2015. Everyone who wants to participate in the reality show “Dom-2” undergoes a special casting. Dima was very lucky. After all, he was brought to the project by one of the popular participants - Olga Rapunzel (Grigorievskaya), whom he met in Vladivostok.

Quiet and modest - such a person in the eyes of the guys was Dmitry Dmitrienko (“Dom-2”). The guy's biography seemed boring and uninteresting to them. Having celebrated New Year in Moscow, the couple decided to go to the Seychelles (to a new film set). But Dima had problems with his passport. Olga flew to the island of love alone.

Soon Dmitrienko followed her. Exactly on Seychelles the guy opened up on the other side. He began to speak out more and more often at the front, and made friends among the participants. And Dmitry began to show male character in a relationship with Rapunzel. He boldly expressed his complaints to the girl. There were often fights between them. And every time the lovers apologized to each other, dreamed of a wedding and children.

Olga Rapunzel and Dima Dmitrienko never stopped confessing their love to each other. However, their relationship was far from ideal. Behind Lately The guys had a lot of problems. Firstly, Dima’s mother (aka aunt) does not want to accept his chosen one. And all because of Olga Rapunzel’s unpleasant past. Secondly, the girl constantly insults her young man and even raises his hand to him. Thirdly, the long-haired beauty Olya demands expensive gifts from Dima (for example, earrings for 200 thousand rubles).

Failed wedding

At the end of July 2016, Dmitrienko proposed to his beloved. This happened in the Seychelles. Dima invited Olya and her mother to fly in a helicopter. And when they landed on one of the islands, the guy got down on his knee and presented the girl with a ring. He asked: “Will you marry me?” Rapunzel agreed.

The biography of Dmitry Dmitrienko could be supplemented with such a joyful event as a wedding. However, fate had its own way. The guy wanted to save a certain amount by December 2016. But Olga’s exorbitant appetites ruined his plans.

New stage in life

Dmitry Dmitrienko, whose biography we are considering, was unable to cope with the burden of the problems that had piled up. First, Olga demanded to give her expensive earrings, then presented a huge list of expenses for the upcoming wedding. And at the beginning of September 2016, she completely accused the guy of being a gigolo. Dmitrienko is tired of scandals and fights with Olga. Dima celebrated the celebration, which was supposed to take place in December. A few days ago, the young man left Dom-2. Olga Rapunzel remained on the project, where she will build new relationships. And our hero flew back to Vladivostok. He admits that he still loves Olya. But their relationship has no future.


Now you know where Dmitry Dmitrienko was born, studied and how he built his relationships on the project. The biography of this guy is still interesting to thousands of his fans. Let's wish Dima creative development and true love!

Dmitry Dmitrenko came to the television project House 2 on New Year's Eve. On December 30, 2015, Olga Rapunzel, who had returned from vacation, brought the guy to the set, telling the team that she intended to build a relationship with him. Like Olya herself, Dima is from Vladivostok and is 27 years old. He claims to be a film and theater actor; he once performed in the Primorsky Regional Philharmonic. However, at the time of his acquaintance with the participant in the scandalous TV show, he was an employee of a local karaoke club.

The audience knows nothing about the young man’s personal life before joining the project. From the very first days, Rapunzel tried to convince everyone that she had found a real treasure - an honest, decent, kind guy. At the same time, he is very gentle and affectionate with her. Dmitry vowed to show the team incredible beautiful relationship and enthusiastically began to turn his promises into reality.

After several “romantics” with songs accompanied by a guitar, the guys thought about moving into a separate room. But since all the housing in the project turned out to be occupied by other participants, Olga Rapunzel set out to evict her Seychelles husband Nikolai Dolzhansky from the apartment. Despite the fact that the headliner lived in a room with Ruslana Mishina for a month, no one on the project believed in the sincerity of this couple and did not take them seriously. Olga easily convinced the team that she needed the room more than the retired archivist and his girlfriend. And very soon I got the opportunity to set up my own “cozy nest” with Dmitry Dmitrenko.

It would seem that after this a complete idyll should begin in the couple. But in reality everything turned out to be completely different. Olenka suddenly began to get bored and complain to her lover that she really wanted to go to Love Island. By the way, returning from vacation to Polyana, she hoped that she would not linger in cold Moscow and would very soon find herself with Dima in a tropical paradise. But the organizers probably decided that the Internet star had already been in the Seychelles for quite a long time, and there were more than enough others who wanted to go to warmer climes for the project.

Dmitrenko, meanwhile, suspected in this desire of the girl a desire to get closer to Ilya Yabbarov, who had recently broken up with Maria Buhun. And although Olya denied everything, the first scandal occurred in the couple. Upset, she began to reproach Dmitry for not doing anything for her, and then she completely beat him. Despite this, the young man presented her with a diamond ring, after which he stated that he was seriously offended by his girlfriend. However, Olya herself realized that she behaved very ugly.

How the guys’ relationship will develop in the future and whether Dmitry will be able to build beautiful relationships on the project, we will find out from the upcoming broadcasts.

“House 2” participant Dmitry Dmitrenko is known to viewers as the ex-fiancé of the “brand” of the scandalous television project. Due to the fact that during his stay on the show the man was recommended as a weak participant who did not have a clear position, the team often rudely attacked the lovers, calling their couple a fictitious union.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Dmitrenko was born on June 17, 1988 in the port city of Vladivostok, located on Far East Russia. It so happened that there is very little information on the network regarding the biography of the participants in “House 2”, and Dmitrenko was no exception. What is known is that Dima is an actor by training.

In 2009, he graduated from the Far Eastern Academy of Arts, and after receiving his diploma, he starred in the low-budget film “GroZa”. The ambitious guy hoped that filming this project would be the starting point in his brilliant film career, but it didn’t work out.

Realizing that no one had noticed his acting talent, the young man got a job at the regional philharmonic as an assistant sound engineer, where he worked during the day. In the evenings, Dmitrenko went to a local karaoke bar, where former member TV series he worked as a presenter for a short time.

Wanting to receive more income, Dima went into business. True, things didn’t work out for the unfortunate businessman here either. The guy wanted to minimum investment to receive millions, and, as you know, this only happens in fairy tales. Having failed in the financial sphere, the man decided to take a closer look at his personal life. It was at that time that the girlfriend of the ex-participant of “House 2” introduced him to the long-haired brunette Olga Rapunzel, who by the time of their first meeting had already acquired a bad reputation on the show.

"House 2"

Dmitrenko came to “House 2” on December 30, 2015. It is worth noting that the young man did not undergo preliminary castings. The guy entered the gates of the TV set arm in arm with Olga Rapunzel, who told the presenter at the front that Dima was her new boyfriend.

It is known that at the time Dmitrenko appeared on the project, he and Olya had known each other for only two weeks, so it is not surprising that the team did not believe in the sincerity of the new couple.

Among other things, the household immediately began to tell Dima about the past of his chosen one (before the project, Rapunzel allegedly conducted intimate online broadcasts, showing off her figure to everyone for a fee, and also participated in candid photo shoots), but, to the disappointment of the participants, the guy knew about all the sins of his beloved and accepted the young lady with her dark past.

In the project relationship, Rapunzel assigned Dmitry the role of henpecked. The actor got used to the character quickly and organically. Olga was undoubtedly lucky with her partner on the set. For the time being, Dmitry endured the young lady’s hysterics and even endured her beatings.

Dmitry Dmitrenko in the show "Dom-2"

It is worth noting that not only Rapunzel allowed herself to raise her hand against Dmitrenko. It is known that a couple of times he suffered seriously from the house boys, who, sensing the weakness of Rapunzel’s boyfriend, humiliated him both morally and physically. During his time on the project, the guy managed to fight with Ilya Yabbarov, and with, and with, and even with a freak.

At the end of January 2016, Olga Rapunzel left for the Seychelles, and Dmitry remained in Polyana, as he had difficulties with paperwork. While on the island of love, the long-haired brunette gave her chosen one a test and began to communicate closely with the guy who came to her for the project -.

The organizers of the show, to add fuel to the fire, at a time when Dima was in the hospital with a broken arm, sent Kostya to the islands. As a result, having returned to his native walls of “House 2” and learning about the producers’ decision, Dmitrenko said that if Rapunzel flirts with Ivanov, he will put an end to their relationship.

Olya, who does not like boundaries and restrictions, began to go on dates with Kostya, cook dinners for him, and after a couple of days she began to arrange scenes of jealousy for the gentleman. Realizing that Olya was not the heroine of his novel, Ivanov abandoned his sympathy, turning his attention to, who had her eye on the handsome man on the day of his arrival.

Olya wanted to return to Dmitrenko, but he, in order to keep up with his flighty chosen one, flirted with all his might with the young ladies present in the clearing. It is known that for his frivolous behavior and jokes below the belt, the man even received a scolding from the guy, Fyodor Strelkov.

The next brawl ended more disastrously for Rapunzel's boyfriend. Dmitrenko's jaw was broken, after which the guy was taken to the hospital, where he underwent surgery. Dmitry's offender, Sirge Lavindami, was kicked out of the gate, and Dima, having regained his health, went to Olga in the Seychelles. True, the chosen one met a guy with cuffs. Rapunzel hit Dmitrenko in the recently operated jaw because photos of Dima with an unknown young blonde appeared on the Internet.

Despite the difficulties in amorous communication, Dmitrenko and Rapunzel periodically started talking about marriage. Olga wanted to get married quickly, but Dmitry was in no hurry to propose marriage to his friend, because his mother did not want to see such a daughter-in-law with her beloved son.

As a result, after five months of relationship, the couple broke up, and Dmitrenko flew to the clearing to Olga Raiskaya. For a couple of weeks, the guy courted the girl, after which sex occurred between them. Olya, having learned about the betrayal, hastily returned to Moscow to return Dima.

In order for her former boyfriend to return to her arms again, the brunette collected conspiracies against her rival, repeatedly talked to her one-on-one and even threatened the homewrecker with expulsion from the project. Seeing Olya’s emotions, Dima realized that she had strong feelings for him, and decided to give the young lady a second chance.

In June 2017, and in July of the same year, the couple, tired of ridicule and provocations, left the project.

Personal life

In September 2017, a rumor appeared on the Internet that Rapunzel and Dmitrenko, despite the fact that they were getting a divorce. In a live broadcast that the girl conducted on her Instagram account, Olya shared with fans the news that she and her husband had a serious conflict, because of which she even had to move to a hotel.

The fact is that Olya, having found intimate correspondence with other young ladies in Dima’s phone, caused a scandal for her husband. The same one, in his justification, stated that for two years she had exposed him in an unsightly light, and now it was his turn to repay her in kind.

In conversations with media representatives, the brunette said that Dima threatened her with physical harm and even broke the lip of his mother-in-law, who, after Olya’s call, came to her daughter’s aid. Dmitrenko denied everything, claiming that Olya inflated the situation with the correspondence to incredible proportions only in order to return to “House 2”, where she was well paid for constant provocations.