How to organize a children's New Year. How to arrange a New Year for your child

Starting questions

The beginning of organizing any event begins with simple questions: For what? (meaning, theme and purpose of the event), for whom? (target audience), how? (idea of ​​the holiday, its style and plot).

In our case, the answers are something like this:

1. To wish children a Happy New Year. To meet New Year together with the children.

To create a fairy tale for children and give gifts.

2. For your children. For your children and your friends. For friends and families with children.

3. Whatever your imagination suggests... Carnival, fairy tale, game program, parade or costume competition, concert of New Year's poems and songs, etc.

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It is advisable to write down specific answers. Only after defining the task, topic, audience and idea can you begin further preparation.

"Gifts from Santa Claus"

A game program for a group of two to seven children, aged from two to six years.

Prologue. The presenter greets the children, gets to know them, and praises them appearance, costumes and tells a story. It turns out that Santa Claus himself left him gifts for the kids and ordered him to give them only if the kids themselves find them after completing a series of tasks. The presenter shows a map with the indicated location of the “cache with gifts” and written test points.

Start. Next, you can invite all the children to “get on the plane” (stand behind each other, spreading your arms like the wings of an airplane), “take your seats on the train” (line up behind each other and sit down slightly, bending your knees) or “saddle the horses” (climb on imaginary horses, fold your hands in front of you - as if holding bridles). Thus, the leader and the children will begin the journey along the map.

The presenter manages the entire process of the program and does not forget to create a real travel atmosphere for the children. Announces stops, stops the plane (train, horses), helps to get out of the vehicle (exaggerated gestures and movements - unfasten seat belts, get up from seats, throw a leg over a horse, jump...). Returning to the method of movement after completing a task is done in the same way. Transport may vary. The progress of the entire program depends on the accuracy of the presenter’s tasks.

The presenter comments and announces stops.

Accessory - table. "Dark Cave"

You need to go through a cold and dark cave. If children are not afraid of the dark, you can create an environment - turn off the lights and illuminate the path in the cave with flashlights. Children take turns crawling under the table, carefully so as not to touch the many “webs” above their heads.

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Accessory - window. "The World of the Snow Queen"

Invite the children to go to the window and watch the snowflakes, stars, street lighting, and bundled-up passers-by. Ask them to depict flying snowflakes to the music - in a blizzard, in calm weather, in a humid, warm season. For atmosphere, you can use projectors of the starry sky, snow, and decorative lights. (We’re not turning on the Christmas tree yet! We’ll save it for the climax.)

Accessory - carpet or open space of the room. "Snow Glade"

In front of the guys is a clear clearing with a lot of snow. Invite them to lie in it and make an “angel”. Take out the prepared snowballs (crumpled office paper, sewn from fabric and padding polyester, cut from foam rubber) and hold a competition with them: get a snowball into a basket, a shootout between two teams, a relay race to collect snowballs in a bucket.

Accessory - a box with toys. "Merry Carousel"

Arrange a game based on the “happy chairs” principle - while the music is playing, everyone runs around the toys stacked in the middle (one less than the participants), the music stops - the guys must have time to take a toy each. Whoever doesn't take it loses. For children preschool age It’s better not to play for elimination, especially in a small team, resentment and tears may appear. Let the game be for the sake of the game. You can make 4-6 passes.

Throwing a magical holiday for your child is not difficult at all. You will need a little imagination, a little time and, of course, a lot of desire!

Unfortunately, in most families, children's impressions of New Year's holiday are the same: you sit all day in front of the TV while your mother works magic in the kitchen. And late at night, when your eyes are completely blind, they seat you at the New Year’s table, and finally allow you to look under the tree... Boring!

We invite you to change the usual scenario a little and make this day truly festive. You'll see, this New Year will be remembered for a long time by you and your child!

It is best to organize a children's party separately from an adult, in daytime. Firstly, you will be able to think through everything so that the baby enjoys it, and secondly, after playing enough and receiving gifts, he will probably be a little tired - you will have time to do pre-holiday chores: cleaning and the New Year's table. After the Children's New Year, send your child to rest for an hour or two, after which he will be able to join an adult company and celebrate the holiday “in an adult way”, with the chimes ringing. Or - go to bed: after all, he has already received gifts from Santa Claus!

You should think through a children's New Year's party in advance. The scenario for it will largely depend on the age of the son or daughter. To make sure your child has fun, invite a few of his friends.

Celebration for the little ones

If your baby is just a baby, then the holiday should be mostly playful. Children 2-3 years old quickly get tired of one type of activity, so alternate between different entertainments - dancing, songs, games. Small children are often afraid of Santa Claus, even when performed by their own dad, so adults should not dress up in fancy dress, so as not to provoke tears in the kids. Think about games in which there are no tasks with rules and all children will be considered winners. For example, you can arrange fun game with “snowballs” - crumpled paper napkins. Or create a New Year's drawing with the children: let everyone dip their finger in paint for drawing with their hands and apply it to a sheet of paper. In this way, you can “decorate” a pre-drawn Christmas tree or create a real “snowfall” on a sheet of paper. Or play “train”: children, led by an adult, line up behind each other, and under cheerful music travel around the apartment. At every stop there is a game or performance by the little ones. For poems told or songs sung, give your child a small gift: a chocolate bar, a bright shell or a book. The last destination is near the New Year tree, under which there are gifts. Play the game “Christmas tree, light up!” with your children. in a new way: children blow on the Christmas tree - the lights go out, clap their hands - the lights light up. You can turn the lights on and off more slowly so that children clap louder and blow harder. You can also play around with gift distribution. For example, give children small postcards depicting various objects that children can easily recognize. The same pictures should be pasted on gift bags - let the kids themselves guess which package is intended for whom!

Outdoor celebration

If the end of December brings really snowy weather, go with your child to the yard to build a snowman and dance around a live Christmas tree. Invite your nephews or housemates with you - in big company more fun! This version of a children's party has many advantages. First of all, yours creative possibilities will not be constrained by the narrow confines of living space, and secondly, such a holiday will certainly be remembered by the children for a long time!

Snow is a wonderful material for creativity. You can sculpt traditional snowmen, or you can make the castle of Santa Claus himself or Snow Queen. Or create a real zoo - make a hare, a bear, an elephant. And if you grab paints from home and paint your creations, the sculptures will become lifelike! For better preservation, snow figures are doused with water. You can decorate your creations with colored ice by preparing it at home in advance. It's quite simple to do: add it to water. watercolor paints, pour into an ice container and place in the freezer. In a few hours, the colorful pieces of ice will be ready!

If the weather is a sunny day, go with your kids to the park or forest. Choose a pretty Christmas tree in advance, decorate it with the homemade toys you brought - and have fun round dances! In addition to having fun, children will get good lesson careful attitude to nature.

Duration children's party

So that children do not get tired or overexcited from fun games and competitions, you shouldn’t make the children’s party too long. Afterwards, it is advisable to put the child to sleep or offer him a quiet activity: drawing, listening to an audio story or watching a cartoon. 2-3 years no more than 30 minutes. 3-5 years about 1 hour

Let's decorate the house together

Your child will be very happy to help you prepare your apartment for the holiday! Here are some ideas you can use.

We decorate the Christmas tree

Traditional Christmas decorations They are beautiful, but hanging them on the tree year after year is a little boring. Together with your child, remember everyone’s favorite cartoon “Winter in Prostokvashino”. How did his characters decorate the forest beauty? Right, antiques, found in the attic. So why not hang on the tree all the fun little things that accumulate in any home where there is a child? Keychains, rings, bright beads and jewelry that bored mom, small toys from Kinder surprises - all this will look funny on the New Year's tree.

Snow patterns on the window

Paint the window panes New Year's drawings– what could be more interesting! Of course, provided that later, after the holidays, you are not too lazy to wash the glass... For work, it is better to take gouache - it will not curl on the glass surface. The plot, of course, is New Year's: fir branches with bright toys, Frost patterns, Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

New Year's crafts

Dip ordinary twigs in a strong salt solution, let them dry - and you and your baby will succeed beautiful bouquet frost-covered branches. Openwork snowflakes made of foil or plain white paper look great not only on window glass - they can be used to decorate furniture or the walls of an apartment. Another idea is a New Year's collage made from cut out pictures from old magazines and torn books.

Fairy lights

With the little ones you can make an original garland from... ordinary pasta! To do this, paint the pasta with multi-colored paints. When they are dry, string them on a strong thread - the garland is ready! In general, anything can be combined into a garland: paper toys of any shape, stars cut out of foil, acorns and pine cones found on a walk. These finds look especially good when painted with silver or gold spray paint.

The most magical holiday is approaching - New Year! And our beloved, wonderful children are looking forward to it. How to arrange a children's New Year so that the child does not spend the entire holiday in front of the TV, so that it is interesting, so that both children and adults enjoy the celebration?

The women's website “Beautiful and Successful” shares with you useful tips in advance on how to organize a children’s New Year, so that you have time to prepare calmly and with imagination :)

How to arrange a children's New Year: preparation

So, what do you need for a fun children's New Year's party:

  • And new Year decoration in the room
  • table with refreshments (read what to put on it here: How to arrange a holiday table for children)
  • there are many small gifts that children will find or receive during the celebration (candies, lollipops, small toys, stickers, chocolate medals, for schoolchildren - useful and fun “stationery”). Join financial efforts with the parents of other holiday participants :)

How to arrange a children's New Year: scenarios for different ages

Have fun preparing for the New Year :)

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Tips on how to make a holiday so that your child enjoys it. The main stages of preparation for the New Year are described and what significance they have for the child. Are given useful tips in preparation for the holiday.

First of all, the New Year is a long-awaited holiday, especially for children. This wonderful winter's tale they are waiting with great anticipation. And when there are months and weeks left before the New Year, children try to behave obediently and help their parents in everything, just to deserve this wonderful holiday and, most importantly, not to be left without a gift from the kind Grandfather Frost.

But even if your child likes to be capricious, mischievous and sometimes completely uncontrollable, then you shouldn’t deprive him of the New Year’s miracle. After all, this holiday happens only once a year, and you need to try to organize it so that your child has enough vivid impressions until next New Year's Eve. And in preparation for this holiday you must take into account everything down to the smallest detail. But there is so much to do. How not to get confused and forget something... Where to start?

First of all, make sure that New Year's Eve There was a decorated Christmas tree in your house. After all, for every child, the Christmas tree is a symbol of the New Year. And depriving him of the company of this green fluffy beauty would be simply a crime. It doesn’t matter what kind of Christmas tree you choose: small or large, live or artificial. The main thing is that it is green and beautiful. All newfangled trends (red or blue Christmas trees, trees made of metal or some other unusual materials) will not please the child. In a child's understanding, the Christmas tree should look as if it had been brought straight from the forest. It is better to put up a Christmas tree and decorate it on the very eve of the holiday, for example, December 29 or 30. If you put up the Christmas tree earlier, then the child will wait for the New Year every minute, constantly pestering you with questions, and maybe even whims. After all, it’s difficult to explain to a child why the Christmas tree is already decorated, but you have to wait another week until the New Year.

You should definitely decorate the Christmas tree with your child. If you do this alone, then believe me, your child will be very, very offended and upset with you. Even if you are afraid that he will break some of the most beautiful ball, still don’t deprive him of the pleasure that comes from decorating the Christmas tree. You can trust your child with plastic or paper toys (such toys can be made with him in advance). Let him hang them on the lower branches. And it will still be just wonderful if you entrust him with placing some particularly beautiful decoration on the tree, and maybe even the very top. Let him do it with your help, but the main thing is that he will do it.

When the tree is already decorated and the New Year is about to arrive, it’s time to prepare a festive dinner. Be sure to ask what dish is on New Year's table your child wants to see. And even though you can no longer look at this fruit salad, and even though your teeth begin to ache painfully at the sight of all this variety of sweets, pastries and cakes, the main thing is that this is exactly what your child wants. Let him see in holiday menu exactly what he wished for. After all, dreams should come true on New Year’s Day, and this is his little dream. If you are against your child’s New Year’s dinner consisting of only sweets, then resort to a little trick. Involve your child in the cooking process and let him actively help you in everything. And at the festive table, he will definitely try the salad that he personally prepared, and will definitely eat a piece of that chicken or fish that he watched so closely while it was baking in the oven.

Pay attention to table setting. Use beautiful napkins and dishes for this. Place a figurine or candle on the table in the form of a symbol of the coming year. The child should feel the atmosphere of a holiday, and not an ordinary family dinner.

Here festive table ready, the Christmas tree is standing, sparkling with the lights of the garlands - it’s time to dress up. A New Year's costume for a child is of great importance. After all, the New Year is a holiday when girls can feel like beautiful fairies and princesses, and boys can transform into the image of their favorite daredevil heroes. If your child wants to wear a costume, then do not go against his wishes. On the contrary, you can discuss all the details of the costume in advance and prepare it. You can also play along with your child a little: put on a mask or decorate your clothes with shiny tinsel. On the New Year, everything should be bright, fabulous and beautiful.

When the clock has struck midnight and the main celebration is over, your child will most likely go to bed. A the next morning a gift should be waiting for him under the tree. Choose a gift responsibly; the main thing here is not to miss. After all, your child will not be at all happy about another encyclopedia when he dreams of a radio-controlled car or a beautiful doll. It is better to find out in advance what your child dreams of, and when choosing a gift, proceed not only from his financial capabilities, but also from his desires. After all, the New Year is a time when dreams should come true. Do not deprive your child of faith in fairy tales and miracles.

Give your child a holiday that he will remember for the whole year - what could be better on the eve of the New Year? For your child to believe in a miracle, it is not necessary to invite professional animators or take him to Lapland. It’s quite possible to have a fairy tale at home in the close, spiritual company of acquaintances and friends.

You will need

Spacious room;
- Christmas tree;
- New Year's toys and decorations;
- carnival costumes and masks;
- treats;
- gifts, prizes;
- holiday script;
- attributes for games, competitions and creativity.

Sponsor of the placement P&G Articles on the topic "How to organize a children's New Year" How to prepare a children's Christmas tree for the New Year How to hold a children's New Year's party How to celebrate the New Year


To organize a children's New Year, you need to invite guests at a time convenient for everyone. For a holiday, 3-4 children of the same age are enough, especially if the children are small. Agree with your parents on the day of the holiday and take into account the waking and sleeping patterns of the kids. It is best to organize the event in the first half of the day; The optimal duration of the holiday is no more than 1-2 hours. Select the location of the event. If you will be collecting children in the apartment, then put the toys in the closets and free up space for games. You can rent a children's playground for the duration of the holiday. In clear weather, it is best to organize children's New Year's Eve outside, but in this case the holiday program should be eventful and short so that none of the children catch a cold. Decorate the room with tinsel, garlands, be sure to put up a Christmas tree and dress it up. If you plan to create together at the holiday, then leave room for crafts made by children, with which they will decorate the Christmas tree and the room. Set a festive table for the children with sweets, fruits and drinks. Think over costumes for the hosts and participants of the holiday. Discuss with parents in advance the roles of children at the event. To stage a fairy tale, prepare costumes or masks. You can also include in the holiday script the creation of New Year's makeup, which children use in the play. Think over a holiday scenario that includes winter-themed games and fun. Active games should alternate with rest, for example, drinking tea or creativity. If you wish, invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden to the holiday or dress your parents in costumes. Remember that the New Year is unthinkable without round dances around the tree, songs and gifts. Children's New Year's Eve on the street provides more opportunities for children to be active. Organize outdoor games, snowball throwing competitions, build snowmen with your children, or organize sledding races. Make sure that children do not become overtired. An active walk can end a holiday started indoors, and at the same time take the children home. How simple

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