GCD for drawing “Frosty patterns” in the senior group. Open lesson "frost patterns" Nod patterns on the window senior group

Snow outside the window is a great reason to pick up a brush and depict all the beauty of winter. Show your kids several ways to draw snowdrifts, “crystal” trees, “horned” snowflakes, fluffy animals, and let winter “drawing games” bring the joy of creativity and decorate your home.

Music to which masterpieces are created

So, let's turn on some pleasant background music and... draw winter with the children!

Drawing with “snow”


You can imitate snow in a drawing in different ways.

Option No. 1. Draw with PVA glue and semolina. Squeeze out the required amount of glue directly from the tube; if necessary, you can spread it with a brush (if you plan to close large surfaces). Sprinkle the image with semolina. After drying, shake off excess cereal.


Option No. 2. Paint with salt and flour. Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of salt and the same amount of flour. Mix the “snow” well and draw winter!


Option number 3. Draw with toothpaste. Toothpaste perfectly serves as “snow” in the drawings. It can be tinted with watercolor or gouache if you need to get a color image.

Drawings with white paste on dark paper look beautiful. And they SMELL delicious!

The greatest popularity toothpaste It won, perhaps, for the fact that it is easily washed off, so you can draw with the paste on glass. Feel free to pick up the tubes and go decorate mirrors, windows and other glass surfaces in your home!


Option No. 4. Draw with shaving foam. If you mix PVA glue with shaving foam (in equal proportions), you will get an excellent “snowy” paint.


Option #5. Painting with salt. If you pour salt onto a pattern outlined with PVA glue, you will get a sparkling snowball.

Drawing on crumpled paper

An unusual effect can be achieved if you draw on previously crumpled paper. The paint will remain in the creases and form something like crackle.

Drawing with stencils


Stencils make the drawing process easier for those who “don’t know how” (as it seems to them). If you use several stencils at the same time, you can get an unexpected effect.


By leaving the part of the image covered with the stencil unpainted, you can pay more attention to the background: sprinkle salt on the still wet surface, apply strokes in different directions with a hard brush, etc. Experiment!


Several sequentially applied stencils and sprays. It is convenient to use an old toothbrush or a stiff bristle brush for these purposes.


A knitted snowflake will help you create real lace on paper. Any thick paint will do: gouache, acrylic. You can use a spray can (spray from a short distance strictly vertically).

Drawing with wax

Drawings drawn with wax look unusual. Using a regular (not colored) candle, we draw a winter landscape, and then cover the sheet with dark paint. The image “appears” right before your eyes!

Who are you? Seal?


A simple technique will help you create the fluffy fur effect: flat brush dip in thick paint(gouache) and “poke” to apply strokes. Drawings with white paint always look better on a dark, contrasting background. All shades of blue are great for winter motifs.

How to draw winter trees


The crowns of these trees are made using a plastic bag. Dip in paint and blot in in the right places- that’s the whole secret of “snow caps” for trees.


Finger painting is great for kids. Dip your index finger into thick gouache and generously sprinkle snow on the branches!


Unusually beautiful snow-covered trees are obtained using cabbage leaves. Cover a leaf of Chinese cabbage with white gouache - and voila! This painting looks especially impressive against a colored background.


No cabbage - no problem. Any leaves with pronounced veins will do. You can even sacrifice your favorite ficus. The only BUT, remember that the juice of many plants is poisonous! Make sure your child doesn’t taste his new “brush.”


The trunk is a handprint. And everything else is a matter of minutes.



A favorite technique for many is blowing paint through a tube. We create “snowiness” using the little artist’s fingerprints.


Not everyone will guess how this charming Birch Grove. The resourceful artist used masking tape! Cut strips of the required width and glue them onto a white sheet. Paint over the background and remove the paint. Draw the characteristic “dashes” so that the birch trees become recognizable. The moon is made in the same way. Thick paper is suitable for these purposes; the tape should not be too sticky so as not to damage the top layer of the design.

Drawing with bubble wrap


Apply to bubble wrap white paint and apply it to the finished drawing. It's snowing!


The same technique can be used in applications.

The snowman has melted. It's a pity…


This idea is suitable for both young artists, and for those who want to give a gift “with humor.” Cut out “spare parts” for the snowman from colored paper in advance: nose, eyes, hat, twig arms, etc. Draw a melted puddle, wait for the paint to dry and glue what’s left of the poor fellow snowman. Such a drawing can be an excellent gift to loved ones on behalf of the baby. Even more ideas in our article.

Drawing with palms


A simple way to create a surprisingly touching New Year's card- is to tell a story about funny snowmen. You can create a whole family if, based on a palm print, you add carrot noses, coal eyes, bright scarves, buttons, twig hands, and hats to your fingers.

What's there outside the window?


What does the window look like from the street side? Unusual! Invite your child to look at the window through the eyes of Santa Claus or another character who may find himself outside in the most severe cold.

Dear readers! Surely you have your own “winter” drawing techniques. Tell us about them in the comments.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 7 of a combined type" Kanash

Lesson notes




teacher Onorina K.V.


Target : Teach children to notice the beauty of the winter landscape. Develop creative imagination. To cultivate a desire to draw, to create an environment that helps reflect the image of a winter miracle.
Tasks : Learn to draw frosty patterns in the style of lace making, improve the technique of drawing with the end of a brush. Develop a sense of form and composition.

Educational areas in integration:socialization, cognition, reading fiction, music, health, communication.

Demo material: Posters “Winter Window”, “Winter”.

Technological maps " Frost patterns»
Handout: A landscape sheet tinted with blue gouache, a squirrel brush, white gouache, a jar of water, napkins.
Methodical techniques: conversation - dialogue, looking at illustrations and talking about them, physical education, summing up.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Introductory part.
- Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now? (Winter).
- That's right guys. It's winter now. (I show illustrations of a winter landscape). And what changes in nature occur in winter? (It’s cold outside, there is snow, the sun is not warm, cold winds are blowing, birds have flown to warmer lands, some animals are in hibernation)
- . You and I have also prepared for winter. Put on your warm fur coats, hats, boots.
- Which colors predominate? (children's answers)
- Tell me, what else is white in winter? (snow, snowdrifts, trees in the snow, snowflakes, patterns on glass).

Today I have prepared winter riddles for you:

1. In the morning in the dawn darkness

Who draws on glass? - (Frost).

2. A forest has grown - a white forest

You can't enter it on foot,

You can’t ride in on a horse.- (Winter patterns on the window).

The poets spoke about this feature of winter like this:

Snowstorms have arrived to us,

They covered the cracks with snow.

There is an old man on the window - Frost

With a piece of ice, I applied the paintings. (G. Ladonshchikov)

2. Main part.

And now I invite you to imagine that it is frosty outside and our windows are covered with beautiful winter patterns. The music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky will help you fantasize.


I suggest drawing patterns using movements, music and ribbons.

(children with white ribbons improvise patterns to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Winter Dreams”).

I invite children to view the painting “Waiting” by K. Vasiliev.

What time of year is shown in the picture?

How did you guess? - (There are patterns on the glass)

What time of day is shown in the picture? - (evening, a candle is burning, the room is dark)

Did the artist only use white paint?

What tones did the artist use to convey color in the patterns? - (pink, yellow, blue)

Ice patterns are not pure white, they reflect a candle flame, blue light winter evening, so there are yellow, pink and purple highlights on the frosty patterns.

What do winter patterns look like?

And now I invite you to relax in front of our magic screen.

Children sit on the carpet in front of a video projector screen and watch slides on the topic: “Winter patterns.”

Today you saw different winter patterns. Let's get creative and draw our own patterns.

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine them.

Did you manage to come up with a pattern?-

Then go to your workplaces.

3. Practical part.

I invite children to draw “frosty” patterns in the style of lace making using decorative elements - a dot, a circle, a curl, a leaf, a petal, a trefoil, wavy line, straight line with a knot, mesh, flower, loop and others.

The music is “Winter Dreams” by P.I. Tchaikovsky. The children get to work. As the activity progresses, I draw the children’s attention to dense filling with elements of the surface of the sheet, observing the sequence - from the center to the edges. I remind you that patterns should be openwork and light.

I provide individual advice to children who are having difficulties.

4. Consideration of the results of the work.

When finished, children place their work on stands. Reviewing the work. I invite each child to talk about what patterns they saw on the window.

5.Result. I summarize the children’s work and suggest that they remember and sing a song about winter patterns, “Santa Claus.”

Galina Semenets
Summary of OOD on drawing in senior group"Frost patterns"

Program tasks:


Teach children draw frosty patterns. Create a situation for free creative use of various decorative elements (dot, circle, curl, leaf, petal, wavy line, straight line). Improve technique drawing with the end of a brush. Develop a sense of form and composition


Develop interest in visual arts. Develop creative imagination and fantasy. Improve fine motor skills fingers and hands.


Cultivate interest in learning natural phenomena and displaying them in visual activities.

Previous work: conversations, looking at patterns on windows; learning poems about frosty patterns; a conversation about the art of lace making using the example of Vologda craftswomen; examination of lace products; drawing lace decorative elements.

Methods and techniques: show, story, artistic word, questions for children, practical actions of children, analysis of work.

Materials and equipment: sheets of paper different color, gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins, presentation « Frost patterns»

OOD progress:

1 Organizing time : Music is playing "Winter Dreams" P. I. Tchaikovsky

2 Main part: The teacher offers to look out the window and begins to conduct a question-and-answer conversation. form:

Educator: - What time of year is it now?

Do you like winter?

What interesting things happen in winter?

Today I have prepared winter clothes for you puzzles:

1. In the morning in the dawn darkness, who draws on the glass? (Freezing) .

2. No arms, no legs, and can draw? (Freezing) .

3. The forest has grown - the white forest cannot be entered on foot,

You can't enter on horseback. (Winter patterns on the window) .

The teacher shows the slide « Frost patterns» and reads a poem about Moroz the artist:

Moroz is the best artist, walking through the city.

He'll rouge his cheeks and pinch everyone's nose.

And at night, while I was sleeping, he came with a magic brush,

And on the window painted sparkling leaves.

The teacher displays lace products on a dark background and offers to compare Frost patterns with a bizarre interweaving of threads in lace. Then the teacher offers to consider, compare, describe the composition « Frost patterns» .

Educator: - Guys, as possible draw so fabulously beautiful patterns?

First you need draw with a simple pencil general shape– circle, oval, rhombus, snowflake or other shape. Then you need to outline reference lines that will run across the entire form, crossing it at different directions: on a circle through the center (3-5 lines, on a square in the form of a straight line. Such reference lines in lace serve as stronger (thick) threads And from these reference lines (threads) In turn, thinner threads follow, covering the entire form with a web. These threads go straight or in waves. At the places where they intersect there are nodules - dots or circles

Today you saw different winter patterns. Let's get creative and draw our own patterns.

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine them.

Did you manage to come up with pattern?-

What paints can be used for drawing frosty patterns?- ("cold" colors)

Everyone has it "cold" colors can be shades, how can you get them?- (mixing paints and adding white)


Before starting work, I suggest stretching our fingers and performing finger exercises.

1, 2, 3, 4 you and I made a snowball

Round, strong, very smooth,

And not at all sweet.

3. Practical part

Children choose the color of paper they want. frosty window, examine the lace and begin paint.

Offer to children draw« frosty» patterns, in the style of lace making, using decorative elements - a point, a circle, a curl, a leaf, a petal, a wavy line, a straight line with a knot.

Music is playing "Winter Dreams" P.I. Tchaikovsky. The children get to work. As the activity progresses, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the dense filling with elements of the surface of the sheet, observing the sequence - from the center to the edges.

Reminds me that patterns should be delicate and light.

Individually helps with advice to children who have difficulties.

Review of work results.

When finished, children place their work on stands and decorate them with window-shaped frames. Reviewing the work. The teacher invites each child to tell about what they saw patterns on the window.

4. Summary. The teacher sums up the children’s work and invites them to remember and sing a song about winter patterns"Grandfather Freezing» .

At the end of the activity, children lay out their « Frost patterns» on a free table and examine them, highlighting the most accurate ones, interesting works and tell you why you liked the chosen work.

Municipal government preschool educational institution kindergarten general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of children’s development No. 7 “Spikelet” in the village of Blagodatnoye, Petrovsky municipal district, Stavropol Territory

Abstract directly - educational activities

in the older group

Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Prepared by:

teacher of MKDOU

DS No. 7 “Spikelet” Likhatskaya E.A.

Blagodatnoe village

Topic: “Frosty patterns on the window”

Target: develop children's creative abilities.


Educational:arouse children's interest in winter natural phenomena; acquaintance with unconventional technology drawings: wax crayons and watercolors; improve children's drawing skills.

Educational: develop imagination, creativity and fantasy, visual observation, the ability to notice unusual things in the world around us and the desire to reflect what we see in our creativity.

Educational: cultivate independence, curiosity, initiative, and artistic taste.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical.

Materials : photographs of frosty patterns on glass, a window-shaped album sheet, a candle, watercolor, thick brush No. 8, a glass of water.

Preliminary work:observing winter phenomena in nature while walking.

GCD move:

Organizational part

Educator: This morning I received a letter from Santa Claus. Want to know what's in it? But to open the envelope, you need to solve riddles. Let's try.

Everyone is afraid of him in winter - They fall from the sky in winter

It can be painful to bite and circle above the ground

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose, light fluff, white...

After all, on the street... (Snowflakes)


Don't suck, you little brats, he flies from the sky in winter,

Ice lollipops! Don't go barefoot now.

I swallow pills myself, every person knows

Because he ate... Which is always cold...

(Icicles) (Snow)

Educator: Well done! You are very observant, so you guessed all the riddles. Tell me, guys, when do all these natural phenomena occur, at what time of year?

Children: In winter.

Educator: Correct. And the most faithful and irreplaceable assistant is Frost. As winter comes, the cold comes. Frost is walking around the world. He walks through forests and fields. He also came to our house. He knocked on the window, and at that time we were sleeping and did not hear anything. Frost left a beautiful letter. We woke up in the morning and looked out the window. What a beautiful, painted one! Everything is in lace and patterns! Frost wrote this, drew blades of grass, white snowflakes, curls and icy hooks.

Educator: Now let's open the letter and find out what is written there.

Opens the envelope.

Educator: Look what beautiful patterns he sent us in a letter. Let's take a closer look at them together. What do you see? But Grandfather Frost writes that he does not have time to decorate all the windows and asks you to help him. Shall we help you guys?

Children: Children: Yes.

Educator: But to draw such patterns you need to be real wizards. I will definitely help you become one and teach you how to draw such patterns. Want to?

Children: Yes.

Educator: But first I suggest you warm up a little.


It's cold and windy outside

Children are walking in the yard

Hands, hands rub

Hands, hands warm.

So that our hands don't get cold,

We will clap our hands.

So that our feet don't get cold

We'll stomp around a little.

We are no longer afraid of the frost

We will all dance merrily.

Practical part

Educator: Well, we’ve rested a little, and now let’s start creating magic. It's very simple, you just need to listen and watch carefully. For this we will need magical materials: candles and watercolors.

The teacher shows how to draw thin lines and offers children a variety of patterns from dots, lines and branches to choose from. And then he explains that you need to take and paint everything with watercolors. A picture drawn with a candle will not be painted over, but will appear through, since the candle repels water.

Educator: Before we start drawing, let's prepare our fingers for drawing.

Finger gymnastics:

Your assistants, look

A dozen friendly brothers.

How nice it is to live when they are not afraid of work.

In any difficult work, they have no equal.

And today they will help us draw.

V.: If everything is clear to you, you can start working.

The teacher watches how the children work and helps if they don’t succeed (individual work).

GCD result: exhibition and analysis of children's works.

Educator: Let's see what we got. What beautiful windows (we note the most successful element in each work). Well done today. Did you like drawing in an unusual way- with a candle? Thank you for your help and for such beautiful windows. I think Grandfather Frost will be pleased that we helped him decorate them.

Natalia Plisik
GCD in the senior drawing group “Frosty patterns on the window”

Subject: « Frosty patterns on the window»

Target: Introduce unconventional techniques drawing(wax pencils + watercolors).


1. Develop creative thinking, fantasy.

2. Introduce the properties of wax pencils.

3. Cultivate interest in learning about nature.

Lesson materials: PC, interactive whiteboard, presentation on the topic « Frosty patterns on the window» , slides on topic: « Frost patterns» ; wax pencils, A4 paper, watercolors, brushes, jars of water, napkins.

GCD move:

I. Organizational moment.

Hello children!

It's winter outside, it's cold. And in our the group is warm, light and joyful. And our smiles make us happy, because every smile of yours is a little ray of sunshine that makes us feel warm. So now everyone smiled at each other and gave each other a piece of warmth.

Now I will tell you a riddle. Listen carefully and guess.

Slide No. 1: (mystery)

1. In the morning in the dawn darkness

Who draws on glass? - (Freezing) .

II. Main part

Slide No. 2:(verse by G. Ladonshchikov)

Poets talked about this feature of winter So:

Snowstorms have arrived to us,

They covered the cracks with snow.

On old man window - Frost

With a piece of ice, I applied the paintings. (G. Ladonshchikov)

Slide No. 3: (verse by A. Brodsky)

Listen to how poetically A. Brodsky described patterns on glass:

Invisible carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist,

He patterns on glass!

This is maple, and this is willow.

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

One white paint.

I can't stop looking:

The branch lines are tender!

And the artist is happy try-

You don't even need brushes!

What does the poet compare with? patterns?

Slide No. 4: (painting "Expectation" K. Vasilyeva)

Guys, please look at the picture "Expectation", which was painted by the artist Konstantin Vasiliev.

Tell me, what time of year is shown in the picture?

How did you guess (on glass patterns)

What time of day is shown in the picture? (evening, a candle is burning, the room is dark)

What colors did the artist use to depict patterns?

What tones did the artist use to convey color in patterns?- (pink, yellow, blue)

Icy patterns are not pure white, they reflect the flame of a candle, the light of a blue winter evening, so there is frosty yellow patterns, pink and lilac shades.

Slide No. 5,6,7:(Images frosty patterns)


Outside frost and wind,

Children are walking in the yard

Hands, hands rub,

Hands, hands warm,

Our little ones won't freeze

We'll clap our hands

This is how we can clap,

This is how we warm our hands.

III. Practical work

Children perform patterns wax crayons on white paper.

Slide No. 9 (stages of work)

Using blue paint, children tint the paper.

Reflection. Review of works. Mini exhibition.

Well done everyone. Thanks to all!

Publications on the topic:

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Every time you work with children, you experience the sea positive emotions. It’s so nice to see their sparkling eyes, to watch.

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